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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1909)
The NewsHerald TWICE A WEEK 10 PAGES N::VS. K,!i.-1 r.! S.,v. ! i:-:b!i;litd April 1S. 1-M , Cunsuliilattil Jan. 1. 1 -.:'" PLATTSMOUTII, XEHKASKA, TIUIInDAY, MAliCll IS, 1!H VOL. 'if Commercial j The Federal Club Meetings Finances Matters at Married Tues Washington day Evening Ml . 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL I The Plattsmouth Commercial Club In. Id its regular meeting Tuesday night at Coates Hall. A goodly number of the business men were present. Re ports were made from the officers and committees. The matter of the basket factory was taken up and discussed, and a commit tee consisting of E. A. Wurl, Guy Mc Maken and L. W. Lorenz were appoint ed to investigate the matter and see what can be done to encourage the in dustry. The matter of the I'lattsmouth and Cass country interurban railway was discussed and the importance of build ing it seemed to be the general senti ment. Mr. R. B. Windham stated that there would in the near future be some outside capitalists here to look into the matter, and asked that a committee from the commercial club be appointed to meet with them and and discuss the matter. Messrs. George E Dovey, E. II. Wescott, C. W. Baylor, and J. M. Roberts were chosen to represent the Commercial Club. The sentiment is rapidly crystallizing in favor of incor porating an interurban railway com pany on the plan ontlined in the last is sue of the News-Herald. That is on the plan which would include all of the business men and others who might de sire to become the incorporators. This is the only equitable plan for such an incorporation and would be a safe guarantee of the success of the enter prise. It is an enterprise in which all have an interest and all arc enabled to be let in on the ground floor basis. The Nkws-Hekai.d cordially endorses such plan of incorporation. We have advocated the interurban railway enter prise and also have advocated this plan of incorporating the company. It is the right way to do the whole thing. It can all be done very easily. The club extended a vole of thanks to the News-Herald for very neatly printed stationery furnished to the secretary for correspondence of the Club. It is with very great pleasure that we note the addition to the membership of Messrs. L. C. Sharp and W. A. Sharp. These two new members are numbered among the enterprising busi ness men of this city. Mr. L. C. .Sharp has become quite distinguisncd as an inventor and manufacturer. Republican Convention. i The Republican Tarty will hold a j riKiss convention at the Council Cham- j ber, at 8 o'clock p. m. Friday, March i li, lUllH, for the pourpose of nominat-) ing one candidate for mayor; one forj treasurer; one for clerk; one for police judge; two members of the school board; one for councilman for the full term frmn the First ward; one from the Sec ond ward; one from the Third ward; one from the Fourth ward; one from the Fifth ward; and one for one year to till vacancy from the First ward; to be elected at the next general city , election to be held on Tuesday April 6, l'i;t. T. L. Mt'itriiY, Chairman. WE DON'T ASK YOU To take any chances on the clothing you buy here. It's all covered with our insurance of good quality and mon eys worth. Our 30 years of business in Plattsmouth is an as surance of our ability to "ielicr the foods" Over 500 new suits now on our racks for you to select from. All prices from $10 to $35. C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Coolidge makes a statement showing an improved condition of the federal finances for the month of March. He said: "There is no foundation for the widely circulated report that the pay ment of over $."(), 01 Ml.OOO of claims against the government now due has been postponed by the treasury for want of ready cash. "On the contrary, the department is abreast of demands upon it, honoring requisitions, and no payments are post p ned for future action. All claims are met as fast as appropriations therefor are made by congress. While the ap propriations and expenditures of the government are increasing annually and the expenditures for the current fiscal year are largely above the revenues for the year, the available cash in the treasury is equal to all demands that may be made on it for some time. The revenues from imports have recently shown substantial gains and should these continue the treasury is in g'od condition to await the approaching re adjustment of the tariff. "So far from the treasury being in a desperate way, the outlook is better to day than it has been before in months. The revenues for the first fifteen days of March have been $26, 4:10, 75(5, as against 20,7X5,256 for the correspond ing