Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 23, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tin: wi:i:ki,y iii:kai.i: i'LriMouru.M:iniAsKA. fkiikuaky an. ism.
A Giit-AT SHOT. lli'f llinili-r Wlm CnuM
"The finest Mile shot that CVcr
talked tli Hiil nf the west was a
man named Miiiu Woolsey, an old
tuner, who livtil m ar Yuma, A. T.,
in tin pmkI nil htitu'laysnf the west.
Myearsii!o."Kiid WallaenMcLiuriii.
a commercial tourist of riiiladelpl.ia.
$a he wan sw'ii)iii stories w ith a
half down other drummers ut tin'
LindeU last niejit. "I reinemlicrhiiii
well, for I iisi-d to live in the w ild
uinl woolly west ls-foro 1 eoinineiici d
Hi lling tfoods on the road. This man
Woolsey was originally from Ohio.
Hi moved to Arizona in his early
childhood. When lie wan alumf. the
H','i of 10 his father und mother were
killed and scalped hy tin Apaches,
lit hid in tho rocks mid sca'ied.
1 ivt years later, when In wax u men'
hoy, lie went on tin warpath for tin'
Apaches, and ho never spared out. ,
He could not count exactly how many
lio had killed in his life.
'Tho last time I saw him was one
lay while tln stao stopped to lot
tho horses rest near Texas hill, on
the Gila, river, in 172. His famous
a riilo shot had spread all fiver the
west, and tho mention of his liamy
lilled tho Apache's heart with fear
and tremblin;,'. Tho passengers per
minded him to tfivt an exhiliilion of
his marksmanship, and ho consented.
Ho nailed u hoard up to tho side of a
httlo shanty and put Km halls at a
(listaneo of Pin yards in tho same
pluoo without tho difference of a
sixtirntli of an inch in mil hliots. lie
then drovo tho nails far into tho
hoard with ID moro shots. Every
ono applauded.
"Then ho took ii common hullet,
tied it to an lnliiiitosinially small
thread, fastened tho thread to tho
limb of a tree I'D feet above the
ground, placed asinnll neck bottle on
tho ground und started tho bullet
swinging to und fro. He walked
back 50 paces, wheeled suddenly
(in mud and fired.
"Well, gentlemen, you may stuff
nio with sawdust and exhibit mo ns
the biurirest liar in the tin i verso if
Woolsey didn't cut that string in
twain with his rillo ball and make tho
bullet drop in the mouth of tho liot-
tlo. St. Louis Republic.
Looking nt Tlirriiiiiiiii'tt'r.
Thero is a morbid desire in the
breast of mankind to look upon
scenes of sutTering mid horror.
Wo instinctively turn to that page
of tho daily paper whereon are it
counted the sickening accidents of
the day. With u feeling of mingled
dismay and curiosity wo approach
tho scene of some accident and elbow
our way within view of the sufferer.
Wo know a certain Kiirlit will
shock oursensiliilitics, and yet, shud
dering, wo draw near and view it.
If you want a practical illustration
of this, just watch the crowds nboiit
the thermometers on a cold, freezing
Hero conies a man, wrapped tip ir.
an ulster, slapping his ham Is together
end trying his Ix-st to keep warm.
Ho sees tho thermometer at a dis
tanco and shivers. At that very mo
ment there creeps into his mind an
abnormal, ulooiny desire, to lo k at
it. Ho knows tin sight of the mer
cury at zero will freeze his blood to
tho marrow, and vet ho cannot re
Ho creeps stealthily up. takes on
furtive glance and slink:, nwny
his teeth chattering and his b!o
curdled. Now York Herald
CllmliliiK w '.im-ohiiiiI Tree,
Cocoanuts when ripe fall to tin
ground, and when nciVssary an
plucked by men who climb up. It
sometimes makes one's blood run
cold to see them run tin tho trees like
Two ways are practiced for mount
ing tho trunk. In the case of a small
tree, or at an odd moment, tho man
walks up tho trunk, keeping his fet
flat against it and throwing his
weight back from it as much as pos
sible, returning his position at the
sanio time by the tension of his anus,
The other and safer plan is to pa
A loop of cord around the feet, w hich
are thus kept closo together, and
grasp tho trunk of the tree, tho anus
tti tho meant inio assisting theelimle
or, who moves upward in a scries of
jumps. Frank Leslie's Monthly.
A Ktrti-rt-mi".
