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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1893)
THE WKKKLY llKltALD: PLATTSMOU HI. NEBRASKA, A1MUL 13. 1803. v ONE MASSOF SCALES Afllloted 3 Yenrs ly IrraIful Skin uud lilwxl DUritar, with lutruse I'mIo uud Lops of Hair. All Other Remedies Fall. Relieved In stantly and Cured In Four Y ks by the Cutlcura Remedies. I hv a few word to any rcirsrdlns thr CiTi. (I'M Hkhkiiieh. They tmw currd me in (,.ur mk' time from ar-klu and Mood IHnnmc uln. h I lime had (or over ihrvt year. Al orrunn tint. , my .km would bo very tore, and alwayn ki-t Tracking aud iK-ellng eff to while scnlrs. In r.tUi wmther my face u on mars of unlet. Win n In Uie colli air the tio wu IiiU-uho; It would mmott brliin tears lo my eyca, and my M(,tl aim Icing In a 'Our condition, with a Inns of hulr. 1 tiavv tried every kimwn riincily that wna mum. mended to me, )ul It wan of no Une, and nve tnu cry Utile U nc ut. Ho, lit-arliiK of your t Til i ra KEHiitiiCK, 1 concluded Ut give thiiu a trial. The l.rit application vavti alimxt Inaunt relief. In t few necks' time I fouud myself cured, and I am thankful for what they have done for me. Your t'TiiTHA lUmmia area tili'sning to those whe may have the opportunity to uh tliciu. I ran retuojuieud them to any one. KliMUXD KKRAH, 2TW Union Ave., Chicago, 111. Cuticura Remedies Effect dally more great curea of humora and dla. raai-aof the akin, scalp, and Mood than all other remedica comlilned. t'HTItt'HA, the grcHt r-kin 'nre, and t't'TK i ha Poap, an eiquinlte Skin Puri fier and lleautlflvr, eiterually, and t't'TK i ha Hk milvsnt, the new Hlood I'urifler and grcstent of Humor Kemedles, Internally, cure eery species of nbliig, luirnliig, acaly, pimply, and blotch v dis runes of the akin, acalp, and blood, from lufnnry to tte, from plmplea to acrofula, when the beat tibysi. riuua and all other remedica full. flold everywhere. Price, CrnrrRA, 90e Poaf, 2Se.; Kaoi.vNT, ft. Prepared by the I'ottkh Ohi-o and Chink al C'okhobation, Hoeton. THend for" How to Cure Hkln Illsewti," M pages, 60 Illustrations, UK) teslhminlals. PIPJI'I.KS,, rough, rhiippcd and II III oily akin cured by t'l Tu i ha Soap. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Fnllof comfort for all Palm. ' matlon,and WenkncM of the in .the I minim AiiII-PhIii IMit-t r, the first and only naln kllllnu m-.m ;!,. tuug Mow, iiietantaneoua, and ln!:.!iii.e. TKKM $5PRSET IVnVit Kit (i'uir- II tl t t-i'il, I'fc t h ut in Uh' mm n ;:i. ntM one Hit i'l t 111' Mlllli- (lit v Tivln I'xt'iiitiMl i'i :vu: A'linl. U:t 1 1 1 Kllllll.:, ."i I ut iiml nil, nlil ( rnwn mii I liri Worn at iuiiTh inn-. ri-fiutiuii!-All wurki-xt-ciitcri A iUlllllV pillll. tt l' rfi ir in all work 'iiiiivvii :. t lie Art t UiMiti'-trv, mid ill ir:r wtlliin if iv.ic:i of nil. I i i ii .1 In- prt-i n lii'i'.l Iiy lint ut h '. ' tllilV :!! V .llnnit H-. lull lull nil,) -C II". I'Ml.llMII' uir Wiitk. We iln l i t what we ml V',l,c. l',,l-ll. 1 ii t if hi I iv lettrr nr lit nllioi- lri-t- nf 'in I XV. I TIIKK Ilruwti Hint k, , iiilf, Sixti-i'iith mid OMAHA. lii ini-i. i'.mrtli I'Mimr i r ''. V.f. llnil.l Dniiulim Strt'ftft. NKHRASKA. FIRST NATIONAL : RKK OK PLATTSMOUTH. XKHkASKA. I'lllll ll Clipitlll. Surplus .iO,lfNI,iH Io.IiOII.Iiir OlTi-r- Hi.- verv lit-t '.ii ili-ic f..r tlic prompt triui- ictioii f LEGITIMATK KiillKINi BUSlNES SI'OCKS. ,.U. . . ,.i . riiiiii-iii an Incnl M-fiii ii i, .,, ,,,,,1 ..,,1,1. pill-it n-ClfV ! .1 I ,- n'.'.'.W,' 1 nil tin- rrrtili -a'c. 1 .-: a ! m !, mv.ii;;!'.'' in liny part ni tlm i'. .m i i,,,. , , ,. pal town, i, 1. h i .. C timiA Miir! iiml prniiipt .v ,,. , ,) ,(,;;:, .. t ,,i.irs. -prii'i- paol t f i ' i i i 1 - w ., 'i ,i,-". - i .n,. miii I'liiinty Ii m l-. Joint Kit.i;iT.i:,t. S. W.nun. I . ! lolltl Kit T, ii I . i I i ."-.von ti '' t.'