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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
i A A TBTMraaffflHSla x 77re F. J. M ORG AN, X THE LEADING CLOTHIER. ICE The Old Reliable Dealers H. C. Mlaken and Son HANDLE THE BEST ICE ON EARTH And are Ready to Deliver it in Any Quantity. Orders Promptly Filled TELEPHONES I'lattsmouth Nns. 72, T. and 219 Nebraska No. 12 Kunsmann & Ramge Still load all other Meat Markets In furnishing the people of Platts moutli and vicinity with First Class Meats Of Every Description. Fresh and Smoked Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They have removed to the first room west of their old stand. By courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. Independent Cigar FACTORY! Qatte& 5c CIGAR, rhiillfiiiti'!CoiiiiiirlHon In (juullty mid Wurkiiiiuislili). JULIUS l'EH'EKUKRG, Manufacturer. FOLEYSHONEYTAR for chUdnn, tat; r. Afo oplaf Y. 72 fie Good Old Summer Time... W 1C IIAV1C make you a price on these "fel lows" that will be worthy of consideration. Thev are really Coolest on the market ami the nobbiest thin out. We also have that round turn up Mexican Hat made of Central American Grass that we are selling for 20c. They've knocked the hickory hat out entirely for field work. Help Yourself. If there is a chance to boom business boom It, says nn exchange. Don't be a knocker, (V.m't pull a long face and get sour on your stomach. Hope a bit. Get a smile on you. Hold up your head. Get a hold with your hands, then pull. Bury your hatchet. Drop your tomahawk. Hide your little hammer. When a stranger drops in tell him this is the greatest town on earth. Don't roast. Be jolly. Get popular. It's dead easy. Help your self along. Push your friends along with you. Soon you'll have a whole possession. Be a good fellow. No man ever helped himself by knocking people down. No man ever got rich trying to make people think he was the only man on earth. You can't climb the ladder of fame by stepping on other people'scorns. They're their corns; not yours and they're tender. Keep oil the corns. All men are not alike. Once in a while you will find one who is very much alike. But some are different. You're not the only shirt waist in the wash. If you don't like their styles let them alone. Don't knock. You'll get used to it. There's no end of fun in minding your own business, and it makes the people like you better. Better have others stuck on yourself. Nobody gets stuck on a knocker. Don't be one. Be good. Cured of Bright' Disease. Mr. BobertO. Burke, Elnora, N. Y., writes: "Before I started tit use Fo ley's Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and 1 was all bloated up w ith dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired I could scarce ly see one of my family across the room. 1 had given up hope of living, when a friend recommended Foley's Kidney Cure. One ;"0 cent bottle worked won ders and before 1 had taken the third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well ;us all other symptoms of Briglit's de- scase." Sold by F. (. 1'ricke & Co. $2.15 to Lincoln and Return. On account of the Epworth League Assembly the Burlington will sell uckcis io Lincoln ann return ai ;..i.t, on August 2 to 11, inclusive. An educational, interesting and amusing program is offered, to which the following will contribute: Br. Frank Bristol, Gov. Lal'olette of Wisconsin, Br. John Merritte Dri ver, Dr. Byron W. King, Dr. N B. C. King, Boss Crane. Gail Laughlln, Wll ler F. Crafts, Samuel Dickie. C. S. Palmer, Lotus Glee Club, Mrs. Minnie Marshal Smith, Dr. Toyokichl lyenaga of the University of Chicago, l'rof. L. D. Klchhoi n, and the Original Slaylon Jubilee Singers. Write for pamphlet "Souvenir Tal ent", which will tell you all about it. L. W. Wakki-kv, Gen'l l'ass. Agent, On. aha. Nel). Weak Hearts Are caused by Indigestion. If you eat a little toomuch.or if you are sub ject toat tacksof indigent ion, the stom ach expands swells, and puiTs up ngninst tno l.enil. This crowds the heait and sii'irtensthebrealli. Bapid heart beats and heart disease Is the ti dal results. Ivi'l .1 Dyspepsia Cure dl gesds what you eat. takesthe strain oil the heart, cures IndUcst I. ,u, d spepsla, sour stomach, and contributes nourish ment, strength and health lo every organ of thclHdv. Sold bv F.G. Frickc 1 K Co. 9, a few of those 2- )'kw suits left ami we'll Thing 8 8 Dainty appetizing. :I 'A lb; packages, I- All high-class grocers. Two Personally Conducted Excursions to Boston, via Burlington Route. Special excursion to Boston leaves Lincoln August 11 at ti p. m. in charge of Chaplain B. U. Randall. A second excursion leaves Lincoln August bi at f! p. m. in charge of J. B. Ferguson. Through tourist cars from