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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1892)
J (i Till: WHKKLV HKliALD: 1M.ATTSM0UT1I, N KliUASKA. SKPTKMIJKU S. ls)-2. 8 i. PRESIDENT HARRISON. He Gives t le Democrats uablo E.lucntion. SOME FACTS AND HISTORY The President Covers all the Ground and Does It Effectually - Hon est Elections and Honest Money the Platform After the usual thanking of the c o.iiiniltce, a. 1 1 if rcpicsentiitive of tin National republicans in oii vi iitimi iissotnliloil, 1'iesiili-iit Harri son, in the nchnow lcil".'eincnt of the honor coiiierreil ly hi noiiiiiiatiiiti, has matle 4ne of the strongest, plainest uinl iiMlU-i'-ol fact stale laeitts lo the . niiTiean pliMie which has been penned.- Till: Hi:u'.l i ilot'M not a.-k it renders- to lake its word lor it. This news pa,' :' i -i v'erin i m-l y mid eanu .-1 1 " in f. ivor of . I cniiipnio'ii of education Tin; 1 1 l'.iv l.l ili s in s .- in imi-, ml till ones, anil in pur. lain ,-e nl that policy cation in nimus uiad while I i 1 1 ' and iil'iice objea f of. it advocat1 co'al t ! the pnldi 'I the ai'L tile-. Her.' is maim g'crs" only innke 1 1 o 1 1 1 s I atiil y hotii sii iletiioerats iiiinlerx i a il not tie in mi patnolie America. I tee, point.' We hi'lieve they the)' will vote in le'cor.! their information. Thi victory for ini"'i':-, !iln honest v. Mr. Harrison the ami Willi ii, iiii'i'iis a i.iln and tallis as jollows: A . I'lli'll 1 til l eni'y. Tin' l!i nil 1. 1 iia i-ifly diiraiL; 1 1 1 . r i v ; 1 wiir, ilevitii'd ,', tin' iiieiil i-in i "iicy. i nii.-'i-a,-iiiK ol I nitcil M.'iie in. lis, i-.iiril anil ie deeinalile liy the ; uv, i nnu nt ninl i f na hank i.vtis, li.'i-'l iri' ii tin' si'i i'iity (if the t'liili"! Mnli x l.i .a,. A lax viix levieil iinnn t ie i.-sie s nt' tlie slnle I'.uiks Hlld the llitt'liileil result, all Mlii'll U mies klmiilil he wii lulr.iwii, was ri ali.el. Tliere are nu n mutiny u imw, who never saw n Mate lunik tmtH. The unit s fui nislieil (liivctly nr imlaiclly liv the I'niteil States lmve lit eii tlu- nuly ami the Nifeiiml acet'pt ahle IHlJier ('liri'elli.y nftlie pi-oplt'. linuk fiiiluivN lmve hi'imuht mi fright, delay or Ins." to t liu bill linlilttl'H. The litilt' ol lili ia snlveut hunk is as uimhI ninl n.s curient nj n treiiMiry tuite fur tliu rrctlit uf the I'niteil States is iH'liiiul it. Our money i nil national money-1 niinht almost say liiteriuiiioiial, for tliese hilU are nut only fqually nail iiiiliseiiiiiinatf ly atcenieil at par in all the states, hut. in soiim foreign toiliiti'ies. Tim llemoerutiii nirty, if eiitriistiil with t)n control of tlie Koveni.nent, is now pleilxeil to re peal the tax on state hank iins with ft view of imttiiiK into circulation nuain uniler Kiieli diverse leuislalion ns the states mnv adopt, Mood of local lunik iKsues. Only tliose who in the yeni's In-fine t-Ut war experienced the jncotivonicticcs anil losses ntti'iidiitit upon tho usir of such money can appreciate, what n return to that system Involves. The denomination of a bill win then often no indication of Its valuo. Th; bank detector nf yesterday was not u saf' L'uide today as to civrtit or values. Mi'i.'liants deposited several times tliirinii the day lest l.htt hour of bank i-liwinx ulinuld sliovw a -depreciation of the money taken in the nipniliiK, Thetrav oler run Id not use In a jnurnev to the fast the most solvent hanks of t lie west; in i'o'isi'iueiu ii a nioiiev channer'a otllco was the luii.ia.T neinfibof of tht'tlcktt otlicc aril 1 in ci i nuiiier. The fanner (ml labnrcr fniint, the lunney received for their products or their Islmr' depreciated when they (nine to 'nuiai their pun-liases, anil the whole Imsaiit-s of the country was hindcted and ln:rdi ni'd. Chnnni's tiiay be come iH'cesfin-y but a national svstetu o( turivney. wile and acceptable throughout fhe whole ciumry, is the nood fruit of letter t xpericiice, ninl I am sure our peo ple will not coiiv.-nt to the react binary proposal made by the Democrat ie party. Our Merchant Murine. Few subjects have elicited more ilis,cus sion or excited niort euenil interest than that of a recovery by the I'niteil States of its appropriate shaiv of the ocean cairyinn tl-ilde. T his subject touciied Hot only our porkct. hut our iiHtioiial pride. I'raoti- ciilly, nil M. frcivhts for Iransportlnn to iuoiit-me i-noi-nn.Ms annual supplies or iimvisions furnixlieil bv tl i W run nt pi- ii ml for the lart! l-ctitru of ninnufactur((l prod ucts have tor many years been paid to fnr eitfn ship owners. Thousaus of eini- KrHiitsaiinunily Nfktn hnmts under our flag have been ilcliieil the siht nf it uutil they eutered Saudy llonk; while Incn'iis Iiik thousands of American citizens, bent on European travel. Iiave each vear stepped into a foreign jurisdiction at the New York "cks. i ue nierciianitise balance nf trade, which the truasurv books slum- reducwl by tLe aiiiiual tribute which we pay for fright mid passage innnevs. The treat hhips the fastest upnn the Hen whn h nre now in peace profiting by our iinlii-, riT, in u seconanry sense, warships ol tlieir respective p.vcruinents mid ill unit-oi imii iMiiim miner existing con- u-iicis wiiii tiiose governments sptedily take on the uns ,,r which their i.ei Ksare Mi'e.uiy piep'ircd, and euti'r with terrible etticicm y iiin n the vnr!t of ite. stM.yite: our coiinsierie. The undisputed is tiiiit the IT' steainsliio lines of I'.itrope woe tuna Iia til"' llif.-y, Ulstailn u i,y :oVcriiiii.'.iit aid - i V l.trni l.beral pay 'nidi- of aa iii!iii,'l bnir-is taei i ! .a rc r,ii ills t-i S I lis lo ll'tn;,! t ,i ui ! , im m l ,i in. n t ie i li. . i n ilt i.i ;., 1, up, i! V ill l e pl.ii.i to ev i', v i and are now pan, of direct or indirect latter taking the carry im: tin- nuiiN, e.iveii in ci'iisiih'iM ci ii-i'-uct the sliijis c.-ii rvmi.' iia in in, i i over lo t in- irnwrii- spi'c-ilied ti" ins. i .,i'lli:;i'tlt Antei icn:i Ian! 1. lae k'l : I M , woo I, I ..-ive s.uai I 1 ill i I ' '. , r.iii.-t Ik- i iit.-i'i d !i,'-t cnnyi-t'is euaclcd . 'il l iis lh-iieticietlt iil 1 ''' au ships nt aa a. ; .'' '.'!. S Hlld COsJ ; i'J i ' or cmitiMi t.'