A little hotel mi Market street
h ings out a fin. "Beds, 2T and
cents." A guest walked in the olh
day and asked to ie snow u a sneri
men of each kind of lied. Ho found
that they wereexactly the same size,
in the same room, nnd lxitu wereeov
oivd with woolen comforts that
looked just alike.
(.Juest Why do yoti chaic more
for ono bed than the otheri They
are as much alike as two leghorn
Landlord (condescendingly) We
change tho sheets, sir, on tho ;o cent
beds once a week, and on the ". cent
beds once a month.
(.Jiiost -lines I'll take a I'lo-nt
seat by the stove and nod. Louisville
The Me of the. Pyramid.
The largest of the pyramids was
originally 11 feet high ami b.Vl on
the sides, the luse covering 11 acres.
Th" stones, w hiil i i.ieinl'US layers,
average GO feet in length. Ono ae
euiiiit says that o.ii,t!llo men worked
far twenty years in fashioning tho
Titanic pile. St. Louis Republic.
Ilir Hon Willi I'll r n.
P.irky l.uiii:i ' is not very cletrant
or but it sometimes
lias an oi i quality and force jif ex
pros .ion that convey its nii anir.
bettt r than any diet. .wary would do.
S .ii;,',' in -ii wi re standing in
tli lit .1 park at the corner :1
Tw h;.i street and Mussiehusettsuv
emii admiiii. a bulldog belonging
t one of them, w hen a little w hitt
dog trotted around the corner. Tin'
bull m hi in 1 ii m in him. and in an ii
htnnt the air was fuil of the howls ol
the dog and the voices of the boys as
they came to the rescue and liegan
kicking and hauling the bull to make
him loose his hold.
A colored man w ho had come uj
took a hand in the contusion with
great enthusiasm, and they finally
pulled the big dog oil. The little dog
went down the street like two yards
of white paint, and the other broki'
loose and went in hot pursuit. The
olorod man watched tho race for a
moment nnd then yelled: "Ho won t
ketch 'ini; he won t ketch 'mi. Dat
udder dawg's got a purpose, he has."
lie didn't ' ketch 'im either. Wai-b-iniiton
MukhiK I.riiiiiiiiKlK.
'I learned a new thing," Paid a
woman recently, ' winio visiting an
Knglish friend who is living in this
ountry. Wo had a small dance out?
evening of my stay, and my hostess
served the most delicious lemonade 1
ver drank. I sjiokeof it the next
day, and she told me it was made
with freshly boiled water - the secret,
she said, of thoroughly good lemon
ndo. ' 'I haven regular rule,' she furthei
informed me, 'which insures success
if I am making a quart or a gallon.
For a quart 1 take the juice of three
nions, using the rindot onoot them.
I am curcful to peel the rind very
thin, getting just the yellow oiitsuh
this lent into pieces nnd put with the
juice anil powdered sugar, of which
1 use two ounces to the quart, in a
jug or jar with a cover. When the
water is just at the ten point I pour
it over tho lemon and sugar, cover ai
once and let it get cold, lrytms
way once, and yon will never make it
any other w ay.' " Her I'oiut of View
m New lork limes.
A fnllrge Eiprrienr.
W hilo 1 was in college my room
contained no clock, and I did not
have a watch. My supper hour was
5:o() p. m. and I always left my room
at 5. For awhilo 1 had to inquire of
tho landlady tho time. loiter on ur
I studied from 1:110 until 5 in my
chair by tho window, a queer, nerv
otis sensation overcame mo as tin
hour of 5 p. m. drew near. I always
imagined that I was studying over
my supper time, and invariably drew
on my coat und hurried oil to my
supper. 1 can say that in six months
I never came a minute too early or
late, and I never looked ut a clock
Now that is instinct, of course.
havo heard of many such instances
and it has occurred frequently under
many conditions, but I must say that
instinct is a sure und true guide, and
that it plays a great part in tho or
dinary routine of our daily lives.
St. Louis I Jlobe Democrat.
Tim Old Time Sklp.ier.
Inmates of tho wardroom on tin
American man of war often alludo to
tho captain as the old manor the
skipper. Tho latter is not, as many
sup'xise, a slang term, but a sound
word, of excellent etymology, and
valuable as carrying within itself an
interesting bit of commercial history.
