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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1892)
V Pla t: i 1 Herald KMOVT3 UllO; ublishers i ... v 'fcur. ill lay. .. :t.i lal:y v-iy Rwj'NU-i '1 t Hit iiill-i''i !i. Ncl. ! - I ifflcnfor tr .!'- on t!"-r'H tli U. h. n fc-.n I tt fMinl rl:i .. "it Om- (.-' r "in., fid Mtf--t. felephi'ii- J. i idea in thai 1h Klin!enlH ar ; men, ! antl imiHt l e ptintslieil only y the coiiHvUiMice.- ov" their ol.'eii.ew, aa tlicy will li - when tli"y y; t into the world. If parents want their hoys under moral surveillance they must send them li some other ami tsmaller college than that at Cambridge Nc v York World. TF.KM FOK WF.KKLV, tne copy, !? y:ir. In jtlvatirn ...f 1 Wl )ue cpy. one y:ir, not In n-lv-tnc-e 3 oo he copy, hix imnitlif. in siilvimce 73 ne copy, tlir iii'intliK. In :l v;wce. . 40 TKKMH Klt l.IL.t ne cop onu y;ir in :tl vance gi tut )ne copy per w--k. by e:rrr J 5 n copy, per iiioiill1 - V I (i; downfall of Jani l S. I Sup-T, t!te h-mocratic feen-'.ary of .-.I. tie of hchi-au i;.-u lor more than thirty yt-iir.s, should he a Htiliicient warning to the voters of all other Btates. Super has always heen a democrat. Since he became Hecretary of stale he has lived a fast life and is "short" in his ac counts, as is usually the case with all officials of his party who can reach public funds. S ATI! li I ) A Y. JAM' A If Y 1. 1 '.-' CONGf'ESSMI-rJ AT-LArrGE. The i Vi s siaH'. i:i cnii tht :u at i. to make .- pe thnt ::'aiu n-pi't -enta- 4'1'r - !i:-'.'l' Ihe llf'.V V I.I .I II In CI.TI -, i : i - i . ' ! ill ! i-i - t i n i ii i; i;ii ill - Iriets for thiin. I I . i i V In i"' l"l :-!!! ,i wiitili" slate t'i !.- .i rifii'-"1 h ! . ! i 'i.-ia nr. - ; and tfiey h:i : peeu! i.-tr- e ' i : 1 1 !-.- o I imi-fulm-s- by reaso:! ! t! l;irf eons! it ii'-nrii-s. it would not In- ;i b;i(l plan, in t i.l. I 'i a urtl.ia I5.-tl.-r where si-h-i-: shown i l ' 1 1 an th-.-n- i ' ot:i. i ! i it; i of Ihe -oa eli-cicd i i th As tin- iii-it i th' -re is laor t Wl'i-!1 111'" I ii : i'l'!' tin- saiil-.- t it it'. Ml li: '.'"I to Si ' i i o : si l if t .y ,1 I 1 1 1 I' i a v ! i ' i i i it ! i i . 1 t io'l - I l t way i" i : . iv h -!' a ! : . s t . OP i .-l:it-t i 1 1 1 1 . I all .- at -iM-.-.-d. c n! li; t be-;i!m-i'.- Iron1, t e iii .otiodv is I ; : i a : i ll t .Ii- lr i 1 ! : . Ilcli I ! i v e !i v : . . iieet-s.- : : atid v.i!, Villi: -fi vi Kach i! t leular it .-id: r.-s'-!ti oaf t,r oi men dy If ses r , a 1 1 ; i ; to i I ,f .- ta '. f :bei- t.i! e a 1 1 ty. 1 1 o: is m not ;.l i.r a ire ol ' i i ;-!! i 1 ' i:f i ai rt - i f a i I o .1 . Iii- iv :: :. If Iff if rs oil ; : v -nil io.i i . i ta : in scvera I ! - -f f Ther.- .s ik . silv for ;-! .' : i ; ;i-iii l'.n la' a i., !, ,:li " ii i' ! ' -aal 'l ;'? i -;. r t thi if -f .--- :;icti loiii 1 Kaisick Wiliiklm is said to be contemplating a visit to America, lie should postpone his visit until next year and lake in the World's l'air if he is anxious to see France knocked out. The (.'oluui hi, in lO.xposition will throw the I'. iris Kxposiiio.i completely in the -li'i'le. and. unless Willi !ai has I Ins in in' I, mat ou-nt to lie i re for h i m. -1 u lert )cean. I'nanr. a p (I. I-rieke A- Co., I )ni i:-! s i ; i a i 1 1 i.if i i s, I'n ion IJioc I., l'iatls liiolilh, Ari.i. lf.-iie in iiiioi'iu tile ! uhlie. tiiat tliey an a-. nt: , for tie i!lot successiul p : f ; a i . 