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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1911)
:saie puce 10 yards for worth .l.50. .Ql.eir. Til .$17.98 Suits, fu' inaie price. II It'll L, price Ujn-nni Sale price.. Yr ty vv Y ft ft ft fx .1. XX ff ft XT ff XX ff ff ff ft vv ff ff VV ft VV if vf vv ff tf fr ff ff ff fr fr t ff ff fr fr XX l-"l..J-J mi Ladies' Umbrellas, that are good values at $1.00. I Onening Sale Drice . . . . j r j m Ladies' Belts that are worth the sell- i ing price of 50a j Opening Sale price . . . I . Safety Pins, worth 5 and 10 cents per card. O f. Opening Sale price Hooks and Eyes, worth 5 cents per 1 card. Opening Sale price Pins, worth 5 cents per paper. H Opening Sale price White Cotton Tape, - per roll Sanitary Hair Nets, with elastic, all colors; regular 10c sellers. Opening Sale price Ladies' Underwear, well worth 65 cents. Opening Sale price LADIES' WRAPPERS- Ladies' Well Made Wrappers, well worth $1.50. Q?f' Opening Sale price BABY DRESSES In this department we have quite a nice variety that will be sold at the Opening Sale for 35-4 4j irom zk to LADIES' KIMONAS Ladies' Kimonas, in plain and fancy colors: well worth $ 1.50. ftQj Opening Sale price Ladies' Kimonas, well worth $2.00. Opening Sale 3 "1 19 price LADIES' JACKETS We have one lot of Ladies Odd Jackets, that are well made and first-class values at from $4.00 to $6.00. that have been placed in this Opening Sale QQC MISSES' AND CHIL DREN'S COATS Misses' Coats that are well worth $6.00. eo 98 Opening Sale price. Misses' Coats, that are good values a9:00-.. . & A 89 - upening aie price-. Children's Coats, in numerous pat terns and styles, that are real good values at the selling price of $3.50. Opening Sale O 29 price m . s, browns, blues ks, equal to any tailor-made garment that sells for -35.00. Opening: Sale price $19.50 , KIRCHBAUM ALL-WOOL CLOTHING. We have just received a rIarne line of (lie famous Kirch lia ii in Clothing. lents' Suits in all Hie new slles, in browns, blues, pin stripes, series. The Suits witli Hie. all wool poliev, and that guarantee behind them. - iThey would lie great I values ai from 3T.oo to " $40.00. Opening Sale price $20.00 to $22.00 Our new line of light weight Fall and heavy Winter " Overcoats, Raincoats and . Craveneltes will be com- plefe in every particular. MEN'S PANTS. I Men's Pants that we have sold at and are well worth $1.25 to l.50. Opening Sale price 95c Men's Dress Pants, well worth $2.25, will go in this Special Opening Sale at $1.79 Men's Dress Pants that are vvell worth ?3.50, Special Opening Sale price $2.79 Another line of Men's Fine 7rress Pants, well worth 5.00 and -t.00, that we are offering in this 'Special Opening Sale at.. $3.49 T BOYS' SUITS. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, well worth S3. 00, Opening -Sale price $1.98 Boys' Knee Pant Suits, well ;worth $4.50. will go at this Opening Sale at $2.49 Boys', Knickerbocker Cordu- " roy Suits, well worth ,.6.00. Opening Sale price $4.48 Boys Knickerbocker Suits, all wool, sizes from 9 .to '16, well worth .8.00, . Opening Sale price. .... .$4.98 YOUNQ MEN'S SUITS. Young Men's Three-Piece Suits, well worth $12.00. will go in this Opening - Sale for '. . $4.98 B -If you do not see what you !want in this advertisement ask for it we have it! new gr;i and bla mmoiuith worth 75c, Openingirale price . . . . 43c We have a larv line of Men's and Boys' Caps that we are going to sell at this sale regardless of cost. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Men's Dress Shoes that are worth $-.50, Opening Sale price $1.48 Men's Fine Dress Shoes TT is our intention to conduct this Big Department Store on modern business principals, on as Z I small margin of profits as is possible for us to do, the same as larger concerns located in larger $ 1 cities. At this Opening Sale we believe we are offering you one of the largest and best select- 4 'i ed lines of goods ever bought to Plattsmouth, one that will appeal to all lovers of high-class mer- chandise, and we are going to conduct the sale on these modern plans. It certainly takes modern jS methods and courage to buy as large a stock as we are offering you in this Opening Sale. v An Unparalleled Opportunity for Shrewd Shoppers! g f This Modern Merchandise Sale will consist o everything that is new in Men's and Boys' Suits, & I Men's and Boys' Underwear and Furnishings, Ladies', Misses', Gents' and Boys' Shoes', Ladies' tf t Tailored Suits, Ladies' Coats, Waists and Skirts, and a heavy buy of Dry Goods, Muslin and Knit Underwear, Blankets, Comforts, Notions, Etc. that are well worth the selling price of A3.50. Special Opening Sale price $1.93 .Men's I tress Shoes. W ell worth .3.50. Opening Sale pirce $2.48 Men's Fin' Dress Shoes, well worth the selling price of Si. 00, Opening Sale price $2.98 Men's Fine 1 tress Shoes that we have been selling at and are well worth 5.00. Opening Sale price $3.38 Ladies' Shoes that rane in price from -?.5 to 4.oo. Opening Sale price $1.95 to $2.70 Boys' ainl Oirls' School Shoes will be sold at this Opening Sale at ery close prices. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Men's While Hemstitched Handkercihefs that are well worth 35c. Opening Sale price 19c Turkey Red Handkerchiefs and Indigo Blues, in all size-.. Opening Sale price 3c Men's Etress Shirts that are good alues at 75c. Open ing Sale price 43c Another line of Men's Fine Dress Shirts, well worth -l.25, Opening Sale price 98c .-a li- price, . . . Flannel Shirts worth 2.00, Sale price . . . Flannel Shirts worth 2.50, Sale price . . . Flannel Shirts worth S3. 00, Sale price . . . . o that are Opening $1.19 that are Opening :$1.48 that are Opening $1.98 Men's Fleece Lined Under wear, bargains at 50c. a garment. Opening Sale price 43c Men's Kihhed I'nderwear, well worth ;".. Opening Sale price 45c Men's All Wool Underwear that is worth up to 15.00 per suit, that we are go ing to offer at this Open ing Sale for $1.19 to $3.50 LADIES' CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. In this department we are making a leader of the popular Woollex lines. We have long floats, made in the latest styles, that are well worth li.50. Opening Sale price '. $11.75 Ladies' Long Ooats. Wool lex make, well worth s 18.50. Opening Sale price $14.75 Ladies' Long Coats.. Wool tex brand, well'worth the selling price. $20. oo. Opening Sale price $15.95 Another lot of the popular Woollex Long Coats, handsomely made, well tailored and good values at -2i.00. Opening Sale price $17.95 Wooltex Long Coats, reg ular -28.0o sellers and Another line Ladies' Wool Skirls, little better values than above, that are worth the selling price, of $7.50, Opening Sale price Ladies' Skirts, finely tailor ed, latest all wool pat terns, a fine garment, this line is carried in col ors and are well worth $5.48 $9.00, Opening Sale price $6.48 LadieV Fine Black Voile Skirts that will prove good values for .