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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1891)
u iwn tan mm m.iiMi ii mi xaj:iimirMiin nu inwrvtc 1' .-'. ft I Jt I '. K-.-iN r? ,r- - A I l-i.v - Ini a dti ft ft toll fe li t '!" . i".c 11 U li-- J ::..-t,.' 1...u.t Ut !'.,.-. d j ; .... iCnfg VI '.'!r. I 1 '0 V -n '.' ! " .' r r..'imj P.' ' t t :.. V. r. , j ! ..':. ,! I!i2 i'.ir.r'. C ;.:...! e iici.fv ticwi.-v.i-:'i vl - - . - - .i3", T?:j Voiimrj for iZ)2 will CoulrJn N!i'e !i .-.?. "it Vrln" 5(orts. too Stfrfes Ac!vcr.(;;rc. T.'i ni 5-' rl Art'..".. of ii I Advice. Sketch-a cf Trivd. i::r.'.3 n S-'f-I- d'! C '' l'c-i ftileiica Art'c.'cr.. I'.i;i-.-;':..J ! Ar"i VuSway i-i"- "" AJirnlur?. t':-. !rj Cl.'IJrcr.i Pa;:a Naiu.-.l U.-.U.y j3 Lr , ".i(r T'r "? !!". 'lot'Jay !'j::.jc:i. I'.'.j.'.rav.J Wee!:: Ca-j-tcter.ts. !:?.-'; :r fu: l.hnf" t I! Li l 3 i i ! r.i. ,. I 1 . Ai. .; :s;-.;. 1 i . . . -. " ; ' ". "-v.: 1 , 1 ci'jifjua 1 p IIIUUI I Ml VI ;e old reliable. it? L Shlogle, Uth, Pub, Doors, Blinds 'I in nyj eriTW drmund of thu city. Call and i' ' '"' Fourth street In of opera liouw. H5viRY BOECK i Th Ln.iing r FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKE p mi irjZi. way- I j j iUnUotlr kwpi on b UnUotlr kwpi on band everjthia joa oel to furniih jar Lom. I cwiEBiixTH mil mil mur -vV .liplatu mout Neb .- r-t'uitvii'A For Atchinnon, St. Jono)h, Lrnven worth, KanMuii City, St. and nil point north, cnsl ioulh (ir wi't. Tick eta mild find b(i Uiitfc checked to n n y point in the Unili'il Stntrs or Cnmid.i. For INFORMATION AS TO Ii ATI'S AND KOL'TI'S Ciill'nt I)i'iot or iid'IrPBa f k, C. Tovxsi;xr, j O. P. A. St. Loiiin.Mo. - J. C I'nit.t.ii'i'i, A. O. P. A. Om.ilm. I). Ap(;aw. Al , PI illHiiioiiih. Tcli'honi', "7. Meat hahket I Ml XI II 8TKI i:T II. I.LI.I.NMAi;.--!, Prop. Tho lir-t ill f rf!l me VH III' ill tlii-i market. Ali-o ; I'. Ml mid Hntl'T. Kh iiiiH' ol nil kituU kept in tln-ir HI'IIHOII, tir hi xtii 1 w-.. - j MARKETl ivn Cj,..i f .' I. " r .'uij' ; yula .iC I ;' r. Iri t of fT'.IH'l Cu V:'.':.t. 1 tls l.:r A '.li C.-.':". i'".. ' PiV Lyat J"; - i. - .v. cic r.-.'..oCrj. -'f:-.j v.x-i -icy, r;U C':o i.;:i.drcj C.icrs. 1 , t n.-J 1 in I . i 1 ' Tl tl'ia L.n rr,.; "' , '., .' ,' : . ', J. II:A:N:S:K:N STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEiliES, GLASS AUD QUEEN SWA UL FtenM Fatil a Snecialty 1 I'atroDAge 1 tbi) Tuble Solicited. J0HSS3N EUILDING Sixth S!. MEW HAKUWAHE STORE S. K. HALL A SON Kep ill klml ot b ill tiTt hiirdwarn on hn4 ami will u ( 1 ' ) y rontriii'liiri on luunt lar uriiblu li-iuii : TIIsT nOOFINO Hpmitlni ami all klniloil 1 1 u work prunr'tlr J ins. urUnn liuia tun country Solicited IK Pearl 8t. rLATTSMOUTII. HRD. PERKINS- HOUSE, 317. 919, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth Nebraska II. M B033, Proprietor. lbs IVrkiot haa been thorough! j renoratcd from top to button; and ' OOW one of tho brat hoteU in tlia ntute Boardura will b taken by ths week at 1 1.50 and op. GOOD BAH CONNECTED JIIF: CI1I7.KNS HANK. PUATT3MOUTII RBflllABIlA OaDltal stock Mid In I Authorized Capital, 1100,000. - grnvmu UANK CA KKL'Tll. JOS. A. COK, Prwilileiit. Vlca-PtntH'ii- w. it. cunniao. chier. DIHBCTOlia raak Carrutb J. A. Connor, Y. It. (latkaaar i. W. Johmon, flniiry llaxk, Jolia U'Kecf W. U. Miim, Wia. Wetanaama, W. H. CuaklBf, TEAN3iCT3'i GENERAL E AMINO BDSlNES miMcrtinr iipn of li(xln bi-trlnn InternM tua and M ll eicliaun. roiinly mil oily .iiiii A. C. MAYKS COUNTY H U It V K Y I ( AND CIVIL KNUINKF'K All onlfrf lr-ft wllltlie rniinty elcrk lll be iromitly ali'ini'tl 10. OI KH K IN COl'KT IIOt HK, PlattHiiiouth. Xrlirsmka TMI iliblNAl tNrt CLNUIHC. Tl .nlv .iii.. Xi.rr, n-l trtoti ,t f I I. . V T'j T ".i .. 1 e . ... i " '...i a- i i ni i y li I ) t ... ib I - "'. l.B.uli.r,..., i. ' ' '. I (w , f A I ' H I- .11." I. I ...... H -I. .1 r . . , '-I. ..... WA I M 13 4.. H. Iinp f .i i.m.. 1 . I. ' 'IW.III., . I ". ... I it- I .... . r, I . . i. '-: , II. V IH.II I.I I... ... ..i... T.... WHICH. Hi .11 Clt.i.K . - I" ta .i -N-r a14 ky tdl tcmi Ur-,l.l i 111. ut I 1'HI V. ',k. Bmwnm? ..i Le Five. rwt r .. C ''..- ; u -i, fiinr i t 'om nrs V. r ieJit- f :oii. :a.i Atiott. i .y: :'.!UUIOIl. )(-TS. 1 7! - - t ii a Is I mi KST : NATIONAL : I SANK UV rLATTHMOCril, .NKIUtAhKA .vifi m.iK (iuiulua ri the Tt-ry bf l IhoiIIUp tor the prom;, ti .iii-ivt Ion ol llgltliiihie lianking liusinuhs rttix'k", boniU, ifiilrt. KoTi'rnmeiit and locl e urui.w boiiKlit ami o .l. Di'ihiiIh rwM .. tinl IhliTist allownl on lli (ttuIIc ii. mfii ilrHwu, Hv.iil.iiilf In Hi.y p.trt of 1 hi liHifJ ni.ilm l'iiX all tku orluclpul tu u Surupa. XJLLkCTIONB MAP AND PKQMPTLY BBMIT TKII. tiluliest nmrkft prlrn p.ilil tor County Wai rant, Htato ana County bonu. DIKECTOltS John FltiKjruld D. Ihiwk'wortb H4111 WaiiKli. K. K. While HcorKB B. ioviy lobn Kll7KruH. H. WaiiKb. Tre'ldi'iit l ' 1 'e. B ANK OK CASS COUNTY Cor M.un and Kllth atrect. !ald up capital tl nne 4urplut it.wO OFFICHR8 J. II. rmnla President r"t (ionliT Tlce l'relil.iut I. M. I'Htll'PIOI I'll.) :ll C. M. P, airmen, Ant ( -liiil DIRECTORS 1, H. Hinin, It. uVwImllima, U. H.lUumey Bl.d V. .d l allMcoo K aENEaVL BANI1NC BU315EE8 " RAS3ATED aorounM tnlkttwf. Inirrxit ll.iwd on tlma li-ponn Hint promii! aili-utluuiveu to all but- ucm KUiruiuia w It ear. Cbararxaialn'a Eye and Skin Ointment A certain cere lor ChrwuVj Son Eyea, Tetter, Salt Iiheam, Scald ilead. Old CbxoDdo Bores, Ferer Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Bmtchea, Bore KIpplci and Files. It la ooollDf "knd aoothlnjj. Iltrndrodaof caaea Lara boon eared by it after all other treatment bad (ailed it la put up la 23 and CO cent boxc. NE8BaaaiaaoiiticU"ttD 4V efa -li ttamt'Air iiiaii. -iJk..Hi.i,o.iT rnrr Ml araini, lt. Will, tm bvut .( f,ul 1 nuu r AHULK 5 7 l-..i nM l. kak I T l V geroi.4, lnniriaul fruwlh. I'y V W-Krt FslU to I'Xora On f. I 'i "" ' 1 Timllilul Color? I-, 'r'rlltfww"P hin blr Iim. '.?- j; ll.Hit fl IK l'ritr-U ' I',, .-... . i.... ... s ""l Fll to I'Xora (Iru VA.aAr th ('.V, l,a i' i ai r i U l.gur I nlO, I, -iw it..e ..! t ii;i, ! .'in!, rin, ut, jymtwua, raM, Tm in it ut. lllNpEKCORNS. Tin V'fmmm.iC'm. iiuv ill iwii, Cv. In j.i.u, ur mhcu a cvk, h. n. RATKUL-COMFOTL1 iipps Gocoa IJKEAKFAST "ya Ikarank kilitK f laral llai whli'll ttvrrn III oaciitlnat nf l2wt nid utriiloii. and kf a farafal in lioiloa n( lhi Inn iir TlH'iif ll mli-i i'ikik Mr, Ki'in lim iinlili our kr'akfmt laklx with a illii eiv I tm I liffi" whli'li mty . ut maay k-a?f it 'tor (l it, in- ut hi ji I..1H uvii(uci mi ' kirl Ik . I a "ii Itullun mi In (rdally billt nl until "tr.iiin i'ini'11'li In rnu ry lm-iry In iHi'in. IliimlifiU ot mmU rflal' ar flea i r Mind 111 rd t iHi'k wn-tr kin a wf 'ilnt, A may it ful uli.ift lif ki'ilr niir. well tiir.ili'il wek mr bln'i I nd it arnprly nvurlilied (iitiiiH."