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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
COUNTY OFFICIALS. Clerk DWtrtVt Court J&a. M. Kobvrtaon County Judft Harvey p. Travl County Clerk A. L. Tyon Trauurvr ft. D. Whoeler Sheriff Joliu I). Mi llride Attorney JesM L. Kout Superintendent of SelioU C. S. Wormian Purveyor I. K. lllltou 1 Turner .Ink i:::::: Commissioner .. W. H. Uitnntiix .1) llawkswortli CITY OFFICIALS. Mayor Henry K. Uerln Clerk U. M. Soenulelisen Treasurer K. V. Clement Attorney II. I. TraTln Pollue Judge William Weber Marshal Jo. Kltgerald MIMBCUH or COCNCIL Klrst Ward Kd KlUtferald. K. W. Kblniter Second Ward...r'rauk lluttery. W. C. Tlupent Third Ward J. II. Ilurold. F. II. Sllemker Fourth Ward . Wm. Hallani-e, V. A. Newman Fifth Ward J. M. Vondrau. Win. Slater Time Table PUtUmo.tfc. Nak. Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago, St. Joe, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. Denver. Helena, Butte, Fortland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. Wealth of Cass County. The Sunday World-Herald contained a table compiled by Prof. A . K. la- vi.sion, principal of the Agricultural Department of the Slate University, In which he (rives some comparative figures pertaining to the wealth of Nebraska by counties. In glancing over the. table we glean the following hVures in reference to Cass county: Acres of land, 341,012; valuation, I2X- 529.82S; money on deposit, U,570,7.V.l; valuation of stocks of merchandise, !l,0tiH,300; valuation of live stock, D13,42t; valuation of city and town real estate, 3,16,310; valuation. of farm products In 1893, 2,3",R2n. In order to ascertain the value of laud live hundred letter were sent out to bankers in various counties. To as certain the money on deposit, the re port of the state banking board of 1902, wm used for the state banks, and the report of the comptroller of the cur rency for 1903 Is used to get the amount on deposit In national banks. In finding out the stocks of merch? dlse carried, the most eminent com mercial authority was consulted, and the figures on the stocks of merchan dise in each county were obtained through the best authority, as was al so the valuations of other matters quoted. Cass County Girls. Evidently Cass county teachers do not Bud any trouble in getting good positions, no matter where they go. Miss Eva Allison, daughter of James Allison, of near Murray, has just been re-elected principal of the Medford, (Oklahoma), schools. In speaking of the action of the board In this matter, the Medford Star says: At a meeting of the school board held Tuesday all the present corps of teachers were retained for another year. Hits action upon the part or the ixtard or education Is to be com mended. It not only speaks well for the schools but It Is a compliment to the teachers. Miss Allison, as princi pal, has won the good will of the pu pils and the support of the patrons. The assistant teachers nave also worked hard for the success of the schools. May the schools prosper. The Allison girls, several of whom are now engaged in teaching, are all up-to-date In their chosen profession and their services as such are eagerly sought. They are not only at the top round of the ladder as teachers, but they are accomplished young ladies in all respects. Ladlts, Attention! Weareshowinga magnificent line of pattern hats, and exclusive styles, at prices always the lowest. ST. LOiriS M 1LI.INKKY uo. Trains Leave as Follows: No. is l'lii'lHu Junction 3:10 urn No. 2 Local express, to Iowa points. ChlciiKO and the east 4 ::t! pm No. 14 Kast express, dully, from Lin coln to St. Joseph, Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago, and all points east and south M:7 pm No. VI -Kor I'aclllc Junction 12:27 pm No. 34 Local to I'aclllc. Junction H:a2 am No. 2ii' Krjtn Omaha 4:15 pm No. 30 Freight, dally except Sunday, to Pacific Junction 3:50 pm No. tt Through vestlhuled express for all points east .. 