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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1891)
A nit. a I I J- ,;'1CE IS PREPARED TO DO, LY 7 WORK, AND DOES IT FOR RfLAaON ;ADLF . - fv. IF TOC ARB IN NEED 0 fTER HEAD3 f- - - . .BILL HEADS, - . . . - STATEMENT! ( . . . . . .... ENVELOPES J ...... r SALE HILLS - -. . . POSTERS or in lact anything in the STATIONARY LINE CALL AT THE HBHALD OFFICE, V.E CAN SUIT YOU, AS WE !3icqtGe - Satisfaction. grim ness: kneel mer. IF you wish to succeed in your buinea, advertise it and let 3 public k iow your prices. People like to trade with tlio ant who offers tlicnvthc belt inducements. It might help ide wonderfully. Try it. yo ur i As the most important Campaigne for ars Js Coming upon us every Farmer should 4 provided with a good Jive newspaper that vill keep them posted on all important ques ions of the day. THE HERALD is purely a le$lican paper and would be glad to put oi Jiaine on our list. Only $1,50 a year. . See our Clubbing list with the leading pa ers published. the beyond the wild", the altar arouud which w all in thankfulness; tho dear wall which take us to their loving embrace and hide us from the comfortless world without. .' Home again, and a peace had come to her she bad never known since she had gone out in Jane m the blrdlet from lU nep.t. At the front door her dear old father, who had been at his desk ten hours daily all the weary while aha wai away, met her. "My danghter!" he eaid, holding out his arms to her. Like a tired wanderer, tootaore and hcartaict, e'm came to h!tn. Trustingly, confidingly, restfully, she laid her soft white face, in ita frame of golden hair, upon his bosom. "At last," she murmured, "at last I have found some one to be a popper to me." And the dear old father, In the tumnl tuous joy of having hia darling child BL'uiu. didn't catch on. Detroit Free Press. Tbran Costly Ilothooirs. This is the season of the year when the great army of gardeners employed by New York's millionaires who have a fad for flowers are putting their hothouses in shape for the winter. I met Jay (jould's chief gardener yesterday and he told me that everything was in excellent shape at the railroud king's f00,000 hothouse up the Hudson. A lot of choice plants and exotics have Jnst arrived from India and other eastern countries. John IIoy's diflknltu-s have not de- I terred him from looking after his pet 1 a i 1.!- 1 ... ..t nowers in mn gritnu lioLiiou.-w-n n wuj wood, N. J. I am told his chief gardoncr has had several conferences with Mr. Hoey during the pant two weeks about his favorite (lowers and their care, Mr, Hoey is passionately fond of flowers, aid select the seeds and bulbs himself, and at times superintends the work of Lli gardeners.' Another man who has a half a million dollar hothouse i the .Standard oil king, John D. Rockefeller, who has a palace on the Hudson. It has not been completed long and his gardeners are constantly re ceiving new addition). Jlr. Rockefeller ays he will have the finest flower show in the world inayearortwo. New York Telegram. HEHMiB PUBLISHING;' GO, 601 Cor Fifth and Vine St. LATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Q WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS rcscrlptlons Carefully Compounded at all Hours. a j t vi j "r3 to FuriiisliSIFour House.. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -URBAT MODERN- .HOUSE FURNISHING 'EMPORIUM. lav5 i;r uurchascl the J. V. "Wcckbach store room on south lau., street where I am now located' can sell good cheap x than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock if new coodii ever brouuht to the city. Gasoline stoves did furniture f all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. PEARLMAN. Crime All the criminal returns published of Into have happily tended to show that crime Is decreasing. The judicial sta tistics for the past year bear the fflino testimony. Whether under tho head of "criminal classes at large" or "in local and convict prisons aud reformatories," the flinirefl sliow a steady de.Jine. The same is true of tho house of bad char acter, by which i meant such as are the resort Of thieves, depredators ana suspected persons. In England and Wales there are 2,0J Bouses