The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1904, Image 3
sv X q 7Z ifil ' - A. "trS.'.ncAJtt. I UR LINE is almost entirely on our counters, and certainly is a beautiful assortment, both in single and double breasted styles. The double breasted willl be worn more this winter than for some time. OUR HATS are also here, and we are showing many shapes for Fall and Winter. DROP IN and see what we have. MORGAN THE Cheap Rates to St. Louis via Tin: Briu.isuTox. The Hurlinyton will run coacli ex cursions to St. Louis every Tuesday and Thursday during August and .Sep tember. s.r.o round trip, limited to re turn in " days. Leave I'lattsmouth at 4:32 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7:1!) tlie fol lowing morning. W. L. I'm, Agent. The OLIVER Typewriter THE STANDARD VISIBLE WRITER THE OLIVER RECORD HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., MAUZY & MURPHY. AGENTS. f UKMfiuin.'i.-J!i;-twiMnni!iLii n J. P. Faltkk, President J. 5 1 o The Corona Live Stock Mi) Investment Company INCORPORATED 1904 J. P. FALTER, General Manager -DEALERS IX- Live Stock, Real Estate d Commercial Papers No. 369 10 acres four miles from town, C)0 acres under cultivation, the balance in liny land. Small yrove. This land lies level, and is in a good neighborhood. Price, $22.50 per acre. Real Estate ndvancod fully is still booming. Don t think for Homo snaps where we can double interest on your money invested. Corns end See Us he 00 One Important Fact i concvrF K'a HVin,v'ml Winter Cloth ing is the remarkable variety of pat terns which it includes ami the enor mous ranje of styles into which our fab ri cs are made. LEADING Well ! IMITATION KC- I S &ZJ H o I D School Children Save Doctors Bills BOYS' SEAMLESS, KANT RIP. KANGAROO CALF $2 YOUTHS' AS ABOVE $1.85 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' MARINE CALF $1.50 spSls $1.35 to $1.60 nnirrrirmiiTiifiiiir.-wmaitTMirmittn herwood & Son Visit the Old Folks. One fare plus2 for the round trip to a great many points in Ohio, Indi ana, and Kentucky. Tickets on sale September (i, 13, 20, 27 and October 11. Good via St. Louis and stopover at the great exposition. Final limit thirty days. See me for particulars or write to L. V. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. W. L. Pit Kin-r, Agent. n jjinumiiwM..wj'iiiKMrBHTj J. KrxzMAXN, Vice President No. 371- SO nen s, lit s three and one-linlf miles from town, in a good (lerninii (settle ment. Tiiuid lies level, extra yond soil. Cnn lie bought or '.-n yenrs' time nt i?:!.) per acre. 100 per cent in Extern Nebniska the last three venrs nnd it a minuto tlmt lands hnve reached their limit. We still hnvc you your money in loss than live years, ami besides got irnod atch our "ad"' each week ami we'll tell you what we've got Office Up Stairs in Anheuser-Busch Building. FaJl e&.son S s i 8 8 8 CLOTHIER Given Up to Die. I!. Spiegel. 1JU4 X. Virginia St., Kv ansville, lnil., writes: "For overlive years I, was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused ine much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians wlio did me no good and 1 was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom mended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and alter taking the sec ond bottle I was entirely cured." I' (I. Fricke & Co. Stray Calves. strayed from my farm, seven miles southeast of Cedar Creek and ten miles southwest of I'lattsmouth, II heat (4 red and 1 black) of steer calves and 2 heifers, ranging four and five months in age. Any person giving Information that will lead to their recovery will be liberally rewarded. I'. A. Ilonx. Cedar Creek. Xeb, $8.50 to St. Louis and Return The Iiuilington offers the above low rato for tickets good in coaches and chair cars (seats tree). ( )n sale Tues days and Thursdays during August and September. See me for full particulars. W. L. I'ickktt, Agent. Missouri Pacific Rates. Keduced rates to St. Louis every day on account of world's fair. , Coach excursions, very low rates every Tues day and Thursday of August and .Sep-tember-S.r,o for round trip. Fall meetings K. C. transportation bureau. Aug. 20 to 27. Sept. :t to 10, Sept. 17 to 24; fare and one-third for round trip. II. It. Lksskl, Agent. MEYSHJDNEYCflRE Slakes Kidneys and Bladder Right C. (I. Siikkly, Sec. and Treas. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 ODD FKLLOWS MEET SOVEREIGN LODGE ELECTS WRIGHT GRANO SIRE. R. I. Reports Are Freserted. Can Francitcc is Thror(ies With Visitors Rebckahj Busy Ii fie Way of Entertainment. !' Frar.-ijvi.. S ill.- Tl.e r.ct 1: K of ll.e vi'U':tfti luilia. l.:is a-'i.ic! ii to '.!::, v-i:y tl'.iv.-ia!..l uf Oc! 1 t'l'llows, us.,! (hi- la I .ipM'.y b'-h'-B UUKU:rli!ei ly arrivals from west ern arai om.-t j-oints. Tl.e street dec orations ure lavish ui., i,o:cr.:f'.il. Loth cuy and r.lKl.t. u:.d the. Uutlier la Meal. Must of the visiters ure ilvut ln their time to mjcIuI reunion ntul siBhtseelr.K, Tl.c.-e being dully excur sions to many points ot Interest. The Hebekuhs ure doing much In tho way of entertainment. In the Me chanic pavilion many lodge have their heade.imrtera Hiul the big build ing Is constantly thronged. Tho sovereign (fraud lodge resumed Its work, the first hiiflnebs In order being the ciinMiloration of committee reports. The tunln feature oi tl;e day, however, was tho election of otllcers. in which great Interest was niin.ilcst Pd. The following were elected: Grand hire. Robert n. Wright of Al tentown. l'a., promoted from the of fice of deputy grand flro hv miaul niOiis vote; deputy grand sire, K. S. Conway of Chicago, ( hoscn on the second hnllo. by a vole of ins to SO for John T. Nolan of Nashville. Tenn.; grand secretary. J. Prank (Irani of nnltlnioro. re-nloeted without oppo sition; grand treasurer, M. Richard Muckle of Philadelphia, re-elected. Alter the election of oflleera It waa decided by an unanimous voto that. Grand Sire-olect Wright, who In In feeble health, might be Inatalled In office at his home In Allentown. Ta. California members of the order champion an amendment to the con stitution which, at present, provides that no man. either dlrectlv or Indi rectly engaged In the liquor trnllle, shall become a member of the order. They desire to have this provision modified so that those whoso business Is Indirectly connected with the liq uor truffle may join the order. SCIENTISTS ARE IN SESSION. Congress of Art3 and Sciences Me-ts on World's Fair Grounds. Si. I.ouIh, Sept. 20. The congress Of arts, and sciences was opened by Howard J. liogers, director of con- gretses, who Introduced President Francis of the exposition as tho tem porary chairman. President Francis welcomed tho dolega'es on behalf of the exposlMon management and said that all the conventions held at the exposition had confined their delibera tions to special lines of thought or ac. tlvlty, but this congress Is tho most comprehensive In Its plan ami siepo of any evtr held, and is the first of Its kind. In the absence of James Pryce, Sir William Ramsey of London thanked the exposition for the hospitality with which the delegates had been re ceived. Tho honorary vice president from France, M. fiaston Darboux, extended to the congress the greeting of tho Academy of Arts and Sciences of Paris, the oldest Institution of Its kind, but one, in the world. In the name of Gorman profespora. Professor Wllhelm Waldeyer of Ger many praised the congress and prom ised that. Germany would be second to none In espousing Its cause and fur thering Its purpose. Professor