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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
kOULld Xvli.iL V V JLLdllldlfJLd 1L '4 Alld v v7 bJ LL jLjlLLjIl t j -A II a A V,, Til K NKwy. !tal)lsli;l Nnv.r., l-M ( , . TU I. Ill ItAl.l. I xtiiUihlM-u April ID. I Li. , C.oruiuiJ.-a 1 1 U .J m. 1.1-;. PLATTSMOUTH, NKP.. MAKCI! 3. 8)). VOL. VIII. NO.31. I i Ucsklents of Tlat Little Village Content With Their Lot. Many t lllniu 'l lirrr UlinMiirlul In lui- J . inc. ii Nnmlxr t,t Vt-urn Ajii Willi Only it I-, w Inliiiri An- Now Wealthy 1trl t Mii lchfK .f Sonic of J i'o- lit t I t Ii lCIIM. i:.;i.i;, Neb., Mni-fth 2. (Sp'fi;tl. ) Two in 1 1 1 -t from tli(! riiin-itstLT county line iuxl two mib.'s from Oto? county i "ii" of thuso (!;t-t) county towns whom t In.' cit i.ens am satis-licil with their Inl., junl have no more idea of moving to aiioili -i- .-title tlifiii tliey h:ivu of fj"' in; 'Ik- Klondiku with the wind blowir.r f-otn tin- nui'tliwoii. Men v. i o Im':ui busltiit.-s hero u few years ;!:' .villi a fnw doll-.n-H Imvu prompt-red -i...v; p:-opci ty and can discount their Ii j Ley live in a healthy country with irood society, i.nd church, and srhrol, and fraternal :ui v:eit;ires, and are very nearly n. unanimous people a jjooil illustration of vhieh whs ji veil on Saturday evening, the 2"th hist. At tho town hall rathcred member.- ef the K ol I'. and M. W. A. and niein li rs of the I'onprrog'iitioiia.l church. Tin: ladit s brought beaming smiles una other delicacies, and the ass 'm b'.ajre ive proof of their regard and wi.-h for the welfare of a food citiz a railw .y man, who will !-oun transfer his abilities to another part of the Missouri lae In-. John Hogarth has been eleven years here, and section foreman on the Mis souri I'aeifie. His true ma-.hioil gained 'nirn intimato friendship wjtti those far :inovo him financially, and by general social recognition and the reception of Satuid iy w.hs an expres sion of united esteem. Mr. Hogarth has been representative- of the Crand Lode, K. of IV, aud in all pertaining to jlto-hI lining he was always on the list, lie has an excellent wife and live bonnie youngsters, and they .-Don become iicquisitions to Julian, Neb., where too iool wishes- fellow. New buildings are being erected all around Iviglc and in Eagle, and ni iny of the pioneers are adorning their farms with new barns, new fences, and tr a rd en gatos. are being made -trong for the summer evenings when Jenny and her Joe- will bo there. John Michael is building for a renter a two-sto-y residence 1)2x18, with L 1(3x10. Ilerk Maiben, near Michael's, is gr.icing his place with an attractive cottage 2S.3'J. Georgo Halter aids the scunery with a two-story beauty II 1 x Ji . and Uan Ilai'dnock is building a pi o p 'rtioiiute ard attractive house one and a half stories 16x24. J. II. Weaver, wanting more room, has added an addition to his dwelling and a new granary, and thinks co.-n-fiH-fii'ly now of the times when ho was roughing it. Tom liunton, a revived old pioneer, "and h lind fine tho Jan' w' cakes." is building a cottage 24x24. iJ. l Knight's hig new ba n is a prominent improvement, !ird Jacob l-'rohlich is not behind the procession with :v residence which others m y rej y. Ln Ka'le a ncv building will be opened soon as tho Eaglo Millinery cc-nipany, and the doors of an artist's stu wo almost next door, will further illiist'ute K agio's advancement. Six years ago Frank Clements started business in Eigle with 8t7. Ho hs just added an addition to his busi ness building, making it 22x50 feet with two cellars the new one being1 HxIOxS. Ills ice house now contains ninety-eight tons, chielly for his ice cream parlor, when Old King Sol is at iii, -ummer's work. During 1S9S his t.tisiness in restaurant and provision store amounted to ?-,f?