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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1909)
a Murray Department DEATH OF PIONEER PREPARED IN Til E INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL BEAPEBS. If any of the readers of the Journal knfne of a social event or Wt want all items of iitfertst. Editor Journal an item of interest in this vicinity and vill mail same to this office it wtU appear under this heading. 3C W TV rt tv' U. Ur ir 11 Murray, Nebraska. We do a general banking business. We loan money for legitimate purposes. We make farm loans at a reasonable rate. We solicit your Banking business. Let us show you our safety deposit boxes. We represent tb.2 best fire insurance companies We promise for your business our best atten- n tion. Deposit your money with us, and grow with a growing institution. (Jlen Doedeker has been laid up with grip this week. S. C. Pitman's house is coming along quite fast this fine weather. Walter Sans has a pet on his wrNt and 'he Is very careful that 110 one luuclies It. Win. Sporer and his cousin, Mr. Goodnature, took the early train for Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. Walker and daughter Margie returned from Plattsmouth Wednes day through the heavy storm. V. J. Philpot returned from Cus ter county Sunday where he had been looking after ranch interests. Fred Shaffer from Mt Pleasant was In Murray Wednesday to meet his friend, Mr. McClaln from Iowa. The Ladles' Missionary Society will give a chicken pie supper at W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier. Wm. Sporer was a business visitor In Omaha Wednesday. Dr. J. F. Drendel was In Platts ' mouth Tuesday morning. 1). L. Amick and Ed. Sloe urn were In Plattsmouth Wednesday. Fred Schaffer was spending a few days In Sidney, Iowa, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Dull have been on the sick list for the past few days. C. S. Stone was a passenger through Murray Wednesday for Omaha and Plattsmouth. Mrs. Dave Young has returned home from Iowa, where she was vis iting with her father and mother. John Murray and wife of Plutts mouth, were in Murray Tuesday vis iting with the mother of Mrs. Mur ray. K The Ladies' Missionary Society will give a chicken pie supper at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday February 9. Miss Carrlo Allison" returned home from Norfolk Wednesday, where she has been visiting for the past few days with the family of Mont Itobb. The box supper at the church laBt Saturday evening was well attended and the young folks will make a few dollars to add to the church treas ury; Will Drown entertained a number of his gentlemen friends at a genu ine stag party at his home on last Thursday evening. Quite a number of his friends were present, and all report having a good time. The storm did considerable dam age in and around Murray last Thursday evening. Lee Oldham lost his windmill, and It Is said that Dr. GUmore'a corpulent assistant, James Campbell only saved his mill by climbing to the top aud holding It down. Miss Vema Tracy, of South Oma ha, who has been In Murray for the past few days visiting her friend, Miss Isabella Young, returned to her home Wednesday evening. She was accompanied by Miss Young and her brother Rex. E. E. Eminltt, the popular bank examiner, was in Murray last Thurs day, entertained for a short time by Cashier Doedeker, of the Murray State Dank, showing the expert gen tleman Just how banking was done In Murray. It Is needless for us to say that ho found everything In first-class shape. We aro informed that Dllly Soy bolt has disposed of his supply of Angora gouts .to Jeff Drendel and Jake Mincer, who will now engago In the cheese business, and before many days will place a good supply of Swiss choose on the market. It pays to advertise In the Journal. Only last week we announced DIIllo as having those thrifty animals for sale, and this week we learn of his cleaning out his entire lino. Ernest Carroll and wife, of Plain view, aro In Murray this week vis' iting with friends and relatives at tho old homo. On their way they stopped In Omaha for a short visit with Mrs. Carroll's mother, Mrs Theo. Duck, who la In the hospital receiving treatment. We under Hand Mr. Duck expects to come to Omaha In the near future where he will enter tho hospital for medical treatment for a cancer on his lip Mrs. John P. Thacker was In Murray Wednesday. Earl Jenkins Is confined to his bed with sickness this week. Another epidemic of automobile fever has broken out In the town. Den Dill was looking after some business matters in the county seat Tuesday. Dr. Drendel and John Doughty made a business trip to Omaha Wed nesday evening. The littlo child of Mr. and Mrs Den Dill has been quite sick for the past few days. 0. V. Virgin was looking afte some business matters in Omaha Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Dayles were In from Custer county visiting with old fronds and relatives. Mrs. Guy Durton went to Platts mouth Wednesday evening for a short visit with her parents. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. John Yardley have been numbered with the sick for the past few' days. The Ladles' Missionary Society will give a chicken pie supper at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday February 9. Miss Ida Doedeker returned home from Macedonia, last Friday, where she has been visiting a few days with flronds. community, and at no time have we refused to print anything that was for the welfare of all concerned, and to that end the "Points from a Point ed Pen" was given space In our col umns. We do not believe the writer Intended the article as has been as cepted by many of our readers. The above Is written with the hope that It may place matters right, and that no ill feeling will exist among our valued readers in Murray and vi cinity. - , Neighborhood favorite Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "it Is a neighborhood favor He here with us." It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief In dyspepsia liver com plaint, kidney derangement, mal the Presbyterian church on Tuesday nutrition, nervousness and weakness February 9. I and general debility. Its action on Rev. Lanrne of Omaha preached a th blood 83 a thorough purifier very instructive sermon Sunday night make u especially useful as a spring at tho U. P. church on the "Insplra tion of the Dible." The telephone service has not re gained Itself since the storm. Hard to get outside communication with neighboring towns. August Engelkemler returned from Omaha Monday where he had boon to see his wife who Is in the Immanuel hospital. He reports his wife getting along nicely. Jas. Campbell showed some good nerve during the high wind by climb ing a sixty foot windmill of Dr. Gll- more"s. The anchor posts were pull ing out when he climbed the tower to tie guyropes at the head. Mont Robb and family from Nor folk, were In Omaha Wednesday en route to their home near Union, where they will make their home for the present. Mont's many friends will be glad to welcome him and his estimable family back to the old medicine. This grand altedatlve ton Ic is sold under guarantee at F. G Fjrlcke & Co's drug store. 60c. Suffering and Dollars Saved E. S. Loper, of Marllla, N. Y. says "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Ducklln' Arnica Salve. It has saved me suf ferlng and dollars. It Is by far the best healing salve I have ever found Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. 2T)C at G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store. returning to this section some seven years since and locating on the farm near Murray where his eyes closed in their last long sleep. During his many years in eastern Nebraska, Mr. Slooum had made him- ItiaV III liaiall miwh wt in nviaiw Rear Murray a large cir Is, the Mrs. C. Dengen has been on the nick list for the past few days. At times she has boon In a very critical condition. Will Renner who now lives In the extreme southwest corner of West Rock Dluffs precinct was In Murray Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin are re eking this week over -the arrival of a new baby girl at their home last Saturday evening. Remember that Holmes & Smoth are making a special orange sale this week. They are making a price of 23 cents per dozen. The littlo child of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Melslngor who has been Buffer ing with pneumonia for the past few weeks, is Borne better at this time. Mrs. (ill more spent Wednesday In Omaha visiting with relatives. Will the party who borrowed the top of our extension ladder please return tho same, we need It. Tit man & Davis. Mrs. Enlz Hovland, of St. Law rence, S. D. has been In Murray visiting her brother Prof. E. E Erlcson, returning home Wednes day evening. Sho was accompanied as far as Omaha by her brother. That was a terrible wind during tho recent storm. Tho wheel of windmill blown down from the tower and down upon your bod waking you up or possibly breaking an expenslv vase or scratching up the furniture, It was a wind that Irritated ono with wouk nerves the blow that almost killed father. Tho Ladles' Missionary Soelet will give a chicken plo supper at tho Presbyterian church on Tuesda February 9. Peter Clarence was looking nftc some uusiness matters in tho county seai ounesnay morning. 