7:2S am No. 20 From Umuha 4:40 am No. 1& Local express, dally, Omuha, Lincoln, Denver and Intermediate stations. i :54 am No. 27 Local express to Omaha, via Ft. Crook and South Omaha, dally except Sunday 11:30 ani Do. 7 Fast mall, dally, to Omaha and Lincoln 2:13 pm No. 33 Local ex pros. Louisville. Ah land. Wahoo, Schuyler, dally ex cept Sunday 3:50 pm No. 13 Lincoln. Grand Island, lllack Hill. Montana and Pacific north, west 10:28 pm No. 29 Local freight, to Cedar Creek. Louisville and South Bend, dally except Sunday 9:50 am No II From St. Louis and St. Joe and Nebraska City 10:25am Dally except Sunday Sleeping, dining and reclining chair can tseals free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United stales or uanaua. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call on or write to W. I Pickett, local agent, Plattsmouth. Neb., or J. KrancU. gen eral passenger agent. Omaha. .Nil). The Opinion of a Great Man. Samuel Smiles, the great old man who recently died, one of the best ob servers and philosophers, remarked in Ills "Life and Labor:" "The scat of dyspepsia and melancholy is in the bruin as much as in the stomach. When brain work is carried to excess the whole system becomes pervaded by nervous excitability; the heart Is af fected as well as the stomach: all bod ily functions are Imperfectly per formed." The brain and the stomach are connected together by the vague nerve, and this Is the reason why the suffering of one is transmitted to the other, as also the cure of one means the cure of the other. Triner's Amer lean Elixir of Bitter Wine Is the pro nounced specific for all maladies of the stomach, and by curing this organ It naturally cures the brain and the whole system. It makes digestion perfect, and as a result of this makes the blood pure and rich. The medical science now rejects all disagreeable medicines, recommending In place of them vege table extracts, combined with wine Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is made of pure grape wine with herbs. At drug stores. Jos. Triner 789 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills. Pilsen Station. Missouri Pacific Time Table 4L. TKAINS OOINO NOKTIt. S.37 am No. .47 . u.A.U pni No. 11:05 pm No. 233 local freight 3:47 pm TUAINS OOINO SOUTH. No. 58 II 30 am No. 50 World's Fair Flyer 0:09 pm No. 52 I2:2 am No, 232, local freight 7.4H am QK. MAILS HALL. .DKNTIST. All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that (It. M years experience. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. O F F I C K Fi tzu : it a i.l) H mh: k. TkI.KI'IIINKNo.3 0h47 rOHN M. LEY DA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. Preparing abstracts of title, conveyancing and examining titles to real estate a special ty. Work properly done and charges reason able. Oftice: Koonis rt and 7. John Ound llulldlng. near Court House. Plattsmouth Nebraska, W. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. officEi Plattsmouth, Waterman Block Nebraska u..... I Office to DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteopathic Physician Chronic Disease! a Specialty Conies ItlcN'k, moms 225 and 22rt. Oflh-e hours to 12 a. in,. I to 5 p. in. ami 7 to H ii. in. by isilntinent. Telephones, office 31, i reside at Perkins Hotel. Dr. Ehter, Dentist, Waterman Block V Abstracts c Title V Tf?oma5 Uallii). Ol nCIC-Aiili-iiM r-lln-h llhvk. Program for Decoration Day. The G. A. R. and Relief Corps will meet at G. A. R. hall at 10:30 a. m Sunday, May 29, and march to the M E. church to hear Memorial sermon by Rev. J. W. Swan. On May 30 the G. A. R. and all old soldiers will meet at G. A. R. hall at 9:30 a. m. Start for the cemetery at 10 to decorate the soldiers' graves. All ex-soldiers of the war of the rebellion and Spanish-American war are In vited to participate. G. A. R. and Relief Corps will meet at G. A. R hall at 1:30 p. m. on May 30 and march to the opera house for services at Following Is the program: Music Plattsmouth Olee Club Prayer Dr. Halrd Song li lee Club Opening Address. ..Hon. Samuel M. Chapman Address Hon. A. W. Jefferls. of Omaha R. W. Hyeks, Commander. C. W. Grkkn, Adjutant. Go Right Ahead As Usual. Students of astronomy tell us that all the planets and other heavenly bodies known to us, w ith one excep tion, are in exactly the same position this year as at the time of the Hood and dire calamities are predicted when that one planet gets Into line Hut you had just as well go right