&0.2(), and he is now selling three tons of flour per month. Mr. Clements was born in the Ilawkcye state, came to Nebraska eleven years ago and has raised him self from the shovel. He is a K. of E-V and a member of the Business Frater nal as-oeialion and owns his property and stock. Wij-g'ns, English &, Co., established as such firm in November, 1898, have been successful. Their sales (general merchandise) in first three months amounted to 51,372 -52, all cash on tho nail. II. G. Wiggins is a rusher, and risen from a modest clerkship. He was born in Illinois and has clerked and managed at d fferent points. In Illi nois he was tax collector and school director, and is a pioneer M. W. A as camp No. 43 attests. W. Ii. English was born in Lincoln, and manhood has but dawned upon him, but he comes from a commercial stock, and takes to business as a duck to water. Hy tho way, Mr. Wigtrins' father-in-law is the ilev. I) S Donegan, a LJ ip ti?t minister, widely known and re spected. His lino library is being transferred from Weeping Water to Easrle. Young Donegan Wiggins, a bright boy,gives promise of his grand father's rhetorical ability. From the foregoing there can bo no doubt bs to the enterprise of the cit izen of this region aod no queftloo as to prosperity, while the year of 1899 is expected to exceed all.othen as to volume of trade and development of. the entire surrounding country. The lumber yards of Stopber & Wil kiuson have- been very busy, and are ! t 1 e. li -t i !. a a .eh of t i. e eoi; .1 1 y , and j i : f a million . e t of j Hin'n r. ;iMi I ri -y i ':i ' e L ca i ! 1 1 id - of tile Tiien- s I many tn l !cs, ai.d w i i ii :; yo u- v. i 1 1 ri l i p.,. i i... , i I '. A . Mophi-i- ha - r e .: . X'ei.dcd ' "I ! v tl; - ii. C county for about t t- i rty ' ar-;. pioneei , b'l-i a. --; tun n deserved v ry s;i esteem soei.i ! ! y . 1m ! -. ve-ti-U a port ion c f b : -. hp 1 e'.t'. -a has in the I umber ha- s -eii it g; ' liu-iiic-T !r. S1 (i;r M iiv a t. S i li 1 i ' n. re-jdence in i - acres. 11 h bar- -I - a' .. I. ml . i i i i . . a 1 o v i ; . e e ImihI live iiii'i-- ! r . .i i in 1 ) i v. son ei in: . . I I t lie A iiier-icari 1 '. :' . n 1 ' I e ij t i.f ,f !'. .1 ; Ii i wo id and v iee j .r . . : i ; ' I I h aca and is li n a :e ' i many vedu es v. i, i ii i pu Id ic wi al ! h, a t! d lie i- . , t ' re - ' (' ( ! i a tiiol to tl.c .!.-!,,'..: ,,f tie: M . W A . ai,d A. O. V. ii. rd i head bus 'i lie junior k i IISI 'II r.s II'.I : riess id a ii. i- "-re gro .vt hi! E tg' d isp! a v:d i n to . a lii'sl ela-s buv 1 1 . r ! no; r ate . i : v att ii 'mt.i'iie lot he I!!.: the e !t"!-;)r's nd e -u n 1 r . 1 1 i s o 1 1. g i n w i 1 h , and as a saicsin in one of the i-.o-l pop-slar in a tier f c iunti. s Mr. Wilkin-im was boin in th j iliiK-rald I.-lc, and with memb.'rs of his family enue! to the Centennial at 1 'ii i ; ade ! ph i.t in ISTij He was mi iiiitire-.-ed that hedo cid d to see ue re of ITuc'.e Sam's country. !! i:as ii'eii in livestock and f.rmitg iai--.-i.its in Iowa, and mercantile and Miaib- r int-. rests in Nebraska. lie owns a l iv.'iy co'tage with shubb-jry n'.d gar.b.-ns in Egle, lands in Towa, ; nu is int v s'e 1 in ireiH-r tie- in Line, le. ami ail he lr s made has been by righteous, amViiion, I industry and geiuleiieuihood. Of- licially he h is been ''Mis Hoian-, th-'j Mayor" of Ivig e thier- year.-: was rep resentative to the (Ii.ind End go, K. of I. . on several occa-ion-, al-o at state convcutio; s of the M. Y. A., and has just been re eiect d as j -re-id wig o'. licer, and he was a delegate to state and congrcs-ionti i rep-:b ii.-an conven tions in fact, sociill y, commei clal ly and politically he has been ri cogn;. -d as a representative man in tie- prime of life and having a bright future. Mr. Wilkinson, while a thorough ba-i-n ess man arid in love with trade, is de voted to his happy home and fweily. The gent. email was married i' Iowa, and now he and Mrs. Wilkinson, a lady of innate re!i n Maont, ha e a right to be provide! Ilse. a bravo lad of fourteen," and Chaly-, a wee bonnie lass'c. who gladdens every heart. O.iC of the permanent business men, also a self-m sde m !i, is (i. . Ven r.or, who came to C is eou:ity in 1 S82. He f irmed i nd u-trion- i y. augh t school for a d "Z -n ears, rented land, then, with(r. M. Ih-.U'h. went into mo-can-tile business, vow eari ing :A t)'M wot t.h t-f good s. lie is al-: a in -mi her of Iieach S: Co., with grain t-lev.-.t-.", and shinned 2':h0"i' ha.-ucls c-f grain in lSi)s. Mr. V st li oat, bet has lately, his home on att active in -,-r ii La ( chances to s lo 'av, "i.d pro: er: i IP. r. -( : v in- ent". imi'ie . f I In ti.e pi c :.-s't'j-it and uio.-t ee. I-Vr six y-;-;rs the to - n !."i i i d, he was a m mp ic four ye i . of vv!i c.i was ( ma n. vi.--.-s y :. .n y He is pestiiK st two and forwar daily, a nd is- u ord rs a mon t .'