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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1909)
-rv -v n kt- LERALB TWICE A WEEK NFWS. Established Nov. S. l-'Jl HEKALD. Established April 1. 1m,1 Conso!iJtcd Jan. 1. l'LATTSMOUTH, NEItliASKA, TIll'KSDAY, MA1U1I 11, 1!K) vol. xlv No.asO: The N EWSH Meeting of City Council The city council met in regular ses- tr the faithful discharge of the sion Monday night. Minutes of previ- of the counc.lman giving the same, and ous meeting were read and approved, shall be further conditioned that if the The finance committee reported favor-'. counc.lman shall vote for the ex ably upon the following claims: 1 penditure or appropriation of money or John Miller, work $ 50 creation of any liability in excess of W. R. Gardner, labor 5 42 i the amount allowed by law, such coun- J. W. Crabill, poll tax 300'cilman, and the sureties signing paid Phil Harrison, labor I27!nd, shall be liable thereon. Said M. Archer, salary 00 00: bond shall be filed with the city clerk John Hickson, same 2 53 1 and approved by the Mayor and any Chas. Bates, hauling cart 1 60 1 liability sought to be incurred, or debt Chas Bates labor 1 75 (created in excess of the amount limited, Neb. LightCo., cinders.!!".'.... 1 00 ! or authorized by law, shall be taken Neb. Light Co., light 1 00 1 and held by every court of the state as Neb Light Co., light 3 00 the joint and several liability and ohli- fllivo Jones salarv 25 00 gation of the councilman voting for and Jas. Donnelly, same 9 68 Ben Rainey, same 50 00 Anton Nitka, same . 4 00 Platts. Tel. Co., rent 1 65 M. C. McMaken, hauling cart.... 1 50 The city treasurer reported $6287.92 in the treasury on the last day of February. The police judge reported that dur ing the month of February, no fines had been collected. The judiciary committee reported that City Attorney B. S. Ramsey asked further time to explain his be lief in the matter of the suit on the Wescott light bond. As is his custom, the city attorney is rarely prepared with anv matter at the time that it should be acted upon. In case he seems to be either tius bond ' desirous of avoiding the bringing of the suit or recognizes his incompetency to prose- cute the matter on behalf of the city. He seems to seek to draw his salary on much the same basis as the former M.f r,r nnl.Vo Pit7rorld. In thin case , it might be well for the Committee tO change the allowance from t0 , 4 1 m Tho M.-hraska I.i.rht Co. submitted a UA fnr ii,htinir tho citv and aeeom - Mn!.,i tv, nmo with ratified check for $1500.00. The bid was as follows: for 95 32-candle-power 40 Watt Tung jton lamps, at the rate of , $1600.00 for a ten year contract and $20fiO.OO for a five year contract. It also included power for day service when or i - horno - power was secured and proposes a re duction on gas rates of 10 cents per 1000 fett. On motion of Councilman Neuman it was referred to the light committee.Councilman Dwyer from the first ward offered an ordinance regu lating the price of gas, reducing it to $1.50 per 1000 cubic feet. This ordi nance was read the first time and then laid over, under the rules, until the next regular meeting of the council. It was shown that the road fund was ....... nii.4riiinn mnrn tho (I!) These appropriations in excess of the fund limited by law, under section 8511 Cobbey Annotated Statutes of Nebras ka, 1907, makes the councilman who vote for the samo and their bondsmen per- sonally liable. The statute reads as follows: "Each councilman before entering upon the duties of his office j illness and after the death of our be shall be required to give bond to the ! loved wife and mother. Such acts live city, with two or more good and suffi cient sureties, or some responsible surety company; if by two sureties, i PS ipa D 0. E. Wescott's Sons "Where Quality Counts." th?y shall each justify that he is worth at least two thousand dollars over nnil above h11 debts and exemptions. Such bonds shall be in the sum of one thou sand dollars, and shall be conditioned the mayor approving same, and not the debt liability, or obligation of the city, and voting for, or opproving of such liability, obligation, or debt, shall be conclusive evidence of malfeasance in office for which such councilman, or mayor, may be removed from office." Misery in the stomach And Indigestion Vanishes in Five Minutes. Why not etart now today, and for ever r'd yourself of Stomach trouble 1 ana" Indigestion? A dieted stomach gets 1 the blues and grumbles, oives it a j good eat, then take I'ape's Diapepsin i . . . . 