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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1909)
I JlVanl Column f OR SALE. FOR KENT OK SALE-House with four lota, well, two cisterns, out buildings and tx-vi-ral fruit trees. Nke locrtioii. Iniii)ro at 71G S. 10th street cornor of Diamond. C. A. llagerstrom. ' 38-4 Sell your junk t Wave Allen and get the highest market price. 3(5-10. XO HcjN l A farm, 100 acrcs.inquire IVst office box 322. Plattsmouth, Neb. 394 FOR SALE-Two Btary brick house 7 rooms, good well uiid cistern with 12 lots situated in south part of city. All kinds of fruit. Good barn and out buildings. Enquire of John J. Tomnn. 39- WANTED. WANTED Yourijr men and women to Cfl positions paying 900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph era in the Government service, as ' well as in private business life. Our ncwmct'iod of teaching shorthand ' by mail tnttiros as thorough and ' practical t training at your own home s is obtainable 4iy personal attend ance at any business college in the cosflttry. "We guarantee success. Complete Mirse for smull cash pay- ' ment; balance to e paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. 'Central Business Institute, Central i Building, Washington, D. C. SlflfiEHSii! ... the pHWic, 1 adbrinttoTon lhil Increaaa of botineta yoa are teafcaaw for if you give ut your ttora oiwa to print DAILEV & T.1AGU THE DENTISTS flt la Ik MkMle Wl. MCISI DltCOUNTI TO CIT viaiTOaaj. M riaar rtiton Hlk., IMIi r.rn.m, OMAHA, WEB. A. L. TIDD LAWYER Betorpuces: ' Bank of Enle, Knglc. ' Wchiiwka Hank, Nchawka. Hank of Mardock, Murdock. ' First Net I bunk, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, ll'lattwiioufi. Smoke an ! JiCOlN :. - ' And be Happy 1 maBmmmtmtmmmmatmmmm if ATCHISON WEN WORTH KANSS CITY ST. LOUIS Are Best Ileachcd by the SUtJuccd rates via. Missouri SfrrJ-jc to fhicngo, St Louis, Kan ISly and St Joe. Dates of it August 2Kth to Sept. 8th September Ulh to HUh. See Ccnt for rates, limits, and et Hugh Norton, Agent. I e'c(:ooco"0"a" I I City And County f Hear Mr. Leonard at the opera house Friday night. Free. W. J. Snyder and wife of Cedtr Creek are visiting in the city. Christian Science-opera house-Friday night-free. Public invited. Joe Mullin of Elmwood was a carr.i vul visitor the latter part of the week. John Schoemun of Louisville was a carnival visitor the latter par; of the week. Miss Elizabeth Jackfon of Omaha is visiting with friends and relatives in this city. Mrs. J. F. Wolf and daughter Merna of Cedar Creek were Plattsmouth vis itors last week. B. A. Wendt and John Spangler of Manley were business visitors in the city last Friday. Hon. E. M. Pollard was attening business matters in the city the latter part of the week. Miss Bessie Torbitt of Bennett spent last week in the city, the guest of her friend, Miss Kathleen Hockstrasser. William Deles Denier, the Elmwood attorney was looking after business matters in the city on Friday. The lecture on Chrsitian Science at the opera house Friday night will be free, and the public is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tuma and two daughters of Omaha are visiting in the city at the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Sitzman, Mrs. Wm. Snyder and children of Cedar Creek were in the city last wtek visiting with relatives and taking in the oawiva) sights. Mrs. H. A. Doak returned Friday to her home in Glenwood, Iowa, after a few days visit with her sister in this city, Mrs. A. P. Barnes. Mont Robb of Mynanjd was in the city Friday taking in the carnival and meeting friends from out in the county f who were in attendance, Mrs. Mary Wolf of Cudar Creek is visiting in the city with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Sajles, and enjoying the the sights of the carnival, Mrs. J. W. Newell has- returned to her home in Omaha after several days' visit In this city with her jerents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Atwood, While making a visit in bite city the latter part of tb week E. 3, Lynn of Elmwood took occasion to the maka News-Herald a- most pleasant visit. C. S. Green dL Burwell a former resident of this ity was rtaewing ac quaintances last week,, having been called here by the carnival festivities. Albert Pappe of Minco. Oklahoma, is visiting in the city. Mr Pappe was formerly a resident of