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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1909)
i m-ir-ir-iT- TTTrn" ath iT N n n t a it ttv 11 UK ll JUi W JIXIIIiJIAjSULJLP 11 'nf,. TWICE A WEEK N I'WP. F.staMi.hml Nov. 5. 1 -M . 11 liHALLi. L-labli.hi-a At ril Hi. 1 V.4 PLATTSMOUTII, NEMIASlvA, Till' lis DAY, MAY 20, 11K)! VOL. XLV1 NO. 10 Consolidated Jan. 1. 1SLC Commissioners Proceedings I'lattsmouth, Neb.. May IS, 1:0:. Board met pursuant to adjournment all numbers present; minutes of previ ous meeting read and approved, where upon the following business was trans acted in regular form: Resignation of J. P. Wood as justice of the peace, Louisville precinct, ac cepted. The County Board of Equalization will set for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Cass county for the year 1900, in the Commissioners Cham ber at the court house in Plattsmouth, Neb., beginning Tuesday, June 15th at 10 o'clock a. m., and continue from day to day up to and including Monday, June 21, 1909. All claims for equaliza tion must be filed on or before Satur. day, June 19, 1909. Board instructed the county clerk to advertise for concrete bridges, i-uch as they may determine on later on. GENERAL FUND. M. L. Friedrich, salary and ex pense I 20 2. C. R. Jordan, same 20 25 L. D. Switzer, same 24 00 E. Manspeaker, fees 33 07 C. D. Quinton, salary and board ing prisoners 1S3 00 C. T. Richards, assessing South Bend precinct 63 63 C. D. Quinton, boarding city prisoners 40 F. E. Schlater, juror certificate and Postage J. I Corley, asses.-ir.g Weeping Water city W. H. Puis, assessing Mt. Pleasant 97 7.i Will Rummel, assessing Platta- emouth precinct 123 00 II. M. Soennichsen, trip through county assessing W. E. Failing, assessing Salt Ceek precinct W. E. Rosencrans, meals to paupers J. H. Donnelly, labor in asses ' sors office 42 00 25 30 73 40 17 44 90 70 1 50 C. S. Wortmar.. lea.e of land .. 10 on B. C. Marquardr, mde to poor.. 20 ti-'l A. T. Fitt. sharpening lawn mower 73 Neb., Telephone Co., tolls and rents 3 43 M. E. Bunnell, livery to com missioners 1 5o Matilda Olson, r.ur;ing sick man. 13 (Hi E. Sturzeiegger, rndse to poor . 23 33 C. H. Smith, stamps and en velops 42 hS W. J. Herring, labor at jail ... 5 25 Hans Johnson, mdsetopoor ... 5 00 Riley Rector, rent to pauper. ... 4 00 Dr. E. W. Cook, insane Emma Handrock 8 00 C. A. Rawls. same. 3 00 James Robertson, same 7 35 C. D. Quinton, same 37 33 C. D. Quinton. Taylor vs. E. Austin and Cass county 15 60 W. E. Rosencrans, same 2 00 A. Hathaway, same 3 SO D. W. Foster, same 3 80 J. E. McCarroll. same 4 00 E. Austin, same 3 70 Gjo. N LaRue same 3 70 James Robertson, same 17 85 Dr. J. B. M;irt;n, lt Qr. salary physicians dist. No. 1 50 00 B. I. Clements, Peter Johnson 14 73 Walter J. Schneider. Constable same . 4 70 Henry Leuchtweis, juror same.. 1 10 Wm. Keil. same 1 10 Geo. Horn, same 1 10 Con. Sears, same 1 10 Philip Stoehr. same 1 10 Henry Indelder. same 1 10 A. Koeler, witness, samp 1 30 E. I. Horn, same 1 10 Ray Wallirger, same 1 10 road Ft:r. Lee Arnett, culvert road district No. 10 94 40 W. C. Bartlett, road word dis trict No. 13 53 00 Henry Snoke, same No. H ... 8. 67 A. J. Tool, spikes No. 7 1)67 No further business, board adjourned t meet June 1, 1909. W. E. Rosencrans, County Clerk. A Conklir. Fountain Pen for the busi ness men at Gering 4 Co. Hoboes Mix Things Monday about eleven o'clock a hobo was taken to the office of Dr. J. B. Martin to have his wounds dressed. He gave his r.ame as Chas. Burke, of Chi cago, Illinois. He had purchased some thing to eat and had gone with his morsel to the B. & M. yards, when two other hoboes fell upon him and beat him severely. He had seven severe scalp wounds. His assailants were placed under ar rest and taken to the county jail. They gave their names as John Mercer and A. L. Fleishar. Thy were bound over to the district court by Judge M. Ar rfier. While Dr. J. B. Martin was engaged in caring for the wounded man, a rep resentative of the Journal called him up by 'phone and wanted to know the details of the .man's injuries. The Doctor told him that he could not give the information then. The Journal's attack on Dr. J. B. Martin was unwarranted and uncalled for, and a malicious falsehood, and shows that the Journal's representa tive either has but little sense or is a jackass. Masonic Lodge Elects Officers The Masonic Lodge at its regular meeting Monday night elected the fol lowing officers for the coming year: Worshipful Master-O. C. Dovey. Senior Warden -Fred Ratnge. Junior Warden-John C. Crabill. Treasurer-Carl G. Fricke. Secretary-Michael Archer. Fred Salsbury, aged 30, died at his home in Conrad, Montana, Tuesday night. He is survived by a wife and one child, six months old. Rev. J. H. Salsbury departed Wednesday morning to attend the funeral services of his younger and only brother. J 1 - J4 k-s!