The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 08, 1909, Image 3

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    All Who
Would Eryoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves tho
question of right living with all the term
Implies. With proper knowledge of what
Is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
tnent, of contemplation and of cITort may
be made to contribute to living aright.
Then the use of medicines may be dis
pensed with to advantage, but under or
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may bo invalu
able if taken at tho proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sole
by all leading druggists.
Mr. Lunnon I suppose I may ad
dress you as major, sir! Every man
In these southern states seems to be
a colonel or a major.
Texas Bill I'm no major; I'm a
How Relief from Distressing Kidney
Trouble Was Found.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf, 388 W. Morgan
8t., Tipton, Mo., says: "Inflammation
of the bladder
reached its climax
last spring and I Buf
fered terribly. My
back ached and
pained so I could
hardly get around
and the secretions
to. were scanty, fre
quent of passage
and painful. I waa
tired all the time and very nervous. I
began using Doan's Kidney Fills, and
after taking a few boxes was cured
and have been well ever since."
Remember the name Doan's. Soli
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster
Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Unusual Luck.
"So you've rented that haunted
house which was on your hands so
"Yes; rented It to an actor."
"Did he find out Its reputation?"
"That's the very thing that decided
blm to take the house." -
"Rather surprising !'.'
"He said it would be such a comfort
for him to get inside of a house
where the ghost walked every night"
They Are "Climbers."
Knicker They used to have an
apartment in the city and a cottage in
the country.
Bocker Now they live in "Arms"
la town and a bungalow at the shore.
There's a rich, satisfying quality in
Lewis' Single Binder that is found in no
other 5c cigar.
Some family skeletons are padded
beyond recognition.
Vegetable Compound
TmiIkMIa Vv T.dli V.. Pink.
barn's Vegetable Compound has cer-
i uwuiy uuue uuu
world or good ana
I cannot praise it
enough. I suffered
dizziness, nervous
ness, and a severe
female trouble.
Vegetable Com
pound has restored
me to perfect
health ana kept me
from the oneratinff
toKU I nrill nowr ha wHhnut this
medicine In the bouse." Mrs. Sam'l
I,, 8023 Fourth St. Louisville, Ky.
Another Operation Avoided
Adrian, Ga. "I suffered untold
misery from female troubles, and my
doctor said an operation was my only
chance, and I dreaded It almost at
much as death. Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound completely cured
me without an operation." Lena V.
Uxnbt, B. F. D. 8.
, Thirty years of unparalleled suc
cess confirms the power of Lydla E.
plnkham'a Vegetable Compound U
cure female diseases. The great vol
time of unsolicited testimony constant
y pouring' in proves conclusively tha
lydla E. Knkham's Vegetable Com
pound is a remarkable remedy for thos
distressing feminine Ilia from wlid
IP daqj woman suffer.
IT fflMfflW
President Promises the Support of
the Administration, But Will Not
Stand for Any "Pork Barrel"
Sherman, Cannon and Dickinson
Pledge Aid.
New Orleans, Nov. 1. Ringing de
mands for "14 feet through the val
ley" and elaborate argument in sup
port of the program for the creation
of a deep waterway from the lakes to
the gulf have marked the great con
vention of the Deep Waterway asso
ciation that opened here Saturday.
President Taft. Vice-President Sher
man, Speaker Cannon, governors of
the Mississippi valley states, innumer
able senators and representatives and
a mighty throng of private citizens
who believe in the big river project
are here and all urge that it be un
dertaken and carried to a speedy con
clusion. President Taft Promises Support.
President Taft, who arrived in New
Orleans escorted by a great flotilla,
after an illuminating trip down the
Mississippi river from St. Louis, land
ed from the lighthouse tender Olean
der about eight o'clock Saturday
morning, and was driven to his ho
tel through streets that were cano
pied with magnolia barnehes, palmet-
toes and southern moss, and every
where the mottoes "Fourteen Feet
Through the Valley" and "River Rate
Regulation Is Rate Regulation." At
the Athenaeum in the afternoon the
president aroused a storm of cheers
by promising that if the 14-feet project
proved feasible and advisable, the
present administration would favor
the issuance of government bonds to
defray the cost.
