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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1892)
hi ate U'.ktotkl Socie:j PLAT! MOUTH HERALD. VOL XXIX. NO t. l'LATTSMol TH.r ASX'orM Y. NKUKASK A. Til V USD AY S KPT KM UK 11 ... s) !.. -A YKAU. :T7T7 T 1 TTNRTTH FOn 1 ' X i t ' - - - o-- Q HE HANDLES THE AnTSITITBT - EASY - CZivUAG- AM CAN CIVIC 0- PARLOR SETS, DINING ROOM SETS,: DKD KOOM SI! IS, AND A MKTk'i POL I pan T. 2 JAIN STREET. "CT ItN : THE : GREAT of HENDSE HE HARDWARE MAN OF PLATTSMOUTII. Hardware s AT LESS P5 Cents en ,. . iiivAi'iMv, tnc i lat t s i tii 1 1 1 1 1 1 tire .Mtock of the Omaha Hardware Co., of Omaha, and at such prices that it can am! will he re-sold in I Mat tsmottt Ii at retail direct to the consumer ;it from -N TO 25 GENTS i All the common ami unsaleable stock was sold as scrap iron and llendee lioii-ht nil yotnl stock. tl: Will be Shipped to T WILL TAKE YOU I.KSS THAN !IYK MINI ! KS It) K'HAD fills ANI I.KAK'N I Mat we ,'ire auain .repared for the HE largest !;F"ALL Mock, nl ordially invite ou to look over "r ,l;""'s"l"' si ii I well se- lei te.I .,int' I WELL !! Whip Cords, En;rIlsl1 berges. English j j j Broadcloths. FhW aH-Wool Hen- ! ASSORTED Wool BrocadeJ Crepe. Fancy . p Fnil.v Snitiiicr nm 4 MaCK bllKS i j b" . . " . Trimming burahs. Velvets. OItTe i f Chene, China Silks and Bural.ilies-1 1 Silk (lirdles and Dress Trimmings- PRICES jLOWER KID GLOVES, RIBBONS. cV l INItST LINK MMrt even , Chenille Table ' Damask ii 11 rurn : : CHIFFON LACES, LINENS. JHOES jJjtiE DEPARTMENT AT ONE-HALF PRICE. About 250 pairs in all sizes for Ladies', Misses" and Children s. It will ;. Q. DOVKY cv SON. HOOD HAKC.AINS -0 K Y K I Y T 1 1 1 X 1 K I : I ' 1 IX kstahlisiimkn r. K TJ : PLATTSMOUTII. : GOOD : LUCK THAN tie ZDollcr. llaniuaiv man lias pun liascil t lie en ON THE DOLLAR. Plattsmouth at Once E G TRADE D (,f "Iv'lvSS (iOtlhS in jl I I . . n r . ol- LACKS IX CI TY. S O Spreads, and Curtains. Table Spreads. N We want to call your attention to a Choice lot of Odds and Ends from our pay you to see them. nnmm nnmu uru ininT iuaHlxU Hlml nitlii nUu 1 Train it? Ohio. - A REAR END COLLISION. .. . a"'".tT. C at r M.'.civ'i V.'.-M ch "'era at His Mo'.ii;.- Hur-i in N , w Jm-.-ov ll'op?ra aV d In No '.v Y o ' K . Kii. ii.. Sept. . A iv ir em olli-i.i-i nt" th.- hr-t , (,,,,, ,,f ti,. Ni-l.ra.-k.i tr- ': .mi ! tl . i.: ...." i! I..;- ; -, ', ,, (-,,, I ' 1 1 n -; ' A ie-'-Mi ii:iii.;; ;lie ', . I j ; 1 1. . ; .V I ': i ' i t ! i - i; i . : - . ; i Al !'! a .a v . t, i . : r I. - ; . r II :-!...; ; - - p.-.,. , -1.. r.'-t ;; ! : r ! a i.ntr-;-!.!.!- ,, :: . ,.v, ,-,. .. j I'r.i-ii.! latn wia p, ...,.. v. . i. ; m, I l! !i J't' inj.;.-,- 1. Tl,,- h-t : ' Ili'NK'A J- I'.Uin. Ill , ci-t , alintit !'.;,.!. !' T i iv M. l.-i...:.: , ,,, ..u MeM.'u. ii;ii;r mi ),. .,'.,. ,..,. j.t, , ally. l'K . V. V. . -, A, -nil I. f,.:,, ;; : injui a 1 in;. tii ; mu' m- i M'i.m-vs ! en taken llie vt.-k - iU'1' '" t i' e m m. I - ,.f m mj MK's I.vVVI I. l-'i . I. !:;,, I'iiwm e i I"'' I'1'' w l;" timid almvt re-.'i -City, el.. , tramp!. ',1 ,,ii. I. Pei s ,,, ,,t;,ef mail in ..Met Ml. lii.'WI-.'V, I iiK'nIn. eli..' I;'l,m ilmii ra in l,vte. places. 'Iiree lin-en u;! !i and hand,! 0 km I V, M, A. 1. A I '"lulled. ; i .. ., , . ,,, i I l 1 1 . . . . . ... . J " "a'lij iiii! ii.'iniihij iTllised and miiitvd inteniall . J. K. l-.'k'V, l;ilm,ire coimtv, Nel.., head cut. Jisi: D. Sc.: i, I. a l-,.ntaine, hid., nose broken and arm injured. All the injured were takvn aboard tile train and curried thrfii-h to ashitn:to:i. The blame for the collision md been located. lII M I I l I I K' KK Kli. l-'iki; lsr..i), x. v.. Sept. is. - Not the ,sie hte.-t opposition was otlcied by the IIip health iiutlmrities or bay men to the landing of the V o inine's p;isseiie;ers today. The In-, liefamot.i;- the military am! civil officers in charge is that the hostile demonstrations made was due to the people not beine- aopiainted witli what had transpired duriii the early part of last week. Thej did not know that a resolution, ,. wl'icli copies were served yester day, had been adopted on Tuesday immediately alter the binding of the Normannia'.s passene'ers'J :iud that the Islip bo.H-d of health had within a few hours aniioui.ced thai no further protest would be made. Suits to recover a penalty will be beeim ; 1 1 1 1 1 the matter taken to the urandjury. Ir, Voi-ht and M (.vf I'. T. Wall had the nrraneemeuts so eomplete f,,r .piictly and pleasantly locating (he new arrivals that with in an lionr after landiim- everyone had possession of it room and had dined. Kven those who had pro tested most against the removal here exoress satisfacl ion. .No siikuess anmnn the passrn ;ers is reported. i:u ji:ivi;v has a , st.. Ni w lik't su ii k, x. , Sept. Captain James Carr, owner . f the eanal boat Henry Cahill. whi. h i lyilii: at the loot of Sixteenth stiv -t. New York, caine to his im.thei Mouse. 1' John street this city, with his wife am! sick child on Vriday evening by tin- steamboat New Hrunswick, and was stricken with eholera this nioruiiie, ;m, 1 1 , ; ,.Vr. nine is v erj low. Tii ca-e i pro- unced Asiatic cholera b I r. 1 ltari,VV'"' i""l" clor of the board of ''J,"', i ,' I b- hv.- "as I,,, ,, .pi.uantiucd , iind a p-s, h.-. e prepmed lor I !.' ,....,.,. i., ,t ,s- ......, ne win n,e " """' ' '"' oy is in i -.imi.i-; i ' 'i i . 1 1 1 1 , . u , I here is much i-vcilc iin-nt. but no panic. Xi:V Ynkk, Sept. lv- fh,. ,ard of of health issued a bulletin this nltiTiioon in which it was -tap , no cases il su-pe ted cholera had appeared since (lie last bulletin ami no deaths Imin cholera had oc curre I since Tuesday. It reports that there is no n asi-n to suppose the diagnosis ol the at lending physician in the case ,,l 1'eter Calliihiin, a suspected case, to be correct, in that the death was due to diari h.ea and vomiting. The report of the liiicferiolo-ists ;is to Mary McCoriuio. a suspected cholera ease, is to the clieet that no symptoms of , holera h,-m. i.,.n discovered. Mityor firant, Superintendent in-mes President Martin l the! hoard. hi.! Dock C.Miiiiiir.i. in r I. S. ryeant iiand went ilnwii the bav this al'ern mii t iM.p-i I! ai.liii.' .. .. ... , ., . ti:' wrri" .i I l.y Health i;i.cer Jenkins and U;.- part) proceeded t.. lower ipiaran: ;ne .I'nl I. amp l.o.v ,ii ' ' " -T VMim I AkMV I.-. ! i i 'i' 1 . .:.n:ii s KiMi.'n H I', i" ''. .1-1', II H: :'l I l.' r l.i'i . .... I e.u'.le 1 t ','h i - ho-' i t , 1 1 w 1 1 h i m f . i ; M hi i.i ..... i - Hi!.' 1; !e ., - 1 1 ,. ii. t...iK iij. ii ( . mi. I viii a i., 4. i l.mce I, n. Si wiima.. h, r,i. i . " I :i . -an-;,,-. ; 1 1 -'''I i I u . i 1 1 , i . i . I ,. ,1,,,.,;. . ; . ! !! -a. - ,, t;.,. 1 him- I ihinj !.,. -! -ii .aiim .,( a ,,t -...!j in - j ; I I m I 1 1 : - , . I.vie.' l'l .. i- n.! i,t la.:- (J, - e ' t lie l pel in- I ' p.'-li.lii.e at II, mii . : I'll- t.i In- kmiu I 1 I- net t i ' I - Ii. , f I,-, ,f ... I'' mr- "I' pi ia:. .1 mal'.T. an ' ' . . . - ' ! e ! - ; i . ! M 1 '' '' l!ir.iah , I,,, ,,, ,;i , ,, , , .,, . '" 1,1 '' i. "l-el ...1,-. J Iih mi - pa. i ii i ; 1 1 m a.-iu n - m 1 1 s , i s i j that ii am II in was needed to arouse the in. linnet ion of the ( i rand Arm of the KYpid.lie member now in Va-!:iri-tnii a-ainst the "milit.'.rj record" of ( i-ner.d" Ad la i Steenson, the democratic vice presidential candidate with (irover Cleveland, it was the publication of the dispatch from Middletown, l otin. iui lu is a renter for the manufacture of firearms and was dm in tin- war. Tile dis patch says it has been dis covered that in Ivi'J the Savaye Arms compauj of MiddU-town shipped to the Knight of the ('olden Circle at Columbus, ( )., 'J,- H revolvers which were inanu factured far the I'nitcd States and thrown out by its a-ent as not bein- up to the required standard; that an examination ol the records ol the arms company discloses tin fact that "llcneral" Stevenson was one of those who stood responsible for the arms and was recoeni.ed as an a-ent for those to whom the revolvers were sent. The publica tion ol this statement created con siderable taik in (irand Arm) ol the Ix'epublic circles and the deuio- cratie candidate for v ice-presidency has come in lor a t;o,id share ol political condemiiatioii. I lis record durine the war, the veterans s;i), nillsl haW l.'ccii known to (irover Cleveland, wlui hired a fcuhstitule mid it has been said left him in the poor house ill the close of the re bellion to die a pauper. Conse ipientlj the head of the democratic ticket also yoes down at the foot of the list in the est iimit ion of soldiers. The Middletown dispatch does not ' in!" substantial details by which "(ieneral" Stevenson's name was connected with the .shipment ol arms, but it states that (ieneral Henry H. Cnrrin-ton, who was (io-.ei nor Morton's riyht hand man al In liau. ipo lis, di-coveied and con fiscated the arm-. It js believed here by I lousier v eter ins that this -is ii part of the shipment ,,f ;n in in. -de to Indiana lor tin- Kni-hts ol the '.olden Circle. The piil.lica hiis aroii-ed indignation upon the part ol (In veterans toward bull, of the democratic candidates. i't'-'Uliiik' fioom ,-,. v , w R x m))W. t he read m-roo, ,l fr . p,e.-e I,,,,,,!,,,, ,., ,. ,,,, rooms m ,,. liiiou block fro, Mil oil s I r i -, -1 I street I'ntr.iiii i room.- i- on Main trect. 1 1, i,r new pi. uters the jihim ladies W;ll have con-ideriildv more room, but the will be put In the e rpense ol much (m iiishiiie. ,;s- reason ' tln-v a-k Hie li iends id the enter- i ili.w it-kv . a-i'd two veals; Nels Ixel prisewh.i -.ue able, to donate what j Iv vv ich. 1 year, from Wvominy" t'le) deem proper ol anything : which cm be made use ol. .Sew , WU.'illlsi ni;,i,v ,-.iv. Ciir,els and llliittiny will have to be j I'll I ll K,. La.. Sept. I'.'. Ale.Xan-furiii-hed and chair- se, uied. ( d. r Heiynian. th- aiiarehi.-t who That the institution js ,,i. wln, ! (tried ti . k 1 1 1 1 1 C . f i a k. w n - placed Hoes eoon ami Is worthv ol h, In. it ! is not necessrav to aryue at the present time. This has been proven by the experience of the past, and Till: llLU'.W.K hojies and believes that the citi.ens yeiietiilly will act liberally toward the reading room. The M. I. pay car visited 1'bitt.s. mouth this morniny. ! ttlU'lvUUlU 1 1U ULlVJIHrtll. i . . : , , . Mr. Fnr.Vs Woii!i-ba Muiv.pi 131 ' Ho.Wy StnU'tK'e. - - TRIAL WAS V R Y Ol llH r ft V U ' ' ' e'i C v en t.) P s.n- ... Motlm.m t-.ui I L)r f,y. i. ' ' s r .nor,iii!n fiepoi t Other o:,h "l-'lv - -1 t p. I I,, . ' "" '-' i '.nli..!;. t!,..i "'".ml ii!Ii,':.i;. ,', I ' " " " '"'. "hmiv ; ' 1 1 '''' i n I . ri I-, 1 1 K.U.i, I.,-, ,.1, '-"-i '"I. i t-. I h. m-,- ! I",'',''' H" iml ali.iiM. I;, it,-.. , T i'i . 