. '.. k. 1 1 .M-, . -. VV ,i;..',i. .. GUS HINH1CHS, . . v.k is Jresh, Salt and Smoked Mi'ilta (if all ki title. I , T MAKK the Inst tif all KuhIh i HatisynvK and keep a jjood Hiiptdj -()tistaiiiy uii liaml. Call and nee. MAk'KKT (N SIXTH STKliKT. Hftwivn Main uud I'earl J'hittHitpiiit li, . . V'tiranka T.J. THOMAS & SON I'KOfk'IKTi ik'S OK THE North Sixth-St. o Meat Market. prl;, Salt aijd Smoked MKATS OF ALL KINDS. a I Headquarters : for : Poultry. OAMU OK 4 KIXDS IN SKASOX. North Sixth-st.. Opp. Postoffice JOHN A DA V IKS. ATTORNEY-AT LAW CorreHponrlenoi Solicited. OfiUv in I ' ii ion; Hiook PLATTSMOUTH. XKHKASK TKt U.U VISITS. The kii'm r Ki t - to t tl.r i ar. The mrl' tiirae i ut to t : V. ri t'iiue foi. i r In, in niBr. An tlu n i l.i- L.i.:-r r.un tiir ir I'.iiiln ki t- in Milrtuii ilc-. An tlu ti .ui'uMit un hiiir an ki-s. An both are lllltd Hiid ou!ied in til in. WYn 1 kii down to lllmiu'i ila The worl' ilim't wem to rare; I lu ll Lit ki-m Ina humN nor five. "I wotild make Ytn luff at Hiram's plat 'Twiiiild make Ym 'ar an tear. bl llinini Kiys rutin he pokes. "1'iu glail tu see ye; how'a yur folka:" I take a look at Hiram's hotti An ln ar how much they Krow; This Hntai how Iliriim'9 mi in'ry Jogs, An he lets oitt on them Mr' hoK You iiiiKhtiT hear him Muw; If you could only hear him owe You'd hear some Kinooiiie e'erkunoe. Ol' Hiram he la slow enough, lint nimo tiK) hlow for me. for I'm a putty Hum; ol' tin ST. Ati fairly rnr nl rit enough. A n JcM (. f low vi. he. rn we httih i-oim the whole dnjr long I'titil we hear the miiiht goLg. The kni-ei gtM-a to we the t-zur. All ir. ile Mops to teu, I'm iij-i, l!!'e iv-:r an kaisers urn, ( in ,,. ii in t he aia-f of thoi .ar. I a!:, 'I no ! Ii tirrn n ez we, Ti ami kniarr !:nir.v norharrn lake ioalia roiin ol' Hiram's farm. - S. W. l oft in Yunlii-e lilaile. I. oat Sweets. Ah two yoniip; wiujicn were eross iiif,' Vitsiiit;f;tri r-trci't. near tlie Ad atiiH HmiM', tho other day one tripjaad iuiiI fdl on her knees. She held in ber hands several small lmudleB, and in the fall they were all preserved --avo one. That (u ha) contained t liociilittes and cr.raniels, and the bag Ixrotninp; undone i!s sweet contents mixed tht-i.iselves with the slush and mud of tin street. 'Hie youno; woman didn't mind her mire liespreail skirt, but cast unpe nial, wistful glances at the lost sweets. She was undecided. Would -he pick up her fallen treasures, res cue them from the embrace of the unclean, mushy snow? Delay was fatal, for the bell of an oncoming electric warned her from the track. Her face was a study as she moved away. Her companion's mien was sympatheticneither childlike nor bland. - Boston (Hobe. Ills Position on the Stage. A lot of show people, were sitting around a hotel office talking shop and, as is the rule, each one was inclined to the belief that he was about the U'st in the business. "Well, you Ix't I stand high in my line." said a man curled up in the corner, who had hitherto had noth ing to say. "What's your line " asked u mod ern herculcs. "Freak." "Aw, you make me tired," twit tered a Circassian beauty. "You surely don't look it." "Don't I," he responded untangling himself and getting up. He stood 7 feet 11 inches. Detroit Free Press. Afraiil of His I iiniile. Old Captain P of the regulars was inspecting the prisoner- at a San FrauctM'o pu.-t one morning and I' ihiid one of Lis old veterans who had a ver.!ni.'s for liquor in the line. "Weii. Mi'Uuire," said the cap ;ain. "back tigaiu; are you? Now, why don't you drink like a gentle miiU and keep out of trouble. Drink like 1 do." "Ah. slnire, sir,1' replied Mctiuire. "if 1 drank like the cap tion. 1 would have been (lead these 1U years. MSat Francisco Argonaut. ' Worse uml Worst. Minks - My wile no sooner reaches Florida h...iv the dm tor there or i. rs her i.o. ;h, and as (juick as she p-ts home i . ni' doctor here orders her back to Florida. Jinks- Hum! I see how it is. The railroad combine has consolidated wnh the doctors' tru.