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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1899)
T I iiirnn ij j Workman With the Shcclcy Bridge Company Killed. Wwt In the Act of ThuwiiiKr !" mite In Hot Sitml Wlicn It Kzplixlol, I'HtHlly Injuring n Man by Hie Name of Cllne Anuihrr Mini Knocked Iown hy I tin I'"orce. 1 'utricle Clin, one of the men em ploy id hy tho J. R Sheek-y ( instruc tion nul Ih-iil'O coin p.-inv, mot. a siid dentil yestoi l:iy ut Ni-liuvvka by tliu expoion (tf tlyn mi to. Tlio unfor tun.ito niiiu Wiis ji-.-i-t i n jr in iho Con struct inn of an iron liidf'' and while worl inr at. tlio iih'it niijiil , tti twiiig i ut frizuu dynfiri.ito with hot Miml, 11. i; tlanj,' rc u- .-it i. IT ox j' i (.1 i) w 1 1 1 i ' lio wr.f h:indl tnj it I'nn fnii-M .f tin; ex p'onioti tliri'W i i i ii iij.-iirit, a com i.ui ioi)btaidii:g about oirlit feet away, kno' ki . x t In; lulUT duvvn. Tho xplo.ii vt; d ic:,ai-,ro blow both of Clino'b urm-i olT. and he was injured in other ways very :vervl.y. His dealli occurred nhoiit an hour after the accident. '1 ho unfortunate man was ubout twctity-uiyht years of nge, and rnado his homo with a relative in Lincoln. The body will bo taken to Lincoln tomorrow for burial. RAILROAD NOTES AND PERSONALS From Thursday's Daily Machinist Frank Kroehl'jr returned to hitj work at Ilavelock this after noon, having feuflieienUy recovered from his attack of the grip. D. C. Woodring, assistant sunerin- tenden of bridges, was in town today. Tho Union Pacific llyer was wrecked at Weed elation, in Colorado, yester day, caused by a broken rail. One passenjjor was killed and five injured. There were also two wrecks of freight trains on tho Union Pacific, but with out serious results. It seemed to bo an off day for that road. The Burlington now has under con struction at tho Baldwin works two biff locomotives. These engines are of the "Atlantic" typo and differ some what in construction from any loco motive now in uso on the Burlington. Their boilers are larger than those of the class II engine, and the flue sui- face is considerably greater. The diameter of tho drivo wheel is seven feet that of 590 but in other details the two new engines aro somewhat larger than this one. They will ulti mately be placed in the fast mail ser vice. Henry Miller, an employe of the freight car department at the B. & M. shops, met with a rather painful acci dent yesterday, which will necessitate an enforced lay-off for a few days. While at work a heavy piece of timber fell on one his feet, breaking the toe. Ed Frye mashed his finger yesterday while working in tho lumber yards, which will give him a ten d-tys' rest. II. C. Jones been enstalled as night operator at the Missouri Pacific depot, G. W. Mason, who has tilled the posi tion for the past year having been re moved. Mr. Jones is a crack pistol shot and together with his wife used to travel over the country giving ex hibitions, but abandoned it on account of rheumatism in the arm. Ho is very accoturr.o Sating a: d will no doubt give good satisfaction in his new posi tion. C. A. Uull, the Bu:lington relief doctor, was in town today on conipinj busi ness. Ed Iiyan is c.iri: g for a badly mashed fiage.-, whic i git under a truck. Ho refuses to take a vacation, but will guard the linger with j ;;;lou care. A l'ack (1 House. White's opera house was filled last night with an imra. nse crowd, who witnessed the first performance of the Irving French company "The Itun away Wife." Tho play was inter spersed with many funny situations, and, from the frequent loud applause, the audience was well p:ea?ed with the entiie evening's entertainment. Some very fine specialty acting was also introduced, together with many beautiful calcium light views, which were thrown on tho curtain between acts. An illustrated song, entitled "Break tho News to Mother," sung by Mr. Lowe, was greatly appreciated, and was considered one of the best fea tures of the entertainment. The same company will appear to night in a