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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1909)
V., The MewsMeraejd. TWICE A WEEK NKWS. F3tallih-1 NVv. 5. !S91 1 HiKALU. Ki-talluhid Apillo. 14 PLATTSMOUTII, NEKKASKA, TI1UKSDAY, FEHKUAKY I, 1!0' VOL. XLV NO. 72 Cur.o;i('Uil Jn. 1. is.r. WORK HAS BEGUN ! . . . . HIS bUDSCnptlOll Kauy U on will be awarded by the Nebraska Farm Full Blast Addition- I er to the contestant securing the most j votes in a group of eleven other con al Prizes. ' tests. Now is the time to get in the The subscription rallv which we have Kame ad beK' workinS 0l- u been telling you about through the col- j Remember the names of all who have umn of this paper, and which is being ' 0l'en nominated will be published in conducted bv the Nebraska Farmer of next week's paper and the stanclmg of Lincoln, this paper, and eleven other papers over the state, is becoming in teresting and causing considerable talk. There have been quite a number of names suggested as contestants in this local contest, and the list is still open for nominations. Those who have been nominated have been furnished with supplies to begin work and they can secure additional supplies and the names of the people who are already taking this paper by calling at this office. Anvone who has received notice of the fact that they have been nominated 1 as a contestant will confer a flavor on ! us if they will let U3 know at oqce whether they expect to make an effort or not, as we will publish the names of all nominated in next week's paper un-; less we are notified to the contrary. yair an(j 0f Tampa and the day is term We hope that all who have been nomin- ; e(j "Bryan Day" at the Fair. Gover ated will go right to work since some j nor Albert W. Gilchrist and his cabinet friend ha3 taken the interest to nomin- j are nere an(j during the morning Mr. ate you. It will not take much work p,rvan was the center of an admiring among your friendi and neighbors s- crowd of Florida democrats in the re curing subscriptions to take this paper tunja 0f the Tampa Bay hotel, where and the Nebraska Farmer tJ get votes enough to win one of the fine prizes. There is no way to secure votes except by collecting money on subscription, therefore one has as good a chance to win as the other. As soon as the subscription money has been received at this office the votes will be issued, and we will have a ballot box in this office where they may be cast and they will be taken out once i each week and counted and published in the paper. The standing of the votes will be published for the first time week after next. Anyone who has not been nominate as a contestant may get in the race by letting us know at this office. " We would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to enter. The price of this paper is the same as before the contest started, $1.50 per year. During this contest we are mak ng a special clubbing offer with the Nebraska Farmer of $2.00 for the two papers. Votes are given on single sub- scriptions to this paper but by getting subscriptions on the clubbing proposi- tion for both papers more votes may be secured. Votes are allowed on all v subscription payments as follows: Each year b renewal subscription to this paper counts 400 votes. Each year's new subscription to this paper counts ( guegt 0f honor at the fair and a formal 800 votes. Each year's renewal sub-1 rcception will be held in the French scription to this paper with a year's j parior 0f the Tampa Bay in her honor, subscription to the Nebraska Farmer i rn tne receiving' line will be Mrs Gil included counts 1,200 votes. ;Each ! cnrist amj others of society in Florida, year's new subscription to this .. paper with a year's subscription to the j Now is the time to have your piano Nebraska Farmer included counts 1,-! tuned. Mr. Becker of the Plattsmouth 600 votes. Contestants can see that it j Music Co. is an experienced man in pays to work for the new business and j this line of work, also for the two rmDcrs. I This contest will be of short duration nnlv torn mnntVia nnH if. will rinvnnv one to get in the race at once and work for the prizes offered. Remember that t TKf Hoturol Kurp-nSr:-nf Chicago fit C. E. Wescott's Sons. "Where Quality Counts." j there is a fine Howard piano, ami other, ' prizes to be given away in this county ! ! by this paper and that in this contest has a fine chance for winn.rgi the $1,500 Iiuick touring car which : liie VULCS Will nimffliuu nit Hici j week after next. If you want one of these fine prizes and have not been nominated, send in your name to this paper at once and you will be in the game. This contest 1 is open to both ladies and gentlemen. lL.. ...Ml l. i.n .L.. tH.i BRYAN IN FLORIDA ! Distinguished Nebraskan Guest of Honor at Big Mid Winter Fair. i Ta.nwa, Fla., Feb. 4 William Jen 1 njgS Bryan and Mis. Bryan are today the cruests of the Florida Mid-winter Gov. Gilchrist introduced to the Com moner