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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1891)
..iii'.i 1 1 . .. 5 ; T ! I ''I ST. G A ! I' tk ap e 1 J. i OliNrV-BUKYKVOR . r CIVIL KNGINKMR- ' , ' ti It ft will) f ir i-mimy c'.itK will t iri;iiiitly itlleliili it t'. , fries in c)Ckt lieu-si., :,4,;,44.. , Nebraska . (r PJ IT lULIl-S PJiPIM.KI.MRG. J mamkactuiii'. or asp U:i'JLE5lLE JIM RSZVL '. :H TtIK norcMST hijands of cigars rvi h link i r TOBACCO AND SMOKE. .S ARTICLES ' always in stock Pkiitstiiouih, Nebraska jvw" ".' rlST ! NATIONAL : HA NIC UK PLATTsMOTTII. NLCIIJtAHK A ....tviiyi.N) 10,i rtj.t W wiptu rj.t ysrv S"t fs.-!1it!f- far tti Jiiwiii ttUil'llCUuU ul llt,llllllU' llankiiisr Business1 twk, hi'teli, R'lU. Si'Torn'iieut mid li"-l r flaui, . l'iiuiit -ittl mi.. I. lii;in..i:t ru-eiy tnl inui.ti Ml"i Mi mrllliuii" I'ftfinir.iHii, uv wl.tiuit In mi y I-i.t ul ii'i I m: :u;i ml lite lv.u o MAD AWn 1'UOHITLT BKIT TKIl. Olbcst tiniik.t p-li-n i.M fur dimity Wai. r.ilil, i"lai" WU I I. Mill) Ijnl.U., lilliLC'iOI.S J"hn P:t -frrild I'. !!-wirth b.ttii ttu'i. V. V.. Wlu.f E. Uuvi j oliu Htn 'r i' I. . Wau.-u. I'li-'lUi-Ill c i '(?, C VH OT'NTY , ' Main nn ! ri v,.1 ;i i Hal . 1-1. i- j a OFFIOEll (V I!. '.ii t('"l 'n'l HT Vict I'n J. M. I ,.i.i i m r. M, I'AiU'rwin, A I i ( .ivi.i r DIRECTOnS '). n. P" !. .1 M I'ltriTwin. Kn-1 'i.irit-r. v A. It. .'mil u li. 11. Vt l-iJiiifl. U. H. Ku-i-y n-d I., i''l"i-uo l'!m- i '0E.fSl Ur.iUTEI) Airo'inti tlle'lui'. I 'li'M !l"wr,l hi I'm i-linii. aiei iriiiii-it nrii-i.llubsleu lo til bu Ucii etitruiUd tu It! cure. Ciaotelr.Ia'a E70 cud C!a . Oiataannt. A certain euro for Chronic Core Eft, ) Tetter, BaJt Eljoum, fccJd HcaJ, 014 Cbroclo Bore , Tcrcr Sores, llL?.?m ! Itch, Pnuria ScrntrhM, Cora I..?r',J f , tadTlli. ItkcooKcj tnd coolL'iCj. I f IlumJrcildof colc3 bivo beca card 1 ij s y. alter Lil otLi r tivulmcut l -l f-tlliA r'l'-te fut t? la 3 and C3 cent L-Ji'ii i wr e 3 tn u r. e n .1 t- l..k'U.' .. l-l.r 1 a ti . - I 1 .:.f. I t ir.-i.. ..(k.1. . t .fr ill. JAM bA'.'! J i ty !'B ,ul uii.; it r v - 1 1.. 1 1. . i. r.' ,.f. n 1-4.1. ll. 1114.. t 4.k4. 44. 44 ly.k..lia, 1.4BWV X A . . G K AT Ii U L COM FO K T I N O P. jpj IJREAKFAST "Pyt thr Mtuh knnwlMlr. of fi rtml U41 Iiii li gnvi-in the oi.f'i'loi 11 of 1l''l on (-id i' ul 1 t 'on ml l' ll ' ni-(nl itpi lir iilnn 1 1 Ih. fin. nt..,'tiiif.fil 41. t ! I'-rr Vr. ! fli. ;: i V'i'l Hill Iti kl IU-t I -tr U'l tfrlim'i ly Niin' I Im-v.hii; ouiiii m.iy t iv. Il in mv li . il n-'.ir'l'l In, II l-liv tin- Jll li' ii,ii4 ni i.l 4111.1 urt'.lH-. .i..'t il.: cr". nmy tm .t.ii illy Inil't up uutil itmiK imiiril tu r-4.l .i.ry li-inii'ii in iiir. . ilunili.ili ul iIi11h nifl;nlin hi fl.'ii'lnf sriiiuti) im ri-uily 10 a'la- k wdi'ii'V-r litre 14 a or.K point, Mr hi.' ft. 11. i- nanv l.ilul uii. ill I y kf-v'i P !" I' t '!! il ul li'ii". Ll inl ti'id .1 pri.pT.) ni'iins!..'! I:u'i m emi Frm-tt tirv-tti-. r ni'-t.! mmi fl li'iilin wiili-rn- l.ti:', lfl m III In f I TU , ii rn,'.rli..'-ii ) I 1 .lAiluKl'l-i 4 l0.,lloB5triiitt!ilrf I ft'' ltidii S 11 Ililll'pOUlIlt ftlMllt Ki.xlvid r 1 ;i. '1 i'l .. ii mi hi'. fc y J. iv 14:. M fl ',.'.1 HI .!.