- wA te U m k ti If f-t if fS 4 Mill HH A $20 Suit for $9.98 h Largely Buncombe and Questionable sldver'isin;. When you buy from uswhether it is some thing from a substantial clothing manufac turer or something to sell for less money you must know all about it at the time of pur chase in order that our relations with you may continue to be pleasant. We could not afford to sell you "a $20 suit of clothes for $9.98" and later have you learn that it was worth no more than you paid for it. We carry the cheaper grades if you must have them, but we always tell you before buying just what they are. The values we give in all clothing are the best that can be obtained anywhere at any price, and we do not resort to sensational "cut-price sales" in order to move the goods. Look at this Omaha style of advertising, and you will find the same tactics indulged in by dealers in all the larger cities. We invite a comparison of the goods at the prices quoted, feeling absolutely confident of what your verdict will be: Strictly hand tailored, made to sell at $25.00, and well worth it. Scores of splendid new pat terns and styles, on sale, at $15 Come in and look at our line at $12.50 and you will soon be con vinced that you can save things beside care fare by staying at home. $18 0) to $22.50 suits. Every imaginable color, best fabrics and styles, strictly the best in the land 4 QP at price 1 lD See our $9.50 Suit and you will come to the conclusion that the difference of $2.45 is principally buncombe. $10 and $12.50 suits, 18 differ ent styles to select from, the new weaves and colorings, matchless at sale n A A price I.UU After you have looked pt our $5.0ii clothes you will begin to wonder whether that $7.00 suit was really intended to sell for $10 and $12.50, or if the advertis ing was not just a little t-trong. You cannot obtain better value any place on earth than is here offered. A cordial invitation is extended to call and examine the goods. C. Wescott's Sons "Where Quality Counts." The Lecture on Alfalfa At the regular meeting of the Com mercial Club Tuesday evening Dr. A. E. Duvissoii nddressed a fair aud ience cm the subject of Alfalfa. He gave some very interesting facts as to the possibilities of this particular crop, and made various comparisons as to its commercial value. There is but little doubt that alfalfa is the most profitable crop that the farmers can raise, and at the amo time it greatly improves the land. An acre of alfalfa will produce nearly or quite double the amount of feed that an acre of Corn will produce. Either hogs or cattle fed on alfalfa are worth more than those fed exclusively on corn. Cass county last year had only si I acres which is a poor showing for a county so well adapted to this crop. This county ought to have not less than 10,000 acres annually of alfalfa. Matters in District Court Brief Session Held This Morning and Several Cases Set for Trial. District court convened this morning and the following cases were called and set for trial: Henry Stuli vs. Missouri Pacific Rail way Co., May 24. Flora B. Argo vs. Mathew G. Mc Quinn, May 20. Minnie Osbon vs. Albert Pope, May 27. State of Nebraska vs. Chas. Hixon May 31. State of Nebraska vs. John Clarence June 2. II. E. Wilson, the painter and decor ator of this city, suffered a slight at tack of paralysis last Saturday. At last reports he was recovering and hopes to go back to his work soon. M. W A Log Rolling. The Log-rolling 'Association of the M. W. A., of Cass county held its regu lar convention at Coates Hall in this city Tuesday. About fifty delegates were present, and all were enthusiastic on the subject of the next annual log rolling. The convention voted in favor of holding it at Union, (August 2S. Judge Allen J. Benson was selected chairman of the convention, and Henry doss as secretary. A set of By-laws was adopted