Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 06, 1893, Page 7, Image 7
U WEEKLY HEUALD: l'LATTSMOl'TH. XKI1UASKA. AI'UILli. 189. f ... ) f at lie of l- Mts HO ill ll r'l er it IMS A an of iil he .ly. ,ii. 7V 'I l J YOUR PAVOEITE ANDTIIK I. HADING RE.'l'HLICAN FAMILY l'AI'KK OK rilK rxlTKI) STATES. 1 5?tt The Herald Give all the news of Town. County a ii1 State and much National news as any other paper of its da.-. Your home would l'f incomplete without it. :TheN, Y. Weekly Tribune is a NATIONAL FAMILY l'AI'KK ami jjivesall the K.-ne. ml news of the United State ami the world, 't g;ives the events ol foreign lands in a nutshell. A has separate de partments for "THK FAMILY CIRCLE." and "OCR YOUNG FOLKS." Its "HOMK AND SOCIETY" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its jreuiTal political news, editorials anil ri iscussions are coni prehensive, brilliant ami exhaustive. Its "AtiRlCULTl" RL" department ha no superior in the country. Its 'MARKET RETORTS" are recognized authority in all parts of the hind. A SPECIAL CONTRACT ENABLES USTO OFFER THIS SPLENDID JOURNAL ANDTIIK IIKRALD FOR ONK YEAR For Only $1-75 Vnsh in Advance. N. Y. Weekly Tribune, regular price per jear $1 .00 The Herald, regular price per year 1.50 ; Tola! 2.50 We Furnish Both Papers One Year for 1 .75 ADDRESS ORDKRS To - - THE HERALD. MEN T WHY ARE HAVE YOU UllEO DRUGS AND iPgflMDEH'SjPLECTRIC IP $koZ. . . ill ,AMn CITCDCMCnDV FDR'.. the effects I ueh titrerera vre I but trial ti con- ' ii? axpoauro, rou mar I trtortrlcll ilv-tind SI i thus canard your your ayatem the ele- nienia mus araiiiea, III reniovethocauae f I ' avaittiu I no vit.- ,w war. Tblaiaour pnin -t Our StOII. pnii ,3 book "Three n n n or . Ill I nued anil old visririn lleli lr. hnuilen' no i e ttrobuat health and - vliror, after all nnrfradanf nuns throuuhout thla Slate, who would Stroud letters beariug tvuuiiuuv to their recovery WE HAVE CURED THESE KEBTOCS DEBILITY AND WEAKNESS. Omit. Rirroe, Mich., November Irt, MM. Pa. A. T. Pamhsh. Ix ar Sir i-ln reply to your late fnvnr. have tow tnat I thlna your Dr. nanaen r.iccinc lllt nnd of the ffreatcut Inventions of tlie nineteenth e,iiliirr. and poiulili'r It a niiwt nowerf ul airent for itimni amonff tbemanv alftlcttl on thlMearth, and 1 know that I.miidIi n.M u.vrnl nf vmir Im.II h,VA Iwnn N.ilfi. to the S parties' nreatert antiafaction. As to niVdelf lama well - man to-day from weurlnirnneof your eleetrlc belti, and . am thirty HundMheavi,-r than before UMiuglt. Ichccr lull uu truthfully rrcunin i nd v.iur U lt. II. Ii. WlUiUi, 30 Hhasmut Avenue. CENEBAL DEBILITY, NEnT0CSNE9. Mn.wAntra, Wis., Anmirt 7th. 1WS. i, lB, A. T. 8KnF, Ih-Ar Kir c-The Kieeiric li. lt I re l reived from you lat Ainl liaidmieall It Is recommended to do. I can say It Ikim d more for me than all the randlelna 1 have taken In three years. The time I frot r.m lielt I wasln a luideondktion.suirerinHTin-eatlv from Xr-'neral debility, nervounenn. Ac, and m.r blood wan in 1 f v'ry poor condition. I wciifhcl at the time I pot the belt 116 pounds, but atprem'iii v iltinir my wt-iht Ik 118 'T Iracomiiwuljourbelttoall. BllultTLL,iSI!iMKhing!lt THE DR. SANDEN Is a complete galvanic bat terv, made Into a belt o as to be easily worn during work or ntnwt. and It gives aootblnp, pr ilonued currents which are Instantly lelt throiiphont nil weuk pnrts, or we lortelt $3,000. It baa an linpidved F.It'Ciric Suapt- u((ry, the prcniest never given weak men. and we warrant it to cure any of I ho above weaknesses, nnd Meiilnrpe shrutikeii limhs.or parts, or Iloney Kelundrd. They are graded in stretch to meet all stneee "f weahness In ymin , ninldlegederoliJ men, aud will cure the worst cases in two or three month j. Address lor full Information. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO.. 169 La Salle St.. CHICACO, ILl RAILROAD T.ME TABLE. HI KMMiTON A JllsMU Itl KIVKIt It, Ii (!(). (S WKST Klver.Xii. 1 I'ussciii'i'r Xo 3. Dcpiirt . ;i:4.'i u in . 3:1 i in 11:00 tl 111 . 5:17 p in . 4:441 p ill 7 : IT ii in . :lsl a in , H:.'io a in . 5:17 in H:3I ii in rj:'i". a in , 7:14 ) ill . U:4.i a in I'liswetitfcr No Ti. ; t I'llxjAfllKlT Xt " . f I'iimwiikit Tn Ii, via Louisville l'ns-(oiirr Xo !i 11 I Krriulit Xii'.tl, viii F.nuNvillo ... V I FnMnlit Xn 7"i, to Smith Oiiinliii. (itiixfi KAST- Flver .No'.' I'lissftiuor Xo I iinxetmi'r Xo I'llSSt'tlKCr All t'HwrtiKvr No I" MIsMII Itl l'l 1411 Ktll.HOAH. Cll.Ci NOKTII Xo. 1 li. '" Xo.3 3:4ii p. ill. K,,, i;r? 4:(KI p. 111. (i(UX(i SOL'TH - Xn, ' 11:115 a. Ill Xo. N. fiver -'H p. in No. l-i irciKlit H:5I a. in SKCUKT NOCItT PAS- CAMP No. 3S! M. W. A. n ts every V eecHiul Mill Koinlll Moniliil' eviilnus in Kilzceritlil hall. Vlniling nemlilnirs welcome. P.C. Iliiiismi, V. C : I". Herlclilieiiier, W . A., B.C. Wilde, Clerk. 1 nKIIKK III' lllf. wuui.n, meeis at ( : hill. A. K, (iroom, iireslilelit, Tlioa vlling w every moiiimv rvennia m ior hhhih rt,,o. ary. W XoM-Mei'l lirst anil third Kri- day t'veniiiK ol eiiili niniith nt lllllf Krntik Yurinvli'ii . I ttiJB HiirwitK, reionler. K.McCoiillilc I'ost No. 4r meeU every ttur ihv evoninu Ht : in heir Hull in nek wood l.lock All vNlllng ciilniml l'e cordlitllv Invited lo eet Willi lis, Kleil Billes, Cost Adjutant ; li. K Mies, I'ne t'omiliaililer. I'NKiHTsoK I'V'I IIIAs- (tiitiutlet Lodije Xo-47. Meets every Wednesday eve nin Ht their hall over I'lenuet ic Tint's, all visit inn kniuhts are cordially invited to attend. M . ( irilllth, C C: I tis Ilovey K of K and S. V Xo HI Meet second and fourth lnv evetiitiiis ill t lie month at It) O F Hall. M Vondran. M V, K 1' Urowii, recorder. DKtih'EK tF IIOXOK -Meets the tlrst and third Thrursilav eveninus of each month in I.ll. t. F. hall, Fitzgerald Mock. Mrs. Addie Smith, Wort hv Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Hurkel, flster secretary. TVKflKKK OK IHIXOK Ivy lode. No. 13 A meets llrst and third Thursdays (,f each mouth In k. of I er, sister Hecretarv. halt, StellH Trav I A UK Lincoln Council A. P. A. Xo. I meets everv second and fourth Wed nesday In each month at I. O. O. K, hall. a'1- str& i vr- Mil InXI. G HOME PAPER OSliY $1.75. YOU WEAK? FAILED TO FIND A CURE? WHO ARE DEBILITATED. ANDSUfTERING from Nervous DebjlitV Seminal Weak NESiL0SSESd)RAlN5lMP0TCNCY OR, Lost Manhood. Rheumatism. Lame Back Kidney Troubles. Nervousness oheplessnessRdorMemorYs General IllHealth of abrmea. excesses, wnrrr and exposure. For L."earplief anil cure In our tnarvelmia Invention, which requires vine, most Kkoptical. In your mnorance of eflerta or by excesse , havnundulv drained vouravsteuiof nerve forreand vltalltv which) weakness or lack of force. If you replace Intu vtnicn are reauireu ior via-nrous mreiiKin, ynia and health, strengtn ana Tiiinr win ioiiow ai once aim in me natural una tmAtninnf uml we tfiiurantee a pure or nionev refunded. Classen of Men," abuuld b read by every limn, scut eeaiea, iree. in nn exoerinient. as we nave restored thousands other treatnienta failed, as can be shown bf iiladlT testify, and fruiuiu&uyuf whom Wu have) after uiun our Held - WE CAN CURE YOU! EKOMU'HtSlDENT OK UIEU 1'LOW CO. oNHorrti, III., Oct.. Dr. A. T. flaunt. PearRlr i-The8anden Electric Belt which I purchased of you twoyeara airo worked to mf r.NTtHi satisfaction , and