Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Marshall, Iviitist, guaranteed work. Tin best soila wati-i In tin1 vti Kl at Cerlng Co.'s. Smoke tin Winl Pros.' celebrated "Cut Heir clears. Dr. Frank I.. Cummins, dentist. Office witli Ir. K. I. Cummins. That real, sm ml h, tasteful icecream soda fusts only .V, at Goring X Co.'s. Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice cream sodi, only V at Goring Co. 's. Not. how cheap hut how good. Pat t oon's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only by Gering X Co Tin nami' that mcansiiualitv Is Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint. Sold only hy Gl'lillg X Co. Miss Margaret Peters of ISellevue was the guest of Miss lleruice Newell, the past week. I,. R. Tyson came in from Cheyenne, Wyo , Sunday to visit his In-other, County Clerk Tyson. (Joes further, looks liet ti r anil lasts longer. Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Gerlng X Co. agents. If you are a judge of a rood smoke, try the "Acorns" ." cent cigar anil you will smoke no ot her. I. N, Sweatland and 1!. J. Tate, ot Plalnvlow, Neh., were Plattsmouth tuisiiiess visitors Monday. Mrs. .1. K Douglas and children are spending a month with relatives In Maryvllle, Mo., and vicinity. Mrs. Carl Pricke Is reported to he steadily Inipiovlng, which her many friends will he pleased to learn. Attorney Alschulcr was down from Omaha last Thursday on business con nected with the Guiding estate. The llonesteel visitors are returning dally all hoping that at the cud they will be numbered among the lucky few. Mrs. Joe Klein ami son departed Tuesday morning for Lincoln, where the family will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs Lester Walker, of North Platte, Neh., are here this week vlsltliik' former friends and relatives. Prof. K. L. House went to Lincoln Saturday where lie delivered an ad d ress U'f ore the summer school of the State Cniversity. The man who w ill acknow ledge that the weather has not been hot cnougl for 1 1 1 m during the past week, need have no fear of the hereafter. Chas. P. Davis and Miss Freda liressman, of Omaha, were Joined to gother in the holy bonds of wodloc last Monda) by J mine Travis. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block John M. Leyda and County Clerk Tyson went to llonesteel, S. D., Fri day night to cast their lot with the balance of the 200 who went up from here. M. Fanner's g rand opening last Sat urday was a success, llewett's band of six pieces furnished the music anil drew large crowds. The band do parted for their home in Oskaloosa, Iowa, Monday. While employed In the car repairing department of the P. X M. shops Tuesday morning a heavy crow-bar slipped and struck J. K. Jones a heavy blow on the head, lie received a very painful wound and one that will ne cessitate a lay-oil for several days. No man or woman in the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, Im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Chas. Miner, who has spent several weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jennie R. Wells, In this city, returned to her home In Kansas City Tuesday. She was accompanied by her mother who will spend a month with Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Merrltt Kerr, In Kansas City Martin Kyrll, a lad eighteen years of age, was drowned In the Missouri rlv cr at Omaha Saturday afternoon, and on Tuesday the body was recovered some two hundred yards from the point where the unfortunate lad went down. He was an employe of the Omaha Printing company. J. T. Evans and family who have re sided In South Rend until recently, spent part of last week in this city, and left Sunday for Lincoln where they expect to reside In the future This move was made so that Mr. Kvans might more conveniently sup erlntendent his Interests In the var ious towns In which he has elevators Miss Maude Wells accompanied them to their new home where she will vis- It