Not for a "Pork Barrel."
At the same time Mr. Taft made It
plain that he would not stand for any
plan to make a "pork barrel" of the
project. He said he opposed any
such general bond issue of $500,000,
000 or 11,000,000,000 for waterways
improvement, the money to be cut
up and parceled out to different sec
tions, lie declared that the improve-
Vice-President Sherman.
ment of waterways had been carried
forward in a haphazard fashion in
the past, and that a new method
should be adopted.
"I believe in the deep waterway,"
said the president. "I am for it, and
I shall use all the power that I pos
sess in doing what may be accom
plished to give you citizens of this
great valley what you so earnestly de
sire. It is all a part of a still great
er movement inaugurated by Theo
dore Roosevelt, and properly called
by him the conservation of our na
tional resources.
"The projects for irrigation and for
the Improvement of waterways in the
future are not to be for the purpose
of distributing 'pork' tc every part of
the country. Every measure is to be
adopted on the ground thnt it will be
useful to the whole country. They
are not to be adopted for sending
certain congressmen back to Wash
ington or for making certain parts of
the country profitable during the ex
penditure of the money.
"We should take up every compre
hensive project on its merits and de
termine whether the country where
the project is to be carried out has so
far developed as to Justify the enor
mous expenditure of money and if it
will be useful when done. When we
decide in favor of a project, I believe
In issuing bonds to carry It to com
pletion as rapidly as possible. It has
Lost In the Shuffls.
ScribbIer-r"8o old Skinflint's family
lidu't like the obituary I wrote?" Ed
tor "Oh, the obituary was all right,
ut the fool foreman ran it under the
lead of 'People and Pleasant
Svents.' "
Neighborly Consideration.
"I heard your baby crying nearly all
tight What was the matter with it?"
I think she wanted me to get up and
arry her around, but I was afraid it I
lid you'd be disturbed by hearing ma
ramping the floor over your head."
been proimsed that wo Issue bonds for
$500,000,000 or $1,000,000,000, and cut
It up and parcel the money out In this
and that section of the country. I
am opposed to any such proposition,
because it not only smells of the
'pork barrel,' but would be a 'pork
barrel.' "
Sherman, Too, Is for it.
Vice-President James S. Sherman
has brought to the people of the mid
dle west the message of the east,
promising enthusiastic support of the
waterway program. "We people of
the east depend on your people of the
west," said ho. "When we help you,
we help ourselves, so there is every
reason why we should do all in our
power for you, as soon as we realize
what you want and why you want it."
Speaker Cannon and Secretary of
War Dickinson aro no less outspoken
in their assurances of support, and
many senators and representatives,
among them Senator Lorlmer of Illi
nois, the father of the deep waterway
movement, this afternoon made ad
dresses full of hopeful enthusiasm.
Kavanaugh Opens Convention.
William K. Kavanaugh of Missouri,
president of the association, called the
Speaker Joseph G. Cannon.
convention to order Saturday morning
and set forth briefly the alms and
plans of the organization. He said the
deep waterway work Is now in this
1. The sanitary district of Chicago
has built the deep waterway, practi
cally to Joliet, nearly 40 miles, and
$00,000,000 have been spent thus far
on the work.
2. The entire route of the lakes-to-the-gulf
deep waterway from Joliet to
New Orleans, through the Des Plalues
river, the Illinois river and the Mis
sissippi river, has been surveyed un
der direction of congress by United
States engineers, who have officially
reported to congress that the building
of the deep waterway is feasible.
3. Tho people of the state of Illi
nois have adopted a constitutional
amendment providing for a bond is
sue of $20,000,000, the money to be
spent in constructing the deep water
way southward from Joliet.