-II 4 II I 1411-4 1.1 H.Mil. 1 If 4 H"lll-'l ... v i- 1-4 f :i-. f..44- ii J I '4 W' K' "I 1 "" - "t.. t.,.4 4.w-t4'i,n-" " it '4' . t.'r 1 4, 4l.ll ri'i 4 I' 14 W il" n.-.. 11. r 11. -i t t.i'"i "' 1 VV r- . ,'..'. ,'i 4 1 iwK yatia 4i(l-i". r'jor- f 4,jVT" !-..lli....;T .II.. bJ''rAaJaa whtfHrK-f4t."l(l f t . 7, .. , ; ,,. , li ' '. I J- 4 . ' .,. titrttt ... ... 1 4 ... . Hll.l If 1 vtt.kiittt.4u.tt4..-u.a.), .-,JjJiiJr.J sT.t-yuiu. ma J. U .1 - vi.'- vi-.iii.f.n 1. :.y. i -' t I THI U.'SISll 141INI'4(. l-VMlf .,a.t.44l.,.t'l JH ' 1 in i4Ni 1. ,. 1. u. t ....-! - - :; 1 I I f i L...1 . . 4. 4 fi .1 . i. J . IT 1 r 1 . .... r-i 'T v-w ' "t T THIi LEADINO GROCER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. LV! ;,i iii..u ATTi:.TJON FA KM I tvunt vonr Poultry, K:rr', Put tcr iiiiM your f.inn pro'liice of nil kiml.i, I will p:iy you tin- lil r'ti-i"! jiricu n.f I inn buying lor a lirn in Lincoln, R. PETERSEN, THII LICADING GIv'OCLK I'lultHinoutl) Ncbranka P J. II:A:X:S:IJ:N STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, GLASS ANL QUEENS WARE FtenM M l PpiJ!!) Mti-'i m- I t!i! I'iiIjIo S-'Iicitci eilci;: i.n VI ii A w J .1 N TEW IIADWAnS GTOriE S. K. HALL 4 SON Kj-! VI klnl -f il' li 1 !i ir lir ni hand tail ut aupi y ninir:t tiu u.i imml tut uraUitf lcr.i.t TI3ST ROOFING: tDl all klrrt ul tin wnrk pmniiily d me. Ui J j:a iiuiu tit j coauuy ttulldtrd. CIO P-arl ft. PLATrsMOurii, sr.n. iEUKIXS- HOUSE. 217. W, 221 tnd Mtin Kt., . PIatt3:mut.. r:cbrac!:a H. a 23:13, PrtprwMr. lho Pi-rkim Iris Inn thorough!? i -ioTiH 1 frntii toi to isl.'iu u ' iow oiii of t!ti l-'t lmti-li in tlii; ht iti' .lii tr l-r will t UVjn liy tho w.-tk ti t.:0 ami up. 300D BAE C01T1IECTED IT in: C I I IZKNS HANK. H.T S I '''TU hdU.lI iitork pa d In " Authoruod Capital, f 100,000 - crrifRBi 4. f RANK OAltitUTU. J08. A. C05NOK, rt il l int. Vlri?-Prfl"U D?irrrrnt fniiV OtXTiitn J. A. Connor, f. ft. nntbmin i. W. Joii....n, Ilt.i.rj-K-Tcls.JofceO'K-ff W. I), lli.niam, Wm. Wetonctmp. W. II. CusMnr. :wK3Ans;i gekejal ilium mm 4nri p.rt'llMti'4 if tlcpilH hurlnx l"trr1 luv tud lit nieliitnk'r. m hi y mm ii'i in 1 t 2 ......v,. ,.ti 4 -.r i4,'i.4i i. i. m2 nt44l'4., 441 1.4L4M41, r-.llv'l.r I In l nat tM 4' r !. )4M .Ml.).. il-. 4.1 ' rA.i'r-rii.i! 4."t I l.r '.- -t t4rfl4,.4fka VHI.II TT W i' Ti 1 . 4 ' Of KAILV 1'ANil.XOiiK TKAI.S3 GOING EAST ' GJI.IG WPST .11 : ii! I I : 1 1 1 7 i 41 P, VI 4.'i it. No I 11 d... i) V... Ml. I,... n. ,. . i, . n. I!l .. .,3 :45 t. Kl. . 9 : .- p in . .f :(i n. Ill . T -IS A. III. . 6 : p, in . . .A ;(l.-i p, in, 1 -liA -i ri . No. . K( It Nn. li Nu. iiii, ..Kl lit H. I ... Mil. II Mswati '.iumi; n.iaiJi TIME CAKD. V'i. am Ai"oimiiila'.i ,11 l.t- ivhi.. Nn .IH I HI i IV "It . 'I 'ruin ilnlly oxei'pt ' iiiniiiy. .in:M i- in. . 4 .1)0 p. in. liillllltl.-t I. Nil. 47 M "I- l-Vfl V .MIH.-il ij n- J ii (limr li 11 In I'.ir.ii' l r. I i h,i"-k, rtii , ly 11. v li-.l in ill It- id I-..- v ' " Hill - Kiiilit t ;ili i:"lili U. ',. M i -li ill. o. ' : A ,. -.. .i, f,. 1, I.I.M. ll .1 i. V K. ll.l'i in lio.'mv mik 1 1 . k. i-'i-hi Vei'nl.yiM, i. i, - I'.iu'Mii'r, l:c('uiil'-r. l r. W. No. h - -' """I l'.-1-i iv Li t!