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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1911)
TIRES SET QUICKER AND BETTER and will run longer without loosing than Is possible when set the old hot way! You will not be out the use of your vehicle, as it re quires but a few moments to do the work! "No charred surface 4o wear away and loose the tire. fcaTNo overdishing wheels or slitting fslloes or cutting out too much of the rim. fcTThe BROOKS sets them in a machanical and scien tific way. (The United States Government finds the cold process the best and has adopted the BROOKS at the shops of the U. S. Forts and the Department of the Interior.) Don't Neglect It! "The damage to your wheels by running them with loose tires for one day may amount to much more than the cost of re-setting them. Let us set them as soon as you discover they are loose. Keep them tight and your wheels will last longer at less expense and mueh less annoyance and chance of a break-down or accident" All work absolutely guaranteed, if not return and get your money back. JOHN IVERSON, General Olacksmithing and Repairing Plattsmouth, Nebraska. NEW WESTERN HIS TORICAL TO Congressman Magulre Introduces Bill for Its Incorpora tion. Representative Maguire of Ne braska has introduced a bill in the house to incorporate the Mis sissippi Valley Historical associa tion. It is to be an association for the promotion of historical study and research, particularly in the Mississippi valley. Among the incorporators appear the name of Clarence S. Paine of Lincoln. The bill provides "that said as sociation is authorized to hold real and personal estate and to acquire and control and dispose of the same, so far as it may be found necesasry, or expedient to its lawful ends, to an amount not to exceed $500,000; to adopt a constitution, and to make, prom ulgate and establish by-laws for its srovernment not inconsistent with law, Place for Plattsmouth Ad. The beautiful little plot of ground south of the Burlington station would be an excellent place for the Burlington to erect a white stone with the name of our city upon it. It would be a nice advertisement for the town, beside imparting information to travelers who have lost track of their folder and would oviate the necessity of an inquiry as to what town the stranger is in when he reaches the foot of Main street. ROYALLY ENTERTAINED AT THE HUM E The Jolly Eight Card Club Enjoys Another Pleasant After noon Yesterday. The members of the Jolly Eight Card club were entertained at the home of Mrs. A. J. Kanka yester day afternoon in a more than de lightful manner. As usual, the principal amusement was derived from the card games, there being Said association shalL several games played, and each IHE WIFE'S 1EII COLllllEIITS mil Modern Decalogue Drawn Up by the Queen of Roumania. . 1. Thou shalt not cause the first quarrel, but if unavoidable, fight it through bravely. To be victor in the first domestic quar rel may have a tendency to ele vate thee in thy husband's mind for all future. 2. Thou shalt not forget that thou hast married a man, not a god. Therefore be not surprised by his frailties. 3. Thou shalt not always talk money to thine husband. Rather try to get along on the allowance be maketh thee. 4. If thou considerest thine husband heartless, remember that, verily, he hath a stomach By persistently appealing to his stomach with well cooked meals thou mayest, after all, touch his heart. 5. Once in a great while, but not too often, thou shalt let him have the last word. It tickleth him and wilt not do thee any harm. 6. Thou shalt read the whole newspaper and magazine, not merely the stories dealing with scandal and society. Thine hus band will be pleasantly surprised to find, off and on, lhat he can talk on general topics and even on polit ics with his wife. 7. Thou shalt not be rude even when quarreling with thy hus band. Forget not that at one t ime in thy life thou didst consider him little short of a demigod. 8. Thou shalt, from time to time, allow thine husband to know a little more than thyself, admitting that thou are not in fallible all through. 9. If thine husband is a smart man thou shalt be his friend; if he is not, thou shalt be both counselor and friend to him. 10. Thou shalt esteem thy husband's relatives, especially his mother. Remember that she loved him long before you didst. have its principal office at Lin-J game was entered into with the coin, in the state of Nebraska, and may hold its meetings annually at such places as may be determined by the association, and it may hold such other meetings at such times and places and upon such conditions and under such rules as may be prescribed by the con stitution or by-laws of the as sociation adopted and established hereunder." Lincoln Journal. For Appendicitis. Mr. flus Hansen of Nehawka ar rived last evening and visited the William Hunter home over night. Mrs. Hunter and Mr. Hansen went to Omaha this morning to bo with Mrs. Fred Hild, who will under go an operation at Immanuel hos pital this rrforning for appendic itis. Dr. T. P. Livingston accom panied Mrs. Hunter and Mr. Han sen. Mrs. Hild and husband went to the hospital yesterday, accom panied by Mrs. Wulf, Mrs. Hild's mother, who is a sister of Mrs. Hunter. Closes Her School Year. Miss Ina Halt and Miss Edna Morrison went out to Oreapoli3 on the morning train today to be present at a picnic given by Miss Elizabeth Kerr, the occasion be ing the closing of her term of school in that district. Miss Kerr has given splendid satisfaction In her school work and any com munity will be fortunate which secures her services in the capacity of teacher. on. Herman Grcodor, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Stale Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth For Sale Automobile. My model 10, 20 H. P. Buick runabout, 4 cylinders, fully equip ped, speedometer, wind shield, top, 20th century tire protectors, extra tires, all in good condi tion. Big bargain at $500.00. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb. 5-25-d2t-wll. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to the public, that the undersigned, W. II. Thiele, has filed his petition and application in the office of the County Clerk of Cass County, Ne braska, as required by law, sign ed by a majority of the resident freeholders of Center Precinct, setting forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of the state of Nebraska, and praying that license be issued to said W. II. Thiele for the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the period of one year from June 10th,. 1911, ending June 10th, 1912, in a building on lot 1, block 2, in the village of Manlcy, in Center Precinct, in Cass County, Nebraska. W. II. Thiele, Applicant usual interest and enthusiasm. Handsome prizes were awarded to the winners, Miss Pearl Mumm and Mrs. H. Timm being the for tunate ones, Miss Mumm winning the first prize and Mrs. Timm the booby prize. Following the card games the guests indulged in social con versation and various other amusements. At a convenient hour a dainty luncheon, consist ing of ice cream, cake and fruits, was provided by the hostess, which the guests found very ap pelizing and pleasant. The mem bers of the club report the usual fine time and Mrs. Kanka a most excellent hostess The members of the club who enjoyed Mrs. Kanka's hospitality on this occasion were: Mesdames Olga Croskary, John Lutz, Henry Ofe, Henry Timm, James Bird, Andy Kroehlcr, Jesse Warga, John Sattler, Will Mason, C. C. Koke, C R. Burdick, Jacob Mason; Misses Pearl and Rose Mumm, Paula Ooos, Olga Saltier and Viole Koke. Foley Kidney Pills are a true medicine. They are healing strengthening, antiseptic and tonic. ,- They act quickly. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Take Little Girl to Hospital. Mr. J. C. Meisinger and wife and little daughter drove in from the farm this morning and board ed the morning train for an Oma a hospital, where their little aughter will undergo an exam- nation by a specialist. The little one hns been troubled for a long ime with a disease of the hip oint, and under Iho advice o their family physician Mr. am Mrs. Meisinger have decided to iave the little girl treatci scienlillcally, ir the specialist is of the opinion lhat she can be lencfilcd. Is 25 0 Profit or Discount an Item of Interest to you Mr. Farmer? This is what you can save on all Implements you need, if you are a member and own stock in the 7 C Indepentent Harvester Company OF PLANO, ILLINOIS Shares are now being sold in this county at $100.00 each. The company was organized four years ago and started out with twenty farmer stockholders, and today we have 18,000 stockholders. The main factory is located at Piano, 111., and four years ago two small buildings were all we needed to manufacture the output. Today we have acres of buildings and the finest manufacturing estab lishment in the country. Following are a few of the farmers in this county who have taken stock t Mark White, Oscar Gapen, Julius Pitz, Pete Halmes, Ed Todd, nndjmany others that space will not permit us to publish. It is our intention to locate a branch house in Plattsmouth in the near future, and want all farmers in this locality to become stockholders. A. J. NUSS, i a representative of the company will call on you in a few days and if you will take time to listen to his proposition you will become interested. GOOD KIN THE DIREC TION OF HOME ADVERTISING Every Business Man Should Pa- tronlze Home Print Shops, In stead of Foreign Fakirs. The York News, commenting upon the recent move of Hastings merchants, relative to doubtful advertising propositions, says: "Hastings business men have ignod an agreement by which they refuse to patronize what they designate as doubtful advertising schemes. Many of the devices which are hereafter to be tabooed have been under the ban in York or some time; but some on the ist aro occasionally met with. The things the Hastings men de clare they will not support or patronize under any circum stances are enumerated as fol- ows: The city directory, unless the same is published in Hasti ngs; hotel registers, desk cards, room cards and similar devices; newspaper schemes of every char acter, when presented by pro moters or agents other than those regularly employed by Hastings papers; cook books, society and church programs, time cards and similar devices; theater tickets, theater programs, society pro grams, restaurant programs, restaurant tickets, baseball score cards, etc.; irregular publications and circulars issued wholly or chiefly for advertising purposes. This paragraph shall not be Inter preted to prohibit circulars is sued directly by merchants. "Relieved of feeling that they must spend money in these ques tionable forms of publicity, the merchants of Hastings ought to be in a position to patronize legitimate advertising mediums with good effect. The main thing to be considered in placing ad vertising is that it appears where it will be read and read by as many people as possible. The newspaper fulfills this condition better than any other known in stitution." LOCAL HEWS "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. Has been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. From Wednesday's Pally. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of near Murray were trading with Plattsmouth merchants this aft ernoon. Mr. John I.ohnes of near Cedar. Creek was in the city for a few hours today looking after busi ness matters. Messrs. George and Philip Horn, from Fight Mile Grove pre cinct, were looking after business matters in the county seat today. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Albert of near Cedar Creek were in the city today, the guests of Mr. Albert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Al bert. Mr. J. A. Chambers of Murray was in the city last evening look ing after business matters, and while hero was a guest of the Perkins hotel. Mr. J. K. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek came down on No. 4 this morning and looked after business matters in the county, seat for a few hours. Mrs. Hans Christiansen of near Murray motored to Plattsmouth this morning with Mr. Christian sen and departed for Red Oak, Iowa, where she will visit rela tives for a few days. Mr. John Group, the asses sor of Louisville precinct, ar arived in the city this morning wit hthe results of his past two with the results of his past two same to County Assessor II. M. Soennichsen. W. II. and Hen II. Wiles passed through the city yesterday after noon en route for their home near Wabash. They had been visiting relatives at Glenwood, Iowa, and vicinity for several days. The boys were jii an auto and perhaps reached homo in time for supper. Herman Fteikc of the vicinity of Union drove to this city this morning to attend to some busi ness matters. While here he call ed at this office and renewed his subscription to this paper for an other year. Mr. Rejke was a pas senger to Omaha on the afternoon train, where he had some business matters to look after. Lost. Preslolite lighting tank for automobile, between Avoca and Weeping Water, or on O street road. Finder please notify this office and receive reward. Heavy, impure blood makes i muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale, sick ly; Ihirdock Wood Hitters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. Sick headache results from a disordered condition of the stom ach, and can be cured by Iho use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by F. O. Fricko Si Co. Notice to Taxpayers. The County Hoard of F.fiuatlza ion will sit for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Cuss County for the year 1911, in the Commissioners' Chamber at the court house in Plattsmouth, Nc braska, beginning Tuesday, June 13th, 1011, at 10 o'clock a. in., and continue from day to day up to noon of Saturday, Juno 17th, 1011. All claims for equalization must be filed on or before Friday, the IClh day of June, 1011. D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema, Rait rheum, tetter itch, hives herpes, scabies Poan's Ointment. At any drug store. D. Ward King's Epigrams. Good roods are a matter o good heads; get the heads of the teople right and the roads will take care of themselves. The best material for filling a mud hole is mud. The sort of a drag you use doesn't make so much difference; anything you can hitch a team to will make Ihe roads better, if you have a man to drive it. Let Ihe man alone who won't drag his road. He has his re ward Ihe neighbors sneer at him, his doctor throws it up to ii'in, and once in awhile an un righteous traveling man cusses hi in. The more a mad is rounded up in the middle, the better it will si and up through a wet spell. Nine limes out of ten a man doesn't drug bis road for fear someone he doesn't like will get the benefit of it. You can't poison a hog, a in some men won't take the gooi roads fever. Some people want their corn shelled. You can't have a round ed-up rond and one lhat the horses won't slip on when wet. From Thuriday's Pally . Try a sacK of Forest Rose flour the next lime you need flour. Ask your dealer what he thinks of it. Mr. Charles Gauer of Cdar Creek was on the street for a few hours today looking after busi ness mutters. In the district court today an appeal was filed from the decision of the probate court, disallowing the will of Mrs. F.liza Foster, de censed. Mr. Philip Thierolf has been suffering from an acute attack of rheumatism for the pnst two days and has not been able to be in the store. Misses Margaret and Mary Moore of Murray were Omaha visitors this afternoon, where they went to look after some business matters during the a ft - Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience,. Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSOfl, Dunbar, Heb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Dank. Good Scrvic an Reasoble Rates moon. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Marsh were Omaha visitors this afternoon, xpecling to bring their little daughter, Nettie, home from the hospital, where she has been for six weeks recovering from the ef fects of an operation for ap pendicitis. M. W. Moure of Murdock was n Ihe city today looking after some business mailers with the county officials. He had been up to Springfield, where he was ooking after some veterinary work. He returns homo this evening. While here Mr. Moore paid the Journal office a brief call, noon. Deminio lliatt was not able to be down yesterday; in fact, ho was not able to bo out of bed. J. M. Howell, a popular drug gist of Greensburg, Ky., says "Wo use Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedey in our own household and know it is excellent." For sale by F. O. Fricko A Co. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Dwyer were Omaha passengers this after noon, where Mr. Dwyer will pre sent Die diplomas to Ihe gradual ing class of Ihe I)eaf school. new building is to be dedicated Ihe frescoing and painting of Ih Interior of which has nil bee done bv the students of Ih school. The frescoeing is Iruly work of arlisls. Foley Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help you to rid yourself of your dragging back ache, dull headache, nervousness, impaired eyesight, and of all Hie ills resulting from Iho impaired action of your kidneys and blad der. Remember it is Foley Kid neys Pills lhat do this. For salo by F. O. Fricke & Co. FOREST ROSE asuaa&iiiiss WAHOO.NED. ,s7b ThcDcst Flour In the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers