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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
PROGRAM Miss lCtlul Dowy presents ton members (f the class of 1(J04 in an original comedy in three acts, entitlett 46 THE SILVER SHIELD By SIDNEY GRUNDY. 99 Synopsis ACT I Hall in Sir Humphrey Chetwynd's country house, twenty-live miles from London.- ACT II Sitting room in Xed Chetwynd's house. ACT 111 Hotuloir in Alma Make's London Apartments. of Characters. Sir Humphrey Chetwynd : : Rev. Doctor Pozey : : Tom Potter : : : : Ned Chetwynd : : Mr. Podson Pick' : : Alma Make : : Mrs. Po.ey : : : Susan, Alma Make's maid Wilson, Mrs. Chetwynd's maul Lucy Preston : : : Mr. Herman Harkmann : Mr. Kiigene Tighe Mr. Homer Sanders Mr. Harold Straight Mr. Hoy McKinncy Miss Elizabeth Dovey Miss Margie Walker : Miss Helen Chapman : Miss Gretchen Walsh Miss Elizabeth Mason Parmele Theatre ) r. FRIDAY EVEN1N6. MAY 27. The Journal ""BbtSSSS. of For a Spring Tonic Women as Well as Men Are Made miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Ki'Incy trouble preys utxm the mind. discounmi-saiHllcssfiisamliition; lieuuty, vitfor ana ciieertul nes Kn disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble lias lecome so prevalent that it i ltnt nnrntiw t moil for a child to he born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the chiM urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an ae w hen it should lie able to control the passage, it is yet atluctcd w-itn bed-wet-tint;, depend u)Hn it, the cause of the ditli culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these imjxirtant organs. .This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. , Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same (treat -remedy. The mild and the immediate ellect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by drUKKists, in fifty- cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample liottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all alxmt Swamp-Root, including many or iiicinousannsoi testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer it Co., Itiuirhamton, N. V., be sure and mention this pax.-r. Don't make any mistake, but rememlier the name, Swamp-Koot, Or. Kilmer's hwamp-Root, and the ail- dress, liiughuiuton, N. Y., on every bottle. tloro of Swamp-Hoot Dr. W. A. Clark Resigns Presidency. Lincoln, May 24. Dr V. A. Clark, president of the state normal school at Peru, ono of the principal u-luentora of the wgb. announced that ho had re signed the presidency, to tako eft"?ct In June. While not definitely an nounced. It is believed he will accept a call from Wisconsin. Crabtree Goes to Peru Normal. Peru, Neb., May 23. 'The hoard of trustees of the State Normal school met here and In addition to routine business received the resignation of Dr. Clark as superintendent of the school. It was accepted, and J. W. Crabtree of Lincoln was elected to the position. Charge Young With Murder. Nebraska City, Neb., May 23. The coroner's Jury In the liotts shootlnj ease has returned a verdict to the ei feet that liotts came to his death by shots fired with deliberate intent to do murder by Jesse Young. A com plaint chafing Young with murder In the first degree was filed and the case will be heard at the next term of tho district court. Try a case of the Favorite John (iund Board After Stock Values. . Lincoln, May 25. The state board cf equalization spent another busy day with A. W. Scrlbner of the Union Pacific on the witness stand in a dis cussion of the value of stocks and bonds belonging to the Union Pacific proper. Mr. Scribner did not have h3 Information required by the board and he was given time to communi cate with the New York office to gtt it. PEERLESS One of the Purest Beers on the Market Call on Etl Donat at the Peerless Sa loon, or telephone 112 and Ed will do the rest. All we ask is a trial for this popular brand and you will buy no other Try a Case To-Day. THE:-: PEERLESS ED. DONAT, Proprietor. 