rollicking, musical farce comedy "An Lishman's Troubles." An entirely new series of illustrated songs and scenes will be presented, to gether with other specialties. There will undoubtedly be another immense audience in attendance this evening, as every member of the compiny is an artist, and this, together with the low price of admission, will go far towards attracting a larjre crowd. Kenl Ktate Transfers Following are the real estate trans fers of the county as recorded in the office of ltecorder of Deeds Hay: Carrie Ossenkop to Jas ?tander. e: n;.; 23 1M1 wd oo A Beeson to I II Dunn, pt se1 and pt ne't 12-12-1:1 d 2,uj 00 T L Davis to T F Jameson, lots 4. 5, fi. blk ft. F & K add to WccpiiiK Water qcd Ino Copple to T L Davis, same wd W K Ineuerson and wife to T F lameson. 5(fl 00 4'.5 00 pt lot 8, blk 5. F & K add to Weeping Water wd 25 (XI G II Dunnis and wife to Weeping Water Lumber Co. eH lot 1. blk 3. F&K add to Weeping Water wd l."0 00 D M Oflteckeubush and wife to George Leaver, lots 6-0. 21. (ireenwoo 1 wd 8( 0 00 R Ii Windham to F I Bates, lots II, 12. blk 110, Flattsrnouth wd 450 00 Anton Ilucek to F IJucek, se1 nw)i 12-12- l;jwd v 1 00 A li Haldernian et al to Wm Westlake So" ..,. 'i ne e'.-i aw t 110-12 qcd '. S 1 00 S C Fattcrson et al to W 1J Hill lots 7. 8 blk 9 and lots 3, 4, blk 18, With Bend wd -y5 1000 00 rpiiN nn I J LI J iii f BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Leeturo tonight. Subi-criho now for TllH News. "Retribution" March JHh and 10th. A. W. Atwood, tho druggist. Tele phone 27. Innuro in tho German American. Fred Khi tiger, Agent. "Hobson" ft cent cigar is tho liuost ever manufactured in town. Come and see Major Bacon and hi tnull box in the uraiaa "Retribution." Clmrigo clothes und h ive your wash ing d tie at City Steam Liundry. Telephone 7-x $eh mne-ey lectur s at tho Presby teii n church tonight, on "The I'eople of lb Orient " J..i,ilor work of all kinds satisfac tion guarantied hy Teller & Suep p itvl, H5 Vine street. The Kbing r Hardware company is -oiling skates al cost. Now is tho time to get your ska t'j. The Nkws office is the bo.-t equipped job otliee in Cass countv. first class work done on shod notice. The duelling scene in the drama "R tribution" will be fine Don't miss seeing it. Match 9 and 10. Collars 3 cents, cuffs 5 cent-, shirts 10 cents, done in artistic style at City Steam Liundry. Telephone 75. You will feel better and look better if your clothes aro washed at the City Steam Laundry. Telephone 7o. Anyone desiring spring house clean ing done would do well to call t n Telfer & Sheppatd, on Vine street. Big ills, as well a9 little ills of the kidneys, cannot resist the curative power of Dr. Sawyer's Ukatina. A. W. Atwood. In the future W. L. Street, tigent for the Singer Manufacturing com pany, will bo found in W. K. Fox's stationery 9 '.ore. If you wont your washing done this week get it in by Friday morning. City Steam Laundry. Telephone 75. Hear tho Oriental lecture at the Presbyterian church tonight under the auspices of tho Christian Endeavor and Epwoith League. It costs but 2-5 cents to see $5,000 worth of Oriental costumes and hear a most interesting lecture besides, at the Presbyterian ohurch tonight. T. M. Patterson sells the neatest and quickest eenorated gasoline lamp on the market. See him before you buy and let him demonstrate it to you. Luke, a son of Captain Wiles, has had his left wrist in a sling for several days, as a result of having been pushed against the tide of a barn by an unruly bovine. Coo'ing and grateful in its effects, you will find Dr. Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve for eczema, piles, hives, burns and cuts. A. W. At. wood. The board of county commissioners is in session again, the members hav ing icturned from Lincoln where they attended the state meeting of commis sioners. "Give me a liver regulator and lean regulate the world," said a gei-ius. The drucgist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co "C.ear.liness is next to Godliness." "Soap has gone up." That is what tho wholesale men say. We still s 11 ti n b irs of Diamond "C" f . r a quarter all thes: ni3. F. T. Davis Co., Union block. John Crabill has ipicvhI his watch repair shop in with W. K. Fox, the .