1 1 1 1 iij M . I j;.. I. M ,r- ( '.em. 1 1 . v. ii! ii -.!! . )..,,,,, 1 1 , i i ptii.n l.i.-pital in a leu il.n ... j . ' " ''''' r"iie...e. m in.., ,;..,.. ' . - l . . l i.TV w.n ii. il a i iet 1 1 a I .'::;r' "!''!-'! th.el Dr. di. II- ia! I !.:'. I ! - M r f,lii!!. Iv, . ' . 1 v 1 1 1 at '' I Hi- I,.,. i ..I w-.-t riiiriv a;,-., i , ; , ;. ,.: ,.' I" hi ""."I in will, ! , , . v , , i i ' 1 i a i .ew i H ii n - u ii K. . . J ., ; i -l I ili-M id siipp,,-.ed i li.ilera. I An inspect. .f nl the huar,! nf health left for Ni-.v Ht ii'mwi. I, (hi. im.rmii- to procure the intestinal fluid from the body of Captain Carr. The lluid N wanted f,.r bacteriolo-i- .'.' 1 e,imnialion. The health board this forenoon ordered the . steamship Nevada, ly iilL; at the loot of West Twi ntv foiirlli street, to be ipuiranl ine.l at her dock. John Knox, a fireman, du d on board the ship last ni-ht from supposed cholera. AT '.T AN WITNK. Jl A iv a M I m;. Sept. is. The day has been vcrv ipiiet and unmarked by anythiuir except the tiiinsler of Wyoming's passengers on board the Cephus to l-'ire Island. It was stated that some of the passengers nave vent to their opinion id their treatment in very loud tones. The .-tentner I. a Bretauue, which arrived from Havre at ::."t this imir ii i tt U, carried -J7 cabin passengers. She is likely to be detained forthree or four da) s. file steamer Norye, from Copen hagen, came into the bay with fifty nine cabin and 70,"i stccrun'e passen yers, All reported well on both steamers. Ir Hv ton's report to inidni-ht of the 17th wiis received Iroiu Swin burne Island iit II this morn in-. 1 reads: "One admitted, one died in hos pital, three transferred to convales cent wiird, ten sick patients and thirty-one suspects and convales cents." Orders have been yiven to disin fect Hoffman island, now that the V) ominy's passeiltfers have been taken oil, so as to be in readiness for new arrivals. The steamers K'uy iii and Sin-via are now anchored oil Stapleton, lr. Jenkins hnviny allowed them to come up. The Kuy ia will discharge her ciireo into lighters tomorrow-, and will then yo biick to llanibury. I'heSiievia probal.l) in a d.iv or two will be allowed to came up, having no sickness on board. Ir. Itv ion in his midnight -ensus report Irom Swinburne inland to )r. Jenkins, sav s; "Ir. Abbott has just let ii rued I ron i the ships.l le says all vessels O. Ix. lb- brought from the steiiim r Kohcmia the body of a child which had died idler a lew hours, illness. No diagnosis. Will hold an iiut ips) mil report to von iis soon as possible. Our patient are improving' rapid!). One m w case o measles in mil ho-i.ital. C-,.11MI dmitti d 1 1, en, thr. e- Sixth I transferred to I loll man. liv e. .. on t.. th. j vale-cent ward, nu , transferred to sick wan!, two. total sick. , lex. u, suspect - I coil V aies, VII Is. , , v . live. I he names ,. the dead are: I'.mil Lii - kovv'sK i . aLTed two veais. bom ste imer Hoheinia, fopv K'a- '" :" 1:11 111 Hie I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 court this mortiuiy. Heri;maH conducted his xvu case and pleaded not yuiltv. Prick took the stand and testified to ti'e fact of the attempted assassina tion tis already told in these dis patches. This evidence was cor roberated by Vice Chairman Leish mau. the only witness of the nn Hiittlt, and Dr. .itclilield describe man was . . t..,..iv ,-,.ol dininc the l'r" ,i tlu- trial, which was 1 ,-.i hiiel, a" ! "' i'r -piukly i.nin.l him yudr, . II'' wa-' I .. nt."ii-e.! (. twi-:it -one rar- in j th - p. -n it. Miliary iui.1 niii' ear in thr k V- -) a i ii ! i.