this tity and his many friends were much ptoased to see him again. W. K. KietWy, business manager of the Weeing Water Republican was taking in the carnival sights Saturday, and took occasion to pavr the News- HeraLD a most pleasant call. J. II. Walton and wife and Miss Mildred Hanna left the Hatter part of tha week for their homes in Oskaloosa, Iowa, after a few days visit in this city with tho family J. E. Hanna. Harry Long of South Bend in one of the carnival visitor from that thriving community. Mr. Long is a great bse ball enthusiast and while here acted as umpire for tho various games which were a feature of the carnival. C. D. Clapp and son WiHard of Elm wood, were among the carnival visitors in the oky last Friday. The latter at:enikd a meeting of the republican county central committee which w hold on th day, he bciug the chairman. The rain put a damper on the carnival all through the week, but the help it will be for all plowing and in livening up the pastures will be of more assistance and value than the continued dry spel and a successful carnival would have been. Mrs. G. W. (ricg and daughter. Miss Louise, of Dunlan. Iowa, arrived in tho city the latter part of the week for a few days' visit with their hus- and fath. We understand that they will shortly toke up their residence i in this city. ' II. A. Snyder was in Lincoln Friday j in attendance upon a nt-csing of the stato republican eommitteo. He re- ports that the work of the organization is in good shape, and that the prospects are bright for a big republican victory this fall. J. C. Coleman and faaiily left Frii'ay ' for Kansas City where they will make j their future home. We regret to note j he departure of this most estimable family from our midst. Avoid is made in our social and business life which will be hard to fill. Ulrich Inhelder, one of tho old pio neers of this vicinity, was in the city during the week from his home at Cedar Creek. Mr. Inhelder is getting pretty well along in ycrfrs but ho takes a keen interest in everything pertain ing to the welfare of Cats county, and ho enjoyed the "pioneer day "immensely. This is Sure And Certain The Proof That Plattsmouth People Cannot Deny What coulJ f urnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of tim? Thousands of people testify that Doan's Kidney PilU cur: permanently. Horns endorsement should prove un doubtedly the merit of this remedy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified i the relief they had derived from tho use of's Kidney Pill, They now confirm their testimonials. lney say time ha3 completed the test. J. B. Patridge, 8th st , Plattsmouth, Nebr., s&ys: "I sufTered almost con stantly from pains across my loins and kidneys and at timcj I was in a bad way. On several occasions I was so badly crippled that I could only get about with the aid of two canes. The ftrBt box of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured frjm Gering & Co's. drug store, helped me so greatly that I continued taking the remedy and it brought me entire relief. It would be impossible for me to speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills." The above statement was given in June 190G and on Dec. 29, 1908, Mr. Patridge said: I still endorse Doan's Kidney Pills highly. I willingly renew the statement I gave over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-A llburn Co., BufTalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember th name Doan's and take no other. 35-4 Tho New MMttwf Store Kroehler Bros., the hardware mcnt created aomewhat t4 sensation tke latter part of last week when they came out in the announcement thai they were putting in a line of millinery. The west window of ah store was cur tained for a few days in order to give ttheir "hat man" am opportunity to get his display in shape, and when the larnival openod up the- "display" wae- uncovercd to tho gaze of the multitude. "Jheir line of "millinery consists of a Kne of kitchen utensils- such as pans, plates, kettles, etc., inwrted and drap ed with other kit:hen articles, and the result is biiarre to say the least, and' attracted much attention on the part b the carnival) visitors. i Mtondt Fural. Him. M. A. Bates went to Grant; City,. Moi, last Friday So be in attead arue at tke funeral servcvs of his nephew, Rbert Kirk Hates which cairod yesterday. ThB was a