4. A bill introduced by United States
Represpntatlve Richard Bartholdt of
Missouri is now pending in congress,
providing for the Issuance by the
United States government of bonds to
the amount of $500,000,000, the money
to be spent in constructing this deep
waterway from tho lakeB to the gulf
and other meritorious projected river
5. It is Intended to ask the Sixty
first congress to pass a bill providing
definitely that the United States gov
ernment undertake the construction
of the deep waterway from the point
where the Illinois work will end, to
the Gulf of Mexico.
In the afternoon, following the ad
dress of President Taft, Clifford Pln
chot, head of the government forestry
department, made an address on the
conservation of the nation's natural
In the evening the delegates to the
convention were entertained at a stag
smoker by the Progressive union of
New Orleans. This evening all the
delegates and tho ladles accompany'
Ing them were the guests of the Pro
gressive union at the New Orleans
Opera house, where "La Julve" was
given by the French Opera Con
Philately of Aviation.
One of the very few genuine "varl
etles" in stamps Is announced. II
would be more correct to sav It In i
rare postmark. Rare It will be If in
terested parties did not take advan
tuge of the occurrence Hnd have ad
dressed to themselves thousands of
envelopes bearing the mark. It seems
that during the now historical avln-
tlon week at Rhelms a temporary
postofflce was set up on the aviation
ground and all letters there Donted
bearing the ordinary. French stamps
were postmarked "Betheny-Avlatlon,'
besides the VRrlmin nnrvlra tnnrlra
. ' .uaino.
The marking stanip was hexagonal
instead or round. ThcBe stamps will
no doubt, be curiosities. Time will
tell whether they will be sought after
like the unnecessary Brunei nrovlslon
nls, which in the aggregate must have
fetched Just as high a sum as the
years revenue of the swamp
which they were Issued.
Our Geographical Center.
If Alaska be excluded from consld
eratlon, Kansas is geographically thi
central state of the United States. It
lies between longitudes 94 degrees St
minutes and 102 degrees west, and be
twecn latitude 87 degrees and 40 da
grees north.
8ometlmes a Hard Task.
"When a man says, 'and I know
what I'm talking about,'" says the
Philosopher of Folly, "the only waj
I can get even Is by asking him U
prove it."
Old Crab What be ye doln araound
this place, eh? Wanter buy it?
Nervy Nicholas Why, I'se de spe
cial agent of Andrew Morganfcller
and I'se lookln fer a site ter lay out
bis itiormous estate on. I'll offer yer
t'ree plunks fer dis place if ye'U trow
oil 90 per cent, fer cash.
The Best Food for Workers.
The best food for those who work
with hand or brain is never high
The best example of this Is found in
Quaker Oats. It stands at the top
among foods that supply nourishment
and vigor, without taxing the diges
tion, and yet it is the least expensive
food one can eat.
This great food value and low cost
make it an ideal food for families who
want to get tho greatest good from
what they eat.
Laborers, factory or farm hands, fed
plentifully on Quaker Oats will work
better and with less fatigue than if
fed on almost any other kind of food.
All of these facts were proved and
very interesting information about
human foods were gathered by Pro
fessor Fisher of Yalo University in
1908. In addition to the regular pack
age Quaker Oats is packed in large
sized family packages either with or
without china dishes. 8
Hated to Take the Money.
Frank I. Cobb, the chief editorial
writer of the New York World, was
on a vacation in the Maine woods
once when Joseph Pulitzer, owner of
the World, wanted to communicate
with him. Mr. Pulitzer sent Cobb a
cipher message.
Presently a country operator drove
In to the Cobb camp and banded Cobb
the message, which read something
like this:
"Simplicity aggrandizement grif
fon gcrald roderlck hopscotch
hamfat publicity."
"Thero's a dollar to collect for de
livering that message," said the opera
tor, "but I bate to take it. Somebody
along the line got it all balled up,
and they ain't no sense to it."
