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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1909)
1 MewsHeralb ..V TWICE A WEEK NEWS. E;.tbli!ihf d Nov. 5. 1!1 I UKHALD. Established April 16. 164 ( Consolidated'Jan. 1. PLATTSMOUTII,, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, WO!) VOL. XLVIN0.50 UJCLi Now Look and no matter what city you go to you cannot find belter clothing than we show you right here at home. Then again you will like onr exclusive suit idea-one suit of a pattern. This gives you individuality in your attire. These fine suits run in price from $20 to $35. We have others not so good $5 to $18. Come in and pick out your pattern now. C. E. Wescoffs THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Nehawka News Notes Special Correspondence Relative to the Doings in a Busy Burg. Miss Hazel Jameson Sundayed with the home folk?. Peter Opps folks have been enjoying a visit from relatives. Mis3 Frona Kime has returned to her home in Rock port, Mo. NVs Anderson transacted business in Weeping Water Saturday. Mrs. Tlybon and son were Weeping Water passenger Saturday. Miss Mary Grotter was a Nebraska City visitor the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Garber took in the street fuir at Murdoek last week. Tl.e Methodist parsonage is being treated to a coat of paper and paint. I:. A. Warton of Plattsmouth was a guist of Rev. Burdick over Sunday. Cunningham Bros., and mother have moved in one of the Pittmnn houses! Scott Norria is visiting his father's family in Antelope county for a week. Mrs. Kate Nelson's house is finished ai d she will occupy it the last of the week. Mr3. Humphrey was another Ne hawka visitor in Weeping Water Sat urday. Otto Carroll has just moved into the Cur.idngham house which ho has pur chattd. Henry Gruber is home from his medi cal examination in Omaha and is much improved. R. Viall wants to keep the mice out of hb canned fruit, so he is cementing his cellar. ' Mrs. Geo. McConnell has been visit ing mother in Burt county the pa;t week. Our assistant postmistress, Miss Kate Willis, Sundayed with her mother at Weeping Water. The Plattsmouth Telephone Co., has Mr. Browncll on the road Belling tele phone stock in this vicinity. Joe Behrns was in town Tuesday evening trading. Something will catch you Joe, if you don't watch out. Edwin lladlcy has moved to town and opened a jewelry btore, where everybody will get satisfaction. The funeral of Mrs. Chris Miller oc curred Sunday at the Otterbien church. Our Coal Makes . -SO;3- iAYLOl COAL 2,000 a ere: We might as well settle this question now as ever. You either do or you don't. You either will or you won't. Which is it? "We've proposed" to sell you the best ready-made cloth ing in the world. If you'll ac cept we'll both be happy. You will like our new Fall line of Quality Clothes. You can't help it. They have been picked from the cream of the best makes in the world yes in the world Sons Mrs. Miller was formerly Mrs. George Young. Rev. C. A. Burdick has been elected superintendent of temperance instruc tion for Cass county Sunday school as sociation. . The W. C. T. U. will have a silver tea Saturday afternoon at Mrs. Kirk patrick's. Bring your silver, she will furnish the tea. Mr. Flemke of the Christian church, who is working for the foreign mission ary society of that ehurch, preached in Anderson's hall Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dr. Walker was treated toa visit from her mother, Mrs. Gilmore, Mon day. Mrs. Thompson an" aunt of Mrs. Walker, from Pa., accompanied her. Mrs. Grace Bird returned from a visit with her brother in Iowa Sunday. She will go from here to Kansas, for a short stay, and then go to her home in California. Earl Kirkpatrick has been making a few days visit with his parents. He came home from Cleburne, Tex., via. Grand Canon Arizona, San Francisco and Colorado. Mr. Tucker has returned from Om aha, where he underwent a second operation for his tycsight. He has strong hopes of having his eyesight al most restored. Forest Cunningham drove Dr. Davis out to the country in his automobile Monday. The doctor, was called from Lincoln to treat his father, who has a i.'vcro attack of asthma. Mr. and Mrs. Adams took a spin down through Johnson and Auburn to Brownville Sunday. They came back in the evening, having mado the 100 miles and a visit all in one day. Mrs. Covell of Omaha delivered a temperance lecture Sunday