.l ' i -I'.ip ai is l.i ,i,i pi if' a ally i lien : :-;ve l.ndt-r the Ann il- S i ;---S leaiiishli 1, in 1 ' i'-; ii l' .HIV ;iii,;.i ,i i "ill l -alt ill t lie i.oii M'Mi wii.N ol lo ir i.i-w : l","1-' Int. each, cost. 1 ; in I ill a, 1,1 ti on." !v:C'ii:;i, the l.tMe.-t la.".,' ' i,:a', , ; M i".' . 1 I .oebi.ii" ll.tlo'.i lo t 1 i a.-it v . -i. li .' ' is ii : d - ,o ' i 1 t; tan i'.at; otie'ii ; oi. i t p .". Th". : s. ria lion i-, i-scn-fr si i. tl al.oa' .- s li.ivi'i iv-i-r-, Upon the st a . spi ci t : I'slabiisliin. :' ic ami i pci talioa.s I. t'Uili"!! has i, sscd bv 11 , le-t i: .-, been taken ill tli i i . a.. i - ioaii our so'iiii At ' 'i:: aiiii, t tumuli my ex- ' ' ' i v el Im ii icali.oi, at i' . c .. 1 to the lulvaiilii'.vs t- - I'i'.is and when their peoplejll i n "e est si 1 do not ic: to secilie the a; to pmllt by lie ll'les. The I), n; place ill its pi ti i this subject and the ueiicn.l polii a liiili nave to their ltiter 'i; t a it they will be nhle .: tl iifi del lo eniiblcthem r natural ndvaiil 'c.aii,' paily has found no oini lor any reference to has I'howii its hostility to V by Ivi'l-tliL' to exnend mi ion mad ... during the las'. , id liunihtralioii loriHcap mail contrai ls with American lines. 'I he luitnotic people, the worklnguii-n in our rliops, the capitalists kocUii biii HivtiiiHi, must decide ti iietla r t In- gi Ciui' lii -ll hiv nl ship-mi ni-n. (iy Anterl- oMiulit Aim-: i'-.i u registry flndl icuni humMy uk a jil.icn in the L'ri-dt stghcri' ps for i isl' 1 ri J hjil-:l II iMiJ r.-i ! V "hips I,..,v (U '11' I;;' cs go lo fn-i-i :n i I'liMr-.i't mil un-l i'ii' I'm'. 1 Ml" ,'"!.' l.uw hi L.htw ' -..- eiml i-ml v nl ivo vet nig ii p'licc i . mini 1 1 . i ; t- Willi n- v cnllh. tin' skill of its iv in.-i I'lU ini! Hint the ici'.iiai i of its sailors, in tlit- i-urry in lj tr.uie of all I till- w;k, Anu' Iter rdme ! iwure n furtiisliini: in un iva-. ! i" ni tr:i:.:e f our -lih's iiti'l I k. l" .-1 1 an 1 iirHiiaaH t hi in lit to trie j ; , fiiriuero utnl ia.,1: ; .ii iiiu'I' will, is Tliv lii t lir Ity I'xlii'.v Ji'i'lilivil by section :! of tin- tariff net (if I -ii' and now in ;uv, tied operation with I; vt- nt t In- nut ions' nf (Yiitrnl mi'l South Anu'i'ii'a. '.i:i I J i n i i d ,. Il.c Sniiiish unl liriti'.li 'tt iinlii s iMiuiiU iui'1 with ti'i-r-i i : n i j 1 1 1 1 1 A ii-.i i'i.i, nnili'i' - i'( rial li :iilear lieiu.'ini'iit i it Ii c.ii Si. J'liH I'cvi-tuii of tin ililly nil siiar iiinl ti.i' ri'IitilMI.'iliie (if -.i.lli'i' ami Ira ii,i,n tin' lire it, while L'iv iuv irreat l .i mi :i ic ipli- hy I'lieilf riling llllii'ii't ll"l tltU'i'.lsiiiKl.V iii I'M-ry liiii',s,'lioli, t,i ai-ii i.f Mali -in it Ilium lllllilf.iir.'e t.l tile " ill lit I'ii l' piil't- firi tlii'' ill-: ji-li-x us tn "il'je"! lli.'tt in ('Mi siii''!'.i! ion t hereof iccipn be shun n ni t heir tin-ill ni I.IVnl s vhodlll to HI I H ies tx- ki-N. pol li il I'i Us to t heir Inarkel s. (.real re, III N Hoe Mr. lll iiiiH for tlie viu-nr wii ii which he pie-M-d tl:!i ieiv upon tin- maiiti y. W e have ,.nv lit H II 11 to leaiie t lie bi-uetit nf t he-e tr.-li'e lir iiuiu'' im n: s Tie- work of ( I'-at in,' iu v; ll'-elli li's .ill,! of! ill Hilt' I'noili to new tieirkets has n, , . --ai ilv takia tieie, In-.t tin I'"'-1 1 1 1 -i a I ein I a". I a i licit ale xnrii, I inn miii'. us in e.-tiii,:!-:, iii , lar tavnr the imiii v ol' re.'1'ip'nial li'i'le, l,as,., upnn I ),e I I'ee im e i,"t ,, ; i' , of li ell a I'! ii 1 1'- lis i in let i'ljni'iiii -Iy i'.i.i,js-if wii ii the pr. pact , I our i.'ii ii s. miii f,ic,,ii';, , in e- hitii-v lor tin- lice or favored iiiiM'liic lioii ii! our i r, uliicis into nth' I'couni i j.-s, '1 lie nl.vio'is i'',in v o' this .,.i:.v i'i in- ' 'e.i-n.v I !i, fo Ira c ,'i ;. 11 liicl, I I tin- t llilei I ,'i:.i!lacl tl, ,t"iiriiiiis en Main, at, oi,,'i nt i en i ion i if I ho:.i'i- of till. I'll,' Hi il isi to tii, a coi i i i. I'i:1 apjioiui on sa'a r iii,' l.i st :,t;ra a op. loan alcli; if t l .l 'c lias presenti'.l i i.iciinii'i t! ii iii' for I il ci.tiii',!-sai to con Inc. ns nl in'iiiteraclinii I 'oiiiaien ial ( 'nisad" ." At a ineitiiiir held iHsociu'.c! I'liatulici's of I ll'ilain Hi" pit siih ii! exports frni'i (iieat u A i.htIc in i mint ries vih it is calleil '"I i. ol llic I'i. :;! S,a,, in Match last i ii, C'ltnincice ol (ilea! Iil'i.rici1. tiail tci la-,1 lili to the l.a' ililium tnc las! v nr Innl il"i'ici!s.., s-j:i. ,.'in,,Mi and tluil th:- was ii,,i dm to ti iii- porary ca iis.s Inn d,r, eily tot 1 n-eipivi- cuv policy in lue i mieii Malt s. ( icrmanv Hlld bus aiso shown their stu:",c l M,irci:i;it inn of the bu t that a new and viuornus coin iMant Ins appeared in the biutles of I in- mai kels, ninl has already Hicui'i'd iiupnrtiuit ailvantitu'cs. The most coiivinciim evideiice nf the tremendous stiviiu'th of our opposition is as follows: iliiit iireat liritiiin and Spain have found it necessary to make reciprocal trade aurccineiits with us fur tlieir West India colonies, and that (lerinany mid Austria have uiven us important concessions in ex change for the continued free importation of tlieir beet suvur. A few details onlv as to the increase of our trade can be niveii here. Taking ail the countries with which such arriinuemeiits have been made, our trade to Jinn- :tu, I'lM had iiicreas,;tl it.ts per cent ; with the increase was nearly 11 per cent.; with Cuba iliirin tin first 1eit mouths our exports increased t ,T'je,l'.ia, or .VI si; per cent., and with I'ortu llico ."i!io,'.l.Yi, or ;u per (cut. The liberal pnrtit ipm ion of our farmers in the bene fits of this pn'icy is shown bv the follow ing report l-Mim our consul niueral at lliivntis under date of .July ',1! lust: DiuliiK the first half of "the year of ls'll, llaviiia ii eeived U i.nsl butts oi tliit:r from Spuln, innl other iiui'U of the Islanil ahotit an ennui iiiiiiitint. or aiiiii'iiviiimtely SHI, I IS Iihi?s. fiiitiui! Hie same ii i iiil lluyunii rt'i eived li,. Hill lias's nf Aiiit'rii uii Hour, ami other ports uiniinxiiiialelv mi eipiul iiinouiil.iimkiiiis abom Kl,imti,us. lint fur tlie flrst half nl' this jear Siiiiln hus sent less thiiii tues to Hie vvlnile Inianil and the I'niieil States has sent to lliiviinii alntie iW,t-7 bin;,, iiml utioiit an eniiid luuniint to other pints of the Isl.nul, mukiiiK apprixinmtvly fur thu hist half nl l!