those who desired to meet him. This afternoon Mr. Bryan is at the races where at 2:30 the "Bryan handi cap" will be run and the winning jock ey will be presented with a sash by Mr. Bryan. At one o'clock this afternoon Mr. Bryan will preside at the laying of the cornerstone for the new $100,000 Y. M. C. A. building in Tampa and will deliver an appropriate address. The evening will bring a brillian Madame Calve is at the hotel and this evening at 8 o'clock she will give a recital in the Tampa Bay Casino at which Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Bryan will be the guests of honor in separate boxes. In Mr. Bryan's box will be the governor of Florida and other distm guished public men, and Mrs. Bryan will have- as her guests the governor's mother for Gen. Gilchrist is a bachelor governor-and other ladies. After the recital Madame Calve will share the honors with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan at a : hannuet oriirinallv planned for the j Brvans by the democrats of Florida anj after tne banquet the guests will j take part jn tne first formal hall of the flcason jn the elegant oval Sun Room of i the Hotel. Tomorr0w Madame Calve will be the When buying candies, why not buy - the hest? We alwavs have a fine line ; of the superior grades on hand. Ne j metz & Co. next to P. O. A Perfect Fit in 10 Minutes When you need a suit of clothes you do not need to resort to the "dress maker" plan with its long delays and disappoint ments. If you are not de formed we can fit and please you perfectly if you will stop in at our store for 10 minutes. Our knowledge of the needs of this community and our large assortments make this possible. New spring goods arriving now. TfoE COUNTY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELO AND USUAL AMOUNT OF ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Plattsmouth, Neb. Feb, 2, 1909. Hoard of County Commissioners nn?t in regular session, with all members pres ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, whereupon the follow ing business was transacted in regular form : In the matter of the road petition of Andrew J. Hoover, et. al., which was filed November 10, IMS came on for hearing, together with a remonstrance of John Sass and others against the locating of the proposed road, Action j postponed until next meeting County treasurer was ordered to ........ . .l r , I F.....I transfer JMiNi irom me uencrui ruimi to the Soldier Relief Fund. j Countv clerk was this day directed to! serve written notice on James Hoover, Road Overseer Road Dist. No. ", in structing him to serve notice on P. O. Esmny to remove his fence from the public highway, running from a point ti'J chains west of the north east corner of the north-west quarter of section 23-12-11, south 2 chains and 50 links, terminating at the east end of Second street in the village of Louisville, Cass county, Nebraska, 30 days from this date. Bond of VV. C. Bartlett, road over seer district No. 15, approved. Bond of Ben Beckman, road over seer district 10, approved. Bond of G. Metteer, justice of the ...... . . . j peace,. Jit neasant precinct, approveu. Bond of Geo. N. LaRue. member Soldiers Relief Commission, approved. Plattsmouth News-Herald was awarded the contract for county print ing year 1909. Dr. J. B. Martin, awarded contract physicians district No. 1. Dr. J. F. Brendel, awarded contract physicians district No. 2. Dr. J. W. Brendel, awarded contract physicians district No. !!. Dr. E. D. Banghart, awarded contract physicians district No. 4. . Dr. N. t. Talcott, awarded contract physicians district No. 5. Streight & Streight was awarded the contract for burial of pauper poor 1909. CLAIMS ALLOWED. F. F. Schlater, petit juror certi ficates $ 39 00 B. I. Clements, inquest of John Thacker 18 05 C. D. Quinton, same 8 80 E. T. Comer, jury of John Thacker 1 W. B. Cross, snmc 1 Chas. Lake, same 1 A. L. Becker, same 1 J. D. Bramblett. same 1 Lee Thacker, witness of John Thacker 1 "0 James Stephens, same 1 50 Carter Albin, same 150 Dr. Livingston, same 2 05 Dr. J. F. Brendel, same 1 50 Ira Clark, same 1 10 Lennie Crawford, same 110 Carl Albin, same 1 10 J. L. Pell, jury of John Thacker 1 50 E. E. Hilton, salary 49 84 Mary E. Foster, salary and exp. 126 39 F. M. Foster, salary and laundry 62 90 C. R. Jordan, salary 35 00 M. L. Friedrich, same 38 75 L. D. Switzer, same 3i 6) W. E.Rosencrans, sal'y and exp. 157 65 S. F. Girardet, mdse 8 85 Katherine Minor, labor recorders office J. V. Egenborger, fuel J. F. Brendel, 6 mos. salary Co. physician Weeping Water Republican, 19 00 214 07 13 40 26 57 printing Wm. HaFsler, labor 19 50 Chas. Oil warkcr, coal 0 50 Lorenz Bros, mdse to farm 41 25 C. A. Rawls, expense 4 (54 Robt. Sherwood & Son, mdse to Pollard lor Crain Standardization, i Congressman Pollard appeared before the interestate and foreign commerce committee of the house today in behalf of his bill providing for the standardiz ing of grain for export only. The main point brought out by Mr. ; Pollard during a speech of an hour and a nuartcr before the committee was ' that a large per cent of the grain 1 shipped ubroad is graded too high, for ( j the reason that when it reaches its de- j I stination it is found in mouldy, musty ( and in some cases in a rotten condition. ! Three years ago out of 5,000,000 bush- j els of grain examined by United States ' 'experts 11 percent was found damaged, i I Two years ago the same quantity of j grain being inspected ran up as 19 peri K"i'cent. Last year, however, the ptr-! 