or misue- eripticn. It seems rather odd to be told that of these 8W are public houses and 2G3 beer shops, becauto if they are known resort of such characters, why are their license not withdrawn? Is it for the reason CC giVCS tr S Fr?Sch administrator that they serve the end of the law by providing places where those who are wanted by the police can easily b found? The known houses of receivers of stolen ipjods had declined from 778 two years ago to til last year. London Telegraph. lUwardt to th Onod and Had. Every schiajlglrl and boy in IVUmore, L. I., knows Lawyer George A. Mott. A few days ago ho visited the village school in that place with the pockets of Lis overcoat bulging: out with prizes Tor the pupils. Tho priies were for good conduct and excellence in different studies. More than a dozen boys and girls wero loada happy. Two prizes till remained, and then Mr. Mott re quested the tcacln-r, Miss Fish, to c.vl np the woratboyinthw-Miooi, A imgin eyed nrchin named Clinton Misire wt puidiiifed by MiKsKish inrtr-pon? to Mr. Mott miiimi, lU ws prcsuitra vr.'.a one of the pmaiiiin prixes and jiromisi'd to try to do U-tter. When Mr. Mott ai-kccl ror tne worni gin in iiih scikku saucy JennU Hii ka raised her hand. Sho received the other prino. ew xorK Hun. What I "Trollj?" 1 ak for iuformiition. I have lm. u reading latily a very clever novel iIhiiu KiiirlinU artist life ami l.iiglisli smar: society. Twice over in tho story a smart young woman is made to rtescrilsa cer tain artich-s of costume in a bride's troiibseuu as "quit too awfully trotty for words." I have never to my knowl edge heard the phrase "trotty" nsed in that sense. Is it au epithet of London smart society? If so, what is its sup posed derivation? Is it liiijiorted from America, a uioet of our slang phrases lately are? Any information ou this point kiudly supplied will be rewarded with the best thanks of this writer, who feels considerable tutr't in slang, but likes it genuine when he can get it. Justin McCarthy in New York Herald. i mi np ! I I v . ,, v tht 'positive cuiie. VVVi;. Robert Bhaw, of Bnow's Falls, M., went to sleep in a field the other day, aud wbeu he awoke he was minus good pair of trou-ers. Field mice, which swarm iu Oxford county, had gnawed the gar n nt into shreds nmTctirrlod it away. M ' ? Lr.tiracr's v . ' t . Ita lu Pennsylvania." ' Yoker who ha bocn hui Maine, "and now I would ( like f ; about the way some women npv - pine forests have of showing thi' t and skill when it come to dealing with certain wild animals. "A family named McDonald live way back in the wildernees of the Molni river. It consist of the husband, Rod erick McDonald, hi wife and hi sister, both young women. They have a snug little farm in there, and keep few cat tle. ' Their moat valuable poaeeftsion in that line was a yoke of steers. One day McDonald was obliged to go to one of the settlement several miles away, and his business was ts k-nji him ow night His wife and suiter wore left alone to look after thing daring his absence. Just before dark a great hollowing wai heard among the cattle in the barnyard. The sounds were of such an nnusual char actor that the two women became satisfied that they were cries of terror. Mrs. McDonald, armed with a pitchfork, and her sister, carrying an ax, hurried to the barnyard. " "There they found an enormous bear, standing defiantly between the proetrate bodies of the two stwrs, each of which be had felled to the ground and killed. The other cattle were huddled in terror in a corner of the yard. The bear growled and snarled and showed his t"eth as the women approached, but, iu spite of his terrible front and threaten ing attitude, the sight of the steers lying dead on the ground was more than the plucky young women could stand, and they rushed with desperate intent ou the snarling bear. T11RY KILLED TUB BRAE. "Mrs. McDonald charged with her pitchfork and thrust iU sharp, long tine deep into the bear's neck. The bear gave a howl of pain, and striking the handle of the pitchfork a powerful blow with one forepaw he wrenched it from Mrs. McDonald's hand and sent it fly' ing acres tne barnyard. While the bntr was doing that Mis McDonald pitched into him with tho ax, and at the