Indefinitely. C. S. Johnson, yardmaster and con ductor on the stuu to oreopoiis, was called to Omaha Saturday morning to take charge of a special train to Ne braska City. The train carried a large number of people who went to pay their respects to Paul Morton, Roose velt's new secretary of the navy. Ar bor Lodge, the palatial home of the Mortons, was the scene of much pleasure Saturday evening to honor of the new secretary. W. A. Cieghorii. ' Louis tile. "is a count seat ts;l"' M"t I - Asa SnyilVi and VYi.l Muidn-k of Ne braska City spel.t Sunda hole. P. M. Voiiiu; aid ire of Munav wi re count y s-at usilms I inia. Mrs. 'ieo'e KK-:nik- , who h is h-eti (siting ill the Pi'.aek III. Is K M. Ilie'l at mdav i vi lilri.'. Mis M I i Put' ai.-i Mis M soli, ol l.oiiisiii e, : att count coin I l'l Ua Misses ( ill and Stantielil h iv t in hi ii from Peru. Nek, IVIrl l -llJil.g Jlllll-. w here the isitcl tllei.ils . Lee May Held was down fioni Louis-1 Hie Saturday, and. of coins.-, found j , . .i i ...... i . .,ii.... lis way arouii'i io ni'- .iomo.uo.i i . Miss Viva Itarton, who has been siting with friends at Gieoii0"il I ir several weeks, let uriuM I u-silay morning Judge Levi, of Ninth Omaha, who as a resident f Piatlsinouth twenty ears ago, was Hero on ousuu ss msl at nr. lav. W. L. lirowne, of Lincoln, was here Monday, eiiroule liome from Kentucky where he had been looking after .some legal matters. W. S. Super, the artist, departed it unlay for Spirit Lake, Iowa, where ;' expects to enjoy an outing of two weeks duration. Mrs. Washington Smith, who has been visiting her daughter, Mis. .1. C. Scott, at Central City, Neb., returned a few days since. W. J. Strelglit is in (Juieinnat i, Ohio, this week attending the nation al convent Ion of Klks. He Is accom panied by Mrs. Strelglit. Quite a number of llavelock people passed through tbisciiy over the 15. & M. Friday morning, for their annual outing at Lake Independence, Minn. For a la.y liver t ry Chamberlain's Stomach and LIverTablets. They In vigorate the liver, aid the digestion, regulate the bowlesund prevent bilious attacks. For sale by all druggists. Constipation, headache, backache feel appetite, all run down llolllster's Kocky Mountain Tea will make and keep you well. Money back, ir It falls. :i,-) cents. Tea or tablet form, tiering &Co. Mrs. E. L. House and children re turned from their visit to Kcwancc.ll linols, last Thursday evening, accom panied by Mrs. House's niece, Miss Katie (iambic, who will spend the re mainder of the school vacation here. Oscar Zaar, Hill Tarpening and Chas. Klelser, all of near South Iiend, were In the city Tuesday on business and were callers at the Journal head quarters-the latter gentleman re newlng his subscript ion to the Journal while here. "I )lck" ltarr is now In charge of the destinies of the Nehawka register. In the past two years the Register has had quite a number of editors, but we hope Hick w ill stick. He lias bad con siderable experience, and we hope he will prove master of the situation. The superintendent of construction of the Nebraska Telephone company was In Plattsinouth Saturday for the purpose of arranging for the removal of the company's poles from Main street, In conformity with an ordi nance to that effect passed recently by the council. Our old friend John I. Ferguson was down from Louisville Friday and Saturday, called here on a trial, and enjoyed a tine visit with bis old friend and former neighbor, Conrad Sehlater and family. He also paid his respects to the Journal, and we enjoyed his visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson, who have been visiting the latter's parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rates and 11. A. Hates, departed for St Louis via the M. P. route Monday They will spend some time there and then go to Clinton, III, to visit T. 15, Rates and other relatives, Frank J. Morgan, who had been suf fering for several weeks with appendi citis went to Omaha Saturday morn