Omaha. Short stops at the show places of the east. A chance to return via St. Louis and see the World's Fair the greatest creation by t he hand of man. If you are figuring on the trip talk with our agent about these excursions a very low rate for the round trip; with all conditions most favorable or write me. L. W., G. I'. A., Burlington Koute, Omaha, Neb A Valuable Discovery. One of the greatest discoveries of the age is that of the Vitaopathic system of treating and curing disease. It heals all manner of curable diseases in which applied and a large per cent of cases given up as incurable. Itcures without the use of drugs, medicines or the surgeon's knife. It cures patients at any distance from the operator. We oiler the advantages of this system of healing to all those who are suffer ing from chronic orothcrdiseases. Ap ply to T. II. Bollock, room 111, block, I'lattsmouth, Neb. $3.00 To David City and Return Via Burlington Route. For the David City Chautauqua the Burlington offers round trip tickets for M.OO from i'lattsmouth, July 2!t to to August 7, Inclusive, limited to re turn August 8. Among the attractions are Ir. John Merritte Driver. Thomas McClarv. Prof. Ilovhannes Mugurditch Cheenee- geozian, Frank II. Boberson, l'rof. Beno B. Welbourn, Father L. J. Vaughan, Ceo. L. McXutt, Dr. Toyo kichl Lyenaga, Alton 1'ackard, Hon. C. II. Aldrich. Bev. itarvev T Bar- mon, v liitney Brothers Quartet, the Lady Lyceum Quartet of Chicago, and others. For full Information regarding train service ask the agent. Less Than Half fare to St. Louis and Return. The Burlington offers another serie or low rate excursions to St. Louis and return, on Mondays, July 11, is and -i:. Tickets at $ for the round trip considerably less than half rate. llckels are good In coaches and chair cars (seats free). lhe St. Louis. Exposition is the most magnltlcent spectacle the world nas ever nencui, ami its like may not occur again in your life time. . Let me send you our Illustrated fold or, or call on our agent for full Inform iitlon. L. W. Wakelky, (iu.eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Whiatose MISTAKES IN LIFE. BrooUIn tKrr Them I I arlraa anJ I aproltfable War.. iio or mo must uuprotltaldo ways of Ki'iuliun time is the praetuv, to which many iers.ins are ad.lictiM. of bnmdlni; over the mistake o;ie lias maile in life an. I thinking what he might have htvn or achlcs.l if he had not done at certain tlmcn Just what he tliil do. Almost every iiiisucivnsI'uI man lu looking over his past career Is Inclined to think that It would have been wholly ililTerent but for certain slips ami hlunilers -vrtaln hasty, ill considered acts into which he was he trayisl almost unconsciously mid with out a suspicion of their eiuiseimence. As he thinks of all the good things of tills world honor, position, power and lutltieiice of which he has heen deprived In some mysterious, inexplica ble way. he has no patience with him self, and as it Is painful and humiliat ing to dwell lung upon one's own fol lies It is fortunate if he does not im plicate others friends and relatives -In his disappointments. Perhaps, as education has never heen flee from mistakes - mistakes Indeed of every kind he .Imputes the lilaiue to his early training, in which hahits of thor oughness and accuracy or, again, of self reliance and independence of thought may not have been Implant isl. Perhaps a calling was chosen for him by his parents without regard to his peculiar talents or tastes and prvf crenees, or If he was allowed to choose for himself It was when his judgment was Immature and unlit for the respon sibility. The result was that the square man pit Into the round hole or the trt angular man Kot Into the square hole or the round man squeezed himself Into the triangular hole.-Success. A Katurul ( urlo.Kr. Jninea Pouipelly, o cobbler at 901 Hewitt nvenue, has one of nature's curios In the shape of an endless alder root that evidently grew around a log about a font lu diameter. There wen. originally sevunil small brunches, but It 1b lmiMjsslble to discover the point where the ends imw together, forming an HlmoHt perfect circle. The curio was found by a Kinall Iwy. Kverett (Wash.) Heoord. PITH AND POINT. When a friend tells you of his wrongs he wants sympathy and not an argu ment Before a man's first baby is a week old he knows more than ho had ever dreamed about. Speaking of "secret sorrows," It Is a good plan to keep them so, as telling only multiplies them. When a man wants to give you ad vice you can't lose anything by listen ing, but you will make an enemy by refusing. A man occasionally breaks even. Wheu it comes to wall paper the wife does the ilcklng and the husband does the kicking. Every one should have saved up enough money to take things a little easier by the time the age comes for taking a imp lu a chair. Atchison Globe. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Franklin. A Mttle Inclined to It IIImaHf. Towne J here s nothing 1 hate so much as a lazy man. Browne Well, I wish there were more of them. Towne You do? Browne Sure. The more lazy men there are the less competition we'd have In business. Philadelphia iYess. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ity virtue of an order of sale IsmiiiI l.y laiiu s lioiK-rlsou. clerk or t he District court within mill for Cass count v, Nehraska. mid to rue (llrecti il. I will, on the 22d Day of August. A. D. 1904, at S o'clock I. in. of said ihiv. at the south il.Hir of the court house In the rllv of I'hitts Inout h. In said count y. sell at. pul.lh' aiictl.iii to the highest bidder, forcash, the followliiK real estate, to-wit : Uits One (I). Two (il. Three CI). In Block Twenty-three Also Ten inn. Kiev- en III), mid I w.-lve (1:.M, In HIiN'k l.lrlit im. All in the Cltv of I'latlsinoiith. Ill the County of Cass, soite of .el.rusku. luge, her wit Ii tin irlvilege mid npiiurteiiaiices theri'imto l.e onuini; or in anywise iiiiiiertiiliiliik'. Tin smiie U liiir levied uuoii mid taken lis tin proper) v of Henry It. (ierliic. defendant, to Millsfy ii luilirtiienl of Mild court recover.'d hy the County of Cass, pliilntllr. airaliist said lie feiidant. Plattsinoiith, Nehriiskn. July !'! st . A. II. .liUIN 1 1. MellUlliK. Sheriff. Cuss County. Nebraska. Ipssk I.. Kim it. I'lalntlir ' Attorney. Iton't allow money to lie around, is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. It iB MONEY by keeping it In a safe place such as The BanK of Cass County You can give a check for any part o It at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. W hen you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Ion't you want to Ml hlf A illkwiSi know more about It. OXE MORE EFFORT o, strike h(m&mFM) CRISIS ton.e Involve in tL i-oaMov.ihy if it Is not knoii m HI '!, h' '..! k loiifer fine u-t! live hours, aim i He .on elusion nit letter to the pucker asking for a joint coiiference h.tween I'.'iu exeiiiat ;xe of the sliikit f th" J ii k.'is niiil of the alio d tin.lcf lo see if it s-ctt Icaiini if the Hfilke alon pciicel'i; lilies iHlir.ot e icn.lie.l Th'.'l'e wuh a. who oil,i a that the p. ii kcrs wonlii nun c t.i tl;.- outer encc an. I cert ,i:nty held. Arthur Meeker, n.iu.a. Si Co sin'.'ikiii for ' l.c ns vi 11 as lor his own c ral.1 he w ould si tid h niortduK to the lrt'.or n the rcpren n r . i ' i v s nl unions, lie .le Unci to fay wl.nt the nature of the reply would he. The unions Joining In the reipicM for the niectinu rcpretci.t nil tiie" en- paged In the pnrkinu: im' rd the h:ive joined In a rnnl til peal for ihltratlon for the packersi and the Mrlkinn hutrhers. President Donnelly of the butchers' union paid that he was Hiixlnim to have peace hut that nnleBB It mine there would h n (ien ral sympathetic tril.e on the ;rt of all the unions noth lde still claim to hnve the advantage In the htilke. Tlie pnckern anert that they are operating their jilanti to almost the full rapacity. while the ftiker contend that h packing trade throughout the "ountry Is practically demoralized Arthur Meeker, leneral mnnmrer of tha Armour plant, kaid: "We are netting ahum fine without the unions. This is a big country and therf la plenty of Idle labor this year Our plant li fairly well oupplied with lahor In every rttnrtment I think we have the situation well in hand." Dread and Ice are to he distributed by the packers to needy families. In the stoik yardn district Ir. this way th packers are to help wives and chil dren of the strikers Weary of turmoil and hardship en countered while Btrugpllnp for a livln In the face of strikes and lorkout. forty-two families of the strikers left Chicago this afternoon to return to Anntrla -Hunsary. Tbnrr tliry will re ceive Iohe pay. they pny but tlielr em ployment will be morn steady and bereft of peril. Injunction Served on Strikers, Pt. lsul, July 19. The sweeplnj Injunction Issued hy Jud(to Holder of tho Kt. Clair county court aualnHt the trlkinc butchers In Fast St. Iitils packing houses- was served hy Sheriff Thompson on the union leaders. All promised to abide by the injunction, which forbade them from Interfering with tho operation of tho pncklnt plants or with the nonunion men hired to tuke the places of the employes who walked out There Is practically no change In the situation either In Bt. linls or Kant St. Ixmis, and thus far the strikers have been very order ly. About twenty nonunion men were taken Into one of the east side plants. Very little killing was