Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTH AND VIC1MTY. r 'in I ri.Uj lui:y. Dr. Marshall, I, Oals' I'.Lck. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Lml AU last night, a son. Rev. J. F. I'.alrd went to Omaha on business this morning. A iult to quiet title was tiled today ljr AiiKUst Stander v Thos. Tootle, ft. at. Mn J as. Mitchell Is vlsltl iifcf In the city, the guest of the family of II. I. Travl. John WiKwttr and wife wore among the Onialia passengers on the early morning train. John I'lght, wife and daughter Miss Jlattlt! relumed last evening from a pleasure trip to Minneapolis, Minn. Llmer K. Corkcn, was In town today In the Interests of the Mineral .Sanitar ium company of Iturllngton Junction, Mo. Mm. (J. L Bulger and koii Cecil, of Omaha are visiting In the city with her parent! Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leon ard. W. II. I'ool of the llrm of Tool .V Colbert, the real estate men of Weep ing Water was In town today on busl ness. J. I Ihirk and M. C. Franks depart ed till afternoon for Oakdule, Neb., wlicrothey will spend several weeks visiting. Mr. Sain I'altcrson and children, ac companied by thelrgrandmotlier, Mrs. Win. McCauley, departed this morn ing for Arapahoe, Neb. Mrs. W. II. Heed, of Council llhilTs, who has been enjoying a short visit with the family of 1'. 1). Kuirncr, re turned lioiuu last evening. Mrs. Richard lllvett and two chil dren of Council Bluffs are visiting In the city, tho guests of her sister, Mrs. C. I. Cummins ami family. Mrs. l'.d. Ilamtow, who lias tieen en Joying a few days visit with Mrs. C. N. Forbes, returneil this afternoon to her home In Lincoln. B. Hcathcrlugton and family de parted this morning fur Heaver City where they will spend a few weeks visiting with relatives. Mrs. Sidney Tyler, who has been upending several days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harvey, re turned to llavolock today. Ilennet Chrlswlsser and wife who have been spending several day with their children who reside southwest of Murray, returned homo last evening. Tho docket for the fall term of dis trict court as completed by tho clerk, shows that 22 law, 2H equity, M tax and 4 criminal cast's are to come up for hearing. Ir. A. P. ltarnes departed t his after noon for Fremont, Neb., where ho will meet many of tho old praetloneers with a view to organizing a state veterinary association. Our old democratic friend, J. M. Stone, of Nehawka, was In the city to day and found time to call and chat over tho prospects of tho democratic success this fall. Ho also renewed for the Journal while here. The attention of County Judge Travis Is occupied by the helm of lvld Woodward, deceased, who was married twlco and by his will left out the children liy Ills first wife. They are contesting tho will In an endeavor to secure a sharo of tho estate. From fHliinlny'i llly, "Out Hell," the favorite cigar Mr. A. F. Seybcrt of Cullom was visiting In the city today. Sheriff (Julnton went to Avoca this afeernoon to spend Sunday. It you can't sleep at night, lie awake and listen to tho com growing. George Horn of Cedar Creek was a business visitor In the city today. Tlicy say every dog lias his day, and yesterday was one of them and today is another. Mrs. W. K. Kosencranes and two daughters departed this afternoon on a pleasure trip to Denver. Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, who has been spending a few days with friends In this elty.returned this morning to her home in Omaha. A marriage license was Issued yes terday in Lincoln to Hort A. CanMeld of that city and Miss Ada M. Wilson of Weeping Water. Commissioners Marshall and Sw iter who have been here checking up the books of the county orticlals, returned to Weeping Water this afternoon. Miss Amy Oliver arrived yesterday evening frvm Hock Springs, Wyo., for a visit with friends In this city, the guest of the family of Fred Kamge Jacob and Conrad Melslnge r and the latter' daughter, departed today for riainvlew, where they will spend a few weeks visiting with