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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1910)
be lattemoiitfo ourna SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY AIHJUST 25, 1910 NO C2 VOLUME XXIX 3 111 S. DUKE, AIIOB OLD SETTLER CALLED 10 GREAT BEYOIID Deceased Was Born in Virginia February 2, 1834 and Passed Away August 22, 1910 at Masonic Home. Fiom Monday's Dally John S. Duke was bom February 2, 1831, at Wheeling, West Virginia. Died at Masonic home August 22, 1910, at 12:25 a. m., aged 79 years, 6 months and 20 days. Once more the grim horse and his rider has visited our city and again one of the old settlers of this com munity has been stricken by the hand of death. John S. Duke who has been in bad health for more than a month and who has been in a critical condition for several days past, departed this life at the Masonic home at 12:25 this morning. Mr. Duke was born in Wheeling, Virginia, and grew to manhood there and entered the service of his coun try and fought bravely in a West Virginia regiment until mustered out. He came to Plattsmouth at the close of the war and for a number of years was engaged In the hard ware business here, but ill health at the time interferred with his conduct ing the business, and he closed out after running his store for twelve years. After this for a long time he mercantile establishment of Bennett & Tutt. When this firm closed up its business, Mr. Duke did not further engage in business. He was a strong adherent to the Masonic fraternity, having been ini tiated In to Kentucky Greenup lodge July 2, 1860, and admitted to Law rence lodge at Ironton, Ohio, March 14, 1870, and admitted to Platts mouth lodge December 16, 1872. He went to the Masonic home in Novem ber, 1904, where he has since resid ed. Mr. Duke was married in Iron ton, Ohio, two sons were born of this marriage, John and Charles, the old er son and the wife of the de ceased died some years ago. The deceased is survived by his son Charles and one brother and two sisters. His brother, Elbert T. Duke resides In Omaha while his sisters, Mrs. L. D. Bennett and Mrs. Ella Cooper both reside at Long Beach, California. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Ma sonic home and will be under the auspices of Lodge No. 6 of which de- AT THE PBESB1- held the position of bookkeeper for ceased was a member. SURPRISE THEIR II FRIENDS Joseph Warga and Miss Marie Langhorst United in Marriage. From Monday! Dally. The many friends in this city of Miss Marie Langhorst and Mr, Joseph Warga will be surprised to learn that they were united in marriage last Tuesday. August 16th, at Ket- tlerville, O., the home of the bride. When Mr. Warga started for Ketter ville a few days ago, he modestly In formed us that he was on his way to St. Louis, Mo., but It has finally be come know that he was bound for Ohio and would return with his bride in the near future. As stated above Miss Langhorst and Mr. Warga were married at the German Evangelical church at Ketterville, at 3 'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday, August 16th, the ceremony being performed by the bride's father, Rev. August Langhorst and witnessed by a large number of relatives and friends. Fol lowing the ceremony the relatives and many friends repaired to the parsonage where an elaborate wed ding reception was tendered the bride and groom. After spending a few days visiting relatives in Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Warga departed for the west and arrived in this city yester day morning, and will spend a few days visiting the groom's parents and other relatives. Both Miss Langhorst and Mr. War ga are well known in this city, hav ing resided here for a number of years. Miss Langhorst is a sister of Rev. Langhorst, formerly pastor of the St. Paul's German Evangelical church of this city, and has made her home with him and his estimable family for several years. She Is a graduate of the high school of this city, being a member of the class of 1908, and for the past two years has been one of the efficient teachers of this county. She Is a very preposses sing young lady and made friends with all whom she met. The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph War ga of this city and is a young man cf sterling worth. For the past sev eral years Mr. Warga has been a Tesldent of Denver, being employed as tlner with one of the leading tirms of that city. He has a large circle of friends who will join us in ex tending congratulations and wishing him and his estimable bride a most happy and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Warga expect to de depart