Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1904)
i r .1 w i ; "'TV ArriZ-l mm twin rtNiu Civility .In ilte C-MHtJCItfk 1iD'MHr Slu-riit Attoriifjr SiHx riiUi'iidrin v liV ft . t C;,'V . .. II. '. Wl.'Aw: Lti i.". tvnrwr . Ji -.Nf L It Wit C S. .n."in i. r . Tun i ..Mi . ..W. It. i c I' II. ml.. n.i : 'l0"! Cl't'lli.lvsl.illl T- CITV OFFICIALS. Mayor. Henry I'. t. rn.c CI.Tk II. M Tmi.Min r . I;. . (.": -1 i , i Attorney... . ..II. 1. lro IVIIivJilLv Wli.hmi V U r JUurohnl v rtt.-ral.l M( M1IKHS li cm M.U.. l'ir,t v'.,i,l , KttJtji. ral.l. V. XV. Knitter Sc.'i'iiil XVarii I'runk Bun. ry. XV. C. Tlpptife Tlilnl XVard I. it Hi-mM. I'. II SU. inker Fourth XVanl Win. ll:l!'in. i'. K. A. Newman Fifth XVanl .I. M. WmUnn. XV m. Slater Time Table Plattsmouth, Neb. Lincoln. Omalni. Chicano, Nt. J h.', Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. I k-nvLT. Ih'li'i.a. Ilutte, Portland Salt Lake City, San l-'ranciscu, and all points West. Trains Leave as Follows: No. l -Pui-lBe Junction . 3 : l . im No. S Lch'kI express, tn Iowa points. Cliii'mro and the east '. J pin No. 14 Fust express, dally, from Lin coln to St. .loseph. Kiiiimi.s City. St. Louis. CliU ttjto. and all points east and soinli s:T pm No. X - Fur 1's.illic .lunetlon I'.'-.JT pin No. 34" lxx'iil to I'lii'liii' .liini-tlon :5S am No. Ji From Onwli.i 4M."i pm No. 30 Freight, dally except Sunday. to I'lii'llii' .lunetloii :l:.VipiN No. 6 TlirotiBli vestlltuliHl express for nil points east 7:: am No. t( From Omaha 4: It) am No. l'.t Local express, dally, dmalia, Lincoln. Penveraiid Intermediate stations T:."iJam No. 17 Local express to (imalia. via Ft. Crook and South liumliii. dally except Sunday u :M am No. "Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and Lincoln .' 2:i;t pm No. 33 lidi'itl ex press. Louisville. Ash land. Wahoo. Schuyler, dally ex cept Sunday :i:."ii pm No. Kl-Lincoln, Grand Islaml. Clack lllli.s. Molilalia and I'aclnV north west Ill : Js (im No. at-Local frelifht. to Cedar Creek. Louisville and South Mend, dally except Sunday ti :.V am No II From St. Louis and St. Joe and Nebraska City I":i';mi ' Daily except Sunday Sleeping, (Iliilnif and reclining chair cars (seats free) on iliroiik'li trains, llcket- sold and ImKtfiiire cliecked to any point In the Milted Mates or (.annua. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call on or write to W. L. IMckeit. local Hiient. riattsmonth. ei).. or .1. I-rands, gen eral passenger aifi'iit. (imalia. .x.'tJ. Missouri Pacific Time Table THAIN OOINO NOKT1I. No. jl 5.37 am No. .57 5.45 pm N. V 11:1)5 pm No. ill) local f:vli:ht 3:7 pm TU.VINS liOl.No Stil TIL No. ,'h 11 .30 am No. 5t) World's Fair Flyer" W pm N;. 5J . .I-;-.' am No. 332. local freight 7.4s am QU. MAUSU ALL. I ) F.N T 1ST All klmln of Dental work. Flates made that fit. Si! years experience. I'rlces reasoiiahle. Work Kuantn teed. tiFFICK FiTZdKiiAt.n Iti.otK. Tki.kimionk No. 3oh47 fOHN M. LEYDA, A TTOKNCY-A T-LA W, ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing iilMtrai'tttof title. I'onveyHitrlnK tfl , and exnnilnlng tllles-to real estate a si rlal f0' tv. Work properly done and charnes reason ulilp. oflloe: Kionm H ami 7. John tJund Itulldliik'. uer Court House. Plallsinotilh, Nebraska. W. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. offices Plattsmouth, Waterman Block Nebraska PlatW. Phone, 'J'' DH. J. 0. BRUCE Osteopathia Physician Chronic Dlietin SptcUlty Conte llliM-k. ritnnm 51.1 iiml 2i. Ofllivliours V to 12 a. in.. I to i V. in. anil 7 to I) p. tn. Iv ap polntinent. Telephones, olllre 31, ; residence at Perkins Hotel. Dr. Elsie r, Dentist, Waterman Block, V Abstracts of Title v Ji7oma5 Uallii. OFFICE ADlietlser-Bush Hlock. NEWS OF XEIJRASKA, . I.inoo.t Jmie 2 -lhil Hutitioy, n youth of !g!iuvn years, was frU,-U by an antomohile ami the pay-iiei :i- My he Will iUo. !'. va er...sini5 ,1.- frivf aij.' xxas ftnlr ,v p mrchir.e tel..i:lt:f to Wiitnan lirev Hiskul! '4? fr.i(t.;rr1 at the i use of i!;, 'jram FivrcrS Wife Kills Hciseif. Stiintt.n, v,b., Jure s.-M:-s Aiis-i Kr.css.l. w.t,. i;, -mian i,in..r liv ing near lure, rutumittisl l.y ta"'S- Ktiesst 1 lounil h i- lil'.'K'ss body haiiK'nc tnm st:iy it! n (orii crib. Mr. Ktiesci was r.ot .if sirotis anil s-T.i!ii!s her to r.u u--ylum la J boil. iTHMi'.ereil. Tine) Body in plver. Piillertnti. N'eb., Juno S. Tho limly ot Charles ('urlm was to itnl in tlu Cellar river just below Hie luilMum at this place. Carlsou was a farm u il ... nana anutii iorty vears hi. He xvas last seen in Kullerton last Tlnti s.Iuy evoninp Ni one seems to know any thing of the acclJent. Long Trip by Homesick Dog. Omaha. June 4. Homesickness caused a six'een-montlis-old New foundland dog to tramp from l'ottlaml. Ore, tn Omaha. Jerry Sullivan, his oxvuer, moved east a year no. The dotf disliked the new home, and alter six months disappeared. He has now arrived here. patiTit and shaw and with blistered foot. Ho went at oneo to his M home. Stopped by Injunction. Omaha. June 4. Deputy ShPriff Sherry served a writ of Injunction on Marshal Christian of Iowa enjoining him from forcibly taking Tom Pennl son on the requisition granted by (Jov ernor Mickey earlier In the day, ex cept when the court Is In session, or without giving Dennlson a reasonable time for filing his application for a writ of habeas corpus. Mickey Honors One Requisition. Lincoln. June 3. (iovernor Mickey honored the requisition of (iovernor Bailey of Kansas for the return to that state of Edgar Evans, wanted in Jackson county on a charge of as sault. The governor denied the req uisition from the governor of Wash ington for the return from Crelghton. Neb., of W. H. Dlsbrow, ac used of obtaining money under false pre tenses. Gregg Succeeds George Rogers. Lincoln, Juno Governor Mickey appointed Charles H. Gregg, a mer chant of Kearney, as member of tho state board of education to take the place of George Rogers of Omaha, whose term expires June 24. A num ber of names were presented to the governor for the place, but the fact that Gregi; lives In Kearney, the loca tion of the new normal school, was In his favor. BANNER COUNTY MEN SHOOT. Edward Sharp Seriously Injured by E. C. Lewis in Fight Over Woman. Kimball, Neb., June 7. Edward Sharp was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by E. C. Lewis, Just over tho line in fianncr county. U'wts who is a married man, has been In Wyoming for several weeks and on his return heard that Sharp has been paying at tention to his wife. He borrowed a gun and horse and started for Sharp's home In IJanner county. It seems that Lewis met Sharp and Mrs. Lewis on the road and the shtxting com menced at once, Lewis' lirst shot go ing through Sharp's Jaw and the sec ond shot entering the back, lodging near the breast bone after penetrating the lung. Sharp fired one shot, which hit Lewis' horse. All three ame to Kim ball, Lewis Riving himself to Sheriff Bartholomew. Sharp is in a precari ous condition, tho chances for recov ery being against him. Strike Among Des Moines Waiters. Dos