I take pleasure in reconv memlinir It f i ny of my friends who are afflicted with ailments for u'acureof which the belt Is reeommendeif, ounvery truly, vH. IIA.A, rrea. nier j iowtm, LAME HACK) KIDNEY DISEASE, AO. CmrAOO, October 17, W. Da. A.T. PAimim, Dear fllrr-This Is to I hnve used the tkiiiden Khclric belt for lame back an I kidney trouble, ami say to those afflicted tbst I bave receive(l aeomiileteeure. I most cheerfullyrecommeml tuem. Yours, Ac, J AM 1-3 MILLS, i;tb and Frailer mat UECUMMEND8 THE UELT TO ALL. Kansas City, Kansas, October JOth, IIS Dr. A. T. Raki.k, Dear Kir,- VoursortheiMih Inst., '.sat hioul.iind I will say In reply that your Ir'il Klectiic Kelt baa iriven good satiiif action and has dona me a wonderful pood. From now on I shall ue It every dov, and know It will briny me out all O. K. I h Ave (riven your belt a pood recommend to Severn I here, llofiup you will sell iuaiiv more, 1 am, yours truly, E.s.srtuuv.Lock Box iia.s.B.auaicn. ELECTRIC BELT ciChrui-s. L'ATAiH.U'.- St. l'liill, C'liurch, Dak, lie twi'cn Kilth ntiil Sixtli. Father I'arnev, raster Mervices: Muss at s and 1i:;Ia .. M Sunday Si In ml at :':) with henedk'tion. I ill.(lli:i II Al'TisT. Mt. Olive (Ink, lif- tweeii lentil and I'.levenlli K'ev. A Ilos well, pastor. Services II n. in and 7 ;.'ln p. in. I'rnyer ineetiiii; Wednesdiiy evening. FlHST MKTHoUIST. Sixth St., lielween Main mid I'earl. K'ev. I.. F. Unit I). 11, pastor. Services II a. in , and M:mi p, in. Sunday school at 'i:'.f p. in. liKK.I.W I'KKSHV TEMI.W. turner Main ami .Ninetli. Kev. W'itte, pastor. Ser vices usual hours. Suudav si hool at !l::m p, in. t' II It I ST A N t'orner l.ocust and Kiuhth streets. Services: Morninii and eve tiiui;. Klder A. (otlloway, pastor. Sun day School at III a. 111. F.I'Iscol'At. -St. Luke's c'iiirch corner of Third and Vine streets. Rev. II. II Huruess, pastor. Services: II a. tu. and 7:30 p. in, Sunday School at :' p. in. I'KKSHYTKHIAX. Services in new church, corner Sixth and (iranite sts., Nov. J. T. Ilaird, iitorSiml;iv school at !i:30; prcachiiiK at II. a. tu. mid H p. in. The Y. I". S. C. F.. of this church meets every suMiiitli eveniiiif at 7;l" in base ment at the church. All are invited to attend these ineetiims. SWKUIsll I'oNliHKSStoNAI., twsan Fillh and Sixth. tiriiutie. he THE Herald is the Hest and Most Reliable Family Paper Pub lished in Cass County ONLY $1 50 PER YEAR. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Solentiflo American Agency for TRAD! COPYRIGHTS, ate For Information and frw Handbook writ to Ml'NN h CO., ft'.l BiuiaiiWAT, NIW YoHk. Olilttat bureau for aecurlnK pat nut in America. Kverv ratmit taken out hv ua la brouiiht before tba publio bj a uot ice given f ree of cliarga in toa ff Scientific tucica Larraat etrenlatlnn of any lelantlfle paper In tin world. Hplernlldlr Illustrated. No Intelligent, aian ahould ba without It. Wacklv, :i.0l a veart 1.60 all montba. Addraaa Ml'NN A CO VtUjiuaH,3tll Broadwaj. Mew XorkCltj. Ml VJ THADI MARKS, DKhlfial aTaiaiTat Ignacio Galvun. a young Spanard who went to the City of Mexico, from New Orleans, where he resided for several year, has been arrested and placet in Melem prison on the charge of swindling. He had car ried on his operations on an exten sive scale, and had already realized a profit of several thousand dollars He brought with hitu to Mexico a large number of confederate bills, which he hail secured in New Or leans. He found no difficulty in passing these bills on the smaller storekeepers of the city as genuine American currency, and received the change in Mexican coin. His arrest was brought about through an