for Denver tomorrow morn ing where they expect to make their future home. Paint the Hog Red. From Monday's Dally. Some heartless miscreant got hold of Night Policeman Doc Young's fine bird dog last night about one o'clock and colored his beautiful coat of hair a dingy candy red. The pavement just west of the Journal office Indicates where the foul, ven geful piece of humanity perpetrated the malicious mischief. Doc does not know who did the deed, and it will not be best for the lothesome creature who practiced the joke to confess it or down will come his meat house. It was about one o'clock this morning when doctor miss ed the faithful animal which has made the rounds with Doc every night since he has been on the force Doc Immediately went, to the corner of Third and Main and whistled for the dog, but failed to get him, he then went to the Riley hotel, the west end of his beat, and whistled him again, but could see nothing of him, and nearly an hour elapsed before the dog put In Its appearance. The dog's disfigured condition was not noticed until It got light this morn ing. Was Doc hot? Better not say much about it to him. The hide of the fellow who did it won't hold much when Doc finds him out. St. Paul's Church. At St. Paul's church on Sunday morning a reunion of the conflrm ants of the church since its found ing in Plattsmouth was held. A large per cent of the young people of the church was present to listen to the excellent sermon preached by Rev. Steger. The choir sang: "Er Fuehret mich." Rev. Steger had for his text 1 Timothy 6-12: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.'1 And he ad dressed the young people In German 1 and in English. At the close of the sermon a sold sung by Miss Falter was enjoyed by all present. A card with confirma tion vows was also given those pres ent and sent to those who were ab sent. The number of confirmants since the founding of the church Is 142, five of whom have died. Congregations Growing Larger and Larger Each Sunday During the preliminary morning service at the First Presbyteran church yesterday morning the special music consisted of a solo by Miss Vallery who rendered. "The Earth Is the Lord's" a soprano solo with a power of shading only acquired by years of cultivation. Despite the intense heat a fine audience greeted the pastor. The sub ject of Rev. Gade's sermon was: "Love." And among other things he said: "True love reveals Itself in its tender ministry to mankind. Like the Master it Is ever going about do ing good, and like Him seeks to save that which was lost. "The true definition of religion Is not to be found alone In church mem bership, not in forms of worship, not In rigid conformity to a particular faith, but in loving service for oth ers, in lifting burdens from human shoulders, la wiping away the tears of sorrow, in drawing men toward the eternal, and in making the world brighter, purer and happier. Henry Drummond said, that "love Is the greatest thing in the world!" Love pure, exalted love, free from all sel fishness, embraces our fellowmen, even our enemies. Avarice, Injustice, cruelty and malice cannot live In the presence of a pure love. The great est needs today are love to God and love to our fellow men. If we really love God there will be no difficulty in loving men. "Wherever love moves life's bur dens grow lighter, and much of the world's darkness becomes dissipated by Its radiant glow. Love for hu manity will manifest Its Christ like ness. To me the story Is very beau tiful concerning Henry Ward Beecher and the poor children of the street. "On the last Sunday evening of the great preacher's life, after he had preached his last sermon in Plymouth church and the great congregation had gone, he tarried to listen to the choir as they rehearsed the old fam liar hymn: "I heard the voice of Jesus say: "Come unto me and rest." "While he listened two children of the street In faded and tattered garments, wandered into the church, and were Intently gazing up at the organ. Mr. Beecher walked to where they were standing, and laying his hand on their heads kissed them, and with his arms about around them left the scene of his trials and triumphs forever. It was a fitting scene for the close of a great life The Ereat2 man of eloquence and fame shielding two poor, wandering homeless children." Next Sabbath, Rev. Gade will preach a sermon of special interest to all, and on the following Sunday Sentember 4. a special sermon to laboring men. A special Invitation lx'9 Valuable II ore. ( Roy E. Howard, a prosperous young Plattsmouth precinct farmer, had the misfortune to lose a valuable work horse Friday morning. Roy