1 1 io, i thatj:;as yet been produced for foiiL-li-. fo'ds and i'i'niii. it will ioo-e i! a-id re leave a severe foil in le.-s lime than any oilier t rea 1 1 1 u-n t. i lie article referred too is C'lian:er 'i n's ' 'a 1 1 l;") i lemeby. It is a medi cine that 1 1. is won lame and ) opitlar- ii on it's liieri'is and o;:e tiiaj. can aiwavs be depended upon. li is iheoiilv known rein-i!y t!i it will , av en t f t on p. It 111111 be t ried to o-.j I'e.-aied. i.t'aiiil el bfljil I ' is put up i i i ." I e th l.iie t Ti !; : 1 1 1 i 1 1 lev b -i ten ;i ve a . oni i h . l'.'i'i ve I: 11m v '.. I i M'! I i ! f s is.i.rnly a!!.;..;'. J'o l pal !i y f i i mi t i :ese t: u le b' i :j, h ! of erne! IV. veek hearth, cansiiiij,' -laftiieess (ii breath, 1 1 u: teri 1 1 l,'. jiain 'ii side, week and Ihimtv ! 1NVKSTLVG JMONEY. VALUABLE OPINIONS ON THE BEST WAY TO INVEST $1C0. S Wi as. :id iiualiv .1 .1 a i coi".. !. tes f s uothi were : i r !ii aav be ii," io such m Shod.' The foasiitn !!; about districts, a!.. a b a' a loriif riii.uioii cf the J-T''v- iy : i to I!-, e I e C i i as the lion a ami the time af- eminent. It is not retpiired that a conre.-smaii fhall live in the dis trict by which he is chosen, but only that he shall be "an inhabi tant of the stale." The district sys tem has certain advantages that we can not afford to dispense with; but it is possible to improve the present order ot service by provu - dintr for the election of a tfiven number of congressmen as servants of the state as lare. Men chosen ia that manner v.- mid hw an ex ceptional standiiiLr and their influ ence would he forcible in the adjustment of issues affecting the highest interest.- of the states, which are now so frequently neg lected. When Cen. koaii was a cunirressnian-a l-lare from Illinois he tlid almost as aiuch for his state as he accomplished at a later time in the capacity of a senator; and there have been oilier cases of the same kind. It is not to be doubted that such an arrangement would tend to raise the standard of con gressional qualification, as well as ' promote legislation of a wise and worth 3- sort. The state needs to be represented as a state in the house. There are obvious reasons why the district plan can not be expected to yield all that is desir able. It is all riiht as far as it soes, but it stops short of doing a perfect work, and its defects can probably best be remedied by a re sort to the expedient of selecting a part of the delegation by the votes of the people of the whole state. Globe-Democrat. a. i.l. t !1" si i wre;- s i ov. e . ,1 lll'Oj..-'. ';;. is !i or 1 1 if 1 1 . . I ! f ' . is uueMi lift su'i'llip; kine;, si , fides' 0 moiii- Dr. i iles' New :hing for i :er voi ir-1 less, ilea . ! ; hi.- : v'e .- torn ; i 'fi led. : i lie treat l.-e t :ji:i: NiTvor-' ! ?':-eascs clous t--st taio;:i.iis free, li t ra p. t f i.'t ' iv. I". ('. I'ricke Co. j r; Mr C i.i' s m;;v i rn a le- so.i from I. Cone, a protmiie'it sttorney l'ker iakot.i. v. i;o sa vs: "1 never leave home without inning a bottle ci" Cham be: Iain's Cob. - Chol era and diarrhea U'eriedy wiiii me and on many oe-:isio-i - liave ran with it to the relief of some sufferer and have never knywn it to fail. For sale by 1. G. I'ricke &Co. drug-irists. STUDENTS AS RESPONSIBLE BEINGS. In discussing certain evil pre vailing among the students at Har vard University it should not be forgotten that the , president and facu!t3-of the college have