- m-4! ' 1 I 11 II I l,v 1 'll lil , I" J. M"i' r, l.rnwii, H niiliT, ,il l.r.M'll r. A . . 1, M VV, UOVM. H ' V M fmiin II Nn i'l. M !-lit ili K. ' liM'l 'ii In I' l li!-!- r li'nr ' 1 ll ll" t .1 iri'lliii'ii lutli .1 ll....iy i-roiiit v. Hi ml.' l!i (." lit ; llli"l ' all. UK. n 0 f 1 1 inn?. '"1. 1 1-. 1. 11. 1. I-. 11. . ii , ,. ry I f-ii iy ni-t i' in iiii-ir 11 til in lit-: -i t-i H'l'K. ah 11.11 I'l'i 'i-.v. urn r irnirthy 'hvii.mi i-ii-iiil iv'i -1 vi-:tl l'i I .nt city. J I irv. N. t .1. W,llrl.!i;i', Si.cii.ii.y. it V 1 13 1 5 T.MS OLD PlfJ Shinlct, Lath, Bwh,' Dooro, Blinds II K'ipply CVIT.V tlrlll Hid tlf till- I'itv Cull uii. I u'.'t t(Titi4. pniirtli htn i t in r r nf (.r ri ' "in f. HENRY UOECK Tlio Leading FUlliHTUllE LEALER AND . 4 tl UNDERTAKR. I'nrstuDtly k-p on liand evtrythin you ootd to furuitb yoar home, romtr.a stxTU akd kus btiiei:t PUttsmQut - Neb ta k :: Tin; For AlchiiiHOit, SL Joiteph, lacu- wtit!i, rv.iiinit l ny, .11. i.iiii.i, ud all points no.lli, cj.1 Boutli or went. Tick Ctt told nnd bap;, jjage checked to an j point In Hie Uniied St a tea or Camilla. I'or INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND KOIJTK.S Cnil at Depot or mldrcitt II, C. ToWNSIINt), C. P. A. SI. I.ouis.Mo. J. C. rimurpi, A. O. P. A. Omabt. II. D. AiHiAR. As;t. PlattHniotitli. Telephone, 77. J,TEAT It A HUE fp '6 i:i.XTH HIKi.IlT V. II. LLLLNlSAU.'l, Prop. The bent of frenh meat always found in thin niiirkct. Alii1) Ire I' nil K2 and Hunter. Wild gallic of till kinds kept ia their neason. -K!XTItr AiF.T Lumaer MM iULil 1 . il -;'"''-"v4'Vi 4 r rirntjr rf Cam; finw tntt tna gimo mw it 1 onr I wrtoslT.7il KW.trni vrith anntprt.(pf all 1 it. i..iriri'.it.iirf, f.'om tlio "iofliiii y" a,u.rta uiim tlov,-n (or ) to the iirufennnul ' Iniiitor, Tlitra lire (,-onuralIy fgur hunt- , r to one bird, uuil vb lutvo l:tiovn men triiiitpins ull tluy an J l)rin;;ii; lionia two or tlirw li'.tltr tiiiuplti lijrds. It )i tlnd clii.-M of hiiiitt-.-i wlm (lu tht-most dainuge, ut tin y tiro !Kitcitp:ililo (if Bbootin,? Kiune l.inls, ami pepin-!' u way nl any ml every little binl they k.:c, till Af'-V IinrJly liny li ft. Ourlociil biiuti:iVy tliut theia v.ill lit- plt'Ttty of ,'iimo tli( X-iisoii. Geu fially Hjit iikin wuhavu u iiiir, milil win t'T, vrryi;i tlu ou tUo Biiuvvuud but fi.'.y li;o ulnruis. Tiiu Ktvci'o li:o "tonnn destroy moro tjn.iil than t!m hiiuti'rs kill. bct?nuscj qiti-il Bt.-!i'.-r;i':ly rtBist tos-'tltfr oa tho cruuiii!, a.iil if hiiow lullti 1I111111;; tho nibt untl cnr.:s ovir, it sinii'ly Binothi-'rH th(:in. Iii;ul"v.t lnva foiunl v.-'iiolo flut-!;.s of thinii h in; flji tis"'lh'.-r, liaviiia Irvu lm.ililo Id jit'iii'triito tiii'uai'.h tho cni.-,t. Tir.' ru v.-t-ro ni'Vtt so mauy ll'X-ntif iu:;:l aruiiiiil in ut :r.i'iit. v.-iil you will liii'l th'! ri-" 1 ovi-r tiiu f.iir kmsiM Vn'ciiii'.-.-ilay itl'l.TaiK.n v.-iiil'.' t!i! tr..tins tm.; pLirc, wiiirli mailt! Koiuu of our liuutcn'mimtha wall r. I';irt.ri'.l;rfs nr9 nlo very jiVntr, and, whi.tithtiil li"t!i-r, tin')- uro full cruwa and I'lump. Of wiiD'li.'Dc'it we have pi-en bntafu'.v. ears iyi tlicy wt?ru jik-nty uvury e.ason in our gwa njis, hut th BUinni' t- ii t t tut? ha l.illud thuin oir, ii'.i'l but very few biii'.d in tmr nwitmps now. Tho full flight K'tp. rally brint a niaitiTinf; o'.hh, but iu thry uro t migratory bird mid fly principally dr.r i 11 the uin'!illiiiii', w fe' it but now and thi'ii 11 chanco to f luiot at t'.ioui. Th'TH uro u!