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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1906)
The Plattsmouth Journal I ranks. Surt'.y tlicy t'.uliit go back ! for the viko f jrinci;!c, bootee 'not one of the i'rincij'.cs in which i 1'11U.I11I.: KKLY AT PLAITS MOUTH. N ELS K ASK A. i the pops Ulieveil were alvnc;itel liy the repuUicaus until l'reM!cnt Koo-cvc't l.itu'c'l wit!: lth feet up- U. A. l'.ATKv l'l i;l.liu:u , i;i 'l-la the tlennvratie .!': r.i. an. I juij'Uiit r.UT. ! at V :-"t it i. !s f v. I', .".m ;.Ui. N- An rKi.v democratic state con vention i the proper caper. No one seems to ohject to an early date. It is a.uain iven tut that Co tinor Mickey will not le a caudi date for I'nitol States Senater. Ha! ha' Kykky railroad oran in the country is tearing its shirt for Hus tcr Hrown. When this sheet has Kot to do the aping, mouthing and ranting for corporations or their tools it will hike, the way the crow flies. Strang Rqrter. John 1,. Wkhstkk is now U-ing groomed ly his republican friends for the senatorial Such a man as Webster is a great improve ment over such fellows as "Jtuster Hrown." And in the senate would lay such fellows as "Husthead" Iturkett in the shade. Thkkk is no question as to the democrats of Nebraska having the state house ring on the run. It is a reality. Ths Vengeance of the People. Nothing that has happened i:i a Ions time has been so impressive, so dramatic, as the fate which has ately overtaken those gentlemen who were chiefly concerned in the n-urauce scandals. In the Dark Ages such a fate would have been recognieil as me tiireci vengeance of the unseen dod, w ho at last had sent a bolt from a clear sky and blasted the evil-doers where they stood. Nowadays we call that bolt the force of public opinion. It is a form of social punishment that has leen grow ing in power fast of late years. The chief agency by Curious Verificatioa of Prophesies. Here are Spangler's prophesies for rx, published at the beginning of the year in the New York World: The dissolution of Kusia. The overthrow of Turkey. The assassination of the Car of Russia. Tlie assassination of the Sultan of Turkey. The prevention of three wars by I'resident Roosevelt. A protracted race war in the south. Destructive spring floods in the United States. A DESTRUCTIVE ERUPTION With an early convention, the nomination of a gentleman like Judge Sullivan for governor and a live and energetic state committee, backed by an enthusiastic democ racy, the state can and will be redeemed from the clutches of its proven enemies. Tin- prospects for the jarty of Jefferson and Hryati in Nebraska arc exceedingly bright. The lead ers are united, the rank and file harmonious, and the state house gang realize that they have the fight of their lives before them. They know they deserve defeat. Tin: idea advanced that the nom ination of a candidate for United States senator by the democratic state convention would not prove beneficial is all bosh. There is just as much sense in nominating a sen ator as there is in nominating a candidate for governor or any other state office. Mi-TCAUK opposes a primary for nominating a candidate for United States senator, which system our friend (i. M. Hitchcock favors, as neither objects to the state conveu tion makingsuch nomination, why not let the matter rest at that That's the only sensible way of -doing it, anywav. I,et that be recorded also. Tin: democrats should now be looking around in their various lo calities to see who they have among them that will make a good work ing member on the state committee. An able and eiiergeticconunittee can do wonders in the way of carrying on a campaign that will lead to vic tory. A poor committee is worse than done at all. Moktknsf.n can't run for gover nor and his friends are bound that he shall run for something, so they are pressing him for railroad com missioner. Quite a fall, my coun trymen! aska has just experienced its first coal strike. The entire coal mining force struck at Peru last week. The water ilooded the pit and the man who has been dig ging the coal went out on a strike. Omaha's biggest policeman, who w eighs oiio pounds, was driven from his home by his S7 pound wife and forced to sue for divorce of account of cruel treatment, and still there ire men who claim that a woman isn't competent to sit as a member of a public school board. If Mr. Aryan's earsarc not burn ing these days, there is nothing in that old saying that your ears )tirus when you're talked about. list now he is the most talked of man in this.or any other land. It is curious'to note how public opin ion has changed ."What Mr. l'.ryan las always advocated seems now to be more popular than ever. I'iik cranks and small ones are after Congressman Pollard in the First district for violating the cor rupt practice act, by setting up the cigars, to constituents during elec tion. If anvthing will increase Pollard's popularity with the public generally it is to know that he isn't a "short horse." So many public men use the corrupt practice song to cover up their despicable stinginess. which it works is the press. Thanks OF MOUNT VESUVIUS. to the activities of journalism, every man and woman in the na tion has the power to judge and condemn. And the verdict of these millions of private judgments gets itself registered, and with an irre sistible impulse, like fate, exacts the penalty ultimately. It is the only court that the big criminals are beginning to fear. In the force of this extralegal power that lies The activity of Mounts Pelee and Popocatepetl. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. The eruption of many volcanoes now supposed to le extinct. fireat loss of life at sea by storms. Destruction of tw o western cities by cyclones. Earthquakes in all parts the world DESTRUCTIVE EARTII- in the popular conscience the safety QUAKES IN CALIFORNIA AND of democracy rests. . THE PHILIPPINES. Hut public opinion in its hearing Rebellion in Spain, of public causes depends pretty (reat disturbances all over Eu- geuerally upon the daily press for rope. the presentation of the case. At The summer of 1906 will be hot the best the daily press is an im- ad sultry throughout the temper- perfect instrument, liable to preju- ate zone, with extensive death rate. dice and indirect influences. If Christ will make his spirit felt the people are to sit in judgment among the people of the United and condemn the guilty to disgrace States and England, in which coun and even death, their sources of tries there are to be fervent religious information should be above sus- and political movements, which are picion. Too often the newspapers to overcome in a great degree the misrepresent or ignore or suppress present spirit of graft and commer the facts. In the service of justice cialism. we need an absolutely fearless, The United States will continue honest and impartial daily press. as a world power and the leader of Saturday Evening Post. It don't matter much what Con gressman Pollards' cigar bill may have been when he ran last cam paign, nor is it any of our particu lar business who the First district put up for Congress, but one thing is certain, Mr. Pollard has already achieved a national reputation by doing something practical for the farmers of his district, state and nation and the heauty of it is the farmers all know it. We really like to see farmermers in Congress, like Pollard. They do things. They leaven the big bunch of lawyers down at Washington first rate. Fairfield Herald. Wori.ns'T this cork vou? The New York Times lays all present troubles in the republican ranks to the populists who have joined the republican party in recent years. Editor Sedgwick declares "there was no such racket in the repub lican party whenjthe pops were out of it as there is now." He inti mates that the fchicf Jdcsirc of a populist is to eat pie, and complains liecause the pops have returned to the republican fold with a peremp tory demand that the fatted calf is cooked in their honor. The com plaint of Editor Sedgwick is pleas ing to our ears. There must K some truth in the charge which he makes against those populists who went back into the republican John Pafi. Junks will lie buried some more at Annapolis on April 24. The funeral service will beat tended by (iovemor Mickey and several other distinguished mili tary heroes from the different parts of the state. However, in looking over the list, we fail to find the name of a single Cass county citi .en, although the woods are full of men who carried the banner. It will not be sixty days before the moving picture fiend w ill be on the road with "The Destruction of San Francisco." Vou will hear the rumbling of the earthquake, witness the falling of the buildings, see the thousands of people who rush forth in their night clothing to escape the falling walls. While the moving pictures may not be so thrilling, most people will prefer it to the real thing. The Tariff Iniquity. The iniquity of the tariff was hown up splendidly in the lower louse ot congress last week iv Congressman Rainey of Illinois le charged that the American watch manufacturers are in a trust and are selling watches abroad for ess money than they are selling tlietn at Home, l ne neau ot tne Waltham Watch Company wrote Mr. Rainey a letter admitting that lis company is selling watches abroad for less money than they are selling them at home, but de nied that there is a trust merely an understanding, l hat is all a trust is an understanding as to prices, output and the territory in which certain products shall be old. Mr. Rainey then produced the advertisement of a New York dealer who is selling American watches at from one-third to one- lalf less than is asked by the home dealers. He goes into the markets abroad and buys American watches, ships them back to New York and Si'F.akinv. of the the candidacy of Senetor Sheldon, the Fairfiel News-Herald says: I Ion. George L. Sheldon, of Cass county, has announced his candidacy for gov emor of this state. Mr. Sheldon is by occupation a tanner. He is a graduate of the state university, was captain of a company in the Third Nebraska regiment in the war with Spain where he served with credit Has represented the Fourth sena torial district (Cass countv) in the last two sessions of the state legis lature, also with credit and distinc tion. Mr. Sheldon has stood for every genuine reform in Nebras ka since he entered upon public life. Is distinctly and decidedlv in favor of the square deal for every man, and the people ruling their