certain very well defined views s to the re lations existing between the institu tion and the students. It is a bad thing for stundeuts to drink too much or to maintain bar rooms in their clubs, but if the Har- lacin Once More. It is a trite but correct remark that. as the human form has been molded by nature, the best shape is nmloubtedly that which she has given it. To endeav or to render it more elegant by artificial means is to change it; to inake it much smaller below and much larger above is to destroy its beauty; to keep it cased up in a kind of domestic cuirass id not only to deform it, buc to expose the in ternal parts to serious injury. Under such compression as is commonly prac ticed by ladies, the development of the bones, which are still tender, does not take place conformably to the intention of nature, because nutrition is necessa rily stopped, and they consequently be come twisted and deformed. Those who wear these appliances ct tight lacing often complain that they cannot sit upright without them are sometimes, indeed, compelled to weai them during all the twenty-four hours; a fact which proves to what an extent such articles weaken the muscles of tlitj trunk. The injury does not fall merely on the internal structure of the body, but also on its beauty and on the temper and feelings with which that beauty ia associated. Beauty is in reality but an other name for expression of counte nance, which is the index of souml health, intelligence, good feelings ami peace of mind. All are aware that un easy feelinjifs, existing habitually in the breast, speedily exhibit their signature on the countenance, and that bitter thoughts o A bad temper spoil the human expression of its comeliness and grace. New York Ledger. A Nejf' Servant's Wit. A copy of the Salem (Mass.) Gazette of Aug. 12, 17S8. contains the following anecdote: A gentleman in the state of Connecti cut regularly attended public worship on the Lord's day with all his family: on the Sunday evening he always cate chised his children and servants on the principles of religion, and what thej heard the minister deliver from the pul pit. He had a negro man who never could remember a note of the sermon, though otherwise smart. At last his master peremptorily told him he would on Mon day morning tie him up and flog him. .Next Sunday evening, when interro- LKll i - o I 4- U U .1 -i-i. 11 v 1 C vard authorities are right in insist- " S"u , , . . ; day morning his master executes Ins ing that they are to have no control i threat for &s to He him over their students except to see to ; The fellow then cried out, "Oh. mas it that they do a certain amount of ter, spare me. for 1 remember something intelleclual work before securing , the minister said." .their decrees, they must interfere- " hat is it.- said the master. .:.i, .t,..l,.,!,;unft!.,'nts,illlv leuov. i-niu. iih laueii mav Varying Idea of Well Known CapitallntA. Having ISanliH and Building and Loan Amtoclation Kvrniumcndeil us the 8af ent Places to Keep Money. Hundreds of tbousands of thrifty Voung men and women throughout the United States, who are ambitious to se cure a competency for their old a;je, are kit a loss to know how to invest their email savings to advantage. There is Scarcely a successful business man in Kew York who does not receive in his mail every morning requests for informa jtiou as to the best way to invest small etims of money. I With a view