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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
"A '.V'' v WORK IFTH YE All. r ) A' 111-. ' ' jmj coU-rf'iitj " ; J - t I 7 r 1 Mi Q POVDER Absolutely Pure. , j . A cream of tartar bilking powder '' lighest of nil in leaveninarBtrengtll l.-atcat U.S. Government f'.""' r port TTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. ittornrr I-Ijiw. Will tU Dromot ttintloii lo all hiiniucM rntrtiti- to hlui. (Mice lo Union block, f.Ht SIU. I'lnttmriutli, Nub. HT. la wmermenl if SECRET SM'lETtm KNIOIITH OK I'YTMIAH. I ; mmt'.ft U1ki mi, 47. M''H every Wcdnc'iliiy cviilnn kt their hill In furmcir A Crmx Muck, All vi IUn knluhtn nra eoKllnlly Invited to Hitctid C. C. Mualnta, C. 0. ; tl Dovcy, K. K. ri. A o, n. W. No. M Meet ocnnrt anil lourth KrtitRT vct,liiit In the inimtli a . A It. hall In Korkwmxl blork, K.J. Morau, M W, F, V, hrowp, h order, IJOYAI. Meet Kt til i I'. Alt'!AVAM-re Council Nn n, . hail in tun rartneie n Cralit block over ft Tutu, vhlrlnu tirelliren luvlied. Henry Hi rolJ, Kcgeiit j Tiioi WallliiK. Secretory. CASH I.0IMIK, No. Ul. I. O. O. f. meeld e-Y- rt Tiielr nivlil al llielr ball III Flliieraid block. All Odd Fellimi are cordially linlt d o attend nen vimiing in i:m city. J ury S. U. H. W.tndje.rircrrtsry AO. ei U. MeeU flrt and third Krlda ee.ilnii n eneh monlh at ) A B. Hal In RiKkwook block. Krank Vertullyea, M, W. i, U, Euenole, Hecordnr. id Lloyd, of I RSONAL Murray, wai In DaTid I tLe city to day ; Geo. MattiHon, of South Bend, in ' in the city to-dny. ! v Dr. E. L, SiirinD wn in South Omaha lo-day. Fred nrmth lind LtiHinrHHS in j'rthe nietropol in to-dny. 1 Dinner will le nt-rved nt 5:3f) p. m at the Hotel Kiley to-morrow, IJr. 1. f. lintt and wile were pnHHcntjera for Omaha thin morn lnr. Oeneral Slicriunn Siiire, of the II, k M. Shoim, is on the fick lint to, day. II. X. Dovey U confnud to hin room to-day on nccount of the i Kriie. 'hi '"VKJ Kon, I - J rniovinte B I 7 the photographer, ! irief vinit from h' lirolfier, YA Koon, who arrived lant eyonitu;- AlhrrtH I'j an, who f pent Christ mas wilh tli- family of Si. I Wheeler left thin mnrmnjj for hit home in Xt'hriiikn C'iiy, HokN-To Mr. and Mr. George I'luhn, hint evening, a hoy. Call on the Tmlter Siclern in tie Sherwood Idoi-k for haraitM in Winter Hat. tf The Htreet I'ommiMioner had n (jant of men iieani:i; Main atreet thin aftenioon. Mien F.lrtie Moore will move her titilliiu-ry alix k thin iV:t.k i::to the riMiui of rarmele A Kobertn block. tf A. F. Groom, engineer at 1 tie wuter woikfl, It wearing a muile four inihei hitig, c a need by tin: ap-pearatu-e of a loy at hin home on North ?:th ntreet. The Oxford danciag cluh will jjivn a dimriiiir party to riikfht lit Kockwood hull. A feature of the dance will lie the ladiea taking charge of the dance after 12 o'clock, H it will then be leap year, Thb IIkkald wua in error yentei in 8tating that the commmHioiicru had appropriated flHOfot the Kus .i.iil relief fund, They were only talking of donating it but have If. j'tit w.'ondiided not to do mo. 's Albert Sly) and Floren ) mri Now In tli t .1 1" of I 1 th Law. j Thr leader of the 1 gang who robbed the Adamnexpril s company ut Gletidale on the Avenmg of November ,V irt under nrreet; a female accomplice in aluo in cunto- tjy t!)C CHpiureoi tne remainder of the gang H.cemn only a matter of time. The leader of the gang ttiriiH out to be Albert Sly, a noted convict from the Miaaouri penitentiary. The operation of IhiH gang com menced hint October h the rob bery of the Omrthn street enr barns; they next appeared at KatiHan Ciiy in the flame month: then came the robbery of the Pacific exprem com imnvonthe ?liHHoin I'aciuc near Oinnha November 4, and the Amer can KxprcHs robbery near Went Union Junction, Win., November 12 In all of the"? robberi' Sly figured an leader mid their engine ot war fare wan dynamite. After the robbery nt wentern I'n ion Junction William