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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1891)
. r-CL FACTS ABOUT BOILS. Dtjwtukrr from Then fa Ivtl f Uutrai Cierava. Holla are, canned by germa, but It is avt fully determined just how the germa 4nd acceaa, bat they are probably re- -eived through aornn alight abrasion or other Injury to the akin. The pu which .la discharged la fall of germs. , A alight Injury in the vicinity of any of the gland of the body through which frerms are given opportunity for en trance, ta often followed by enlarge cnent of the glands. ' An injury to the face for' instance, will cauw) the glanda of , the neck and jaw to swell. Some times from inflamed tonsils germs find access and are carried by the lymphatics along to some point where they ob- : struct the bloodvessels and form a tiny clot which gives the germs a chance to feed and grow upon dead blood and in this way develop a boil. Germs of consumption are similarly taken to the lungs sometimes., Enlarged lymphatic glands about the neck or elsewhere should receive attention because they may lead to- something else. They often take on tuberculosis degeneration and after awhile reach the lungs. It Is best to have the glands removed by surgery while the enlargement Is still alight. Otherwise gland below gland nay be found affected and the opera tion come to be quite a serious one. It is very rare that they can be cared by any remedy. - A simple enlargement of the glands can sometimes be driven away by arsenic, but the arsenic may develop a disorder worse than the en larged glands. Dr. J. II; Kellogg. A BIRCH-BARK STAND. Mw tm Msk Thtrmoiattor Staad Which Is Very Pretty Indeed. Fancy articles made of the birch bark brought home from summer wander ings are always acceptable gifts, and the following thermometer stand is not only pretty but easily made. Take a strip of bark seven inches long and about six inches wide, cut it in a sloping line across the top, begin ning at the left. Slope down the right side for about four inches, and roll over the remaining two inches or the small end of the right-hand corner in such a manner as to make both top and bot tom of the stand of equal width; the roll Is kept in place by a narrow ribbon bow. Now fasten the bark to a piece of cardboard of the same shape, only a TUB THIRMOMETKB. . trifle smaller. This Is to hold the bark flat. Sew another piece of cardboard, Bay about 3x5, on the back, at the top only, so as to support the whole and al low It to stand like an easeL Little slits are cut in the bark on the left side, which have narrow ribbon run through, finished both top and bot tom in tiny bows; the center is orna mented with pressed flowers and mosses held in place by fine stitches or white varnish, and the little ten-cent ther mometer is tied on with tiny bows of ribbon; yellow ribbon is used in this case, as the flowers are buttercups. Aa Improved Ink. This is for an ink . iiich is permanent and unaffected by the application of acids, alkalies, etc., and which renders forgeries and erasures, additions or al terations easy of detection and difficult to accomplish. To carbon black (pref erably prepared by the action of con centrated sulphuric or other acid on sugar) are added a solution of gum arabic or other mucilage, caustic, soda, oxalic acid and Indian ink. Vanadium in any form. Aleppo galls, nut galls and a small quantity of an aniline dye are then added along with sufficient water to. make the ink flow readily. The following proportions yield good results: Nut galls, 20 per cent.; Aleppo galls, 5 per cent. ; carbon black, 10 per cent.: "vanadium, 1 per cent.;' Indian ink, 10 per cent.: oxalic acid, 3 per cent.; aniline dye, 1 per cent.; rain water, 50 per cent. "The whole is boiled, filtered and strained." Scien tific American. Haaty Frleadahlpa. Some people are continually acquir ing "dear friends." Ladies of an im pressible nature have been known to aadtwo or three to their list every week' liuring the visiting season. Men are not, generally speaking, as apt to rush into friendship as the more ami able sex, yet many a man contracts friendships in haste that he repents at leisure. True friends are scarce acqui sitions. They cannot be picked up at the