first blow disabled one of his terriblo foreleg. The Wf tnmod on her and she rained blows thick and fast upon him as she backed slowly awny. Mrs. McDonald quickly regained poHWwBion of the pitch fork and renewed her attack on the bear. "Iietween the attacks of the two de termined and plucky women the buar wiu so badly h;inined that he made an effort to ewapo from the field, but the women pnawd him too cltwely. The battlo was not of long duration, for the hiHty blows of the axe in the girl's hands aud the dwp and painful stubs inflicted by Mrs. McDonald with her pitchfork soon hail their effect on the bear, big and tough as he was, and in tun uiinntes aftor the Cght began he was Btretclu-d dead by the side of hi victims, the two steers. Th two nervy women had their clothing nearly stripped from them by the claw of the bir, but beyond a few scratches they were not injured. "They were, not on the some In time to save the valued gU-rs, but their pluc in avenging the death of the caUle arotiM-d so much cntbmiiaMU and ad miration at the settlement that a purse was raised among the lumbermen and hnuiers, with which il.olhcf yob steers wa bought aud premnUxl to Mrs. McDonald and her brave little sinter. ' ANOTIIKIl WOMAN'S KHAR. "In that same Mollis river wilderness, but nearer tho headwaters, uves during the summer and sometime a)ntea the middle of Novemlier, if the weather not too severe, a family named Bake They re rton people, but on account of the health of one of the family, who Is benefited by the spruce and pine air of tlie region, they spend most of the year in their commodious cabin in the Molus woods. "Daker's wife is a pretty woman of alxiut thirty, and hat. learned to handle the rifle like an old woodhman. She in sibted ou making one of a pmty thai had formod to rout out and kill a big bear that had been located in a swamp a mile or so from Mm cabin, bho was stationed by the guide at a spot where in his judg ment the lar would not be likely to come out when the dogs got after him, as be had no faith in a woman s ability to stand and shoot at a bear as it Ixjuncod into eight out of a thicket. "Ills Judgment was right, for w'ik-u the dogs got on the. track of the boar Mrs. linker heard .hem taking a course that would fetch brnin ont of the swamp at a place where she would he unable to -e it or get a shot. But she wasn't there to lie fooled, and she started on a rnn fur Um spot where the bear was evidently headed for, and she got there before any one elm did. The bear, a tremendous big fellow, as black as ink, broke through the thick brush on the edge of the swamp, and was putting iu his bent lick acrox th Mining for cover on the other side. Hut he never rvacbed cover. Mr. Daker put one rifle bull close behind hi left shooliler and anotlior through hi loins. Wbeu the guide, Mr. Bukcr and another member of the party came tearing to the spot, Mrs. Uaker wa kitting on the rare of the bear as cool as a etienm her, and with mock disgust exclaimed: ' " 'You're a nice lot of hunter, I de clare! If It hadn't been for me this bear would have been a mile away in the wood before yoa stupid thing knew what had become of ltrM New York Sun. ' 1 ' '. ; tt. - V'"':'.' J" much la. ' , ' with rugs, ' the idea bet. . ', . t;. one must lieu -.tHkanap afteru. People living' in apartment costing' a high as $1,000 a year, and in the new quarter of Paris in the n&ghborhood of the Champs Elysees, when they wish to bathe, other than take a sponge bath in small portable tub, either go to the puhlio lathing establishments or send to them to have a bath brought to their apartments. Bunday tiiorning one -see strange looking two wheeled Cart like a very high dog cart, on which there i framework built over the wheels. This framework can hold three bath tubs. They are made entirely of copper and are about S feet long, 20 inches deep at t'ne end and 18 inches ou the side. ; The driver of this vehicle is perched np high on a small seat in front, is bare headed and Wears a blouse. On eack side of him an iron ring encircle a cop per colored vessel, holding about three gallons of hot water, wuicb rests on little shelf. lie also carries a supply of dry towels and sheets. The bathing es tablishments have these