of obtaining some opin ions on the subject a reporter called a few days ago iqion some of the most prominent and successful business men tif the country, noted for their shrewd investments, and asked them to give their opinions of the best way to invest $100. Mr. Henry Clews, who has earued a Vpatation for his sound judgment in all matters relating to investments, said: The bet investment for 100 is to place it in a gKd savings bank and umke tin- i iii to liiui l upon by freijtiei.t :iildi;i(ns to it. When the amount gets J.ire enough the first acquisition of prop erty should buy a homestead, and when that is accomplished it will give such i i;iiif'irt and peace of mini! to the owner and his famiiy as to make life worth the living i 'When a man is known to own his Stoii.-e it gives him a status in the com munity greater than aiO'thing else. It iilso gives him an established cre;lit which, when obtained, if ju'liciuu.dy and conservatively used, will make it much easier to acquire this World's goods. "The best citizens are those who own in fee their homes and their contents, for it develops qualities in a man's natura may remain dormant or hidden like a light under a bushel. "Among the.e qualities are pride of position, which will keep a man respect able: the love of country, which will make him a patriot. iu;d almo.-t more i him anything els - contribr.Le to ma'.-' iiiai, not only respected by his iieiv.ab.irs and friend--, but a!-o agf-'d cud lailhl'ni !.;.s!;;r:d ;;;id loving parent.'" a "on.T r.nor.n r.oxn," says dh. pf.phw. Dr. Chanr.eey .M. D-pew advised the slC'O should lie made grow to l,0')d before being invested in any enterprise. "Put it in the savings bank. ' said the doctor, "where it can draw comp(,u;;;l interest, iind add to it as you can until it becomes a thousuad. Then eou-:nlt some wise, conservative banker and i;i- v.'t it m a gi!r edged bond which can be registered. There is no investment for fdtid except to put it into a savings bat:!: that is absolutely sab?. The chances are taat if he went to inquire he would meet speculative gentlemen who would laud his s'.UO in some mining or other s'milar scheme which promised large returns, and that would be the end of it." "lr. Ih-astns Wiman is of the opinion that 'tiie best way to invest .100 is to buy a share in some well managed locfd building and loan association. These associations represent the aggregate sav ings of their members, and the money is invested only in houses built by one of their own number. The investment is therefore a very safe one, because men will pay for their homes and the interest due thereon sooner than they would pay for anything else. The money can be withdrawn, if need be, while it rests with the society, and it pays as good an interest as any other safe enterprise can afford. Compared with the savings bank it yields about twice the interest, while the security is generally just as good. ' "Of course all depends upon manage ment, but taken as a whole the money of poor people put into building loan as sociations has been more honestly ad ministered hy the poor people themselves than has been any other financial trust in the country. In proportion to the enormous amount invested, which now reaches over 700,000.000 reaching that of the capital of all the national banks the amount of defalcations has been in finitesimal. The rate of interest paid has been larger, the purpose accomplished nobler, -tnd the security just as safe as that of the average railroad, bank, mortgage or insurance investment. 