A. Pinkerton found out that Sly,, in 1HS:1, while actintr tin driver lor the American KxprcHH Company ut St. Joneph Mo., defaulted with a package con taininir fl.DOO. At that lime, ii.te a long acarch, Sly wan apprehended in California by the l'inkerloim. lie wan returned to Minnouri and aeutenced to aeven yearn in the Minnouri penitentiary at Jeffcrnou City. On coming out it wan learned that Sly became nnnociated with a gang of rough burglarn, who made their hendquartern around Kannan City and Omaha. On the theory that Sly wan ponnibly concerned in the robbery at Western Union Junction tl e Pinkertionsquietly be- gan an inventigation towards locat ing Sly and succeeded in tracing him to St Iyouia a few daya previ ous to the Glendale robbery on the 'Frinco road. Pinkerton' force and the force of Chief of Police Harrigan of St. Louis Boon joined hnndn, and aome daya after the Glendale affair Chief Harrigan received valuable infor mation from a furniture dealer, who furnished houneaon the iuntallment plan, concerning a woman and four men renting r houneonSwiin ave nue in St., on the outnkirln of the city. Thin furniture man had fitted up ti'e hotincon Swan avenue und the people occupying the name had mynteriouHly dinappeared aft.T the robbery, leaving the furniture ami everything behind them Thin Chief Harrigan invenlignted very carefully, and it wan found that the he tine had been occupied by a blonde woman, httpponed to be the wife or mintre nn of one of the four men, I Key His.ippearfvj irn !" houne three dayn after the Gleml ale robbery. Their baggage wan traced lo the depot ami the check uumhern allowed ithat they wore all bound weat. Chief llarrigan'n meuMraeed lliein to Omaha, where the party apbt up, biking up different routes wel. Chief llarrigan'n men managed lo get accurate deacriptionn of th flgitive and Sl'n idenl ty wan IKed lu-voiid n oiieatioti, an nlao the ideti- j tily of the woman connected with Hie iaiitr. Robert A. Pinkerlon at thin time wan in California ami on the eve of departure for the runt, but remained and aaniated the San Krimeinco nolice, who had been communicated with. Sly had, it wan naceriained, gone liv wnv ot Uenver to ouuineiii ' - i. 1 ... 4,. I li ik I." IlnM f..a. I 4 tienlleim-n would not uee "n!u!!!,. paint or pow It in clear nn l II " it : ft n J nl intern II ll vun H i tier, of courae not. ) water, no aeilimeut to lilt Die poren aftheakit. llnmiaaiou in to lirnl, cleaiiae and purify the complexion OI every "iiipei leeiion, nun uimirea gentleman a clean, i-xioii. bold oy U. II 7.1 centn. . l M II IIP' fllKft lll i", of every impel ft 1 every lady und J Hiiiooth comjilei C Snyder. Price ' ti it . ,m I a mo r h . r 10-morrow, . On u - omit ot to-morrow being ) 'New Yearn, TllK IlKKAI.n, aa ban , tn-on the cuntom w ill publinh. j Take your family to the Kiley to morrow for dinner at S;:) p. in. California, t,iih this information K. A. Pinkentoii went at once lo Suu Diego and searched that place thoroughly, then going to Los Angelen, arriving there a week ago. For several days he kept up a search of the saloonn, gambling honaea and placcnof thut kind with out euccean. Through a breakage on the rail road there had been no mail deliv ered for three day at Lon Angelen, and on Sat unlay hint Mr. Pinkerton, accompanied by Kohh Whitlaker of the San Franeiaco detective force, and nit officer of Iji Angelen, took up a watch in the poatoffice and express offices at that point. All three were furnished with photo graph und accurate deacrijitionn of Sly. On the afternoon of Satur day Mr. I'uikerion oliaervvd a man in the poatoflice at Los Angclcei who onawerc 1 the dencriplion of Sly and resembled the old photo graph which he had closely Tapping him on the ahoulder an stepping up and hin hand so that he could not attempt to use a gun, an Sly in a iL-apcrate charac ter, Mr. Pinkerton adflreaaed him by the name of Sly. Sly denied hin identity, und said hin name wus A. S. Denton. That (filled it in Mr. PinVei-lon's mind at once, for SI) 's right name in Add bert Denton Sly. He wan at once taken into custody and searched. In his possession wan found $2,fXX) and a lot of personal property, and on hin person was found the gold watch taken from the pernon of Meaaenger Miilrennan of the Adams Express, after he had been injured by the explosion ol dynamite at the robbery November at Glendale, Mo. Sly tried to throw the watch away, but it was recovered by Pinkerton. The search of the house on Swan avenue gave Chief Harrigan posi tive evidence against the thieves, as in the house was found parts of pa per and other evidence taken from the express car which had not been thoroughly destroyed, The finding of the messenger's watch in Sly'w pocket fixes the crime onto him very strongly. Abelbert D. Sly, who is better know in the crook frateuity as Ilert Sly, U a native of Wiac.onxin, wzx born and raised near Oahkoah. After committing the expreaa rob bery in St. Joseph, for which he was sent to the penitentiary in 1HH4, his family moved to St. Joseph, Mo., where they now reside. Since his release irom the iicnitc'itiary in Miaatniri he has been twice in cm- today in St. Joseph, onee for high way robbery anil once for burglary, nud he in nt tl e present time a fugi tive from juaiice from SI. Joseph, where his wife und three chitdern now reside. His father nnd mother now live at Independence, Mo. His avowed ambition was to be n second "Jessie James." The desperado ia X year of age, five feet six nud a half inches h'uh. weighs 1 10 pound-, dark complcvou brown eyes and black hai ', nnd generally wean a dark mnn.a'iie. He has u scar above the left eye nnd two false front tipper tee.h. Aside liom his da'iiignud his ul'.er dimega d l t'u dis.'nci'on of tnenm mid tiiiim Inn most tmlalile cnarucici i-m .c is hia siiigu'acv abalenrous habits HOI EL BIL. '9 S. fulluOTiny la tho Ksnu for. ' Ymr'i Dinner at the He 11 Filley, "yiterj Blue l'olnU ltnw Celery. olives. Uream of Oyster. Co i' cinnie (Jaenclles. II keij Trout a la ltecliainel, Ham Chainp;iK"e Sancv Capon Celery Dreanlnir. Prime I.oln of Beef hu .Iii. Vouhk Turkey HiiiMed, t'ranborry Bunco Chicken furred Morr!ii Yoiiiik (iooa wlltl Apple Jelly, Knvent I'uiich. (Jnall on Toast Water Cre.e. Hiuldle of Venison Giiaic Sauce. Bwi'dt Bieails au Beurre Nnlr. jHi'k ItHlihlt, Muiltrimm Hiiiwi. Mallard Puck Queen (Mlv I ll'iHtoa ("ri'iiui Puff, Slirluip a la Mayoiuihe, Frf -h Lobntii.'. Strained I'olatuen. Mii'hed I'matoes. Sweet Potatoes Browned Imported KirlimU-is Iteaim. Marrowfat Vent, Apple I'le. iliinie Made II lure Pie, ' Lemon Merliutue Pie. Steamed KunllsU P.uin Pudding. Iliiru n.mce. iiraniy Sauce Vantlla Ice Cre m. Churluttn Itussa. A iiifel Kood. Lady Kluxers fruitcake. Plum Cuke. Layer Cake. Pint Aborted NiU(i,l'uii(licn and Layer ltiiislns. Knoauai, Oninui-H. Apple', C.lluwlia Clapen. Cream Clieene, Bent ater Crackarii Tea. Coffee. Milk. Van Ha iten'i Coaoa. ' 11 Sfii a All e favored ' . It, y. . . x v While we appreciate the large amount of trade we are , still (leetre to tnerese our Union Items. Fred Gorder changed cars here Monday. Jan. A nt ill, the ice cream man of your town, was here Monthly. Albert Keil returned from Thayer cottny the 23 th inat. with a bride. Solomon Long, of the vicinity of Murray, wns in town a short time Monday. John Kdmundn came down on the stub from Murray Wednesday and went to Nebraska City. Clans Brekenfcld, of Plattsmotith, came down Mondny and went to St. f pel 0 K C5 and have coifi'pleted arrangement iti which we have aegured large qua' tines, ut lirat iiatiuH, ot tne celebrated nt such prices that we propose to give thettj t6 ou,r ribiny customers be- r lieving that we snail increase ourtraue, as our custon e,B appreciate the act that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising nurpnv es-by rettirningit to them, believing they, will appreciate the giti'.in tell tlieir Irienus, und