Conrad's son. Mis Irene Leesley departed this morning for St. Joseph, Mo., where ahe will enter a wholes' tnlltioery establishment ft learn the latest fall styles. Mrs. (ieo. K. Wagner, of St. Joe, who hat been spending a few days with the family of Conrad Scblater, went to Omaha this morning for a visit with friends. Our old friend, Herman Hester, was In the city today, and called at these headquarters for a few moments. He reports about one Inch of water fell at his place yesterday uftcrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. lickett, who have been spending a few months with her relatives In Kvansvllle, I ml., In hope of benefiting Mr. I'lckett' health, returned homo this afternoon. We are pleased to see Mr. lickett so much Improved by his visit to the east, where he experienced a most en joyable time. There will be a meeting of the breeders of thoroughbred stock of ('ass, Otoe, Nemaha and Johnson counties held In Nebraska City Tues day, August 21, at the court house, for tho purpose of forming a local organ ization. Several Important proposi tions have been presented for consider ation and a general at tendance Is de sired. I' mm .Monday' Dully. Win. holes Dernier of Kim wood was transacting business at the county seat, today. Misses Lora and Herlha Iitman of Nehawka weio In the city today, the guests of Mrs. Johnnie Hatt. J. M. Melslnger and wife departed today for Orchard, Neb., wiiero they will enjoy a visit with friends. Mrs. K. S. lningan, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1'. Davis of I'nlon arc visiting In the city, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (iambic, Mrs. Fred Kroehlerof liavclock was In the city Sunday to visit with her sister, Miss Frances Weld man, who Is very sick, but Is slightly Improved to day. Miss Minnie Wills returned from Omaha Sunday, accompanied by Miss (iretchen Walsh of Lincoln, who will spend a few weeks visiting friends In this city. Miss Agnes Neville Is spending her vacation at homo with her mother, sisters and other relatives. Miss Agnes Is governess In the Feeble Minded In slltute at Heatrlco, Neb. John Neville came In Sunday from Olcweiii, Iowa, to visit a short time with Ids mother and sisters and other friends. Mr. Neville Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Neville and Is learning the machinists trado at Olcweln. Hilly Neville was down from Mil ford, Neu., to spend Sunday with his family, and spend the day with his daughter and son, Miss Agnes, of Ilea trice, and John, of Oelwcin, Iowa. Mr. Neville says the work on tho new Hurllngton branch is progressing very nicely. Will Carstens, brother of Mrs. Mike Lut., came In from St. Louis Sunday morning, where ho has been in the up holstering business for over four years. Mr. Carstens is a former employe of tho Hurllngton upholstering depart ment, and after visiting among his friends for some time may conclude to open up a repair shop In Flattsmoiitlt. r'roin TiD'ailny'ii Dully 11. C. Long of Murray was in town today on business. J. M. Stone of Nehawka was In the city Unlay on business. Henry Sanders of Cedar Creek was In town on business today. David Katon and K. Austin of I'nlon were business visitors in the county keat today. Mr. W. T. Scot ten returned last evening from a week's visit In Chey enne, W yo. A. S. Wills departed this morning on a business trip to bis ranch near Akron, Colo. J. H. Seyboit and Oscar Uapcn, from the vicinity of Murray, were among those to board the morning passenger to Omaha. County Recorder 11. A. Seuelder and family are expected home Thursday from a six weeks pleasure trip through Colorado, Wyoming. I'tahand Idaho. Mrs. Perry Walker and daughter, Miss Cora, who have been spending the past two months visiting in 1111- nols and New York, returned home this morning. Our friend. Fred Patterson, never forgets the Journal whenever he has anything In the fruit line. He brought in some fine peaches, which were rals ed on I. S. White' place this after noon, and for them we are Indebted to him. J. J. Sumoda