-t. New York Weekly. A Minute Muring M.u liliie. The siiiulliM holes pierced by mod tru machinery are a thousanuih part if an inch in diameter. They are bored through sapphires, rubies and dia monds by a machine invented by one I li.u Weniisirom, which makes i id revolutions a minute. New York Evening Sun. rrnteition. "One of the London medical jour nals wants all doctors to wear a dis tinguishing style of hat." said Dr. Lironson. "I suppose that is for the safety of .he public," -suggested Wagg. liar per'B Bazar. The philosopher Damocles threw himself into a caldron of boiling oil and miserably jK-rished. His fate was not known until the oil was poured out and his bones, boiled clean, were found. "Did yon ever notice," says a crisp writer, "that it is the 'ladies' of the church who are generally requested to attend a meeting of tho Woman's Christian TcmiK-rance union J" A submarine electric light for en tell ing fish has Urn tried in France with much success. Fish swarm around the illuminated glole and are theu easily caught The oldest tree on earth is said to Ihj the Bin) tree in the sacred city of Aniarapoora. Burmah. It was plant ed, the record savs. in the year I'ss B. C. Cardinal Vaughan, the nrchhishoi of Westminster, keeps himself iu good physical condition by taking a 5 mile walk every day. A Memorial of a Noble Deed. On tho Victoria pier, Jersey, there is a simple granite olx-lisk uliout I'D ft set high iticlost-d by an ornamental garden. It was placed there by the foresters of Jersey to commemorate an act of noble heroism. On March 17. Ib70, the steamship Normandy was preceding up the channel m the midst of a dense fog, when she col lided with another vessel off the is land of Jersey. Captam Harvey in stantly ordered lioats to be lower. -d in which to place all the passengers on the ill fated vessel. Tho crew loyally obeyed the cap tain's directions, and all tho passen gers were safely lowered into the boats, together with a number of the men belonging to the ship. Therj was no room for the captain and 41 memU-rs of his crew, and they elected to perish rather than endan ger by their extra weight the safety of the passengers. The boats sped away iu the direction of the island, leaving the gallant captain and his men on the doomed vessel. In a few minutes the waves engulfed her. carrying down the brave men to a watery grave. The names of these heroes are cut in the granite oU-lisk, thus handing down to posterity the record of one of the noblest acts of heroism of which the British navy can boast. Million. Letter Writing Inverse to Ilistiince. I have always favored a uniform IKistago to and from all parts of the British empire, but I have never pre cisely seen why the postage should be Id. To make this reduction on outgoing letters, while our colonies still charge 2 jd. on incoming letters, would be to force their hand, for the penny one way would oblige tho col onies to charge only the jienny the other way. To this the colonies oli ject just as they do to imierial fed erationand the scheme ought to remain in nubilnis until they haveal tered their opinion as to its expedi ency. I do not mybelf believe that the re duction would lead to so many addi tional letters being sent that the pres cut receipts would not be affected. The exchange of letters is based on question and answer, and the longer the interval lietween the two, the fewer are the letters. Two friends the one at home and the other in Australia probably write to each other rarely, compared with what they would do if they lived within a day's journey of each other. In some csimjh the reduction in rate might lead to more letters being written, but this would, 1 think, Ihj the exception and not the rule. Loudon Truth. He Said. The young man had been to call on the girl the night before, and she was expecting to hear something of espe cial interest to her, but somehow, though he talked a great deal, ho did not say those things she wanted to bear most. The next morning her mother, who also was somewhat in tercsted, broached the subject. "Mr. Henderson staid quite- late last night, didn't he?" she uked. "Yes, mamma, until II o'clock." "Ho kept up a very active conver sation, I should say, from what 1 heard." "Yes, mamma." "Did he sty anythingf" the mother asked nei vously. "Yes. mamma." "What.'" "Well, ho said something about nothing I cared to hear and nothing about something I cured to hear." and she broke down and wept fro, .i sheer exhaustion. Detroit Five Press. Why l'eiilo Yitwu uml Stretch. We feel inclined to stretch because the muscles of the body are in a la tinned state, and by stretching we seem to av-aken them to the proper tone for renewed action. Moreover, the muscles of respiration share in this fatigue and perform their work imperfectly; heme we often yawn as well as stretch, the mouth gajn-s, and the jaws are separated widely so as to admit its much air as possible. Ac cording to Hicheiand, "the crowing of the cock and the flapping of his wings are intended to serve the same purpose" as stretching and yawning with us. Mot animals stretch them selves upon waking from sleep. Brooklyn F.agle. Tim Origin of tli "st. inklik t'ravHt." At the battle of Stemkirk, the French oflicei-s, surprised iu their sleep, rushed out of their tents with cravats arranged in the most tart-less manner. Iu ( oiinut-inoiatioii of the victory they achieved it bi-came the fashion to wear the neckcloth in a negligent manner, originating the "Steinkirk cravat." -London Tit Bits. The Voice of Authority. "Well Aunt Kachel," said the young lady in the traveling suit. "1 shall have to bid you a long fare well." "If you're going in this train, ma'am," said the conductor, signal ing to the engineer to go ahead, "you'll have to make it pretty short." Chi cago Tribune. (living Vent to a I'nsslmi. "Are you fond of music. Miss D, Riche!" "Passionately, Mr. Padruski. Why, do you know 1 hired a hansom one Saturday and followed a piano organ all over Chicago just to hear it play." -Harper's Bazar. WONDERS OF INDIANA. I ii Old rimer (lot l'owii IntoOeorglaOnrnj ami Ansitcreit Some Onestluns. j A citizen of this place tells the fob ; lowing story; A man with a drove of mules the man claiming to lie ; from Ln'.Lina. stopped for the night with the citizen's lather. The fami ly had an idea that Indiana was n-:tr the north jKile and asked a frreat many questions alout the country. In answer to questions the Indiana man said: "Yes, there the nights are shorter, but they have more of them and they are darker." He had seen it so dark there that you couldn't see the headlight of a locomotive 30 feet. He also said it was a good fish coun try; that you could not ride a horse across a creek without knocking out a 2-horse wagon load of fish, but that he had only gone fishing once, and then only caught but one fish, and when he pulhrd the fish out of the Mississippi river the river fell six inches. He also said it was a fine timber country. A few days before he left home he cut down a tree that meas ured exactly iuo yards long. Ho drove a wedge in the big end, and it burst entirely ojk'U and split a thick et of ;S(u feet tiiat was so thick that you couldn't inn a fishing pole into it endways. The place opened by splitting the log was then tieing used for a wagon road. He also said it was a very healthy country; that only one man had died in 20 years, and they had to pull his breath out with a corkscrew. A young clock peddler was also Kpending the night with his father, and ho asked if it would lie a good country to sell clocks. The Indiana man said no; that they had no use for clocks; that they kept time by the growth of pumpkin vines, which grew live feet every hour. He said it was the best vegetable country in the world. Every kind grew well except beets, and they grew so long they stuck through into China, and the China men pulled them through. In an swer to a question whether it was a cold country or not he said it was awful cold. He had seen a blaze of tire freeze to the back of the chim ney, and they had to knock it loose with a pole ax.