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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1891)
jrlatiiSmoutn Uaily njrara - - . V'-fVrH YKAU. ri,ATTSMOUTII,NKHllASKAtM()yi)AY, I)i:CEMHEPj7, 1891. j I li L lxl i 4 . . ;. . -. . i ':: ran ; .. 1 " ! Mi i II v VHY Royal Baking Powder is Best. The Rovrit lor I have "io that coinp HV i i ' 1 : i ruili fii'iii'r have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same,, and the method of its preparation, rwJ?rro.v & uissouiu luraii . R. V TIME TABLE. J Or DAILY I'ABHKNUKK TRAINS GOING EAST Ko.a ii:sr m, ho. I 10-IOa n. Ho.i 7; 44 U, m ho. 10 i4 a. ra ho. VI ,.10 :H a. n h. ..I JO. ! GOING WEST No I I : . m. I, t uh o. m No. a. ra no. T -Ilia. m. n. j t :tio, m. No. l, .... It :fl P. m. o, 19 II tflft a. m. Misaouiii I'M : railway TlMKCAhT). Ho. SM A."modat..o l-eavea Ko.SMt amvea., Traiii dully eicept runrtay. .lo.-iw a in, . 4 .00 p. III. 1 TTOHNEV - C A - jpirW N. SULLIVAN. . ' Will kiv iin.inpt aitentloa . , "lruleit In lilw. offlre In a ijfock, Kul Bid", riati.mnulh, N"li. li f jR. A. SALSDURY y I :DKNTIST: OIl AM) HiWCKLAIN tkOWNS. Hi &v. aiia.ihptli fur III Imllllf.t fl- V I i lAi Irm-lliit 'iillrrlh V V t7 I""" Gl(1 Work " fiicriiilty. Bntkwuod Hliirk rUllDiniiiitli. Ni-b. KTVAWSON A PEARCE u HAVE KECKIVEI) CQir-lr roll uriiM f on'- rllitH-n. Hi unil quill. 1 tuo lot ( I"-" IhIiIi cue ii r liult 1 III mm knd (r I 1 hi )f h full line ill lilir h'1 unit In nr drrl icliic nlil HiM-k mil li "' dnrnl Ill- It iin niiliT H" In Vt mid 10 71 rr In minim 'I, MISS SCnUYIJiK, TKIMMKK. V Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING COl.I.KGlv- PluttHlllolltli, Ni'lili'elai, ' There are thiiiinaiiilii ol ViiiiiiK Imllia. wmi'ii firl. xrli 'iil lenrhero rleika. tir aim ri eklnn mil rn exlHiime no a leiy baiely miniclrut lo iit'l thrir every ill y nm liy 1'iiinph iihk ('..ur-e iii utiiirt'1 nuiiitli M'lia'lniin miradletd In ..niiH utiidentii IimIIiIiviinI iimiiiiriinii, m a t eniiei. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. ItiHUiii over Maei Mnre. T-m -w-rm-r J JL 1 ; 80I.I) AVO PORCK,AIM CKOWNS , - ' Bridge work anil fine golj work a specialty. PS. BTFINACH LOCAL aa well aa otlier an Mllietlrvlvea lif the iialiileaaaitramiua ol lealli. C. A. MARHHALU Fitjif.ralil lULIUS PKPPERHERG. 4 AVtraoroaiar ai THDLE51LE AND BBTMll -1 )ICEST Ii RANDS OF CIGARS rui.Luno IACCO AND SMOKIx't ARTICLM Iwayt in aloak f riatttanouth, Nrhrtna Ji Hiirelo call mid Mee the jiricea ii f.ndien' and Gcnt'n p;tl'l n tl ; : 1 tilled wati'hi'H. Ii. A. Mi'Elwai.v, Jewch r, j .Main utret-t. tf ' I 71 Sr-rV J'- Bai Powder is absolutely pure, ng ioun it in many tests made both for the United States Government. an and, state that because of the the Royal Baking Powder is undoubt edly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D." Late Unitid Stales Government Chemist. I LACKS OF WORSHIP. CATiioi.ii-t. Haul' rimrrh. nk, bi-twen Filth mid Hlith. Kmlicr mni-y, 1'iuior Hrrvlrpi : M-im l mid lo :3n . m. MuiidaJ Hcliiiol st 2 wlib tH'iipdlclloii. CiiHHTlAW.-riirnrr Loiit mid Flirhlh HM. HitvIo-ii iiinriiliiK mid rvi-nliiK KldT J. K. Kf!!, paMiir. Hun Mrliwil 10 A.M. EriworAL.- ft I.nkr's Churrh. fornerTnl'd lid Vim. K! H B. Hiimrn. pn.liir. Her- lrr : II A. M. Bid 7 Mr. M . Hundity Ikliool tJ:30r. M. Okkman MrTiinniirT. onirr Hltlh HI mid limiill. Hh. Hut. I'tiir. hi-rvicf ; II a.m. nil 7 M V. M. cluuiiajr Hchuol 10 :30 A U. rnrmivTrMiAK. rnrlrM In rrw rhiirrti.rnr. hit rilxlli and (irnhllp m. Km. J T. I'Hlrn, imitiir. IMhiiIkv-wi mil l ;30 ; frrHclilnn At II a. m,Ml ii m. 