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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1909)
A MewsHebalb, 6" JLJd v. TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Established Nov. 6. 1S91 HfcKALD. EsUblihed April 16. 18f 4 Consolidated Jan. 1. 1895 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMUE1. 11, 10! VOL. XLVI NO. 60 IH u .A Pay Day NO. 1 Men's Suits $7.50 A line of neat dark pat terns, browns, olives and grays, cut in the latest style. All sizes, 30 to 44. NO. 3 Men's Shirts 39c AH colors, light or dark, or plain black sateen soft collars attached. The ma terial worth 39c now. NO. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $2.25 Boys' plain pant suits $1.99. Don't let the boy wear shabby clothes when you can buy new ones at this price. Sizes 5 to 15. G E. Wescotfs Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. . TRIP OF PRESIDENT IS NEAR THE END Now on Ills Way on the Final Lap ol Long Journey. AUGUSTA, Ga., Nov. 0 After de feating Major Joseph H. dimming at a game of golf, the president opened the Georgia-Carolina interstate fair, rode through the streets of the city amid the cheers of the multitudes and then left the city for Florence, S. C. On invitation of the president Tyrus Cobb, the great ball player called on the president at the golf link and was warmly received by the cxryuvc. The president made quite an extended speech at the fair grounds. Upon Cobb's presentation to the president .Mr. Taft said: "I am very glad to meet Georgia's most popular citizen." "I'd be glad to give you whatever popularity I have," replied Cobb. MAYOR JOHNSON HAD MADE POOR INVESTMENTS Over $800,000 In Debts In Concerns He Was Interested In. CLEVELAND, Nov. 9. The an nouncement made by Tom J. Johnson, mayor of Cleveland last year, that lie had lost his fortune through poor in vestments came to light last night when the debts in the two companies in which most of his investments were made were taken over by a new com pany in another transaction. What proportion of the assets of these two companies belongs to Mayor Johnson has not yet been made public. jjp) Specials NO. 2 Men's Overcoats $5.00 A good dark gray coat, with collar same as coat, well lined and a good wear ing article. NO. 4 Men's Ties 22c All shades in 4-in hand or string. Looks like we stole them. This week 22c or 5 for $1.00. 5 District Court News. The November term of the district court opened Monday, with Judge Travis presiding. The following cases were set for hearing: Van Burcn vs. Village of Elmwood. Judgment on mandate. This is a case wherein Van Burcn raised hay on the highways and the village board har vested the crop. Van liuren sought to recover damages and lost. Henry Iferold vs. William W. Coates. Byron Clark and William A. Robertson withdraw from the case and E. P Smith enters his appreancc as attorney for defendant. Hugh II. Carroll vs. Edwin Jeary. Set for trial. Plaintiff has leave to file his reply instantcr. City of Plattsinouth vs. Earl C. Wescott et al. Motion to make peti tion more definite and certain. Lorencc Bowers vs. C. B. & Q. R. H. Co. Plaintiff has leave to amend sum mons by endorsing on amount claimed on book of summons. Defendant ex cepts. Edward B. Cowles vs. Joseph Gib son ct al. Dismissed for want of pros ecution. Zellie Ethel White vs. Andrew F. Sturm ct al. Set for hearing Thursday, November 11, at 1:30. Nellie Sherwood vs. ThoinasII. Sherwood. Dismissed without preju dice. Jacob Rayles vs. Adelia Itayles. Set for hearing Nov. 12. Alvinia Augusta Albin vs. William Albin. Set for hearing Tuesday morn ing. Alvin Henry Murray vs. Ester Alden Murray. Default of defendant enter ed. John C. Knabe vs. Minerva Jones et al. Default of defendants entered. The House Wife Will appreciate the quality of our coal, and the man of the house will appreciate the price and quantity. 2000 BAYLOR coal man PURELY Items ot Interest Concerning the Going and Coming of People You Know F. G. Fricke departed Monday for Ashland. Mrs. John Donelan is visiting in Weeping Water. Geo. Oldham visited his brother in Murray Monday. Mrs. C. L. Cort of Omaha is visiting Mrs. Mason of this city. Miss Alice Hubbell departed Tues day morning for Bartlett, la. Miss Margaret Mauzy is spending a few days at York with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Husky of Mur dock were in the county seat Monday. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stuecklin is reported to be on the sick list. 'John Livingston left this morning for South Omaha to look up the sheep market. George Sitzman and Mrs. Charles Sitzman of Cedar Creek were in this city Monday. Judge W. II. Newell departed Mon day for Wymorc to look after his stone business. A. F. Hedengren, the Burlington bridge man, departed Tuesday morn ing for South Ojaha. Mrs. Julia C. Dwycr and son De Forest spent Sunday in :Lineoln visit ing with relatives. Mrs. II. N. Dovcy and her guest, Mrs. Purkhill of Delavin, Wis., de parted Monday for Lincoln. Miss Emma Falter returned to her school duties at Peru yesterday after a brief visit at her home in this cit v. HE ONLY GOT AWAY WITH ABOUT $613,000 Same Story that Catches them all Cards, Wine and Women. NEW YORK, Nov. 0.