-.t.-itioii. r, where he would be pi -ased to see all of his former customers and its many new ones sis wnt reliable wo: k done. Re ;d the advertisi ments in th6 NEWS and trade only with those peo ple who solicit your patronage. These are the live merchants that do busi ness on the principle of quick sales and small profits. For a quick remedy and one that is ptrfectly safe for children let us recommend One Minute cough cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the throat and coughs. F. G. Fricke & Co. Behannesay, a native of Damascus, will lecture at the Presbyterian church tonight on "The people of the Orient." The value of his lecture will be en hanced by the use of $3,000 worth of genuine Oriental costumes. Louis Olsen is now located in the Palmer block with his pool and billiard hall. He has had his tables put in good condition and carries a full line of cigars, tobacco, etc. He invites his friends to call and see him. There will be 40 people adorned in 40 different Oriental costumes at the Presbyterian church tonight, as a back ground for the lecture by Behen nesay you will bo entertained and in structed by attending this lecture. While working about the farm of his mother several miles southwest of town yesterday James Wiley or York mashed his thumb quite badly. Ger trude M. Wiley, his mother, was in the city today to get somo medicine, be not being able to make the trip. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post- office at Plattsmouih, Feb. 24, 1S99: Bardon, T V Martin, Charlie Bednaverik, George Rainev, W R Cody, W F Shears, George Gradnell, Jacob Sheada, J L . Gustafson, Jehu Way. Miss Miller, Jo?eph B When calling for any of the above letters please eay "advertised." C. H. Smith, Postmaster. The Ebinger Hardware company is offering for sale all of its heating atoves at cost. Now ia vour oppor tunity to get a bargain. Neiiiitorinl Vtt Lincoln, Feb. 24. (Special to The News ) Following is tho vole today: Allen, 5S; Ilayward, 11'.); Thotnp-on, l.'i; Webster, 10; Field, 0. I'KUSONAI. SIKN I ion. R. B. Windham, was in Oinah i to day. George S lyles was down from Ced r Creek today. H. G. Strong of Nehawka was in tho city lat evening. E A. O.iver, the butcher, waj in Omaha this afternoon. Mayor F. M. Richy was a pa-snger this mornrig for Om ah i f. W. Teegardeo of Wce,.i ng Water tt arisac.od husiui ss in town today. Mrs. II. R. L oris of G e w od i- in the city visiting Mrs. C. W. Sherman. J ison Streiht is down f . om .South Bind, vi.-itit.g his sons, 11. J. and O. M. Ross Little returned 1 t night from a three months' sojourn tit the Pi 1,0 Hid go agency. S. H. Shum.iker and James l!u -uott left, his morning for a vit-it in Counci. Biu Us. Miss Florence Martin, accompanied by her little brother, were Omaha visitors today. Mrs. Rankin of II ive'o-k is in tho city visiting her sifters. Misses Nina and Moilio Tucvcer. T. J. Thomas cama in this morning from Council B:uffs. Ho is buying and selling slock at that place. County Commissioners Zink and Young went to Weeping Water this afternoon, the former being on the program at the school board conven tion tomorrow. IMTKESTINU CO US TV I I ILINfiS. Clippings From County Kifliane I)ilil ITp for "News" KearierH From the Weeping Water Republican. Tho Misses Anna and Louise. Gor der, and little niece, Anna Wohlfarth, came up from Plattsmouth Satutdiy and have begun housekeeping for their brother, Fred. How about it anyway. Is Fred going to get mar ried? Mrs. John Tighc, living near Wa bash, has been very sick for the past week. It was thought for a while that she was suffering with appendi citis, and that an operation might have to be performed. At present the is eraininer, so the doctor thinks somo other organ is affected, rather than the appendix. Superintendent Farley is ever on the alert in looking to the welfare of Cass county, as regards educational matters. He has inaugurated a new idea in this section at least, and on Saturday of this week at tho high school building, in this city, will be held a meeting of ihe members of the various school boards of the county. An interesting p-o-erjuii which appears on the first p.