Theodore Fscherlch of Austria congratulated the Americans on the boldness of the Idea which they had conceived and carried out ty bringing together such a noted assem bly. Tho Russlnn speaker, Dr. Osker Backlund, was greeted with cheers, and concluded his speech amid an en thusiastic demonstration. Dr. Pack lund fald: "I bring tho greetings of tho best, thinkers of my land, and ex press my personal thanks for the re ception I have received." In praise of American universities, Ignor Attlllo Prunlaltl of Italy ad dressed tho congress. President W. P. Harper of the Uni versity of Chicago outlined tho gen eral plan and purpose of the cor press. He said this congress was or ganized to give the best workers in science and labor an opportunity to present their line of thought. Ho defined Its purposes as a general sur vey of the fields of learning. 8ale of Red Lake Lands. Washington. Sept. 20. The cam- of the general land office announced that, beginning Oct. 3, at Crookston, Minn., a public sale will be conducted or 100,001 acres of sur plus lands r.f the Red Lake Indian reserva'ion. The tracts will be sold to tho highest bidder In quarter sec tion lots, the mir.!rr.;;in price being 4 par acre, with the requirement that the lands mut be r.omtilcr.ded purchase Russian Cruiser Captures Me'chantm Madrid. Sept. 20 Tho Correspond encla of this city published a dispatch from Ui'.t&o to the effect that a Rus sian crui.'or had been teea off Cape St. Par'.a and that the fir;d two shots at axd took possesion ef a merchant vessel supposed to be a British steamer. Authorise Payment for Friar Lands. Washington. Sept. 21. The first payment or 12.000,000 to the Sociedad Ajricola del Ultramar, on account of the purchase of the friars' land Id the was tutfcortied by U war department. STRIXCS PATROL WAGON Fcur roo;emen injured in Coil.sion With Trolley in Chicago. v:s'-ar.o. M'pi. r..-- !.:! U-l 't:g at full H ic, !li dtlattcr to a M'-l k Vi.liis r:"'- '-oi. i a'ro! Nirm tl 1 . - s wri! p-d.c u from the Mi k yard '.i t:on w. is slim I. and ! m.mIi-Iic.I l v h roi'j-.-evi I.TI, .-'reel i !ci till . i-r at Wallace d Fort) -m . nth s'j.-. ts. F'.lir oiU-etl'.t II Wile m Vele'.y n. They are: TI.ou.n-, V. lia-K n-.. :nv ii in I'a-.nii uagoii. ell ami liii i'M I. Il l left slioll'. ler (II-;,., nled. P.i'ri. It Nugent, patrolman, right l.un.l and right shoulder Injured, li.irge T Prim, lieutenant, Jaw ni.ii lit i wilst broken; John Welt.el, patrolman, Head injuied. A bulidtng il Ui view at tho Intersection Driver Has- Kin was urging b!.s team on iu,.l the nuuorman was endcavorirg to in like up lost time. The wagon was struck Miiiari i.v nnd nurted nearly twenty feet to the opposite side of the street No one In the street car wu. Injured CONVENTION OF CARPENTERS. Brotherhood Begins an Important Session at Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Sept. 20.- Five hundred delegates of the Fulled llrotheilmod of Carpenters and Joiners met In bien nial convention here. Several Import ant mat lira are to come bcloie the convention, principal mining them be ing tho question of amalgamation with the American branch of the Kinh brotherhood and the continued nilllln. lion ol tho brotherhood with th American Federation of Labor. Tho convention Is expected to hint two or three weeks. Tho secretary's report allowed the membership to be lfll!,20ri, a gain of 72,000 over two years ago! The convention unanimously voted Jlfi.000 for the benefit of union car pentera now on atriko In New York elty. San Franclaro, IndianapollH and Denver are ( ontentantH for the next convention. Hlfjglns Is Nominated. Saratoga, N. Y, Kept. lti. Tho Ho publlcun state convention adjourned nfter nominating unanimously thu fol lowing ticket for Htat olliceis: For