SkipjxT is simply shipper, and it
conies down from a time when every
commander was as well part owner
of vessel and cargo, or, literally, the
ship'ier. There are still scores ot
local shipyards along the Atlantic
coast, some of them the outgrowth of
private yards where tho "vessel own
el's" of fifty yours ago built their own
ships to cany their own und their
neighliors' crops to nnuket.. New
York Sun.
Hidden Tatloo Marks.
An escaped convict was tin trial W
fore a French court, and thorniest ion
turned uj.mii his identity with a pris
oner known to have Ixvn tattixvod.
There was no ainx aranoo of roloi-od
marks ujxn his arm, and the ques
tion submitted toll. Ioroy, aniodicu
legal export, was whether the man
had ejier been tattooed. M. Li'oy
ajuilitHl strung friction to the skin ot
the man's arm. This had the effect
of bringing out white lines as cioa
trices, with a slight bluish tint. Hy
this means the word "Sophie" was
plainly legible in white marks on the
reddened skin. This jd'oved the iden
tity f the convict. Toronto Mail.
A Mounter Kile.
A kite made in New 1 Liven b
twelve feet across mid til teen feet
high, covered with rod cambric.
Twelve hundred feet of mainlla cord
is used in raising it. This is run
homii great reel alaint the size of a
steering wheel of a steamer. It re
quires two men to linn the cranks,
which, it is stated, will boar two toiM
pressure. - Kxi billiue.
hlliier mid llolinev,
Whit tier's regard for Oliver W.
Holmes may bo seen from this ox-
tract of idle of the dead js't s letters
to Elizabeth Stuart Phelps:
I have been iii, but I went to the
Holmes breakfast for the gixid dix
tor's sake. He mid I nro very old
friends, not merely literary friends.
We love each other.
A I.phhoii lii Mreel f ur n touelfw Tan
L n Itostiin 4,irl.
It was Viw ecu ii and 7 o'clock in
the evening, and the Tivmoiit street
car was crowded. A good many of
the passengers wi re workingmeu,
and those who were forttiimteenough
to have a seat, even if it was a very
narrow one, seemed to lose half the
pleasure of it in watching the ihxn
every time the car stoi ii nil. It rein bed
Lliot street, however, without an in
vasion of the fair hex. Then rive oi
six of thiii got on Wird. The ma
jority of the new comers were young
and pretty und of that type who seem
to make a special study of tho liest
methods for making the male patrons
of street cars feel uneasy if they
happen to be sitting.
One of the arrivals, however, wai-
a motherly looking woman, whose
every featuro indicated that she hal
"a will of her own."
Several of the young girls had si
Kct til tho seats they meant to have
when they had ogled their present
occupants out of them, andonoyouru
man with u careworn look, who knew
ho was a victim, but did not want tc
givo up tho battle, decided to com
promise rather than ucknowledgo his
defeat. Ho got up and offered hi.--seat
to the motherly looking woman.
Instead of quietly dropping into the
vacancy, as is usual in such cases,
the woman turned and said:
"No, thank you, sir. I am as well
able to stand as you ure. You bail
better keep your scut." Then, warm
ing up to the subject, she continued:
"I cannot understand this nonsense
of giving up everything to women,
us if they wero.iHior, weak creatures,
unablo to stand. Hero is a cart'ul ol
men who havo been working hard all
day and want a rest on their way
homo, hut they ure supposed to give
up their seats to a lot of young girle
wlio havo nothing to do but sauntei
through the stores all day long and
have not foresight enough to go home
bctoro the ours become crowded.
mime ii simply ridiculous, u is a
giMxl while since I havo 1m -on on a
street carut this time of the da v, and
I propose, so far us 1 am concerned
to leave tho seats to those who have
the liost right to them." '
Tho young man looked confused, a
number of the older men shook theii
heads approvingly, others looked on
in wonder, and tho girls for whose
benefit tho remarks wero apparently
made seemed undecided whether to
giggle or pout. They cast longing
glances at tho vacant seat, but not
ono of them had tho courage to drop
into it.