-'ge will entertain and instruct theso who are fortunate enough to bo present. The gentlemen who aie. so closely allied to the education of the youth of Cass county, will be welcome visitors to Weeping Water, and to Mr. Farley due honor and appreciation wi l be given for this advance step in educa tional needs. Weeping Water Ioing'. Weeping v ater, Feb 22 (Sp c!al to The News ) Sackett Bros.' sale cf blueb.'Oltd hois vva- i.eld hero last Satu-day and was in every w..y a success. The grain buyers he'd a m eiing in the city nail block 1 i-t Moi.u iy. We suppose tney are ar anging to raise the prie-' on grain. William SR-rry r-ays that ho can put his finoer on the man th it h s been borrowing corn from his field without permission. Mr. Speny saw the gen tleman gathering o rn the other d:iy and started to make his ucquaintunce. The gent eman riid not have time to wait but started for parts unknown at such a rapid gait that Mr. Sperry was unab'e to overtake him. The gentk m in passed some friends of Mr. S perry and they were able to ad vise him who his visitor wa-. Mr. George Whitney who cime to We'eping Water last June to organize a camp of Modern Woodmen, left yes terday to visit his old home. The Whitney camp cf Modern Woodmen is evidence of his labors here. Miss Brrger returned borne today from a pleasant visit with her friend Miss Burke. F. M, Timblin went to Lincoln today on business. Card of Ttiaukd. To the many friends who assisted us during the last sickness and death of our little son, Georgie D , and the minister who so kindly rendered assis tance, we return our heartfelt th inks. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Reynolds. The Way to go to California is in a tourist sleeping car personally conducted -ia the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the tinest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fin ished nor so tine to look at as a palace sleeper but it is ju?t as clean, just as comfortable, just as erood to ride in, AND NEARLY $20 CHEAPER. The Burlington excursions leave eveiy Thursday reaching San Fran cisco Sunday and Los Angeles Mon day. Porter with each car. Excur sion manager with each party. For folder giving full information call at nearest B. & M. R. R. depot or write J. Francis, General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Neb. Omah'i laundries employ Omaha people. Plattsmonth laundrks employ Plattsmouth people. City Steam Laundry. Telephone 75. I.OriKVII.I.K ITKMH. Cold, colder, coldest, co!de.-d right now. John L, Bums and wife wero Omaha visitors Tuesday. Now if a rutin had a few thousand eggs, wouldn't be bo in it for a while? M. N. Druko has boen called to tho bed-ide of his father, who is lying very sick at York. Johnnie Mohinkle has the contract for digging E. Palmer's collar, and anyone looking for work can get a job f roro Job n K- Palmer is having the ktntie hauled to build tho foundation of his ! irianm.o'h More building, which hoi I I I s lho f,cst ! out of tho ground. Rev. Ta'Tart is permanently located h-'tc r.ow, haviiii; movt-d hero lira week. lie will preach half the timo tiere and half at, Springlie!d. We gl-.dly wolcomo Mr. ' aggart and wife to our humble little village. Am is K.