Moines. June 7. A crisis was reached in the differences between waiters, and their employers in Iea Moines and a strike was ordered In three of tho leading restaurants. SOIL MOIST AND CROPS GOOD. Burlington Reports Conditions Excel lent on Its Route. Omaha, Juuo 2. Tho Burlington crop reiort for tho state of Nebraska, wuek ending May 28, hau Just been Is sued. The report says: "Precipita tion has Ik on ample lu all parts of the territory west uf the Missouri river to keep the soil In excellent con dition. The only place where ground Is reported aa Lelug at all dry la la the vicinity of Sargent and BurwelL Growing crops are not suffering for moisture, however, In that vicinity. Reports relating to small grain are favorable from evry quarter. Weath er has been too cool and wet during the spring to advance small grain crops rapidly, but present condition Is very satisfactory. Wheat and ry are beginning to head In some parts of Nebraska and Kansas. This crop Is practically planted In our territory In Nebraska and Kansas; the planting of late fields will continue, however, to a limited extent for the next week or ten day, especially on low ground that has tx-en wet all fprlng. A good portion of corn that has ben planted Is out of tho ground and growing. Some of the very early corn Is al ready being cultivated. In southeast ern Nebraska and on Concordia branch wo shall have conslilerable lato corn owing to the fact that ground was too wet to permit of planting enrller. Crops In eastern Nebraska appear at this time to he ten days or two wee'- later than usual because' of cool and wet weather since th iflidille of April." i Farmer Killed In Rinawsy. Columbus. Neb., June S.-Kudolph j Oppllger. a weH-to-do German farmer. , s almost instantly killed in a run j away accident , C. L. Saylor Dies From Shot i Omaha, June 3.- l I. Saylor. otllce i ciHna.-r of tho Armour Tacking com ' p:iny in South Omaha, shot and killed himself In Hanscom park. For nearly a year Mr. Saylor had sun', ;vd from nervous disorders. ! Omaha Auditorium Dedicated. Omaha, Jti:. s The new Auditor ium was . resented to the eilv am dedicate. 1 with ehiNini'o ceremony. Preside!-! Nash of the Au.lit -ritun company turned over the buildi:ig to the city an. lr George 1.. Mil. r re ceived It In the natre of the j .-op'e. The grand Inaugural ball xvas ono Um to be remembered. Enforcing Dip Orders. Lincoln, June ti. State Vc'er'natiitn Thomas has just returned from Gar field county, in which place he learned that Sheriff Waters was making a good record for himself by compelling tlie enforcement of the order provid ing for cattle dipping The sheriff is using the lime and sulphur dip and Pr. Thomas reports that he Is doing splendid work. Southeastern Nebraska a Sufferer. Falls City, Neb., June 6. Contin uous heavy rains have brought creeks and rivers In southeastern Nebraska up with a rush, ami caused tho Ne maha to overllovr and flood the low lands for third time this year. Com fields are under water iid some bridges have been carried out. but If there is no further rise, railroads, it Is believed, will escape the usual June washouts. Would Revive Bartley Case. Lincoln, June 4. Attorney General Prout filed a petition in error lu Uie supreme court asking that, the de cision in the Bartley bond case U re versed and a new trial granted. The defendants tire V. A. Buxton, Thomas Swobe, Cadet Taylor, E. E. Brown, C. C. McNIsh and John H. Ames. In his petition Attorney General Front points out twenty-six errors in the proceed