110 was a passenger on tho early mornln train through Murray, returning on tho 9:43. Scratches! From a Dull Pen. If actions can bo printed we are willing to have a copy of ours sent to all the order loving people of Murray. We do not pose as models and so do not expect people to take patern after us. A majority of the "uncouth" at tended the C. E. Sunday evening and took pleasure In working for Christ and yet we desire a portion of what the "critics" term worldly pleas ures. We were working Saturday eve ning In the Interest of our church which accepted our money and didn't seem to think It was tainted either. We are endeavoring to keep our E. pledge, but certain It Is that last week's article dldn t awaken any now ambition In us toward that aim. The question Is: What did any one learn from lust week's article except the nature of the writer? "The Unbecoming." G. A. It. to Observe Day. February the 12th is the centen nial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln and McConahle Post G. A. R. and tne ladles of the Relief Corps have planned to cele brate this event on that date at the Methodist church at 7:30 p. m., and extend to all organizations of this city a cordial Invitation to meet with them on this occasion. Rev. Randall will deliver the address on the "Life and Character of Lincoln." The big Eagle dance Is set for Febryary 13. Remember the date. Died. Slocum. Norman, aged 72 years, 3 months, 1 day, at his home near Murray, Neb., on Wed nesday, Feb. 3, 1909, of heart failure. ' Funeral on Friday, Feb. 5. 1909. Interment at Eight Mile Grove cemetery. Old settlers In this section were greatly shocked to hear this morning of the passing of Norman Slocum, ono of the best known and highest re spected citizens of this section. From accounts received here his death was a very sudden one. He was in Murray yesterday and had quite a visit with his brother-in-law D. L. Amick, the stockman, returning to his home apparently In the best of health. Mr. Slocum lived some two miles from Murray. This morning Mr. Amick was shocked to hear of his sudden and fatal illness. After returning home last evening Mr. Slocum seemed to be In very good health and retired seemingly all right. He rose this morning at four o'clock and was about the house, re turning to bed In a short time still apparently in good health. About seven-thirty his family con cluded to call him for breakfast, he not having gotten up at his usual time. When they reached his room they were shocked to find him in deep pain and apparently on the verge of expiring. Dr. J. F. Drendel was hurriedly summoned from Mur ray and in company with Mr. Amick, made all possible speed to the bedside of the stricken man. Despite their efforts to reach him they were unsuccessful as he died before they could get to him with relief. Norman Slocum was born In Ohio on November 2, 1836 and Bpent his boyhood days In the Buckeye state emigrating to Nebraska when a young man. He first settled in this county many years ago and here he met and won Miss Minerva Amick, a daughter of the late Geo. L. Amick and sister of David L. Amick of Mur ray. To this union two children were born who still survive their father. These are Edward, a son, and Mrs. Ada Ferrlss, daughter, both of whom live near Murray. After his mar riage Mr. Slocum sold his Cass Coun ty farm and moved to Otoe County where he lived for a number of years, vho came to know him and to ad mire and respect him the more as the years went by. To all these the news of his untimely taking away cannot fall to come as a great blow and their sympathy goes out to the suffering widow and bereaved children left behind. In his lifetime deceased had been an exemplary and industrious citi zen and had accumulated a great deal of this world's goods, having well provided for those who are left be hind. He was not so far as known a member of any order save that great est of all the brotherhood of man and in this he ranked high, kind, loving, generous and noble. In his passing there goes a good man. The funeral of this good citizen will take place upon Friday next, Feb. 5, the