curts, and when a patron semis word that he wants a hot bath at a certain hour the bath is put on the cart, the kettle filled with hot water, and the cart with its strange load is rapidly driven to the building in which the apartment is. ' The driver carries the bathtub, as an Adirondack guide carries a canoe, on his head and shoulders, from the first to the fifth floor, a the case may be, and after spreading a sheet to protect th carpet, he Spreads tlso a clean het in side of the tub, so that the bather dot not touch th metal. Ther h carries up the kettle of hot water which he baa brought from the main establishment The necessary cold water he get on th premium, ell her oa th same floor with the apartment, or in th courtyard. When the bather h had his bath, th attendant remover .no soiled water by dipping it out, wipe ont the tub and carries it with In kettle ana totica towels down stairs to his cart. Th charge for all this is alKint sixty cents, with the usual additional tip to the man. Engineering Record. Montana Aspphlrts. The only locality in Montana which has been at all prolific of sapphires is th six or seven miles of placer ground be tween Ruby and Eldorado bars on th Missouri river, sixteen miles east of He lena. Here sapphire are fonnd in gla cial amiferons gravel while sluicing for gold, and nntil now hav been consid ered only a by product Up to the prev rnt time they hav nevr been systemat ically mined. In lfS9 oh company took the option on 4,0u0 acre of the rlv banks, and several smaller companlc hav sine been formed with a view of mining for these gem alone r In con nection with gold. . ; ' Th color of the gem obtained, al though beautiful aud interesting, are not the standard bine or red shades generally demanded by th public. The stone eabrsce a great rarietv of th lighter shade of red, yellow, bin and green. The latter color i found quite pro nonnced, being rather a bine green than an emerald green. Nearly all the stones, when finely cnt, have an apparent metal lic luster which is strikingly peculiar to those from this locality. Neither rea rubies nor true blue sapphire ha yet b"ta found. Omaha Bee. . 'mint defclfc lipfiHwe, uixlwh ( . ' jLldtowtigonMf, hut . ry ' ' li'ortt3tttUy en Mi tid b. j,ned . " biriat,,' tliaJSTQiiiid refij V(l tf The horse became 3fji ana .' , nowwiinniaiKiing earciul nttei -and the application of remedied.' ' ' friend handed Sawyer Home Haller'e Barb Wire Linement, th ' moat wonderful thiup ever ea,w U heal such woundH. lie applicdit only three times and the wire wn " completed healed..' Equally good. tor all aors, cutu, brimes, and wounds, ypr sale feyful druggist I. For lame back there is nothinr beltei1 "than to eartirnie a flannel cloth'' with Chiiinberlain's I'aifr Balm aild" blud'it n the affected '' parts. Try it and you will be nur . tiriscdat the prompt relief itaffor The same treatment will cure rhat ' mntimn. , For mile 1y F. G. Frickt, &Co. " ) The volumes of the Magazine be- ' pin with the Numbers for June and December of each yeai". When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Numlr .current at the time of receipt of rder Bound Volumes of Harper'H Magazine for three years hack, in neat, cloth bind ing will be sent by mail, post-paid, ou receipt of ff;j.0U-. per volume. Cloth cases for binding, fiOcenui each by mail post paid. Mliea Nerve andrUver Pills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, sloinrch and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. M iles' Pills speedily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles fionstipation. L'nequaled for men women, children, smallest, midest gt,ret fU) doses. 'ic. Samples free t F. G. Fricke 4 Co'a. 1 1 tl lieo nt xi'riiiiento upon' the electro lytic generation of prwnre from gases formed in a closed spac liave been very sncce-sful, and a pressure of 1 ,200 at lUtHipheres has been obtained. I)lff.rd wltli th flpakr. The Minister I now come to tliut great rite, the Passover, and Drowsy KailnuMl Oflh-ial (awaking luddimly)! Ml yon you havo no right to a paa.t over this riKid. H im. show this to tin door.