American locomotive engineer, who saw the man pay a large bill at a small restraurant with the worthless money. When ur rested Galvan had &M0 of the bdls in his pocket nnd a large quantity in his trunk. He is thought to have worked Monterey, San Luis I'otosi and other cities of Mexico in the same man tier. Subscribe for Tiik Herald. P'ryear. $1.50 All First-Clana Dru,.jiiH From prt-fieiit dute will keep on sale the important Kant India I letup remedied. Dr. II. James', prepara tion of thi herb on it own soil (Calcutta), will positively cure con Mimptioii, l.nmcliitts, asthma, and tta!al Catarrh, and break up a fresh cold in 't hour. J'.'.ot) per bottle or 3 bottles jfor $tl."V,). Try it. CKAHnocK & Co., proprietors. liiX'Race street. I'liiladelpia. KlIKl MATISM CUKEH IX A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 toll days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The dose tjreatly benelits, "a cents. Sold by F. (J. Fricke A Co., linguists, I'lattsmotith. A Sensible Man. Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat and luns. It is curino; more cases of couij'hs, colds.J as thma, bronchitis, crouo and all throat and luii troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized tlriitf jfirft so tfive you a sample bottle K H K K to convince you of the merit of this j reat remedy. Large bottles otJc. and if I, A Great Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp's Halsam forth.) Throat and Lungs' the great guaranteed remedy. It is sold on its merits and any druggist is authorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free. It never fails to cure acute or chronic coughs. All druggists sell Kemp's Hals.un. Large bottles 50c. and f 1. Salesmen'.--Knergetic men want ed. Free prepaid outfit. Due of our agents has earned over f'JO.iKK) in five years. I. (). Hox LITl, New Yolk. Mystic Life Metiewer, This wonderful Health Htiilder and Constitution Restores ii indeed a veritable renewerof life; because it possesses such marvelous powers to cure all forms of Failing Health, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases, Heart Affections, Female Weakness, HrokenConstitution and all wasting diseases. FJvery bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded, Free. bottle at F (1. Fricke & Co., druggists, JIMatts mouth. Notice to Gardners and Farmers i net ass county canning com pany is now ready to contract for 50 acres tomatoes. Contract can be found at the Ifindee hardware store, anil at the First National bank. 2t 0UR Blrk Baadaeheand relieve all tbatronblaa ino dent to a bllloua atate of tba aratam, aucb afl Piulneaa, hauaea, Urowatnaaa, lllatreaa aftat eatlriR, Palo In tba Side, ka. While their moal remarkable aacceaa liaa beau iflown Ui ciuug SICK EeaAaeha, yet Carter Littlo Llrer Pttll arw eouallv valtiaklo In Con'tlnation. curtna and ore. Ventlug tblaaQnr.ricRcouiplaint.wbllo tbey aln rorTectaildlaorderaottlinatnmacntliniiiatetn liver and regulate the bowel. JCTnUU-yoni Aehathey wonld bcalmoitprloelcsato thoaawha aulfrr fromtblihatrfaKiiigconiilalnt; butfnrtu Bately thelrgKidiieaadiieanotenil bi're.amlthoaaj Wbooncetry tbcmwlll find these littlo plllavalit Able In no many wave t bat they will not be wil li&g to du without tbem. IiutafUirallalcklieaJ I tb ban of ao many Uvea that her I what we maie our great boaat. Oui plllacureltwljlla Otbera do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and Trry eaay lo take. One or two pills make a doaa. They are strictly rentable and do not gripe or purnf, btithy tliuirfrenlle action pleaaaall wbo uaetbam. Jnvulaat'JScenta; llvafnrll. Sold by drugxiata arerywliere, or