period a year ago, an improvement of over 27 per cent, while the excess of expenditures over receipts for the same period has been $l,50!i,2i:i, as against $1,371,741!, an improvement of over C5 per cent. The revenues for the first fifteen days of March were greater than for any corresponding period in the last five years. "The new administration comes into office with the general fund of the treas ury in as good condition as it was at the beginning of the administration which has just come to an end. The available cash balance on March 15 was. $1.'15,087,!)H2. On March 15. l!W5,at the beginning of the last administration, the available cash balance was $141, 4H8, 4:56. and by August 23, llo:. it had fallen to $12:5,704,710. The working balance on March 15, llO0, was 860,561 514. On March 13, 1!W5, it was $:J6,870 7'M. The free told in the treasury general fund March 15, 1!)0! was $87, 531,825. On March 15. 1!05 it was oniy $57,588,250. "Thus it will be seen that the condi tion of the treasury does not justify the disturbing reports which have gain ed currency." Advertised Letter List. Remaining uncalled for in the post office at I'lattsmouth, Neb., March 15, won. Maymc II. Cleaver, Patterson. (!eo. GrifTcn, Percy Pickett, Joe Pagne, Chas. B. Sowards. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office March 2'.', limit, if not delivered before. In calling for the above please say "advertised" giving date of list. C, H. Smith, P. M. MS HH V7 Ji' mm n A Ict.otHi.-sJr' A hJi ' Mm The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents. See us for sale bills. "Booster" envelopes at Irwins. See the "Booster" envelopes at Irwins. H. E. Walton is visiting with his sis ter iiiKearney. Ceorge O. Owens and family have moved to Lincoln. i J. C. Petersen is spencri.g a few weeks with relatives in Elkhorn. Judge A. N. Sullivan was in attend ance at the supreme court Tuesday. Miss May McLaughlin of Sutton is visiting a few days in the city with friends. Court Reporter Earl Travis departed Tuesday morning for Nebraska City where ht is attending court. Attorney Wm. Deles Denier and C. D. Clapp of Elmwood were business visitors in the city yesterday. W. II. Pool and Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water were looking after business in this city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ruhland of Letcher, S. D., visited a short time with the family of John Ruhland. John Brady, who has an appointive position in the legislature, visited over Sunday with his family in this city. The very latest thing in business stationery is the "Booster" envelopes. Orders taken at this office or at Irwins. Commissioners L. 1). Switzer and C. R. Jordan were in attendance at the regular meeting of the board Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hodgson of Arlington have been visiting for a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Hale in this city. Con Sears of near Cedar Creek was a business visitor in the county seat this morning looking after some matters at the court house. Charles Dennrrla of Alvo, a thrifty young farmer of that section, wm look ing after business matters in this city the fore part of the week. If the letter is worth sending at all it is worth putting in a good envelope. See those "Booster" envelopes at Ir wins, or call at this office. Wm. Hngabone of La Platte was a business visitor in Plattsmouth yester day, coming on the early Burlington and returning on the fast mail. F. M. Temlin and his uncle, W. C. Temblin, both of Weeping Water were looking after some business matters at the county seat first of the week. Martin It. Houck and wife who have been visiting in the city for the past few days with friends departed last evening for their home in Omaha. S. H. Atwood of Lincoln of the firm of S. H. Atwood & Co., was a business visitor in the city jesterday looking after some business matters for the company. Barnard Wurl was a visitor in the various cities of the county, during the week, looking the cigar trade and sup plying bis many customers his excel lent cigars. Thomas M. Carter departed yester day for a short business trip to Blair, where he is interested in some real estate which recently was platted as a portion of that city. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was a visitor in the city last Monday evening, looking after some legal business and departing for home the following morning. We pay $!'