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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1909)
Spend a Pleasant Hour at I The Cosy Corner TOM TROOP propriety IMtHMtllHtlillitlUdt Want Column S I 8 I i LOCAL AND PERSONAL Herold Book & Stationary Store WANTED. THE PLATTSMOUTH ? HOTEL t P. F. G00S. Prop. HMIMMtlMHIMMHtlli When in Plattsmouth get your I dinner at X The Perkins House I Guthmann&Cory, Prop. itii; C. A. RAWLS ? ATTORNEY ! t 3 S Offices in First National bank bldg I; ..x...t!"W-!:'!"X5":x:"M r WANTED-To trade, a fine piano for a good single driving horse-Platts-mouth Music Company. 63-tf $36 PER WEEK and expenses to men with rig to introduce poultry and stock remedies. Experience unneces sary. Reliable company and exclu sive territory given. The Grant Co., Dept. 93, Springfield. 111. 78-12 MAN WANTED QUICKLY by big Chicago Mail Order House'to distri bute catalogues, advertise, etc. $25 a week. $60 expense allowance first month. No experience required. Manager, 500 Wabash Bldg., Chi cago. 79-6 YOUNG MEN FOR RAILROAD MAIL SERVICE-Exum. May 15. Intend ing applicants should begin prepara tion at once. Sample questions and "How Government Positions are Se cured," sent free. Inter State SchooK248 College PI., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. vo MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. If too ned I loin on Improved firm Land, it rcaionitlt rite of Inttrtit. Write e. No Delay- 1. SIB3ERNSEN, 208 butoi Stori Bldf., Omaha. Bin ft 3AILEY & MACH THE DENTISTS litest Appilnces Bl.ti-Gnd' Orntl try. Rflioo bit frltr. HrM-rtitipprd Drnul Of fice lithe Middle West. IIICIll DISCOUNTS TO C1TT lBITO. Id Floor t ixton Hik, leti. ftrtm, OMAKA, NEB. f A. L. TIDD LAWYER t DO YOU WANT TO GO TO COL LEGE? If so we csn help you. We have already nut hundreds through college by means of cur plan. Write today for ful information regarding our offer of a free scholorship in any school or college. Address, Robert J. Sherlock, 29-31 East 22nd Street, New' York City. 7!2 $12UU.OO FOR YOU-Stoneman made $1200.00 monthly; Korstad $2200.00. New, exciting business. Hundreds averaging $60 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Credit Strange inven tion. Gives every home bathroom for $5. Cleanse almost automati cally. Startling inducements Free. Allen Mfg. Co., 1018 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. 79-6 T i T T References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l bnk, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. i t T TORNADO INSURANCE-$7.50 - thousand for five years. Wade W mdham. r. C. 1. MJaSBSLL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. per W. 78-4 Prices Reasonable " All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Office in Fitzgerald tilocK a i ami Rear Admiral Schroeder. Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder, who has been appointed commander in chief of the Atlantic battle ship fleet in place of Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry, re lieved of the position at his own request, commander the third division of the fleet on the trip around the world. He is 59 years old, a native of Washington, and was graduated from the naval academy in liOS. His service in the navy has been extensive, and he was advanced three numbers fur his conduct in the war with Spain, when he was executive oflicer of the Maisachu;ct.s; See us for sale bills. C. A. Marshall, dentist The Mnjtstic, 5 and 10 cents. Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz of near Mur ray was in the city Friday. Send her a post card of your favorite float. At Nemetz & Co. a' Mrs. Peter Carlson is visiting friends at Havelock for a few days Frank Marler of Mynard called on his Plattsmouth friend Saturday. J. Pepperberg, the Lincoln cigar merchant was in the city Friday. Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. J. W. Walker and wife of Murray transacted business in the city Saturday. Phil Lamber the Murray painter and paper hanger visited in the city last week. Ora Whitehead and Lee Nichols of near Murray wer. in the city Saturday j his mother, on business. pneumonia R. O. Watters the manager of the News-Heualu made'a business trip to Murdock Friday. Mrs. C. II. Parmele is visiting her daughter Mrs. S. H. Atwood, in Lin coln, for a t-hort time. Alex Graves, the hotel man of Mur ray was loaning auer uusmess m Plattsmouth Saturday. Mrs. F. A. Nutter, of Alccster, South Dakota, was visiting her brother, Hor ace E. Rand, this week. P. II. Kimmerman, of this city, is visiting relatives and friends at Silver City, Iowa, for a few days. Mrs. Grar.t Cotner of Council Bluffs is in the city the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Higley. - Mrs. Jesse L. Root and daughter Flora, of Lincoln, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise. If you have legal rights to enforce call on J. k. Douglass, Attorney, Of fice in Coates Block. 80-8 Peter Meisinger and George Horn two influential farmers of Eight Mile Grove precinct were in the city Satur day. Mi3 Fern McBride, daughter of Ex sheriff John D. Mc Bride, was visiting with friends in this city for a few Mrs. Lee Johnson ami children, whoj has been visiting his parent Mr. and j Mrs. James Higley, departed for their ' nome at tiumboirit, Aeb, t r.ilay even ing. Henry and George Lohmes, and their aged mother from Pekin, 111., came in for a visit with the families of Philip Stoehr and John Lohmes near Cedar Oreek. After a two months visit with Mrs. Nellie Agnew and othe friends at Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Tom E. Par mele returned to her beautiful home in this city. The many friends of Mrs. L. K. Has se, of Lincoln, regret to learn that she has been taken to Wise Memorial hosp ital, where she must undergo a surgical operation. Prof. W. G. Brooks, principal of the high school was called to his home at Davenport, Nebraska, by the illness of who is quite Hick with ionia. Mrs. Otto Carroll and daughter of Nehawka stopped over night with the family of James Robertson, on their way to Sheridan, Iowa, where they will visit relatives. Jonathan Adams, the well known lumber dealer, of Eagle, and George Reitter, Jr., the Eagle banker, were attending the Ossenkop murder trial the latter part of the week. Jerry Saffer of McComb, 111., and Mrs. Nettie Beach of Lincoln, Nebr., returned to their homes, after visiting for several days with their brother Frank Saffer and family. W. E. Dull of Murray paid the News-Heuald a pleasant call Satur day. Mr. Dull is one of the substantial farmers of Cass county. He is a very pleasant gentleman and one of our best citizens. Mrs. Wm. Ballance is visiting her son France, at the Glenwood hospital. Some days ago France was severely scalded while fixing a valve on an en gine, ins many inends wisn lor n;m an curly recovery. Mr. W. S. Askwith, superintendent of the Nebraska Masonic Home, and Mr. Walter J. White, the local mem ber of the board of directors of The i home, attended the regular monthly V t ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? V V t t ? ? ? ? ? Y Leading local dealer in Books, Stationary, School Sup plies, Office Supplies, Post Cards, Sheet Music, Sporting Goods, Candy, Tobaccos and Cigars. Local agent for the Omaha World-Herald, Lincoln Journal, Chicago Examiner, Inter Ocean, Tribune.Record Herald, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Republic, Post Dispatch and all current periodicalsjconstantly on our counters'or yearly subscriptions taken at publishers prices. Disrtibutor for this section of the cele brated Red Band Brand candies warranted pure cocoanutbon bons, cream covered dates, fig candies, crystallized cream candies, dipped candies, fudge cream, butter and soft cream candies. All the above at 12 cents a pound, the the kind that usually sells at 20 to 25 cents else where. Also agents for BaldufT Fine Choco lates, Horubcys Fruit Tablets, Hornbeys Butter Scotch, Hornbeys TotVey Candy. SPORTING GOODS. Local agents for Spalding's line of athletic Goods, base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. Fishing tackle, tennis goods, etc. Full line of tops, marbles, etc. Dealers in all local brands of cigars, also full line of Tobaccos in stock. Herold Book & Stationary Store One Door West of Fanger's. V V V $ V ? ? ? t ? t t t ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? T t t t ? ? UMIMU ' 1 j Wise talks by the office boy A SOCIAL DISEAS That is what eminent specialists c:i the subject call Consumption The Metropolitan isc. magazine ue. i shows how Consumption can be I overcome by concerted action i of the people. ' Read the APRIL