governor, Frank W, lltggln.s of Cat taratiRUi; lieutenant governor, M. Linn ltruco of New York; Hecretnry of Btatc, John F. OTlrien of Clinton; at torney general, JuIIuh M. Mayer of New York; comptroller, Otto Kelaoy of Mvingston; Klrte treasurer, John D Walii nine ler of File; state engi neer and surveyor, Henry A. Van AI- Etyno of Coliimbus; chief Judge of tho cour! of appeals, Fdgar M. Cullen (Deni. Kings); assistant Justice of tho court of appeals, William 10. Wer ner of Met, roe. Forest Fires in Montana. Anaconda, Mont., Sept. o.Tlie for est tins west of this city have pro gressed hi far that, there Is now dnn gc r that the buildings at Mountain View park may bo destroyed. The ad vance i,l the flames is being watched closely by a force of men "inployod by tho railroad company. Fp In the mountains, along Warm Springs can yon, fully a dozen prospectors' cabli)3 have been burned. In some Instances, tho eniilns contained giant powder, which was exploded. Huntsville Officials Impeached. Huntsvllle, Ala.. Sept. L'0. Tho s clal grand Jury which Investigated the Horace Maple lynching, mady Its report, recommending the Impeach mrr.t of Sheriff Augustus Kodgers. Mayor Thomas W. Smith and Chief of Police David D. Overton and recom mending that tho police force of tho city of Huntsvllli' be reorganize! CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Clikugn, St-j.t . 'JO.-Active cuvirliitf hy ua the n-nult gf u .Id nnto iu tli nurthwi'M niusiil u net alvnuc nf I He la lln pilre of lifith wliiut iiuil turn hi-ru toduy. OiitH were up V,c rrovlMms kll'iwiil ii ;;ilii of irj'.-!i.ij'ji. I.'limliig prlifn: Wlmiil -S. ,t., Ji n?, live. l O-.iVn, Muy, Com-Sipt., ,V.'"v; I 5 1 ;; May, WSJ. OutN -Si'it., ;il'v: Dec, o'."H,i'. May, I'cirk in t., fll.:i'." J: Jan., l.'l i;va. I.nril Oct., JJ.I.'i; Jim., j7..1.1 C'lilciigii t'fi-h li l-en Nu. J n.ilng wlii-iit, )1 KC'il.Lll, Nu. :i npi-lng wilful. Jl KK.l l,"i; Nu. bhiil wlirm, fl.Oh'g l..'ia, N. a hiiril wheat, J 1 0.'f't I . I: Nu. 2 msh turn, ."L'',c; .Nu. 2 ciisli onti, :il'(i!U''A'- Chicago Live Stock. ( Ull'111,'0, Kept. IV.- Cuttle--lleevlptl, 11, 0OO; lmv K nti-tdy; (.til tu prlinu stfrri, $.'.'Xli.l.": poor tu nivilliiin, Ci OofiiC. '..; toi-kern mid t r?ii n, S.'.iVn.l. W; cowt, fl.S4Cii-l.Sil; helfiTH. fJinC'i-l ; ..uninTK, tl.tiO'ii'.'.'.'.'i; bulla, fl'll.l.!; culvi-t, Ji.UO 'hrt.M; Ti-ian ffil iitem, HCKi'tiOlio, n-t-orn Mwri, J.I.UOiM m. lions-ntvilpu, l.'.OfiO; utriiiii;; mli'il mul bntrkrn. 5 U.vj ..'Ul; rodiI to choli-i. ht-ary, .8.'4rcl.;,.1; rough heavy, f.V40riuT3; Unlit, t' vll.'10; b'llk nf mlm. f.Y7.Vdi).t. hoep-flpoelptu, 2"i,Oi, flow, liimlis itrmly: gnml ts choir wet lien, f.'l Xdiiil; to i h.,li- isIimJ, J I.JO'il.l i3: r.atlv InmLs, OtccjnuO, not U Oo'iH.-Vi. South Omaha Live Stock. HMiith tinmhri, Si-jif . JO -Ci.ttle - K ' ! l m, (I.OIIO, tillily; IIHtlMI itxiT'!, J-t HKnli III); cmn n ml lii'lfi-rn. J.Vc! 7."; wrMvrD ltclr $.'l I mi 4 Vi; Tins sievr. J'J.TVcj.VliO; rsnge cunii nnd holfi-rt. $.' f.y.'i ,'CO; run lirr, f l.'VciJ 1.1. to' kern r j ferdir. IJ.Jo'i(.'l!o. riilvi-, $:i.0i,n1 .Vi; L'il!, ugn, io. ti ",1'ij.i ..'.v Huff nwHitH., r. ' l'o blglur; hi-svy. J.) iVI'n.1 73 ; mliH, II T.ViM M. Mclil, f.1 KV.ia Ol",,; ig, t.T.V,!( 6 .V); bulk nt iiiIph, f .YT.Vii'i.Vi bUm'-p-fle. Ci'lrt". lo.loo; bi-t stfsdv. efhir Kic low r; woiti'rn ymrllrft, f.t ViM 0: wntbfr. f-l .TO'ii.'! 7.1: , f.l.isvuri.j,,. cviinmnri sad ifrjckcr. j:..Vi3.TJ. 14 Vku.YIS. Kansas City Live Stock. Knnn City, Spl. Svi-Cattle llri'tlpts. 2.U0: itixly to niki choir riport tat drfJ biir iUmi, fJ.TViftl Wi ttocktr luil fi-rclvr. irS'iIHO'e oiilhiTo itMn, t'i COii.l HOi outliirn row. ILSOua.; n- tir cit, fiyruars; attiv cow, tinocii 4 7n; bull tlT.Vi.'Oi calvr. f J 6O1JO.