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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1910)
Kt. Ststi HUtorlaI See. Hlattswioutb Journal. be SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. MONDAY AUGUST 22, 1910 NO H Ml OPPOOTH OF FIRSM The PIatlmouthCommcrcial Club Enjoys & Very Interesting Meet ign and Considerable Business Transacted. At their new club rooms in the Coates block last evening the com merclal club held a very interesting meeting, and considered several im portant matters which have occupied the attention of the executive com- Uiittee for some time. R. B. Windham, chairman of the committee to have some printed fold er Betting forth the advantages of the city of Plattsmouth, made his re port that the work had been done. Iiiht a neat folder had been pro cured and several thousand printed, and it h the aim of the committee to distribute these to the business men of the lity in lots of twenty-five to fifty, and have them on the desk of every man who sends out mall, so that one may be put in each letter Kent out of the town. The enterprises coming in and making improvements within the last year are on the folder in bold faced type, showing that the citv is alive and making advance- ment. The matter of girls for the M. E. Smith factory was taken up and the secretary stated that the forelady at the factory needed about twenty-five more girls to run the machines. It was decided to print ten thousand dodgers and send them to Union and Louisville today as well as Weeping Water next week. There is a good opening for girls who are willing to stick to the machines until they learn to be proficient. The treasurer stated that more of the weekly salaries on last pay day were above the $5 per week mark than had been before. This would indicate that the opera tors are becoming faster and better, as they have experience. The ferry road was discussed and a committee apointed to go over the route below the ferry and make an estimate of the cost to put the road in shape on through to Rock Bluffs. Mr. G. L. Farley and Mr. J. P. Falter were appointed such a committee. It was then arranged to hold a meeting of members of the club ana citizens of Plattsmouth at the club rooms Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to go Into the proposition of organlz- TEN H COSTS FOR HITTING WIFE In Default of Payment Charles Vilcke is Resting in Jail. From Friday's Dally. Last night the police got a hurry up call to come to the premises of Charles Vilchke, living near the M. P. tracks about 10:30. The call was misunderstood and the posse went out to Luke Wiles's residence but finding all serene in that quarter came back to town to get a second tart. When the force arrived at the scene of the trouble they found the head of the house with a large "Jag" and threatening to do many things to anyone who Interferred with him, and from the statement of Mrs. Vilchke and her sister-in-law, Vilchke had come home, and In a beastly state of Intoxication, kicked the door in and batted his wife one in the face because she remonstrated with him. He aho threatened to hang his wife up by the heels. Night Police Bert Thomas and Mr. Trout took the In toxicated man in custody and landed him in the city Jail for the night. This morning the accused was tak en before Judge Archer where the substance of the above was testified to by Mrs. Vilchke and her sister. Judge Archer assessed the fine at ten and costs, In default of which Vilchke went back to Jail. The Louisville carnival began yes terday and will continue over to morrow. It is very unfortunate that the Old Settlers' reunion, the Elm wood Chautauqua and the Louisville carnival all come off the same week. People cannot attend all of them at the same time. Such should not oc cur again when it can be helped. A. W. Smith departed for Brad ahaw this afternoon where be will visit his daughter for a few days. SECURING A IFI 1 lng a stock company to establish a manufacturing plant here. The Ques tion of a Bite for the plant was dis cussed