- i ph-iity of fuxtM, an l ourliiinlrrs Ooii'l tiKfd In i;o vi-ry far ti find th'-m if th"yt::!y kuoiv h-j'.v, ex Rfj-tmrJ i n ennniiij and sly (.hup. Watcrtown (N. 1.) Cor. ii'i rimry Atniiri'.an. Nctr Lull., tin Mara. There Is out) point of view from v.liicU the formatii u of a new 1-tlco in fonlhi rti California by tho overfljwincjof a K-iudy d "-'rt with water Lorn tho Colorado nvi r pi .-.-. 's-( s pi cu'.iar It may tiirmv li;;iit upmi nonieof t'm uiyitei ious changes that have occurred upon the. planet Mars. Near tho equator of Jl.irj there is a region which has been believed to bt p irt of tiio dryland of that planet, end wnii h has bfi-n uaim d LyhiaLytho Italian iiitM-iomer fkhiapurelii. Pat 11 few vears a cnauijo occmr -J ill the ( nior of ' oVwrvers tlimi 'Lybi.i," andKoiueof the ;!it tint It mint lutvo 1 ' n fi i.incn it I.-ri.itii! tr-; F-ip Othti i v-1' i!il"iilv overilo'.V'.'d v:i;!i wat'-r. h id a r.ine.l of tiio oi'.i' " r. ;i d t'l 1m w: cii.;:i. e"ii 1 1 on tho color cluini': ' jii.iri of ilar Unit ,i r eovel ed. I 'S havo bc.-n Been Now I h'lL :v U' w 1 i'.o l.ii.i R'-'.na' h'b. f'T'i;. liiiil. 1 oil l.;l" i I'll with w. I lilt! inn X.c of a th'pr di of tlry land, those who believe that a similar tx-curn ut e, 011 n larger n-ale, li;..; t li.-i 11 place on Jdars will probably bo utr- !i','ti.ened in that iutcrciiiaij opinion. Youth's Companion, Biillibllng Tt.ana. fiiibbling lan3 Is r.t this ncaton nf the year un evening occupation for Ger man housewives. They are tbecommnn tiing loans, which can bo bought by tho bag, about two buidie!. They are washed and vtrutig, and then, with a Very fharp kuifu or fpecid luiplement, they are cut Into very thin elites and packed in Invert ia an earthen crock. On e.icii layer of bean 1 is itjiread a layer cf K.dt, and whi'u t'm crock U aliuost full 11 hrgt-phito covers ths whole, and it lii-id by a wight, geiurally a iitk. If brine d x-s not collect l.eieatly to ever tho layers, a little water 1:1 a l'" I. and the beans aro ready f t r.-fi ia tie.! wi'iter. Ih" nit th it- is lil.sorl). d uiii. t be removed liy t iakiir; the Leant overnight, when th-y are ready to cuoiced. It i.i ted nun. ual Ii,;- hou'-ev i-.-i.s to have Biiihi.'ii.i ; p .r- tii't. ut tie ir fi'iem'..-. :ir.-l r.'l.'.tives 11 v i t hi tlit tliein;;, r fn s'.uii tits being ! er :: ! TV fi of tho oce.e ioli.s. New York Sun. A tpaniili Horn lUonrlan. James I.y.m, let!' r known an Unci JimU;;j, it nowc!;;hty.six j-i-nrs of age. He r." er lived out-dde of what am liow Hie cuuhu' .iof the ktaleof Ma snu-.i. Yet l.u was boru a tubject of Spitia. Wh' n thit territory was ceded to Franca Uncle Jimuiie became a Frenchman. Aftr"i"l tlic ti rritory v.'tn pnreh.-i'ed by tho Lin i d Stalet, and to today Mr. ,. , .....-.;.... 