had been allowing the team to take a rest and bad them In the pasture with a number of young horses. He noticed that the animal did not come up with the other horses, and upon going In search of the missing horse found him lying stretched out on the grass dead. The cause of death was unknown. As luck has it Roy will not have to buy as he has a number of young horses. OLD SETTLER'S Saturday Sees Union Crowded With Visitors. Is extended to all who labor in of flees, stores and shops to attend the service on Labor Sunday. Knjoys Picnic Supper. The members of the Euterpean Glee club Journeyed to Ferry Gten Saturday evening for the purpose of participating In an outing and enjoy ing a meal in the open air. Various amusements which assisted In mak Ing the evening a most enjoyable one were Indulged In. The supper was served at a convenient hour and was one which the Glee club found dellghtfuly appetizing and pleasant Those who attended were Mrs. M. Howland, Miss Eaton; Mrs. Bertha Todd, Misses Leona Brady, Etha Cra- 1111 . Jessie Moore, Miss Moore, Jen nle Tuey, Mildred Cook, Alice Kerr Mrs. J. R. Jones and caughter, Agatha, returned today from Thur man, la., where they attended the camo meeting of the Latter Day Saints. The tent meeting closed last Carrie Becker nleht. Mrs. Jones and daughter were I rmmminlP(t bv Mrs. Lamnson and! Matt Jirousek spent Sunday In the Mrs. Knapp. r"y wi,h 1,18 parents. RAILROAD BOYS VISIT DENVER The Old Settlers reunion which closed Saturday at Union was one of the most successful In the history of the annual entertainments. The at tendance on Friday was much larger than any previous first day and Sat urday an Immense crowd was pres ent," the crowd going down from Plattsmouth exceeding that In num ber of any previous year. The class of attractions were of a different character, and much bet ter, and seemed to please the people better. The M. W. A. band of this city was present both days and their fine music was commented upon very freely and to the great credit of the boys. The Red Men of this city also was an attraction which was very suitable to the occasion, and won many plaudits. Bixby, of the Lincoln State Journal, was the center of at traction as speaker on Saturday, and was well received and also received the strlckest attention from all who beard him. The ball game Saturday between Peru and Plattsmouth was a hot one and resulted In a score of 5 to 4 in favor of Peru. Oscar Larson, one of Plattsraouth'8 best best players, was taken sick and unable to play, perhaps will account for our boys bad luck. And, then, some are dis posed to criticise the umpire for some of his decisions. The "rooters" for the Plattsmouth team are not feel ing very good over the decisions, anyway. Jt is tne general opinion oi many who witnessed the game that Plattsmouth is able to beat Peru any day in the week, and will demand a return game just as soon as it can be had. Everything seemed to pass off very quietly, ana peace ana joy reigned supreme throughout. The crowd Saturday was estimated at nearly 5,000, and it Is very creditable to the police force to know that such good order was maintained through out the entire two days. Take it all In all the Old Settlers' reunion for 1910 will go down in history as one of the most successful ever held, and It Is a great credit to the people of Union In general, and the management In particular, that such Is the record. The Association Shows a Mem bership of Over Seven Thou-sand. From TufMlay'i l'ally Burlington employes who have re turned from the Denver meeting of the railway employes and Investors' association are much pleased with the showing made, are surprised at the exhlbltlou of their own strength and are enthusiastic over the prospects for good that may come of their organization, says the Lincoln Journal. "We have seven thousand men In line," says one of the delegates from Lincoln, "and even with that three hundred Burlington employes from Sterling and Alliance arrived too late to take part In the parade. The mat ter of another showing of strength Is under consideration and it Is possi ble that a Missouri valley meeting will be held in Omaha or Kansas City before tho Chicago meeting. It Is believed that thirty thousand vot ers can be marshalled In parade line at either Kansas City or Omaha, while for the Chicago meeting a mon ster parade of seventy-five thousand railway men is being planned. "We were told by Mr. Morrissey of Denver that if plana are worked out as it is hoped they will be the end of strikes and labor disputes will be In sight. He says the railroads are willing to pay employes all the earn ings will