departed last evening for riainvlew, Neb., where he will spend a few days with the family of hi daughter, Mrs. George Koehnke. Frank Svoboda accompanied hi father as far as Omaha. C. A. Blciieyof Lo.nsvi'.le was trans acting business at I'lattsmouth today. Mr. ar;1 Mrs. O.r j Virgin near Mur ray are the parent of a nine pound baby b'y, who arrived last evening. The iiierrr-gu-'round of Tu'.eue Pros, was shipped to I'nlon thU morning, w litre It will be op-rated at the Old Settlers' Reunion. Commissioners Sniter and Mar shall came In from Weeping Water thl morning to attend the n'.cetlng of the county board. J'miii VVi'Otmduy'i dully. Otto Pecker of Ulysses, Neb , is In the city on business today. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Shoemaker of near Nehawka, were In the city today. Will Fitzgerald and Clayt Rosen crans were visiting friends In the me tropolis today. Miss Harriet Murray went to Omaha this morning to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Guy Fleming. Ir. (Sllmore and Joe Mauck drove up from Murray early this morning, returning after a few hours stay. C. Swlter, J. A. Whltcman, Wm. and A. H. Tucker of Nehawka were business visitors in the county seat today. M. K. Manspeaker and wife depart ed this morning on a trip to Rapid City, S. !., where they will visit with her sister. Mrs. W. H. Pirle, who has been en joying a visit with her parents in this city, ideparted this mornlog for her home In Alliance, Hlalr Porter, the Union liveryman, camo up on the early morning train to take back a rig driven up last evening by a couple of traveling men. W. A. Robertson, deputy district clerk, went lo Lincoln yesterday to at tend the republican state convention, and to spend a week with friends. M. Fangcr, while In Omaha yester day, engaged Miss Lily Struhn of SluuxClty,Ia., to trim In the millinery department during thctoming season. Miss Dorothy Lency, a special teacher of the Ladles' Tailoring school, arrived this morning from Wa-j lioo, to assume her position in the school In this city. Miss Ruby Reynolds went to Omaha this afternoon to visit with her moth er, who Is receiving treatment in the St. Joseph hospital In Omaha, and is Improving nicely. Miss Frances Weidman, who has been suffering with Intermltant fever, was in a critical condition yesterday, but wo are pleased to learn that she Is much improved today. Will (iicbe and another Ilsherman attracted considerable attention at tention this afternoon when ; they walked up Main street carrying two cattish, one of which was almost as long as a man, and tipped the scales at seventy-two ponds. There were quite a number outside of Plattsmoulh who were disappointed because tho "Hunter" failed to put In her appearance yesterday. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hrown and Mr. and Mrs. Jell Hrcndcll, of Murray, who came up especially to take a boat ride on the steamer last night, and returned home greatly dis appointed. Troy L. Davis and wife of Weeping Water were visiting In the county scat today. Glen Smith was down from Omaha last evening for a visit with his folks, returning to work this morning. A marriage license was Issued today to Mllo .. Gollaher and Miss Mary Coatman both residents of Avoca. Mrs. K. S. liarstow, who has been visiting with friends In this city, re turned to her home In Lincoln this morning. Sat one ot Blnf ' Dyspepsia Tablet titer each meal and you will not sufftt with Indigestion. Sold by Gerlnf Co.' drug store. Mrs. Jas. Donnelly and daughter, Miss Marie returned home this morn ing for a few weeks' visit with rela tives In Watertown, Wis. In this ttate It is not necessary to serve a five days' notice for eviction of a cold. Use the original laxative coflgh yrup, Kennedy' Laxative Honey and Tar. No opiates. Sold by F. Q. Frlcat Co. and Gerlng & Co. Doan's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your druggist for them. -. cents per box. There Is nothing so pleasant :n that bright, cheerful, at-peace nth. world feeling when you sit d n i your