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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1909)
Mews-Heralb JUL. So TWICE A WEEK WS. Established No. B. 1R91 HALT). Established April 16. li-64 (roisolidUsl Jan. 1. WS PLATTSMOUTIT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER :t0.1U0!i VOL. XLVI T.i f rT2irt"L WOEKLR IS REMEMBERED. Large Number of Church People Call on Mrs. Ssheldknecht Wednesday evening a number of the members of the Christian church met at the home of their friend Mrs. Jennie Scheklknccht and had a very nice evening with her in the talking over the past history of the church and town. Mrs. Scheklknccht has been a faithful worker in this church since February 1S35 at which time she be came a member being baptized in the Mississippi river at Louisiana, Mis souri, by the Ilev. Joseph Erratt, who is the father of Davis Errett, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles. All brought with them some token of love and respect in which the grand old lady is held by the membership of the church. Rev. Luther Moore made some very . appropriate remarks expressing the feelings which the members of the church and those present entertained for the gooil old lady, and her work for the church. lie said it was with pleasure that they who were present came to meet and greet this faithful worker and that they were glad of the good example which she has set for those eomimg to follow. Rev. Youtzy also followed with a few well chosen remarks, telling of the kind nets of Mrs. Schildknecht and com mending her good work and extend ing the good feeling of the members of the church for the same. Mrs?. Scheldknceht in reply thanked those present for their good feelings and christian fellowship. Mrs. Scheld knceht has had charge of the Emblems of the church for over thirty years and i alwavs provided them at the times at which they were to be used. A good they were to be used. A goodly num ber of young people were present who enjoyed themselves with games and social conversation. Spent Holidays In Missouri. It. A. Osborii the efficient an gentle manly clerk in the grocery depart ment of the Zuckweiler k Lutz's store, returned this morning from a few days visit at Maryville, Mo., where he and his wife were the guests of Mrs. Osbom's parents and where and where Mrs. ((shorn will remain for some weeks. Dick will run bach elors hall while his wife remains in Missouri and we know he will mahe u fine and artistic housekeeper. Looking lor Employment. Chas. McC'ann of Watson, Mo. came in this morning and is visiting his friend Henry York, formerly of that place and is seeking employment of the Rurlington, being a blacksmith. Master Clarence and Miss Myra McGraw of Lincoln who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Short for some days past and where they spent the holidays departed for their home this morning, via the Rurling to . DON'T WAIT for better opportunity to buy good trousers cheap. All left over from suits and all single pairs from our odd pant stock have been put in 3 lots namely $1.39, $1.99, $2.49 to close out for cash. These are new stylish cut pants, mostly Dutchess. If you pick $1 more a pair for any of them you would get your full moneys worth. We are sacrificing them to clean up our stock. Sizes from 28 waist to 44 waist. Our store will close at noon on New Year's day. C. E. Wescotf s Sons The Home of Satisfaction. New Year's Reception. The annual New Year's reception of the Epworth League will be given at "Sunnyside" the home of Mr. anil Mrs. C. E. Wescott.on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All leaguers and their friends are invited. Resides a program of interest there will be the customary New Year's address, b'y Rev W. L. Aus tin. This occasion has for many years been one of the pleasant social features ef the League work, and a cordial in itation is extended t' r.ll to partici pate in the pleasure of the evening. His Eye Much Better. Peter C. Peterson who has been compelled for some time past to lay off from his work on account of a cat aract Igrowing over his left eye and which he has been having t mi ted by Dr. Stuart Livingston is rejoicing on account of the improvement the mem ber is showing of late and thinks that in the aourse of a few days he will be able to resume his work. Showing at Glenwood Institute. Mrs. II. S. Austin departed this morning for (Ilenwood, Iowa, where she will be joined this afternoon by Mr. Austin where they will put on an entertainment at the institute for the feeble minded at thatplace this even ing. Will Depart lor Home. Rev. D. A. Youtzy, wife and son Elmer will leave for their home in Central City tomorrow morning af ter having visited in the city for about a week with friends. They say that their coming to this place to spend the holidays is like coming home as they spent a number of years here m the ministry. I his even ing Rev. Youtzy with bis son Elmer, will cive a musicale and lecture, for the benefit of the Christian Sunday School, which is spoken of very highly by the press and those who have at tended the entertainment, ami as there is no lecture course here this winter they should be greeted with a packed house, as the entertainment is of exceptional merit. Returns to Home at Ulysses. James Gilmour who came here few davs since to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. A. E. Walker departed for his home this morning over the Rurlington. At the station Mr. Gilniour tells us that in his sec tion of thecountry.thereismuch corn still in the fields, and that under the snow the ground is still unfrozen am it is not possible to get at the m itter of getting the corn as long as this con dition remains. Mr. Gilniour tells us that he has been living in I 'lyases for some seventeen years and that they have had more cold weather during the month of December this y; ar than in anv other during his residence in that place. Mrs. Ophelia Maurori vdio has becn'visitine in the city for s-une time past a guest at the home of her daugh ter, departed this mormon f m her home at New Providence, Iowa. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING AN INTERESTING SESSION Fairly Good Attendance and Much Enthusiasm Over Re ports Made by Officers. SAME OFFICERS ELECTED Boaed of Directors Will be at Some Time Later. The meeting of the Plattsmouth Commercial club which was held Wed nesday evening was -fairly well at- ended and as usual much enthusiasm was shown over the reports made by the oflieers and committees. The first matter taken up was the lection of oflieers, the old officials laving shown themselves to be the right men for the positions, confi- fidencc in them was shown by a unam- . t . on lomus election as ioiiows: J. P. Falter, President. R. R. Windham, Vice President. E. II. Wescott, Secretary. R. V. Patterson, Treasurer. The club voted to allow the presi dent to appoint the board of direc tors, which will be done later. It is asking a great deal of a busi ness man to put in the time which he is compelled to put in as an official of good live club such as the Platts mouth club is. Especially is it a hardship upon the Secretary, who has to burn the midnight oil to keep up the work whish naturally comes to one who holds the position of sec cretarv of an institution where so much work is needed. There is plenty of work for each officer of the club, but the larger portion naturally falls upon the secretary. Probably few realize the sacrifices made by Secretary Wcs eott of his own private business in or der that the city might be benefitted. He has made these sacrifices gladly and willingly and w;ll continue to make them gladly and wi'lingly for he is the sort of a man who accomplish es t Iii ncs and as his future is n part of Plattsmouth he is interested in the future of the city. Without detract ing one iota from the work of Presi dent Falter nnd other officials of the club, we wish to say that if the .thing Brief Local Happenings. Miss Jessie Robertson is in Omaha today. Miss Emma I'lrich of PlainView is the;guest of Miss Ida Wcidman, Mrs. Julius Neilson was a visitor with friends in Omaha today. Wanted Dining room girl at Hotel Riley. Good wages Apply at once 00- Mr. and Mrs. John Fight and dau ghter Hattie were visitors with friends in Omaha this morning,. C. W. Ray lor returned this morning from a business trip at Omaha having gone up lasi evening Mrs. H. D. Travis was a passen ger to Omaha this morning where she goes to visit the brother of Mr.Trav is. I. I'. Travis, who is reccivinc treatment et one of the hospitals in Omaha. Miss 1). E. Irwin of Malvern came in- this morning and will visit for a few days with a number of friends in this city, and will be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (). P. Mon roe while here. Wm, Meunchau of Avocu, la., came I in this morning and will visit in the city for some time a guest at the home of his friend James C. Smith ?f this place. Miss Emma Cummins wh I as been visiting at the home of Mr. C. A. Richey nnd family at Louisville for for some days past returned home this morning. TO SERVE FOR ANOTHER YEAR. Appointed by the President were possible the Sescretary should receive some recompense for the time spent in the interest of the club which is taken from his own private busi ness. There were several matters of inter est brought before the club relative to securing manufacturing concerns for the city, and in two instances the prop osition was so good that a committee werr appointed to confer with the parties. At this time it is not de sired that the matter should go out side of the club for various reasons, but in due time the public will be made acquainted with the progress of the matter. After the business session was over the club took up the discussion of the Postal Savings Hank matter. A. L. Tidd took the side in favor of the system nnd spoke for some length, giving many ideas calculated to en lighten those present who were not familiar with the proposed legisla tion. J. M. Roberts followed with a very interesting talk against the es tablishment of the postal banks, dy ing many reasons why such n course would be dangerous to business es jvjrudly in the smaller towns. Much amusement was caused before the debate began by a request from .Mr. Roberts that a standing vote be made before the debate beiran show ing how the club stood in (lie matter. Five voted in favor of postal banks and four against, on a vote as to how many had no opinion in the matter about a dozen stood up. The balance of the members present seemed to be considerably up in the air, or rather down in their chairs. It is expected to hold a discussion upon some topic of general interest at each session of the club in the future. Mrs. Rao Patterson was a visitor with friends in Omaha today. George Poisall departed for Flor ence this morning where he is doing some grading. George Rhoden of northwest of Murray was a business visitor in the city this morning. Walfred Nord was a passenger to Omaha this morning where he is visiting at the home of his friend (ieo. Hoffman. Misses Emma Rauer and Jessie Robertson were visiting with friends in Omaha today having gone on the early morning train. 