1 put 100 awaj every month in a building and loan as sociation, conscious that it is the very safest and best investment that 1 can make. By it I am enabled to insure my life lor 20.000, and 1 am all the time ac cumulating, not only the principal, but interest, which thus far has averaged 10 per cent. "UNCLE" RUFUS HATCH'S VIEWS. -Uncle" Rufus Hatch, who has lost over 1,000,000 in Wall street, does not recommend any "high flying" in vestment. His advice for putting out $100 was to "go slow," and he added: L "If you can find a solvent savings bank, put the 100 there, and be satisfied with 3 or 4 per cent, interest. It would seem, however, from disclosures that national banks and savings banks and all other banks are more or less open to criticism. The vast majority of the public do not know how to take care of their savings and are easily induced to put them wherever they are promised a big per cent, interest. : "However all this may be." and "Un cle" Rufus Hatch looked very serious, "under any and all events, keep out of Wall street. Teach the public to shun its precincts. It is simply suicide for a man to go into Wall street with $100. If he had 100,000.000 that might do. My advice to thrifty persons is to keep the 100 saved and keep adding to it until it has accumulated to a reasonable amount. Then buy an annuity for life or a paid up life insurance for yonr wife and chil dren." New York World. NowiTry This- It will cost y6u nothing and will surely do you good, if yoti hfrvti " a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. '.Dr.; King's New Discovery for' Consumption Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to irive relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speed- and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our expense anil learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottle free at h G. b'ricke & Co. Drug Store, Jjurgc size ;0c. anil it-l.tW As well as the handsomest and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Hasim for the Throat andJLungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits ami is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma bronchiliH and consumption. Iargc bottles fide and 1. the extent of suppressing public idals. In a word, the Harvard suffice at this thae." The master was so pleased with his wit that he forgive lym. i- About matches are made in England every year, equal to about 1 1 ,000 tons of wood The estimated pro- I .duction of matches per year throughout the globe is given at nniOO.eoO.OOo. Specimen Caes. S. II. Clifford, New Castle, Wis was troubled with neuralgia i.ic rheumatism, his stomach was ilis ordered, his liver was affected to ai alarming degree, appetite fell av.; and be was terribly reduced in lies! ;i:ul stronu'th. Three bottles r Khctric I lii iers cured him. IMv.'.ii'i! Shejiberd, 1 I a rib b n rg III., h id a running sore on hi1 !. of eight vara' standing. Us three bollies oi i'lfftrif i'ilics ;i ; seven botiles Duck-en's Ami'; Sa I ve. and bis -eg' is s u n I a f id . i li j i; ii Sj. ;a.:-.". C;:!;in :.!. ( ).. had bv in - ve ie . e r : : -.'.-' ' ; : his leg', h if ti I'. I tie av! hi-i leu's Arnica Salve cured him cut in ly. So!.