-.'. l'artly by reason nf reciprocal trade aKiTi'iiient, but more largely by tvason of the reinoviil of the sanitary restrictions liiioti American pork, our export of pork products to (ierinuny iticreased during the ten months eiidimt June 30, last, W.'i(HT4, or about 8'.' per cent. 'J he hritisli Trade Journal of London in B recent issue speakinsj! of the increase of American coal exports and of the falling on ui i ne r.uiisii c.xporis io v. una, says: II Is nnntber caseot American ciiiiiiii tit Ion. Tilt l liiti'd Slates now supply C'unn wtlli ulmiit laii.ltll tons nf cnal annually siuj (here is every irns.-ct of tills trade Incivasiim as the forests nf the tsliiml lii coine ettlmiisted met the Use nf stumu iimchliier) is ilevelniied. Alu bamiicnal I'Hpt t ially Is seeiirltiu a remit ntic'i In the Si:inish West Indies, iind river innl mil improvements nf the southern states will iiiiiloiihti'dlj' create a'l important KUlf trinlo. The new lecipi-ocltv policy by which the L'lilled Stales are tnahleil to (ni. pull t uliun siiuur will, of eoiu-wi, assist tin American ctNil exporter ev en nmre elfei lively than the new litem uf ruilwuy. The lleiiiiirrutie 11 lit Tor m promises a repeal of the t.'.rilT law cou tainiiiK this provision and especially de nounces as a sham reciprocity'' that seo tionof the law under which these trade arrainjements have been made. If no other issue were involved in the campnia this uloiiu would Kive it momentous im purtaiicc. Are the fanners nf the Kreat grain urowimt states willing to surrender these new larue and incrcasiiitf markets for their surplus? Are we to have notbiiiJ in exchaiiKi! for the five importation ol siii'iir and coffee, imi at the same time destroy tlie sutfiir planters of the south and the beet siiu'ar industry of the north west and of the I'.teillc coast, or are we to have the tax.d sti.'ar and coffee which a "laiiil for revenue only" necessarily in volvis with the a ided' loss of the' new imiikcls which have been opened' As I have shown, niir conmieicial rivals in Kui'ope do not rei'ardthis reciprocity pol icy asii s!,atti," but as a seriniia threat lo a trade supremacy they have hum en joyed. They would rejoice, and if ' pru dence did not re-train, would illum inate their d. pr, sscd iiiuiiufiicturimc lilies over I lie lows that the Tinted Slates had abandoned this sys tem ol prntociioii and reciprocity. Tlicv si e vciy cicai Iy that a ivsi i n t inn'nf Ann'l teaii prikliit tit-its and tr::i!e innl iicntre-spoii-lii.u uicifitse of Kuropean proiluct ion mid trade would follow. And 1 wiil not Pellcvc tiiai what is s.i pla,u lo them i an l e liidileii Iroin our oho people. The ib (V laratioli of the pltt f ,nn in favor of "Ml? Allieric-m I'.netrine of pi-nteetiou" niccl. lll.V lllo-t hcal-1 y appl-oMil. The ui'hV'l:- ti"ii d: ! not adopt a sc'icdale, but a priu- ciple, t lint is !.i ,..i! ;ol ,',i ta.'i 1 schedule!. 1 h"ie ii, ay be d.llei'ciiccs of opicion ji 1 1 n -1 ! t ll"tt.'!i..i.i-tsas tvth laic i.p'Ui pait'i'ii ii it a I. s nc. - arj to ei'n , I au i 1a.i,i..j tion In iv.icii iv. i , - a.' ioad at home. Iii S.' tl'.l n ,,io!c t, ,!!., a ,1 l .till'.iaiil t:i.-l-tic h. - Ii, i a. or ci:',. i ai ,-, , ;y, , , I,, en l...-i"!i- to.ij n,ii- lv Is , In iw ceti a ).:.;h mid a lav prol" l.iiil'. b !h iiarti.scx- pPS-il,., S,.MC s,,i, I'eua.d for the vvii, - o! oai v.'i kin-.: pep,- lor lln- I'l'ii-pi lily nf Our llionesile lllilu-lr!es. lint under a more (oniaoeo'is li adci'-'ii'i the Delui ct.rt ic oarlv ha- l.nw M-acIicall',- di'i lined lint:, il a I. li ill law vv t b fl l I lipnll Hii.'r hi oui' ui cat in, I port ol the (.an; sivi ii p aier ii vt ill ml .on n ua'-il 1" i!s if. or up, a cpitiil mvisicd ii-; i e -. Tin- ma innl y n iiltlic i'ii ' la! fnrili t'i the l'cinocrat ic tint a .iial i . ni v oil t i ii at Cliica- j-'o collt a i lie, I tins chillse; Tint! ti lien ciisl nut liiiii-i-taiii ion m levied UIkiii articles of a, iy kind produced in this colllilry the i:'l'ci"lii c h'tiiceii I im rust of labor here inn, annum, vv hen such n iliffi'ivuoe t'XIsts II fully lie il.-lll'es mil iii.s-lhle lienellts to litimr, hiiiI t he . -1 1 ' 1 1 i 1 1 n i - inlaii imuil impn-I- of cvi.-tiiis-tiiriif tall with criHliiiig fiine upon our titriiii'i's and win kiiiKiiien. Again this majority report further di clared: Uut lu umklnrf a ruiluctluii iu te It U nut n r.- i! )mi - in'!".-r, t t : i , r l,c.t, thy urnwtli. i t-1 n." Inn mine ! lily ' 1 ' villi tlMT, S, ll'l-' .i. It ever,' -!.'1 1 tin: l u;' I'll Unit iu- r Ifiil of .i:r m , We . " all ad i.i-inil tlia; of our "lei "pull preti-ciive tint. i-.s 1 1- - ol cotitiiiaaace and a it laii'f cl. alibi s slioiild by ., W"i.-i.t:ieii in s ;eL indus llh'.ll ; I m ir 'i (ii - i'li.. -r inn i : n -i;ji 1 1 If il of t tries and of i In- In .la v invested. 'j he overwi l::!;'i ii-jit'tinn of thes- pl'opos'' ions. Mhii li iiad bi lnre received t'ic .: tho r..'t!i(s'iatic n.itauiiil (' livi'l.timis. was not im re indicat ive of the lieu- innl more e"iii .'iireous leadership , to m im a ll, e puny has (.loniiiue.l ' itself, thai: the substitute which was adopted. This sab-i it ute declares that t.ioteitive clinics are unconsiiniiional; lii-'h protect io"i. low pioti ction ail unc'iu siituiiiiiial. A I iciuocrat ic conort-ss liold hii: t l.i.s view cannot enact, nor a jt,'iu ciieiit piisj,,nt npprove, any tari'V hi liclule tic purpose or ciiVct oi' w hirh is to iiilinit importations or u'e any icl v.'ltitaiie to an Ainiricau wnrkinan nr lirn- j iliiccr. A bounty, piilit.. judue, be jriveti I to t lie iinpoiicr in ,is view oi' the cou- st it atioti. in o. il. r to i i ii rea -a iiiiporratiiiiir! nun -n i ue icM iiut tor revenue onlv is till' llllilia! loll. Ke'-MII-'.cilV, of l.illlse. falls lll'ilertblK t (li hiilii lat im:. for it s i, o i i't and ellcct Me j lull it ', clitic I, ill tl.e pt'.itni.tioll of riiliilln-i'- (ilii eXi'liallL-es. Ike plollts if V, l.ii , wholly to our iiiiliiceis This ile.mict- IVe ua-Alllcl lean iii laiiL'ht by Ike histi im a who .e i i, i i it's, have reached i'.iis in t by ictriiie was not held or u ic I li'imii la, ii' siaics as Aiiiei'ic'iK p.