-- I'iui.bmg liullutiu. Carlnillla la Ffg. W niet otir old friend, Mr. Jess Eatiin, on th street the other day, and he told us of a wond'-rful egg his daugh ter came across a short time ago. Ou breaking it she discovered another per fectly formed eg with a shell inside of It was ftltout th tme of a partridge eg. A author genliniuan tttmung Dy told of a curiosity in th shape of a ouble lili;rn that had besn hatched on his place. The back of th twins wer unit'xl, and while one would be slandtng on his fees th fwl f lu ut'ior wonld b pointing npward. when growing tired of this position it or they would flop over and stand on th other fn-t, th position being rver.i. Us laid th cSioken lived vral days. Farinlugton (Mo.) Times. ; AslaaH mm4 ia Faaaal llahlt. There Is now said to U m animal wr bird In th Central Park menageri that does not eat peanut. Many specie in the cage wer at first much avers to peanuts, but the persistence of th chil dren in forcing thtml nisjn every creator there ha had such an effect that vea the lions and pelican, and everything except th snakes, hav fait obliged to acquire, th peanut habit. Nsw York Sun. j ( (rowing; Celry. There have been many ways snggested for blanching. It I said that in the Old World, wher first class celery i de sired, instead of burying np the plant in tbe earth they simply ti np tit leave and then wrap them in coars brown paper. It Is said that much better cel ery can be obtained this way than by any other method of blanching. Ma. haa's Mautlily. , . t . 7 , i I r "Ths foremost or" our periodicals. coMMAJDnra EVZBT OSZAX CENTES 07 THOUGHT AS1 Acnosnr THE W0SLO, AssispleeeptwRI llluitratafppMsw. tuinlllk Mat fa 9B anla aii uwn AtsoLO. ' ym ynunt l the Trnnt niitnirttTer the mmit Hin1y, thw lsrpirt sni I the hsnlyimxt of the rerlowa The three great g-ioups of sub jects out of the comins pear will be impartially asd instructively dis cussed lv the uhlcst writers; I. I'olfilcsl subjects growin out of the gresidential campaigne. (U Financial disturbance here nnd abroad. III. Theological unrsst- with all the social qucMions sug gested ly these groups of great top ICS. There is no other way whereby one may get the ripest information about the great problems of the time within so narrow a compass or for so small a sum ehart sjmlies of great subjects by more than linn di ed of the loremoht men lind wotn eunf the world; beciuiHe there is only ene American periodical for which nil the preat leaders of opin ion uii'l of tlimght write, and that is Tiik FoKfft. The December niiniber for exain- t)le centains: i)egredation hv Pen sion The Protect of I "'! Volun teers, by lieiiteiiiml Allen K'. ICoote I'ounden r of the Society of Loyel Volunteer; The Meaning of the Democratic Victory in Massachu setts, by Gov. Wm. K. h'ussell; French "feeling toward Germany; AnotSer Conflict about Ilsace- l(f trtine Inevitable, by Cummin? J'fl letan, member of the French Chani berof Deputies; Should tne Silver Law of 1MSJ be repealed' by Jacob II. Seliitf one of the most successful nnil in New York; In Modern Kdu cation n Failure'r by Fredrick Har rison, the great Kuglish essayists Unregulated Competition self-destructive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Western Trafllc Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume and the Valud of their Work, by Alice II. Khine; A Day With Lord Tennison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. And five other arti cles. There are now in progress discus sions of our yension system; Prison Management; The Training of Teochers; The Iouisintinn Iittery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Kducutloiial Mat ters a failure? !Vic a copy. 5"i n year. THK FOKl'M, t'nion Square, N. Y- The November of 1H61 will ver lm famous in oi.r political history, be'ans iu that month, for tho first aud only time, two president Were elected within these United State Abraham Lincoln to role in Washington, and Jefferson Davis in lii' limoiid. Ml.vIU.II 111 FOH Ml OIJLV! Fiosirrn,mo nNnooTr OonwmludKkaVOUSDIiBlI.ITlr, WnakDua of Body ul Siad, EiTmM KrT4fOT ElrlllH In Uln or I OVIW, Boa almal, fcaJ.I aiHioiwit'T si'isiii It.tiiip:,. n-. i, lwdrt.a 'if!T. t1 UrslkttTlh,- Nil-tru. He r It UHU t If. f ti I N Dl IttlU I Stairs awd rrrs4irilit4. Wrllslkn "Uniiisi tmrt pnxila m a II r1 iHili t ) Iff, -171 JAW UP., BUFFALO. N. T.