nut by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CARTER'S I f IVER PIUS, -J A VARNISHED TALE. When Mr. and Mrs. Rlitrik of Jot atreet went to K.UMiie on their wedding tour, j Blank took Ins kodak along. His lovely . tmmt'liiie thought he wan "jierleotly hor j rid to think of Hiiythinii that would ill tnwt hia Httoutioii trom her, and poor Itlmk had a hanl tinietouuarint himself. Ii-. had wisely concluded that a kodak I would let them down easy on the billing! nd cooim; husiuesi. A lon married frh'iul ; had u.iii.ed him that there would hot..,- . rent of teat's iiion t!ie tirst lndicatioii of n Uuip in h: uttcMious, ami this he v ' posed to iliik'tiise liy rlever Mtrateuy. His M'lieme toi ktsl like a charm. Theii tnutiial infiitua ion gradually ahifted fcoin each other to the little lilack Ikix, anil the button tt prossed with ever incn-asini; in reri'i. The O'.itt. nve of it wax that Blank la-cmue an uninitit;ateil crank on the auh jecr ,i( photography. His private den nut converted into a regular ory as kihhi as thev had returned anil were settled at housekeeping The shelves were tilled with lieualiveM, transparencies and Minis, and the table was covered with huruUhers, devel opers, typo trays and other accessories ol photoiiraphy One evenitm not lorn; airnMr. nnd Mrs. Blttik cauie over from t'hurlottu avenue to spend the eveuim. The air wa.s as sharp iw neisl'.es, nnd 4hi'ii they arrived poor Mrs. Blink was nearly wild with nennili;ia in her face. Mrs. Blank is a sympathetic little creature, and idie flew hpuukI to net relief for her visitor. She found some lieu raUia pills, hut they seemed to d ) no yood. ' I here is a Imttle of liniment in the house. that is just splendid if I could Hud it," she nil id. "James xot it for me, ami it uave al most Immediate relief." Then the little lady went Into her hits band's private den to look for the bottle, while Blank went into the. library to have a quiet smoke with lilmk. Mrs. Blank prowled about smellitiK the tint tie mil il she was almost ill, and finally found one that nhe was sure contained the liniment. The label read, "Anthony's (Juick Ilrying aruisli,' hut the lady did not slop to read il. The sufferer leaned back in her chair, and Mrs. Blank slopped on a liberal coutinof the varnish Anv one who has handled negative varnish know w ith what wonder fill rapidity it la transformed from a thin liipii I to a Klaens hard as 1,' uml as touh as Inttlier. Mrs. Blink's face was puckered up into the most woeful expres sioti her features could iissiinie wlicu the application was made. "There," said her attendant, "I know that w ill rvlicv" you In a few minutes." .Mrs IHnik really felt that there was some mysterious virtue in me remedy. M,e tried to smile lauu'iiidly and say, "Thanks, I am better now," but found it utterly iui possible. Her lips weiv filled together ns if tho seal of silence had la-en forever set upon them, and her face was like that of a graven imau;u She made a queer little noise in her throat like a strangled shriek, and her eyes bean to roll horribly a she clawed at her varnish iMiunil features. Then It dawned upon Mrs. Blank that she had made a terrible mistake. She had used chloroform instead of liniment ami her dear friend w as th ing. In one brief in statit she saw herself in the prisoners' dock, the place crowded witli aynipatlii.inij friends and the judkce removing the kinks from Ills pat riarehal hiuird as lie prepared to Hive her a life sentence. It was too horrible to contemplate, ami Mrs. Blank shrieked aloud with terror. The two gentlemen nearly fell over each other in their haste to enter the