-! by h". G. h'ricke !; Co. Eonio r-'ooiis!i PcOilc allow a cough to run until it gels beyond the reach ol" medicii.e. They say, ' h, il will v. nw uy," but in iii i-d cafS it wears ll ; i.i away. Could they be in'. lufed 1 try lbe siicee.-.fu! Kemp's 1 j.i I .-a n i. which is sold on a positive g;.ii'- t lCCI'e, ti.ey V.,) 'lit -IV ..! lie w.'is i:ic ura:;le. ine ixiltn 'if Hitlers and one" box Duel. ex-. i re e to ci: re, t !,ey lieut effect after taking the first . I 'rife c and i;"! . ': i'a i 1 A 1 ai I druu'gists. a in 1 ' Ie' l rs l., v. a u can itch. u-y J.. ere c '.' f'c i x C. i.i u fose. 111., fce.vnr';':-d Fee-:??. I'evi i'i.-ease is ! ! .- 1 1 ; . 1 1 y s I : ; i i.-ec 1 to i e i ; if i ! ra i l -. bat ula.-.i pj.u-rly t rented! a large portion of case i if curet I- i bus of Kikbart. ia-i.. Da.ker. of (Kid, after sui't'eJ-ing yi'ai lifger. i'-i.!'ist ai ; -ays that Dr. .Miles' Nev.- Henri Cure utiifb ct'if.l the foriiifr, ' uni'.''(i w'.i-idcrs f-.-r Ids wife." J.evi !. an of D.iciisuian, Mich., who bad b . a at disease for hU yea rs. says two bo;h- iti;.de iiiiii "if. i i !i.c ,i t. man.' Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold acid i; ai a ra n t ad by i". li. !-'a:. '.; Co. Hook of wonderful tc-ibuo.iia!.-frce. 1 I used Kly's Cri'3i;i Dabn for dry i-f iarrb. It proved a euro. I. ;". M. Weeks. Denver. Ki's Cream H ilm is especially adapted as a reineby for calami which is aggravated !i- alka'i.'ie dust Hid dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist, Deliver. lean recommend Ely's Cream Dal 1o all sufferers from di-3- catarrh from personal experience. Michael Ilerr, 1'harmacist, Denver. KJj-'s Cream Halm has cured man' cases of catarrh. It is in con slant demand. Geo. W. Hoot 1'harmacist, Cheyenne, Wy. OUH CLUOlNti LIS I , ll.illii- Manii.liii- itmj . 1 k it K t.I r I l llll I'.l l(l illlll IlKli-lli il.iriurN M;i n nl il v a i.i ... , n i'ii'iN buz. r ant Hk i.u tl.up-r' W.-i kly an. I Ktti.i InWii - t.'itH Iti'j.-lsli-r it -lit ii I' Kl.l. . .. ? i sii-in - 11 r .1 in il Jl v 1: li lie V 01 inn ami II Kh.l l.n 1 ;ii he Pi-nini-rat niul II KitAi.n nli r oi i-.iii ;imI IlKitAi.n ft t .. -i i ..4 6 -- 4 ' IK . . Hi' ..'1 .. ft M B ( 1 : T vi j9 ;T; l-inSFcjY lKAIk.Il IN Cor Malu ami Kiflli utrcct. Putd up capital 00 Surplus ;6 OFFICERS J. 11. Parm la 'rsi-lfiii 'rt"l Uonler Vic- rr--'H m;I f. M. rattemon Casln-ii T. iM. rattiTsiin, AfSt Crt-lilm DIRECTORS J. H. I'ariM-!, .1. M. I'atti-rson, Fr.'tl Corder 1, . Smith K. B. Wludli.-tni. B. S. Kani-cy inii' T. M. l attHiinn i aENEKL fiylNKINC TAHSATEP Guaranteed Cure, We authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Dis cover for Consumption. Cough and Colds, upon this condition. If you are aflicted with a cough. Cold or anj- Lung, Throat, or Chest, trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. W'c could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. Are 3 011 ma-le miserable by indi gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi loh's Vital izer is a y:ositive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. MORTGAGE SALE. The Edtire Stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR A1TD OUEENSWAF.E B elorging c A. Back will 1 e fold regardless of cost to sat- isfv mortgagees PHILLIP KRAUS FOR MORTGAGES HAYE YOU BOTBDOf SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Nerer fails to srivo distant relief in the worst eaaea. and eBeui pares wacre men uu- TrUl rmrkan I KKK of Drawn 'M w J . Adtfm D. R. POHIPFMAN N. t VmnU Mhm, 1 1 TrUl rmrkam K J, Zl Adm DS. B. P" Accounts sulicif Hrt. I:ilerst allnw.