-.i i'ii,: Kciaiai ii ,ii, t'cilaimy itclVel'snii or This 11,11 I I'l'ilM'ln .1 II UmiiI. t'rai'ist Atiu-rii to At. 'le i s. tl.e liilti l i ic.ili luaiii.Ci'.; lire to s, '.life-. , vei y till pi it mills or i " i'.ai tra''e le.- tv i as i hcv a i'i' i!i , t'a t ppli .er-sellt ell oi". f tlie OJ'etlil".' ":!' vi-i' ol mil- ..I ii'" a- .-urpr:-im 'lli' "is In ! ;j iii ilii- t oum ry , etc!, ! in-lit int. i I i.i in I I, ' "' M.'il-h T ! " ' U ! ! 1 1 1 III ,,,o.s III It ilii. s n 't MC 'l t! law of the de !.. 1-..1 1- V" iii ion up,.:i t i.i- .j,; 1 iiu.Lc t he i oil ,r i y i, sioii s'li li us i; I,,,', , at ; i of i ii." ( ni, mo i 'a i ; would a- on ' .oi a bii-iiu-Js t oi'val- c '!' -'en. Alld lllel ' is iiiit ii thc'u'.il ml w,c kiii'.'iuan wlio doc. not know tk, it ii would at om-e c:iorm nnsiv icdui e tlie "t'.a.i'.iit of Work to lo iloiie in this coini'i ".' by liie iiiereiise nf im portations that u ouM 'follow ai.d lie. es-i-late a iciltu'tivn of hi- W'uvs to tlie Ka-ropi-an standar I. If ;':iv oi,.' -nu ;c-l s I har thi-radical policy w ill in t be evecuiid ii' t he I loino' rai ic party at ; ains iic,y( r, what .-hall be IhoiiL'ia of a ;..t iy 1 1 , .-1 1 iscnpabte "I thus triiliiiif !; intcicstsV The tb re" 'f such le.-'i-la! i' a vvotihl he onlv less l,..riful hau the liit t. A i!istin.;iiishcd Deiaocrat riulit Iy described this movement as a t hai lcli ue to the pinleite l industries tnalkhtnf extermination: end another such liulltly expressed the l"C.c of the sit uation win n he inlerpieted the Chicago platforiii to be an invitation to all Demo crats holdinc; even the mo-' modci'nte pro tection views toL'o into the lit publican party. And now a few words in recant to The Kxisiliiii Tarlfri.aiv, We arc fortunately able to hulae of its In fluence upon production mid prices by mar ket reports, l he day of the prophet of calamity lias been succeeded by that of the trade reporter. An examination into tlie effects of the law on prices of protected products and of the cost of such articles S enter into the wantsof the people of small mentis has been made by a senate committee composed of leading senators of bol h par ties with the aid of the best statisticans, Rinl the report signed by nil the members of the committee, has been L-iven to the public. No such wide and eaivful inquiry nits ever Dciore nt en made. i Iicse facts appear from the report f irst The cost of articles entering In to the use of those earninn less than (l,u) per milium has decreased tip to May, 8.4 per cent., while in arm products there has been an increase In prices, owiiiK in part to au in creased foreimi ('.eniaml mid the opening of new markets. In I'.nuland during the s'ime period the cost of living increased l.y percent. Tested by their power to pur chase articles of necessity, the eariiiuus of our working people have never been, aa yreat as they are now. Second '1 here has Iss'ii mi average ad vance in the late nf wages of .75 of 1 per cent. Third Then has been nn advance In the price of all farm products of PS.tlT per cent., mi"l of all cereals, naiV.) per cent. The ninth annual report of the chief of the bureau ot labor statistics of the state of New York, a Democrat ic officer, very re cently issued, strongly corroborates, ns to that state, the facts found by thesenatti committee. His extended inquiry shows that In the year following the passage of the tarill act of IV.m the aggregate sum paid in wages in that state was itl,377,!W5 in excess, and the aggregate production ai.;il."),l;10 in excess of the preceding year. In view of this showing of an increase of wages, of a fthictloii in the cost of arti cles of common necessity, and of a marked advance in the prices of agricultural pro ducts, it is plain that this tariff law has not imposed burdens, but has eoiiferrvd bene tits upon the farmer and the working liiiin. Some Siecbil t: licet of the act should lie noticed. It was a courageous attempt to rid our people of a long maintained foreign monopoly in the production of tin plate, pearl buttons, silk jilushj linens, lace, etc. Once or twice in our history the proiluct ion of tin plate had lit eu lUiempted and the prices obtained by the Welsh makers would have enabled our niakers to produce it at a prolit. But the AN'elsh makers at once cut prices to a point that drove the American beginners out of business and. when this was" accomplished again made lluir own prices. A corres piindciit, nf The liiilusl rial World, the nilii aid oruati nf Welsh tin plalu workers, published at Swansea, in the issue of June ltl. is;r, advises a new trial nf these meth ods, lie says: Ho not he ileeeived. The victory of the Hi tllilicntis at the polN means the 'rrtciitnin of lhe McKiiilcy Pill, ami in, mis lhe rapidly Heel Hills' lo-s ol' sil :i cent, of'1 Allleri' lan Inidi'. Had there been let 1 ictaoci ii a' Vl" lull' ill l-'.l, tlie spread ol till pin.,' 1'iaiia-tiiclui-e in the fulled stales wuil.d i,ae hi , h liu" li i ..pi.l iitnl li'-uclii ini. Il i- n.ii loo ! a'e In !a s'inicthlir,' p, reduce tl.e price.. I'.it the 111 dart li to II shilling- ., In , IIV.1I VM-l.-hl lia-!. I. el fie ll i ii klct'l! lake h ilt . fa iifi ,v itionths aiid turn ma mure ol 1 hem. I I, cu let t liu iaii.-ter 1iiij loom s- lur t ue - cue 1 1 mi. A. nd ,'iL'aii' i hat paper s.ays J It is c'c.trly ,hi- i!iicrel of b.efi eliipl Bid WoVMniai tv pi', , line p.i.te, la I 11 pl'ir l.i turiil. at ii pice tl.u w ill ui ive a 1 coin pel it i u s I toiii I i.e licl'l. IP:!, Ui . , ol the il.,", i a rai . I !," f" l li'.'tlol.s it I-"' llllli o! l,ie l;i.'ii ',li,atio; -r.l toi-ei.t piD'ittcei'S lo luiMitaiu thci inn i a , "ly ,t he t oi p'atc iiidu-l ry has been csi.'ilili-'ii ,i in lhe I idled Mans ami lhe lllliill'oc IvtWecl, th" Welsh p.; dun u lhe 1 1, ai h i ie i"' pai I v for i. - ih -: ri.c' i.,: , Will tut M.iml. Ike o;';,i i il ie'i,n-ii the in ;":; t .cut nl l In- t i ha. of t,n an i tii ne piatcs iu the I ii-'ud States ''.l'1-.l'H the ki-t l -ial vcai sh ov i, total ploia clioli of ... li ', 1 p. Hal li couipe.ri -oa or tl.e h'-i iH.irtt-r, si',;-;.- pollllils, will, the l.t-I . sumyloo pounds, shows pic rapid devclopiiicit of the in ilus'iy. I Ivi r a iMi.ltoo pounds tlui'in' th.' 1,1-t i,:;,"a-u r vycre made lnuii Americ.ip l.inek plates, !at ri iu'iiiider fi in I "i-.'