on with your planting, building, etc, as wc predict that this old world will still be here In 1U0.", but some of the astronomers may not. Thirty-two Graduatis. The Hltfli school commencement ex ercises will be held at the I'armele theatre on next Wednesday evening, June 1. The class Is composed of thirty-two members, as follows. h-lt: .el I a A. Brown. Helen A. Chapman, Oertrude V. Cole. Florence Ann lVvey, Kva K. Fox. 1 1 unci mvey. KlUabvth Ann lKvey, Heliecca Haines, Wllhelnilua HeroWI. Francis Hila r. Annie Johnson. Nora May Larson, Minnie Mocaenhnupl. Kllleth F. Mason. Oertrude U Porter. Kmuia II. lioxmT. IH'F.tle May Verner. OeliM Oretchen Walsh. Margie A. Walker, F.lla Marie Saltier, Margaret K. Wener. Herman A. Ilarkmann. Oeorge M. Hall. Millard A. Klein. William It. McKlnney. Alvtn t). Kamge. Drury II. Phebus. John C, Peterson, Jr.. Homer A. Sanders, ILugene F. Tlghe. Harold li. StrelgliU Frederick .1. Waugh. Has Escaped. Governor Mickey's requisition on the governor of Iowa came too late to have Edward Sphadcs, who was arrested In Missouri Valley, la., on the charge of burglarizing a tailor shop In this city, on Saturday night of the street fair, brought back. The otllcers at Missouri Valley have let the fellow get away. He was released on bond, so it is said, (straw ball, at that) and ho made good this opportunity to escape 44 THE HIGH DIVE tt Displayed wonderful nerve, lut our immense display of SUMMER GOODS Is still more wonderful and attractive. A Curs for Piles. "I had a bad case of piles,'' says G F. Carter of Atlanta, Ga., ''and con suited a physician who advised me to try a box of PcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. I purchased a box and was en tircly cured. It Is splendid for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it to ail sufferers." Ie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every kind arc quickly cured by It. Sold by F. G. Frlckc & Co. An Open Letter. From the Chapln. S. C, News: Early In the spring my wife and I were taken with the diarrhoea and so severe wore the pains that we culled a physician who prescribed for us, but his medi cines failed to give ar.y relief. A friend who had a iHittle or Colic. Cholera and Piarrhooa Koinedy on hand nave oat h of us a iIom- and we at once fct the ef fects. I procured a bottle ami in-fore i-sing the entire i touts wo wore en tirely curoil. It is a wonderful remedy and should be round In every house hold. II. C. r.ailoy. editor. Thlsrcm ody Is for sale by ail diugglsts. THIS IS NO BLOW BUT STRAIGHT GOODS You Will Find It So if You Will Call ot the "Hub" Clothing House and See How they ore Selling Goods. SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST In Order to Close the Stock, out as Soon as Possible. We mean Just what wo say and when we tell you that our clothing and gents' furnishings are all up-to-date goods, the entire stock being bought within the past six months, and a great deal or it Isor thlssprlng's selections. Come and soe how remarkably cheap wc can lit you out with a new suit. We Invite the runners to drop In and look over our stock and when thov do this ami llnd how cheap these goods are going, I hoy will ho sure to lake homo with them a new suit. Seize onto this opportunity of sup plying yourseir with clothing at half the retail prices. I'nti't wait until next week, or to morrow, but come right now. TIIK IIl'll. r PtKIDltT OF THE CONDITION or mi Plattsmouth Savings Bank of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Chrii N. 7SO. Iiunrixntltsl In tlit Slliif .cl.rvkn. ul tii rliw of Imaliifvt, Mnivli lllli. IIK4. Kttmarttt lmn mul IMvonnli t ID 7i l: iiMTilriifK. iiH'iiri'tl itml unwiiri'il Nona M. kv M'Oiirllli'.Jiiitim'iit.t-itiniK. Kl'" NIINI II.1111I-. I'. S J wo UO ll.tnl.lii li.niMi furniture hiii! H- liir'. 7u 'j) Current K xk ii nml tuif mM 4r I'ri'iiiliiui on I!. S. himI oilier tainiU mul MM'tirtlln M Cifh Item N& line from imtlniutl. urn. nml private liunka anil l.iuiUri. j 410 40 I'lns-lti mul Ileum of - mint" Kwl 3H Totitl null oil limul 14 2MI TS Tut nl... J7 V IS LlmbinUtt. Cniliitl stuck imIiI In I li jiai m I nillHiliil pruHu WHIM liiillvlilintl iii'ilt u!h lis'l to I'liKfk IA V7? 