breakfast. There is noting mi coiuluslve to good work and m d ie suits. The healtuy man with a i..a!liv mind and body is a better fciiow, n better workman, a better citi tlisu the man or woman who Is hand upi I by some disability, however siUbt. A slight disorder of the stomach ll rasge your body, your ll.oiigi:t ni! vour disposition. Getaway h" ti ti n morbidness and the blurs K p y- r Momach In tunc and both your mi I mid body will respond. Little lnr-v crrtlons of overeating can it- rs-W corrected and you will be turpi iMd ( -e how much better man jm ate. Try a little Kidul Fur Iv- itii r vmirweals. Sid by F. G. '-ukt Co. andGfrirtg ftCu OF DC DC DO DC ' . , . More About Coffee and Tea no There are lot of People There are a lot of people who use our Teas and Coffees, and there are some who do not. To those who do not we want to say they are missing out on some good thing in these lines. The Sanborn brands which we handle exclusively are The Best, and our mar gin of profit is small in comparison with some people's who sell Teas and Coffees. As an inducement to have you try our Teas and Coffees we offer the following combination; 21 lb Granulated Sugar $1.00 1 lb P.lcnd Coffee .20 1 C. &S. Jap TeaSlftings 20 H bars Rest Soap W. R., Swift's Pride, Lenox or Diamond C 2. Large bottle KddvsBlue 10 Cen K. D. liaklng Powder... 15 f:oo Try 50 lb of our Ronita Flour, reduced to $1.20 Half pound Lipton's Ceylon and India Tea (quality No. 1) :;o Large box Eddy's Pickling Spice 10 0 Rars Cocoa Castile Soap 25 1 can Whjte Cross Raking Powder 15 2.oo DC DC 30 C . ! mm: A. N. Sullivan and S. M. Chapman were business passengers for Omaha thlsaftcrnoon. Mrs. Chas. Hell and two sons were among the passengers for the metrop olis on the early train. The cleansing, antiseptic and heal log properties of Tlnesalve make it superior to all family salves- Sold bj Gerlnir & On.' ' Chas. Janda and C. P. Richards de parted yesterday for Denver, Colo., where they will spend several days in the mountains. County Recorder Schneider returned this morning from a pleasure trip through the western states. He re ports a tine outing. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment. Chronic cases soon relieved, finally cured. Druggists all sell It. George and Miss Ilanna Hiatt, who have been visiting with the family of Conrad Scblater, departed this after noon for their home in New York. Miss Agnes Neville returned thlsaf tcrnoon to Heatrice, Neb., after a few days visit with home folks. Her mother accompanied her as far as Omaha. Cures baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mama's sore throat, grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil the great household remedy. ror bloating, belching, sour stom ach, bad breath, malasslmllatlon of food and all symptons of Indigestion. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Two days treatment free. Sold by Gerlng h Co.'s druf store. Mrs. Wm. Crosscary and son, Har old, who has been enjoying a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goos, departed this morning for her home In (julncy, 111. Mrs. Leila Dugay, who will have charge of the Murray schools the en suing year, was In the city today. The school board has been very fortunate In securing so competent a principal. The Intense Itchhg cbaractcrlstlc.0! mH. rheum and eczema Is Instantly al lied by applying Chamberlain's Salve A- a cure for skin diseases this sxlvi I iiiienualled. For sale by F. G. Fruke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Two handsomo rubber tired buggies of the Moon Pros, manufacture were purchased yesterday by Karl Jenkins and F.d. Slocum of Murray from Aug ust Gorder. They also purchased two line sets of harness to go with the turnouts, and when they go for a spin about the country they will attract attention with their swell rigs. Toa can se th poises Piae-ulei Icars out of the kidneys and bladder. Sinai doss at bedtlm will show yoj ar polsoQ upoorlstof thsnext SBtrbtfijf thai caa U expelled fron iblfysum In any other way. Pine tos HBMvf the