-j;a pliiies. Mr Aver, the I rca-iury a.a'nt iu ehiii),!: of t -t nnales, states alter cans ful im ,aii y tiail the product imi of the cur rent year will be P i. i.i rn.i mo pounds and that bv the end of the year our ;. n, will be at the late id i.'liJ,UH.,,tvo pound- pi r annum. Another industry that has been piac ticaily civattd by tlie .icKiuli-y bill is the milking of pearl buttons. lVw articles coming to us from abroad were so dis tinctly the p.'oduct of Htnrvation wages. Hut witluoir; -- J-st- 'w'Hiiif tliis let Lur 1 ciiniioL l"iiow in oeian me iniiueiices ot the Uiitl law of It has tfauspUnted 'Vfr Pnpoit.i'it i:iiiiis;rles m"l estali ! lislied them lu re ami lias revived or en ! li'rvt-l i ot li.'i-s. The n' t tives to the " i'li'M ;i'-oti i : imi lu.iiust J.ire'.'ii silver l"iroi.:'l id o;s. li.e trie i tit mI'IcUoQ " a lo; li i nreateii '.1 t nc ureat minimi in i!"sti'ics o;' tin- iiei'ky I'll, mi! aim. u:id to il." wml m-i.wers prntection tor their ' it. ece aa'l t'i -a Wii h has snr l them f; n a I tin her and ii-astro,ts decline. The 1 house nf representatives at its lasl session I passed IMiU pliicinu these nivs and wool on I the flee li-t I'ht people of the west well know how ihs'iuittve to their property ti.e-e iiienstiies woiil 1 be. This tarill law lias uiveli ci.iployuielit to ltiiiliV thotlsauds i of Ainericini men mid women and will each year ive employment to increasing I tlioiisanns. I; s v ;iearw..ii!, throvv tholis ; iiii'ls out ot c:u'ov inetit and aive work to "'tl.el's only at leiiili tsl wau'es. ! Tlie A 'i, -nl- uf the I ice Trader j ro the Win khu-inen are largely aildressi'd to hi- pre jada i- oi to his pas-inns and not I inliniiui'iit'.y are prnniuu.cediy cniiniiuu- i jstic. Till' lie" 1 le liocr li ic l-ailel'sllip j r.i-'esat the c u i 1 1 ' i ' i -r imd seeks tn cuiu- liiliu' ate this In the cinplovc. I re Lrret that nil employers of labor nre not just and coiislderaieinid t hat capital smil times i in a!".e a share el the pl'olils. llllt I do Hot s ,. tacse evil.- will be iiuiclioiated by a 'ari.f policy t In- li r-st jieci's-ary elli-i t of v v 1 1 ; i ! i i- a s.-vere vva.'e c:i! . and I im -ec a, i! a larue diminiil imi of t In-a em'eiU e aiuoillit ol k to lie done in t his cimiii rv . If tin- injustice of bis em ployer tempt - the v. at k n i,i! i to si nke back, lie should be vcrv ure tlia ilis bhev do -s i in 't fail upon his own In , id or upmi hi: I wife mid children. The workmen in r uicit industries are. as a i.oily. iimi luav be r ' 'Cllls tO t I ivk. Iv iiitclliactit. They bv ini i-iiii'. or what tl'.-e I to lie Sll l, or be led bv - of 1. is l-,li. bill I iicy will oiin is to ac the taii'i' I 'ic; e Nov c:ir, . to II .. ,' l;.;., con' .- i iii I li.' i 1 1 ai ii -lit c; li'e-, ii - an. I vvi; ii n leiviu e lit; ue " i.t.i,; tv of which tliev a.:.- i it v.- n-,T, -i o(;hc i.o m - iley hai e I',,.;;;, ,..( r,.:. i ! , 1 1- wvv. aa 1 ch.i'.di'i :i. No iiiielli i nt a ll oe.i.e ol a pr iie.'t ii c tat i'i' i lai . s i h i i; is ,,.,!, ni' i,s,di io 'ii bit-en a ii.,:: -r a 1,,'c ' ,va wii lion t ic .ed to I'iK-i iia, i. in t;:e -epply ..'.' and "'"li'a'id lor t be proline: o; I., c. ha; it i; c, ni : ii let , ! i y claimed thai ptoti-i i -ie i'i! ' c- si roiu'iv lend to bol 1 up v, a ,. s and I lie i. b.ii'rier iij.iiist a 1 1 .' aciinu tol l.e 1 ait'opc.'iil scale. The Siuillitvii Mules li'ive had a liberal pari Icipatioti in t he in n iiilsof t!iot,irit liev, and. ihouuli tiicir lcpicsciitiilivcs have uciieialiv ci po-ed the protection po'ii'. 1 rejoice gar. rice. coal. ores, iron, cloth and other pr.nlui't-i !iat tlieir sii- I'm'ls. co-;oii I luive lint In en left to the fate which tile Vote nf their rep resentatives would have bruituht upon them. In the const met ion of the Nicar agua canal, it. the new trade with Sooth and Central America, in the establishment of American sli'ainship lines, tliese states have also special interests and all these in terests will not always eonvrnt to be with out representation at Wtisliiugtou. Shrewdly but not quite fairly our ad versaries speak on lluaiiceti. duties put on buttons and other article by the -Mclxiu-ley bill, and omit altogether any reference to the great and bciiclicial nlai''niiient of tlie five list. During tlia last liseal year t las.uni).77'l worth of merchandise, or UV35 per cent, of our total imports, came in free (the largest percent. tue in our history) while in 1W the perceiit iL'e of importa tion was 34.4'..' per cent. The placing; of sugar upon the free list has saved to the consumer in duties ill lifteen mouths, after paying the bounties provided for, Js7,oixi,- IHNI. This relief has been substantially felt in very household upon every Saturday pur chase of the workingman. One of the fa vorite arguments against a protective tar- i-s that it shuts us out from a tuirticipa- t!iiiiit wnat is called, witn swelling em phasis, "The Murkets of tlie World." If this view in not a false one. how does It happen that our commercial competi tors are not able tobear with more. serenity our supposed surrender to them of "the liaiKet, ot the world, and how dues it happen that the partial loss of our market closes foreign tin plale mills and silk plush factories that still have all other markets? Our advantages, our protective tariff and the reciprocity policy make it lossible for us to have u large participation in the markets ot the world' without opening our own competition that would destroy the comfort and independence of our people. Itimctalllsin. The resolution of the convention In fa vor of bi-iiiet!illistn declares, I think, the true and necessary conditions of a move ment that has upon these lines lav cordial adherence and support. I am thoroughly convinced that the free coinage of silver at such a ratio to pud as will maintain the equality of the commercial uses of the two coined 11011:118 would conduce to the pros perity of all tae great producing and com mercial natio is of the world. The one es sential condition is that these dollors shall have and retain nn equal acceptability anil valuo in all cnmntiirclHl transactions. They an? not only a medium of exchange but a measure of values, and when two unequal measures are called iu law by the same name commerce is unset thsl and con fused and the unwary and ignorant are cheated. Dollars of unequal commercial value will net circulate together. The Ix-t-ter dollar is withdrawn and becomes mer chandise. 