'I h . It I, t'. K nt f ht i-huri-h mM every Hulilmlh ffiilii( t 7 :l In Hie li.wnifiit nl the rliurili. All Hie Invited to utti-lid then mrelllil4. FlHT MTIH)llT. Hlilh Ht., tietwen Main m,,l v.irl. HT. I. K. Hrl'.t.l'. I. cs-tr:r. h.Tlrc :1Ia.m.. Il r. M Hiinilni Si'limil (.VIA M. I'rayrr nnelli ( Weilni'tduy eveu- lull. (JrKMAK I'RefHyTKMiAM. Corner Main and .Smth. Hi VMlle, pHtfr. Hi-mcei usual hniim. Hiilul.iy frhiiid A. M. twitiiKH I iikok.oatiunal. liranlle, be tween r'lllh and Milli. Cmin n Baitit. Mt. OIlTe, OkIc, between li-nlli aul r . ein li le v. A. Ilii.well, i;n lur. Hervie Ham. and 7 .'JU p. ID. 1'rayer meelliK Yeilnrlay evenlnn. Vinmt Mkn'i hhi-tiaf awkk'iatiun Himiiii. In M aiermaii hliirk. Main ulreet. lux. iiel meeiliiii. fur tneb ualy. ever Muiiilay ! terniMin al 4 n'elitek. HiHini upen week da) Him TH i'aIiK TAkriT. JIJ2' nrv. ,i. n Wkm), I ani'ir. Hervlre Huiiiiay Krhmil, na in.: I iwlilnu. Ila m. and l. m. ; (irayei meelli'K luetiluy nielli ; rlmlr prac 'ice rriiL.y ihkIiI All are Kelcnme. The littli' child of Klitor Iturton, which h:iH Ih-pii Tcry ill for ncvernl uays, in nun li wre to-tlay, unil nt one lime, wiih tlionht to hr ilyini; Ovrine to tti k hcmh hhIo in Propi icior M.iii'm lumiftht Nrwn forej in work- in"; at a rcut diiiilviiiitiic to-day i hp lawn in iii'tiuii nr tanirlit in 1 1 it- hi'IihoIm; hut not in a way to he oi in u-li irii('iiciii iiciictil ii ml me ni'vrr ilhiHlratcil liy livintr cxuiiiiiIch hu h in ninny riiKi-H m 1 ht t-aeily In' (loin-. If hiiiiic Hchularx, wliu 1 1 it 1 just coiitrarti'il a cold, wait drought i-forc the hcIiooI, ho that all could hi'ar tin dry, loud roiiuh and know i I h hi lTU ilii'a nee: hi-i thi' thin white roatiui' on the toniriie ' anil laiier, IIM me Colli ili-veloiii-il, ei'i' tin' iniluc watrry rxii'0tora- lioii mill til i n watery dim-haree In m the iiuhp, not one of them would ever forget what the firnl f 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 m of a cold w ere. The acnoiar anoiiid tnen lie irivt-n I hainliei lam h ( ounh Remedy free ly. iiiaian iiiiy:ni nee mm even a ereie cold could lie cured in one orlwodaVH oral leant really mili t'Hi-'i, Winn iiioiieily tri'iileil ni eiion as the Inol iyiiiiioiii appear. IIHH reilieily ih I.iiiioim lor ih en re 4 of couh, coliU iind croup It iH made i eiiivi ialiy for tlu-ei' lieiiMc mid Im the moal piuiupl and tnoHt reliahle tnedicine known for the purpnHr. Mlcent hoiile for Hale hy 1. G. l-ricke & Co., di ukihIh. U OI'BNl.NO UP On of the newrat and line of brijfhteHt Pluih'Ooodi, Toy. Dolli. Koflti. - Pot tke Boll, lay trad that hat beat tan In Iowa fur yi am. NO OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which waa bought early in the ftrunon from aome of the I.AWOK8T iMl'OKTINO llOL'HKB Which Kimranleea you the pick of the market and at price for which we are noted. :T he Lowest in the Country :- Tbe public U enrdlallr Invited In Impart our fundi I' d coaipara prlci -oOo- t. r.lWCllRa.l'rop. riatuaoitk facilities that company Con Connor departed thin tnorn- inf for Minnouri Valley. Mr. and Mr. Chan Hodge de parted for Omaha thin morning. MrH. Helpa and Jane Help were piiHHi'tigerH for Omaha thin morn ing. The regular meeting of the city council will he field thin cening at the police court room. MileH Standinh will Hprak for hiniHclf at Rockwood hall, Thurn day evening. Sec thetublcau. Hal JohtiHon and Dave Hawks- worth Simdayed nt home find re turned to Lincoln litwt evening. Rev. Graham preached at the Prenhyterian church at Murray, yeHterday and returned home to Omaha thin morning. MIhm Kuth Holhrook, of Rock