11 ,") ! il 4S 1 f0 M. Archer, cost State vs. Wat kins 4 C. I. Quinton, same 2 M. Archer, costs State vs. Tucker 4 J. K. Denson, same 2 Stone Mercantile Co. mdse. to poor F. G. Fricke & Co., same 8 (Ml 12 o Dr. L. Meier, reports birth and deaths' I). Ktelfens, same i Geo. Reitter. ir.. same. I!. I. Clements, same 300 W. E. Hand, same 4 00 Mike Tritsch, same 5 00 P. S. Crink, same 50 II. M. Soennichsen, same 9 15 Wm. II. Lyman, same 8 95 Chas. L. Graves, same 30 A. E. Slater, same 30 A. Kurtz, same (50 H. F. Kropp, same 30 State Journal Co., record 21 00 J. J. Svoboda, mdse. to Co 11 35 Earl R. Travis, taking testi mony Thacker inquest 7 J. A. Clements, printing 7 Chas. Rager, livery and board ing pauper ".' 3 R. A. Bates, typewriter paper 8 Joe Fitzgerald, freight and 50 00 80 35 01 drayage Klopp & Bartlett, supplies 82 M. Hild, express on casket and 50 20 labor 3 Caftle Raper & Mathews, burial of pauper 20 00 M. Herald, mdse 75 The News-Herald, printing.... 1 50 M. Fanger, mdse. to farm and paupers 19 50 C. W. Baylor, coal to pauper. . . 63 24 J. H. Tarns, sal'y and exp 63 40 John Kopia, mdse. to farm 38 13 John C. York, barber work at poor farm E. Manspeakcr, serving subpoe 2 75 nas State vs. Riley & Hixon. . Neb. Institute Feeble minded, clothing for Partridge, Hunter 13 70 and Hamilton 122 68 A. N. Sullivan, defending Wm. Riley et. al T 00 B. C. Marquaidt, mdse 8 00 John Waterman, lumber 75 L. B. Egenberger, mdse, to paupers 27 90 Mineral Springs Sanitarium, care of Mrs. Wagner 33 00 R. Rector, rent for Mrs. Allen. . 4 00 CLAIMS ON ROAD FUND. Geo. Timblin, return of poll tax R. D. No. 14 2 50 Ellis Lee, same. No. 10 2 50 Harry Gartner, same, No. 6 . . . ' 2 50 John Albert, damage No. 2 4 00 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber R, D. No. 13 8 90 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber R, D. No. 14 24 02 City of Plattsmouth, return of city road fund No. 17 688 00 A. D. Hathaway, road work R. D. No. 11 49 00 H. B. Jones, same R. D. No. 14. 9 00 Gus Ruhga, same No. 14 3 00 Robt. Jamison, same No. 14.... 1 50 Geo. A. B. Hicks, same No. 2.. 8 00 Ben Beckman, same No. 10 .... 41 75 J. A. Wilson, same No. 7 12 50 Frank Rouse, same R. D. No. 5. 31 50 Wm. Hassler.labor R. D. No. 1. CLAIMS ON HRIDCE FUND. Avoca Lumber Co., bridge lum ber G. L. Grinton, bridge work...., John Waterman, same 65 61 44 4 CO 23 05 Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, February 16, 1909. W. E. KOSKNCRAN!!, County Clerk. centage of damaged grain in export shipments was considerably less, the, reduction being traceable to the reduced I amount sent aboard on account ofj the hih prices prevailing in this country. j Mr. Pollard is hopeful that his bill will be reported favorably by the house ' committee in view of the fact that his, hill concerns but export trade. -Omaha Bee. Looking lor Land. Joe Adams and Robert Tioop left he first of the week for Gngory, So. Dakota, where they go to look over the country with h view to making some land investments. Thoy expect to be absent several days. farm C. II. Smith, postal supplies , Peter Goos, meals to pauper. , New Prizes Added. The NKWs-IlKKAi.n has added two! more prizes to be uwarded in the great j subscription rally now in progress. The i first is a handsome combination desk , and bookcase, which is now on exhibi-1 tion at the furniture and undertaking ' rooms of Streiirht & Streiirht. the re tail price being $:11.25. This is an ele- j gant piece of furniture and would be an ornament to anybody's home. The j fourth prize will be a $10 due bill on any merchant advertising in the Nkws- Hkkald. Several candidates for these prizes are already in the field. Supplies and full particulars may be had by call ing at or addressing this office. Photo post cards of Taft at Platts mouth. Now on sale Ten different views at lie each. Nemetz & Co. next CHESS TOURNAMENT Spokane Making Preparation to Kntertain Three Time Cham pion of America. Plattsmouth devotees of the game of chess will be interested in the announce ment that Frank A. Marshall, three times winner of the American chess championship, who had just returned from a trip through Europe, will play a series of games in the rooms of the Spokane Amateur Athletic Club, begin ning February 20. He will take on all tne players at the club at the same time, going from table to table until all the games are finished. Afterward he