8 8 8 Spring Rains ARE ALMOST DUU How is Your Roof? If You Need a New One, Now is the Best Time Remember, that we are fully prepared to place a new tin roof on your house, new spouting, or repair the old ones. Wc mUUc a Specialty of Roofing and Spouting And are Prepared to (Vive You Close V on This Kind of Work. inures Rain and Wind In Nebraska. Lincoln, May 23. Following a max imum temperature of 89 degrees, sec tions of Nebraska last night were vis ited by violent wind and rain storms. The rainfall was heaviest In north Nebraska, accompanied by thunder and lightning. C. C. Clark, a farmer near Wayne, was killed by lightning and his son severely Injured. Three horses they were driving were killed. In southern Nebraska the rain, which was light, was preceded by a blinding dust storm. Omaha Boy Killed by Cars. Troy, Kan., May 24. Edward Doyle, tho fifteen-year-old son of Edward Doyle, Sr., of Omaha, was run over by the westbound Rock Island passenger train and the body was horribly man gled. Young Doyle had gone to Wa- thena In company with Thomas Doyle to seek employment picking straw berries, and lay down on the track to rest and fell asleep. The accident happened five miles east of Troy. The remains were brought to Troy on a handcar In a gunny sack. They were cut in about twenty pieces. RECESS TAKEN FOR A W2EK. Illinois Convention will Rattmbte the Last Day of th Month. Springfield. III.. May 21. L'uable to end the deadlock on tho gubernatorial nomination, the Kepubllcon state con vention adjourned until 2 p. ui.. May 31. Only one ballot was taken. It was the fifty-eighth roll call, and showed no material change from the fifty-seventh, or from the first taken May 13. The convention suspended operations, leaving Governor Yates In the lead, with 4S3 votes. Colonel Frank O. Lowden second, with 3&2; Charles S. Deneeu third, with 365; II. J. Hamlin fourth, with 113; Vespasian Warner filth, 3; Lawrence Y. iaher man sixth, with 46. and John H. Pierce sevrth, with 29. There Is a total of l.io2 delegates, making 712 votes necessary for a choice. . All the --nndidates agreed to the eleven day recess. The band played "Home, Swoet Home." but nobody sang, for ton days of shouting had left the crowd hoarse and exhausted. The convention was in session less than an hour.- It first convened Thursday, ay 12. Delegates-at-large were elected and resolutions were adopted last week. POISON DIET .13 DEADLY. Professor Wiley's Drug Squadron Ex hibits III tffects of Preservatives. Washington, May 23. Professor Wiley's "poison squadron" of twelv young men. who for several months have been eating food in which has been placed salicylic, sulphuric, or benzoic acid poisons, resumed the consumption of food which had not been doctored. For several months I'rofeasor Wiley, chemist of tho agri cultural department, has been con ducting experiments to determi:' ' what effect preservatives used U foods and beverages have upon the human system. All of thj young men show 111 er fects from eating the drugs used as preservatlv . One or two of the men are cn the verge of a breakdown, but the ldentlt: of members of the "poi son squad" !s concealed. The results of the experiments show some of the preservatives are deadly, causing In flammation of the digestive organs This experiment tends to explain away the poison .mysteries following the eating of canned goods. PARIS IS STIRRED UP. Socialists, 'L'rge- French Government to End the Concordat Paris, May 23. The recall of M. Nlsard, French " ambassador to the Vatican, continues to be the absorbing topic. The ambassador Is expected to arrive here today. He will confer with Foreign Minister Delcasse and go over the details of the rupture be tween France and the Vatican prelim inary to the meeting of the council of . ministers tomorrow, when a fur ther line 6f action will be determined upon. Contrary to general expecta tions. Mgr. Lorenzelli, the ' papal nuncio at Tarls, will not leave his post. The tone of tho socialist pa pers Indicates tnai powenui uienieui has urged the government to tako more extrrme measures. Deputy Geralt lUchard says in the. Petlto Republlque that the matter must pro ceed until the concordat is ended. Four Men Drowned. Boise, Ida., May 23. John Bowen, John Conley, John Bedore and a man named McDonald were drowned In the rapids of the Payette river. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Ftaturca of ths Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Muy 24. An miexiipctedlj minll decrease In the world's visible supply rauat-il weakness In wtiuut today. Wcattier romlltloin wi re slito bearish. At the Close July wheat w off ttti'lc. Corn wan down Out ibowed I loss of V3HC. I'rv vlslom are uuchu-'d to TVje loner. Clu In a urlcen: Wbvut-Msy, WV4c: July, SCV; Sept., 6UWc. Corn-May, 4TW-; July. 47 Sept., Ont-Mny, 'V-: July. 3"V: Kept., l'ork-July,; Sept.. $11.. Lsrd-July. 10,324; Sept., iU7W. Cliiruuo Cu i 1'rleen No. 2 KprliiK wheat Kifi'.lhe: No. b uprlnu wheat, hTyHoe; No. 2 hurt nhrul, UouUMv; No. a hard wheat, tisilc: No. 2 cash corn. 4H'ViM'.le; No. H cash eorn. Wtfil-tHMiP; M). i yellow corn fiOfa.ViV; No. 8 yellow corn, 4IIimOc; No iiixti nut, aiwww: no. z nunc ouis, 4;ifc4uV. .( (illii.-l-,. , .. r: Bottlzd m Qq&d the Cheapest in the finM A n j J. Poor Whisky is not only dis agreeable to tnste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instend of harming. Such Whiskies ns Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. 'If you don't know how good it is come in and try it. PRICES: Phillip PLATTSMOUTH. Guckenlielmer Rye, 'per gallon. Yellowstone, " " " . Honey Pew, . Liir Horn. " " . .t4 00 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 "P 13. io :ro 1 fV , - - - NEBRASKA 1904! " ' v Enlists Americans to Aid Revolt. Omaha, May 24. Several Omaha men have enlisted for military service in China. One man has drafted as a lieutenant at an annual salary of $3,- 500, and holds himself, as do others. In readiness to go to the Orient at any time. General English is doing the enlisting and the son of the dow ager empress Is said to have author ized it, which li taken as conclusive evidence that he Is planning an over throw of the present dynasty of which his mother Is the head. This comes from some of the men who have been enlisted In Omaha and is the repre sentation made to them. W S? Ao '-X( T'OO Main Street Ban PlaUs.mouth, Nebraska The Best Family Salve. IeVltt's Witch Hazel (fives Instant relief from Hums, cures Cuts, llruiscs, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abra sions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve It Is only necessary to sec that you yet the genuine DeWltt's ami a cure Is certain. There arc many cheap counterfeits on the market, all ei winch are wortiiicss, and quite a few are dangerous, while leWitt's Wlteh Hazel Salve Is perfectly harm lev and cures. Sold by l'. ;. Triekc U. FoimnoNDMTAa for thttdrtnf tafa, lur. JVo cplaln Chicago Live Stock. Ohlrniro, May 24.-Cuttle-Ueoelpt, WW: meailv: aH)d to prime steeM, B.a.1: noor to medium, 4.2.V((5.30; Rtoi kcrs nnd feeder, ja.2.Vi4.73;-cow, 1.7V,i4.ii(i helfem. 2.4(i.t)U; cunnern, ft.0-Vii2.73 ItutlH. J..H.i4.:to; valves. 2.30fiU.uO; Teiu fed Hlwrs. Ho-Ueelptii, to- dnr. 2.ut: tomorrow. au.WiO: left oTer, e.(l: uteudy, mixed and butcher. $4.f0'((i 4.7Vj: B'd to choice beavy. $4.tli'ri4.07Wt rornih heavy, 4.4.Vd4.Wl; IlKht, l4.4.'iH.O.- bulk of ale, $4.5KU4 - Sheep-Receipts, liuiai: heen and lutnos PtronB to 10. bleher; Bod to chole wether. iS.2.ViC.75 fair to ehnlee mixed. I4.UKU3.IKI; weMorn hcep. 4.7.V((.V73; native lamli. 3.2un .;: western Innih. fU.ii7.(ili; iprlug Iambi, f3.U37.:w. Kansas City Live Stock. Kannas City, May 24.-Cattle-Reeelpt, 7.