-' vil Herri -a i itl. Madoxl aianly wltk li'iillnit waiir nr milk, Xnld ny la kll-a"' llim. li v iro"rli i:iinn'i mur: Jam Ki Ul'l'H a Ull . UiatiitUil i lii-mlut l.adu I 'ut; I. nd noK ACrVTl TTAXTED fop fl!S5M?rDAYLIGHT nrl.llillKlMI hllAIIdWM OF M'ff VOIlff TIFF, A ( hriktin w-man narfHs)of "tl..-in work 4 "l" Itii Kaltf ' in tni'i 'i ( I !'.', rr imf that 1 Mtarr It' " uf Ml ft- n hj lint NewVi!." utml-vn vitmtm " It t'r rttm tti,f cl rl. In Ulut. lMt)fifn friMusiinciiTfi Bnyrni titeuoM. it Air, lit I'll mp.t-.i, i l. 'I lifM. V a.... and Inanr.tnp 1 Item. Ilvrnst tfhirfnf ! N. Y Jhfrxticvi'. iltt H.f nrHinfafi-nnllaa-l lip, lit t'tifltrat 1 Of IT'Orl in 1-trL ' f i Umtt Siht, l'ur ml (f ik 4, fiH " tartkii1 trull' a. It .a an Utijp .f 'J rmlXTunna, m. m it ur.a tti l.tal Ik Vir of (nxl"!, l'k f it l"-r w kut JaavmrA mf IMtti I pn hnSrmn, tt.r tosj i u$ r,-Mi ami tH" 7.nfc flu for rlrmlara lo Jokn 8aiidli Kratltm. A ftw iiri'.i striiirm who with out for morning at roll witiifsnl a lirn-f I bluoilv bit tin thvDiiL'li t!u whitlow of tlie Miiriict nin.-1't Inrd atire biinijy Anion;,' the di'iiiis'-HH of the pl.i rc in 11 uionki-y i:iilli-d Joclto, wm-. priivir; lor inUchii-f low Ifil him into 'din;iu:r before. Oil the morning ir, qniMio:i Jut:U detrrmhiKil to jro on a 'lark. I!' luixi'fih'il hi pH'ldntf Ibttlock of hia vr.;:.; and ouch fn-e tiiriicil his attention to hi" fi-nl lit n;(l compiinionH. It tiMik hn a few minute to unliKik a dozen of th. Tiiriona cast's jn tin rixim, uinl noon n funny irocniun of moukeyg anil p ;r lotit were Htruttiim ahout. In a few n:i.i ntes trouble Ix-uti to brew. One of li. purrotH, in a spirit of mischief, prni:u,', bit JcK'ko. anil u lively buttle en. iii' ' Polly giMin found that elm wuh ki-Il!: tlie wornt of it und inaile a rnnh for le . minua her t'til fiithr uud juirt o a winK-, iiu Wi then th.r;)r.Ki;!,.' arouHed, wiled in for a generul wuwwi and in a hhort timu hud tlie floor to him aelf, aave for Minnie, a little nihtiu jiilo, who w;i too dazed to eac.ipe. Wil Ii one blow tho bird wna etretcheil lifclex on too floor. TIm monkey then offitrfi battle to a bi at tiffed owl which hi:l bw'u K"zin Holeinnly npon the hci :u', ami receiving no unnwer to hia chiil leriK'", threw the bird oH its HMle.tnl. Joeko'a Waterloo waa awaiting him however. A hne vampire tat, which bad been watching the buttle, jninpeil down from hii jx-rcli, nnil Jocxo Ktarted for him. The cont-Ht was brief. The harp bonk uml talonn of the bird buriml thetiiMlveH li-e a ibuli in tho monkey fli u)i, and Jocko wax ulad to make hi rxrupe with the blood flowing frotn a dozen wouiiiIh. At thin jum tore the proprietor appeared and hoatilitiei ceased. Kan Francisco Chroniclo, A Tru Ilt Story. Here in a new und absolutely true hat tory. A New