own affairs rather than have them run them for a favored few. Mr Sheldon would make a first-classex ecutive in these strenuous tunes Honest, fearless and able, we don t know of a letter man than the sen ator from Cass. Either Sheldon or some man who stands for th principles he does is bound to be nominated andelected." otner nations. Pennsylvania is to have an ad ministration of the people, and dis coveries of corruption will be dis covered which will drive some of the guilty to suicide. God will wreak terrible ven geance upon the Russians for the massacre of the Jews. In order that you keep the record straight, look up your divorce pro ceedings and see if you are single, double or tribble. It requires no prophetic vision to see that there is some kind of a political upheaval close at hand. The people are pretty thoroughly aroused, and the chances are that they will act sensibly by seeing to it that the machinery of the gov ernment shall hereafter be operated by friends of the people. Looks like corporation rule would shortly come to end. Custer Countv Bea con. Norris Brown's anti-trust play was a pretty shrewd political trick on his mrt. but his failure to ac- then sells them at the prices stated compUsh anything is rcasonal)lv above. Now, mind you, these watches are taken abroad, the ocean freight, insurance and other neces sary expenses are paid, including sure to have a reaction lefore he is able to affix the title of senator to his name. Tlfe time of hot air rep utations is past, and if Mr. Brown tirnfit tr liri1rri tlii'ii tmimlit nm ' " does not want to receive a severe returned to New York, again pay- jolt somewhere in the vicinity of ing transportation expenses and thc p,CXUS( he k,Ucr up sold for less money than the same aml W( it u possible article can be lK,ught from the home that Xorria is all that he pretends ueaier. i t. i... t. j i ii lie, even wiuugu uc nana i inauc What is true of the watch deal . . ,)t ft must (, i - e I ' ai8 irue ncar au ncan from the company he keeps, and it mamuacuueu i.uuuu. i ne ,or- appcar, that hfi hw kecp;ng eigner is more sacred to the tariff mighty bad cotnpanywith al, dlie uenenciaries man uie nome con- . t,.ti n sumer, we near me cry ot , hrev I)etnocrat i( ....t. i.... : r lr - neii euuiiii .tiuiic (.umuig uoiu those who are made victims of this Somk of the renuhlir. nnm rs in legalized robbery. "Stand pat" Nebraska seem to be greatlv worried and sell your products at home at as t0 the future political career of the highest possible combine price hjo,,. George W. Berge. Whv so? and sell the same products abroad hs it Kause they fear him? Mr at tne lowest price. It is jwree has alwavs been recoenize( indeed inspiring that a very strong as one of the ablest men in the state. sentiment of opposition to this sys tem of organized robWry is assort ing itself in the republican party. Two s iceches were made by Re publicans in congress last week warning the "standpatters" that the lesson of IS").' may repeat itself and is Moved for his manv noble traitsof character. Able, conscien tious and purely honest, the demo crats are not going to growl if he is nominated for governor, whil many would prefer to see him at the head of the attorney general's if something is not done to allay omCe during these trust ami craft the tariff revision sentiment. him.-s. If the n( v..1.rl-n want a I I.ulley in that office they can Thf.ri- is not a democratic paper get him in the jcrson of George W ! . . . t . . .1 . . I. .... in me si.ue out mat i.ivors tne tiom- Uerge; or, it thev want a l olke in ination of a candidate for United the chief executive's chair, thev States senator by the state conven- can also get him in thc person o tion. George W. Bervre ANeCctable Prf parationfor As similating thcFixxlandBcgula ung the Stomachs aM Bowels of "1 Fromotcs Dige3tion.Cheerf neasandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norMinciaL ot Narcotic. Ay tfOUfrSAHlTLPtTQaJi . Mx.Smu A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YOTiK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. -3F !' 1 will For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MP f i 4 In Use For Over Thirty Years mm TNS 0MTUH OHMNT. MM TON! ITV. in PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PROPS.s PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. & M. Depot We Solicit the Fanners Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel i i .it if ii a -1 1-1 mux , , ,. .--a f Bottled in Bond. rar. it r T.Ti f i .i 'ili nL-. Ftaillip PLATTSMOUTH, . . Zbc Best mbi&v Is tbc Cheapest In tbc n&! Poor Wins y is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tie good Whisky is a tine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is come in and try it. PRICES: GucketiheimeriRye, per gallon... Ii 00 Yellowstone, ' " ... 4 00 Honey Dew, " " . . . 3 00 Bitf Horn, " " ... 2 00 Thi erolf. - - NEBRASKA DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, All lnro-fi wires. 47 Highest EFFICIENCY. LOWEST COST. w i 26 ino raps ... 1 . .. 'J to noiu $m Moisture 4-H and cause ttf Rust. 32.n 3'3.. U n 11 "Pin.tut'iniii rHurta" I-'knciso. (Sh.-cI1 Style.) Abtolutily STOCK PROOF. Wi can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fincing. CALL AND StC IT. JOHN BAUER.