-.) on tlm. (fiK.iit- l ii''!:int iiui-nti uisivt-n in t) lis " enlru Jteil l its c;:rc. i.'f7 i V! . 5f l?TxJ 1? 217. VV.i, 221 an i 2J.) Mnin St., Ihe IVrk ri:-.( y.-i t I from if, . .-a.-.- ..' d, i.r.'ii.-i's will ! ??..) i'.il ip. I: i-tun t ;n p.iil i.-b. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE. Datronage of the I'uldic Solicited. North Sixth Street, PlatUmouth. ph'ST : NATIONAL : HANK' or ri,. i i s.-.h.t: in , '.:.y i. , ut. ni, -mi in,i ;V ijlir .' li),'NI(I.IU iC vrv t.l-t f:.i'ili!l s fur I'll t:';i'n-ii, Imii i'l Hi- aim ..)liil. I.. I ." .'. ' -i;:' K, lii'I 'ls, 'i lil. i" v. r I: :; I I ;.:! !. ;tl hi i--::i. i' !tnii'.:lit. n I - -1 1 . ."'" i" -1 v-ii .... i itl.v'ii li ; I - i'i-i!ilifMli' fts ilr:Mvri. 31V 1 1 1 :t t ' in uliv e'.il lil illi. i. ' :-' ;.l i-r iiml ai ' ' ; " n i I'-n'i" 'ii riii--: e. I l.KI I I-l N'S ,M.!K A- Ii lit I 1). i I .. I 'i " i i ! rjtu i-, si'ii.- :i!H 'oii;ii inii:To;.. iiirii.V i.. I'r; i.ii-ni . ;i i-' ". In; rr- .ry wuv- I.. -if T . '. c.:.ti-;l"l- ( ?; i-i d-rnxc '. ' '.j -:si '.J-.1 R 1-; KiA-v ,7 I- il:.' ' I !.!m.! ; Mii -li; llAi.I. t ir:i:.ii-.- il v c i-.f;i 1 i, Ii V ii . ti 1. 1 1 l l l V T L IsT T-t O O -" i - I G ii'il I :i--.l - r- ! ! I .,11, ' .i--in ( I 111 i v lii-iii-it. : v.s v. 'i ''. " h t In- in-. ;i ti . ' I ' '',! no ! i'V :i -;t 1 Ik- ti.u- jl. " '111' ! i:-- 111 V.'i-Il .V ! ,!i- !: s li-.'Vi !"-1 iii- ! n - ci ,i-a '..' M M- i i.-'. ,-i i I s I.- .-'.'' 'Ii i.l I'l' iii 'mis .:' :ii-li nriic''1. i- it in i -i. i.i- . ;.f --r ' ' i! v ' rcn.-b t -,jsi . ti rn. ii ; ."ii i ;' su ' .-ri'ii'nt u !-.!.! ' !'i ' i;u... wcil; p: ::.:, .'..- !!.;:' i-;-' v:i:if- -iv ki'i'i:iii; f -1 ll .--! vt-- l-nr lil'i i ; ill ;1 ,t -iM''ly I Civil Servit-i (ini-itc. fii1!;!-!-- v:::i-r o ' 1 1 1 r '.r"" ";r i-. I"1 t!'- I.; of li.'. t -!i ju 'i -i c iii- : i ;;' t r : 1 1 n : -:.p-i . j i : t : ; t .1 v. i-!: inr if: -d wi- !i iirii!".i lY.uiif." ;-.-ii)-i vim ni v with v in h.t!.-i iin:'I i'l.', rt.-i in: ci i ii::;s hank. ''trior!! 1 !! .- i -?lf- ::a t!!w. li.- trrni'iTi'-s. !:ii)i-:l-i tlmr: JA.Mlis El'i'A & DO., Iivliia-o:.:'ti. Cl--:.)Nt How Lost ! How Regained ! KHOWTKYSEIF. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only Gold Medal PlilZK KSSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL -DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and ail DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, clotb, pilt; 125 Invaluable prescriptions. 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I .f-f'.f.At"t i-' -its ntrlni luterest ff miiy and s'.ty - t t C NAYHS c o c n r y - s x; k v k y o i : A.M CIVIL KXG1NKKR All orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IX COUK'T HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska n.HiruFRTFar. ftieuv.p. Red Cross DiAuoftD Brand j2-r V.f i THE ORIGINAL AND GCNIHWE. Tti- cnlj Hf, fuw. ni Pill Ter "Ve. 1ST X-J IiSl'-. vY. I-.;ff7i.J. for '"tt r'ewt -n t'.fl tr. . '- '' 1 j l.UJ .U'J ICltC LIU'S 71 3k(,llliawtil. . -- .- -T- j. 'If .ll -hIU is ytr-vi-'. i.iia. p;i; wrwom. arc dtnT.-r-'M oir?-' -- ' , mi.-il'. . .- P mv. CKICkLLVril ClIJ.J...". - ; . I . ri. iv-lL'A. ran M ustang - Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. :-7o other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for, its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it.