&O, Hi-I -li-:i. t.(X; iy,ti3 hlskri t, I Oi; tiulk of tale. SO s-Mra aji Irstr, MV'i23.i; piflni Wi,Xl 't ant lllkt. I "() 00 lkts-ltc!pt. 13.UO: df. Unh W Iowm; limb. 14 I'JC 80; tlkr. 3tb4 00, , fJ.OO-JJAV AUTUMN: The Great Excursion Period. To St. Louis: Yon will regret itfor years If ynii fail to see St. LoiiU i:M--sitlnii. Special low coiicli excimlou rates in;uli daily each week from Sun il;iy to T'liiusiliiy, Im-liislve; seven days limit: slightly higher rates for tickets ooi In sleeping ens wilh loiiK'er limits. civ low one v.;iv rates to the far west ami Tacit;,- coast, for instance, t-,' to California ami I'uet Sonncl; f-'J .."hi pi Spokane territory; loSalt Lake, Helena anil P.utte territory. This low rale west humid, when added to your return trip east bound, makes ii very low round trip rale. lli'ine Seekers' Mxeiirslnns the and third Tuesdays of each month to the iiortliwe.stand southwest. To Chicago and Hack: I "ally low rules either director via Nt. i,oms In either dlrectl with stopovers at St. Louis, Kansas City or Omaha. Home Visitors' IaciiisIoiis: Visit I he old home hack east. Nentemlicr -Hand 117 and October ll, half rates plus:: to Indiana and many points in. I Hilo and Kentucky. Ni.mtvsKA ) at tii u St. Lciris K I'l iSITIiiN. Tuesday, Oct. All good Nchras- kans slioiild he then- and help exploit ie prosperity of our great common. wealth. W. K. Pi, ki,-. i '' Vaki:i.i:, Ticket, A'ent. ticneral Passenger Agenl, imalia, Neli. Westward tho oihiif glory takes Its wav. Wisconsin Is the slate, you hear every- ooiiv sav. It's made itself famous hyonegreat, stride: l.'ocky Mountain Tea has made its name world wide. lierliig- Co. EI). FITZGERALD, I'llOI'IilKTOU OF Livery, Hack and f Baggage Line. MOVING VAN. vemovii)',' of 1 IonsolioliI (Joods a Kpociiiltv. AIho, llcnvy braying. World's Fair Rates to St. Louis Via Hurllng-tnii Ilouie. Tickets to SI. Louis and return (Jooil lifieen days, .tl.' (Joocl sixty days, i:i.:i.".. lood all suinmer, $K-lo. I'or full Informal ion a hunt train ser vice and other details see the ticket agent. I III' St . Louis KxllClsil ion I lie iri-i.if- v . . est show I he world has ever seen -la now complete and hi harmoiilousoper allon and It will he a lifetime's regret, If you fail to see if. Coacl) Excursions To the world's fair at St. Louis. Kvery Tuesday and Thursday durinjf August and Septemlier. Seven (lays' limit, iKf,o f(,r tlie round trip, via the Missouri Paeilic Hallway. For Sale! A ruhher-tlred Ko-eart and lady's hicycle, hoth In splendid repair. In- liiire at tlie .lournal olllce. ALMOST FREE THE TWICE-A- WEEK REPUBLIC AND THE MODERN FARMER Kilt 20 CENTS. Tu ulve i-vi-rv n-iiiler In i..ppii..r .0 I hi- i-niiiiuilun mul eli-i-Hun i,rw, nml in i ii r i ii iniirniii. hi- wl w-liil iiHn receipt if twenty cents THE TWICE-A-WEEX REPUBLIC Inrhiilintf tin- rrrii VNItor from now nnlU I 'O t I1IIMT i. r.n, THE MODERN FARMER, rarmer'S Family Newsoanrr. friiin lice. 1, l:i. to ),.e. . no.,. This Nun iiiiiri-cili'iitiil olTir mmi runnot iilTnnl to llllss. Senil Jl i-i-iit, llt ,,",.,. HIM v i ! V.. ... i... i. .. liiilirn. of tln I ii rm mul Heme. He niiri' lo nililress nil mull tu THE REPUBLIC. ST. LOUIS. MO. SAMI'I.K Cdl'IKS I HKi;. Win n' Imtli impcrs are net ilelri'dMiliserlp tli.nsfi.r i ltlier ki'imriili'lv Ut Hie term hIkivm rfi'v'.,. I'-'iicci-iiti il utxm rei-el)t ef 'l'KN a. c. onh. a. m . i.: Pie r. A. J. I.o-.vuv. P:ine. Kml-rieit by Plr.t N.c.'l ii.iuk ana tiusiiicss men. $10,000 In ltoll Top l).k. HanH Flxtnr. n.4 Ivpi-wrlli'm. Mmlnuru, work lr In-ciM. S"iiil fi.r tn-B rMiileifuo, iMiinil la ttin lor Inost ever puhiinlii-,1 l,y m ius!nes i t,li,vaL ItoaU It, ud you will ullond lbs N. U. C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Dears th Signature of A.