ings in the lower court on which he bases his plea for a reversal of the verdict. Mickey Honors Requisition. Lincoln, Juno 4. Governor Mickey honored tho requisition for the return of Tom Dennlson to Iowa to answer to the c.hargo of receiving stolen prop erty. The papers were given to Unit ed States Marshal Christian of Iowa, who left at onoi for Omaha to arrest Dennlson. In honoring the requisi tion Governor Mickey said the nwa authorities had presented an indict ment and an affidavit and that he must, act on this showing. He could not go behind them to examine evidence as to Dennison's guilt. CIMOCRATS MEET IN OMAHA. Select Delegates to St. Louis Conven tion and Adopt Platform. Omaha, Juno 2. The Nebraska Democratic Btate convention unani mously selettod William J. Bryan to head the Nebraska dolcgatlon to the national gathering at St. Itils and adopu-d a platform which reaffirms the Kansas City platform of lj"u anil places before the public Mr. Bryan's views of what should be embodied In the platform of the coming national convention. Mr. Bryan was himself chairman of the committee on resolu tions, and wrote tho platform. Ho had associated with him men who have been his most loyal supporters. There was no opposition to the adop tion of the platform as read, although one delegate attempted to seitiro the adoption of an additional plank pledg ing Nebraska Democracy to the sup port of the nominees of the St. I.ouls convention, regardless of whom they might be. He was mind out. of order, however, after reading his resolution. There were but a handful of dele gates who had not been pledged to tho supixirt of a reaffirmation of the Kansas City platform and they came from Ijineaster, Mr. Bryan's own rotinty. They did not. however, at tempt to FiK-ure recognition, and Mr. nryun sat with the Lancaster delega tion while ho was on the floor of the convention. The proceedings were rharacterlzivl by harmony and the delegatus at all times appeared anxious to outdo each other in their support of the loaders and the principles they represented. Several ?poeches were delivered, among them being addn-sses by Mr. Bryan In support of the platform, by Congressman Cochran and the dele gates selected to the national con vention. Delegafes-at-Urge W. J. Bryan. Lancaster; V. H. Thompson. Hall; C. J. Smyth, pouglan; Walter Thll Hps, Platte; alternate. J. M. Gil Christ. Douslaa; H. 0. Ward. John son; J. A. Cowperthwalte, Holt; H. C. Davis, Richardson. Frisco Passenger Train Wrecked. Cherokee, Kan., June 6. A south bound 'Frisco passenger train was wrecked Just before reaching the sta tion, two coaches U-avlng the track at a switch and t.-whlng Into a freight train. Allen Ridley, tho elevun-yoar-old son of Thoman Ridley, the engi neer, was killed anil several, were slightly Injured. Young Ridley waa walking along the railroad beldo the track when tho coaches left the rail and struck felni. He waj fearfully mangled, Swedish Lutheran Synod Mtets. IJnilshorg. Kan., June !. The Na tional Augustan synod of the Swed Ifd Lutheran church opened Its an nual session here with 80o delegates rresent from all parta of the country. Dr. E. Norellus of Minnesota presided. I 7k x H lid ii i l.oxx I'wU in all the Fashionable unable P(l -ui lor OZ I- ails tut- ten bMitWt We have a verv graceful OXFORD. hVxiluV McKav sole, patent tips. Fifth avenue toe. Cuban heel. "l'is an ideal shoe, for a ineili jin price, that lias service ami stxle. Let us show it to you. ."sec out Child's Slippers. Sherwood & Son BY KEEPING IN LINE:! And uinn-liim; HtniiL,r!lt to ileebae) t$o, where you will lie ro paid for your troulile by tfottiui? tlie host on tin, markets-. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, fresh daily from the markets, g VEGETABLES, pithered fn-sli every niurnin 'Phone 54. X;ilerinan llluck I'UUMmuiUi. (i At the Old Stand OF - John Schiappacassc Von will always timl the Choicest Fruits Fine Confections And the, delicious ICECREAM Which Im is prepared to furnish in iiny iiuantity for family use or social jratheriiiKs. JOHN SHCIAPPACASSE 511 Main Start 2 24 In the ordinary course of business, tuit there's Interest to lie considered If part of your earnings Is left with us for safe Investment. Then therc'sanother story, which will make two plus two cual live in time. Ask us and wo will gladly toll you how it is done. Plattsmouth Savings B&nk Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE contT iionsE. Meals at nil hours. Special at tention to tho farmer patrons. Tho tables aro supplied with tho best tho markets ntford. JOIIN. COKEY, Proprietor. Tu a case ot tin- PEERLESS One of the Purest Kcers on the Alarkct N C.l en K,l Ui.iut .it the lvr!e. S.i- K X loon, or U'lrpliotn- 1 1 ami I'M vill il.. O thr ivst. All v ak i a trial lor tliU K X popular I. rami and ui will l.uv ti.. O other S S Try a Case To-Day. S THE:-: PEERLESS X ED. DON AT, Proprietor. Lincoln Business College Cat allelic Fit Writ. Spring AW: ALMOST DUL How is Your Roof? If You Need a New One. Now is the Best Time Remember, that we are fully prepared to place a new tin roof on your house, new spouting, or repair the old one.s. Wc Make a Specialty of Hoofing and Spouting And are Prepared to (live You Close Figures on This Kind of Work. John Bauer No. 5or Main Street The Old Reliable Dealers H.C.McMaken and Son llANIiLI-; TIIK BEST ICE ON EARTH And are Ready t Deliver it in Any Ouantity. Orders Promptly Filled TKLKl'IIOSKS riattsmonth Xos. 72, ": and 21( Nebraska No. 71 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Hfr. AIwt r'lihl Laill. ink Prutcirt ft! III! IIIATI M N lu Hnl nd .ol4 nirUllic buim. iralr.1 with blu rhNm. Tk bo lhr. HfU dnirrun atMlt lalhwmd Imliitilnaa. Iiuvuf yout linnKi.l, f ril 4r. In Mrn fur 1'artlrula.rv Trail monlala n.t " Hrllrf fur l.dlf." In Inur b) rrlurn Hall, lu.OUO TfMiiuuiiia.. HulJ lf il I'runi.ia. CHICHKHTKR CBEMtOAL CO. 100 Jladlaoa aur. flllUk FA. MaaUaUUM ICE Favorite .!"!in Gtjinl I In n Is Sl Mi i,ly ,, t,,,,,M f,,,- v . i n i mid y.inu- . '' 11 "I'" os ili,.ruiii:lilv ir.ilneil fm- Imslness We ore i:iri v.. mi.' " o. n,i .1 il,,. M.-iiniihl, COURSES Business. Shorthand and Typewriting. Preparatory and Telegraphy Spt cUl Irtturn I. Teachers of successful Inisiiiesx experience J l- xceiinn M , ,,,,, ;i. Tiiur,,,,,,!, Jir:n-t I. ul courses. I I'ersiiinil Interest In curl, si udent .i. Assistance In seciirliii; eniileyiiieiil. Lincoln business Collene, Lincoln. Nek Rains Plattsmouth, Xebrask ska El). FITZGERALD, ri:oi'i:ii:Toi: of.... ... lL4 Livery, Hack and Baggage Line MOVING VAN. Removing of Household Goodg a Specialty. Also, Ilenvy braying. Iton't allow money to lie around. It Is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. oAUE MONEY t- kcepltiK' it In a safe place such aa The BanH of Cass County You can irlve a clicck fur any part of It at any time aud so have a receipt for payment without asking fur one. N hen you have a lank account you will be anxious tu add to It rather than spend from It. lon't you want to Knoxv more aoout it. i! ! )