Hltiffo, who ha tieen viwiting her mother at Sidney, la., a few daj'H came in on the flyer thin morning. TIiohc who are expected to partic ipate in the Authors' Carnival en- iv ... I . H . W I Vllltl,l ... Hit CI for rchcarmil at Rockwood hall to morrow evening. Thoe who are taking part in the Author'H Carnival will please rememher there in to be a general rchcarmil at Rockwood hall to-morrow, Tuenday, evening. The Lndicn' Circle of South Park liaplitd church will give their Hcmi mouthly Hocialdu to-morrow eve ning. It will be an oynter futppcr. Everyboily invited to come. The l.'idicn alwayH Hi t a good table to Hiitinfy ihe hungry. The Hiipper will be given in the baHemeut of the church. Sia KETAkY. MaAtinuJ of Ilia Aurleultural Society. At a regular meeting nf (he direc tors of the agricultural society the following oflicerH were elecled for the etiHiiingyear: President, R. Ii. Windham; Vice president, Win. 'Weltenkamp; secre tary, David Miller; treimury, J. R. Vallery; superintendent, W. D. Jones. The following were chosen directors: Jacob Vallery, Sr., Ivi Churchill, J. F. t'pton, Jacob Vnl let y. Jr., J. H. Decker, A. M.Holmes. The following delegates were chosen to the beet sugar conven tion at Lincoln: J. II. Decker, J. M. Craig. Henry Hoeck, Jacob Val lery, nr., J. Vallery, Jr. committer to revise premium list: A. H. TodJ J. H. Hecl:er, C. I). Thomas. The society ordered that flK) be paid toward liquidating the standing Indebted urns, after which there will still be a healthy balance in the treasury. The reports of the secre tary and treasurer indicated that the society wan in a healthy con dition. A Row at tha Shopa. J. V.. Seibert and Ii. Slicker, work men at the shops, engaged in an altercation this morning about 10 a. in. in which talk more forcible than elegant wna indulged in, re aulting in the coming together of the partiea. Seibert struck Slicker over the head with a heavy turning chisel, which, had it not been for the protection afforded by the wearingof h heavy cap, would have resulted seriously. Seibert claims that Slicker waa preparing to strike him a blow with a hammer and the blow was given In self defense. The case will come up for hearing in the police court at 0 a. m. to. morrow. Cc0- Vasa and then Christinas. Engine Jnmpa the Track and Raila Several Cara. Ae Lcight train No. 19 altempted to crocs the first frog thiH Bide of the bridge at 1U in. to-day mi un fortunate, mid what might have been a' diHuHtrouu wreck occurred. The train was a double-header. The first engine crowned the frog in nafcty but tin. second Hlarted up the adjacent track. Ah they were mak ing a Hpced of barely eight mileH per hour and tin; friction wn great owing to the nntaoniHm of the two engincH, they advanced but about eight rodH before a Htop wiih made. The diHiurbaiicc reunited in the de railing of one engine, three earn, and a fear, trilling iujuricn to thu engincH find car appliances. No one v.'un hurt, though if it hail pro (HreMned a few Btepa fa; tlier it is cvt dent that Fireman Huttery would have miKtained perluipH hitioiih in juries. As it wiih, he wan penned between the engine and car but wiih 'cleaned from hia perilous pouitioii with little difficulty and uninjured. F. II. Stciiuker'H wrecking outfit w now at work clearing the track, nndtraiiiH will probably be running ut 4 p. tn. It in fortunate that the train wan making no greater Kpeed than about eight milen per hour, an the destruction of property would have been much greater. The Grand Army. On Saturday eveninir, December 5, McConihie Post No. 4."), Grand Army of the Republic, elected