47 Tlniu i'erillli'Hti of ili'u.i- lt ? X-'lt HI - H .H13 4T Notim miillillit rn Uiwoiinteit muni llllla pntiihlu mma TUI I .17 7M IS HTATKir NmilArt. I County of C'uim. 1 I. .1. M. Kolmrlii. i-unlilurof tlie iilmvii imnieil lunik, tin oieiiiiily awimr lliat lliu uIniv.i Hlnte iiihiiI Nrurrecl mill n t rue i-niy of the reirt liuiile to I he Sl.ile lliiukliiK Ikutril. J. M. ItohltllTH. Attkht: l iwliler. Tin.. K. I'Aiiri E. ( '""' Kti Sulwrllieil mill Hworn to lMfnri me I his 2 1. it iluy of Muy. I!4. I' 1'. Atwihui Notiiry I'lilillo. My I'liiiiinll.'iliiii eilreit ticiolK r l.i. 11111. WE ARE SHOWING New Shirt Waists Wash Dress Goods Waistings Hosiery and Underwear Queen Quality Shoes New Oxfords Just Received. J Carpets, Mattings, Etc. How about that new Carpet? If you have not bought it yet, we have Plenty of Choice Patterns to Select From. E.G.Dovey&Son A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure exci p death and taxes, but that Is not alto gether true. Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thous ands can testify to that. Mrs. C. H. VanMctro of Shcphertown, W. Va., says "I had a severe case of bronchi tis and for a year tried everything 1 beard of but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then rured mc absolutely." It's Infallible ror croup, whooping cough, grip, pneu monia and consumption. Try It. It's guaranteed by F. Frlcke Co., druggists. Trial bottles free, Regu lar sizes ;VK: and f 1.00. Whooping Cough. "In the spring of l'.'ol my children had whooping cough." says Mis. D. W, Capps, of Capps, Ala. "1 used (.'ham bcrlalu's Cough remedy with the most satisrai'tory results. I tiiitik this Is the best remedy 1 li.ive ever seen fur wli'HipingCiHigli." ThN remedy keeps the coiil'Ii loose, lev. 'its t;io severity and f r"iiii'iii y of the on'hing spoils and counteracts any tendency to;ir pneumonia. For sale by all druggists Smoke the Wurl llros.' celebrated "Cut 1 1 e i 1 -' clirs. Don't CroaH. I r circumstances hand you a bitter cup of medicine, just swallow It, and make the other fellow believe you like it. He will quit mixing the stuff for you If you make him believe you like it. Hut If he sees you make a bad face when you swallow he will lie sure to have a fresh dose for you every morning. Seed Corn. Silver Mine seed corn for sale. This corn matures early. Made near sixty bushels per acre last year of good sound corn. F. M. Yovno, jh., It. It. D. No. 1, I'lattsmouth, Neb. Now Ready for Business. M. Archer, attorney at law and Jus lice of the peace. (Mllee In the Wet fMicamp block, on the sicond floor, on the east side. All legal business will receive iii'iiiiiit attention. Houses to relit and sell. Collect inns without suit a specially. Marriage eori'iinmios pi rtorincil, ami a nice coititi 'ale will be t'ii 11 free. If jmi tvatit to make your will 1 10" a call. I (!- and morlgagis mailo out and acknowl edged. 1 mice hours from .in to J.mi a. in. and f t -m I :un to .Von and T.oo to Vini p. in. i;kpoi;t of tiik condition or mi'. Murray Sltvtc Ilivnk. of Murray, Nebraska. CltivrUir No. 37H. Ini'oriKiriHiMl In Hie Stiitrof Ncliriiskii. at tln clone of liiiHinens Muy I It It. Hull. ItKHOI III H: loiiiiH mul lllv'oiinu i m .Mini 1 1 viTilruf tH.Hii'ii reil mul uiisei'iiri'il . I "iih III Current espeinieii mill til vs uilil. . . . Ill 57 nun iroin juiiioiiiii, mule mul prl- vuIk I11111I1HI1111I ImnUerK l.'l 7X1 II Cheek nml Iti'inn of exeliuliue kiinb eiiili 1 Jli &i L. W. WaHeley. J. Francis, general passenger agent of the Burlington lines west of the Missouri river, goes toChlcago to serve In a similar position on the lines east the river. L. W. Wakeley, with pre sent headquarters at St. Louis, will succeed Mr. Francis at Omaha. The editor of the Journal has lieen ac quainted with Mr. Wakeley for a num ber of years, or ever since he has lcen connected with the Missouri lines, and while our relations with Mr. Francis for the past two years have been of the most genial nature, wc are glad he Is to be succeeded by a gentleman and scholar of Mr. Wakeley 'scallbrc. The Sunday World-Herald, In speaking of Mr. Wakelcy's coming to Omaha, says: The rise of Mr. Wakeley In the rail way world has been gratifying to his