. . l'ionce's of (as-- c- ..ii'y, in any of whom are vigoroe- i a ni:nd and. h dy, and over three sc re years and t. a, live near l-' 1 tears ?-rling over furrowed el ee i s, an i tlo.-n ey i? bright. and hear h arty, cheery chorus as morals charge, wi'h the in tluenee magnetic (' "Cm" Thomas mandolin and George Curries' guit .r. Eagle is a musical town, ..nd old .and young will give harmony to the next Eagle letter. F-.iSle In The Hmk f Eagle il- :",oi.) on deposit. The E:ig'.e Millinery company will have a reception and grand opening on tho 10th of March. I. S. Brown, pu- Usher of the E iglet, made an in vcs! igatory tour on Tie s dajT. Ho publishes iu Lincoln. Eig'.e hauls Hour from Ashland, Syracuse, Benn-.-tt and Line -In, keep ing teams constantly on the road. Uncle Johnnie S miner, a pioneer, will soon take another trip to Boston. Dr. Clancharu will occupy the Sumner reridi uce until his return. Walter Stopher, now in Mexico, is reported as being no belter. The j'oung gentleman was for a year with the lumber interests of Stopher & Wilkinson, and had ho retained his health the firm would have established j'ards at other points. Mrs. Kollogjr of Seattle, Wash., ar rived here on her way home from the east Mondav-, and will mako a few days' visit with her brother, Rev. Di iTenb icher. The Easrle hotel caught fire on Wed nesday morning. The landlord's ac tivity kept it down, and the bucket brigade soon quenched it. The tire started in the kitchen chimney. Pneumonia lathe quick agent of death. Fully one-tbird of recent deaths have been from pneumonia following La Grippe. Peeumjnla cannot follow the use of E'oley's Honey and Tar. V. G. Fricke & Co. jorlOil :ii l;i ill, to A i ( ri'i(,n will M),itl li;V: I GOV.EZ MAKES SUGGESTIONS. lrir- Itronki t Kt-lii-. Vtuttrli:H Army to 1 0.IKMI Men Havana, March 2. (J -nerai (imui z J vcrii'T tieneral Iirooke to re due the American army to 10,(MM), ro taining lO.UiJU (,'ubui soldiers in the service of the military government. i At le,t-t so s iys Scnor Manu d do Ces- linaip-ial! v arid ! I"'de, who ne'e l a- interpreter at ye--J l,e v in- j tetd iy's council, adding that General j -, j , a t il I !rf)o!ce took tho proposition under ai . :i nd c.onsidera' ion aim xomised to consult w as'iingtoa. ! ! ..t .,.,.1 . ii,n y urn' I iM li: ui'hu IHHiili, eu UlU u subj-'ct. If t'uljun soldiers are on-'li-ted it will b-j under Ameiican of , 1 ficer s, imd the old organ i . it ;ons will ,f ,! broken up. Wert! 1 ' , enlisted . this would allow the S:j,0U.0)') to be divided among the remainder, less ! i!,o-i; aire ,dy emii'.oyed on the street nnd rural iolice, about 1,J()0. The Cubiii military assomhly mot today at Mariano, (Jcneral Andrade presiiiing. After the minutes of the meeting were read, General Andrade announced that tho pending business was of a very important and serious nature connected with tdo royort of the special committee which had called on I 'resident Mclviuley. Ho suggested tliat the session bo private, and the chairman so ordered. It is u-iii rstood that the sossioi was a slot my one, tho discussion being over the acceptance of the 3,000,000 ten dered by tho United States govern ment. Seven members, it is said, favor accept but no tin ii decision was leached. The assembly will meet tomorrow evening at Corro SUMMARIZED CROP DAMAGES (itiu-rul Injury to Fruit U Widespread, Hut lrn!n 1'roKpects Are Fair. ( 'nicAiio. March 2 Tho Tribune tomorrow will print dispatches from states in which the crops have been injured by the severe weather of Feo ruary. Tho statist'Cs show the follow ing condition-: Ii inois Wheat, not damaged in e Mitral section, butinj r ed in southern section. Iowa Peach crop destroyed; pears and apples damaged. Wisconsin Potatoes in pits, 40 per cent crop; peaches, (10 per cent crop. Nebraska Peaches, pears and apples badly damaged. Missouri Mo 'gro fruit prospects. Kan.