room. "tireat heavens! what's the matter" they shouted its they saw Mrs. Blink's con tortions and Mis. Blank's look of horror. "This Is terrible," said Blank. "My poor fellow, you must Is nr it like a man. It's a stroke of paralysis." Blink nearly had a lit at this announce ment, lie crtUKht his stricken wife In his arms and i Mscd her with Impassioned fervor The I iss M-emed to slip away like water sliding from a duck's back. Blink felt as if he had kissed it nickel plated coal stove. "What the devil's this?" he exclaimed, in coiMcniation at the polished Klae on his wile's lace. "1-1 have kiled her," faltered Mrs. Blank, sin!, inn into a lu-tip on the door. The Isitlle wasstill clasped in her hand, and Blank saw the lalsd "Bo you mean to say you have Ih-cii usiiiK that slulT lor liniment" lie inquired. His wife could only fcasp an allirmative. Mrs. Blank will never forRt't the look her husband Kiive her at t hat moment. Then he burst into u roar of laughter. When lie could stop lotitf enough to explain, he ap peased the Indixnalloii of the others. They tried Is'iiiue and Kasoline without avail, and It was only after half a pint of alcohol had been applied an a dissolvent that Mrs. Blink could smile iiKiiin. There were strained relations between the two families for several days, but it ia all over now. They are friends again, but the little eplsisle will never be forgotten. J. B. C. in Detroit News. it Good Match Ural. His stoop was quite correct, his hat was of the right shadeand breadth of brim, his neck was mn tiled in a silk scarf, his hair was brushed forward, and his hooked handle cane v. a carried at the proper angle. He was a robust ly rounded young man, smoked a eigar instead of a cigarette and was alto gether a good, healthy specimen of chappie, dealt boy. One might have been deceived into the supposition that he was capable of original thought Tlie guest to whom he sent his card waa out. As he turned to leave the ofllce coun ter he reached for a match In tlie silver box. Then he fumbled around and scratched it several time fruitlessly. Finally In that helpless, baby w ay that overcomes chappies when upset in the throes of a dilemma he said tn the clerk: "Awh, 'ok do you serawtcb these Uiaw tclies. jeknow " "Take a good mutch and simply strike it on the liiHi'ble, You etui use the seat of your trousers if you like," wa the response, and the Ih-II boys buried their fates in their hands and sobbed. Washington Star. Tin Itnnif nutty of Knr-. Says an amateur in astronomy: "tine of the most atHi tling facts that I have learned about other worlds than ours, mid one that brings the immensity of the sun Is-forr the mind In an impressively pruclical this: That if the earth were placed at the center of the sun, and the moon shoitiu n tain the same relative position it new I ns. the distance from tlie earth to I lie niooii would Is-only a little more than half the distance from the center of the sun toils circumference that Is, the entire orbit of the uitKiti, 4Mi.nno miles in diameter, is imi much more than half the si.e of the sun, w hich is over Win,1""' miles in diaiiieier. It seems to me t tint not hint' can convey tot lie mind an idea of the immensity of soma thing in the universe hihI the sniallness of others our earth for example in a mora practical way than this plain atatemeut of aimple astrouonii m facts." New York Tribune. The A pproachlng Yaohtlac Neaaoa. i The launching of Mr. Carroll' i 84-foot-i-, which has 1hh suiri'Msfully at'cnnt dished in America from the famous yard of th IlerresliotT, reminds ua of the ap proach of n Viichting season of an impor-: tiHifo hitherto