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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1909)
MEW: EBALD, w1 H TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Estnljlifh.fH Nov. 5. lfOl 11KUALD. published April 10. 1864 ! Consolidated' Jan. 1. 1835 PLATTSMOUTTI, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SELTEMlltilt i, 11)0!) VOL. XLVI NO. 42 11 4 THE MERCHANTS CARNIVAL The Merchants Carnival which closed Monday night was a decided success from beginning to end and those whi promoted the event and labored cease lessly for its interests may well be proud of the result of their efforts. While the weather was dark and threatening during the morning hours of each day, but little rain fell and the result was but to cool the atmosphere and make the conditions delightful for the balance of the day. Large crowds were in attendance at all the days, and the concensus of opinion is that it was one .of the most successful events ever attempted in the county. The best of order was maintained throughout and visitors generally expressed themselves as fully satisfied with the treatment received. The morning of the first day which was set apart for a live stock, fruit and grain exhibit was quite cloudy, and a Blight sprinkle threatened to turn to a downpour of rain, but the owners of live stock gladly welcomed the accom panying cool weather and many who might not hive brought in their fine stock for entrance on account of the dust and great heat hurriedly prepared their animals for the Bhow and brought them In for entry. The scene at Smith's barn and enclosure, where the stock was exhibited, was very attrac tive and lively, there was little confusion and before the noon hour every available stall and space had been filled and the stock correctly entered on the secretary's boaks. Mr. J. F. Coupe of Falls City was on hand ready for duty, having arrived the evening before and the judging be gan promptly at 10:30 a. m., as had been arranged. Mr. Coupe though a young man proved to be an able judge and much credit is due him for his fair ness and ability. At the close of the judging the premiums were awarded and the exhibitors dis played their stock in a grand parade which was one of the best features of the entire carnival and excited the ad miration of the spectators who seemed surprised to learn that such beautiful and valuable stock was raised and owned in the confines of Cass county. Nearly one hundred animals were in the parade and it was generally con ceded that it would be next to impossi ble to find anywhere in the state a like umber that could beat them for grace, beauty and quality. A list 01 owners . and their animals that woo premiums While the Weather the Mornings it was Dark and Cloudy in Usually Cleared up by Noon and Good Crowds were the Result is given below: -HORSES Percherons Best Reg. Stallion James Sage 2nd Best Reg. Stallion- Henry Ifirz. Best Bred Mare H. Gansemeier 2nd Best Bred Mare... , H. Gansemeier. Best Yearling Chas. Shopp 2nd Best Yearling -H. G. Todd Best Suckling Colt- . , John F. Wehrbein 2nd Besi Suckling Colt- Louis A. Meisinger. Ceach - Best Reg. Stallion- James Sage Best Yearling. Chas. T. Peacock 2nd Best Yearling- S. L. Thomas Best Suckling Colt- Ed. Donat 2nd Beet Suckling Colt- Julius Pitz. Clydesdale-Best Mare Glen Wiles. Shire Dtest Mare-J. E. Hanna 2nd Best Mare-J. E. Hanna. Belgian Best Mare P. Mumm 2nd Best Mare-J. E. Hanna Best Yearling-Bryan Snyder ?nd Best Yearling ...... .Harry Manspeaker Best Suckling Colt- .... Geo. H. Meisinger Shetland-Best Reg. Stallion- Wm. Gilmour Best Mare - M. Soennichsen 2nd Best Mare-D. Patterson Best Pony Sam Gilmour 2nd Best Pony H. M. Soennichsen Best Suekling Colt- Sam Gilmour. Sweepstakes Champion Stallion James Sage's Coach Champion Mare ...r..... P. Mumm, Belgian Best Driving Team-Philip T. Becker Good Order is Maintained and the Con census of Opinion is That it Was One of the Best Events Ever Held in Cass County. 