-is Sin ill applo crop; s raw berries killed. Georgia Per.ehes, orunc3 and pears all killed; early vegetables ruined. Piorida Citron fruit and trees dam aged lo pp cent, general fruit crop 30 per cent better than last year; 90 per cent of vegetab'e crop destroyed. Louisiana Lioss to orange crop, ?S00,OOi) to $1,000,001); truck farmers' loss. 3'Jii.UU0; s.igar cane danriged. Kentucky Peach crop killed; wheat Sj i-.'f cent crop; apples all right. Slate ot Ohio, City of Toledo, I Iaicp.s County, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney oc Co., io ins business in thecitv of To'edn, county aud state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum o( One Hundred Dollars for each and erery c: e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use i, Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chenby. -,v,-rn to before me and subscribed in my p cn.e tiiis Oiii day ol December, A. D. 18. A. W CiLHAiON, c-d ! Notary 1'ublic. H iii'sCa - rl Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces ot the sxstem. Send f ir testimonials, free. F. J. Ciie.nuy & Co., TrleJo, O. ;.,'"S'.ld by druggists, 7".c. Hr.'.i's Family i'Uis are the be?t. Ourposia are Fir-I I'pou. Manila, March 3 lfl:2o a. m. Tii'j outposts b-'j'ond San Pedro Macati were iired upon by the rebels from tho wa'ns of the Guadaloupe church. A gunboat advanced 31)0 yaids beyond tho lines and cleared avaytho enr ray with gatlings. No casualties are reported. General Miller has been ordered to quarter his troops in l oi'o in the custom house or other public build ings and authorized to make the necessary changes at a cost not to ex ceed $40,000, the same to be met from the revenues collected in Iloilo. Going Down Hill. People suffering from Kid ney Diseares feel a grad u d but steady loss of strength and vital ity. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. F. icke & Co G. Lons Watch Chain. Possessors of the long, plain, old fashioned sold chains will be glad to hear that they can near them now with the sanction of fashion. A long watch chain, with perhaps a bunch of charms, a gold buckle in the now common snake shape, and a simpla brooch and earrings, are all the trin kets a Parisian elegante permits her self when walking ia the stret. Recommended for La Grippe. N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: My daughter had a eevere attack of La G ipf seven years ago and since then - whenever she takes cold a terrible cough settles on her luogs. We tried a great many remekies with out giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since. 2oc. F. G. Fricko & Co. tine tin- Chllilrt-ii it Drink called Gmin-O. It is a deli'-iou-1. ap petizing, nourishing food drink tot ike- tho place of colTtc. Wlii'ii propcrlv ipreptred u tasies iihm ino nm-st coi 'fee but i.s fit: - from nil it- injuriius properties. Grain ) ads digestion! and strengthens tho noi Vii. It i-; i-oi ; a stimulant but. a health builder, Mid j children, as well as adults, can drink ; it with great bereli t. Costs about nut- lourth as inui'li as coneo. l- mui at grocers. KelltH of Waterloo. Jane, dowager Lady Carew, has just entered upon her one hundred and firt year. She danced at the of Richmond's ball at Urussela on th night bpfore Waterloo. Two other la dies still living, at a very advanced ; age, were present at tht hall, Lady Louisa Tilie and her aister. Lady 3u phia Cecil. The latter, a child of U. had been put to bed, but stole out iu her nightgown and watched the ball from the banisters. She was the dau,;h ter of the duchess. A Thousand Tongues Could not expre.-s tho rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 112") Howard f-t -Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 ill completely cured her of a hacking cough thai- for many years had made life a burden. All othr remedies and doctors could triyo her no help, but she says of this l'oyal Cure "it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every ono who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest cr lungs. Price oOc. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke fc Co's. drug store: every bottle guaranteed. o Tlio Obvious. In the meantime there had come among them another, the purpose of whose thought was to eliminate the Esoteric from the Obvious. "In hard times," mused this person, "the peo ple talk of nothing but the money question!" "Well, it is then they have no money to f-'peak of!" retorted tho Unconscious Imbecile, thus revealing his identity. Detroit Journal. Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole systern be comes derangrd. Ilorbius perfects thejvoce-s of digestion and assimila tion, and thus makes pure blood. Price oO cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Uofore Mergentliuler. Beheld the printer. He is lutntiajt for a pickup of half a line. He ha boen hunting for two hours. He could have set the half line in twenty sec onds, but it is a matter of principle with him never to set what he can pick up. The printer has a hard time. He has to set type all night and phy pedro for the beer all day. We would like to he a printer wero it not for the night work. Eugene Field's "Tribune Primer." Children who nro troubled with worms are pale in the face, fretful by spells, resiles in sleep, have blue rings around their eyes, bad dreams, variable appetite, and pick the no-e. White's Cream Vermifuge will kill and expel these parasites. Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Orders Must He Obeyed. Adjutant: "Hew often have I told you that the duties of a uon-commls-sioned officer consist iu implicit obedi hc to ordrs? Fr instance, if I say, 'Corporal, take your men up to the top f that tree,' don't ask 'How?' but do it like a flash of lightning, even if it takes yu all day." Frequently accidents occur in the household, which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises. For use in such cases Ballard's Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Price, 25 cents and 0 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Overdid It. "I wonder if Johnson hadn't heard that story before?" "What makes you think so?" "He laughed so heartily" Indianapolis Joursal. Any Clor So Long a It's Red. Am Atohlsoa farmer says farmers bite quiakest on red-painted machin ery ca long rime. Atchison Globe. If you have a cough, throat in ita tion, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarse ness, let U3 suggest One Minute cough cure. Always reliable and safe. F. G. Fricke & Co. Refined. Bobbie Pop, what is a divine heal er? Papa A female physician, my sen. Sawarville Journal. Spent n Silk nail. U is calculated that the men of G?at Britain spend at least $23,000,000 every year in silk hats - As the eeason of the year when pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose " or is "just as good" as One Minute cough cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial;'' oublee. Insist vigorously upon having it if "omething else" U offered you. F. 6, Fricke & Co. D 3 fQ-l. -ss -:-- Owing to very large purchases in some lines of goods, such as Solid Gold Rings, Gold Cuff Buttons, Ladies' Brooches, Bracelets, Ladies' and Gents' Fancy Chains, Charms, Lockets, Waist Sets, Belts, Stick Pins, Gold Pens, Lamps, Hat Pins, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silverware, Etc. I will offerthese goods at a genuine cut of ent t 1SCO from the actual value of the goods. This is the first time I have ever advertised a cut of this kind, and it is made in good faith, in order to raise the cash. These prices will prevail for B. A. mm 3 The Jeweler. Insure in the German American Fred Ebinger, Agent. Per C 30 Days Quick - 4 1 . 4x 4V V v ! i 4 4V 4i 5 V 4 V 5V 4V v 4V 4 V 4 V 4 V 4i 4V 4 4 V Tin; h.i thr hrsi 1 5 .( U ;i ml Job I'rint ni;' ofluv in Ca- edml ami I'lin hainllr anv kiiul l a iif print int;" mi vliort notice. V makr a lreia!tY o( ly.iw 15 riff-, and otiu-r I'ook work. For Sale HilK ami all kinds of 1'os.ti r work, we haw the proper type and other material. Letter heads. Note head-., Iil! head-, Statements-, Knyelopes, and all kind-, ol Commercial Printing in the La1e-t Stle. The News Printery No. 35 Main Street 1 L ATTSMOUTII A BOOii TO MANKINDS R-TABLETS BUCKEYE -5 'frtVl'' is5"".?." -h tn n 7 r CI! . "II t. : . -; . A New Discovery for the Certn-p. Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, 3 Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. OALiiFa Scl3 Prcfrictor, - - 3ID North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke k Co. Don't Buv Base Burners at any prices when you can get a Furnace in your house complete from oic:o 1 to and Guaranteed by HALL a. South Sixth Street, - 83 ocKweiier Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Horner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. Prints More County News Than Any Other Cass county Paper. l i t i lh l fc t i lh i i o o I I I I I ih Ih I & Ih I I l Ih Ih Ih I t ? l l ih PSLE PILE TUB EJ n m -l pi I I j, .--;,i gj-j ' r- r m 11 's?' CURE SON - Plattsmouth. Neb, & uiu Plattsmouth. Neb 3 fl