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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1909)
THE NEWS-HERALD xi-: i iiv,t-tic.A. X Y I I'l.ATTHMOHTM V - t En tend at the poMoffice nt Plattumouth, County, Nebraska, .... J .. 1 .. . I 4-. v ----- - v OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY & 1 . A A THE NEWS-HERALD I'UIiLISIIING COMPANY, Publishers JL V - . - - - - , V J P. A. BARROWS Editor f V E A. QUINN Magager V f $ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION j t One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months in advance, 75c t -r- - riattamouth Telephone No. 85. Nebraska Telephone No. 85 A V . y V DECEMBER 27, 1009 f V It is pretty hard work for the av erage democratic editor to say what lie believes and not come in contact with the kind of political (lope he .serves up to his readers. In most cases it is immensely ludicrous as was the case of the World-IIerald Saturday when it put up a Christmas greeting to the public and told how swimmingly . i 4 ... everyiiung was going on in uus cuunuy and how happy everybody ought to lie, and then followed with an ed itoriel trying to convey the impres sion that the republican party was responsible for the undesirable con ditions which confronted us, or words to that effect. It is a mighty hard row that the average democratic editor has to hoe, and the readers of a democratic paper should try real hard to believe what they write Is true for it is brought forth with "groan ing which cannot be uttered" and is the cause of much sleepless nights, unless one is used to it. One can do most anything after they get used to it, and the democratis editorial stunt is one of them. The business Men's Association of Omaha have been putting th.iir literature in plate form and offer ing it free to publishers who would use it but very few have accepted. Now they are not only of fering the plates free, but are willing to pay a reasonable price in ad dition for publishing them. This is a greta inducement and a publisher should not be blamed for accepting this offer. A publisher has space in his paper for sale. A merchant has goods for sale, and a merchant would be considered a fool who would not sell any member of this association any goods in his line. Why not a publisher sell his space that he has for sale Hut there is a principle in volved. TheJIiteraturp referred to is an attempt to prove that more ilipior is sold in prohibition states than in states where liouqr is sold openly. They go farther and attempt to show that the per cent of crime is greater in prohibition states than in states where liquor is sold openly, They must offqr something that is good andjfor this reason advocate a Tigid enforcement of the laws we have to regulate saloons. This is only a pretense for it is obvious that their money and inllucncc is used to shield violaters of the law. Kvu-y case that is brought up before the courts is vigorously defended by the element composing? the Business Men's :is soi'iariotuof yoiiij.ha. This is why many publishers w ill. refuse the plates an I I In- price also. Tin y are teaching a false :-r,. p rniciims doctrine. Mindon Courier. will help them in other ways. While many believe that football is a brutal sport and should be abandoned, there arc still many who believe that it should not. One thing is sure, it is the college sport and there is no other sport which causes the student to work harder in his studies than football for mighty few of them whoare classed among the team or its assis tants care to place themselves in a po sition where they may loose out on the sport because of failure in their studies. It gives the school a cer tain standing and the students of the school get closer together and we believe accomplish more because of it. The editor of this paper is not much of a football rooter. He glor ies in the fact that he is a baseball fan of the forty third degree and gets "nutty" during the season when the game is on in its warmest aspect but we are willing to accord to the lovers of football the same crazy en thusiasm over that game that we get over the great American game. The only