rate of half a dozen a season at dinnerparties or balls. N..Y. Ledger. To Make Hattr-S-trh- Take three pounds of sugar, a quarter pound of butter, hlf a ' teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and add sufficient water only to dissolve the sugar. Boil with out stirring until it will easily break, when dropped in cold water. Then pour into a ' wetl-buttered dripping pan, and when almost cold cut into small squares. If desired, a - dash of lemon may. be added into the mixture before putting on. to boil. Eight drops will be suffi cient. , '; - - ' "- ' ' -; .. Sympathy. - . Miss Prim '' (to Mr. Richf ellow) Oh,. It's nothing, nothing." My teeth ache a little; that's all , ; i i ' ? Small Brother , if sympathetically)- C7W &imt ,yon takVi ,eretf-rOi. ffli County Court. " , Firnt National Dank of Elmwood vs. Henry Hollenbeck. On applica tion of parties, time extended in which to file brief until Oct. 26. In the matter of tbe estate of Sara K. Smith, deceased. Hearing, final settlement net for Oct. 9, 10 a. m. In the matter of the last will and testament of Simpson C. Bethel, de ceased. Hearing, final settlement continued generally. Wm. C. McNamara vs. City of I'lattsmouth, garnishee. Hearing, Oct. 26, 10 a. m. First National Hank of Elmwood s. James Hoyce. On application of parties, time in which to file briefs, extended until Oct. 2G. In thematterof the last will and testament of John Cusack deceased. Hearing on probate of same ?et for Oct. 9, 3 p. m. George Duem J. C.Spaun. Action for . forcible detention. Hearing Oct. 24, 10 a. m. In the matter of the last will and testament of II. H. Gakemeir de ceased. Application of Peter Gake meir and set aside of will refused, Messrs. Beeson AKoot attorney for applicant withdrawn their appear ance. In the matter of the condemna tion of right of way by the Rock Island R. R. of the land of Herman Gast. Hearing on application of A. B. Smith, mortgagee, to pay over to him the sum of $468.75 damages. Application granted and order en tered accordingly. Fine shoes selling low at the Schildknecht shoe store. tf Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Klecl trie Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do al that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50c and $ 1 per bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 5 Capt. W. A. Abbett, who has long been with Messrs. Precival and Hatton, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Des Moines, Iowa and is one of the best known and most re spected business men in that city says: -'lean testify to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Having used it in my family for the past eight years, I can safely say it has no equal for either colds or croup." 50 cent bot tles for Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists. We have received a nice line of pattern hats and would be pleased to show them to the ladies or lJlatts mouth and vicinity. We have se cured Miss Hemple as trimmer. . tf Tucker Sister. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit alizer is truaranteed to cure you. 2 I have not used all of one bottle yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, experiencitifr the nauseating dropping in the throat peculiar to that disease, and nose bleed almost daily. I tried various remedies without benefit until last April, when I saw Ely's Cream Balm advertised in the Boston Budget. I procured a bottle, and since the first day's use have had no more bleeding: the soreness is entirely gone, D. G. Davidson, with the Boston Budget, formerly with the Boston Journal. Mr. C. B. Tones, of Spring Hill Iowa, says: "1 have used Chamber, Iain's Pain Balm for severe and painful burns with better effect than anything I have ever tried. It re lieves the pain instantly and enres without leaving a scar." Kani Kaini is one of the most useful medicines that any families can be provided with, especialy for rheumatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, tooth ache, ear ache and like ailmeuts. One application will relieve the pain and a fair trial insure a cure. . 