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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1911)
The Avoca Department committees U inr tiinr nn News Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the. Seml-Weekly Journa If f :$M H. J. Abker was her from Berlin, Saturday. Miss Imo Johnson returned to Lin coln, Saturday. Henry Behrna was an Omaha busl aess visitor Tuesday. Eddie Worley is licking postage stamps at the postoffice. H. 0. Wellenslck was over from Syracuse Tuesday evening. Jchn True and wife are enjoying a visit from Kansas relatives. Miss Florence Smoots was here from Berlin, Sunday, visiting. W. H. Betts, Jr., was on the Omaha narket with cattle, Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Knabe was up rom Ber lin Saturday, visiting relatives. Miss Viola Lehm, of Berlin, was visiting Avoca friends Saturday. Geo. Wanderer is entertaining relatives from Chicago this week. Mrs. Fred McGrady has been num bered among the sick ones this week. Chris Nutzman and family have re turned from their visit at Bertrand. Harry Marquardt and Roy Fahne stock were Syracuse visitors Monday. Itoy Cochran, of Brady, was visit ing at the Graham home the first of the week. John Behling, living west of town, fell from a hay mow Saturday and broke two ribs. John Schmidt has just finished filling his Ice house with a fine quality of ice. G. D. Maseman and family and Misa Wltzke were visiting at Syra cuse Sunday. Ralph Graham left Tuesday for southern Canada, where he has secured a good position. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoback, of Kehawka, visited at the Theron Mal colm home a few days this week. Samuel Johnson, who has been at Lincoln serving on the grand Jury, spent Sunday with his family at Avoca. Carl Schroeder, W. H. Wright and L. F. Dunkak, were at Nehawka, Sat urday evening, attending the I. O. 0. F. lodge. The band boys met Saturday night at the Oxford hotel and reorganized. Several new members were added. They have employed Chas. Jenkins as Instructor. C. G. Bailey was down from Elm wood last Thursday night and in stalled the newly elected officers of the Odd Fellows' lodge. A large number were present. Refreshments were served at the close. Rachel Francis Kepler was born September 16, 1849, in Franklin county, Indiana, and died at Lincoln, January 2, 1911. She was united in marriage to Wm. Kepler September 1, 1870, and moved to Nebraska In 1876. Deceased leaves a husband and five children, three girls and two boys, also one brother and one sister. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church at Avoca Jan uary 7, and the remains were laid to rest in the Avoca cemetery west of town. Lloyd Harmon and Florence Smoots were married at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Monday, January 9. The wedding was a complete surprise to their many friends in Avoca and vicinity. We have not learned of the future plans of the newly wedded pair. They are both popular and well known young people, having been born and reared here. The parents of Mrs. Harmon recently moved to Berlin, where the couple are spending a few days. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Harmon a long and happy life. Good Health to You. Good health to you means every thing, comfort, happiness, plenty. No one can do his life's work without health. We run a health shop. Our stock of drugs and chemicals Is the best and purest. Your family recipes, prescriptions and all medical prepar ations given the greatest care in com pounding. Remember true medica tion Is to assist nature in performing a cure, so begin in time. Sincerely yours, Ora E. Copes, Drugs and Jewelry. Membsrs cl Nebraska House Reach Agreement. BILL FOR BOARD OF CONTt.UL SOME THINGS DONE BY George Polsall was given the con tract for grading the road 'between Kehawka and Union for the sum of $850.00, Hans Severs was appointed janitor of the court house at a salary of $65 per month, . and he to pay for all extra ihelp. The communication from State Superintendent Bishop asking the county commissioners to Bend Miss Foster, county superintendent of the Oass county schools, to the National Educational Association at Mobile, Alabama, February 23, 24 and 25, 1911, was