York gentleman, dining at a hotel In lioaton, found on coming out that ho wax tho last to leave the dining room, and hi hat hud been takeu by somebody who had preceded biin, leaving one very Minihir, but iinmirv takably not bin, in iu place. It w.n a giiflicienlly good xnbstitute to allow ot hix wearing it for three weekx ufter hid return home, when, afler dinner one (lav, three week later, be aaid to a friend with whom be had jiut been diu g: "1 must replaco this hat; ila not irino, ut.d it doesn't fit. Coiuu with 1110 and I'll do it now." Together they aonght a neighboring rhop and began to examine bats. One after another wax tried on by the intend in purchaser, none quite suiting him. It'x too bad," xiiid hix friend. "Like yon, I am hard to fit. Now, thia one is the moat comfortable hat I ever had." "It lixikx ko," remarked tho hut welt er; "let 1110 try that on." The but wax handed o hlin. It adjusted itxeif per fectly to Lix head. ".Man alive!" he ejaculated, "this ia my lost hat," and he txjk it off quickly, turned back the in. aide band, and, sure enough, there waa hia niuno and residence in indisputable proof. It turned ont that the friend had been In Boston the same day, though they had not met, had dined at the ho tel, but had nut discovered that he had worn away another man's hat. And the ahop loat a sale of a hat. New York Times. . Nol mm Elrramoaynary IiVtltatlna. "It's funny about some people one meets traveling," remarked a drummer at the Cadillac aa he threw his feet npoo the writing table. "Iiowr inquired the man next to him. 'On a dining car, for Instance, the other day, he went on jerkily. "WhatT' asked the other man en. oouragingly. "Coining over from New York. Odd aort of a genius across the car from ma After he left the car tho waiter who had served him brushed the crumbs off of my table. " '8h dat man, bow?" he aakud. 'Reckon he nevuu waa on a diuin cat befoV ' 'Why? I Iniinired. " 'Caze, boax, lie axed for a second helpin. (ieiiiiiien what eaU ou dene yot dinln caha, boas, knows dey ain't no char'tible institutions fur givin victuals away in no aich inannah aa dat. "I had been thinking I wanted a little more than had been allowed me, but 1 didn't aik for it after that," and the drummer sighed. Detroit Free Press. hum run There ia a family of little folk not far away who are delightful from their love for each other. Vin haa the greatest ad miration for Lis sUUt Molly, mid will do anything for her "You's so pitty, Molly." He is Gve and she is three. One cold morning Molly's mamma set her in her high chair, wbilababy had her neces sary care and papa ate his breakfast It wax rather chilly, and Molly was in her tilghtdrexa. Yin wanted to make her warm, so ha wrapjs-d up her feet in a newspaper, but poor Molly slipped and fell solidly on tlie fhxir from Iter high chair. "Oh, Molly," said tears, "did you hurt your "No," said Molly, winking back the tears which would come; "No, brnver, I full ou 'e paper." Gardner (Mox.) Home Journal. I'liili. Cotit in Jennie Wholly cured of your love, did you any? CoiiMn 'Tom Wholly. Cousin Laura What killed it this time ('im .iii Tom I a.ked her a isimplu question. Aud when her faukless lips formed the words "I disruniomlier," 1117 love Ix'ciiino a corpse. Pittnlmrg Iiul Ii tin. llHIldll'lllipril. "Poor lillle soul!" paid Ihicli) Oeorgo at the baby. "Why poor?" asked the proud father. "Nature lias given him a black eye to start with," rupliod (. ieorgo, Harper's Bazar. ' J r..l.rtd bf Clilld- Vrandwm of Connt U Iln'isson- villi! 