2nd Beit Best BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS If you knew how cheap we are selling good school suits for boys, you'd waste no time in getting here for them. 3 Special Prices A good substantial suit of clothes (not all wool) but only a few of them left 01 QQ for IiUU A strong line of gray mix brown and fancy weave, most ly all wool g gg Here's a line of handsome all wool suits in grays, browns and blues, extra well made, unmatchable g2 Q Dutchess Guessing Contest. The buttons in the Dutchess jar will be counted by a committee next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. A pair of Dutchess $3.50 pants will be awarded to the person whose guess is the nearest. during the week. Anyone can guess C. E. Wescotfs Sons "Where Quality Counts. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. Best Driving Team- Elbert Wiles. Single Driver-Ralph Wiles 2nd Best Single Driver- S. G. Smith Draft Team-J. E. Hanna 2nd Best Draft Team-.... R. Chiiswisser. MULES- Best Draft Team H. Gansemeier Best Yearling-L. Baumgart Best Suckling Colt- J. N. Elliott. -CATTLE - Red Polled-Best Reg. Male..... Luke Wiles 2sd Best Reg. Male- Luke Wiles Best Reg. Female Luke Wiles ' 2nd Best Reg. Female- ' ..r.LbWe wnes. Black Galloway -Best Reg. Female -H. Hirz. Jerseys Best Reg. Female ... T. Parmele. Herefords-Best Reg. Male C. A.Bengen 2nd Best Reg. Male Geo. A. Kaffenberger Best Reg. Female C. A. Bengen 2nd Best Reg. Female- ' Geo. A. Kaffenberger. Short Horns -Best Reg. Male Elbert Wiles Best Reg. Female John P. Tritsch 2nd Best Reg. Female- Elbert Wiles. Pell Durhams-Best ?eg. Male-.. S.L. Thomas 2rd Best Reg. Male-.... S.L. Thomas Best Reg. Female S. L.Thomas 2nd Best Reg. Female-... S.L. Thomas. Holstein-Best Reg. Female W. C. Hamilton. Swcetstakes-Champion Dull ... C. A. Bengen Champion Cow . . C. A.Bengen. -HOGS- Duroc Jerseys-Best Reg. Male Ed. Trkseh 2nd Best Reg. Male- Chas. Wiles Best Reg. Female . . . . Ed. Tritsch. Tierkshires-Best Reg. Male-.... Geo. A. Kaffenberger! 2nd Best Reg. Male-.... I Thomas Fry' Best Reg. Female Thomas Fry 2nd Best Reg. Female - Thomas Fry. The grain, fruit and poultry entered were placd on exhibition ki the room first door east of the court house and though there were a large number of grain entries there were not as many entries of poultry and fruit as had been expected. A great many tall stalks of corn were entered, the winner of tho premium being nearly 1G feet tall. This was owned by Master James Ferguson and was but a few inches taller than the stalk entered by Master Joe McMaken. The grain win of ex ceptionally good quality and the poultry was the cream of the finest strains. Supt. A. II. Smith, of the Nebraska State Poultry Association was present to judge the poultry and Mr. Kiesscl bach of the Nebraska State Farm acted in like capacity for the grain and fruit. Both gentlemen arc expert in their line and loud in their praise of the quality of the exhibits. These McMaken. above the men and Mr. Coupe of Falls City, who judged the stock are very clever cultured gentlemen and during their visit in the city met a large number of people who are glad to know them. Below is given a list of the premium winners. -FOULTRY-Barred Plymouth Rocks-1st and .. 2nd on cock -Dr. J. II. Hall 1st and 2nd on hen.... Dr. J. II. Hall 1st and 2nd on pullet Dr. J. II. Hall 1st on cockerel Dr. J. H. Hall 2nd on cockeral . ... Cash L. Wiles. White Plymouth Rock-lst and 2nd ....on cockerel-Peter Halmes 1st and 2nd on pullet Peter Halmes 1st on cock ' .. ..Mrs. Geo. A, Kaffenberger 1st and 2nd on hen.... ....Mrs. Geo. A. Kaffenberger. Buff Orpingtons 1st en cockerel W. C. Hamilton 1st and 2nd on cock.... W. C. Hamilton 1st and 2nd on hen W. C. Hamilton 1st and 2nd en pullet .... W. C. Hamilton 2nd on cockerel Wra. J. Streight. GRAIN Bost Peck of Winter Wheat ... Wallace Hunter Best Peck of Spring Wheat. Geo. A. Kaffenberger Best Pook of Early Oats- Geo. A. Kaffenberger Bast Peck of Late Oats Peter Halmes Best 10 ears of White Corn- Peter Halmes Best