Number j The Causes of Consumption j Get Into BusinessiorYoarself A BOCK CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE will rra!;o you money. Thi SUCK is the only twc-pirce. selt-bindini.', se:t-lccK-inR, water-proof, frost proof, sani t:iry, drv-air block made. Takes less material and is madeouicker than anv other block. Writt to ii,) t ii. tell v.'m all about it, i mlho vmirnn make from fi'.ooio Good South Dakota Farm. 1J0 ncres, located l'J mik'S from Hu ron and only 2 1-2 miles fromUro;i(l!and, Beadle county. Sixty acres broken and farmed 2 years. Every foot of the quarter can be plowed and in fact, lies exceptionally well. A number of Cass county men own farms near this one. Land is rapidly increasing in value in this section. Can sell this quarter for $28 an acre, if taken soon. For further particulars, call upon or address. GKOi'.r.K L. Faki.ey, Office in Coates Mock. Telephone 127. days. Mrs. Eugene Tinsrnan, of Orient, ; b()imi mecting in Omaha last Friday Iowa, has been visiting at the home of j . Mre. G. V. McCracken during tlie week. " I'hoto l ost cards of Taft at r'latts- mouth. Now on sale-Ten different ! pionfv nf ft. Iln, P.pnn T)imo ... '-"-j " YORK THAT.. TELLS Right Here In Platts mouth. Cures that last are cures that tell. 4 . V I 1 i IL-1 i 1 1 i A Cash Offer The News-Herald has made a spec ial clubbing rate with the Memphis Weekly Commercial Appeal by which we will furnibh both papers for one year for $1."(, the regular subscription price of this paper. The Commercial Appeal is one of the largest and best views at 5c each. Nen.etz & Co. next to I O. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. Mr. Becker of the I'lattsniouth Music Co. is an experienced man in t0 thoroughly know the virtues of a this line of work. medicine you must investigate the C. L. Graves, the editor of the Union cures and see if they prove permanent. Ledger, was in the city on legal bust-; Doan's Kidney Pills stand this test, ness Saturday, connected with the 1'. and plenty of proof exists right here in T. Barnum estate. riattsmouth. People who testified Messrs Philpot and Boedeker and Dr. K K t0 relief from backache, Gilmore, of Murray, came to the city id,iey " urinai-y borders, now de- c'.ty Saturday in Mr. Philpot's new aitonobile, the "Maxwell." After visiting for sometime with his mother and other relatives here, Mr. A. L. Hall returned Friday to his home at Wheeling, West Virginia. When buying candies, why not the best? We always have a lino of the superior grades on hand, metz & Co. next to P. O. Mr. A. J. Mickel. of Norfolk, t 1 : Some one sent the boss a bunch of hooka en titled. "Business Nuggets," "The Komi to Suc cess," "The Man in Front" and such like.I think T he's been looking them over, for when I came to work this morning he handed me tbis: Every thing tomes to those that wait, and the lazy boy waits to greet it; but success comes on with a rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." I had to launh, because he's the boss; but to tell you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't get any chance to apply thess wisi hunches. Actually it's no credit for - . . ...... . . V .i . . .1 ... i e u.. A a tellow to heuidusirioua nere, neeause ne cam re anyimng eise. n ne T lets up for an hour he wouldn't get his orders out and then there would "be people coming in and saying lots of fierce things, but nothing about "business success" or the "lazy hoy waits to greet it.' Have you tri'd Curtis Brothers Janis. Retains all the fine natura flavor. .Gieat. Picnic siz, 2"c. IWt forget to order a sack of Goods Best Flour with your next order. I H. M. SOENNiCHSEN i HW-WHWHWMHHmHWfMMMMMtMHHM fBStSUBgatTXSBEtXiKM clare that relief was permanent and the cure perfect. How ran any Platts mouth sufferer longer doubt the evi-1 donee? I J. S. Hall, South Sixth Street, Platts- j mouth, Neb., says: "In 1 I strained I my back and soon after I began to suf-1 fer from kidney trouble. 1 had severe) nains across the small of mv hack and I e" ' on this account it was diflicult for me j to stoop or rise from a chair. 1 tried j ! 