11 . I. Ultlll ll, t4U tlllHI IHI4U VIA4JII. 444 U.4.4 in-uq an i-viiiiful life, ts Iji ruiiiutktd tl tht old tettlert' luttt'iig, hut the even ing of Lid day ia peaceful aud hit heart It at youni now un when he wm a r.iiani.ii'l cighty-Ovo years ago. Nevada (alo.J Democrat. A llttnnna Trra Tltnt Ittiart. Mr. L. (iillen has a genuine enriocity ia tho fnna cf a L'.".n.i:ji tree, tn f-.-t ttll, beariug 0110 hunch of banauaa, lie hitt n miui'otri' of oLuct 4,A444Ui trow, but none Waring fruit nave thit oue. Tlio leiivei aro long mid idendnr, and thn mo tion rf tlie wind C'ini't th loaf to cut In two Ilk" ilbhcut. Until ths can's revs cutise th" bud to open it much retcuiblei a large rt"! w.iferlily hud tightly cloTd. 'f hit covering droin off in time, le.tvlng the fruit lying clotely tide by tid o ripen. Lexington (Mo.) Now. rUxty of Touiif VI pun. Wliilf 1 ho xloro Durnn was cutting ba en a firm near Hunter the tickle rut a potted viper Into four ruecM. It four fetit louR aud within it yrere found inlay-five Iiillo viuers, fourtofit long. Thocntke literutuie of Mi.couri ti lt r.P'u-un is ui)u'i:tlly prolilicaud vari fated. Fulton (Mo.)Kun. A Kai.ll Ona. A Connecticut couple htvt a child tt ven veekn old who weight lota than a pound. The infant enjoyt good health and "id p.oh-ilily live. Its wa!t it the n'.rn of aaiiall ehild'n writ and ltd leS tV.iit ad iai'HJ wi i. I'jd iiciicti C,il-in-fvai'.-;V:-i. A I)oto Who IlifuuJ Vartaa. I Dr. Uower, or bnt'liton, cumrd in pocket a competency for Hf when ht It-ft tl.e 1i(.ii-t on Waifinghan. tcrratt with the knowledjje of l'ariieH'B death for Parnell died at midnight, und tha doctor could have realized a fortune by wdliujj tito vxclusivo nevva o? tjlie event to any of the richor papers in London cr New York. It was no when Uambetta died at 8 In the morning. At midnight he wan pro Bounced coiivalescent. The death watcll of reporters was relaxed. Yet one of them, a Frenchman, member of a small Parisian news agency, came out of a wine shop at curly niornin und rciw u maid servant running across tho "The masltr is dead," sht) called to him. IIo stood there in jrreat pe! ile::ity. To whom shim!d he ml the utnvs? )!' he:iiated between tho Paris, London and New Yorit papers. Ho finally cabled thus, '-(httnbett.'i died at 5 this tnoni in;,'." Tim iliipateii lvachetl a New Ymv: f.fiict at ten minutes before 2. tln-r? I.eiir.r live hours iliil'-reuce bi-tweeii Paris (.10 WiieiM yon 1 und New Yo.'ii. Half a piiu of inieum ii. A 1'iPt! flot-lc ' t'litiviiiL' mjittt'r was riven to t'ue i-o:u- pD.-.itni's, and at tweuiy niiiiiiti'S it tho whiiht ttory was 011 iU way to th.' titereolepe rs. The reporter is st ill livin;; on the pro-C'-iis of liis "heat;" and the m-u-atioii of ( j uiihelLi's d ai':i win noUiiu to that of Parnell. New York Truth. They Kitt it DIhIiimm Tuhl Thrm. A pood f.tory is told at one of tho ho tels litre about sumo of the Lnli.di di vines who are in the city in attendant rpoii tin- Jli.'thodi.-it eciiiii'-nica! cgiiucil. U was noticed that at the hour jet down for dinner on the card posted in each room (jiving the risL'.s of thi house thc.'