-iser's team, which w is b;? ing diiven by Mrs. Keiser, became fr ghtened at a turkey in the buggy 11 pi ing its wings. Tho horses be came unmanageable and ran doivn Gospol hill, atid its thay turned the comer at Miin streou threw Mrs K an i Mrs. Reeso out. Tho ladies were picked up in dazed condition. They esc iped with a severe shaking up. Henry G ible had the misfortune last Saturday night to loso two ten dollar bills which ho had p'aeed in memo randum book and kept in his vest pocket, but in somo way it got out of pocket. He did not miss it till Sunday morning and then he hitched up his fastest horse and came to town and undo a thorough search, but as yet the tenners havo not returned. Two runaway boys from Omaha, aged eleven and thirteen years, slept in a straw stack one milo o ist of Louis ville Wednesday night. They did not suffer from the cold until near morr ing, when they became badly chilled and app oached tho home of Josso Livingston, where thev were taken care of and will bo kept. They tire both very bright little fellows to be out on the road when the 'hermometer stays below ze.i o. Juck Buskirk is getting to bo quite a sportsman. At le ist he goes out out hunting very often, but nino times out of ten he don't go very far. Jack likes to be in tho company of ladies pretty well and if reports aro true why Jack is all right. He says ho wants to go hunting but that is oily an exou-e because when he go;s hunt ing with the boys he leaves them after he gets out of town away?. Well you can guess where ho goes. Thire aro a f-ew young men in Louis ville who are in the habit of teasing and ti rmenting the smal'er boys, thus makisig life m'sjrablo for the latter. They c-irvy it to extremes and the small boys are some times provoked to say and r!o things which the larger boys don't 'appreciate and the latter are I hen mean enough to abuse tho little ones. Now, doesn't it look nice to seo a man lighting a boy, just for nothing? S ieh things have happened. If you will torment the little fellows, you must expect to get paid back, with interest. Louisviile is blessed with a gang of young men who seem to take great pleasure in debasing a young girl's reputation. Young men stop for moment and think. Perhap- you may have a dear lit le sister who somo dav may hive the suno r.vmrk made of her. While you are talking of some girl, someone else may be dik ing i f your sister, and if you were to he if tho remarks what would vou thi ik? A certain young man hee in town heard someone eise say some thing, so ho started to tell it and added a little more to it till finally it was tenible. Beware voung man when you blight a girl's reputation. SAUERKRAUT AS AN APPETlZEtt Hest Tli Ins la the World for Sick Cow. A reporter who spent Christnas among the Pennsylvania Germans of Lancaster county discovered what will probably be to most people a dis tinctively new use for sauerkraut, a native production of old Lancaster and a staple article of food, says the Pitts burg Times. He had called to see an old friend who keeps a dairy, and found the dairyman in the act of tak ing great bunches of succulent cab bage from a barrel in the cellar. The odor pervaded the neighborhood and made glad the nostrils of every true and loyal Pennsylvania "Dutchman ' within a distance of about half a mile. The reporter was astonished when the dairyman picked up a bucketful of sauerkraut and carried it to his cow stables. The second animal in the long row of stalls was a big, strong-boned cow. Her head was hanging low un der the manger, although there was a plentiful supply of hay in the rack above. Her ears had a dejected droop and her eyes were half-closed. She was evidently a very sick cow at a time when she should have been in good spirits, for among the Pennsyl vania Germans it is still a popular be lief that on Christmas eve the cows in their stalls may be heard to talk to each other of the great event the day commemorates. The bucketful of sauerkraut was dumped into the man ger. The cow, by some peculiar sys tem of feeding, first gave evidence of her appreciation by slowly switching her tail, which had before hung limp and lifeless. Then she raised her head, poked her great muzzle into the kraut and slowly began to munch the sttift. Fifteen minutes later she looked quite happy. She had eaten all the kraut, and was taking great mouthfuls of the hay. The dairyman said sauerkraut had long been known as one