at some length, it being de sirable to get a Bite where it would be convenient to the tracks and also convenient to the city and accessible to farmers' vehicles, as the industry will be one in which the farmers will be Interested in. The publicity com mittee have found a man who is anx ious to come here and put in the ma chinery provided the citizens here will organize a company with $3,000 capital, which will be used in getting a site, putting up a building and have $2,000 bonus. The manufac turer has a machine which excells and of its kind on the market, and will make a contract to continue the plant for three years, paying the company rent for the building, and asking for an option on the building at the end of that time. It is estl mated tnat the building can be built !for 2'500 and a site can be had for t'AA .L.l - J - 1 M ouu or less, so mm a capital 01 $5,000 will be needed to make the factory an assured success. The promoter has one factory of the kind in operation In Iowa in a town with less population than Platts mouth, and a member of the com mittee visited the plant there and reported to the club that the ma chines manufactured were as repre sented, and that every part of the machine was made in the factory there except some minor springs That there would be no difficulty in selling the product of the plant as the demand for the machine was one that would constantly Increase as farm needs multiplied. The members of. the club.teei that this Is an opportunity to get some thing for the town which would be a permanent thing and would give steady employment to not less than fifteen men. And the number would probably be Increased from time to time as the demand for the output increased. It is to be hoped that a full attendance will be had at the meeting of Tuesday, so that the mat ter may have the enthusiastic sup port of the citizens of the town. Threatens Police Force. From Friday's Dally. Last night about 9 o'clock Jake Miller, a fisherman, Intimidated his family by seizing his double barreled gun and swearing that he would shoot, the first police officer who poked his head in the door. Jake had imbibed a schooner or two too many, and greatly over estimated his prowness. He had not been in this warlike and threatening attitude many minutes before his wife fled for the more thickly settled districts, and at once notified Chief Ralney, who, with the sheriff for an assist ant, soon made their way to the seat of war. Jake was on the bed with his faithful arsenal by hla side. It did not take the officers long to convince him that It would be better, for him to go with them which he did. He was lodged In the county bastlle until morning when he was taken before Judge Archer who also thought ten and costs would repair the fracture of the law brought about by Jake's unguarded threatB. Like the other disturber of the peace the ac cused was remanded to Jail in de fault of payment of the fine. Draw Their Pay. From Friday's Dally. A. Hager, the gentlemanly foreman of the Missouri Pacific construction gang, with his carpenters came down to the Plattsmouth station last even ing and drew their pay. The men are a fine lot of fellows and appre ciate a good foreman and the square deal he gives his men. The boys bought a fine black bear recently from a traveller for $15, which af fords much amusement for the camp The gang was in need of a mascot and when the opportunity was af forded the bear was procured. Mrs. P. E. Ruffner and her guest Miss Alexander of Pueblo, Col., de parted for Omaha this afternoon, where they will visit relatives for a few days, after which Miss Alexander will depart for home where she is principal of the public schools. Ml MEETING OF THE dim Great Amount of Business Trans acted at Session. Platsmouth, Neb., Aug 18, 1910. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present: C. R. Jordan and L. D. Switzer, county commissioners, D. C. Morgan, county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Bond of Calvin 11. Taylor, county attorney, received and approved. Petition of C. C. Bucknell and oth ers asking that A. I. Bird be ap pointed constable in and for Green wood precinct received and appoint ment made. The following claims were allowed on the general fund: C. D. Qulnton, State vs. Earl Morris $ 32.58 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 C. L. Graves, same L. R. Upton, same ...... D. W. Foster, same Mrs. Games, same Vrances Dukes, same Mrs. Morris, same It. L. Newell, same Mrs. Hathaway, same 2.60 4.50 9.00 13.96 3.00 3.00 3.00 C. D. Qulnton, State vs. Bert Elidge C. D. Qulnton, State vs. H. C. Harrison C. D. Qulnton, State vs. Ar thur Brann J. C. Benz, Judge primary election, Tipton precinct. C. A. Allen, same Henry Snoke, 6ame R. C. Wenzel, clerk and re turns primary election, Tipton precinct E. P. Betts, same G. P. Foreman, Judge pri mary election, Greenwood precinct H. H. Wilson, Judge and re turns primary election, Greenwood precinct .... James Greer, Judge primary election, Greenwood pre cinct C. F. Bouck, clerk, primary election, Greenwood pre cinct 9.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 E. M. Stone, same W. E. Hand, Judge primary election, Salt Creek pre cinct 3.25 Frank Nichols, same F. H. Goodfellow, Bame .... 3.25 Clarence Mathls, clerk pri mary election, Salt Creek precinct A. E. Palling, clerk and re turns primary election, Salt Creek precinct .... 9.21 A. H. Waltz, Judge primary election, Elmwood pre cinct II. R. Schmidt, Judge pri mary election and returns, Elmwood precinct 8.73 John Gustln, same 3.75 Clarence Pool, clerk, pri mary election, Elmwood precinct 11. 11. Kakemeier, same . . . F. A. Creamer, Judge pri mary election and returns, South Bend Henry Stander, Judge pri mary election, South Bend Fred Weaver, same W. C. Thlmgham, clerk primary election, South Bend Wm. Richards, same Amsdel Sheldon, Judge, pri mary election, Avoca pre cinct M. M. Straub, Judge and re turns, primary eflectlon, Avoca precinct E. A. Norris, Judge, primary election, Avoca precinct. L. J. Marquardt, clerk, pri mary election, Avoca pre cinct Joe Zimmerer, same Theo. Helm, Judge and re turns, primary election, Louisville precinct M. N. Drake, Judge, pri mary election, Louisville precinct D. J. Vanscoyoc, same.... H. O. Palmer, clerk, pri mary election, Louisville precinct Mike Trltseh, Bame L. II. Puis, Judge, primary election, Mt. Pleasant precinct P. Anderson, same ...... Wm. Sheehan, same T. A. Wiles, clerk, primary 3.7 3.75 7.30 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 8.75 3.25 3.25 3.25 7.80 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 election, Mt. Pleasant pre- cinct A. vCansemer, Judge, pri mary election and returns, Mt. Pleasant precinct . . W. II. Heil, Judge, primary election, Eight Mile Grove Jacob Trltseh, same .... Louis Friedrlch, same Philip Horn, clerk, same.. P. T. Becker, clerk and re turns, Eight Mile Grove. Dan. Lynn, Judge, and re turns, Liberty precinct.. J. D. Bramblet, Judge, pri mary election Liberty pre cinct W. R. Cross, same J. C. Hansel, clerk, primary election, Liberty frer clnct A. E. Taylor, same II. L. Oldham, Judge, pri- , mary election, 1st Rock Bluff , T. W. Vallery, same and returns W. E. Dull, Judge S. O. Plttman, clerk, pri mary election, 1st Rock Bluff W. C. Brown, same W. P. Hutchins, Judge, pri mary election and returns 2nd Rock Bluffs C. A. Harvey, Judge 3.00 6.50 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 6.45 7.25 3.65 365 3.65 3.65 3.25 6.35 3.25 3.25 3.25 5.70 3.00 3.00 A. F.lNlckels, same Albert Wheeler, clerk, pri mary election, 2nd Rock Bluff 3.00 3.00 Arthur Troop, same John Kaffenberger, Judge primary election, Platts mouth precinct 3.75 Fred Noltlng, Judge, pri mary election, Platts mouth precinct L. Wiles, same 3.75 3.75 A. A. Wetenkamp, clerk, primary election, Platts mouth precinct Will Rummel, same and re turns 6.35 E. H. Boyles, Judge, pri mary election Stove Creek precinct 3.00 3.00 3.00 M. W. Waltz, same Vui ' Lefler, same E. 'J. Jeary, clerk and re turns, primary election, Stove Creek precinct. . . . 