$11.00, Opening Sale price $7.98 Ladies' Fine Black Voile Skirts, handsomely made and very attractive pat terns, that are selling regularly for 815.00. and are worth the price. Opening Sale price $10.98 LADIES' UNDERSKIRT DEPARTMENT. Black Heatherblooni Under skirts, we also have them in mixed colors, well worth 81.25, Opening Sale price 69c Heat herbloom Underskirt s, well made, and are good values at the selling price of l.50, Opening Sale price 98c Another line of extra fine Heatherbloom Under skirts, in blacks and col ors, just received from the manufacturers, and are first-class quality, well worth the price of -2.00, Opening Sale price $1.39 Ladies' Silk Underskirts. That are real good values at 4.00, we are offering in the Opening Sale at... $2.48 Amoskeag Ginghams, well worth 10c per yard, will go during this Opening Sale at, per yard 8o White 'Waistings, worth ' iOc, will go at 27c White Linen, worth 20c, will go at 14c Curtain Swiss, worth 15c, will go at 10 V2 c Percales, worth 15c, will go at 10c Dress Ginghams, worth 15c, will go at 10c Shirtings, worth 1 2c, will go at 7c Comfort Calico, worth loc, will go at TVzC Cotton Flannels, worth 15c, will go at 10c Damask, worth 75c, will go at 45c Bearskin, worth $2.00, will go at $1.75 Bed Ticking, worth 20c, will go at 10c Outing Flannels, wortti 15c, w ill go at 9',2C Muslins, worth 15c, will go at 10c Aurora Sheeting, worth .'5c, will go at 25c Pillow Tubing, worth 25c. will go at 20c Turkish Toweling, worth 20c, will go at 17c Towels, worth 20c, will to at 10c . Long Silk Gloves, worth $1.25, will go at 69o Short Silk Gloves, worth 50c, will go at 29c Ladies' Collars, worth 25c, . will go at 10c Ladies' Kid Gloves, worth 1.50, will go at 9Sc Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, worth $1.00, will go at 73c Pearl Buttons, worth 10c, will go at . 6c Dressing Jackets, worth 50c, will go at 23c Iron Clad Hosiery, well known the world ove-, -worth 25c to 35c, will go at 23c We have a large line of Lace curtains, Baby- Hoods, Comforts and Blankets, Cotton Batting, Bed Spreads, Laces and Embroid eries, Fascinators, etc., thai space will not permit us to give prices, that will be sold at about the same range of reductions. OUR BIG MILLINERY OPENING will take place about Sep tember 15th WATCH FOR IT! aska Men's Overalls, regular sellers for $1.00. 89c Opening Sale price . Meti's Rubber Collars, worth and sell for 25c. or. Opening Sale price. Waterproof Collars, well worth and sell for 15 cents. 4 4 Opening Sale price I C Lambsdown Gents' Underwear, well worth and m il for 75c the world over. Opening Sale price. . 63c The popular John B. Stetson Hat, all shapes and patterns. CJO 98 Opening Sale price . . . p Men's and Children's Hose regular 15 cent values. Opening Sale price 5? C ' The regular 25c Boston Hose Sup porter, will be sold during this big sale at 23c Other makes and kinds at .... 1 0c SUIT CASES! : A large line that will go at a very low price. GENTS' AND BOYS' NECKTIES 25c values at 19c 35c " " 23c 50c " " 35c SUSPENDERS Men's Susjenders during the Open ing Sale we offer at the following prices: 20c values at ... . 25c " 33c " 50c " " . . . . tJ5c " " . . . . Boys' Suspenders: 15c values at ... . 25c " .. 15c . 19c .. 25c .. 39c . 49c ..10c 19c UMBRELLAS In this department we have an ex tra fine line, and offer them at greatly reduced prices: Regular 75c values go at 43c " $1.00 " " " ....79c 1.50 - - - ....98c zoo " - "..$1.48 We have a few pure silk umbrellas, v ith the new folding handles, full $5.00 values. Opening Sale price. . . $2.98 n YY YY YY Yf YY YY YY YY Yf YY YY YY YY Yf YY Yf Yf YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Yf Yf Yf MM -XX 4.4 XX. ft YY YY.. vv vv YY vv ft vv YY YY vv vv vv vv YY YY vv TT YY YY Vv YY ' VV Yt-" tt : YY vv