most timuble young man anJ the sorrowing relatives hve the syma&by of the com munity in their bereaveg&ent. Later advices are t tho effect that his death was cuusuil from typhoid fever,, though he did) rt give up his work in Grand Islaad and go Lo his home in Lexington utUil Saturday night preacding his death on Wednesday. Cul ol Primary $940.00. S. L. Furlong of Rock Bluffs made his- customary visit to the city Satur day aid made this office a peasant oalL , Mr. Furlong; was one of the ear liest settlers of Cass county, and he has a rich fund of anecdote ia connec tion with his residence tn "th far west" to whiah it is a pleasure to lis ten. According to his computation the recent primary election cost Casa coun ty the Bum of 1940.99. Recowory la Satisfactory. C. L. Graves of Union was taking in the carnival sights last week. His many friends will be glad to aote that his broken ankle is rapidly healing and that it will now be but a short time until he will be able to get about with his usual agility. Sheriffs Sale. l!y vir.iof anortler ofmlo iHnuoclby Jatae Hob rt.ion, clerk of tl) district court, within and for Cans county, Ni'brtmka. and to mp dirpctvd, I wrllon the Uith day of Snitvmbrr. A. . 19. at 10 o'clock A. M. of Raid day at the south door of the court house in Paul coanty. uell at nun lit aue tiontoths highest hiddia- for canh tho following- real ostate to-wit: Tho Norrtiwcst IN. W. Quarter nml tho Northwest Court h of the South- went IN. W. Si of the S. W. ) Uuie trr of Sec tion Thirty (SO), in TownslVi Twelve U2i. North ItarnTcThirtron (la), in tho county ofCas.i, Ne braska. The iiatne lieitat levied upon uad taken as the property of Leonard C. W. Murray, Re. becrn A. Murray, Joaviiji M. Roberts, cuuhier, and tho I'lattsinouth State Hank of PlutUnioulb. Ne braska, Defendants, to satisfy a juik-mont of said oourt recovered by Amelia 11. IluUlotnun. Plaintiff awiipst said rVfcndunts. Platlsmouth, Neb.. August 19, A. D. 1009. '. 1). liUINTON. 3i5-0 Sheriff Casa County. Nebraska- Legal Notice. Stale of Nebraska, ' wo , ... County of Casa. t In Coiwly (tourt. In the matter of the estate of Gustave Keune. deceased. Aurust 27th. 1909. Upon rcadimt and liKnn Ike duly veriHcd petition of Elizabeth Keune aliening anonir oiner minits mat l.ustave heunu, an in afckitnntof auid county died, iiatesttu. in Haul county on the 20th dav of Auirust, Wj, seized of personal aail real pn'Tty situnted in said coilu ty. al of said real and aorsoiail property being exempt dim levy and sale on attachment cxeva tion or othor mesne process, nYd ikaying thut general administration of said estittc be tliiensed wiHi: Jt is therefore ordered thut a lu-aring b laid lawn mwri petition at the county cSn t room, In PlatMnputh. Cam county, Nebraska on thcL'lth day of September A. I) , lim'.l, at 10 o'clock a.m. and that notices thorrof be given by publication of this order for not less than three successive weeks priorto suMi hearing, in the a scmi-woekly nowspaper aablMied and rima'a ted in Mud county, and due proof of publication be made and (lied in this ollice. By tlx Court, 99-8 Allfn J. Drbson. County Judt;. Simplicity a Every Detail You will find in CASE machinery that simplicity, efficiency and durability have been the guiding stars in their construction. By rejecting always the com plicated for the simple has resulted in the building of an engine that is remarkable for its extreme simplicity and correct scientific construction its ease of opera tionits low fuel consumption and its adaptability to all uses. l mw . ii m . a if v rt . .a, - aw- i-a. m ar , -v.k . i 1 av a ar ar ... i m m c i a.-jarn ur . r tt-" - "r You will also find that in the CASE steel separator you have a separator that threshes all the grain leaves it in perfect condition thoroughly cleaned and ready for the market, giving the grain grower a positive knowledge that when his grain has been threshed by a CASE separator he has received his entire crop un broken,and in the best possible condition. And this is a good business, it offers great opportunities, needs but a comparatively small capital, is easily conducted and pays a handsome percentage on the investment. See or write me for particulars. ME. M ANSPE AKE "aV Jl V-v. !T IK I ' I ' F ' aT J v III fll jiJ . .1 , . . B M.'V . ' ." t , J .'I "arT .. " . ij ii , I. X 1 ' . jL . M b