9.80 3.00 E. T. Comer,, clerk Geo. Wood, Judge and re turns, primary election, Weeping Water precinct. John Bourke, Judge 8.50 3.50 3.50 W. C. Wallen, same Fred Schaefer, clerk, pri mary election, Weeping Water precinct 3.50 3.50 Walter Norvll, same G. F. Switzer, Judge, pri mary election, Nehawka precinct B. F. Moore, same C. E. Heebner, judge and re turns, Nehawka precinct. M. D. Pollard, clerk R. C. Alford, same R. D. McNurlln, Judge and returns, primary election, Weeping Water city .... R. V. Boon, Judge, same . . J. J. Meier, same C. E. Tefft, clerk, primary election, Weeping Water city J. T. Hamm, same D. T. Dudley, Judge and re turns, primary election, Weeping Water city, 2d ward , . N. C. Halmes, Judge Turner Zinc, same Dr. J. B. Hungate, clerk, pri mary election, Weeping Water city, 2d ward .... W. O. Ogden, same M. Pentlco, Judge, primary election, Weeping Water city, 3d ward G. D. Hunt, Judge R. G. Cllzbe, same George Stoner, clerk and returns, primary election, Weeping Water city, 3d ward John M. Fowler, clerk .... W. J. Ilartlwlck, Judge, primary election, Platts mouth city, 1st ward . . J. H. Thrasher, Judge and returns, primary election, 1st ward J. H. Donnelly, Judge B. A. McElwaln, clerk, pri marly election, Platts clty, 2st ward G. H. Falter, same Adam Kurtz, Judge and re turns, primary election, Plattsmouth city, 2d ward . Claus Boetal, Judge William Weber, Bame .... Henry Goos, clerk, pri mary election, Platts- 7.50 3.50 3.50 7.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.50 4.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.25 3.25 3.25 mouth city, 2d ward ... . 3.25 uuy .Mc.MaKen, same 3. 25 B. Chriswisser, judge and returns, primary election, ' Plattsmouth city, 3d ward 4.50 J. H. Becker, judge 3.50 J. R. Kelly, tame 3.50 G. R. Sayles, cierk 3.50 B. G. Wurl, same 3.50 August Tartsch, judge and returns, primary election, 4th ward 4.25 Louis Dose, judge 3.25 John Weyrtch, same .... 3.25 J. C. Peterson, clerk .... 3.25 Anton Nitka, same 3.25 J. M. Vondran, judge, pri mary election, Platts mouth city, 6th ward . . 3.75 August Bach, same 3.75 Fritz Helnrich, same 3.75 Wm. Gravett, clerk 3.75 F. M. Hesse, clerk and re turns, primary election, Plattsmouth city, Dth ward 4.75 Charles Gerllch, Judge, pri mary election, Center precinct 3.25 L. A. Cowen, same 3.25 T. F. Keckler, same 3.25 W. J Rau, clerk 3.25 A. Jenkins, clerk and re turns, primary election, Center precinct 7.65 American Exchange bank room, for election, Stove . Creek precinct 2.00 James Loughrldge, room for election, 1st Rock Bluffs precinct 4.00 W. P. Hutchison, S. D. No. 5, room for election, 2nd Rock Bluff precinct .... 4.00 August Bach, room for elec tion, Plattsmouth city, 5th ward 6.00 Village of Louisville, room for election, Louisville precinct 3.00 W, E. Hand, room for elec- . tlon, Salt Creek precinct. 4.00 Jerry McIIugh, room for election, South Bend pre cinct 3.00 W. H. Hell, room for elec tion, Eight Mile jGrove precinct 4.00 School District No. 83, room for election, Weeping Wa ter precinct 4.00 Ed. Peterson, room for elec tion, Tipton precinct .... 4.00 Louis Dose, care of booths, Plattsmouth city 6.00 C. R. Jordan, salary and ex pense 29.30 L. D. Switzer, same 32.20 C. C. Baldwin, team to com missioners 4.00 Win. Holly, mdse to poor. 5.90 S. F. Glrardet, mdse to poor 10.00 M. L. Friedrlch, salary and expense 31.85 H. M. Soennlchscn, mdse to noor farm 21.20 II. M. SoennlcliRen, expense to state board of equaliza tion 3.72 Ed. Kanka, labor at court house 4.00 Klopp & Bartlett, primary election supplies 186.30 A. N. Sullivan, Assn't. to F. E. Schlater, defending C. J. Baker ' 50.00 A. Kurtz, digging grave for Ben Hart 4.00 Dr. B. F. Brendel, Insane case, James II. Rice.... 8.00 D. O. Dwycr, same 3.00 James Robertson, same .... 7.9 C. D. Qulnton, same 28.73 John W. Rice, wltnoRs, In sane case James II. Rice. 3.20 Charles Freese, same .... 