offi cers for the eiifiiin'g year as fol lows: Commander, Geo. F. Niles senior vice commander, L.C. Curtis junior vice commander, Adam Kurtz; quartermaster, Andrew Fry chaplain, A. Jaijuetle; officer of the day,' J. W. Dickson; officer of the tiard, Peter Hanrahan; delegate to state encampment, Samuel t ar rgau; alternate, II. C. McMukcn. The present board of trustees was re elected, viz.: J. W. Johnson, R. W. Dyers and Geo. Iingcnhagen. After the election of officers the ladies of the Relief Corps were ad mitted and welcomed to the post rootnoy the commander in his us uallvcheerful yet dignified manner, our informant snys mat an nour was spent very pleasantly singing appropriate songs and speaking. While it is usunlly claimed by the G. A. R. members, as well as mem bers of kindred organizations, that the services of the ladies may be easily dispensed with, all are willing to testily that upon this occa-non their presence contributed largely to the enjoyment of the evening. Defore departing for home refrerh inents were served. Owing to the fi.ct that the meeting had previ ously not been thoroughly under derstood by all, the attendance was not as good as it otherwise would have been, yet the hall was com. fortably filled. There were also quite a number of the Sous of Vet erans present. Soldiera Haunlon at Nehrahka City. The Fourth Annual Reunion of the Nebrnska Soldiers Association will be held at Nebraska City Ne braska Janurary 12,13 and 14, Mrl Extensive preparations have hii-n made by the citizens of Nebraska (,'ily for a royal welcome to the dt1 fenders of our country. An urgent invitation is extended to all soldiers and friends to meet and bring their wives and children. All railroads have granted a rate of one and one third fare for the round trip and good hotel accomodations will be assured at $1 per day. The follow. ing distinguished veterans will be present and deliver addresses: Gov. John M. Thayer, Hon. Major T. J. Majors, Hon. Major J. W. Pear mun, Department Commander Joe Teeters, Pot Commander Clarkson an excellent opportunity is here nf. forded the old soldiers of Cass county to renew old acquaintances and talk over matter pretaining old soldiery days. A large and attentive congrega tion gathered at the First M. E. church last eyening to hear Rct, Hi itl h sermon to young men. The strict attention of the audience was held thoroiitfliout and doubtlesH impressions were made upon the minds of the young men present that will be helpful to them in yeurs to conic. Rev. IJritt is prov ing to be an able minister and the continued increase in the attend ance indicatcH that his services are fully appreciated by all. For abstracts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Leyda, Union block. tf -FRED HE OUli FALL AM) WINTER STOck - - OIF - - DRY - GOODS - ANP Xaadics Furnishir Is Now Complete iaall Dopartrc-x. DltKhS ;)0IKi Wc are kiiowi.., . . u...i CAMELS HAIR PLAIDS, HROAD CLOTH, FLANNELS, SERGES, HENRIETTAS. A full line of colorings mid blacks. BLANKETS AM) COMFORTS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. CLOMPS ilJSTD Sljft WliS. VX HAVE never rhown so large aline in this department. e cill special attention to our l irge assortment of Eeefere Military and Hip Coat shapes trimmed with Mink, Keal, Aitrachai, MulTiiloon and Coney furs. Our line of Pliieli Siicojies lines of Childrens and Misses Cloaks ONK DOOR EAST A BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY cog q n AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty and all Work Warranted. IB. Jl. M'ELWAUST, THE LEADING JEWELEH, 415 Main