thereby increase our trade. -; , ' o : ; . EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of 5 entitles, the purchaser" tv either a Koger s hoiitj bilver Metal Ltutter Kniteor Sugar bhell sol f by Jewelery ntSl.OM. , f KVEWY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a sia (ii) ol Koger s Solid Nickel Jeabpoons, sold by Jewelers at !n.I EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purcllaser to a '' set ini ot Koger's solid -Nickel Dessert spoons, sold by Jewelers at . $.'100 EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $150 entitles the purchaser to a act (i)ot Kogers holid Nickel table spoons or a set of bouu Nickel Forks, or a Set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at HI'). o , KRE is what the manufacturer saya in regard to Solid Silver Met nl goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take i?X tne phice of Solid Bilver and plate ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this'metal superior to tiny Nickel Silver manufactured and have the erreatest confi dence in assuring our cualomern that this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver, it is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and cun hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We ree.omend this ware especially lor Hotels, restaurants and boarding bouses, as it will stand more nard usage than any other metal; is very tough ami hard; will hold its color and will outwear any Plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since lMbTi, and their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, bo our customer enn rest assured that they are veiling some very uesiraoie goous wnen tney get gooos utiuerinen brand. Come in early and secure a Bhare of these gooda before it is to A ate. Infie Competition. FRED HERRMANN. DOJSFT F0J?QET THAT I AM GIVING Ixiuis. via Missouri Pacific. Chas. m Wiley come down thefWc (qqtrfiqtec oqi Trices o be he Loes qqd first of ths week, Taking advan tage of the jrood(V) roads. Goodman Oldham loaded a car of stock nt MuiTny and accompany them to Omahti via here Monday. K. W. Sapp, of Murray, changed cars here Saturday Mr. S. having spent Christmas at Nebraska City. Jan. Allison, from near Murray, was down Monday, getting his teams shod, Y. W. Wolfe doing the shoeing. S. ('. lialhaway is making a rustler in the hotel. Time will make him an excellent hotel drum inert,) The last sad rites of Miss Icna Taylor were held nt the Ilaptist church Monthly, the interment took place in Union cemetery at 2 p. m, II. 1". Flemimr. the tonsorial artist, has been bothered with that pre vailing epidemic la grippe, for some time but at present is convii' leacent. Jas. M Malone brought several h.-ad of mules and horses here Monday, which were taken to Weeping Water Tuesday. Jim is a rustler and understands his biui- UNHEARD OFBARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES CLOCKS JEWEL AND SILVEDWARE CALL AND UK CONVINCED HK- FORIC PURC II A S I X G. W ILL 11 E PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO HUY OR NOT. The Hotel Riley. II. C. Hackney, of the Hotel Rilry, made arrangements for tin elaborate dinner toiuoriow. All those wishing n good dinner should not fail to go to the Riley. Dinner will be served at .V.'tD p. m. The hilt of fare is printed in uiiotlu r column. Read it over nnd then go nud take your family. M. W. A. Elaution. Last evening Cass Camp No. 3X! M. W. A., held a special meeting and elected the following officers: V. C.