kick we have coining on the football and baseball situation at Nebraska university is because they don't have a better team. They have the material all right, and we believe the proper man could get the right results. Our motto in this as in other things is "Push, not Knock." Yt A A. t Y t Y Y Y r t t t Y Y Y Y Y WE WONDER. Tomorrow is Christmas. How many people are there in this broad world who can truly say that they hail with delight the fact that the day is at hand. In the years which have gone by we have been led to be lieve that the .lay which should be one of universal rejoicii g is to many one of hardship. To the youngster, who has no cares hut those incident to childhood, who has a good home and pleasant sur roundings, the advent of Christmas time is always a pleasure. However to the child who has to spend Christ mas day as he spends the other three hundred and odd days of the year, Christmas brings little enjoyment. As he walksalong the street and looks into the windows filled with the nice things of life, and when on Christmas day he sees his more fortunate playmates enjoying all the pleasures which come to them from the fact that they are better situated, there is little to make him hail with joy the git at day. It therefore should be the aim of every one who may have ever so lit t le t o spare to add something to the pleasure of the little fellow who has little to make him feel that Christmas day is all that it should be. B wr? rfft "04 (CN m "1 9 At the Big Store Of ASEMISSEW & KLiNGESt Big Hardware Is attracting the attention of the entire county and the farmers are travel ing through the mud to get to it. Here are a few prices to show you how we are selling carpenter tools. Saws! Saws! 85c now st . . . . $1.65 now at $2.25 now at 59c $1.20 $1.49 12 inch, 50c now at Try Squares 10 inch, 40c now at 9 inch, 35c now at 30c 25c 20c a great many other tools such as Augers, Chisels, Files, Squares and Ham mers, also garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades and Scoops. Skates in four lots at A. Few Xriias Suggestions 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Former price im $1.00 to $4.50. Carving sets $6.50,new $549 $5.00 now Jjg $2 75, now jj j gg $1.00 Ever Ready Flash Lights at only t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A big line of Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears at extra low prices. Table Cuttery, also Food Choppers and many useful articles at prices that will surprise you. Wood and Iron Stock Remember our stock of articles in Wood and Iron is the biggest in the county and is being soldat way down prices. ASEMISSEN & KLINGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBES. stopped long enou)j;h to see the pleased look in the dark eyes and a pleasant but plaintive '"thank you sir'' that accompanied it. ( 'dancing back as he was crossing the street he saw the girl showing the money to another about the same size who also held a box of gum in her hand. It was only a penny given because it had drop ped accidently, but it meant something who otherwise would receive nothing, happy. If.yoti never tried it, try it just once and you will never regret it except possibly that you had not many times before taken advantage of the opportunity to bring a smile to the face of one who otherwise would have no cause' to smile or no reason to be thankful that Christmas lay had come. D P JACKSON A new line of Sewing Machines, Style and durability of the Singer. COME AND SEE THEM. Hard and Scft Coal Heaters. Rugs and Rockers. to the little girl who was trying to get something, small though it may be, to Important Notice. remind her that Christmas was at . All persons knowing themselves to hand. There was not so much pleas-! 