Street, County Couri. E. G. Dovey & Co. vs. Slielul.iil Knee et al, defendants, and the C. D. & (J. R. R., ga. nishee. Answer of garnishee, December 10, 111 a. in. Dank of Cass County vs. L. M. Rour et al. Suit on promissory notes for !rl37.10. Default of de fendant entered. Judgment foi I1U2.5W. Hank of Cass County vs. F. M. Carroll et al. Suit on promissory note for $11)0. Default of defend ants entered. Judgment for plain titf for $10(1.78. E. G. Vanaltii vs. Plattsmouth F'lectric Light Co. Set for trial D.'cmber 5 10 a. in. I n the matter of the estate of Geo tulradt, deceased. Hearing on contested claims December 15, 10 a. m. State of Nebraska vs. Cluis. Nor ton and Frank Jackman. Com plaint for housebreaking and lar ceny. Trial to court and found guilty. Sentenced to common jail of the county tor sixty days each and to pay costs of prosecution. In the matter of the estate of Jas. M. Chalfant, deceased. Notice to creditors to file claims on or before June 13.18H2, 10 a. in. Klzie L. Lewia vs. Win. Ward. On motion to dissolve attachment. Hearing, December 7, 181)1. In the matter of the estate of August Reinhackel deceased. Hearing final settleoient Dec. HI, 10 a. ni. In the matter of the last will and testament of Levi Walker, deceased, and of the application of lilisabeth Phillips, for assignment of home, stead to her as the former widow of said deceased Argrued and submitted. D D flH M u UNDERWEAR A good Ludles Jersy vent at 2T)C.- -Ladies fine Jerwy vest and pants us.. white or natural grays at SCFc each Ladies nutural Gray Wool Vests anl Pants at 50c. Regular l')c under. wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wool ribbed under wear in white, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under, wear in natural, scarlet and whit at prices as low us thu lowest. cheaper than erer before, and Jackets. FU OP A W FIRST NATIONAL. ill 1 JEWELER Headquarter for Everything in the lio erf WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND BRONZ1 CLOOICS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 UUUDo Plattsmouth, Neb OUR CLUBINO LIST, Home MauHiniMiiil iI.kai.d i ii iln Ill ni. ami II r.H i n'r'i Miik lie mil II n HALD II ni' r'x Ha, .r and II K i.n 11.11 H r' eeklv llllll HKKAI.II ' Inwa -tale H'Clster and IIkhai.D V extern UniM and IIkhaui I . J 4t I . I at i l . '.'Of . 2 V It bhould be In Every House. J. Ii. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharp burg, Pa., says he will not tie with, out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was. threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of 'La Grippe," wbra various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Darber, of Cocksport, Pa,, claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than any thing he ever used for' Lung Trouble. Nothing like it Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke Co's drugstore. Large bottio, 80c and $1.00. I warrant every piece of goods I sell and will sell at bedrock prices for the next thirty days. ... ?' A' Mi-EXWAIN, Jeweler, 415 Mam street. I have been a treat sufTenT f...' , catarrh for over ten years; had it very umi, could hardly brcaihe Some nights I could not sleep and had to walk the floor. I purchased Ely's Cream Halm and am tiding it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It the medicine above nil other for catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. 1 thank God 1 have found a remedy 1 can use with safety and that does nil that is claimed for it. It is cnrinir iny deafness.-!!. W. Sperry, Hart ford, Conn. ii . i V . it : I i ' t S. t