(' a month salary and fur nish a rig and all expenses to introduce poultry and stock powders. New plan, steady work. Address Bigler Company, X 894, Springfield, Ills. 84-2 Henry Sanders of Cedar Creek was a business visitor in the city jesterday morning looking after some business matters and attending the funeral of Mrs. Walforth, which occurred yester day morning. A. E. Jamison the contractor of near Weeping Water was a business visitor in the city yesterday, and after attend ing to the matters calling him here went to Omaha where he also had some busitiess to look after. George A. KafTenberger from west of the city was in the city yesterday and made this office a very pleasant call advancing his subscription for another year, and spent a few moments chat ting with the mannger of thi household necessity . i C. A. Marshall, dentist J Mrs. William Lockwood of Salina, (Kansas, is the guest of Mrs. Ceorge Kathary of this city. A. E. Jameson, well-known carpenter of Weeping Water, transacted business in his city Wednesday. L. E. Curtis the barber of Union was an over night visitor in Platts mouth the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schleicher vis ited a few days with the family of Chas. Miller south of this city. Attorney Wm. Deles Dernier of Elm wood was attending to business matters in the district court Wednesday. t. M. Carter has gone to Blair, Ne braska, to look after some business in terests which he has at that place. Mrs. Kate Oliver celebrated her seTentieth birthday yesterday at her home in this city by having a family reunion. August Stander of near Manley was transacting business in Plattsmouth thil morning having business at the office of the Register of deeds. John Fasbender of Wahoo, formerly of Plattsmouth, was an over night visi tor in the city looking after business matters and renewing old acquain tances. E. M. Barker of Union was a visitor in the county seat last evening and this morning looking after some business matters and will if arrangements can be effected become a resident of the citjf the coining summer. C, N. Lewis was in the city this morning after having been at home for some two weeks on account of an attack of the grippe. While he has gotten so he tan be around again, Mrs. Lewis is now down with the same disease. W. F. McDonald is delivering fifty cords of wood for W. W. Coates, from the farm northwest of the city, to ChrfBlfan Mockenhaupl, south of the city which will be used the coming sum mer for the purpose of burning brick. Frank Fight who lives west of My nard was an over night visitor in the city a guest at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Fight, returning home this morning and was accompanied by his father who will spend a few days on the farm. A smile much like the one which Roosevelt uses when he grasps your hand with a cordial shake, and says de lighted, is now being worn by Ceorge Wittstruck, caused by a young man coming to board at the Wittstruck home yesterday morning. Ceo. R. Saylcs of the city has been appointed to succeed his fatheras agent for the Phoenix Insurance Co., for Cedar Creek and vicinity. He will soon call upon all the policy hok'ers and parties having business with the com pany. P. W. Wright the Burlington fireman between here ami Souix Citv, was around the first of the week with one of those smiles that wont come oIL Upon being compelled to disgorge he said that it was a girl, came to his house Saturday, and that all concerned were doing nicely. Underwent Operation Frank Gobleman, the grain mer chant, who has been having so serious a time with his leg, on account of a 'white swelling' in which a portion of the bone came out, and who went to Omaha last Friday, underwent nn oper ation Tuesday, in which a portion of the flesh and bone were removed, and which promices to be successful, the member after the operation was rest ing easier, anl hopes are entertained that the recovery will be permanent. The pain for the past two months has been very severe, and that relief even partically has come is a matter of con gratulations to the sufferer. Second Church ol Christ, Scieutist. Sunday school, !:4j a. m. Divine service at 11 a. m. Subject "Matter." Mid-week meeting Wednesday even ing at N o'clock. Church is located on Sixth street, two blocks south of Main street. The public is cordially invited to all services. The reading room in the Coates block is open ever Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday alternoon from - tint ill Congress organizes, and Speaker Cannon was elected speaker. Demo crats and republicans both vote for him. President Tuft sends a brief message to congress urging prompt action on the revision of the tariu". "1 have convened the congress in this extra session in order to enable it to give immediate consideration to the re vision of the Dingley tariff act. Con ditions allccting production, manufac ture and business geiictally have so changed in the last twelve years as to require a readjustment and revision of the import duties imposed by that act. More than this, the present tariff art, with the other sources of government, does not