$100 Reward, $100.
readers of Uita Dai will be dImm4 to
that ther 0 ftt lent oue slreadrd dlacaae tnst selauos
ka been aula lo cure In til It stages, nd that M
Catarrh. lUil'i Catarrb Cur to tne only puaitlv
lure now known to the medics! fraternity, latarrk
bring prutltutlonal disease, require a eoustlUf
Uonai treatment. Hall caurrn lAir uttn in
ternally, acUof directly upon the blood and roucou
surfaces of. tho system, thereby destroying th
tooiidittlon of the duwaa. and firing the patient
Ueniih by building up the constitution and assist
teg nature In doing lla work. Tba proprietor bav
lo much faith In IU curative power thai they oBat
One Hundred Dollar- for any raa that It (alia to)
pure. Send for lint of testimonial.
Address F. J. CHENEY CO. Toledo, a
Sold by all DruiKlsts, Tie.
UU UiU'i raouiy run far soosltpaUv.
"How's yer wheat?"
"First rate."
"Pigs doln' well?"
"That puny colt come 'round all
"He sure did."
"Glad to bear things Is so likely,
Bill. How's your wife?" Washington
After Convalescence.
Geraldlne You haven't been to see
me since you asked father for my
Gerald No; this Is the first time
I've been able to get about.
Loveliness does more than destroy
ugliness; it destroys matter. A mere
touch of it in a room, in a street, even
on a door knocker, is a spiritual force.
Henry Drummond.
Important to Mother.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Hears thn
Signature of Ctyfl
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"Willie Holt seems to be developing
Into a very fast young man."
"What else could be expected in his
case? Hasn't his father been fined
nearly a dozen times for exceeding
the speed limit?"
Rough on Rats fooli the rats and miee,
hilt fli'VPF fnnla tna. novae TKa imm(
jou (not the maker) do the mixing. Take
s hint, do your own mixing; pay for poi
on only, then you get result. It's the un
datable exterminator. Don't die in the
bouse. 13c, 2c, 75c.
Contentedness in all accidents
brings great peace of spirit, and is the
great and only Instrument in tempor
al felicity. Jeremy Taylor.
Boms people would drown with a life
preserver at band. Ihey are the kind
that suffer from Rheumatism and Neural-
i when they can get Hamlin Wuard
u, me nett oi an pain remedies.
Of course It is possible to con
vlnce a woman, but she is apt to for
get that she has been convinced, and
tuen you nave to do It all over again
ARB YOU LOHINO ri.f-ftlf
through a racking cough that you nannot Mam to)
ickl A bottle of Allan's Long Balaam will sue
mi Hveuw ana mip j on Do to Dealt a.
An office seeker's love for his coun
try Is a good deal like that of a titled
foreigner for an American heiress.
Pr. PUree's Pallet, small, angar-eoaUMl, aasy to
Bike as candy, regulate and Invlgorat Stuniack,
heal and bowels and suf consU patioa.
You can save a lot of time by being
lure where you want to go before
krWMsr a1 tsstar eolori UR lay
llhq ' fwwae sport sssil ls arte
in the baking
that is where Calumet
Baking Powder proves
iti superiority; its
wonderful raising power; its never-failing ability
to produce the most delicious baking and its
economy. Ia the baking: that is the only way
you can successfully test it and compare it with the
high price kinds. Yoa cannot discredit theso
statements until
the only high grade biking powder telling at a moderate
cost. $1,000.00 it offered to anyone finding the least
tract of impurity, in the baking, caused by Calumet. ,
Aak your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet
Received Highest Award World's port
Food Exposition, Chicago. 1907
The Wizard of Horticulture
Hon. Luther Burbank
says: "Delicious is a gem the finest
apple in all the world. It is the bent
iu quality of any apple I have so far
And Mr. Burbank knows.
Delicious is but one of the hun
dreds of good things in Stark Trees
the good things you should know
about before you plant this fall or
next spring.