3.20 W. C. Leesley, Bame 3.50 R. A. Bates, printing pri mary ballots 133.00 Smith-Premier Typrewrlter Co.. ribbon 73 Dr. J. B. Martin, county phy sician, dlst. No. 1, salary 2d quarter 62.2 Otto Carroll, livery to com missioners 1.00 D. C. Morgan, delivery elec tion supplies 25.00 F. S. White, mdae to farm. 26.71 A. J. Beeson, State vs. Pols all, Jones, Herold and Egan 10.4 C. D. Qulnton, same H.20 Ben Ralney, witness, same. . 1.10 Will Fitzgerald, same .... 1.10 David L. Amlck, same .... 1.10 Harry Crocker, same 1.10 Fred Kunsman, same 110 James L. Russell, same ... . 1-10 John Bajeck, same 1.10 Emmons Ptak, samo 1.10 H. Johnson, mdso to poor. 12.00 II. A. Schneider, envelops, Judge of district court.. - 10.83 Hammond & Stephens, sup plies to county supt.... 37.65 Claim on lUd Fund. J. C. Nlday, road work, road dlst 11 220.00 Stroemer Lumber Co., lum- . ber, dlst. 6 V. Llnch, road work, dlst. 6. C. R. Jordan, same Chas, Gerbllng, same .... Mart Mlckle, same F. A. Marler, blacksmith wsrk, dlst 1 55.15 4.40 7.40 17.90 4.00 4.00 3.00 6.75 8.05 36.99 Louis W. Roettger nails, dlst 15 C. J. Earls, road work on dlst 8 G. W. Voss Lumber Co., ma terial to dlst. 13 Lee Arnett culvert and haul ing, dlst. 2 Lee Arnett culvert and haul ing, dlst 1 184.49 Lee Arnett culvert and haul ing, dlst, 16 Peter Jorgeson, grading, 7 miles of road, Avoca pre cinct, inheritance tax... 24.00 385.00 Ben Beckman, road word, district No. 10 206.15 ClnUim on Bridge Fund. W. Rperry, concrete work, Rock Bluff 286.40 W. Sperry, assigned to City National bank, Weeping Water 300.00 G. W. Vors Lumber Co., con struction material 20.85 Nebraska ConstructUm Co., bridge work . 1958.62 Stroemer Lumber company, bridge material 50.22 Board adjourned to meet Sep- etmber 6, 1910. D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. Board of F.qualiAatloii. Board of equalization met on call of county clerk. The members pres ent: C. R. Jordan, L. D. Switzer, II. M. Soennlchscn and D. C. Morgan. Minutes of previous session read and approved. Matter of corporation of South Bend village came on for hearing, and upon written opinion from Coun ty Attorney Taylor, the board of equalization had no statutory auth ority granted to It covering the case. Therefore no action was taken. The assessment of the county was recapitulated at $8,070,727. The board then made the annual levy as follows: County General fund 4 mills County Bridge fund 4 mills County Road fund 3 mills State 5 mills Total, Btate and county.. 16 mills School DlRtrlct No. 22 bonds. .2 mills School District No. 32 bonds. .8 mills School District No. 7 bonds. .6 mills School District No. 36 bonds.10 mills D. C. Morgan, County Clerk. licet ion KcIiocn. From Friday's Dolly. Nothing new from the slate at large. Shallenberger and Dahlman both claiming the election. Herman Dettman was defeated for commissioner in the Third district by 38 votes. It will be remembered that Mr. Dettman'8 opponent was endor sed by the Republican county con vention before he had ever filed for the nomination, while Mr. Dettman had filed two months previously. C. E. Metzger of Cedar Creek and W. II. Tuls of Mt. ricasant, are the Democratic nominees for representa tives, according to the returns can vassed today, ' PuIb received 68 votes and Metzger 103. Julius Pitts re ceived 28 and W. D. Wheeler 26, for representatives. D. O. Dwyer received 40 votes for county attorney. Dahlman, for governor, has 49 majority In thla county. Outside of Plattsmouth Shallenberger has a ma jority In the county. Aldrlch Is sure tho Republican nominee for governor. Cady ran well, but it is said ho had to much Rosewater tied to him. It Is now up to Will Hayward and John Magulre who represents the First dlntrlct after March next. Hitchcock received 670 votes to Metcalfo's 134 for senator in Cass county. Aldrlch received 501 votes for the Republican nomination for governor to Cady'B 251. Sol. Adamson, foreman of the paint shop and his wife, departed on No, 2 this afternoon for St. Joseph Mo., where they will visit relatives for a few days, afterward they will go to California for two weeks vaca tion and visit tho coast cities. ! I ) V f; i: i,' !i