tabled. Bonds of Ben Mohr, constable for Avoca precinct, and Andrew W. Nel hart, justice of the peace of Stove Creek precinct, were approved. J. W. Johnson was appointed a member of the Sollders' Relief com mission. Dr. Albert C. Welch was appointed county physician for the year 1911, the compensation to be $5.00 per day and mileage, not to exceed $20.00 per day, nor the total fees exceed $500.00 per year. The Board of Health was organ ized with L. D. Switzer, chairman; M. L. Freidrich, vice president; Al bert C. Welch, physician, and D. C. Morgan, secretary. The county clerk was instructed to call for bids for the burial of pau pers, county physicians for the vari ous districts, and county printing for the year 1911. All bids to be filed on or before Loon, February 6, 1911. lae balance or the session was taken up in passing on claims. Ad journment was taken to meet Febru ary 7, 1911. Ice Harvest Begins. H. C. McMaken & Son, with a large force of men and teams began the Ice harvest this morning. The zero weather of the past two days has thickened the Ice and everything was made ready yesterday to make a big haul today. The Ice Is of good thick ness and free from snow, and of a very good quality. WILL BECKER SURREN DEBED BY BONDSMAN Judge Travis iheld a session of the district court this morning, and in .the case of the State of Nebraska against William Becker entered the notation on his docket to the effect that the defendant's surety had sur-1 rendered him Into open court and the prisoner was remanded to jail. Mr. Becker Is the farmer against whom the county attorney filed a complaint charging lilm with the crime of receiving stolen property, namely, 100 bushels of wheat stolen by one Jack Crawford from the bin of R. L. Propst during the month of December, 1910. Crawford confessed to the crime and implicated Becker in whose bin half of the wheat was found. Crawford is now serving a five-year sentence for the crime, while Becker denied his guilt, and at the preliminary hearing was placed under a $500 bond for his appear ance at the April term of the district court. A few days ago Mr. Becker advertised hi3 personal property for sale, and this la probably the reason for his Burety desiring to get off the bond. Becker was taken to Jail this morning, where he will be restrained until his trial at the next term, of court. Foley's Kidney KcinviTy .An Ap . preciation. L. MjConnell, Catherine St., Elmi ra, N. Y., writes: "I wish to express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case of kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt It Is the most reli able kidney medicine I have ever taken." Sold by F. G. Frtcke & Co Here From Oklulioina. G. W. Burmelster, of Pocasset, Oklahoma, Is In the city this week visiting friends at the old 'home. Mr Burmelster called at the Journal fflce today to renew for tils sub scription, and in conversation with him he tells us that all the Cass county people In his locality are do Ing nicely, but crops were cut short owing to the drouth, but all are hap py and enjoying good health. Mr Burmelster will remain here all this week. Don't forget if you have not got a bottle of cough syrup at home you had better put It down on your mem orandum book and get one and take It home bo that If the children got sick In the night you will be pre pared.. . " ' Rynott & Co., ' ' Sue. to Ofrlng & Co FOR DEAB LIFE THOUGHT HE WAS SHOT Bert Ellldge was on a "toot" last night and In his revellngs rounded up the thirst parlors until closing time, wihen he went to the pool hall, where he was somewhat boisterous The proprietor ejected him a time or two, but still Bert insisted on intrud lng his company and presence In the hall. Night Policeman H. Trout was called In to enforce law and order, and Instructed Bert to depart for his own rest parlor, which he de clined to do, inviting the officer to go "to the land where they don't shovel snow." At the time this ucas was Issued by Bert the two had reached the alley by the postoffice, and the impertinent suggestion ag gravated the officer to the extent that lie fired his revolver into the night. Bert made off through the alley, and Ills hair raised his cap right off his head; never stopping for his head gear, Bert was soon out of range and is likely to remain there. Ills cap was picked up In the alley and taken to the livery barn of Chas Martin. A Itelinblo Cough Medicine. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th St., Easton, Pa., states: "Several members of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle In the house. It 80thes and relieves the lrrl i'a SYV.'.'. , Look for the Bee Hive On the package when you buy Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Fo ley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Estimate of ExpeiiNCH For 1011, The following Is the estimate of expenses for Cass county for 1911, as prepared by the county commission ers at their recent meeting: Court house expense. . . .$ 5000.00 Commissioners' 'salaries 2500.0' Co. Supt. Sal 1500.00 Assessing county 3500.00 Making tax list 700.00 Books, blanks, supplies. . 2000.00 ...... 2300.00 Fuel 1500.00 Jail and Jailer's fees. . . 1800.00 Paupers and poor farm 2500.00 County Attorney 1000.00 Prince of Hall Proposes to Make the Positions Elective, Term Six Years. Thirty-One Bills Are Introduced In House and Twenty-Four in Senate. Lincoln, Jan. 12. The house com mittee on committees finished its work and is ready to offer a report today on the full membership of all the stand ing committees. A report was received from the Re publican conference which had made its selections of Republican members on a basis of a two fifths , minority representation and in nearly all cases it was carried out. In a few committees the majority maintained more than a three-fifths preponderance, but made no effort to reject any names or change any ex cept where It reduced the number. In those cases the committee crossed oft the man rant In by Republicans as the lust choice. Some of the most important chair roanshlps are: Rules, the speaker; employees, the ppeaker; cities and towns, Morlarlty of Douglas; school lands and funds, Harrington of Brown; revenue and taxation, McKIsskk of Gage; banks and banking, Sag! of Sa line; apportionment, Regan of Platte; fees and salaries, Scheele of Seward; privileges and elections, Lawrence of Dodge; fish and game, Metzger of Caes; enrolled and engrossed bills. Taylor of Hitchcock; public lands and buildings, Eastman of Franklin; agri culture, Sanborn of Sarpy; deficien cies, Swan of Fillmore; manufactures and commerce, Murphy of Saline; pen itentiary, Fuller of Seward; university and normal schools, Bailey of Buffalo; medical societies, Weesner of Web ster; Internal Improvements, Puis; la bor, Bnrtel of Wayne; militia, Matrau of Madison; federal relations, Dolezal of Saunders: irrigation. BubsIb ot Burt; libraries, McArdlo of Douglas; public schools, Bonham of Jefferson; public printing, Schucth of Platte benevolent Institutions, Sindelar ot Colfax; immigration, Brecht; accounts end expenditures, Helliger of Jeffer son. Sink and Leldlgh, who were two of the members to feel the force of the Bteam roller, are particularly Indlg nant over the Imputation, coming from the minority members of the commit too, that they were In any way under the Influence of corporation control Leldlgh hi;d been slated for chair man of the railroad committee and Sink for the committee on telephone and telegraph lines. Gerdes will re place Leldlgh on the former, and Eg genhergor will hnve the latter chaii" manshlp. Bill for Board of Control. In the house thlrtyone bills found their way to the chief clerk's desk Prince of Hall was in with the first board of control bill for Eiate lnstltu tlons. His bill makes provision for a Lonrd of control by constitutional amendment. It provides for an eke tlve bonrd of three members, each to hold office for bIx yeirs and ono to bo eluded every two years. Twenty-four bills were introduced in tho sennte, of which tho most Im portant were one on the Initiative am referendum similar to the ono already in Iho house that was Introduced by Sklles, and an Income tax bill pro posed by Rowan of Lancaster. A bill for slvlng all cities of more thnn 5.000 the rijjht to frnme the! own charters In a charter convention of fifteen freeholders was Introduced In tho senate by Reagan of Douglas county. Superintendents Want Changes. The Slate Association