-C. L. War riner, the local treasurer of the Big Four railroad, has defaulted in the sum of about SO 13,000. He has turned over about $100,000 and his bond in a sur ety company will be about S.10,000 more. This will leave the company holding the sack for about SoOO.OOO. ' Warriner used the "cash in transit" method to carry out his work. At the end of each month there are considera ble sums of money on their way to the local treasurer from station agents and others which have not been received by him. It was by including in this item the moneys which he had iu fact stolen that ho was enabled to conceal his de falcations. Mrs. Jeanettc Ford, the woman in the case, who has been living in luxur ious apartments in Cincinnati, is miss ing from her abode in that city. She has been a conspicuous figure in society both in that city and in Chicaho, and had always the appearance of being wealthy. Every Wednesday she was in the habit of receiving remittances and has been known to very frequently spend twenty dollars in champaign in a day. Died In Omaha. Noah Ward, who was injured while working with a Missouri Pacific, con struction gang near Murray, and who was taken to a hospital in Omaha, died there last Wednesday. The de ceased was ;y,i years of age and is sur vived by his parents and his wife. V ? ? ? Y V ? PERSONAL: Mrs. James Welch, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. T. Milburn, depart ! Aionuay lor her home near Ashland. Colonel Charles L. Graves of Union visited the county seat Mond av nml Tuesday, looking after some legal bus iness. Mrs. II. K. Dunbar denartcd Tuns. day for Omaha. She will also visit. Imr daughter, Mrs. Wiggenhorn, in Ash lanu. A. C. White of Fort Morgan, Colo., .t. ,in.w..s inn iuiuiiih, iur. ana iurs. r . S. White and his brothers, A. W. and J. W. Mrs. II. H. Kuhney and daughter, Miss Clara, departed Monday to vis it the former's daughter, Mrs. Roy Mayfield. Lack of business partonagc has caused the box ball alleys to close. The alleys and other fixtures have been stored away. W. S. Super of Nebraska City, well known in this city where he formerly conducted a photograph gallery, is in the city today renewing old acquaint ances. Miss Ethel Ballance, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ballance, do parted Tuesday morning for Peru, where she is attending the state normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gansemer arc rejoicing over the arrival of a son, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman nave n young daughter in their home to feel very proud of. James Seiver and daughter, Miss Mollie, departed Monday for M to attend the marriage of his son and ner hrother, rrank. to Miss Nettie Grim mms on Wednesday, Nov. 10. CASS COUNTY PIONEER DIES Mrs. N. E. Sage Passes Away at Seattle. Washington. Mrs. N. E. Sage died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alta Bowen, in Seattle, Wash., Tuesday, aged 87 years. Miss Nancy Bnbcock was born in Jefferson county, New York, in No vember, 1822. She was married to Mr. Sage in New York and they re moved to Fulton, 111., where they re sided for several years, and then came to Nerasku, arriving in Plattsm outh ou March 11, 1800. Mr. Sage was a carpenter and worked at his trade while here. He passed away here in December, 1S72, aged 58 years. Mrs. Sage was well and favorably known here where she resided for about 25 years. She had been living with her son, Herbert, in Sheridan, Wyo., for a number of years. The body will arrive on the Burling ton Thurdsay morning and Rev. John T. Baird will conduct the funeral services in the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. James W. Sage of this city and Mrs. Alta Bowen of Seattle, Wash., and Herbert Sage of Sheridan, Wyo., are her surviving children. Getting Ready lor the Rush. MFanger's store is a hive of in dustry. A large corps of new clerks is agisting in marking down every arti cle to unheard of low prices and when the store is thrown open Friday morn ing at 8 o'clock to the public there will be soinrthing doing in the mercantile line iu Plattsmouth. .Rock bottom has been reached in prices and the prices are hacked up with goods known for their sterling quality. Mr. Fanger's well known business reputation for square dealing is behind every article offered for sale, and that means good values. Remember that the sale commences Friday morning and re member also that the big stock must be sold and sold' regardless of price Mr. l'aiiger is going out of business and this utile is the opportunity