single ear of White corn -. . . . Dan Kiser Best 10 ears of Yellow Corn .... Rex Major Best single ear of Yellow Corn W. G. Schuetz Tallest stalk of corn exhibited by boy indcr 15 years of age James Ferguson Rest Peck Rod Clover Seed- Chas.T. Peacock Best Peck Timothy seed-Jake Hild Best Bale of Alfalfa Hay-Julius Fitz. -FOTATOES-Best Peck Early Potatoes- Peter Halmes Best Peck Late Potatoes Peter Halmes The Largest Pumpkin Wm. Furguson. -APPLES-Astrican Best 1-2 doz-Wm.Schneider Crabapplc-Best 1-2 doz- Michael Timmh Wolf River-Best 1-2 doz G. G. Pitz Grecnling Btist 1-2 doz-U. G TOMATOES Yellow - Best 1-2 doz - Geo. Red - Bost 1-2 doz - George -GRAPES Bost Plate Pocklington II. C. McMaken Best Tlate Niagara II. C. McMaken Best Plate Lady H. C. McMaken Best Plate Wordon-H. C. McMaken Best Plate Wrestling Joe In connection with the members of the committeo on live stock, fruit and grain wish to thank the several exhibitors who gave their time and money and exhibited their animals, fruit and grain, all of which contributed in the greatest measure to the success of the show. The committee also greatly appre ciated the many valuable suggestions of exhibitors and other interested parties; and in conslusion wish to say that the decided succi. as of this year's show has proved that it is possible to make it an annual event and the co operation of the enterprising farmers and stock raisers of this community and Cass county is earnestly solicited with the above end in view. Pioneer Day. Tfeirsrfay, Pioneer Day, though it opened with cloudy sky and very dis couraging outlook turned out to be one of the best days of the carnival. By noon the clouds had passed on and the minsmne and blue sky were very ex hilerating to the large crowd which had begun to gather on tho streets to see the splendid free attractions. These were all a great success and especially the balloon ascension in which a man and a dog participated, each dropping very gracefully on separate parachstes. This stunt was greatly appreciated by the crowd as it was a novel and pretty scene. An other great feature of this day was the Fort Crook Military Band which arrived with the base ball team, their music adding much to the pleasure of the day. Tho Fort Crook ball team won the game from the locals by a score of 9 to 2. Governor Shallcnberger, who arrived unexpectedly from Union by automo bile, was tendered a reception at the Hotel Riley and later in the afternoon delivered the principal address of the day, which made a hit with the large audience. Other speakers introduced by Chairman R. B. Windham followed in a happy vein and Grandpa Bailey a man 94 years of age was introduced by uasii b. Kamsey as the oldest pioneer present. Other prominent men who were present and made speeches which were well received were Hon. J B. Strodo, Rev. A. L. Folden and 0 S. Payne of the Nebraska Historical Society. The grand banquet to the pioneers in the evening was a fitting close to this great day Hon. R. B. Windham pre sided as toastmnste. and introduced the various speakers in his usual brilliant manner. Messages from Hon. F. E. White and Orlando TefTt en pressing their regret at being unable to attend were read. Conrad Schlatcr, the veteran organist, was present and played on the same organ he had played over fifty years before for the choir then tinging in the Methodist church in this city. I his was an in cident filled wilh beautiful sentiment and will never bo forgotten by those present. Canon Burgess pronounced the invocation, a fervent and eloquent appeal for blessings upon the aged Pitz. ' pioneers both present and absent. The toasts were eloquent'y responded to by ; the following gentlemen. Mayor John jSattler, Hon. E. M. Pollard, Conrad i Schlatcr, Hon. S. L. Thomas, Hon. ! ii.uL .:... t V l-i I..,. Aiaunew lil-rili!, JUUKU J. t-' I'uuKliin, Rev. A. L. Folden, Judge M. Archer, Attorney A. L. Tidd, Hon. J. L. Root, Rev. A. A. Randall, County Judge Allen J. Beeson, Father M. S. Shine, I) strict Judge