111 La Vie (le SI on I'ero relinei how the noted royiiliht escapid from tue nioljon tlio teri'ilil" AH'. 1U, nil.': My nniiltalher did not emiHiale. LoiiisCvVI, who 1 ad coiiliilence in his rare troiirage imi'. entire devotion, had inaile Win promote not 10 leave nun, nun lie was alwaya one of thoae who in mo- UienU of damrer hastened to the lull erics to defend the royul family, lie wax with tlie king throughout the 10th of August. When the royal family left the legislative assembly ho found him self iu a position of great danger. Hu l. .1; uilviintiiL'H of the semitwt- I light in the lobby to destroy hix lace rufll.'s and hid his gold laced hat and hix sword under the xeutx. Then ho joined the crowd which was leaving the hall and theolllcea. But the dilliculty was to pass from the entrance to tht ussembly hull to the gate of the drawbridge of the Tuileries without be ing recognized. In this space and ut tin gate were tlie people, excited by having taken the palace and by the massacre ol the Hwisx, which had occupied them nearly nil day. In crossing the garden my grandfather noticed a child who had been hit by a bullet and was moaning on the ground surrounded by several pcrwms. Ho walked Ktrai';ht to the group, lifted tlie child in his arms without xaying a word, and went on toward the gate, walking slowly and apparently quite absorbed in c'lmfortuii tlie lit.t In child. Hix face was tinix concealed ax ho reached the gate and ordered the crowd aside. lie wax allowed to pass unsuspected, and utill protected by hia precious bur den h paii-.ed through the xtreotx and neareif the d' I laiissi mv ille mansion. Then he left the child arid a Bum of money with a physician, with instructions that th little one should be given the best of care. C'rlmti In tli Air. It has been frequently noticed that there are epidemics of robberies ax well i nx of .suicides i' other crimes. A crim inal epidemic, peculiar to a half dozi n large cities of the tinted States that have a large and vicious population, is that of Sunday murders, which are the results of a day of idleness. Ihen, again, murders witn teaturea often occur in groups in all parts of the country. In France there is a tradition, centuries old, that epidemics of suicide return in regular cycles, at each recur rence of the Miicidal furor the siiccex ixivo victims of their own murderous hands vicing with one another in the greater ghastliness cf tho tragedy thut they enact. Stories of wife murders in variouf parts of the country, relieved by a few exceptional murders of husbands by by their wives, reach the press simul taneously from many different sources. "Murder is in the air" has become a stereotyped expression among newspaper men and detectives, who know from ex perience that such epidemics will ruu tiieir cycles and cause many bliwdy records to be made before they have Fpent their fury. With' bank