Ing accompanied by Mrs. Morgan, and Drs. E. W. Cook and J. S. Livingston where ho was operated upon. From last accounts he was doing nicely with every prospect for Immediate recovery Miss Remlec Newell entertained quite a number of her friends Friday evening In honor of Misses Selma and Lulu Reasoner of Itevid City and Miss Margaret Peters of Rellevue. The In vited guests early in the evening en joyed a drive In a carryall, and late repaired to the Newell home where the evening passed very enjoyably. All present voted Miss Rernlce a most royal entertainer. Mayor Gerlng and his two sisters. Misses Rarbara and Mia, returned Tuesday morning from Rone.steel Henry liore the appearance of having been mixed up In a wreck, occasioned by trying his speed In a foot race while waiting for a train. At Rone.steel jayhawker from Wichita, Kansas, ban teredhlmfora race, and Henry te llevlng he could "do him," accepted At the outcome, In some maimer, he fell on the cinder walk, skinning one side of his face and one of bis hands, it was thought for a while he was pretty badly hurt. It is said he came dow n like a thousand brick 'tint llel!," the favnlite cigar lusiii. t e iriU Roherts n was taken ii: in ,la i . but is now all, e to be at Ills p"st. Rob't SI:eiwooi and Ivi Thomas went to pier S I., Mo'.ulav on a blMliess 1 1 ip , l,a;ni;-h letuined tp-in Chi- Clk" ,.l-t i- 1 1 'i where he l;a 1 been on lcal Ii 'sii.i s Jack Hal! I-as U :!; t ; x tr -m si e: e alt ail- rheumatism for In scarcely able to v nasi month ;inu is scarcely able to get aioutHi Jaioi s Alglf an I faicii). alter sevei al weeks isit with relatives in this cit. left Friday fi r their home in Washington. Kan. Mrs. 1!. l Morgan and son, Charles, of Little Rock, Ark., came in Monda evening for a visit with the Platts mouth Morgans. Mrs. Joseph (Jray, who was operated on for tumor al one of the hospitals in ( hnaha, the Journal is pleased to karu Is rapidly recovering. Mrs. Louise Cooper returned home Tuesday evening from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Portland, Oregon, and Cripple Creek, Colo. Now Is the time t,o make your ar rangements for a furnace. Remember that John Rawer guarantees the old reliable Twentieth Century Furnace us the liest. Small waists are no lunger in style. Its the round plump waists that come hy taking Ilullister's Rocky Mountain Tea; that's all the go. ;t." cents. Tea or tablet form, tiering A: Co. Major John C. Hartlgan and family of Fairbury, Neb., stient several days here the past week visiting among old friends Major Hartlgan Is an attor ney, and a former Plattsinouth hoy. Nearly everyone that could getaway from Plattsmoulh has paid a visit to llonesteel during the past two weeks. About seventy-live tickets were sold at the liiirlinglon station Sunday night and many since. The Woodmen of the World have irranged with the Moore Monument of (ilenwood, Iowa, for the erec tion of a -floo monument over the grave of A. II. Weckhach, as per the custom of this order After a very pleasant, but brief visit in this city with the Cummins family, Mrs. F.inilv Drew returned to her home in Omaha, accompanied by Mrs. C. Cummins, Alio will be Mrs. Drew's guest for a few days. The many friends of Miss Nellie Hopping, who has been quite sick at the Clarkson Hospital, Omaha, will he pleased to learn that she is much bet ter and will be brought home just as soon as she is able to be removed. coupie oi tramps on suspicion 01 nav Mrs W. S. Coates and daughter, , (.