night in the Methodist church. It was a strong earnest plea, from a strong earnest woman for a clean temperate life. Mr. ard Mrs. McClcarg and son of Lawrence, Neb., are visiting at Mrs. McCIeary's mother, Mrs. Pollard, this week. Aunt Lena is deligi.ted to en tertain the latest, and of course the finest grandson. Isaac Pollard and sons have ehiped 16 card of apples of their own raising this fall, and the late winter varieties are on the trees yet. They have also shipped 3 cars of cider, and two of vinegar of their own manufacture. A. Kiser of Eight Mile Grove got off the train hero Monday from a trip through Kansas, Oklahoma and Ne braska. He says Ezra Crabill, who was in the jewelry business here three Vt'ars aCTO is rloino- n linn lmsmii:i of Waukecny, Kan. Warm Friends MAN. THE COUNTY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD AND USUAL AMOUNT OF ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Plattsmouth, Neb., Octber 5th, 1909. Board of County Commissioners met in regular session, with all members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, whereupon the following business was transacted in regular form: James Robertson District Clerk, filed his report showing amount of fees collected during 3rd Quarter 1909 as did H. A. Schneider Recorder, and W. E. Rosencrans, County Clerk. A. J. Beeson, County Judge. Clerk was instructed to call for bids for furnishing coal to the Court house and poor farm and paupers. CENKRAL fo.VD C. D. Quinton.Saly. and board ing Co. prisoners $168 80 C. D. Quinton, Boarding city prisoner:', 1 75 C. R. Jordan, Saly. and Exp. . . 17 25 M. L. Friedrich.saly. and exp., 16 10 W. E. Rosencrans, saly. and exp 208 84 James Robertson, saly. 3 Quar ter 211 23 W. C. Ramsey, saly. and exp. . 91 78 Mary E. Foster, same, 128 88 E. E. Hilton, same 44 00 C. E. Hulbert, Fees State vs Samuel Thomas 1 50 J. J. Andrus, same 9 21 T. S. Svoboda.saly.and laundry C2 50 Louisvillo Courier, Printing, ... 17 60 Wm. Wehrbein, Livery, . . 1 00 Neb. Lighting Co., Gas 29 07 The News-Herald, Printing, ... 13 00 Plattsmouth Water Co., water 17 60 T. S. C. Dabb, Labor, 2 00 H. C. McMaken & Son Ice, ... 4 50 Asemisscn & Klinger, Mdse. to poor farm, ..' 5 10 M. L. Johnson, Mdse. to farm, 5 80 Turn Verien Society, Room for Primary election 4 00 Wm. Holly.Mdso to poor farm, 5 40 C. W. Baylor, Mdse to poor. . . 8 11 J. E. Tuey, same 15 00 Djra Flei3chman, care of blind , man 3 months, 18 00 W. W. Windham, House rent to pauper 1 00 Weyrich & Hadraba, Dust-to- go 11 78 Neb. Telephone Co., Rent and tolls, 4 50 Wm. Hassler, labor, 21 50 J. II. Tarns, Threshing 5 25 J. H. Tarns, salary 75 00 Aug Nolting, use of seeder. ... 3 20 Plattsmouth Telephone Co., Tolls and rent 21 60 E. Manspeaker, Fees Wortman vs Pratt and wife 4 05 E. Manspeaker, Fees Norton vs Norton, 85 E. Manspeaker, Fees White vs Sturm ct al., 85 Wm Holly, Mdse to farm 11 20 J. H. Ash, House rent to poor, 9 00 ROAD FUND Frank Rouse, Road work.Dist. No. 5 $120 00 H. Manspeaker, same, 2, 7 50 Will Heil, same 2, . . . . 3 00 G. G. Mcisingcr, same 2, 3 CO Adam Meisinger, same 2 7 50 J. J. Meisinger, same 2 3 75 Anton Meisinger, same 2, 7 40 James Johnson, same 2 3 90 Geo. Pick, same 2, 12 75 Allie Meisinger, same 2 90 Clarance Meisinger, same 2, . . 3 00 John Bower, same 2, 3 00 Elmer Misinger, same 2 16 50 Baltz Meisinger, same 2 .... 13 GO Geo. A. B. Hicks.same 2 C9 00 Aaron Wright, same 5 30 00 Will Lcnhart, same 5 21 00 Will Stohlman, same 8 209 22 Ben Beckman, same 10 220 50 G. K. Grawlich, same 7 9 00 Fred Lau, same 7 3 00 Herman Schmidt, same 7 3 75 Paul Schewe, same 7 3 75 F. W. Wilson, same 7 32 62 Lawrence Rikle, same 7 3 75 J. M. Hoover, same 3 75 83 J. W. Wiseman, same 14 8 50 J. A. Wilson, same 7 68 50 Henry Bornemeier, same 7. . . . 2 00 Carl Rissman.same 7 3 00 H. T. Squires, same 7 5 10 Village of South Bend, same 19. 150 00 Village of Eagle, same 26 150 00 Village of Greenwood, same 20. 150 00 Geo. Sutton, same 6 9 (;o M. Sulscr, same 1 113 37 Hans Komp, same 1 117 75 Jay Roberts, same 4 3 25 Joe Roberts, same 4 6 50 Walter Farmer, same 4 8 10 Wm. Farmer, same 4 l 65 John Jenks.same 4 9 50 Geo. Christian, same 4 1.. 5 50 Aug Rissman, same 4 8 10 Howard Richards, samo 4 6 50 O" T. Richards, same 4 56 75 Chas. Goldsmith, same 4 25 00 Walter Clause, same 4 26 00 Geo. Walhngcr.same 4 48 75 Aug. Thimgan, same 4 13 00 Henry Snoke, same 16 W. A. Cole, same 14 J. E. Bates, same 13 Platte Gravel Co., Gravel, Dist. No. 2 J. L. Young, Labor. D. N. 5.. A. N. Speer, Lumber, D. 8 Asemissen & Klingtr.Mdse. D. 1 H. C. McMacken & Son, Mdse. D. 1 Linch & Stone, nails, D. 6 .... Gus Newman, Posts, D. 4 McCartney Bros. Mdse. D. 4.. 