uiiisUiiled. Sintv ls.11, ' wlicu tin; Atiii'rica won tho Royal Ync'.it Squadron cup, thero have Ihvii nuttier-' ous contest lietvveeti the old and the new ' countries for tho sailini,' chauipiotiship, hut the vessel that is built of nutneient ' jturditii'SH to ndvcnttire. the Atlantic; ja.ssai:i i nt a notoriiuis (lisadvantaii when pitted against a rival whoso con-, itruction dt'tuands no such solidity. Ac cording to designers on istth Hides of tin) western ivean, the present rating rules of both England and America liavo n ' tendency to produce machine, rather than tho desired "wholesotnrt tyjie" of, yacht, and under their provisions com-1 fort hits t Is' sacriticed to sisi'd. tn tho otlier hand, a yacht that cun crosa l!n Atlantic must at least Ixi re'k onel seitwoi'Miy, and that she should bo wtTst"l by a .st ay-at 1101111' nmchiia'tak 't tducli of the stiti','otit of defeat. During ttie foiiiinj; season, however, no audi tin-1 s.itisfactnry conclusion will U possible. If Mr. Carroll's sloop 1h Iwaten in Eng lish waters and Lord Dunraven's cutter in American, we can at least cry quits, but if the victory fall on Ivoth side. to tin.- saint1 nation, there can l no longer any luiestinn in to her claim to pit einineiire for the time. The prizes on either side i,re of nearly similar impor tance, nnd tlieir defender will Ira about equally numerous. Loudon SaturJay Iieview. , A lleer Htury. I Last fall Mr. Walling, whoso farm ad joins the village of llaliburton, had two acres and a half of Swedn turnip. Of these ho gathered two acres, putting them in heaps and covering them with about six inches of straw. The half acre was not harvested. Mr. Walling's inten tion was to draw the turnip which were in heaps a soon a the tirst snow came, but tlie intention was not carried out nnd tlie show covered tlie heaps and pre served tlio turnips. Last week Mr. Wal ling decided to commence feeding the turnips nnd took a sleigh to tho turnip field. The heaps were all gone. Every turnip had been eaten by deer. More than that, the half acre had been care fully gone over by tho herd of deer, and every turnip had been grublicii out of the ground nnd eaten, l.tMHJ bushel in all being eaten. The marks of tho deer were seen in every direction, and there must have been 9 tr 10. The field where tin? turnip were consumed is not more than three-quarters of a mile from the village postollice, goinga tho crow flies. Uobcaygeon Independent. llevlre tn Shut Off Ntcani I'ower. The machine shop of J. W. Russell on Taylor street, where the idea of many valuable, inventions have been worked out, has just put forth a new contrivance which promises to be exceedingly useful. It ia a method of stopping un engine by means of an electric button from nny part of a shop. Many times uccideiits liapM'ii in various rooms of factories which could easily have been jirevented if it were not necessary to run down to the engine room before (he machinery could lie HtopiM'd. The idea of stopping it by electricity has been tried before, but never by n pro cess so simple and sure us this. The idea was developed by John Slaniiiiril of this city and was perfected Monday, after four months' hanl labor on it. The whoh mechanism occupies not luoto than a cubic foot of Kpace. Springfield Repub lican. Our Ki'Mlheri'd (lamina. "i ich. Mike, would ye Ink! HereV a pie iiul.ide!" said a woi kiiigiiian engaged in shoveling away the snow ulsmt a big building in coarse of erection. His shovel had laid low un enormous snowdrift where tho wind bud swirled fiercely about n corner, ami in the Ixittoiuof it were tho frozen hodies of 20 or !) Eng lish