-Mazeppa Cor. At lanta Constitution. Kloctro I'luting Human Ilemnlna. AFreuch doctor wants to introduce his patent process of preserving the remains of the dead. It is not em balming them, nor yet mummifying them, though the bodies must lie em balmed before tho doctor's new pro cess takes hold of them. The new idea is to electroplate tho whole body, and thus preserve to jiosterity the noble lineaments of those whose estates cut up sufficiently well to al low the expense. First the body is embalmed, after which it is dipped into a bath of nitrate of silver. It conies from this bath the color of polished silver. After that the face is subjected to a regular electroplating dip and comes out burnished copper, ready to lie preserved to the latest genera tions. In order to insure perfect suc cess the face is varnished, and this is the last operation. The burnished copper face is then warranted to re main the same for centuries if treat ed with reasonably good caro. Lou don Tit-Bits. Vulue ol N'ewsniicr Advertising. A curious instance of the value of advertising is reported from New York. There is a physician there who advertises largely, publishing his portrait in the newspapers wilii tho advertisement. A few days ago he received a letter from the west on tho envelope of which there was not a word of address, nothing but the portrait of the man. which had been cliplM-d from a paper and pasted on tin- envelope. Every clerk and post man who handled the letter knew the face and it was forwarded with out a moment's delay. People read advertisements, evidently, and re member what they see there. There is no such road to notoriety as th columns of a newspaper. New Oi lcans Picayune. rlnglisli unit American Hulls. The English railroads use a much heavier rail than is commonly used in this country, and for a simple rea son namely, the cheapness of steel and the costliness of timber. Cross ties are scarce in Englaud, and for that reason low of them are used, only about l.tluo to the mile, while in America the average is from Sf.l'iUO to 3.(100. The further apart the tics the heavier the rail must be, so while the rail ust-d on most of the roads in this country weighs from til! to 70 iMiunds to the yard, that on the Eng lish roads is from till to Kin pounds. New York Tribune. ( old W ater as an Aini-sthetle. Cold water is now used as an an-a-sthetic. It is injected hypodermic ally, and its action is said to Ikj due to high pressure and low tetnK-ra-ture, which combined drive the Mood and lymph from the region op eratedt on and cause temporary pa ralysis of the nerves. -Hartford Cou raut. When the War Itegun, The Wife (b.iierly)-Our married life has Wen a long series of battles. Ix-ginning with our wedding day. Th; Husband Indeed there was an engagement before that. Vogue. Something to Think Abont. "If a' person but turn his eyes to his 'm'ards,' as I have heard one's vi tals called," said Patton Rawwn, "that person is apt to draw much consolation from thence in times of trouble. Now, I was just reflecting that a man is never happy unless, in the current phraseology, he "has a Vick coming.' There is no use get ting around it, one must recognize that dissatisfaction is the lever that moves the world. That man who has nothing to worry over has most. He has to grieve that his life is in ane, useless, valueless. With satis faction comes 'innocuous desuetude." and the Lord knows to have that phrase flung at one is enough to make the dead roll over. 1 "I know a millionaire down in our section who kicked to himself over his business relations until he re nounced them and retired. Theu he grieved that he was retired. A very little thing seemed mountain high to him, 1 know for most of the big things he could overcome with one bound and it left him nothing but the little matters to quarrel with. I find that a man is most happy when he is preoccupied, and he is most pre occupied in work when endeavoring to surmount some olwstacle that is a constant menace to his happiness." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Library etiquette. It is bad form for a guest to take books from a Ixiokcase without per mission. In many instances they re main in the guest chamber, to be re placed by some member of the family who requires them for immediate use. Magazines, periodicals, papers, are for the library, table and should be left there. Order and considers tioti for the desires of all are among the canons of good society. The best seat by the cheerful blaze should be for the invalid or elderly person Age and sickness demand a courtesy that should be on all occasions ex tended to them. It is their preroga tive. "Don't fail in proper attention to elderly people. Don't stand before the tire to the exclusion of the warmth from others. Don't fail in good man ners in anything." There are three articles that should be chained to the library table- the paper cutter, scissors and pencils for family use. It is the displacing of these little instruments of usefulness that disturbs the disposition, irritates tho temper and is among the causes of the hasty word and the unkind thought. -Good Housekeeping. lU partee In the Courtroom. An amusing incident occurred re ceutly at the trial of a breach of promise case, in which a police con stable was the defendant. During the impanelling of thij jury, defendant's counsel examined each of the jury men on his voir dire, to ascertain it ho had any prejudice against police men as such. He pressed his exam ination a little more closely than is usual iu the examination of jurymen, and brought forth a protest and ob jection from the plaintiff's counsel. "Many people look upon policemen as Islnnaelites," explained the do fondant's counsel. "Have you not made a mistake in the tribe.'" quickly interposed the plaintiff's counsel. "You probably mean Hittites." This took place in New York city, and although Gothaniites habitually call their police force "the finest" tho retort lost none of its pungency on that account. Green Bag. Deterioration of l miners. The "L" roads are responsible for much deterioration iu the manners of the traveling public the mascu line part of it at least. When they first came in, as a rule, men relin quished their seats to women when the latter would otherwise have to stand. For a man to stick to his seat while a woman went without one was sojnetliingexceptioiial. Now it is exceptional to see him do any thing else. As a rule, men stick to their seats while women stand. But manners are still going from bad to wot-no on the "L" roads. Not long ago it was a very rare thing to see a man seize on a seat just va cated while some woman hapjH'ned to be standing up near it, but now it is done frequently, and the man sometimes doesn't even take the trou ble to pretend that he hasn't seen the woman. -Now York Herald. Various Knrins of Itheiiiiiittlsni. Rheumatism, according to the liest authorities, is the most common cause of the nervous disease called St. Vitus' dance. An inflammation of the chest walls, called pleurisy, not uncommonly develops during an attack of rheumatism from the pres ence of the rheumatic virus in the system. The most dangerous disorder to which the rheumatic temperament gives rise is the well known one of heart disease.-Youth's Companion. A Novel llcilsteitil. A model Paris workingman's bed stead is made so that it cuii bo taken down and put up again in half a minute. By a curious combination of springs the U-d can lie instan taneously surrounded with curtains, a washstand wheeled inside, and the occupant can go through his or her toilet without beingseen. By another spring the lied is turned into a canopy suited for invalids, who have no need to stir to iierform the transforma tion. Exchange Bop-iist-oW m. 0 ' sale X anora matters a larger pr Strictly Pure White Lead. The wise man is never perl buy paint that is said to be good "or "better "than . Strictly Pu) White LezC The market is flooded with , white leads. The following a made by eminent chemists, oi these misleading brands shu exact proportion of genuine whi G i vt- mey contain : Misleading Brand "Standard Lead Co. Strictly Purj Mu. Ol. lOUIB. Material Proportions Ana Hrytcs !.: per cent. Regis 0 Oxule of Zinc 4 