Let us tell you about them by
writing today for our complete, illus
trated price-list-catalogue which de
scribes our complete lino of fruit
trees, ornamentals, etc.
For complete information
Stark Bro's. N. & O.
depends upon the heater how
constructed whether it gets all
the fuel-energy or only some of it.
If the heater is a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with 8mokcless Device J
the raising of the temperature is
Turn the wick as high or low as
it will go there's no danger, no
smoke, no smell just an emphatic
raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
is a permanent check upon carelessness, making the heater
safe in the hands of a child. Burns nine hours with one
filling, heats all parts of a room quickly.
Oil indicator tells amount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frame. Cleaned in a minute. Finished
in Nickel or Japan. Various styles and finishes.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not tt Yours, Write lor Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Ageucy ol the
Waste Material.
In process of time it was observed
that the multi-millionaire philanthrop
ist had ceased giving costly library
buildings to towns and cities.
"Why is this, Mr. Canaggy?" the re
porters asked htm.
"Young men," ho said, "what is the
use of building great houses for li
braries when all a man needs for an
education is five feet of books?"
Whereat they marveled, but they
could not answer him.
Mistaken Identity.
"I always did enjoy that scene in
which Hamlet comes out and solllo
quizes," said Mr. Cumroz.
"My dear," replied bis wife, "you
are confused again. You have gotten
Hamlet mixed up with that vaudeville
person who comes out and throws his
A Clean Mm
Outside cleanliness is lets than half the battler A man miy
scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means
a clean stomach, clean bowel, elean blood, a clean liver, tod
new, clean, healthy tissue. The man who is clean In this way
will look it and aot it. He will work with energy and think
clean, clear, healthy thoughts.
He will never be troubled with liver, long, stomaoh or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom
aoh. Blood disease are found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis mean unolaaa lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
.j prevents thoe diaosue. It make a nan's inwdee Iua
( and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, snakes pure
clean blood, and clean, hesdthy flesh.
It restore tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration, ' It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug.
Constipation it the most unclean uocleanlinett. Dr. Pieroe't nsnt Pal
lete cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take at candy.
tlMr SW 0 lOe aaekie aaJer sll Bsars. Thai sh
issls -tesi te B. Blss 4 slu tetsss. MOMBOK
you have tried
A Bright, Capable Man
in each county of this stats to sell
Stark Trees on commission. No pre
vious experience necessary. The
work is pleasant, clean work, highly
profitable, and the positions are per
manent to the right men.
Many of our salesmen are earning
tjo to JSo per month and expenses;
some are making more. You can do
as well or better if you're a bustler
and trying to succeed.
No investment called for; we fur
nish complete order-getting outfit
free and the most liberal contract
address the Sales Manager of
Co., Louisiana, Missouri
Paper-Hangers & Painters
Too (U ermtlr lucre. yonf bnilnms with BO SI
tr Innxtiu.ul l7 sbDid Alfred praU' I'rli
VVnllpaprr, We nt on iiixd wnrkor In ca
Tirlnltr. sod to th Unit worthy applicant will srnil
KKKl', dy prepaid rxprfm, five lnre sample
book showTn a (lO.IK).00 Wnlliiniier Skm'Is
for customers lo select Irom. W oScr lllwrsl profit
to our Answer quickly that you oiay
5rt the aieticy la your rti Inity for lull).
i If red 1'eaUCo.. WabasU Ave Cbicasv.
In f rent variety for sale at the lowest prices by
WKHTk SIlWKl'jPr. lM)M, SS4W.4Sm Hk. 1IU.
bank CIVTIID PC rntitrn
biOKK rl A I Unto school
630 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Ho.
Wntaoa R.Colemiiii,Wr.
Ins-ton, It.C. lloosx free. Ill li.
tt rsfenuoen. Hum result.
nrriBIIPr CTIRPU let to work with sod
starches clutlie nlcab
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 45-1909.
la eld wales kHa Iks aat
elliar sir. Tea saa