115 75 97 45 122 15 1 95 4 25 120 70 5 19 95 2 55 1 00 5 96 Bagley & Renard, Lumber, D. 4 Wm. llassler, Repairs, D. 1... 16 58 9 80 34 70 22 50 15 25 31 77 81 11 A. W. Barrett, Lumber, D. 7. Geo. V. Voss Co., same 13.... Geo. W. Voss Co. same 9 E. T. Tool, same 7 J. Adams & Son, same 16, ... . IlRIDGE FUND. Bagley & Renard, Bridge lum ber Geo. W. Snyder, Taking care of bridge washed out Geo. W. Voss, Bridge lumber,. 53 76 20 00 2 00 The following list of names were this day chosen by the board of Com mission from which to select a jury for the next term of District Court. Weeping Water City First Ward, Wm. Dunn. Weeping Water City Second Ward, S. F. Girardet. Weeping Water City Third Ward, George Olive. Greenwood Precinct, G. W. Curyca, Chris Huffman. Tipton Precinct, Joe Allen, Chas. Frolich, Ed Casey. Stove Creek Precinct, Ed. Dorr, Dan McNeely, Joseph Mullen, Geo. Bruti hoeber. Weeping Water precinct, J. W. Wise man, George Towle, Salt Creek precinct, G. B. Zeigler, John Coleman, Henry Weideman. Elmwood precinct, George Towle, Geo. K. Graulich, Herman Schmidt. South Bend precinct, Walttr Clause, W. H. Rohrdanz. Avoca precinct, John Bogard, Wm. Peters. Nehawka precinct, Charles Brandt, Frank Cox. Mt Pleasant precinct, O. II. Dawson, B. S. Philpot, Wm. Foltz. Center precinct, Cha3. Gaebcl, Fred Obcrnalte. Louisville precinct, Miles Drake, W. II. Hoover, Martin Sjogren. Liberty prcct. John Chalfant, Wm. A. Taylor, C. W. Clark. Rock Bluff prect. 1st Dist. G. II. Mcnford, VV. A. Brown. Rock Bluff prect. 2nd Dist. Geo. S. Smith, John Sutton. Plattsmouth City, 1st ward, Fred Black, John Linderman. Plattsmouth,2nd ward, Leonard Born, Chas. Gradoville, Carl Fricke. Plattsmouth 3rd ward, Emil Ptak, E. J. Richey, Wm, Holly, Henry Zuck weiler. Plattsmouth 4th ward, Frank Neu man, J. W. Sage, Loe Cotner. Plattsmouth 5th ward, Ira B. Green, Geo. Perry. Eight Mile Grove prcct.Wm. Spence, Philip Stohr, W. H. Hcil. Plattsmouth prect., Ed. Brantncr, John Hirz, A. E. Todd. A resolution was this day received requesting the sheriff, to file his quar terly reports according to law and the Board instructed him to file all otiar- terly reports on or before next regular meeting of the Board. Board adjourned to meet October 19 1909. W. E. ROSENCKAN.-!, , County Clerk. Surprise Parly. An enjoyable surprise party was given Monday evening in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McElroy in honor of Miss Giulia Begley of Omaha.who is the guest of Miss Mary McElroy. Music and games whiled away the hours and light refreshments were served. Those present were the Misses Theresa Droege, lrinc Hartwich. Helen E,'e:i berger, Mary MuGuire. Clara Hunter, Clara Goose, Hulda Goose, Delia White, Mary McElroy, Giulia Begley and Rue Frans, Emil Droege, August Cloidt, Henry Egcnberger, George Murray, Derwood Lindy. Sunday School Convention, The local contingent of the commit tees having in charge the county con vention of the Cass county Sunday School associition which will bo held in Elmwood on Tuesday and Wednes day, October 26 and 27, report excel lent progress and state that the pros pects now indicate that the coming convention will be one of the most in teresting in the history of the organ ization. ' The association is undenominational and interdenominational and is repre sentative of all Sunday schools in the county. The annual conventions are given character by the participation in them of the best talent in the county. They have come to be the chief in spirational conclave of the Sunday school workers of the county, and the coming meeting is being looked for ward to with great interest. The people of Elmwood will this year furnish free entertainment to all dele gates, and that they may know at the earliest possible moment the number to prepare for it is requested that the various organizations select their dele gates as Boon as possible. Meelt With Accident, Mis3 Mildred Rogers, the young daughter of Mrs. J. W. Parkin, met with an accident Tuesday which while not at all Berious was very painful and will result in the young lady taking a vacation for a few days. While swing ing from the limb of a tree at tho resi dence of J. M. Roberts on