of a lifetime to secure high grade goods for little money. Be on hand early and avoid the rush that is sure to taek place. MAJORITY IS" ABOUT 1,500 Unofficial Vote on Judges Is Now About Complete. EIGHTY-SEVEN COUNTIES UNOFFICIAL VOTE Five Counties Yet to Send In their Reports of Election. LINCOLN, Nov. 0. With eighty- seven counties reported completely and with partial returns from two oth ers, the candidates for supreme judge show the following strengths: Dean, 88,572; Good, 88,059; Sullivan, 80,450; Barnes, 91,023; Fawcett, 90,900; Sedg wick, 91,080. This gives Fawcett a end over Sullivan of 1,450 votes. The counties still to be heard from arc Chase, Keya Paha, MePherson, Sheridan and Sioux. Partial returns arc on hand from Sheridan and Sioux. Last year Chase, Keya Paha, Sioux and MePherson gave majorities for Taft of 251, while Sheridan went for Bryan by 24. The partial returns from Sheridan and Sioux indicate that both will be for the republican candi dates by small majorities. Judge Faw cett's majority over Judge Sullivan will be about 1,000. Official returns are still lacking at the secretary of state's office from twenty-five counties. Counties still have a week in which to get these returns into the hands of the secretary of state. If they are not there by that time a messenger will be sent to the delinquent counties, who shall be paid the expense of his trip by the county in question. Dr. Rlckard Killed. Dr. Edward T. Rickard. 40 years old, of Weeping Water, was killed Monday morning by bis automobile turning over on him. The sad accident occurred a short distance from his town. Theodore Davis, a farmer, found the body when ho was going to his field. Appearances indicate that the doctor was killed instantly, as the machine laid acrost his breast and his head was much bruised. Dr. Rickard was mayor of the town a few years ago, had served in othr capacities, was very popular and was a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal church, lie was a graduate of Cotner university medical school in Lincoln and also of the University of Nebraska. The de ceased is survived by a wife and two sons, one 1 1 years and one five months old. YOU buy your clothes where you think you get the most for your money, thats why we want you to look into our east window, and see the extraordinary values we're offer ing for $10 so Come in and examine them, try them on. You'll find that they're good fiting clothes, made of all wool worsted ma terials, at these prices we think, they'll make you think our way. The Home of Hart SchatTner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thiero Value Gkinij Clothiers, FALLS CITY MAN KILLS HIS WIFE Turns Pistol on Himself and Is Killed Instantly. FALLS CITY. Nov. 10,-An old soldier who moved here a few months ago killed his wife by shooting her yes terday afternoon and then blew out hia own brains. Mr. and Mrs. Inks came to this citv only a few months ago, but had never been able to get along very well to gether and they finally separated. lcsterday Inks camo to the houso where his wife and twelve year old boy were living, but his wife refused him admission. He picked up an ax and battered down the door and entered the house. He then pulled a revolver and fired, the bullet striking Mrs. Inks in tho arm. Sho ran from the house and ho followed firing again, the ball entering her back betweon tho shoul ders. She ran a few steps and then fell dead. Inks then pulled from his pocket a pension cheek of $24 and handing it to his son, placed the muzzle of the gun to his own head and fired. The ball passed through his right tem ple, killing him instantly. HE WAS SUCCESSFUL ON SECOND TRIAL He Wanted the Girl and Ills For mer Wife Assisted Him. HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 10. As sisted by his former wife from whom ho had recently secured a divorce, Erskine G. Fellows eloped with Miss Goldie Alexander for the second tome yesterday and by this time it is sup posed that the deed is done which makes them man and wife. The first time Miss Alexander missed connections because a telegram culled her away just before the cere mony was to take place. This time she was out riding with her mother and the former Mrs. Fellows and was met at the gate of the girl's home by Fellow who engaged the party in conversation while the girl's mother was unhitching the horse at the barn. An elopement was proposed by Fel lows and Mrs. Fellows the first kindly assisted them to get away by packing the girl's clothes for her. Quick Action. Frank A. McElroy, adjuster for the Shawnee Fire Insurance Co., of which Judge Archer is the local agent, was in the city yesterday and settled with C. A. Peterson on the loss sustained by him when his buildings burned on the 30th of last October. All claims were paid in full, which is pretty quick re turns for a fire loss. TO $16.50 f