of County Si perintcndents, in session here, con slderod seven bills which are to bo submitted to the leclslature as ndvis Public Sale We Now Have a Complete Line of the Genuine HOSIERY For Women and Children (La "it will pay the ladiei and children to wear this famous brand of hosiery just as it has the men and every man who bat worn Everwear knows what this means. . -. The same guarantee goes with the women's and children's hosiery, which is: six pairs must wear ris months without a hole, rip or tear or new ho-?e will bo given free. The children's stockings are especially durable th j knee being reinforced as well as tho heel and toe. The stocking U m ide ol extra long staple cotton and the leg has double the stitching, so th it it may stretch freely when needed. Lrulir-i, came in and examine them then .' 7 sis pairs for yourself and children. E. G. DOVEY & SON ssm. J The undersigned will Bell at Pub lic Auction at the F. F. Guenther farm, 6 V4 miles west of Plattsmouth, and four miles north and five miles west of Mynard, and 7 V4 miles east and 1 mile north of Louisville ON THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 1911, the following described property, to- wlt. Sale to commence at 12:30 o'clock sharp. SEVEN HEAD OF HORSES. One gray mare, 9 years old, weight 1,400. One gray horse, 10 years old, weight 1,350. One bay horse, 12 years old, weight 1,250. One gelding, 3 years old, weight 1,200. One span of black ponies, 7 and 8 years old, weight 1,800. r 10 HEAD OF HOGS. One Poland China boar and ten head of shoats. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Three farm wagonB, one as good as new. One good top buggy. One sleigh and bells. Four dozen chickens. One fanning mill. One Marseilles elevator and der rick, complete and good as new. One McCormack binder. One two-row stalk cutter. Ono 3-Bection harrow. One riding cultivator. One walking cultivator. One Western Belle riding Hater. One walking lister. One 14-Inch walking plow. Ono two-row St. Joe machine. Ono corn planted; 80 rods of wire. One cider mill. Ono Hoosler Bccder. Two Bets of work harness. Ono set of buggy harness. One single harness. One saddle. Two sets of leather fly nets.' Two pair ot stable blankets. Ono pair of woolen blankets. One lap robe. Household goods and many other articles too numerous to mention The usual terms given, with one VAtt ta limn otiil trrrr n Ir a nonif for the levy for schools to bo over 25 b(arlnK eight per cent BLYTHE ROSENGRANS SURPRISED BY FRIENDS Master Blythe Rosencrans was made the recipient of a very pleasant surprise Tuesday evening by a num ber of Bchoolmatea and friends, who had been invited by Mrs. Rosencrans to come to his home and assist Blythe in commemorating 'his thirteenth birthday anniversary, and ttie friends, who had assembled on this occasion did celebrate it In a manner long to be remembered. Music and games were Indulged In, which made the time pass all too rapidly. Prior to the close of this dollghtful entertainment a dainty luncheon was served and at a late hour, and after wishing Blythe many more such happy birthdays, the guests departed for their homes, re porting a fine time. Those in attendance were Janet Brantner, Abble Brown, Kate Whtt taker, Leona Dwyer, Florence Kala sek, Martha McCrary, Nora and Mary Rosencrans,- Emll Illid, Eddlo Rebal, Joe Chapman, Oliver Harvey, John McCrary, Dewey Zuckweiler and Charles Polsall. Eastman kodak tilnis carrying cases, cards, trays, anything In their line, at 20 percent discount. Rynott &. Co., Sue. to Gerlng & Co. Myron Clark llolnjr, Nicely. Tho residence of Mr. Byron Clark, which has been under quarantine for a few days, was called up this after noon to ascertain Mr. Clark's con dition. Mrs. Clark responded to the 'phone stating that Mr. Clark was as comfortable as could he. That what was at flret thought to bo a few fever blisters -had developed Into a mild form of varioloid, and his many friends In the city will be pleased to learn that he has reached tho stage where tliero Is no discomfort to the patient. The quarantine Is the worst part of the trouble In these mild cases. tatlon in the throat and loosens up. Bridges 30000.00 the cold. I have always found it a re liable 'cough cure.' Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Roads 26000.00 Incidentals 7500.00 Soldiers' relief 1000.00 Court expense 13000.00 "See PlattHiiioutli Succeed." So says our good friend and busi ness man, John Schlappacasse. The mayor and city council had scarcely passed the ordinance levying the paving tax In Paving District No. 3, when up Bteps John Schlappacasse and promptly planks down $340.00, bis assessment of this tax. Mr. Schlappacasse, as every one knows, Is one of Plaittsmouth's substantial and hustling business men, and Is the first property owner to pay his assess ment for the greatest Improvement made In Plattsmouth for many years. The other property owners, as the Journal lias been Informed, will propmtly follow the example of Mr. Chlappacasse. Doan's Regulets cure constipation. tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passago of the bowels. Ask your druggist for fheni. "25 cetits a box. '' Sheriff's salary 1750.00 mills If desired. The limit Is now fired at 25 mills. One was for the ap pointment of deputy superintendents and another for making the salaries of superintendents proportionate to population In the counties. Life Term for Gage County Man. Bentrlce, Neb., Jan. 12. Word was received here to the effect that Whit ford M. Hall, a former resident of j Gare county, was sentenced to life lm- ,, , . ,, , J r-riPCinment In the Htate penitentiary Our line of cough remedies consist Jf Minnm)ta fop kllIln Goo?rRe of Nebraska Cough Remedy, Foley's Crook huBband of his nicco, after tho Pine Tar and Honey, Chamberlain's two had quarreled at their home near Cough Remedy, Dr. King's New DIb- Mankato. covery, and the market. Total $103550.00 all others that are on Rynott & Co., Sue. to Gerlng & Co. Historical Society Hears Songs. Lincoln. Jan. 12. Phonograph rec ords of Indian folk songs were on the program of tho Nebraska Historical Boelety. Professor Gllmore of Cotner For I.nOlppe, Cougiis and Stuffy give the lecture that accompanied the ColdH. records and Robert F. Gilder of Oma- Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It s,U),e u',nn Nebraska as nn archue- glves quick relief and expels the'cold ( ok'K,cul flol,- from your system. It contains no Captain Charles H. Downs Is Dead opiates, Is safo and sure. Sold by F. I Omaha, Jan. 12. Captain Charles G. Fricke & Co. H. Down, practically the first pioneer 1 to locate In Omaha and prominently There's nothln so ennH mr unm Identified' with the early history of the throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. city, passed away at his homo, 1322 Knilfh Twnntv.r.lnth ktront fnritnln I Ir. t, Tl.ll ....... j ........ ... v.v..... "V,U1" ny Downs was In his nlnoty Bccond year, nAin in nnv nnrr " W S' Wm. Dunn, F. W. Gunther, Auctioneer. Owner. P. T. Becker, Clerk. If you need a pair of glasses and your eyes tested, Mr. Henry R. Ger lng will test eyes and fit glasses every Thursday and Saturday. Come in and make an appointment. Rynott & Co., Sue. to Gerlng & Co. Pete Ever Reloaded on Pond. Pete Evers, who has been In the county jail for some days, because ho has been unable to give a bond to keep the peace and especially to re frain from molesting or Intimidating Mrs. Evers, was released a few days ago by giving the required bond. The bond was signed by II. M. Soennlch sen and another. Evorg filled up on bug Juice one night about two weeks ago and proceeded to tho house of his father-in-law, where his wife has lodged for Bomo months, end pro ceeded to make a rough house, but was somewhat rudely Intorfercd with and placed in the hands of the police and being unablo to give .the peace bond has been in jail until he could give the bond. For cither acute or chronic kidney disorders, for annoying and painful urinary Irregularities take Foley Kid ney Pills. An honeBt and effective medicine for kidney and bladder dis orders. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Soli Better Live In a Tent on your own land than pay rent for a mansion on your neighbor's land. Think It over, talk it over with your wife. Itcrone Independent. Others have done, t, why not yout Start today, Come and see us and learn what a very little ready cash will do for you. W. E. ROSENCRANS & SON