(,mmlrt(1(1 thft hririarlns at Union who stopped olT here, en route to their home In Red Rlutl.s, Cal., to visit the family of W. W. Coates, left for their home Tuesday afternoon. They had been visiting the St. Louis exposition Vantki In this vicinity at once reliable man to act as our representa tive. We can furnish bank references. pleasant, well-paying situation and sure money. Address at once, Kidg way Remedy Co., 20 Rlock, Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Rose Patterson was taken very 111 last Saturday evening, and it was thought for some time that she was suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis. She was able to take the train for her home in Arapahoe, Neb., Tuesday morning, accompanied by her children. The riprapplng work on the east side of the river still progresses. It seems the river on that side has been gradually cutting the bank and it Is feared that danuure niiuht re sult to the railroad bridge and other nroDertv of the comnanv. Unite a number of hands have been engaged the past week or ten days In cutting willows for this purpose. The remains of James Dougherty, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. II. Walker, at llavelock, last Sunday, were brought here Tuesday afternoon for Interment. He was years of age and was a brother of William Iougherty of this city. His death was due to a complication of disease, aud he was sent to Hot Springs, In the hopes that he would be benefited. A man in the employ of Rridge Fore mm Holmberg, while enroute for the Platte river bridge yesterday morning came very near meeting death. He was on a railroad velocipede, and while rounding the curve at Swallow Hill, he was unable to see the near approach of a train until the same was right on him. Re barely saved himself by jumping, but the velocipede was a complete wreck. It wat-. certain ly a close call. Tin- pill Unit will, will Hit Hit! Mil. It In ml urlH'. To dens,' the llvrr, without a Ulllvrr, Tnki- mil' ul nlk'lil. I h.w itt s Little hariy are small, easy to take, easy and gentle In effect, yet they arc so certain In results that no one who uses them Is disappointed. For quick relief frotubllllousness, sick headache, torpid liver, jaundice, dlzzl ness and all troubles arising from an Inactive, sluggish liver, Early Risers are unequalled. Sold by F. G. Frlcke 3c Co. G. BOVEY 1 SPECIAL SALE ON Umbrellas We are slmiiii.' a si'k silk parasol, fancy col on d holder, a regular J.'J) value now at onl v S 1.48 Shirt Waists! Special Reduction on these goods. All are of new stock and styles. SEE THEM! DIG BARGAINS IN SUMMEjR GOODS 5 In Every ? Department Don't Forget We Sell DEFENDER. MUSLIN Urderwea.r Kind You Read About. Dr. Marshall. Dentist, Coats' Rlock. R. R. Windham went to (Jartield county yesterday on a business trip. Mrs. I. Pearlman was called to St. Joseph yesterday on account of the serious illness of her mother. George Horn, of Cedar Creek, the popular grain dealer of that place, was a Plattsinouth visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. G. Richey departed yester day, accompanied by her son, Living ston, for a recreating tour in Colorado, where they expect to spend several weeks. Fanners, go to Dawson county, Neb. Cheap lands. Make more money. Free alfa'fa pamphlet. Write J. M. MeColl, Lexington, Neb., or the Put nan Co., Omnlin. Nfh. ,.,.. "l"u"u" "1C i,L", " tt ...... v n, ... ... awinilnt which appears elsewhere In this paper. Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Rrein and family departed last evening for New York City, where they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Robert Noonan, of Lincoln, went with them Mr. and Mrs. O'Rrein have two sons, Paul and Todd, with whom they will make their home. Mrs. Frank Morgan w-cut to Omaha yesterday where she will remain a short time with her husband, who is in the Wise Memorial hospital conval escing from bis recent operation for appendicitis. Late reports from Mr. Morgan are all that could be expected for his speedy recovery. Among those from Plattsmouth and vicinity who registered in Ronesteel Monday were A. W. Atwood, A. J. Reeson, R. W. Clement, II. M. Soen- nlchsen, Dr. Gllmore, Lester and Charles Stone. V. Sauter, Tom and W. ?,riK)pL II. Miller, Lawrence Stull, Hans Goos, II. Spies and L. B. Egen- Dcre Dr. Green has returned to Platts mouth where he will remain for the present. The doctor Just returned from a trip "way down