1 . 1 ! "ari inc aijrcwive juices woriung. ; T"erc wi be 110 dyapepma or belching of Gas or eructations of undigested ! 'od; no feeling like a lump of lead in . , . ,... Biomm.ii ui m-ni i,uui 11, aim iitmiaLiit 1 and dizziness, and your loocl will not I . 1 U......U ...:.u ii'miem aim iiuibuii yuut uii'imi wuii nauseous odors. ! IaPe's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents 1 for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstinate case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach in five minutes. There 13 nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the ! siomacn ana, ana ucsiucs, . t. 1 1 i ;j ; one tnangule will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it When Diapepsin works, your stomach rests gets itself in order, cleans up and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat ! will do you good. ! Absolute relief from all Stomach I Misery is waiting for you as soon as 1 you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Tape's Diapepain, because yoa want to be 1 thoroughly cured of Indigestion. Card ol Thanks. We desire to extend our heartfelt , thanks, to the friends and neighbors i who so kindly assisted .us during the long in the memory. Louis Sciiitz and Family. methods and policies of doing business were alike in every store then there would be no "best" place to trade. We take prie in point ing to the methods and pol.cies which have made this store so justly popular. It stands for cer tain things and these certain things make it a safe place and a satisfactory place to buy clothes. It stands for quality, good quality. If we can not sell good clothes we'd rather not sell any. It stands for one price and no monkey business a square deal for everybody. It stands for money's worth or money back. If you buy anything here not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. It stands for a uniform cash discount to the man who pays cash. No premium, no chance schemes. If these things appeal to you then let us sec you when you want good wearing apparel. LOCAL AND See us for sale bills. C. A. Marshall, dentist Isaac Nelson and wife of south 0 the city were in Saturday. A new boy at Emos Masin's adds to the joy of the household. F. M. Young and wife of Murray were doing the city Saturday. John Webster and wife are happy at a boy all concerned doing well. Major Hall of Rock Bluffs was shak ing hands with old friends in this city Saturday. Miles Standish (not the captain) of near Murray was a business visitor Saturday. Sam Tubbs and sister from west of Mynard were in the city the first of the week. John Lewis of west of Mynard was a county seat visitor the latter part of the week. J. R. Vallery from the vicinity of Mynard was a Plattsmouth visitor Saturday. ,- David Stuart and John Roddy of west of Union were Plattsmouth visi tors Saturday. George Hi Id, one of the prosperous farmers of southwest of the city was a business visitor Monday. Jelf Lewis and wife were interview ing the Plattsmouth merchants Satur day from the vicinity of Murray. Gust Johnsen of the Burlington freight repair shops in reported as be ing on the sick list with an attack of grip. Mrs. Edith King, who lives in Chicago is visiting with her sister Mrs. T. H. Pollock, and her brothers T. M. and Rae Patterson. Max Adams returned to his studies at York College Monday after spending Sunday with the home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Will Adams. Mrs. Henry Lohnes and two son, Henry and George, came in Saturday from Pekin, III., and are the guests of friends near Cedar Creek. George Foxworthy of Malvern, la., left Monday morning for his home af ter a visit of several days in this city with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hainer. Walter L. Thomas departed Tuesday forCalifornia, where he will visit friends at Sacramento and Los Angeles. He exnects to spend about three weeks on I uBMUB the coast. mother and sisters in this city. Mrs. Lee Cotner has gone to Lebanon, j Sheriff Matt Plunkett, of Deadwood, Kansas, to visit her brother, and be j S. D., took Roy Benfer, who was ar treated by him for gall stones. Her j rest fome days 9go by Sheriff Quinton, brother is one of the leading physicians j hark to Deadwood to be tried for rape. of city. j j Elliott who has been residing Mrs. R. O. Schleicher and daughter j wcst of 0maha for tho t h 01 anermari, vvyo., are vis.umk the family of John Lutz, on their way home after a visit in the cities of the eastern states. j ... ,, r,. 