In unties aid lutot mU vi kUneys. GoaraaUed teflv sAUifaiUot r Mxmy refoaded. M iayi tratant U N. 114 by ttrlaf S Ow imi ttra. The Plattsmouth republicans, who attended the convention yesterday in Lincoln, returned home this morning feeling "that it was good to be there." Hal Hrady, Will White and Harry Philips arrived last evening from Omaha for a visit with friends in this city, the guests of the family of II. N. Dovey. Miss Frances Weidman, who has been afflicted with Intermltant fever for several weeks, is steadily improv ing, which her many friends will be pleased to hear. Mrs. Chas. McPherson of Reillv. Neb., and her niece, Miss Carrie At-1 klnson, of Lincoln, arrived this morn ing for a visit with the families of A. Tartsch and William Hallance. Mayor Henry R. Gerlng and John M. Leyda will represent Cass couniy democracy on the Nebraska delegation who start tomorrow from Omaha to New York to meet W. J. Rryan. would be scarce iiiio ..ui.i , , i they be made to sec. jj'uce and beauty is combined i.j us' ng Rocky Moud tain Tea. Gerlng Jt (Jo., druggists. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lindsay of Mur ray were Plattsmouth visitors over night, the guests of his brother Peter Lindsay and famlly.and Miss Lena and Gertrude Lindsay returned home with them to visit over Sunday. How can you be without tire Insur- ance, when the Platte Mutual Insur ance Co. will Insure your house and household goods for $1,000 for three years for only 9ft, or $500 for three years for 13? W. J. Whitk, Pres. Hknuv R. Gkiuxo , Sec'y. The old time method or purging the ystem with Carthartlca that tear, gripe, grind and break down the wall of the stomach and intestine Ittuper eded by Dade's Little Liver Pill. Tbey cleanse the liver, and Instead f build up. mid nrwiglhrn th wimlii system. Relieve headache, bi'MiM iv, cristlpsilnn. etc Tlii-y !,..... Cr,,,. Smd hv G-rlhrfA O.'l Dyspepsia is America's curso. Hur dock Rlood Hitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out Impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect digestion, normal weight, and good health. The members uf the Kuterpeau Glee club were pleasantly entertained yesterday at the home of K. H. Wes-cott-the occasion being in honor of Miss Claire Rookmeyer, who expects to leave soon for Omaha, where she will enter a training school for nurses. The young folks enjoyed several hours with their friend, and many regrets were expressed because the club was to lose one of their active members. Why suffer with jour kldnes? The dlccovrry of Kidner-Ktt .-. proved a b'oslng to thousand o" kidney suffer er who have been restored to perVd health. Thee Tao.eU drive the diseased germs out of the tem. and urge all ur:r to give tin scientific and successful kidney rtrredy ft trial. 25c Gerlog ACo .drugfcUu. BUY A HOME You hane been a long time mak ing up your mind to buy a farm of your own, but once you make the the step you will regret the time you have wasted and be impatient to get settled on the new premises. "If I had only done this live or six years ago," is an expression we oft en hear. No use to brood over past mistakes, but make up your mind to begin right now. We have a number of choice pieces of land in various parts of Nebraska, Call to day and let us tell you what we have Martin & Sires. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA Sold on Easy Payqeqts This Stan dard Edi son Phono graph and 12 Genuine Edison Gold Moulded Records for only $24.20 12. See the Genuine VICTOR TALKING MACHINES for only h. Lanrer Victors at Larger Trices. PHIL SAUTER, Plattsmonth A suit to quiet title to lot 3, In the swjoftheswl. In section 1", town ship 12, range 14, was tiled today In the district clerk's ofllce by Bertha Hun ger vs Jos. McCreaty, ct al. Rheumatism. VV.ttut ire.full hr mn of Supr h.xrd Air. I iwitKin and Im-.11 of Chronic Rh.uB. mm. Cl.ronit A'lSiu.. Sci.tira.adv kroriK JoiniTtrablr. W'rii. tot full information; rxiilit inprrnH l anf 1 Sprm(t" ttratmtm. Till I. ft. . LkBOtfATOtT. n. Bldf .. CM A II A. X. be.