done. Packers Elude Pickets. South Omaha. July 20 The tighten ing of the picket lines about the pack ing houses whs the only change In the strike situation. Just about sun rise the pickets were doubled and drawn a little closer to the plants thnn previously. The result of th closer watch was the turning hark of about forty men bound for Cudahy's and a 11V number headed for Armour's. Swift was more fortuna'e than the other packers, for Maaagur Patterson succeeded In getting two roaob loads of men Into his plant. Situation at St Paul. Bt. Taul, July JO With th exrep. tlon of the repudiation by the butcher union officials of nominal control of the blockade at the Swift packing plant. thr hu been little change In the situation at Bonth Rt. Taul. The women stenographers and neveral of the leading officials of the Swift Co a branch plant wsre the only persons allowed to pass ths picket Una and all aCforts to recruit the force of men who haa been in the plant for ser cral dayi were ntccessfully misted Strikers Attack Nonunion Mtn. Kansas City, July 19. A party of nonunion men employed by tho fowler racking company ware attacked by nmers ana Ttiomas young, a negTO nonunion laborer, waa struck on the bead by a atona, thrown by one of the trikers. Frank White waa arretted and Identified by the negro as being one of the men who threw stnnea. Two Parish In Hotel Fire, Reno. Ne., July 20 The Humphrey bote! at SusanTllle, Laaion county, Cab, caught Ire and waa entirely de- itroyed. Two children, a daughter ot Mrs. L. k. Parry and a aon of Mr. ana Mre. W. R. Miller, were burned lo death, Jockey Green Dies of Injuries. New York. July 18. Jockey George Green, whose skull was fractured by a fall on tho track at Hrtthtoa Peach, died of bis Injuries. H wu the rag olar steeplechase Jockey for taa Hitchcock stable. I REACH CO NOW. MfJ- Oaclde on Sympathetic W.iWout H ftllf'tij" gfort. .1 Peaceful StMiement Shall Kh VW1 fitz'f Ash for Csnference. W' M'J lhu:..o. July iO-Tfc cr;.. in the i fafj tock rde atria mill ion.,- tl... eft- IW.ftS', "5'J.! ht'J ..root. Allied t..d,e u..ion ... the j AiSZJiK'.ft tock rC. ht,h ar certain t bo I JhXZLX' jfjLti it !s 1 li n !-;-., t 1.' f With j kl h, 1. 1 ... IVil I III that tlm me.-t.v.a l. i U oeLt. I'ThII-1 ' J 111 !;i!'.:-.l!n.-at replv this j '. .,i fi-f j:i I the Illiicd f T 1 j FAI'vavs Delicious. s y I flPecrless Beer I H t! I.,., run...!, fjoM"'' (. fl I a '""' ) t?fi FJ a ...... ..f ... - -yTv M lull I .V KII..I.II v J ,.- Lr 61 II , I a Crn.u, U. I JohnW.Crabill RELIABLE JEWELER Union Klock IU.t tsmoulli. Nel. Fine Watch ami Cluck hVpalrlng u Specially. A complete line Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. ty tiW.H-tJ to.t.4 We Fxl ra Fine Fight-hay Clock Guaranteed Parker Alarm Cluks, (Juar aiiteed $2.75 SI, 00 HOW'S THE TIME TO VISIT. The Burlington's Low Rates to Sum mer Tourists. (io somewhere ijs hummer; If not to St. Louis I hen lo lhe mountains, lakes and seashore. Fxainlne t his great scheme of vacation louts: benver, Colorado Springs. I'eublii, (ilcnwooil Springs, .S;i it. Lake, lllack Mills-practically hall rates all sum mer. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, the lake resells anil lake steamer tours very favorable rales stop-overs at St. Louis on through tickets. See the grandest creation by lhe hand of man. Ask the agent fur full details, or write L. W. W A K KLKY, (ieneral Passenger Agent, Omaha. World's Fair Rates to St. Louis Via liuilliigton Koute. Tickets to St. Louis and return (bsid fifteen days, tld.wi. 'bind sixty days, tl "i X. Jood all summer, tH.-I0. For full informal ion about train ser vice and other details see the ticket igent. The St. Louis Fx posit ion t he great est show the world has ever seen -Is now complete and In liarmonioiisopcr- iition and it will he a lifetime's regret if you fail to see it. Piles Upon Top of Piles. Files upon lopof piles of people have the Piles, and Ih witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures them. There are many different kinds of Piles, but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by K. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, a cure is certain. II. A. Tis- dale, of Summerton.S. C, says, "I had piles 'JO yearsand I'eWitt'sSalvecured me after everything else failed." Sold by F. (1. Frickc & Co. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family Is of tendriven to desperation in case of ac cident, resulting in burns, cuts, wounds ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the Lest on earth. iVat F. (i. Fricke Co 'sdrug store. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Stnd l..f lift Mmp!. FCOTT DOW NIC, Oimlt, r-4ij l'erl Strrrt, New York. 50c nd ti 00 j all druggisti. J