1). R. Smith of Omaha was a busi ness visitor in the city last evening and this morning returning home on the Rurlington today. L. W. Reynard and wife of near Rock Rluffs were visitors in the city this morning looking after some busi ness matters. John McNurlin who has been vis iting at Louisville with relatives ami friends for some time past, re-i turned home this morning. ' v.. .u. cyricri 01 j.ouisvuie came in this morning from that hustling little city and will look after some business matters in the county seat today. t t C l 1 f 1 ! . At the Hotel Rih-y tonight at ft' o'clock there will be a grand drawing for a valuable bull pup. Re on hand to receive the animal in case you hold the lucky number. W. M. Romer and wife of Wood-! lake, Iowa, the latter a daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin, are visiting in the city during the holidays. Up from Oklahoma. George W. Young, former county commissioner of this county, and resi dent of Plattsmouth, but now of Alva Oklahoma, came in this week and is visiting with friends for a few days Mr. Young is a farmer in the wen com monwealth in the southland, and is meeting with prosperity there. Mr. Young came to Nebraska just at this time on account of the injury to his brother Lewis Young, who some six weeks since had the misfortune to get one of his legs broken but who is now progressing nicely. While in the city Mr. Young is the guest of Charles Troop. The Methodist Sunday School will hold teachers meeting at the church this evening (Thursday) for the study of the lesson. Everyone invited to at tend. As this will be the first of the New Year's lessons it will be of spec cial benefit to all who come. Study led by the pastor. Departed for Home. Mrs. Mary Kough of Marshall town, Iowa, who has been visiting in the city the guest at the home of her daughter Mrs. George McDaniel, and Fred Kough of Gam-in Iowa, w ho has been visiting with his sister Mrs. George Mi-Daniel, departed yesterday for their home going on the Rurling ton. Miss Henrietta Martins departed for Omaha this morning where she will visit for the day. Henry Ilirz and son Phillip from west of the city were passengers to Omaha this morning where they will visit the chicken show for the day. Returns to Plattsmouth. M. L. McDaniels who has been em ployed with the Rurlington rai way at Sheridan, Wyo., where he has work ed in the tin shop at that point for some time, arrived in Plattsmouth this morning and will visit for some time with friends and relatives, and will probably remain here until the spring. Notice. The children of St. Luke's Sunday School will have a skating party on New Years afternoon. All children be at Rurlington depot promptly at :$ o'clock. Smaller children will be well taken care of. 72-lf. Superintendent. Here's to you! To all our friends and customers 1 j ii Copyright Hart Schatliicr & Marx We will close at noon on New Year's day.' The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thierolf Value Giving Clothiers. A NARROW ESCAPE FOR HARVEY WHITLOW Struck by Engine of Fast Freight While Passing Orders. Wednesday morning while on duty at the Missouri Pacific station, Oper ator Harry Whitlow had a very nar row escape from the grim monster, while endeavoring to pass a train or der to the engineer of a flying freight train. Mr. Whitlow hail taken the order and on the approach of the train which was coming down grade stepped u) near the track to hand the engineer his copy of the train order. The wind whipped the steam from the cylinders in his face, and in order to get the engineer the copy, held his hand a trifle closer than he should, the en gine striking him whirling him around and injuring his arm to a consider able extent. Had he reached a little farther the impact of the engine strik ing his arm could easily have drawn him under the flying train with fatal results. Marriage Licenses. Marriage license's were issued at the county judge's office to the fol lowing: Henry R. Mayo, 53, of Atlantic, la., and Anna Lowe, 4!), of Griswold, la.; Frank L. Railey, 4!), of Valley Junction, la., and Harriet A. Moul ton, 40, of Weeping Water. The latter couple were married at Weeping Water by Rev. G. H. Moulton, father of the. bride, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mayo were married by Judge Archer at his office. Returned Home Today. Miss Elizabeth Jackson who has been visiting in the city for some time past a guest at the home of her grand parents H. J. Streight and also at the home of her uncle W. J. Streight and wife returned to her home in Om alia this morning and was accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Streight who will visit friends for the day in the metropo lis. F. Frankfeller of Schuyler who has been visiting in the cily for some time past a guest at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. John Nemetz of this place departed for his home yesterday over the Rurlington. Will Troop of near Nehawka was a business visitor in the county seat today. who arc helping us make a big success of our new ly established business; to all the other men who like to be well dressed, and who hav en't yet found out the best way to do it, and the right place to do it in is this store; Hart Schaffner & Marx. gieatcst of all clothes makers, for their share in our prosperity; for making such clothes, all wool, perfectly tailored. May you live long and piosper. Suits and overcoats $w to $30.