1 he true interest of all our peo ple anil especially of the fanners and working (H'ople who cannot closely observe the money market, is that every dollar, paper or coin, issued or au thorized by the government shall at all times and in all Us uses be the exact equivalent., not only iu debt paying, but in purchasing power, of any ntherdullar. I am quite sure that if we should now act upnn this subject, independently nf other na tions, we would greatly promote their in terests and injure our own. Monetary conditions in Kurope ivithin the last two years have, I think, tended very much to develop a sentiment iu favor of a larger use of silver ami 1 whs much pleased and encouraged by the cordiality, promptness ami unanimity with which the invitations of this gove nuiciit for an internal conference upon (his subject wereaccepted bv all 'he p, is. We may not only hope lor, b'.i! c t highly hele'liokil results from this co ifei'eiicc, which will now soon a eiii'di. Vv lien l he result nt' the confer ence i- ki"iV?i we tl ' ti -had L, able intelli gcidly to :.'!",: ! oar lin iiieiai ha-i- io any new i ole Iii .. .is. I rcc llullot, fair I oum. Ill 111 V hi: ! Hit .s'O.e to Klllul'es.t "1 must H i eliic, tUill lue id"il t h I -aid: il it is l oll '1.1 aliiiory nre the jiossiiiic io si" ac a iinlii. pa: lie: ic i ration of -i,, 1, t . ,ns! il u.' ioiial or si chuu-t I l.i ai c I he pt elect io tn IV !iceesarv to -c Ts oi t : e.'i 1 atll' lit to -::r nop. t, ei un i,i s and tree Iu V t ll w mild be possible to .iiiiul i"li. li ni pari i-a:i in ,, ;i i.i I composed i f patriotic, o l un u. i i., I" w nolo a coii :a i c-i i .'is ,.! 1 1 c ci is ci iii ,, el. .no -v -iciii and mei ii , i.ini!ii!!c,i m :; h a l.ood pros nig ini iiuiiiitiv in s,,nie plan or lull un; limse eill-' ,1 w , nil. I pel'liiil t la sell 1 1 I' ui ai to be vested ill the sa I i , o ,is niello ,i a - i, m ise mm ii, p -id, 'rat ion ol , ;,'t 'led w !i a o ikI- mi. iit be , ,.ct of sc'-ur tor lemnvii:g l he l"g.s;.i! iv ot ii coiiimis-i iireine toiiit il that method would give iliebest giiiiiiiiitce of iiiipartiiililv. Tl giiiuaiitce ol iiupart.alily. ilemmnl thai lhe liiuitat lott of siiffraj.e shall be fo'., nl in the law, and there only, is a just deai'iinl and no just tunli should reseiit nriesi-t i;. It .-ecined to me tl.iil an appeal to our people to toli-ider I be qucslinu of reaifiiis! ing our legislation on nbsoliitely fair, iii.ii partisan lines, might find sonic' effect ive iispnise Many times 1 have hud nccasioii to say thai laws and and elect ion nut boils designated to give unfair advuiitiiges to the patty making them, would some time he used to perpet uate In power a faction of a parly against the will of the majority of the people. Of this we seem o have an illustration in the recent state election iu Alabama. There was no Kspublicau ticket In the field. The cntiiest wan (-etweeti win e i.miocrnt. TL Kolli party -ay they were lefu-ed the repres.-ii.atio.i giiuiuntccl by law upon ti- elci : ion boards and that when the tour's by mandamus ai:eiupt"'l to right this wrong mi appeal that could not Iw ' he. r l .'liter th" election made the i writs iiielTci : u.-il. llalioi box.-s were llij'owu out for alleged, irregularities or ai umi it is ii-si-rled ou behalf of : nr icast nan lue wuur i.c - i..iau, 1 that theotiiceis to whom certificates have ' been given were not lumcstly elected. ' There is no s. eurity for the personal or po ' li'ioal rights ot any coaiiutinily where a mall is t'teprived of his pels.uiai or political i rights. 1 The power nf the states over questions of i luiililication nf electors is ample to pro ' tect them (tgaiiist the dangers of an Iguor- ant or depraved suffrage and the demand i that every man found to be qualilied under ' the law shall he made secure ill the right to cast a free ballot ami to have that ballot lionesi ly counted cannot be denied. Our old Republican battle cry. "a, five ballot I and ii lair count." comes "back to us. not ' onlv from Alabama, but from ot her states, j anil those who differ front us widely in opinion have c.uiie io siv that parties and political itci'iiie are nut a in but a niockerv. if. when the dcutc honest inajoiilii is ended the judgment of es is lo tie reversed by kil ted tallv sheet inaiiipula- lot box I raud- t ions in tlie interest ot the partv or partv j taction iu power. These new political lilovenit lit- in the slates and the I leci-nt decisions of some nf the I siaie cntii is against unfair .".leinrtiiiiinieiil l'ov s cnciuiin -a- the hope thai the arbitra ry ami piirti-.i'i ehciion laws and prac- tin - w Inch hine prevailed may lie cor ed by i he siales and laws niade equal linn-pan is.iii and the elections fret hones;. I'lie llepublican parly would ic- nt . vfh a s,,lu: As a 'healthy am 1'it'i a ad pa! rioi ,e lo,.(i sen; am nt is the lies! .'i--iiiiilu e of a :'i "c and holiest election, 1 snail again i'tge iip,,u congress 1 1 1 -1 c pio vis. on be in i,h (or the up point incut of a i. mi partisan i o:utiii--ioii io consider the s;;l,i. c! i ; 11 ; ipoi , i ol: Ii e!l 1 s a 'id I li 1 1 iolis i:l their K knioii i i the choice of federal 0. iiiel s. The (ilii Service Stsliiu ha- been i Mended and t he law enforce 1 w ith vigor ami imp.-n tiality. There has been tut part -an ju-.ling a ll h the 1 iw i:i any nl i he iii par: mciils or bu leans, as had bcioic happened, but appointments to the cln-iiicd service have been made im partially fro:,! tnc eligible lists. Thesvs tem now in lmve iw all the depart menu has for the lirst tiiuc placed promotions strictly upon the basis id' merit, a-cer- lumen " ii ii.i.iv ivcoiil. ami tlie eiiiclclicy lue t'U'ce tl crcliy gi'iatly lncrciised. I he approval so 1, cattily given by the convent a in to all t hese iiiteiicies which ctiii t ribiite to the td'.lcat ion of the children of tlie laud was worthily be.stoweil and tin ets my hearty apjiroval, a docs also the declaration a to the liberty nf thought. The safety of the republic lies in intelli gent citizenship and the increased interest manifested iu the states in education, the cheerfulness with which tlie necessary taxes are paid by all classes, and the re newed interest manifested by the children in the national flag are hopeful indica tions that the coming generation will di rect public affairs with increased prudence and patriotism. Our interest in free pub lic schools open to all children of suitable age is supreme and our care for them will be jealous and constant. '1 he public school system however, wits not intended to restrain the right of parent to choose other educational agencies for his children. 