West Main street, she felt that it was about to break and loosed her hold. The dis tance to the ground was short but from the nature of the injury her physician thinks that perhaps the knee cap was dislocated. While tho ligaments are still very Bore, the inflammation is rapidly subsiding and the little lady will doubtless soon be her usual self. Muslo and Elocution. Prof. II. S. Austin has resigned his position with Dovey & Son, and on the 18th inst. with his wife will open in the Gund building, at the corner of Fourth and Main streets, a studio for instruct ion in music and elocution. Prof. Austin's reputation as a teach er of music is too well known in this city and vicinity that we need dwell upon it at this time. Suffice it to say that the increasing demands upon his time makes this move necessary, and assisted by his wife who is one of the best elocutionists in this section of the country, the new venture will doubtless fill a long felt need. In addition to vocal work Prof. Austin will also open classes in harmony and composition. Mrs. Curtis Moore, who have ben quite sick, is reported to be improving now, but slowly. iv".. -v. . . .1 r v m'M-j:-. Copyright li.nt SJuffncr & Miri The Home of Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Their 50th Anniversary Another Couple Pass the Half Century Wedding Milestone. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Wendell cele brated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary in their beautiful home on Gospel hill in this city Tuesday. About two hundred invitations were issued for the reception from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Tho day was an ideal one, warm and sunny, quite reflecting the happy vein which reighed within the home of the happy couple. "How does this weather compare with fifty years ago?" was asked Mrs. Wendell. She smiled and said: "Well today is exactly like fifty years ago and I feel just as young and happy as I did that day." Refreshments wero Bcrvcd on tha beautiful lawn by Mrs. VV. L. Pickett and the Misses Lena Fricke, Hallie Parmele, Helen Clark, Mary Donnelly, Lucile and Helen Gass. Jacob S. Wendell was born in Sara toga county, N. Y.,on January 27, 1830 and is a carpenter by trade, and was. employed in the local Burlington shops for 25 years. Miss Harriette A. Sher man was born Pittstown, N. Y., on October 2, 1335, and graduated from a college in Fort Edward, N. Y. and was very successful in teaching school for a number of years. They were married, in Pittstown, N. Y., on October 5, 1859 and came to Nebraska in 1883, where they have since resided. They have two children, Mrs. Eliza M. Forbes and Mrs. Arabella A. Ga3s, who were pre. , , ,, sent and assisted in receiving. They also have eight grand children, who, wero also present. Among the old settlers present were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, who came to Plattsmouth in 1857; Mrs. R. R. Livingston, who came in 1858;Ucv. and Mrs J. T. Baird came here on Septem ber 11, 1864; Mrs. Amelia Swift, who came in 1868; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Washington. Smith, who came in 1870: Mrs. Jennie Schildknecht, who came November 17. 1870; Cannon and Mrs. H. B. Burgess, who came 1874; Mr. and Mrs. Dan who came in 1876; Mrs. H. I). Travis, who came in 1881; and Mrs. Allen Bee- son, who came in 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell were thereci pents of many beautiful and usefut presents, one coming from British Columbia and one from Kansas City. Their children and grand children gave them a gold headed cane and a gold headed silk parasol. Their friends pre sented them with a purse coatainirar $75 in gold to remind them of their golden wending. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell are enjoying the best of health and their many friends hope they may live to celebrate many more as happy birth day anniver saries. Republicans or democrats, it makes no differ ence, come here to buy their clothes. Not because they like our politics any better than others but be cause they appreciate our "value giving" policy, our up-to-date store methods and our large assortment of good clothes. You can't buy bet ter clothes than we'll sell you, and it's a "cinch" you can't buy them cheaper. If ycucfln, remember we'll pay for the suit no matter where you buy it. Look here before you buy, if we haven't what you want, we don't want to sell you.