-. , MURDOCK. U I' I'.w I:,s wile ,. ''"VM.n-e.-., eliil.l.en (arte, tlu-l'-r Va.hiu,,,, J) Vi ' Hie;. lelllliiin. I'h. v u.l! I,,. S""1' .""ine time, anil will tii M "vvv s ' -.'me i their (.Id i - in i in i i ami Vi 'nn.- l an ia. !iier nl tin- I..;, I Mcnlm-k. mnei hi- l.nnlv l,,r, ,,,,, ,;.,.,... ,,. , :tlli. i;iekh,,,c ,m, . ,,, i.,uu.Wi 'at il.'un t,, (Hd.diuma l..nd.i), "' i l"'-r t" Mas i. nt i ;, t ' 1 n acre., ,. wh,- it. ! n"'' "i.iy I. .mi s,n,. id.. , ,.f .1,,. '" '-"'""I'' "I tin' u.l, mm l I, i, si. i ". done at t,i, .(..(j,,., ,y (he l,,. iKwmu: The cha.c !, r.ct-lit ,ii w. ,r, ,., I.,.- . . :,.!... ,. " . i . i i e l e i e i I , . .'.ID.n.i. ""' ''"ntract lor painting our school house was l, t p, , ,,,. y;m L'wrv ol Uaba-h, which iusun-n yood hones) work. II. Moyer is putiiii-.- ,,p ;1 j.,,,,,). si.ed barn here in town. There is some talk of a billiard hall and a saloon bei ne-started here before winter. Hoes Mnrdock need Iheitir Why not liave a butclier shop in pl.u-- of them V Wolf A; Too! received four car loads of lumber inside ol live day .s and are looking- lor more. Work is pushed on Mr. Tool's house iiieht a.-dday to have it done so the family .may yet a decent home once more. The carpenters commenced work oil Mr. Wolf's residence, also on the new- school house Tuesday. William Schliclcrt treated liim sell to ;i very nice pha-ton, which he purchased of the llcuney Huy Uie company, Freeport, 111., nt ti e state fair. -s- GOSSIP AbOUNU COURT ROOMS. A case was tiled yesterday in di-liict court entitled Diimmil Cob-revived in the name of Lewis M. Cole vs. Jus. M. Cole. Nelson Jean vs. A., plain till has leaves to tile answer in st. uiles to amend petition. Case not to be called before the 'Jii. Ifennetl W. I'ierce vs. Frank Ii. (iiillmiati. Plaintiff has leave to reply inst, inter, Au'.lrvvy l,ock, Vs J( Vi p, ,.t8- For heariiii; mi motion continued with leave to plnintilf to verify petition or tile new petition within twenty days, K'asuilis Petersen vs. Consoli dated Tank Line Co. In hand of the court. Win. It. Allis vs. Cass county, Ne braska. Settled and dismissed. S. M. Crosby vs. J. T. K'ichey to be called before Friday of tin's week. Win. A. K'ose vs. Floyd ILim i niiiii. Defendant has leave to an swer by Saturday of this week. Hank of Cass County vs. O. JL II. dl. hi .v Win. L. Hrowiie. Defend da n Is I lav e liv e da) s to answer. II. It. Marshall, et. al., vs. Henry llebner. Defendants have leave to lile answer within liv e days. K. L. L. Drown vs. M. Kennedy. Settled its per stipulation on tile. K. C. Dovey .V Son v-. Fr;ink Dav is. liaintiil ha., h ave is lile petition by .M lay next. la district court this morning the iii-e of Solomon A. Xathiiu vs. l-'eder, Xail-bauni A C. was called iind Upon tin'- plaintilf failing to ill pear the case was dismissed. The case ,,f Stull vs. the Omaha Southern Ix'.K'. is on trial this alter noon Jud-e k,,ii,sev tin- loreiioou united iii marriage Win. Suckovv and Mis.- Selma S, hlieider. both of WeepiiiM- Water. Jas. Jiutlei i . 1 1 1 ii i , i n ,-d proceed inys in district court today ayainst Sadie Itntlei- his w ife, askiny for ii divorce mi the yroiuid ol iidulterv am! habitual drunkenness. Dave West bad bis preliminary hiirinM j ,-terdav afternoon on the chare, i.t stealing 17 front Klias Say,.. Alter heariny ;i II the t.'sti mony Ju lye Archer bound him over until the next term of the dis trict court. He was unable to fur. nish hail ami now Linynishes in durance vile. The commissioners have the Cedar Creek saloon license under consideration today, 'V t