-P. C. Hansen. W. A, P. Wertenberger. llauker-J. F. Liake. Clerk -S. C. Wilde. Escort Geo. McCavigan.'jitiJtfnHil - Geo. Twiasler. s....irv ' vtvL. Thomas. PhysiciannTS. L. Siggins. Managers W. L. P. Ciimpb-II. Do you want l.fkTiotf what would make your fa. her, motlV-. brother, Bister and sweeibenrt haVI'vf lt.m a nice pair of shoen or si'ij'I"'rH 'r a ChristiiiuH present. W. "oeck Co. have iual received nn Vh'gnnt line that thev otfrr ut vmK LOW jtrlces for thirty days only. tf A coniipuancc cf thirty days v1 lked in . ne e.,ae of Kd Wiley wliicjj was granted by Judge Archer, an the case will come up Jati: iy 3", 18112. Cook nnd E .Tl,.,..,. ,....l A The new born dramatic cotc.iany, of Neliawka, composed of local tal ent will present the drama "Among t he Iheakers" in the school house next Thursday evening Decem ber 31. Editor Hasom, of the Murray Himner, the silver-tipped newspaper of Cnni county pnasetl here Mondny enrotile fr Avoca to look after the Avocu Enterprise where Mr. II. Is interestetl. Col. Sherman Knee, manager of the telephone exchange, at Hast ings, passed here Sunday afternoon The Col. still denied he is a married mail. Wonder if he is? Plaits mouth knows. Uncle IHeury Wolfe's farm resi deuces was the scene of quite a gathering Sunday. His sons and families and his son-in law took dinner and spent a happy tlay with Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Uncle Joshua Lymund wife gave nn excellent dinner Christmas to their invited triends and relatives. There being over fifty present and ninety per cent were relatives which assures us it was a success. DlEO Miss Lena Taylor, Sun day, December 27, of conniimp lion, deceased haB been one of the moat nmiuble young ladies in this city and leaves a host of friends who are numbered only by her uc uaintances. She was bright, lov- ible nnd king; entering the bloom nlX Atfe of twenty-two. Born of j.hristiun parents and Miss Lena OB. A. ) 4V: 7. ,r-' 415 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb always made home n blessing. The family in their sail bereave ment have the sympathy of our en tire community. Notioe to Water Conaumer. All rents will be due January 1. Water consumers not wishing con tinuance miiat give proper notice. Ot I J.ATTSMOUTU WATEK CO. Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the service, have Bincc been permanent ly cured of it by Chaimberlain'B Colic, Cholera nnd diarrhoea Rem edy, For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Lyman J.-fmes, cx-counly com misaioner and one of the siaunch republicans of Greenwood pre cinct, is ill itie cmv to-day. Lost Hetween Gold Btreet and South Park and Eighth and Tenth streets, Saturday morning, a cream silk mulller with initial "A in the corner, hinder will please leave Pt this office or nt 71 South Tenth st. 't' Mrs. Hinkley, of Grafton, who has been visiling with the family of Win. Herold, left for home this morning. Epworth League Entertainment. The Epworth League will give nn entertainment at the residence, of S. A. Davis, on Penrl street, New Years night, January 1st. Ther will be singing and recitations, nnd grandma show her family album Everybody is invited, the old cs pecially. Pure buckwheat flour for sale at Heiael's mill. t For abstracts of title nt reason able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union block. tf bucklen's Arnica balvo. Tus But Salve in the world for CnU Bruimja, Sort, Ulcers, Salt Klieum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Clm)M-d Hands, Chilblains, Corn, and all Skin Ernptionc, and posi tively cures Pilea, or no pay required, . It is (,'iiarnntevd to i;ivo iotti faction, or money refunded. Price 2'j cent per box. . For sale lj F. 0. Kricko Miss Elsie Moore has had the east room in the Purmele-Roberts block nicely fitted up tnd will have her millinery stock moved in by the 1st of January. tf We will sell lamps for net cost for tltenext thirty days. M. 1J. Murnlir &Co. if Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh s Vit Bluer is guaranteed to cure you. H Chamberlain's Eyo and Ekla Ointment A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyoj Totter, Bait Illionm, Scald Head, 01 Chroolo Boroj, Fovtr Soros, Ecscmft, Itch, Prairio Scratches, Sore Nipples ndTilo. ItUeDollnf; and soothlns. Dundrodjiof cases have boon cured by Vt after all othor treatment had failod, Ills put op In S3 and 60 cent bcio. 1 i I li ...... (-t