1 indebted in tiny amount to M. ure in the thought for the gentleman j FttI'K,r ure r!M'tl to cull and settle .... .. , ., , : nt once. All persons having bills who had given the penny, thoughtlessly iainst me 1q ana carelessly, tor many nines since j Hame uml get their money. he has blamed himself that he had not shown n greater Christmas spirit As is well known I am closing out my business and am anxious to close up all outstanding accounts. In the . . . , . , , I past I have never crowded any iierson recite this little incident to show howlfor payilM.Iltt l)Ut ,1()VV it is tthsHlllt(.Iv often we let slip an opportunity to necessary that all bills due me be make someone happier at so little I paid promptly. All bills remaining cost to ourselves. unpaid when my business has been . .,, , , , , I cloesd out will In-placed in the hands lhere is still another fr: !.:;e of they (.()tTlioI1 .,S(,m.Vi T,mt m(,.ms Christmas spirit vl.Ui instead of j additional costs and I hope I shall bringing happiness brings hardship, not be called upon to take this means It is the "over spirit" if such wo j to -tll.-t vli:it is due me. m. ranger. t ? Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y J. E. CGVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $150 to $3,000. Don't nay rent uny longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper Let rne show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne- ' S .Sx,ui,h, an(! North Dakota. Missouri or Texas. FIRE INSURANCL written in six of the best companies. ","1 "X vDS r,et y,w bomls from the American Surety Co. ACo.DcNT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury Ys 40 Huns as r-ent t hit of lo'insr your property by fire. Secure a johcy ot the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of Hn income while vou are onable to work INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. V. i'i II of in 1 1;:, on !ii mi, i v the iv, -til.':, and i v p:irt ! ;i u miiv call it. The giving bevond oui'i means. It is the one great problem l vou ever stop in your busy rush which the man or woman of small' i-f r x-; i:cn tor tltri'iCrr.C!. i aNituj the street and listen to the little i salary and large circle of friends or ?Ii . W. I.. .i:.--;;n, wife of the p ! le'low or little girl v. Iio is endeavoring ! relatives has to solve. The great ' 1 ' ' "f i .u- Met hnu;.-t ehiiveh, cli n ir ei'iior in th;i: i he T :i 1 - l.i ... . ; i- ll:r r:i v . I ..II i tlll'-i . ,,!' . I : r;t ii. i i i ;icl. t i ( i li .. 1 1 , , before ( 'I :soi,,i' li,i I ( 'in i-! !h:': nil ! i I few ;i n-tmas to earn e trinket, etioili ly selling ; (piestioii is, to whom shall we give. so lh;'t 1 Where si lil;'V 1. 1.' sl.e I i:iy lllliis i'!r It l 1 lu ll... I,r. :nd drn has linn ! ;' the t::l .1 h 1 I' I 'I' lei II Mill et ii l'e able to I i.-'.Mm: -'. i' a v our i i ' '.' II I'.!! to !h I' II! V lu Ac slop 111 t he li b'-iii's '(-' :i ' i. ! II we start and where shall 1 there aiitliiia: gained of ( lir': -I ma :ii iiri; w l.ich Vil-liip U J ' ' 1 1 t: in.. 1 1 it a for Lie. i.ln, w hi re 1.; in. .1 lea- daUK'iter. .M:n. ! ' PRE INVENTORY 9 wheti t:...t III' villi il a -a- naee i, L'le.l i i 1 1 1: -a't aim I . 'I c. a. vl.;, ill1 I ,;. ; , ih,. ... v,, I. poll 1 1 11' of i;.,i c - . pi i'!il"S v '" a K V' I v .' rt rp "i ,y mill ale, the w. , ... . . .. t. I" .in iced '! anv .irti.-le. i pi t .ii. Our I'iv invent.. iv t: til il .li.iiuai v 1 . t ' . f'tl la 'I a limit l Our 1 1 1 1 1 ; . l i u Sale m "lii.-'.l'.V .! t'r. M in, ial! ' Ii" -U,. ill i'eli.w,-, i h enal :::i;e, it lie" ' - i.r.r U II!: i t til- , p...' V:,i l-; pile t!:.- : ,.. ! :; ,, !.d.e .ad.. !,! . ,.- : I a-id i.-i-.n. .. . !, , .a '2D per e. nt ., will ( lit HIHlUJ SALE ..ili ti..n M M r e is I hat all odds, C "I I I. !ei I l i e in I - i l! 1 1 li, ra l . all in r. !. i .pi. i lilea : - J e' 'in i mni i r i ti.l. ii, !; r.'ii'.; en- . !. ii.: u Moi'ty, - i .ii i 1 in aire,' -i I, - l! 1 1 veil fail disc .1 to l.,a'- H.u In I. i. l a: ra t bl;l!v, .111 J ' IV.Cdt So III I, l e I, Wr n "tal- 'a in, ' i of I :.! :..: a I ' e -, ic'cnt . -hi'ii'.! : ill in I . , CI I'm' 1 r'.( - I", in n i.i ia 0;!p. !).!'', Uh '.1 1 '1 Vii.i.Ui'1; 5 e t l - . .'. at il..- N u-s-11 i ,1 . (Vic- aed v . v ill : av 'll t !!!!. tl.'al-i :. a nsi' ,i. e'.etn .'. le- i'l i tela' M. CjcoiI .';. i v'i KV'i.soiiob'v Rate in .'-J. ,-.. ? ? ? Y ? Y Y v f Y Y ; Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y 1 Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t V a. I I ) Il i . la ' ciii ' T 1