1 1 1 several remedies nut to no avail ami buy line Ne- oraska, after visiting a few days with finally when I had the good fortune to papers in the south and we hope to re- j njs brother-in-law, George Winscott, of , hear about Doan's Kidney Pills, I de. i.n , n-rrv Hav that ynu wi.rk. Krrlu. .i. ritlit in crh county. Gft in first. Interlock Block Machine Co. Cllr mrr: 24th and Paul Sti. ceive many new subscriptions on offer; $1.50 cash for both papers. tblS fhifl ritu r'tiirriirl to hiti hrino George Weidm.m's many friends re Farms For Sale. I am offering a farm for sale miles south-wesc of Mynard at ninety dollars per acre. Also one 3 1-2 miles south-east of Murray. Earl V. Cole. Mynard, Neb. 7-1-8 1 I . .1 T 1-1 del ing & U) s. drug store and within gret to learn thHt he is quite sick. For forty-eight hours alter the first dose, l sometime past he has been employed ' felt better. Since then, I have always two in bis brothers store, at Havelock. ; kept a supply of Doan s Kidney Pills in I The Journal says "a small black la-ht; hous,c- fin,li'5 th' thl'y 1,ril, I,!!,..' iWu-m found on th,. fr,.f9 of . ' 01 rl,lsulls '"--' (btatement given June t), r.tuti I A Bale, Kearly OM Age comes with a good stomach ar.d a food appeti'e. and the wherewith al to tempt and satisfy your long ing for good food. You can al ways get it at Barnes'. Dishes for the epicure cooked by an ar tist, ami feods of the choicest grades and flavors at Barnes'. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. 1 tftMafwaaaaacagssaFa 4 IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts ns goes from Manspeaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses tire always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeaker's for your turnout. M. E.MAN SPEAKER Joins' Old Livery Barn Scvonth & Main Stn. I'lattsmouth, Ni'b. Mortgages For February. There were eight farm mortgage 3 filed in the recorder's office during the month of February amounting to the sum of $53,000; released nine amount ing to $29,5T)5. There were seven mortgaged filed on city property, amounting to $3,672; re leased four amounting to $2,30$. results whenever used. thia rirv Wp'll bet mnrfili'9 tn dni.irh nuts that the lady wasn't black at all. ! On December 30, l'HM, Mr Hall said . . I "1 cheerfully renew my former en county farmer was in the city Satur day. Mr. Bornhoff owns a half section of land near Broadland, South Dakota. James W. Hiekson has been offered a position with the Council Bluffs Water Company, and he and his wife departed to that city to look the matter over. Good luck "Jimmie." dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I know that this remedy is a reliable one for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United ! States. Kemetnber the name-Doan's-and take no other. 79-5 Invitation to Public. i I now have possession of the old W. S. Soper Studio and extend an invita tion to the public for its patronage and ' wish to state that I have all registered , negatives made during their stay here, j . . . . i . i. so that ail -implicate orders can ue 1 made just the same as heretofore. Cakhik GltKKNWAI.I). Property in Plattsmouth For Sale New Residents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller, of West Brook, Maine, a brother of W. II. Mil-; ler, lant Thursday came to this city to make their future home here. When 1 they left their New England home the , ground was covered with three feet of j snow. Wc welcome them to our city j of sunshine. , in aayMTOiJ'llliyBli -mbs t I O0 B Bmm B ATs Y OHicc lJl y9fV . T at I I J-W?'4 zfiE- I li 2 corner lots on north 7th street. Residence at corner of fth and Courtland streets. Residence at corner of 7th and I ley street. Residence at corner of 5th and Locust sts. Residence at corner of 4th Ttnd Granite sts. Residence on Granile between 3rd & 4th. 4 lots between 5th and (Uh on Walnut st. Two houses and about 1 1-L' acres neat Columbian scool. 13 acres about 1 mile south of C. B. & (.1 bridge. .North and South Dakota f.irtn lands for sale. J. E BARWICK two doors north of Postoflico. The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladded time of all the year. With the return of the birds, the coming again of the breezes ar.d blossems, comes a'so more milk thus adding to the dutks of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Best Cream Separator Made. The United States, in a number of sbus at prices which ara i:i th'. l each of all. Come in and wo will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. ASEMISSEN & SONS