furnish income enough to pay the authorized expenditures. By July 1 next, the excess of expenses over re ceipts for the current fiscal year will equal $100,000,000. "The successful party in the late election is pledged to a revision of the tariff. The country and the businoss community especially expect it. The prospect of a change in the rates of im port duties, always causes a suspension or halt in business because of. the un certainty as to the changes to be made and their effect. It is therefore of the highest importance that the new bill should be agreed on and passed with has much speed as possible consistent with its due and thorough considera tion. For these reasons, I have deemed the present to be an extraordinary oc casion within the meaning of the con stitution, justifying and requiring the calling of an extra session. "In my inaugural address, I stated in a summary ( way the principles upon which, in my judgment the revision of the tariff should proceed and indicated at least one new souice of revenue that might be properly resorted to in order to avoid a future deficit. It is not necessary for me to repeat what I then said. "I venture to suggest that the vital business interests of the country re quire that the attention of the congress in his session be chiefly devoted to the consideration of the new tarifr bill and that the less time given to other sub jects of legislation in this session, the better for the country. "(Signed) Wll.l.lAM II. Takt. "The White House, March 16, Y.W," Fred Warner from Cedar ('reek wi s transacting business in the county seat yesterday morning. ''i.V.v.'i7 j. In i. n A V 1.4 '. A..iu.. ..V, .ii Copuijlit uy) b 4rl .vBiltnef & Miri "- v.: t iv!5i.V . liif i If I THE HOME OF Manhattan Shirts. Stetson Hats. Hart Schaffncr & Marx Clothes. Eve t In ni: Nt-w THE NEW At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas K. (look, last Tuesday evening occurred a very pretty wedding, in which were united, the lives of Mr. Glonne Vallery, of near Murray and Miss Sophia Shep hardson of Weeping Water. The young people are among the best of our citi zens, and are highly respected. Mr. Vallery has a home fitted up for house keeping, having just gotten the new furniture installed. The new married couple will occupy the farm of A. A Wetencamp, upon which Chas. Clot felter and wife formerly lived, a short distance west of Mynard. The News IIrhald joins with the many friends of both parties in wishing them joy and every happiness as well as unbounded prosperity. A Very Beauti- ful Wedding Mr. Glen Vullery and Miss Louisa. Shephcrdson were united in the bonds of matrimony at 9 o'clock p. m. Mon day, at the beautiful home of Charles Cook, south of town. The Mendelsohn wedding march, played by Miss Mar garet Dovey, as the contracting par ties entered the beautiful arranged par lor, where the Rev. J. H. Salsbury, of the Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony, was most pleasing. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white Persian lawn, trimmed with satin and lace insertion. The cere mony was performed in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the contracting parties. They will make their home on the farm about two miles south of Mynard. They have the best wishes of their friendu for a long and happy life. Promotion For Mr. Hay ward Judge William Hayward has been no tified of his pH)intment as assistant, postmaster general. Mr. Hayward has been prominent in Nebraska polities for some years. Mr. and Mr?. Hay ward left Nebraska City Monday for Washington to see about the matter o accepting his new appointment. Mr. Hayward has the good wishes of hfa many friends in his promotion. The Nkws-Herai.I) wishes him the highest success in his broader field of labor. A man stepped into our store one morning this week and said: "My name is Mr. 1 travel out of Chicago, don't sell anything in your line, but I couldn't coming into this place and congratulate you. You have the most up-to-date store that I have seen in the west. It would be a credit to state street." Feeling thus highly compli mented we took particular pains to show the gentleman our Hang up System, which takes care of 400 suits complete, free from dust and moths. Our hat de partment which takes care of 700 hats also dust proof. In fact everything in our store is up to the last minute. By means of our prison glass used in the front and back of our building we have perfect light. No matter how daik the day, you can see perfectly in any part of the store. We don't sell anything but good clothes at honest prices. The important difference is in the way we sell our clothes, and in the way you're treated when you buy; and often you buy. Glad to show you any day. STORE Pi icra to ki ci you ill liumo. m i