(t: ateady o utronc; export ami drce beef steers, 4.S.Vu.V25; fair to KM)d. $4.00 western fed Ptoers, $4.0iTCfl.OO stoekers ami feeders, $:j.23'ij4.73: soutberu steers. KI.MMi4.70; native eow. 2.Ulil 4.H3; nstlve heifers, .tKii-3.2tl. bulls, I2.SO 4i4.i; rnlves. 23c lower. S2.734H. io. Iloif. Um-elKt. 1H..VV; steady to Uc lower ton. 4.."x; bulk, f4.a3tt4.43: heavy. $4.4if.i 4.30; packers. f4.4yi4..r: pig and llsht $3.70T(4.4t. Cheep-Uecelpt, 6.0HO; stron to UK' hlnher; lainhs, f3..iii(iTi.i; fed ewe, f4.fiCji3.Ui; stoekers Slid feeders, $3,704; 4.70. South Omaha Live Stock. Smith Omaha, May 24.-Cattle-Heeopt r.,0np. steady; native steers, f Vm 2." rows nnd heifers, f.l.'A-'iM ; rnnneri. f l.'.Vii.l.ui; stoekers and feeders, f'J.TVu 4.."..".; rnlves. S2.oUiiri.S3; tuills. stiii:, et f2.7.Vii4.2."t. Ilnif Uieelpt. I7,im; sliad to "ic lower; heavy, f L.Tiiri t"; mixed f 4.. '!' 4. a."; licht, f4.'.M.!n: I'lit. 4 2I; bulk of sale. ft.;'.i4.;i.V Hlieep lleeelpts, a.; steady to slrnnn; western yearlllii;. 4 P-rttier. fl.M3.2 iwes. J(Hi,k.'i; i.inMU'Mi and stoekers, 3.2."fc3.23; lamls, f0.7.Vaa.7i. We take this opporttuiity of returning out most sincere thanks for past favors, nnd solicit a continuance of your patronage iu the future. During 1901, we shall endeavor to supply the market, ns usual, with that Which Suits the People!' both in quality and prices. , '.'..... Wishing all a happy and prosperous year, we invite all to .come, and be comforted by making your purchase's frotu the largest furniture house in Plattsmduth ' ,', ' . ' '" Sattler':.:,j& Fass bend er. B ,:o U EH ntf F&fFfMJJ i The West's I IfaMW'Bly? Greatest' 1 n Mouse a West's Greatest Mall Order House Ths Reliable Store The West's Greatest Mall Order House iji!siji -jTfrgyfl Money Savers Genuine Pocket Itook Pleasers are the prices ,.oi all lines of goods at H.AYDEN'S. We can and will under sell any other house. It you want the best goods lor the least cash out lay send your order to the BIG STORE where you are sure of perfect satisfaction or your money b: ck. A SALE OF SILKS WITHOUT AN EQUAL Prices Cut oa FANCY SILKS; Prices Cut on PLAIN SILK. Prices Cut on BLACK SILKS. This will be a Banner Week for Bargains You well know the bigh grade o( our bilks. You well know the Immen sity of our a&sortnient. We are offering these silks to you at prioes that we believe cannot be equalled by any concern In America. While Silks Made In Japan Finest white wash silks, yard wide, worth 81.00, on sale .69 White ponpre. 24-In wide 7C worth U.23 (or w rure dye white, spot-proot, wash Q fl silk, worth $1.50 for 0U Black Silks Made In Japan Black chofoo pongee, S4-inches wldei heavy coarse weave worth CO 100 at KJU 79 69 Natural Pongee on Sale .39 .59 Black wash llk. 3G-inches wide worth (1.50 at Black Ralnshlne sl'.k, perspira tion proof, worth 11.00 Crseh pongee, pure silk... Itouph ponpee, 80 Inches wide for 75 Cloth of Gold Pongee, on sale Silk suit patterns worth 813, .0 00 Vis and OJ, on sale O.UU 100 silk patterns, containing 15 yards finest and newest silk, in small neat patterns, great variety of styles. This is a jrreit opportunity. Pat terns worth up to 820.00 g gg Foulards In blue, black and brown grounds, with small design worth 75c for Raglan black taffeta Is 27 inches wide and extra heavy. The mill wants every store that handles It to retail at 81.30. We ref uce to join the com bine and offer the regular taffeta as long as quantity lasts QQ at only ,.u0 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. .45 Special Sale of Dress Goods. 62-lnch wide pure mohair Sicilian, black, biuo and browns only, worth CScper yard, 59c All wool Scotch mixtures, all the new spring shades, worth 80c at 49c New spring novelty dross poods, all the now spring shades and blaok worth CIc pur yard 29c English Henriettas, assorted colors, i-roam and black, worth 4!ic at 25c Wool novelties, In Jacquards, assorted colors, worth 2.c per yard 12 f 1 L&2 U 16th and Dodge Streets. WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE IM1