sparrows. It was a pie indeed, and there were many such baked last winter. Millions of the fierce littlo bird jierished from the stress of winter, ami it will take years of breeding to bring back the cheer ful nritiy, the feathered gamins of our street and the brightest littlo soldier among us, for, when all' uaid nnd done, one cannot help liking the Fparrow for his courage and his ititinito cheerfulness under adverse circumstances. He is a constant example to the blue and down heHrled. New York Herald. I'oor raderewakl, I'ftdcrewski's manager has come to the pianist's assistance to keep the girls away. The persistency with which they insist utKin waylaying the pianist in town and out of tow n, in the wings on his way from the stage to his dressing room, Iihh led to the omission from the programme of the I'uderewski recitals u list of the pianist's future engagements, with the times and places of his apjienr ances. This has been done at the request of I'uderewski, who was forced into some measure of protection from the mob of women who have jK.'stered and followed him everywhere. I'oor IV derewski! Boston Herald. Tho 1'rlaiiner SoiiKht Seclusion. Of all the ludicrous things which are told of the condition of the discipline in the Massachusetts state prison, that story of the convict Booth, who, having appointed himself chairman of a com mittee to select a testimonial to the re tiring warden, coolly picked out head quarters Htid hung up a sign, ' No Ad mittance," which was duly resja'cted by the prison guards, is the most amazing. If we don't look out, this extraordinary Clmrlestown bastile will hihiii be figuring in comic ojiera. Boston Journal. Land at K'J.'iU I'er loot. Some land in Cornhill, Loudon, has recently belli sold at the rate of iX'.tMKl, 0(H) per acre. The land included five shops, covering altogether 2,. UK) feet, su perficial, and it was sold for i l 13,000, or at the rate of about INTO per foo'.. Two more shops in the same street, having an area of about 2..100 feet, were bought ill for 1100,000. London Tit-Bits. P. J. HANSEN, HhALI'K IN STAFLFY AND FANCY GROCERIES GLAS and QUEENSWARE. i'.itl ullage uf tlo I'lildu (iu itrrl I Nortl. Sixth btreei, PiHttsuioun TIMOTHY : CLARK. DKALKK I.N Coal and Wood. THUMB CAM... Yards and Ofllce 4o Smith Third Mreet Telephone No. l:i. PLATrsMOUril. NKHKASKA The OldReliable YARD H. A. WATERMAN i SON. Lath, Sash, Shingles, DOOl.fc. : IILIXDM. Ktc. C'iiii supply every deuiiin of the city. Call and rt terms. Fourth sit reel in rear ol opera house. StyeQtizetys'Bai? CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. W. II. crSIIIMl, l'ri'H. J. W.JOIINSO.N, Viie l'rt M. F K K I W. C A K R I'TII, CiiHh'r. A kfeueral bankltiu business transacted. INTEREST ou deposit) al lowed tot follow: Four per tent. Hiinual iiitcrt'Ht if ilfpositt'il three months. Five percent nuiiunl intercut if tie poHitetl nix months!. Six per cent, tttmuiil intercut if tlepoHitetl one year. THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS Notary l'uhlic it Abstracter Solicit Real Estate, Loau and Insurance Agent If you have real estate to Bell oi exchange hcikI tit description, price and terms. Abstracts of title furnished nt reas onable rates. $100,000 to loan nt 7'2 per cent and no commissions, ou jooil farm security. POLLOCK A IIYF.RS Plattsmouth Nm. Office under (' County Hank. For AtchitiBon, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louin, and all points nr'th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bap Huge checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND ROUTES II, D. APSAR. AkU Plattsraouth, Telephone, 77, J