hour not being set at this writing, and the Interment will be at Eiyht Mile Grove. , Farm for Sale. 167 acres of Improved Cass County land for Bale at $40.00 per acre. $1,710.00 cash and balance on 9 years time at 5 percent. A snap for some one. John M. Leyda, Gund Building. Five Per Cent Dividend. Referee McDaniels of the United States District Court has declared a dividend of five per cent to the credi tors cf Geo. L. Farley, bankrupt. Official notice to this effect has been sent out to the several creditors which reads as follows: To the creditors of George L. Far ley, Bankrupt: You are hereby notified that on he 27th day of January, 1909. a dividend of five (5) per cent was de clared on all unsecured claims proved and allowed against the said George L. Farley, Bankrupt, In the above named Bankruptcy, and that said div idend is payable on or after the 8th day of February, 1909, at the office of J. E. Douglas, Trustee, Platts mouth, Nebraska, In said district. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, thl 27th day of January, 1909. Charles G. McDonald, Referee in Bankruptcy. The best ball of the season will be the big one of the Eagles on Febru ary 13 at Sokol Hall. FEBRUARY A Proves an Error. Many times, In fact most every 88U3 of a newspaper, the publisher has many contributed articles, some of which are met with the hearty ap- -HOLMES & SMITH We wish to turn our remaining stock off winter goods into money. Also wisn 10 ma Re room jor new spring gooas inai are arriving daily, and offer you first-class goods at great money saving prices. At the prices quoted below it will pay you to buy heavy: FREE With each sack off fflour purchase we will give a can of Calumet Baking Powder during this sale. proval of Its readers, others are met pur coats $15.00 and up with very much the contrary g but Shcep lined coats $3.90 and up. In all our experience we have never K mot with ono that caused the editor uuck coats. ior men, ?i.uu arm up. quito so much grief as the one in Men's overshoes $1.00 and up. our Murray Department last ween, entitled "Points from a Tolnted Pen." Many of our readers were Indeed very angry, others passed the artlclo without much notice, and many of our young people were deeply grieved to think that the Men's caps worth $2.00, at $1.50, at $1.00, at 75c, at $1.50 - $1.00 75c 40c many long and weary hours they gweatcrs wortn $1,50, for - 90c ::T2Vll Sweater coat, at greatly reduced prices. reward. At any rate we are in- some exceptional oargains in snoes mat formed that the artlclo was entirely we want to discontinue handling. too severe on tho young, people. Our entire line of of winter gloves and mit- Some time ago the cnurcn to w ten oQ ccnt d;scount theso same young people belong . - , . , . erected quite an expensive addition. A few three-piece Corduroy SUltS and In othr ways became deeply In- Worth 9.00, for $6.50 voived financially, and it fell upon A few two-piece suits at 25 per cent off. tho young people to pny tho debt. few odd pants 23 1KT Cent Off. vve are Ruinciuiciiuy nuiim u mm . sugar zu ids ior $i.uu; 3o per iuu they havo paid a large sum of that Indebtedness by their social occa sions, such as box socials, enter tainments, chicken pie socials, and their sewing society. They have worked hard to tho one end, that of clearing their church of indebted ness, and they havo added many dol lars to tho church treasury. They also claim that they havo attended quite regularly to all ' branches of tho study of God's work, but on the occasion of pleasure they havo en deavored to enjoy themselves In every way becoming a lady. The Journal has at all times done what It thought was right In tho publish ing of a newspaper, endeavored to give nt all times tho news of every About 15 bolts of flannelette, worth 10c, goes in this sal at per yard 8c Outing flannel, 5c up, at a great reduction Thread, Merrick's best, per spool 4c Linoleum, 2 yds wide, per square yd. 55c Floor oil cloth, 2 yds wide, square yd. 32i Wool Blankets at 25 per cent offff About 20 bolts of fine wool dress goods on sale during this month. Our entire line of 12 1-2 and 15 cent ginghams, will go at per yard 10c worth $2.00, at 1.37; $1.50 line at $1; $1.00 line at 75c FIRST ORANGE SALE. We will offer a fine orange at 23c and 35c per dozen The highest possible price will be paid for all kinds off poultry and farm produce. Please do not ask for credit at these cut prices Sale commences Feb 1, and closes Saturday, Feb. 27 Murray, Nebraska.