II. I). Tiavis, Attorney 1). O. Dwycr, I). W. Foster, Geo. L. Farley, E. A. Kirkpasrick and Dr. M. Merchants Day. Friday was Merchants day and an other success was scored by the energetic and enterprising business men of the city. Weather conditions as on live stock and Pioneer day were threatening and the cloaring of the atmosphere soon after dinner waa greatly appreciated by those who had prepared at great expense for the amusement of visitors. Bright sun shine and blue Bkics quickly dwpelled the gloom and soon a happy and large throng, were on tho streets takug in tho various attractions. The stores were handsomely decorated and their goods skillfully displayed by the mer chants. The object of the merchants was to let the people of the surround ing country see for themselves the variety, quality and price of goods which could be purchased in the county sjat and they succeeded admirably, their success being bi'yond measure. In connection the free attractions were well given including the slack wire, trapeze, and contortionist perform ances, band music, balloon ascension and parachute leap. As the wind was from the west the aeronaut expected to travel towards the Missouri river and the dog was net taken up. . lie . himself was compelled to cut loose sooner than otherwise necessary in order to escape a plunge in the river. A good crowd witnessed the base ball game between blmwood vs. Plattsmouth the locals winning by a score of 5 to 0. The game was a much better one than the score would indicate as the following will show. Plattsmouth 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 X 5 Elmwood 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 The Elmwood nine was accompanied by a large number of rooters who 1 came In on the special train chartered " by the carnival promoters for the oc casion. Another feature of Merchants day was the awarding of special prizes by the enterprising clothing firm of Falter & Thierolf, who offered a $5 stetson hat for the largest ear of corn, which was won by Wm. Murray of Mynard, and a $2.50 Manhatten shirt for the pecond largest, which was won . by Jake Bengen of Mynard, while the third prize was won by Mayor W. F. Gillispie of Mynard he receiving a 1-2 dozen pairs of Everwcar hose. The valuable sanitary milk bucket offered' as a special prize for the champion cow by Krochler Brotheis, hardware merchants was woo by C. A. Bengen of Mynard whose splendid Hereford cow carried off the sweepstakes premium. Sports Day. The damp and clowdy weather which had prevailed during the first three moriings of the carnival was given in evidence Saturday, which was to be a day of sports. .However as on other days the weather cleared and the crowds proceeded to enjoy the program ef various sports which had been se cured for the occasion. The feature of the day were the double header ball game at the park in which the locals met and defeated Union by a score of 5 to 4 and Manley by a score of 4 to 0. Continued to 5th page. Hild Hild. Best Plate Moores Early- , II. C. McMaken M. Butler. Tho Imnmiel was one of Best Plato Telegraph G. G. Pitz Best Plate Concord - G. G. Pitz Best Plate McKinley- H. C. McMaken Best Plato Cilverna - G. G. Pitz Best Plate Clcnton - G. G. Pitz Best Plate Brighton-Joe McMaken Best Piute Newton Joe McMaken Best Plate Deluwarc-Joe McMaken the best ever givtii in the city and the ladies of tho Epucop il church, by whom it was served, were extended a vote of thanks for tho feast. The day as a whole was a splendid success and the comtnitteu headed by Hon. R. B. Wind ham and Ex-Senator Thomas arc de serving of much credit for their tire less cleats in its bthalf. T.Try Stetson bears tn Stetson Nam Stetson Self-Conforming Hat Keep this on your mind. It is one of the most popular hats we ever orfvred. It has every quality feature for which the Stetson hats are famous, is lijjht in weight and conformable to any head. Wt h,Y the ttrtton Suit ind Dctbr H'tl to (II (hi liten urlcl. X JalUz SfJhleicfA J V o