1 favored aid by the general government to the public schools with a special view to the neces sities of some of the southern states. Hut it is gratifying to notice that many of these states are with commendable liberal ity developing tlieir school systems and increasing tneir school revenues, to the great advantage ot the children of both races. The Attention of the I'ai niers of the whole country is invited to the work done thrcugh the state and agricul ture departments in the interests of agri culture. Our pork products had for ten years Irt-en nearly excluded by the great continental naiimis of Kuropc, and tlieir 7alue discredited by the reasons given for this exclusion. All previous efforts to se cure tin. removal of these restrictions had failed. Hut the wise legislation of the Fifty-first congress providing for the in spection and official certification of our meat, and (,'fving to the president power to forbid the introduction into this country of selected products of such countries as stiouiti continue to retuse our inspected meats, enabled us to open all the markets of Kurnpe to our pork products. Tlie re sult has been not only to sustain prices by providing new markets for our surplus but to add .Mi cents per loo pounds to the market value of inspected meats. Under reciprocity agreements, special avors have been secured for agricultural products and our exports nf such products have been greatly increased with a , pros- pect of further and rapid increase. The agricultural department has main tained iu Kurope an agent w hose special duty it is to introduce there the various nreparations ol corn as articlesol.tood, and ids work has been very successful. The department has also sent skilled veterinar ians to Liverpool to examine, iu connec tion with the Hrilish surgeons the live cattle from the United States lauded at that port and the results in connection with sanitary methods adopted at home have been that we hear of no more cattle being affected with tileuro-pneuinonhi. A judicious system of quarantine lines has prevented the infection of northern cattle with the Texas fever. Tlie tariff bill of ls'.ni ,-U-es better prn tection to farm products subject t" for eign competition than they had before, and the home markets for such products have been enlarged by the establishment of new industries ami development. We niav ci iniilidei.tlv submit to th'e Intel - lieenf and candid judgment of theAmeri-i.-ui farmer whether iu any corresponding period so much bus been done to promote his interests, ami w hether in a continu ance and extension of t U'-e met hods there is not a better prospect offered to him than in the invitation of the Democratic party to give our home market lo foreign manufacturers and to abandon t he reci procity policy, and belter also than the radical ninl uniiicd methods of relief im posed by nt her part h s w are soliciting ins support . The president strongly nruvs tl,e tie-! ce-sily to the Ulliti',1 States of the Nie.i- j ragiiii snip canal aim pays a nigu tnir.ito ; to liie Dciiioi viitli' nii'iiilit't's ol tlie for-i ; eign lU't'.iirs eiiinmiftee of the last, house, i eol.ii'-sipg I:;-- nb!l;r:itl"ll for iioedeil cu i eptTiitioll. IT" I ntitilltfus: 1 Tlie ( till, in Incident. 1 1 ,1., ,,,.1 !.! ... ,. t . ,,1 .!,.,, I.. 1 sult'lu: i 'it ''ii jc I V anv nation at t ue h iiels , '"' -i nf aii i! her 1 1 mm rv forms the has'- of l.'.y Uacl i ing fl ieinl-hip. 'I'lie necessary (h-llielit of i iv.-pecl w ill be iv ant ing. 'lhe t'liiiciu il:- ! ciileiit, imw so happily and honorably ad j .inste'1, will, I do not tioiib:. place our rela- I I ions w ii ti t hat brave i pie upon -a tuor" ', frii ndlv basis than ever belort. 1 The w.'a-k of .Mr. Kami has bun hiuhly ; advantageous in the United States. The ! t oidideii' e which I refused to withdraw j Iroin him has been abundantly jusiitic.l. i In our relat ions with the gw.t F.illnpeati powers, the lights nl the I inted States n ud til' our t-it i.ciis has been insisted itpott 1 with lirmui'ss 'I he strength nf, nur cans. : and unt the strength i f our adversary, hat given oic to nlir ci il' I'i pm nlelice. The Saiiiiian questiiin ami the I'eliring ' sea qiiestiou which came ever fruin the preceding adiniiiisi ration have been the one settled and the oilier submitted In 1 arbitration upon a fair basis. Never, I think, in a like (m i'iikI has so maiiv nn portant treaties and commercial agree - nients Ism coin Hide"!, and never liefore, I am sure, have the honor mid influence, national and commercial, of the United States liven held In higher estimation in both hcniisplirres. The I iilmi Soidlert nml Sallnrs r uow veterans, of time as well as nf iicl nt age have ap t! '"ir life ai.d the etnJ for each a leave rinl lumnrabl sii iig.'ie is i, ity aiid ytar l I.. Ipcira-ii.g infirm iv v ti.e lai'.ior tones of Sad- tiess and ; services ai dim- tn ti.,: iiil.:'iy appeal of 1 .- i:ici lug. l he tar that docs not listen win: sv.i i i. uv and liie hear l that dues pot n -p. ntt wiih geh-irosity, are the ear and heaii nt an alien and nut of au American. N"w soon again the surviving veterans nre to par.-i"'.. op.ui the great avenues of the liiitiouai i i in 1 every tribute of honor iitnl 1 ,ve sieiiild attend the march. A comrade iu thct uiuiiin of the victors' parade iu Ivi, 1 am not less a comrade uow. Law and Order. I have used evi ry suitable occasion to (it'ge upon tl.e n ople nf all sect inns the I'oiisidci.itioii that no good cause can be 'romo:i;'.l upon the lines of lawlessness, .dobs do imt discriminate and the punish lueids inflicttd by tin-!!! have no replCKellt- i Htive or salutary influence. On the con trary, they beget revenges and perpetuate tends. Ir is e-l.cllv ihedutv of the ed"- eiil.'il fltit! Ill n .n'l 1 ..II io see nini, mc muK 'imi ignorant, vv kcU accused ni ciiifie, are laii iy tried. 