.e lhi-li.'h preachers would gather about the doors of the dining room and when tln.y tuprn'd u-mi!i malfft a wil.l nsli inside, and to neat themselves hasti ly at tho first table they reached und to bc.'iu to fit as quickly as possible. The landlord was ptuizlcd to know th cans;- of thi.". iitraiw conduct on the part rf his foreign guests. Inquiry developeJ the fact that tuese reverend gentlemen had bi'l'oro coining over posted them t. l'.-es 0.1 American customs by reading Dickens' "Ann lic.'tu Notes" und '.Mar tin Chiizlcwit." The Hceue in the luUei descriptive of the cltect of tho hotel din ner gon:- cii' everyholy to tpiit whatever he was doiii and make a rush for the ilhiiir,' room lest he should fail to get any (jiiitu-r they too!; us g'l.- p' l trulhaiid wi re governing thi ii;ovu con d.iet aecoi-diii:;!v. Wa.'.hiugloli Cor. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ! iin;: kin: a irueli'a Krotlicr. Ace to an i.i.-in.'i 1 . ot.1.1: i;'i a si t.'n pa;v-r a nil j li;;,' ale! an I c ;l a . -t-4 i luatt h, tt'.tn. i 1 All .:;t.i ti t' of di.-; atein'i 1 K'.i.'U-.;;t Par- :t ( "1 it t ir. h'i !::!'. W i..v-'t:.! iu-.: ; in r day t ! out ti:'- d ai i -'.ia 1'. ft a glll:iT. !i of Chari iiell. Tlio inaii was John Parnell, a brother of tho Iri.-'i lea Si r, who I1.13 r; '!it tin! latter y-ars of his life teiidiir; trees en a little farm seventy-live t;:ilcs frutn Atlauti. "1 cauuut btlievt that he is dead." said he. "Tho only thing that makes me bt.Ii.-vo tlio report in tho EtuU'Uient that ho died suddenly. There were twelve children In our fam ily, nix of whom are dead, aud everyone of the $ilx died tuddenly. Our sister Fiinuy, who died last, was found (lead in bed. Charles, and in fact all of u -., aul'ject to attacks of nervous prostru lion, and if he is dead this must have caused his death. lie loved ks all, nuJ but a short time ago ho wrote uio a affectionate letter." n.portlnr. In connection with the milcido of Oen ml r,oulan;.-er, a feat has been aecoia 1 ti.-hed by one of the Puris weekly p; I i rs which shov.-.i to what p-rfectioii 0! ili.-7-aeli illii.ira'.ed r"-.:n lieg has now bci 11 l,:-iui;;ht. Oa W( duesd iy, mi tin" reception of tho news of tho geiieralV tl -fli, Th" 111'-: 'Ir.ltion f-nt t;i r,ra. n'.s t.o iiifiuliers of its H'.alf, on" a diaf-.siiian, the other n photograph, r. On Ttiui-.vl..y Tiioniin.-; tt- o aru.U h:;-! ph'itn-ii.:l-.i d t'a" lying in fl..:e as vil lis tiio hotel in the Run 'Jontoy-r, aud had evi n improvis-ed art-pro. n!a tii.a of li.e "iu iu ta.' ci-iin ly. Tl-i; thin took tiie train, ami arrived in Pari? on the run" day with ull that was need ed for the illustration of that day's ins ue of tl.t journal. An interiaiiug detail is that the proofs of the photograph were taki'il and the artist's drawing executed during tho railway Journey back to Pv.rU. London News. l!.Tll'l P4ir-;4i, From reports it would appear that tla he of Dasil't forge at Grand Pro is nc longer a mystery. Mr. W. C. Archi bald, v.-hilo cutiing away h sandy knoll about two miles v.-i-st of tho village of Wolfvillo, came npon what Is supposed t- ho thn ri!inniii3 of the an-imit black-1 mnitb tliop, under about four foot of toil. Foundation stones, charcoal and thig wero discovered in large quantities, ao tho Acadian Grand Pre could boii'it of more than one niiiithy, this Is in all likelihood the pot where Basil lived nn I worked. It looks as lhoUi;h Wolf ville wits the heart of Ihe anci!it villai;e of Grand Pre. Nova Scotia Bulletin. The lato Pnnker Jatnos II. Mead, of Shehoyg.