robberies it is tho same It is not often that a single robbery ia made one is sure to breed others; "they come not singly, but in whole battal ions." This is not because the same gang engages in many different enter prises, but because a universal similar impnlse permeates the minds of the classes devoted to -that form of guilt St. Louis Republic. Th TorrlbU Abotntv. In "Stedinan's Expedition to Surinam" the following wonderful account of the aboma or dragon is given; "This re markable creature is called aboma in tho colony of Surinam. Its length, when full grown, is often more than forty feet, its body being four feet and over in circumference. Its color is a greenish black on the back, a line yellow ou the sides and a dirty white on the belly, the back and sides being spotted with irreguhir black rings, with a pure ...... i ......i.. Au..1. III. . VVII1U7 llff t IU Vila i.lil:i v. cni.ui .id head is broad and flat, small In propor tion to its body, with a large mouth and teeth set in double rows. It has two bright, prominent eyes, is covered all over with scales about tho size of a shill ing, and has two sharp claws under the lielly near the tail which it uses in seiz ing its prey. "It is an amphibious animal, that is, it delights in low, marshy places, where it lies concealed under fallen timber, ready to seize its prey, which, from its im mense bulk, it is not active enough to pursue. When hungry it will devour any animal that comes within its reach, and is indifferent if it be a sloth, a wild boar, a stag or a tiger. After twisting itxeif about the Ixuly of a buffalo, a stag or a tiger, by help of its claws, it breaks every bone in the pixir victim's laxly. 1 have been told of negroes Ix'ing devoured by this snake and am not disposed to discredit the story. Ho bites from no other impulse, but that of hunger and ia not venomous." Inclitlmrd Funila. There are tens of thousands of dollars lying in the vaults of the snbtreasnry in New York which belong to pensioners. Checks have been issued probably cov ering the whole amount, but from one cause or another the money baa never lieen claimed. The checks have never been presented. The money stands to the credit of the various pension agents acting as disbursing officers of the gov ernment. An account with one of these (iflicials is never closed tiutill all tho checks coinn in and no more are to come. Lie isay have overdrawn. There is no way to determine this until everything is squared up. New York Herald. ILrtltiir- Iti'iTiirtlliiB; 1'but list. Kays a society paper: "Let agentleman unking a call take euro of hix hat with out your assistance, lie can either leave It in the ball or curry it into the parlor." The writer has omitted one tb'iiig hern Besides being allowed to take care of his hat the gentleman sliunM not le asked where he got it. Louisville Courier-Journal. The Greatest Sti. Or. Mil,"- :ridl KV'e ll.-arlC,,rel,H proven"?, 1 me m I lie 111.., "ov 11 111 I lu'r.i.,,.: . 1 .... r.i 1 1 11 1 11 in ..... Th.'r maun lor 11 iH i :. 1 1 '"t i.r .Mr,., ... ' "K '"e aHtotii., . Ull. ireauiient,,!!, Cil.