i-t per cent. A 1 lute Lead e.i per cent. St Less than 7 per cent, white! Misleading Brand " Pacific Warranted Pure A Whiti Mattriuls Proportions Anal Sulphate of Lead 4. IS per cent. Lnluit Oxide of Zinc 4514 per cent. Me' Bwrytes OO.tin per cent, No white lead in it. kou can avoia Dogus ieaa Dt., chasing any of the following bf -They are manufactured by thef Dutch" process, and are the stani "Southern" "Collie? . a. Jollie: .1" 1 iable dej it will ;) " Red Seal For sale by the most reliable paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, to send to us for a book containing inli tion that may save you many a dollar, it only cost you a postal card to do so. , NATIONAL LEAD ci 1 Broadway, Smj St. Louts Branch, Clark Avenue and Tenth Street E?y DISEAS UNO OTHER DISORDERS 0? THE Kit! CAN BE PERMANENTLY CURED PV H DR. J, H, McLEAN'S liver ahd m; WW 111. It U a fcafe ami unfailinir remedy for till Kidney Troubles, Liver DisorJeifV. ii... nova - and Female Irregularities, ij Price One nnllnr Per Itnttle -'reil The Dr. J. II. McLean Medicine ST. LOUIS, MO., SOLE PROPRIETORS PARKER'S nr-Vi.iT-iir"I HAIR BALSAM Liranwi and neMutifir Uie Mivirmtit The ConsumntiveanfiFeetoie mm uller It iim f Miuuf in .; ! '-iijm idhditi'l nie Purktr It 'i'o'iio. I; curl :iie i.ti 'ii'itii. XVfttk l.uii;. T I' .1 U:)t ftiuti. trill.- H't'ttkiie,. K,n uitiiunin ami l'&it. hPNOERCOR'7!, TVmtly tm-p-ir-f.-. SU hi! I'ikiu. bium-w '. - ,;7 miy. i.Vt, at 1 i IM u ' ' 1 i i.!. (tit LviVil'sltl.H,,, Illliiil.r l.r I ft Kllmbi kliti ions. WhmlH-r li'-aM. ( t- f '...Wln-M fcj .MUiiIimI ol III..... 33 lfnJari Set Wi. Write lot Uwa ut i-rluM FREE THAI PACKAGE pRaEHAnais1 PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF mm VITALLY WEAK). JM . , tO.1 CI"H l , r" ' -irr miTtiM atnio or jruti; f it rNNlIn mill. lie life, or tr, m Udil.r. nt-.-t. ! it VkTfllr M4' vii rriM-i moi -mhii'iI fflMA UI VHI'N, HIM1IM1 VVCtli I lU M4KV IKrHwlih Mltl.f liMAV In YM vam I in At. mm mm of tlm.atR. r. an.) trrimih ifli . v i Imf-nlrril atj.t wouken-i irmaiiirHv In ar;"-in-t i-- WHEN WE SAY CURE .m'hiVinmVi:' J1 J"'"' Q"ii.,'i,, eMvurpsUiUiiJeuri'il iu.i !' liV(n (pvl,lniorf iwr f.lth la prrf " IV WV5S0LUBlEIIEDICATKP?Acr: k TRIAL t-'IT ekht Jay.tnal AllMi: 1 II : 1 " urn, flume or oi l. iM-n i .inii iiui.i, hi,i,l ,n, ,,,, , ,,rf., .., ,. tnl,.u(Hrt,,i tlllt vrnny koow tli. It i. H mrlifn.c .1, .r.,iit. m.-ll'lui I. eli -I ,3 l.ofnli.1 u Vm t urti-r li vcarilfl." til t rtlfic l, t P,,rr, ,7 thl i I'..'; I t HE HAPKI3 rr.MEOt CO., XI! i. 0 i W BEEK.HA.v BTREET. VI ". " TTHlt7-Ti;iTiTTTTfa' -T'- Myntic- Lil'e Heiiewpr. Thi.-i wonderful ' Heiilth Hui'' and Constitution Kei-tores i - ioi!-' a veritable rencwer of life; lirfiiti it itoHSi-Mrit-s such tiiarveloit.- P"tt' to cure all foruiHof Isiilinu' H',i:: Itidiyestion, Dyspepsia, Nt'rv'' Diseases, Heart Atfections, I'i"1 Weakness, HrokenJConst i tuti"" ' I all wasting diseases, l-lven I"1' win anted to five sal isfai'lii'i" too u-y reftinde l. Free liotlli '1'1 G. l-'rieke (',)., dni- -i,-t.. I''1'1' llioutll. A Great Surprlsu Is in store for all who use K Jlalsani fortli. Throat and I.n ' the teat utiiiraiiter d n-inedy. sold on its merits and any dru is aitthori.ed by the proprietor this wonderful remedy to yive a sample bottle free. It ttever ' to core aettie or chronic cie'i All druyists sell Kemp's Ha -' Lart bottles ."i(V. and 1. Subscribe for Till-: llt'K.M.l'. per year. All r-'ii-.-.ClHi-'. rirniUJi"'-'- i Kroni present date will kt ' ' sale the important ICast India remedies. Dr. II. J antes.' pn .' tion of this herb on its owt (calctittai. will positively con sutitption, broiu hitts, asthm nasal Catarrh, nod break up i ' cold iu :'4 hours. .'..'Vl per or:ibotiles for$(I.."!i. Try it. Ckuwmh k & Co., Jproprietc 1UX.' Race street, I'hilade ; JN'wrr Fails to Heitore 0 T Hair to Ua Youthful Co j JCWl' traip liivflM'i ji- imir fi-, I ? AS', in f! 'fit PH'JI? ;-T m.jMT ri wp . - i at 1 1 it Maura s VST AN i ii ral eve p.H YO cot get pn KM M pai IAII ''ii