will givo several exhibition plays, ex plaining the various moves and counter moves. One of Marshall's opponents will be J. C. Bird of Spokane, who claims to be the oldest living chess and checker player on the continent. He has been playing continuously, since 1838, when, at 10 years of age, his father taught him the first moves on the board. Mr. Bird was secretary of the first chess club of St. Louis, Mo., in 1854. prior to which he ranked as one of the best play ers in that city, H participated as an amateur in all the club's tourneys until 1896, whn he eame west, settling in this city. Fred Blomberg, manager of the Spokane Amateur Athletic Club, an nounces that Mr. Marshall will begin a tour of the United States and Canada at the close of the series in Spokane, playing in many of the larger cities be tween the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Fruit Traa Tru To Nam. I have the agency of the Watrous nurseries of Des Moines, Iowa, the most reliable institution of its kind in the west. Every tree tested in the nursery before being sent out. I have dealt in nursery stock for years and can say this stock is correct in every re- spect, and prices right. If in need of anything drop me a postal and I will call. Ornamentals of every description. 70-4 C. C. Despain. We now have Compound Fig Syrup at 25c a bottle. F. G. Frick & Co., DruggiUs. 72-4. We sell the Monarch Malleable Range. Krochler Brothers, Coates Block. What is Home Without a Piano? Not many years ago the pianoforte was looked on by the great majority of people as a luxury. To day it is regarded as nothinj? short of a necessity in every American home. The refininjr influence of music is so potent a factor in the character develop ment of a growing1 child, that no conscientious par ent can -save for the gravest reasons, ncjrlcct mak ing the addition of a piano to the furr.iture of a household. While we sell the higher priced instru ments, it is our constant aim to furnish thoroughly honest and reliable pianos on very easy terms to per sons in moderate circumstances. Investigation will not go amiss, as you will find to your profit if you are in the market for a piano. Come in and get ac quainted and we can talk the matter over, We are praclical Piano Tuners. The Plallsmoulli Music Company J. A. BECKER, Manager EDITOR NEB. FARMER Writes of the Big Subscription. Rally Now in Progress. Other Notes. Dear Editor: I cannot impress too strongly upon your readers the impor tance of enterintr the biir automobile- pian0 C()Iltest carIy Never ,,efore to my knowledge nas an automobile of such splendid value been offered as a free premium when tho competition was so limited. It was our intention that fifteen country publications would enter this contest, but at the time of opening there ae only twelve. This restricts the competition just that much more, and I can safely say to your readers that the winner of this auto mobile will find his task an unusually easy one. The utility of the automobile upon, the farm is becoming so well known that I anticipate the time, not very far hence, when they will be in quite as popular use as rubber tired buggy, or any other kind of a farm rig. Any thing that Baves time for the farmer is worth practically what it costs regard less of price, and farmers who have automobiles, having paid for them any where from $1,500 to $2,500 claim in ' unqualified terms that the investment was a good one. That being the case it certainly seems to me that any farm ers, his wife, son or daughter, or the whole family can afford to get right out and put in two months' effort in an at tempt to win this machine. It should also be given due consideration that the one who fails to win the automobile, yet having the second highest number of votes will win a piano and is fully described in the advertisement. And I wish to impress further upon your readers that in taking subscrip tions for the Nebraska Farmer and the News-Herald the work will be exceedingly agreeable. Every resident within thirty miles of Plattsmouth should be a regular reader of your aplendid publication, and the same is true of the Nebraska Farmer. I hope that contestants will begin work at once as there is ho question that the ones who get into the game in earnest, at once will be the ones having the best opportunity to win. The contest closes April 3 which makes the time for work limited. S. R. McKelvie. Publisher Nebraska Farmer. List ot Latter. Remaining uncalled for in office at Plattsmouth, Neb. the poat , Feb. !, 1909. Miss N. M. Bcingham, Mrs. Rosa Cole, Miss Lulu Netharray, Adolf Le deen and Thos. Stage). These letters will be sent to the dead letter office February 15, 1909, if not j delivered before. In calling for the above please Bay "advertised giving date of list. C. H. Smith, P. M. Something new in post cards every week. Nemeti & Co. next to P.O. Some cigars are Peppcrburg's "Buds' t'Always reliable. only cigars, but 'are a good smoke