-tn, WTis., in his w ill, hesidet a htqnest of ijiiO.OftO for a public library, left 510,0(10 for the erection of a hall wherein the boys of SheboytrHii may in dulge in innocent sports and pastimes. Arnold T. Jnhn, who recently died ia Chicago, was the ton of Frederick Lud win Jnhn, th founder of the now famous Turn Venins and in hit da? one of the greatest of German putriois. The government proosc to ho 'Id an other timber dock in the navy yard at Brooklyn, the aocomniodationt of the other two docks being insufficient. It It to bo ubont 8"0 foot in length. Four years agoastr.mjn birthday pres ent was received by charlei KeUluberger, of fim It w. coQn, and th nlhur day h" was Vara' I in it. -.1 Tlie' hoMiii of t,'"'" Wordd'H I'nlr 11 a cily pcarc'ely lifly yetUH tfid vi ! 1 be u r''ii::irk!i1 !i" event, but .vlietlit r il win really liouclit tliia .; iiatioii us miit t) as ilie tiin-ovvry of i ilit- K't't I01 ative Nervine by : I)r. t; iTiinklin Miles if doiiliUul. This ii , jiiHt wli.-it tl.e Ainei ieau people need to cure I heir exet-Cfive iierxtiiittnecM, (IvcpepKin, lieadiKi.e, tlii-.iiieHH, .-'feeplei-tiicf , iiemaltia, iiervoiiH tie- bilily, iliilliK-Ks. eonliihioii of mind, ' etc. It atMH lil.e a iliiinii. Trial bottle iiiul fine book on Nervous und Ileiirt liiteiiMH," with line (Mialeil te.-iiiiioiiiiiln free at P. O hrieke tVC'o. It in win vault tl to con tain . ui'nii iitm, tnorpliiiie or tlunjjcr oua drugs. 1 '" Wa-idorfjl. IC. W.Sawyer, of Kocliester, Wis, a proiiiiiient denier in general tiicrclinnilise, nnd ho runt M-vt ral peibllinii wnpiiis, 1i:i! one of- Ilia liailly cm nn'l liui'iied vt illi a, The wnniul refneil lo lienl. i lie horse Ix-cnine liuui- tn.d t tiif now vv il 1 1 1 t :i ii' ! 111 ,-j' Ciirtdiil nlti nliort mi'l the iippliciition of 1 cinedie, A Iriend liiimleil 'nwyer i-on.e of I liillerV I t.i i l Win- Lin. uient, the ino:-t wtiiuli'i fill tiling- eveit i-aw to lienl s'ltt'll wound!', ile upplied it only three times iind the i-ore was completed healed. F'jtinlly good for all eoi-ft, ciiIh, bfii.-es, and wouiuIh. Fur Hide ly nil drugibt A Cura 1 1 PhioIwi Ib. Frank Corncliiif, of PiirccII, I ml. Ter., ftiiym "I iudiieeil 'Nr. l'inson, wlioi-cwife liiid punilys ir-t'.it- fnce to buy 11 bottle of I'li-'iiubci laiira Pain lhilin. To their great t-uprife before tile bottle had nil been UFt'd she wiiH ii great deal belter. Jler lace had been tlr.nvn to one Hide: lint the Pain Palm relieved nil pit in mid soienesH. nod the niotitli assumed its naturnl chape." It ia alno :i certain cure lor i lieiiinatisin Innii! buck, spraiiiH Kwellimrs and lanieneH!'. ."H cent bottit'K for ual by F. G. FriekcivCo., ILLUSTRATED. The Mnirnine v.-ill celebrate the fourth Centenary of the Discovery of Amcrii-ii by it.-t re-di.-cov cry, 1 1 1 rtui! eli nrticlcH giving; n more iliorinigli expiiiion tliiiii liuit biili-. erlti In eii made of the recent unpre ce'iciili d tU veiiOilJieuI of our itillil-. try, .-itid ee) .eeially in ti e grt iit wei-L Piii 1 iciilui- nit'-i lion v.ill iii.