'I he niornl sentiment of tho Clilllltry should be illn'.lseil ,'llul bl'Ollgllt tO bent-I'm-1 he suppression of these olleli!t:S against tie law ami social t.i'der. 1 nun ie cm inn. Necessity o feme! ill disi i',in inat ion nnioni the eini'siau! s set iti!i,s our slim es becoilieu every day nnue applicant. We do nut waul and sic ail I inn receive those who by reason of bad ehaiii' ii r or habr.s lire noi, wauled at home. 1 lie iialiist lions ami si ll-:esiici", in.:, t,.c lie. el's oi law and lib erty, sliollid be l'.isi'1'iinilliited from tiio p.iiipii . l in- tiiiiiiiiai mid the anarchist, im couie onty to b.iii.'-n or disturb our ciii.tiiiiii les. l.vei v t b ori has been niado ;.n ciiio. i c l l.e law s ami .some convictions have becii m .aied the contract labor law. The 1 (,i iit'ial ( oiiilitnn 'if our count! y is one ol gri ilt prosperity. I l,o hit -.-,iis; o tied has ii sod upon our Iii Ids and iinni. i nr people. i'lie annual Millie of our l'o:ci"ii i nintni'iv lias incicasd mole ti.a'a ? , i.,,i,,u,i-.i,: over the average for t he pn tediiig ii ii yens, and more than'K',! ,,vtr l'siit,, ihe last year unaf fected by tho ucvv tariff'. (Hir exports iu lsifj exceeded those of is',ni by more than fl ;:.'." i'tii ami lhe annual average for ten via! - ov,iit i.i urn. Oiirexpol'lsof hread s! mis increased over liio-e i.f ls'.iO more than Jrl-ll.mHi.imo, ol prnv i-iuns over l,Wio, Ifi'atid nt liianulactures over ssm.uoo, Tl.e lacrcha.iiiise balance of tnnle ill our favor in KIJ was j J'.'.-l-letiJ. No other iia'iiui can inatch the com mercial progress which these figures dis close. Our compassion may well go out lo lliose w hose party necessities and habits still compel them to tlccl.uv that our peo ple are oppressed and our trade restricted by protective tariff. Ill i lltlClllslllll. It is not possible for me to refer evcu iu the bricfesi way to many of tlie topics pre sented iu'tlie resolution-, adopted by the convention. L'pon all that have not been discussed, I have before publicly expressed my views. A change in the personnel of a national administ ration is ot cuinparativu ly little moment. II those exercising pub lic functions are able, honest, diligent ami fathlul, others possessing all those, quali ties may fie lound to take their places. Hut changes in the laws and in adminis trative policies are of great moment. When public affairs have been given a di rection and business lias ad justed itself to those lilies, any sud den change involves a stoppage and new business adjustments. If the change of direction is so radical as to. bring the com mercial turntable into use, the business changes involved nre U"t readjustments, but rccoiisuuctioiis. The Deniocratio party ollcis a programme of demolition. The protective policy, to which all busi ness, even that of tlie importer, is uow adjusted, the reciprocity policy, the new merchant marine, are all to be demolished, not gradually, not taken down, but blown up. To this program of destruction it has lidded one constructive feature, the re establishment of stale banks of issue. Tlie policy of the Republican party Is, on the other hand, distinctively a policy of safe progression mid development- of new factories, new marines and new ship It will subject business to no perilous changes, but oilers attractive opportunities lor expansion upon familiar Hues. Very respectfully, HK.N.IAMIX IlAKltlSOS. Till. i.l.l.l.lMAMIt.ll. Suits liegiin to Oiciiliiow the Aortluu un ut l.i. .v in liKlbnia. iNDl.x.NAi'ol.i.s, 1ml. , Sept. 7. Suit was filed in Henry county for the puriioso of i overthrowing the gerrymanders of ISSJl and INK) am! reviving the law of 1S7D, which gives Kepiiblicatis more of a fighting chance to win the legislature. The complaint asks for an injunction to restrain the sherill and auditor of the county from issuing election notices under the present law and a mandamus compelling them to proceed in accord ance with tho act of 15711. It sets out in detail the inequalities of tho laws of 1891 and ISSa. The present law gives the Democrats a sure thing of majority on joint ballot. As nearly as can be es timated they would still have ten ma jority if the old law is revived. All tlie defendants and the judge are Republic ans und no lmis'diineiit will bo thrown ll')' them in the way of gettin-' tho suit to the supremo court as quickly ns pos sible. Tho suit is brought in tho inline of S. T. Powell. C. V. Fairbanks, a millionaire aspirant fur thu senate, is backing it. Some of the most promi nent attorneys have been retained. An Old Suit Itevlveil. NkVaPA, Mo.. Sept. 7. I'llpers Were filed with the circuit clerk hero in the suit bi-ou;;ht by William T. McUinnifl ngaiust Venmu county for the sum of ij'.da.nnO. The suit is for jtidgiuent against the old Lacledi! and Fort Stntt riiilvvav siihse.pit nt iy tt.own as this St. Louis mul Western railway, in favor of the c i.ti ;u tors, i.iid based upon the lillegation that i-imn county subscribed allll Slli'I-i- de and Ft. ol the Mi Scott road. k in tin I IvillcifliJ H I'.llll. ! Omaha, St pt. 7. li, tlm Ki. I incut farmer ivsiihiig . .ur 1!,.; whs torn to pares by a faroe 1, .1 i'lolu- ln! ( illJiV ' '! I'ii I remises, ins fanner was lite: to 1'ieert. The had been . torn it ii-1 torn so torn nly by lhe ,vt ni' tie ll'IO clous minimal that it eon tilled by the fragments o, tel'ed mound lhe m ene. d onlv he ill llll'il- il 'te l. ; I ill- IIksiiiiiI I-uelllc In ( nl l; . KANSAS t 'UV. Alo., Sept. 7. pouri l'neilie, iu hiir.dling lmsiness. will hereafter sell i'lie Mis-t-l-oldcl tickets t") points licyond St. Louis or (.'hi. via St. Louis, nt the lowc rate that' din bo j Used by U-ing existing cut l and busing tm either Chicago or St. L" t Ii.lilej llelliiiullllltcil. Dallas, Tex.. S.-pt, 7.-The l'iii trict Democrats have rem .minute 1 gressuum J. V. 1 lailey. i du Cor.' war. The pa preached to i e. te h A M V wi' r . bi f ,y : eV V 1 i 1 ft 'i f