1 1 1 J W. Moneypenny, Schuyler Grant W. F. Gillespie, the jolly and popular 1, , Cim ,, , , ... ,' ,' , J . ,. and Sam Hackcnberg were visitors in grain man of Mynard, was mingling ., , ... . . , , , ..... , .. , the county seat Saturday and made with his many friends in the county,.,...,.. , ' . . I. 1 . s-eat Saturday and looking after some business matters. Pert ami Will Philimt. Dr. G. H. Giln.ore and Glen Boedaker, cashier of , lurlK'(1 tu thu Clty yesterday, afterhav the Murrav bank, were Plattsmouth -njycd "Visit at thu hospitable visitors Saturday, coming up in the automobile of Bert Philpot. The reading circle held a very ani- mated and interesting session at the office of the county superintendent Saturday, at which a large number of the membership were present. A. A. Holmes and James Hoggett, formerly of Rock Bluffs but now of Hartington, in Cedar county, came 111 last Saturday for a few days' visit old time friends in old Cass county. In conversation with a representa tive of this paper C. H. Warner, who has some lands in western Kansas, stated that things were looking fine in that vicinity with the promise of an abundant crop the coming season. J. F. Heine-man, who has resided in South Dakota for some time past, has sold his farm there and will shortly re turn to Plattsmouth for a short time. Accompanied by his father he will then depart for the Pecos Valley in New 1 Mexico to make his future home. W. II. Puis of Murray was attending to some business matters in the city Saturday and tells us that things are looking line in his vicinity. Mr. Puis , will begin his work as assessor in a short time, he being the deputy for , that portion of the county. PERSONAL The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents. Mrs. Harry is visiting relations in Lincoln this week. On Sunday, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Pollock. L. H. Stander of Weeping Water was in the city yesterday on business. John Kreager, one of the substantial farmer, transacted business in the city yesterday. J. C. York returned the first of the week from a visit to his brother of Watson, Mo. Oscar Glenn, of Orion, III., is visit ing his father, T. W. Glenn in the city for a few days. Rev. A. A. Randall and wife are spending a few days with their daugh ter in Lincoln. J. P. Falter has gone to Burwell, Nebraska, to look after some real estate matters. Emmons j. Richey was attending to some business matters at Fremont the forepart of the week. Earl Amick of Weeping Water, was visiting for a day with his uncle, Judge M. Archer of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chriswisscr, of Nehawka, spent Sunday in this city with the former's parents. Jesse Blunt left Tuesday for McCook where he goes to resume work for the C. B. & Q. railroad. Claude Hostetter a brother of Mrs, James Darrough of Union departed for j Denver, Colorado, yesterday, FOR SALE-A good team, harness and wagon. Apply to J. Jordan, oppo site Jirousek s store. 82-3 Miss Vesta Douglass, who has been attending the State Normal school at Peru, Neb., is visiting with her parents. J. W. Sutton has Becured employ ment with Oliver Niday of Wausa, Nu. to which place he departed Mon day. William Schwabe of Rock Bluffs pre ftfimt Vtruil ltanari(ttSn kitni'mma I n U a 1 v!t ' -" mjr gvaivruny. tic m one WI vne good farmers of his precinct, E. A. Wurl, one of our progressive and up to date merchants, attended the meeting of the Federation of Nebraska Retail Merchants, at Lincoln. Thomas L. Murphy, traveling sales man for the Porter-Ryerson-Hoobler Company of Omaha, visited with his returned to P rttsmouth and will mnko his home on the Hanson place north of 'f w cjlv ; mm mure n piuasani can. urnie again, 1 j,onemcn ; i Mr- aml Mrf' Frank Gohleman re- home of Mr. and I near Rock Bluffs. Mrs. Mark White Guy Newcomer, formerly of this city j Ul't mow engaged in the Union Pacific railroad shops at Omaha, was an over , Sunday visitor, the great of his parents and another clear f riend. 