bear, and that In the future It may be that railway men can have their wages raised without making a demand for a raise. This, he thinks will be a future rule. "Mr. Morrissey showed that while wages are raised In good times they are not cut when depression comes. Of course the roads must reduce It's forces and economize in other ways but they do not reduce wage ached ules. If employes will work toward the roads' Interests the roads will In turn take care of the employes. The Idea to be worked out Is for the mu tual benefit of both. The roads are to be protected by the ballot from hostile and damaging legislation. The employes are to have friendly candl dates pointed out, and these they will support. "Denver business men showed the employes a friendly spirit. An oppor tunity to see Denver was given free and the Colorado roads showed that nothing asked for was too good to be given. We had the time of our lives in Denver." The representatives from Platts mouth, who went on the excursion returned home, the most of them Sunday evening. There was twenty seven in the bunch, and they enjoyed the trip very well, and had a plena ant time while In Denver. In County Court. The will of Ixmlse Mlckel, deceas ed, was proposed for probate in the county court today, and there being no objections to the same, Judge Bee son 'allowed the will as propounded, and apointed C. H. Taylor as execu tor of the same, he having been nam ed In the will. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor children of John Albert Bauer, which was set down for trial today, the same was continued to the 24th of August, being Wednes day. The matter of appointing a guar dian for William Albln, Incompetent, was also before the court this after noon. W. B. Banning who has been filling the position satisfactorily to the court has tendered his resigna tion. It Is a difficult matter to find any one w ho Is willing to assume the responsibility of the position. Mr. Banning made his final report today which was approved by the court. Where Mistakes are Made. If the Chautauqua, reunions and carnivals have nou proved a success financially and otherwise this year It can be attributed to the fact that two many of them have been held In southeast Nebraska on the same dates. Take Cass county for Instance the Elmwood chautaunua, . the Louisville carnival and the Old Set tiers' reunion, at Union, all going on at the same time. And, besides, the Nebraska City Chautauqua was going on all last week. This Bhould not occur again. It Is just as easy to use a little head work In making dates, by corresponding with manag ers of these entertainments, so that they will not occur In the same week next year. There Is all of September in which to make dates and all of them better patronized. Watch It next year. Hon. Joint A. Maj; ii I re In Town. From Monday's Dally. Congressman Magulre came down from Lincoln this morning to visit some of his Plattsmouth friends, re- urning to the state capital on the afternoon train. Mr. Magulro Is looking well, and feels that the Dem ocrats will be successful In Nebraska this fall. The nomination of Will Hayward by the Republicans does not seem to worry him In the least, and he believes that he Is easier beat than some other Republicans he could mention. Congressman Magulre has been with the people In all his acts In congress, and while on the minor- ity side of the house, he has done re markable well. He has won the ap robration of the famers of the First district, who know Just where to find him, while with Hayward they cannot tell Just where he Is at. We acknowledge a pleasant visit from our good friend. Narrow ICw-ape. A special from Louisville under date of August 21, says: "Because the regular balloon man with the amusement company which Is playing here failed to put In an appearance, Frank Lewis, a young man whose home Is in St. Joseph, Mo., made his maiden balloon ascension at this place last night. He rose about five hundred feet in the air when the bal loon would not go higher. It sank among the trees and was blown along by the wind, greatly endangering the life of young Lewis, who for some time was unable to disentangle him self from his parachute ropes. When the balloonist became free from the balloon, the large bag was blown several miles across the river." Take an Outing. From Monday's Dally. Thomas Walling and wife and three sons, Thomas, Robert and Leo nard and (laughter, Mary Margaret, returned from the state fisheries this morning where they have enjoyed an outing. The party was accompanied by Miss Katie MjeHugh and was Joined at the fisheries by Miss Katie's mother, Mrs. McIIugh and