of the best things In the world to give a sick cow an appetite. Mrs. George Kroehler is recovering from an attack of the grip. To (lie I'ultllc. Tho board of hoalth requests The News to notify tho public that in view of the fact th it many cases of contagious diseases havo been found to exist in tho city, and woro not re ported to tho proper authoiitics the city clerk such neglect on the part of tho people in whoso families the diseoso exists will make them liable to a fine. Many people regard tho at tendance of a doctor us unnecessary, and thus the matter is not reported to tho proper authorities. Hereafter any person having krowltdge of the exist jeiueof contagoous disease, who fail to notify the city clerk of tho same. will bo properly fined for his neglect, , .. . 10,000 Gnllons In a Tun. A huge brewing imnlement. a mash tun holding 10 000 gallon3 and th- largest in the eastern counties, wa3 "opened" by Lady Bullard on Wednes day at a brewery In Norwich. When filled it weighs fifty-five tons and holds 267 barrels. Each time it Is used It will hold as much barley as twenty-two acres of land will produce. London Telegraph. -A CjooiI 8niuke. Ju-st a wni IT of one of our cigirs will igivo you an idea of the quality of thorn. Only tho best tobacco used. Th",v burn freely, don't bite the tongue, and have a flavor that is al together pleasant. Tho flavor of our cigars is not artificial, but tho natural an m i of the tobacco.. Otto Wcrl, MTr. Irost Bites and Chilblains Quickly enred by Banner Salve, the most healing remedy in the world. F. G. Fricke & Co. T he drama of Colonial times, which will be given for the benefit of the M W. A. bind on the 9th and 10th of March, is full of fine sentiment, start ling situations and dramatic effect while the costuming will lend a pic turesquenoss true to the period. Be sure and witness this plav. Don't irritate your lungs with stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may be found in Bal lard's Horehound Syrup. Price, 2o cents and oO cents. F. G. Frit ke & Co. Dr. Shlpman, speciali-t in chronic diseases and diseases of tho eye and ear. Glasses accurately fitted. New lenses put in old frames. Artificial eyes and ear-drums inserted. Con sultation free. Office over Schiappa casse's. Cure For La Orlppe. Foley's Honey and Tar heals the lungs and cures the racking cough usual to la grippe and prevents pneu monia. It is guaranteed 25c and 50c F. G. Fricke & Co. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat tel mortgage, dated on the 4th day of August, 1SH7, aud duly tiled in the office of the county clerk of t'as county, Nebraska, on the 21st day of August. 1897, and executed by L. M. Mowrey to H. R. Waldron and by him assigned to the .first National Hank ol (greenwood on the 4th day of August, 1897, for a valuable consideration. which said mortgage was given to secure the pay ment or tne sum ot no. and upon which there is now due the sum of $1 5'JH. 15, d. fau t hav ing been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or otiier proceeding at law havi ig been instituted to recover said debt orany part thereof, therefore 1 will sell tha property therein de scribed, viz: One gray mare, 10 years old . One gray horse. 10 eais old. hour brown mares, 5, 6, 7 and 11 yeais old re spectively. One gray gilding, 5 years old. One bay gelding, 5 years old One I leering bind. r. One Esteriy mower. One Whitewater lumber wagon. Two listers, two plows. One truck wagon, one harrow. At public auction on the premises to-wit: The southwest quarter of section 10. township eleven. range nine, in Cass county, Nebraska, being two and one-nail miles south ot the village ot Oreeu wood, in Greenwood precinct, on the 13th day of March, isU'J. at one o ciocK . m. ot sai 1 day. First National Bank of Greenwood, Assignee of .Mortgagee. Dated Feb. 21, 1S99. Depends greatly on tho care which tho ownr bestows upon it. A good w itch, if CAREFULLY CLEANED and OlLtD once a year, as it should be, will last a lifetime; yes, a hundred