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggists. . How a Coat ef Tar Feala, People who read of tarring and feath ering know that the punishment is a very unpleasant one, but few imagine how terribly painful and dangerous it la. In Wyoming 1 once saw a man who bad been tarred and feathered,1 and al though he fully deserved the discipline I could not help pitying him. Hardened tar is very hard to remove from the skin, and when feathers are added ' it- forms a kind of cement that sticks closer than a brother.' As soon as the tar sets the vic tim's suffering begins.' It contracts as it cools, and every one of the little veins on the body is pulled, causing the most exquisite agony.: The' perspiration is entirely ' stopped, and ' unless the tar is removed death is certain to ensue. ' But tbe 'removal ' is no easy task and requires several days.- The tar cannot be softened by the application of beat, and must be peeled off bit by bit. sweet oil being used to make' the process less painfuL The irritation to the skin is very great, as the hairs cannot be disen gaged, but must be pulled out or cut off. No man can be cleaned of tar in a single' day. aa the ' paim of the operation would be too excruciatinflf for eudurance, and until thiatsdone he h&4 to attffer from a pain iike-thatof 10,000 pin pricks. Num bers of toe have1 died 1 under the tor tore; and none' who ha-ra gone n through At regard sad feathering a anything bat afafctrfuliiCictian. Interview f Missouri mm a. TIME TABLE. J OP DAILY PAH8BNGBK TRAINS GOING ERST GOING VEST Xo.a ... NO. 4... No. ... No. Ml.. ..5:05 r.M ..10:30 a. i. .7 :4 p. m ... 9 : 45 a. m oi,.... 8 :." a. m. 'o. 4 6 :25 P- IB No. 5, 9 :26 a. - vo. T '1ft a. m. No. 12. .10 :M a. n No. I.. ... I46p. ai. No. a :30 a. u No. il i p.m. . 10 il M a. at. munoum pacific railway TIME CARD. N. 3M Aeouaiodatioa Leaves l.-ra- . Nrt.3 arriyen 4;tp. at. Train dally except Sunday SECRET SOCIETIES KNHiJITS OK PYTHIAS Ununtlet Look no. 47 Mwn every Wednesday evening at their b -II in Parite Craijt block. All t! lilne knights are eoidiVly Inv'teil to attend . C. Mh'MihM. V. C. : tin lovey. K. R. 8. YoUMJ MEN'S THHIhTION ASSOCIATION Waterman blink. Main Street. K001118 open fr-ni 8 :. a m to 8 :30 i rr. For men only Uospel meet dk every Sunday atternoon at 4 O'eiock. AO. a. W 8. Meel flrst and third Friday erejlnp of each month at G. A. K. Hall In Kwkwuuk block. Frank Vermllyea. M, W. 1, Y EuerHole, Kecorder. AO U. W. No. 84 Meets eeeond and lourth Frirtav verting In tbe month at 1. A . K. hall in Kockwood block. E. J. Morgan, M W, r. F.Brown, llecorder. UOYAL AR0ANAM CaM Coincil No 1021. J- M-e at the K, of P. hall in tbe Parmele & OhIr block over Bennett & Tutt. visiting brethren Invited. Henry Herold, Regent; Thos Walling. Hecretorv. OA8S LODGE. No. 146.1. O. O. F. meets ev ry Tuesday night at their hall In Fitzgerald DkK-k. All Odd Fellows are cordially Invited n Rrrend when visiting in the city. J Cory. N. G S. W, Bridge. Secretary. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Catholic-SU. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and 8ixth. Father Carney, Pastor Servic s : Viss at s xnd 10 :30 a. M. Sunday School at 2 :3o, with benediction. Christian. Corner Locust and Eighth 8ts. Services morning and evening. Elder J. It Reed, patttor. Sunday School 10 a. k. EPicorAi St. Luke's Church, corner Third and V ine. Kev. U B. Burgess. pator. Ser vices : it a. m . a:.d 7 :3or. m. Sunday School at 2 :30 P. M. Okrman Mkthodist. oorner Sixth Rt. and Granite.. Kev. llirt. Paotor. Services : 11 A. M. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday School lo :30 a m. Pb kpbytkri a k. Services in new church. cor ner Sixth and Granite sl. Kev. J. T. Balrd, pastor, sundav-sci ool at ;30; Preaching at 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m. The V. K. h. C. K of this church meets every Sabbath evening at 7 :16 in tbe basement of theebucrh. All are invited to attend these meetings. First Mfthodist. Sixth St., bet wen Maiu and fear). Rev L. 8. Rritt pastor. Services : 11 a. m.. 8 .00 p. m. Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Prayer meetU g Wednesday even ing. ' Grrman Prwsbttkrian. Corner Main and Ninth. Rev Wltte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday fchool 9 :30 A. M. SwREDisn Cokgbfoatiomau Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colokkd Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Rev. A. Boswell, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meetiue Wednesday eveuing. Yotjko Mkk's Christian Association Rooms in Vaterman block. Main street. Gos rel iiipetinf for meii onlv. everv Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Kooms open week days from 8:30 a. 111.. to 9 : 3 p. m. Soitth 1akk Tabkknacle. Rev. J. M Wood, I asfor. Services : Sunday School, 10 a.m.: i reaching, 11 a m. and 8 p. ni. ; prayer meeting Tuesday nignt ; cnoir prac lice Friday night. All are welcome. When you fro to a shoe store your object lsnot only to buy snoes but to procure for what you spend the best that your money will buy. Less than this will not content you; more than this you cannot, in rea son, ask. Our methods are aa simple as your desires. We do not lift your expectations to the clouds, but we realize them whatever they are. We will never sacrifice your interests to ours and nowhere else can you get a fuller and fairer equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for you is our etc. BOOES, SH O 33 S RUBBERS O R R SHERWOOD. Main Street. , . 501 Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. I WATEBHAN & M .1 .''.11: ... Shingles, Lath, titu-h. linds Oan supply eyerw demand of the city: Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera hoase. ncTrrTiur w wat a mak in LIU I Cltl I V Ei ever locality to act a ktFrlv Ietetiv nnder er lntrvrtion. it- r low reniara. - w AJUMlliTt)N i i -CTl K AG pit boj. 7r7.xasliMon, P IF LUMBER I TV77 IS waiting to show you his new goods V-J VJj and o let you know how cheap they can be bought. HAS THE LARGEST -A-ISTD BEST STOCK Ib bis line in Cass Countj. Yon wi 1 not be nble to buy cheaper Wee Chi cago when you take qnality and price in consideration. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, TAKE THE -. l--;s ;.'.' 4 .1 : For Atchinson, St; Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points north, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point v in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSBND, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. PH1IXIPPI. A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. Afgak. Agt., Plattemouth. Telephone, 77. THE TYPEWRITER A strictly flrst claw machine, folly warra.i ed. Made from tbe very best material b fklHed workmen, and with tbe best tools til bav erer been devised tor the purpose. Wa ranted to do all that can be reasonably ex peeted of . the very be-t typewriter extant. Callable of writing tfio wordn rer minute 01 more aoeerding to tbe ability of the operate If therein no ageailn your tnwo addrum tb is an n fact orai. - -' ' i -u ; , . THK PARJ8U TtL'f'U v r. AxeaM waoted : y, . arih . Y. : - J F. K. oKELEMIRIC, Agent. . ... , Linooli. Neb, O' THE LEADING AND ONLY ONE PRICE IS WAITING FOR YOU. TOE- JOE Only buys the bett makes and latest norelties in CLOTHING AND FURNiSHING GOODS HATS, CAPS ETC. And if you are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial. HARNESS! FRED GORDER The onlj Implement dealer who has made a success in Casts Count THE best of harness, both double and single may be found at my store and everything in the harness line also buggies and carriage which are first-class in every respect, being the lightest, strongest and easiest riding vehicles on earth. I ALSO have a large lot of Schutler, Moline, Iiain and Sterling wagons Spring wagons, road carts, and plows of all description. o t iv iz 1 r Plattsmouth 1 OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF umte rim shoes We give you the following deep cut in prices: . Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola ?2.25 shoes reduced to - - $1.75 Ladies Dongola Kid Flexible $251) shoe reduced to - - 2.10 Ladies Best Dongola $3.U0 shoes reduced to- - - -e " 2J5G Ladies Hand Turned best Dogola $.()0 shoe reduced to - - 350 .,P0&,THIHTY We have a great 'many other sample . .,,,.....-, v ... ... offering Iri order to reduce our stock to ineet our obligation. We also have a few lots of Ladies prices, Don't forget the place. . - -.'- -T ." v Z. CLOLHIER PLATTSMOUTH, HARNESS, o y r 10 1 it 10 Nebraska DAYS OtfLY lots ' --of odd eize that we ar at - - . Oxfords that we will sell at reduced - SAILS I) -0