east" where he spent several days In New York City, his old home, and numerous other Atlantic coast cities. Other places have attractions for the doctor, but none of them are so great as the one or numerous ones In old Plattsmouth town. Iowa Parties Arrested. Last week Sheriff McBrlde received word from W. V. Vest, sheriff of Tama county, Iowa, asking him to locate James F. Ferrler and w ife and George E. Carter, w ho w ere known to have rel atives residing In Louisville, In this county. They were wanted for burg lary, aud soon after receiving the word Sheriff McRrlde had the parties locat ed at Louisville, and so Informed the Iowa sheriff. Rut before the arrival ot that official the parties had gone to Lincoln, the Cass county sheriff keep ing his caule eye on their movements. When the Tama county sheriff arrived here Mr. McRrlde acco in pan led hint to Lincoln yesterday morning where the three parties were arrested and taken hack to Tama county last night. M. P. Eicurslon Hates. On July H and 2.) the M. P. railroad will sell coach excursion tickets to Kansas City at H.50 for the round trip limited to seven days. $9 SHOE We are making a Display of UEEN UALITY Shoes. See the Illuminated Factory In the East Window A new stock of these Famous Shoes has Just been received. 3232 Henry R. Gerlng. The democratic congressional conven tion has been called to meet in Lincoln on Wednesday, August 10th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Cass county, according to this call is entitled to 1" delegates. It will be remembered that the Louisville convent ion unanimously instructed for II R.Gering of thiscity for congress, and gave him the power to select hisown delegation. This was quite a compliment to our young and 1 energetic Mayor. And a still greater compliment would it be, not only to Mr. Gering, but to the democratic par ty of Cass county, for him to receive that nomination. The Journal is not advised as to whether any other names will lie pre sented for the nomination from any othercounties outside of Lancasterand Cass or not; but we do know that If this honor should fall upon the shoul ders of Mr. Gerlng, that he has the vim and vinegar to get out and organ ize the First district democracy as it has never been organized si nee the days when it was so ably represented by Hon. W. J. Rryan. The Journal Is of the opinion that the nomination should skip Lincoln and go to some other county, and we believe that this time Cass is entitled to it. Mr. Gering is a natural born organ izerhe knows exactly how to do the work and he will do it most success fully if nominated. His friends In Plattsmouth and Cass county will go to Lincoln on the loth day of August, and extend to that con vention many good reasons why Mr. Gerlng should be the democratic standard-bearer in the First district, and they will prove sufficient. Gone and Done It. The report that Rilly Butler was married m Chicago reached here Mon day, but many were at first not in clined to believe it. In the list of marriage licenses published In the Chicago Chronicle last Saturday, we note that a license was granted to "William R. Butler and Mollle C, Ward," so we suppose from that .that Billy has "gone, did and done it. The Journal extends congratulations along with the balance of Billy's many Plattsmouth friends, with a hope that he will find smooth sailing over the matrimonial sea. N. R. Since the above was put in type, Mr. Butler' has arrived home. He came in yesterday morning and Mrs. Butler will follow in a few days. One Night's Peaceful Rent. P. E. Ruffner came over from Iowa yesterday and went back on the eve ning train. Ed Is engaged with Geo. Pol sail's railroad gang who have been engaged in grading between the Junct ion and Glenwood. Mr. Polsall has completed his contract there and is moving his camp to near Red Oak, where he has another contract. Ed says George has declared himself for Parker and Davis, and that the only night In the week that he sleeps the sweet sleep of rest Is that on which he receives the Plattsmouth Journal and places In under his pillow. Painting, decorating and sign writ ing. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Frlcke'sdrug store. L. Baldwin. r 7'- LT 8 SPECIAL 14 Commissioners' Proceedings. Pi attsmouth, Nkh., July 11), '0-1. Roard met pursuant to adjournment present: Turner Zink, W. 15. Panning, D. Hawksworth, county commission ers, J. L. Ratton, deputy clerk. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, when the follow ing business was transacted in regular form: The petition for saloon license at Murdock came up for hearing, and there being remonstrance tiled against said petition, the date for hearing was set for Tuesday Aug. 2, 1U04. The following appropriations were audited and allowed on the general fund of Cass county: W. W. H-iulilli-iiii pt pay on tux list. . . -?400 CO Itiinniiii; Hros. nuid tools 1 fO .hones Nliluy. rcpiilriiu? brlilKc ii) (JO .1. A. Nicholson, lumber 2t7 s) K. Wurl. tmlse to piMir 10 00 W. I). V hi'i-lt-r. Imllllt cert 4 on .1. K. Keithlt-y. prlnlliiK 4 00 W. II. U.-oiniiiK. i-tisli for bridge repair.. 20 50 Turner Zlnk. sal iiiul t-x IS W. It. ItunnliiK. same 2" so I). Hiiwksworih, siiinu is uo I'latlstnouth Journal, printing 41 00 i'huts Water i-o water 37 3i .1. M. .leroushek. mdse to poor 5 IX) (i. W. Saxon. uaratilliiinn i u I'lidcrwood Typewriter i-o.. typewriter. 71 25 Klopp-Hartlell eo., milse to county 40 ml K. sturzeneKver. same... 3 2i V. II. .tones, doetorinx horse (orco 2 .SO II. C. .Ylaniuiirdt. mdse to county ti uO .1. M. I.eyda. work on scavenger list 152 10 Dr. Hall, fees 111 insane ease (lllai'k).... H 00 C. A. Kawls. same. 3 00 James Hobertson, same 7 (10 J. 1). Mcllrldo. same 22 i'5 Dr. Cook, same 2 00 Jacob Iviift. same ..i 2 00 X. lilsliwelller. Justice fees 4 20 W. E. Morris, constable fees 12 25 S. .M. Chapman, att'y fees 25 ml James Koliertson. fees st. vs. I.alxirl ti 73 Co. Treas. of Lancaster Co., bridge oil county line 123 00 Roard adjourned to meet August 2, 11104. L. A. Tyson', County Clerk. Not a New Cigar. Not a new new location, but under a new management. J. W. Bookmeyer late successor to Otto C. Bookmeyer Is still manufacturing the tried and found popular cigar, the "Havana Tag," none better and very few equals. Wes Is now the sole owner of the factory, and will exert every effort to maintain the past record of the "Tag" the best 5c cigar on the market. None but skilled workmen are employed in manfacturlng this cigar, and it being; a favorite among all who know the brand, we can see nothing but success for Mr. Bookmeyer In his new venture. A New Cold Storage. W. M. Barclay, the local agent for the Willow Springs Brewing Co., of Omaha, is erecting a new cold storage In Plattsmouth, with a capacity of more than one car load of beer. Mr. Barclay is certaluly making this popu lar brew a favorite In Casscounty, and In future it will only be bought In car load lots. Paint Bargains Special. Linseed oil, raw, 4oc per gallon. Linseed oil, boiled, 4,)C per gallon. Carter's white lcad.fd.yj per 100 lbs. Southern white lead, Jim.') per 100 lbs. Patton's Sun Proof paint. $1.7o per gallon; 5 gallons or more, fl.tlt) per gal. Turpentine, 7.c per gallon. Geuino & Co., Druggists. How's This? We olTerl im Hundred Dollars kewnnl for iinv case of catarrh thai cannot Im cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. K..I. CIIKMKYACO.. Toledo. O. We. the iindersluned. have known K. .1. Cheney for the last 15 years, mid bellcvi. Iilm perfectly honorable In all business Iranwic lions and Huunclitlly utile to curry out any oli IlK.itlous made by his ttrm. Wamunu, Kinnak ft Mahvik, ,, ,,. W uolesitle UruKKlsts. Toledo, O. Us. I iCitirrh cure la take Internally, act Inn dlrretly on the blood snd mucous turf sees or the system. Testimonial sent frtn. Price iS cents tier bottle. Sold by til Uruiwlsts. Xke UaU'i Family Pill for constipation. ,'1Wt