Tho car stopped. A young woman
got on lx ard. She h loked at tho deep
red cushion, then at tho girls w he
were hanging on tho straps, und
seemed unablo to understand it. A
smilo went around tho car, and foi
several blocks there was a vacant
seat in a crowded elect l ie. Boston
(educing Oik-'i Sli,
We have the authority of Edwin
Checkley, physioulturiat, that men
wear corsets frequently when the in
creasing size of tho Ixxly below the
Ixlt gives indications of what Check
ley mildly calls "advancing matur
ity." But anylxxly may get rid ol
that accumulation of fat, which Is a
dead give away as to one's age, the
physiculturist says. The fat gathers
over tho region alxmt the waist be
causo that part of tho body gets no
The reniiHlies proposed for Hking
away the fat deposits are: first, deep
and slow breathing; second, working
the muscles of the alxlominal region
in and out. As to tho breathing, the
fat ix'ison who would lie thin must
stand erect, place his hands ujxjh the
front of his bixly below the waist
and breathe as long and deep breaths
as jHissible, "tilling the lungs to their
lowest extremities." Then exhale the
air slowly. Do this 10 minutes at a
time, morning and evening, and sev
eral times u day if possible. Ex
Tho Pit of Ore u ii tie Souel.
The wonderful pit of Creiw do
Souci in France is situated in a sheet
of recent basalt on tho south side of
tho ly do Montchal. The ojK'ning
is S3 foot in diameter and 5JS feet
deep, but at that depth a hole aliout
10 foot wido communicates with a
hollow 7U foot deep, at the bottom of
which is i htagnant pixil overladen
with carls uric, acid which forbids ac
cess to the water surface. The in
terior is a vast hollow, apjiarently
formed in tho basalt when semifluid
by an explosion of volenuicgas. The
temperature falls from 51 degrees
Fahrenheit in the open air to HI de
grees near the water. Pittsburg
New I inlit on VloUev.
lit a historical examination the fol
low ing was written: Wulsey was a
famous general who fought in the
Crimean war, and w ho, iit'ter being
decapitated several tunes, said to
Cromwell, "Ah, if 1 had only served
you its you have served me, I would
not have been deserted in my old
ago." His- A. C. Graham, in I'ni
vcrsity Correspondent.
A Minuter Opul.
All opal ranking ns third among
the finest in the world is riescril silos
having three longitudinal bands of
tin! rim icinnii kind, from tho upper
most of which rose perpendicularly
tho most resplendent flames. It
measured 9 by G inch. Harper's
Py Hie si-te of the w a thrto mourners pale
Sul lilly !iu-hint( uti id Id -will.
"Wlicre Milk your li i" Inr turned lirrl.i a.1.
"Hy llio ! 1 Spice Island-, it lien," ulic said.
"And often I fiinry on din like thine
Their hp-nth llouln in me u't-r unit hern M an."
"Where Mik your-diip'r" "Hy trin4-st to&sed.
On u nhoi'K of umlier ami learl 'twas lout.
"Oh. often I dream of It heituiiful Ixil
Aud the Minlxiw kIiiiiis thai are round U
"Where rank your shipV" Oh, wan, w hite fine.
Doeth know not, then, her lo-t love' place
"ly Khip sank not," the nald, and cant
A til.y shell on the waters vast.
No halmy odors nor ki-iiis of price
Her dreaiUHto ilsrentiiiK place entire,
lkr ship lies froze u in an tic ice.
Christian Hug-lster.
nhn Ohhornr, Who lias Itctlml After
Forty-six Years' Work.
John Oslxirne, the veteran jockey of
Eiiidawl, recently retired from the turf
nfler an active career of more than forty
live years. The oixhmom was niiule ineniiv
ruble liy theiiresence of many distinguished
men, among whom was Sir Charles K u h
nll, Gladhtoue'H attorney general. All of
these were sub
scribem to th
purse of S,60y
guinea! which was
presented to Os
borne as a token of
appreciation of hit
honest work on
tin; turf.
Osborne flfHi
iT'Kreat "win was
the 1,000 nuinea.1
in IM.V1, with Man
Ranese. The fol
lowing year, o
JollV osti'iliSK. Vedette, he won
the 2,000 guineas. Anions; Osborne's other
triumphs ate numbered the Derby of lHt)9,
on Pretender; t he St. I.ei;erof lsiil, on Ionl
Clifileti, ami of JS71, on Apology; the Oaks
of IS74, on Apology; the '-,0UO of ISO',', on
Pretender; of 1871, on Ilothwell; of 1n?J, on
t'l-ince Charlie, ami of lbiJ.on Cainballo,
ami (he 1,000 of 1S74, on Apology, liil
mnaller victories are numberless.
A Krotch Tenant' Grievance.
Mr. Ib-jxj Johnstone, of Atiiiainhde,,
who owns one of the largest estates in
the Boutb of Scotland lias raised an ac
tion in the Dumfries sheriff's coi:r'
Bainst one of his hill tenants which i-
exciting great interest in the north. Mr
Hope Johnstone Mies the tenant fur pay
inent of the last half year's rent amount
ing to 123.