for the future government of the association. The date for the next regular meeting was fixed on the first Saturday in June, l'.UO. The fol lowing olficcrs were then elected for the ensuing year: W. A. Taylor, Union, President. E. B. Chapman, Union, .Vice Presi dent. Louis Anderson, Union, Secretary. Chas. L. Graves, Union, Treasurer. Give Birth day Party Booze Kills Another John RollT, a laborer employed in the quarries at Cedar Creek, was found dead in his bed at the boarding house where he was living Monday night. It was at first believed that he had com mitted suicide but the opinion of the physicians who called is that the cause of the death was heart disease brought on by excessive use of alcoholic liquors. He was a German of about forty-five years old. It is not known whether he had relatives living in this country or not. i Mrs. II. B. Burgess, Mrs. E. H. Booth, Mrs. L. A. Moore, Mrs. C. A. Burgess, Mrs. Emily Dickson, Mrs. W. J. White, Mrs. Edith Donelan, Mrs. T. P. Livingston, and Miss Barbara Ge ring attended the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Episcopal church in Omaha Tuesday. Some days ago L. C. W. Murray, of this city, was injured by having his leg severely cut while loading a corn lister. He was getting along nicely at last re ports. Pure Soda Water at Gering'a. The home of Gus Roman in the south part of the city, was the scene of a most enjoyable event it being in honor of Mr. Roman's birthday. A number of his neighbors and friends gathered to do the event justice. Games and music were enjoyed, interspersed with social conversation until a late hour, after which a delicious luncheon, con sisting of ice cream and cake waa served to which all did ample justice. The guests departed at a late hour wish- ing Mr. Roman many more such pleaa ant events. Those present were: Ray Campbell, Glen Campbell, Amanda Campbell, Prof. Beck, Paul Sitzman, Frank Sita man and family, Will Sitzman and fam ily, Gus Roman and family. Notict to Contractor!. Bid will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Cass County, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, up to noon of Saturday, June 12, 1000, for one Fifty (5ii) foot reinforced concrete arch, located about four (4) miles west of Mynard Cass County, Nebraska, and one Fifty (5o) foot reinforced concrete arch locate! one-half 0) mile east of Elmwood, Cass county, Nebraska. Specifications may be seen at the County Clerk's oflice. Bidders may also bid on their own plans and specifica- tions. Bids required on each job separata and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $500 made payable to the County Clerk. Bids will be opened June 15, 1909. W. E. Rosencrans, 10-8 County Clerk. Married la Chicago. W. W. Windham and Miss Minnie Will left Monday for Chicago where they were married yesterday at the residence of an aunt of Mr. Windham Both are popular young people, but this action comes as a surprise to Jtheir' many friends, who join, however. In extending best wishes. Books For Commencement IOI Make the most appropriate gifts. Full and large assortment of latest ideas in Commencement Books at Herold's Book and Stationery store. Every graduate will want one. "The Girl Graduate" Her own book designed by Louis Perrett and Sarah K. Smith boxed with pages for class colors,class yells,motto,class photos, class autograghs, class officers, teachers, class prophecy, her invitations, social events, press notices, her gowns, her presents, and etc. "My Commencement" by A. M. Chase, with bord ers in two colors, contents similar to the first men tioned book, neatly boxed. "My Graduation:" School Girl's Memory Book by Marion L. Peabody, with Border' Design and selection on every page. "My High School Days" a Memory Book with illustrations. "Dont's for Boys." or Errors of Con duct Corrected by an Old Boy. "Dont's for Girls," A Manual of mistakes by Minna Thomas Antrim. "When Good Follows Sit Together," a book for Boys printed in two colors. "Girls I have met" ar ranged by A. F. with Frontispiece by Louis L. Heustis. "The Beauties of Friendship" by Samuel Frances Woolard. Graduate Edition of Literary Masterpieces. Dainty Small Gift Book. All latest popular novels. Henty and Alger books for boys and etc. We guarantee to duplicate Omaha prices on all gifts books and in most instances sell for less. Eerold s Book Store.