daughter Mary of Falls City. Miss Katie re rtminpd for a few days visit with relatives at South Bend. Klchiml S. Hull Dead. Richard S. Hall, one of Omaha's most prominent attorneys, died at his home here shortly after noon Sun day. His illness, acute kidney trou ble from which he had suffered sev eral years, took a serious turn three weeks ago, since which time he fall ed rapidly. He is survived by ( wife and three children. Mr. Hall had been a resident of Omaha about thirty years and was about fifty-five years of age. As an attorney he was most successful, and is said to have been paid the largest fee of any law yer in Nebraska. He was attorney for the Omaha Water company In Its suit against the city and Is said to have been paid $250,000 when the court decided that the city must take over the plant on the valuation fixed by the appraisers. Recount J n Twelve Com Mien. From Monday's Dally. Judge B. S. Ramsey received message from Governor Shallenber- ger this afternoon stating that the county clerk would receive notice of the call for a recount of the vote In Cass county. The governor Invited Judge Ramsey to be present and see the recount. The Judge received a message from Governor Shallenbcr ger's private secretary stating about the samo thing, but placed the num ber at thirteen In which a recount Is to be made, whereas the governor had stated the number at twelve. In Honor of Minn Allen Root. Miss Marie Bookmeyer delightful ly entertained a few of her young lady friends Thursday evening at her home in the west part of town In honor of Miss Alice Root of Lincoln, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this city for the past sev eral days. The time was very plens antly spent In several contests which had been planned by the hostess for tho occasion. One was a contest in which each was to pick up peanuts with a hatpin and the one picking up the most in a certain length of time was awarded a prize and tho one picking up the least, who received a prize. Miss Helen Jess captured the first prize and Miss Bess Edwards the booby prize. In another contest which was held during this evening's entertainment, Miss Alice Root car ried off the first prize and Miss Hel en Jess the booby prize. Dainty re freshments were then served and an hour or so spent In social conversa tion, music and the like brought to a close this splendid entertainment. Those in attendance were: Misses Helen Jess, Marie Hiber,.Anna Kopla, Clara Wohlfarth, Crete Brlggs, Clara Bookmeyer, Bess Edwards, Alice Root of Lincoln, Anna Tala cek. Four Itlg Days. The Journal office has just turned out 3,000 large posters advertising the Base Ball Tournament which commences at Avoca on Wednesday, August 31, and continues four days. Several of the leading teams of south eastern Nebraska have been entered, and It Is expected that this will he one of the most Interesting base ball evenU ever oceurlng In this section of the state. Besides the ball play ing there will bo good band music every night. All to wind up with a grand dance Saturday night. All are Invited to attend. The business men of Avoca extend a cordial Invitation to everyone, and assure all a good time. Recover Slowly. From Monday'a Dally. L. A. Young of Nehawka who had his leg broken nine months ago by having a mule fall on him, was In the city today en route to Omaha to see Dr. Allison. Although Mr. Young still uses his crutches, he says that he can now . bear a little weight on the injured leg. The leg was broken In three places, and has been a most difficult break to heal. It has only been a short time since the doctor would allow him to bear any weight on it at all, and Mr. Young feels con siderably encouraged at the prospect of rapid improvement from now on. Ball (lames. Saturday the Loulsvlllo ball team w. n Snrlnufield at the former place by a score of 13 to 0. Elm wood beat Manlcy, on tho grounds of tiiA fnrmpr on the same date by a socre of 1 to 0. It will be remem bored that at the Odd Fellows' pic nle at Avoca Manley beat Elmwood by a score of 8 to 5. To Hid Her KooG-ny. From Monday's Dally. Mrs. George bwm ana uaugmer, Annie, and grandson, Master Robbie Burkley of St. Joseph, Mo., returned home today after a short visit with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Patterson and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Deem Is a former resident of Platts mouth and vicinity, and was wel comed by a host of friends, after an absence of fifteen years. Theodore Amlck and Ed. Slocura drove In from near Murray with two autos well loaded with relatives to bid them good-by, and Insisted on their not waiting so long between visits.