The tenant pleads that he is entitled
to retain the sum due because the land
lord has violated the agreement concern
ing the buruing of heather, with the oh
ject of providing additional cover foi
game, the result bearing that the ten
nt h sheep had no young heather to cat
He also pleads thut he 1ms suffered
severe losses m consenuence of the
landlords keeix-rs having killed down
weasles, hawks, owls and smaller birds,
owing to which there has been a plague
or voles, winch have eaten up the pus
tnres. The case is regarded throughout
bcotland as a test action, and if the ten
ant is the winner, then landlords who
sacrifice everything to the iireservatior
of game are ikely to have a bad tiui of
it London Truth.
SI Shooter ami llayonet.
Vjrneral Grant recommended that tin
haonet be alx)lisheil in the United StaiHf
service anil the six shooter lie Mihstitiiieu
for close fighting. The recommendation
was a good one. While the bayonet is the
most worthless of all weapons invented by
man, the six shooter is the most dcidlv
short THiige lool ever devised, (live me
club three feet long and I'll whip any man
who tries to bayonet, me; give me a six
ibooter and I'll make a bad break In any
column of bayonets. Interview in Si
Louis (jlobe-Democrat.
What II I There lor.
There is a new polk-emau stationed at
one of the up town crossings of llroadway
come one said to hint the other day:
"So you are here lo keep the horses from
running over the ladies, Hre you? '
"An unlade it's not, sir," he replied. "1
am here to keep the ladies from running
over the horses," uniting the action to the
word by quietly and very lirmly drawing a
woman back who seemed determined to
rush right over the three horses of a heavy
dray. New York Herald.
There's nothing left
of Catarrh, when you use Dr. Sage's
Catarrh llomedy. With tho poison
ous, irritating snuffs and strong,
caustic solutions, a good deal is
loft. They may, perhaps, 6top it
for a time, but there's danger of
driving it to the lungs. They work
on false principles.
Hut Dr. Sage's Remedy onm it,
no matter how bad the case, or of
how long standing. Not only Ca
tarrh itself, but Catarrhal Headache,
Cold in the Head everything
catarrhal in its nature. Tho worst
cases yield to its inihl, Hoothing,
cleansing and healing properties.
So will vours. You may not be
lieve it, imt the proprietors of Dr.
Sage's Remedy A.
And to prove it they make you
this offer:
If they can't cure you, they'll
pay yon 300 in cash. It's a busi
ness proposition from a responsible)
Hut do you think they'd mako
it if they, and yon, couldu t depend
upon their medicine ?
xpk IF
I 5,000
ac j'- i7 m m a ra a
JL This is the Largest
T ever Received in
ior humanity from infancy to old age.
of Ladies Jackets the Halnnce of the Month.
i win in m ucpnin i qhm
I niLLinm iiLivuLU a uun,
A nnlo Tf poc 3 years old Mrsl
AVJJJJIC 1ICC3, vurii'lim, Hen
t tin ns. Wins Saps, (1 rimes I lolileii Keil
ImieH. Kenrlv lliirvem. Mo. l'iimitl. "
Early Richmona,
FMum Trees Three-years oldj4U
Pear Trees Three Years old 40
ApricDtts--Russian 40
Quinces, Champion & Orange 3B
Garden Roots--Asparagus
Rheubarb -
Small Fruits, currum jV!;y"y:::
rronoe t'liuconl ntnl Nitor's Kiirty
Raspberries, Gregg
a loNi'un i-: stock ok
rii -j'
rugs, : meuiuwus, : ramts,
l. Ives Keliel at iince lorl olil in ileail.
Aiwhi iiitn thf S"ilrilt It it UiiHi4)irU
. i
I oc. liriisnisuiir by mail.
m -v
s 1 1 (j i-: s,
One Shipment of Shoes
this city consisting of
Km-li Dozen.
I'er 100.
i-lns. lemlitig
Dnvis, Johnii.
1 r v-i pf -c
a 1 1 c 1 13,
,1 80,$18 00
3 80 3B 00
3 BO 25 00
3 00
2 60
3 00
26 1 OO
50 4 O0
76 6 00
80 4 50
26: 1 28
26 1 28
1 60
: n' a-
ELY UhOS..M Warn-n Su, N. Y-