-o be given to (iraiiialic t'ph-o.lcH o.' A 111 i. Ii iiHorv. 'Hi li.-ld of 1'ie next I war v.-ill !e- (!e; c ' i' n'd in 11 1 !,!!! s on the l,-::i. i;!,-, '. Pl'iek l'o-'-st t. Hie I tint 1 t 'mil'-.-ey 1 111 -ci' iv.- ni'd i". .urrif cnri 4 fill tlf i 1 jiii (lie; -S-:.."l,y I). . li.Mct, i.'hi.-liiu. a by .'lr. :-lil'i-t mid -Mired 1 '.il .-1 ill H. A i lit le- id M will be cil on the Ceniiiin, Am-tii in nnd 1:111 iii-nui'H, 111u.--1r.111 i ny 1. uc Tb ul. 1 ri'. Mr. W. 1). IIowcll'4 will contrilittte 11 new novel, "A World of Chance, cltiii'.it i 1 ii- iicaiiv .iiit ricaii. i.s- pocinl prominence will be ;iven t3 cliort htorii-H, wbicli w ill be cnn.riLw tiled by T. P. Aid: ich, iv'. II, Diivia, A.Coniin Doyle, Margaret Dclm-.d, MisH Woolfo'n and other popular writers. Anionrj the literary fentiiren will be personal reinini. ceiices of Nnlll aniiil Hawthorne by I if college cIuhh mute and life long; friend, Horatio Hritlge, nnd n personal Memoir of Hie ltrowning;8 by Anne ThacUcriiy Kitchie. HAR?EER'3 PR10DI0ALS HAKPKK'S MAGA.INi: (X) IIARPI-.K'S WLIIKLY 4 (0 IIAKPllK'S P.7.AR i 00 IIAKPMR'.S YOCNG PJ-OPl.K 2 00 Postage! free to nil sul'scriber in the L'iiilcil tu'iC.'S Ciinuila and Mcx. The volmneu of the Marai'-ine Pe- in Willi tile ..ur;i)i is tor nine una 1 leeetiiber t f em li year. U lien 110 lime in specilied, i-ui-sei iptionn w ill ln-c in illi the Number current 11 1 , 'ii- 1 i:..e of 1 "i-ei ;;t ol or !cr. Hound (iliunes of II.'ii'.er'H Miiguzinc for ll, ; v ti-tirs I ink, in neat do I li I'ind ii'g tvi.l be sent by, po: t paid, on receipt of i;'.ft) per volume. C loth t asi'is fur binding-, .7) cents cncfl - by mail post paid. Rciui'tance ibolild be inn dp 1y Post Oliice Monev Order or Drait, to 11 void chance of Lisa. Newspnpcru lire not to copy this advertisement without the expreHS oi ilcr of Harper & Urotliere. A , 1, 1 ,i,i II Aid LR & HROTI I MI'S, New York. RemnrKabla Frets. ITenrt disease in usually mipposetl to be incurable, but when properly treated 11 large portion of c:inen can l.e c-.i'-ed. Tim I Mr ". Mluiiia llntcli, of Klkhurt, 1ml., tuul Mrs. Mary L. Haker, of Oviil, Mich., were cured Hller HUtiering; VX J t-urH. S. C., drugiist at Snn Jose, 111, aayn that Dr. Miicrt' New Iienri Cure width cured the former, "worked wonders for hit wife." Levi lAi.iim of Hiichanan, Mich., who hud lu-urt ,Jiuoiu4- fnp lill veitr; mtva two liohlea made him "b.'el like a new niun." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold nnd guarantoed by F. G. Friche & Co. Ilookof wonderful test imoii lain free. 1 Ladies who use cosmetic" or pow ders to covi r tip or hide 11 I n l com plexion, do not know Hint O. 11. Snyderenn furnish them with Illusli of Rosett, which is cleim water, puri fier! the nkln, and positvely removes liluck lieadt nutl nil. skin dineases takes the Mhiny look trout the face nnd whitens it noon nn applied FOB m mm ts-a-a-iti M - ,-aMi Ti-,i; r m 1 M.l W 1 JITcinTa klmtr4ldwlIi.,l V!' rudi 'tiirii IX K'UK j .. !' .in'1 'J I'l . -i J . 1. 1 fVni.' ' j -fct f jIji t.i r 1 .ii'f. nalt. v , i.4j4 -fi- . N i.ipr al ', ven:,' ' t ,1 I ' '. i ! f-t I , A 4 , :r. s ilaAT l-Tyf 444a. V . mr ttaM a aal htaMk 4aJwiai 1..,. I.,.. ..