1 uaorgc W. Snyder of Mynary made the editor a pleasant calll and renewed 1 his subscription to the Nkw.s-Heh.ald, ; George is a progressive stockman, and we always enjoys his calls S. Baldwin, a former resident of Rock Bluffs but now residinglat Den ver, Mo., left Monday for his home af ter a short visit in this city with his friend, E. W. Moreland. Miss Evelyn Taylor has secured 1 good position with the forestry depart ment of the government, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Miss Taylor has the best wishes ofj the Nkws-Hekai.d and of her many friends. Frightened atJAuto. While coming to the city with his two daughters to attend church, John Lovcll's team became frightened at a passing automobile and ran away. The occupants were spilled out and quite severely though not dangerously bruised and the buggy was pretty badly de - n.olishcd. II ! I ESaRBSBaKBSSSSSESSSSSsS i A Citizen's Convention The Citizens convention, the call for which appears in another column of this paper, is for the purpose of nominating a clean business city ticket. Back of this movement are most of the best business men in this city irrespective of former party affiliations. It is the belief of practically every business man in this city, that the manner of handling the city's business can be greatly is fully appreciated that during the past few months the city government has been an absolute failure and a farce. Every good citizen, who believes in good citizenship and a clean non-partisan city government should attend the citizens convention. Better and cleaner city government will be the slogan of the citizen's con vention. Read the Label. Under the Pure Food Laws baking powder labels now show the ingredients of which the powder is made. Those who appreciate the importance to health and good baking of using a pure cream of tartar powder will read the back of the label carefully and make sure that the ingredients mention ed include cream of tartar. The food law docs not force consum ers; it merely helps them to protect themselves. All good housekeepers want cream of tartar baking powders, and will not use alum substitutes in the food, if they know it. As the ingredi ents are printed on the back of the label, all may know the facts. Good baking powder is one of the most useful things in the kitchen; it is easily obtained nt any store; the better it is, the more economical it is in cook ing materials, and the more it conserves the health of the family. Will Build New Home. C. W. Baylor, the coal man, has pur chased the three lots at the corner of Ninth and Elm streets formerly owned by Mrs. J. L. Root, and will soon com mence the erection of a modern resi dence thereon. When it has been com pleted it will add greatly to that por tion of the city and will make a de lightful abiding place for Mr. Baylor and his estimable wife. Four Tons of 1 Copyright 190R by Hirt Schiffnet it Mir The home of Hart Manhattan Shirts. i 1 I Sllii - iiK! thi: Niiv stoiu: Cass County The Loser1 C. W. Phillips Monday loaded his household goods into a car and shipped, them to his new home at Cambridge, Neb., where he will take the position as cashier in a recently organized bank. Mrs. Phillips left for tho new homo one day last week. The News-Herald joins with scores of friends in regret- ting the loss of this estimublo family from our midst, but trusts that their lines may be catt in pleasant places and that the best that life affords may be theirs in their new home. School Board Has Session A special session of tho school board, was held Monday night for the purpose of electing teachers for the eominf year. All the present teachers had filed applications for positions and all were elected again and given until the 27th inst., to file acceptances. General satisfaction has been given the past year and no changes in the faculty haik, been anticipated. Superintendents Appointed The Live Stock Superintendents for;-? the 1909 Nebraska State Fair are: Horses, J. A. Ollis, Jr., Ord. Cattle, O. E. Mickey, Osceola. Swine, Geo. A. Leonard, Pawnee.; City. Sheep, Chas. McLeod, Stanton. Our pure stock exhibitors will realize the necessity of securing stalls and pens early. WillMoveto Plattsmouth. J. W. Darrough of near Union, who recently sold his farm and took course in an Omaha barber college,, was in the city a few days since look-ting for a place to locate and finally de cided upon this point. Mr. Darrough is an excellent gentleman and a long time resident of this county and we predict for him a nice business when, he gets established. Store Fixtures Clothing, Cabinets, Hat Cases, Floor Cases and Win dow Fixtures, all of the latest designs. Everything in our new store will be free from dust. That's worth your consideration as well as ours. We will have our formal opening Next Saturday, March 13th, 13 is in an unlucky num ber, but we're not super stitious. There will be cut flowers, music, etc., as ad vertised. We want you to come in even though you do not wish to make a pur chase. It's a pleasure for us to get acquainted with you. Nothing but New Things in the New store. Schaffner & Marx. Stetson Hats.