years. Many good watches are al lowed to go without cleaning and oil ing for years, with tho result that the oil is entirely dried up, the pivots are cut and rusted out, fo that it costs twice as much to put the watch in proper condition again as it would if given timely attention. I have a long established reputation for serving my customers carefully, as well as doiog the best of work, if your watch is not giving satisfaction, bring it to me and I will tell you just what it needs. No charge for examination, and if left with mo, I guarantee that you shall have an accurate and reliable TIME PIECE. Jno. T. Coleman. WHITE'S OPERA HOUSL, V. .J. WHITE, Mnnascer. 3 THREE NIGHTS-3 COMMENCING THURSDAY, FEB. 23 PTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'TTTT rfTTTTTn i irviiii 1 fc: I 3rVeinoli r.iiiiiiiiuiiiiiAimiiumiiiiLj AND HIS ..JOLLY COMPANY.. In a repertoire of the latest Comedy suc cesses, including hijih class Singing and Dancing specialties at every performance. - Tonight they will present the Rollicking Musical 1 arte-omeuy An Irisliman's Troubles." Prices 10, 20 and 30 Cents. W. H. RHOADES, CONTRACTOR BUILDER... Twenty-two years' experience as a Carpenter and Builder in Omaha and other cities has prepared him to do all kinds of carpenter work in the neatest and most substantial manner, satisfac tion guaranteed. Call on or address at I'lattt mouth, ieb. i ie Anti-M Dont m But if you want that cough and Grip cured, take a bot tle of lis It has no fails 25c. GERING & CO., DRUGGISTS. i Worms! For 20 Years Has Led all SOIiS XV2- AZiZi Prepared by- F. G. FRICKE & CO. 4? ? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? K 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 49 New Hardware Store Having returned to Plattsmouth, I will be tflad to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones, and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and anything usually carried in a first-class hardware store. Be sure and call, as 1 have some ju ices that will interest you. JOHN R. COX, Rockwood Block, COUCHS. ASTHMA. Do not neglect a Cough Foley's Honey end or Cold. a delays areof- TorisgunrantHedtoclvo en dangerous. Foley's prompt roliof in all cases Honey and Tar Is B of Asthma. Uo not clans pleasant, afo and sure this with othnrmodicino core. Contains no opltttea that hns failed to give and Is guaranteed. i'ou relief. CONSUMPTION. LA CRIPPE. Foley's Honey end If yon have hud thuGr! , Tar does not hold out you iirobr.bly n-d a ri' false hopes in advanced llntito medicine lilie Fo- tages, but claims to b'ivh ley's Honey and Tor relief In the very worst to heal your Iuuks an' cases, end In early BtuKCS ntnp lha racking com-! to effect a core. iucUnutii! tothis dim-aa' MWMMM f CROUP. PNEUMONIA. Thousands of Infants Dr. .T. C Ilinhop, of Atr- and children die yearly new, Mich., Bays: "I havo of Croup, every one o'i used Foley'3 Honey these Innocents could and Tar in threo very have been saved had Fo Jsovnr cases of Pneumo- ley'S Honey and Tar nia tho past month, with been given them in time. 'good results." F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE NEWS Job FOR FINE FOOTWEAR There is no place like OE F The best class of Omaha are here at from $1 to $2 cheaper per pair. We make a specialty of High Grade Shoes in the Latest Styles. We are glad to have you come in and see our stock WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. An Immense Line of FALL and WINTER SHOES that will suit all classes of purcascrs. We paid the CASH and benefit of heavy DISCOUNT. COME IN AND SEE US... JOE JJiZli, 413 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb. V30US Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry Compound, equal, It never WHITE'S CREAM VERHIIFUCfS! ll..-:t l:i Qn:intit.7. !!' t In Ou;iiilv. ( Wermi Remedies. r32i&&I 3 -XJ o o x r- . JAMES F. RALLARD, Et. Uouig. th lh Ih th lh ih lh lh lh lh th th lh lh lh lh lh lh th lh lh lh 2 PLATTSMOUTH lh does nnting goods to be found in m. will eive vnn the ETZE in M