-C IM lieillir ITVlllllli. many unexpected curcHclfccu" hoihi ICIICVCN Hlllirt hi. ...II, n ,in, jiaina nine, ami, ), ! wi iiK anil luinvrrv i fjs- iimnir eniTi, rwnini" ui ailKU'H Hit and ln'iirl dniiiHy Dr. ilesf bonk on Heart ami N O' ery,Ml. DUeuHea, li-ee. iiic iinciiiiny.,1 Now Heart u.iif-u ,e L' L'l;l i : . . i ,., tun-is sum nnil iri'iai an eei l.v I . I'ricke Ac t o, ulsii hia Keatorative C Nervine for head.nche, litx, HprCerV' hot Ibihlicrt, iier:.'ou cliillx, (jii,uni' hnhit, etc. 4 Wanderful. .' K. W. Sawyer, of K'oclierttcr, l is,, ' a ion i i i it-n t dealer in general iiiercliniKliHi', ami who runs) neveral i pt'dillinj; wagfoiiH, had one of hiu liors.irt badly cut mid burned with lariat, 'Tl'.e wound rcfiiHcd to heal. 'The horse became lame and hlitf iiowwitliHiiinding; careful iittcntioa und the aiplicati.n of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer Home of I ' a Icr'ri Hail) Wire Lincinent, tlie nioal wonderful tiling ever hiiw to Ileal Hiich woiiikIh. lie applied it only three limesi and the sore was completed hculed. usilJy frood for nil Horn, cutH, hruscn, und woundw. For Hale by nil drug;eirit For lame hack there in nothins be t"r tlni'i n Holiirnte n llaiincl cl ith with C'liainherlaiirH Pain Hilin nnil In'ud it on the iifTccted parts. 'Try .jt and you will he Hlir jn'iHcd ut the prompt relief it iilfordrt. The name treatment will cure rhaii matiHiii. Tor Bale by I". G. 1'iitkw & Co. a Cure for Paralysis. F' CorncliiiH, of Purcell, Iiid. Ter., HayH: "I induced Mr. Piimon, whoMewife had parnlyHm in the face to buy a bottle of Chainlicrlain'e Pain Halm. 'To their great stiprine before the bottle had all been tmed die wan il great deal belter. Her lace had been drawn to one Hide: but the Pain Halm relieved ull pain und HoreucHM. iind the moutk asHiiined its natural Hhnpe." It is also u certain cure for rliciimatiHni lame back, Hprainsi HwellinjrH find lameni'HX. TXI cent bottieH for aula by F. G. T'ricke & Co., DrugfrititH. II r. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. Harper'o Hazar ia a journal for the home, It given the latent in-' formation with regard to the Fash bum, uud its numerous) illustra tions, Paris) deaignw, und patterr--heet HiipplementH lire indiepena able alike to the home drcHH-iuukrr and the iirofcMriionul modiste. N expense is epared to make it artis tic attractiveness) of the highest order. 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Act on n iiC"V principle regulat ing the liver, Htomrcll und bowela through the nerva. A new discovery. Dr. M ilea' PilU speedily cure biliou-enei-H bad taste, torpid liver, jiilea, rxiiiHtipation. I'lieipialed for men women, children, Hinidlo.-'.t, undent atireel! ThI doHeri, l!ac. Suniplea free nt F. G. Frieke A Co'a. mm qf imi Fnflly, Quickly, Permnnwntly Rsatorud. Wrnknr.., rrvmianr... ltflilllly. nnd nil lb trnln nl iivll, trmn rnrlr ffimrnor InUir ,Ii-.i.i.s Hi re.ulu nf iivitwoi a, ti' Liii'Mi, worry, Kull imniilb. Off .i.iiiintit, anil inno Kltn pi viry orvan and iierliiiii i t llm IhI. himpio, mil unit lnilioili. liiimi-iliate liiiinivuniint an'il. hnllum Iminmniiila. sm r..rr.iiii.. it. niiluilioM aiill prei.r. u.aili'il '""nli.ili Iru. A. Mr-nil BRII MiOIOAt CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Y v. r s 'I f.' .1 v. 1 j .1- l:.' ' -,yiEAT ) i. i