friends In Omaha, where he was reared. After completing his educa tion in the public schools here lie was appointed to the United States mili tary acaaemy ana spent tnree years at Wcstl'olnt. In November, 1HMI, he secured a clerkship In the service of the Iiurlington at a salary of 910 a month, and rose rapidly to rate clerk, chief clerk, and local freight agent of the freight department In Chicago. In IHH7 he was appointed assistant to the general manager, Harry It. Stone, and in less than a year was appointed assistant general passenger agent of the "Q," a position he held until IHlMi, when he was made general passenger agent of the Missouri lines of the Iiur lington. , Only Think of It! A Kansas editor vouches for the fact that a cow chewed off a rooster's tall and at the next milking gave a gallon and a half of cocktail. It Is appalling to think of what Is going to happen to the editors of that state at the final balancing of earthly accounts! 120,000 Starving. Wc mean the 120,000 hairs on your head. They are starving. Their food Is so poor they are already leaving you very rapidly. Soon you will not have one left unless you use Ayer's Hair Vigor. This stops falling of the hair and makes the hair grow rich and heavy. 'I'i'iiii 1 as 4H7 u 4nii.iTiiES: Citpltul mock I'hIiI In I (MO mi Ul K! I 3) 4H4 17 1 mi Muriilm fiinil I'iiiIIvIiIimI (iroflu . IMvlili'iiiU iiiiiihIiI InilMillliil tlepiwlu iuIh im'l Ul I'lllH'M Tiinn riirtlHi ti of tin, IHWlt Dim to imlloiml Imnka.... ToUl I 3M 47 44 HrtTiiii Nihhanica, I County of Can. I. lift. S Hloim. Cililer of tlw Ioth niunn ihI Imiik. 1I11 Miliiiniily mtt-nr Hint tlif nlxire Mlutemnit In eorreet anil a tnuuniiy of tlie re bort mailn to tlir Htatu llunkliiK liour.i Cil. W. M-roniu Ciiililer Attkht: I. M. Stiini. OlMi'tors. J. A. I'lll.l.AHII f Hiilw-rllieil mul mt irn to U-for inn tliW 2Ut iluy of May, IIM l. C. Wht. Notiiry INIilln. My eominliiliiii eiolreii Mnreb Ij, luirr. D&nk of Cuss County, of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Charier H. 44J. Iiii'iirporiiteil In Him State of Ni'liriiiku, lit trie Iimii of IiuhIiihim Miiy 14th. I!H. hicimiiihckk: I amu mul IHtcoiinli I jr l4' 311 OvenlriiflH. eeiirel iiimI uiiMH'unxl 4 UHl S3 HtiK'k.ieiirllle!. JllilKnielitcluliiiit -W X 113 llmikliiK Iioum) fiirnlliire ami fl tiirt-N (ithrr real intute Current c i'iie mul taie itulil vnUi liankii and linkers BY KEEPING IM LIME:! And marching straight to Ueelbaetj Qo, whore you will bo ro paitl for your trouble by getting the best on tho markets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, 9 frosli daily frun the mnrkots. VEGETABLES. guthrri'il frehli every morning. 'Phone 54. W.11. riii.iTi lt!iiek I'ltiitMiiomh. KKl'OKT OF TIIK CONDITION Hue from natliinul. male nml yrl- Cli'k ami IteliiHof fli huilKti. S &") tt) is va 25 1 H4 J U 44 to! 41 Total cu-ili on liaml 13 571 M Total I 3U7 132 HI UaBil.lTiaH: CaplUl hUh-U palU lu... ... &U UO II) suriiiim ruiiii iu i mi llmllTldwl pronu 12 S47 VI Imllvlilual ileuonltH Hulijti-l to 14" sai HI llellilillil eertUli aU-ii of ilepoilt.... 10 Silt 47 Tlniu n-rtlHi'iitin of lleoioit I H7 M I11111 to Ktalu anil prlratu Imiikiianil liHiikers s iw) 21 llllln iwyalilu .) imu 10 TlrTAI I :I7 131 HI Htatf. or NrniiAHKA. 1 ,M County of Ciiim. I I. T. M. I'littorwm. Cusliler of tlio hIiovh llllllll'il lunik, lli 1 Nolelllllly nweur tllllt tlm ntiiteineiit I eorreet anil a true eupy of the ri Kirt iimiie tollie SOile llnnkliiir lloiinl. I SI. CATTKIIHON. Cusliler. Attkht: Cham. C. I'aiimki.k. i Hlreetors. It. r. I ATTKHHON, I HuliM'rllN'il nml Nfforn Ui iH'foro me tills 14th iluy of Muy. IKM. u i. iiakhk. .Mitiiry 1'iniiie. My eoniinUnlon explrenOi lolier i. llMi. Now Is the time to clean house- clean your system first, drive out tho microbes of winter with Ilolllstcr's Uocky Mountain Tea. It will keep you well all summer. 3. cents. Tea or tablets. Oerlng & Co. I 4 Low Cuts In all the Fashionable (Q Fads for feminine footwear for. .0t We have a very graceful OXFORD. Iloxlble McKay solo, patent tips. Fifth avenue too, Cuban heel. Tisan ideal shoo, for a medium price, that has service and stylo, hot us show It to you. See our Child's Sllppeis. s)xJ(JShcrvvoo(l & Son