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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1891)
a'aWsMHa'hlWSsWl'sfyifc 1 V .fr.-' . ' ' ( o -; KICt AND a i r. tl'P J ' .yCK!T RY. "VSof MIND jf 'Tl'5: if yoji?. .- . v - AriD REtiinBR Son. J.fc' ALL GRCEHS KEEP IT; -T DK7 HOUSEWIFE WANTS .TL .-..MS I' ' if t TTfnnn -r a at- la vv i-.u iviorn i isr J. 0. UIUVES & c'). LKR3 IN TINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, SARII. DOORS, BLINDS.and hU building material i Call and see us at the corner of 1th and Elm street, one block irth of Ileiscl's mill. lattsmouth, Nebraska vorything to Furnish Your House. AT- I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODKKN I0USE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. S iurcha?cd the J.V. Weckbach store room on south f street where I am now located I can pell goods cheap " ' .thc chcapcHt having jnftt put in the largest stock .. 'oods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stove . jjtnrc of all kindsBoldon the installment plan. il I. PEAIILMAN. X KEEP CONSTANT L ON HANI) 1 A Full and Complete line of Jt Medicines, Paints, and Oils. y DSUCCISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Vcrlptlons Carefully Compounded at nil Hours ) I T A T 7T7T APT nil v iliajoiv you ..noma - to - build - there? 7 -IF SO- member that R. O. Castle it Co have an immense tock of jJllBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL! AT HAVELOOK rnKiimntntec Satisfaction In nil Things O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. a i r a i ' ill ) THE POSITIVE CURE. Lniiai c1 A Suit Aslnt 111 llruoklyn flrliljfe. In a short tinic the most important duiwiffe suit tlmt hiw ever twn ljroujlit ul' .iiint tlie lir Hiklyn bridge will lie ti.i .l It is fur $1,000,000, null will in V'OvH iKiine nice xiiit8 of liiw. A 1'iaiifo-Ani'ricHii inventor named. Du J ',, ,i h a liriiutii the unit. Iln claims tlmt in Kiiil.iiiK the oaivstjnsof the bridi.'p (I'ltuiii i;ifntn Wli!ifrit! to him were infringed un, Hiul that without the line of Iiih InvcntioiiM t'ne bridge could not have lm'ii mircm-fully built. t iui IMirtant doi District Attorney Cliirke t'.nsidcr the uumi, and of such grave inouiciit to the intcrcxts of the two cit ies, tlmt nt his rcijucst the services of n well known jmletit lawyer have been ficcun d as coutiHid, and lie lias Al ready received from the bridge $1,000 as it retaining fee. There is an interesting story told of Bridge Secretary Henry Beum in con nection with the sinking of these cais eons. He says that it was at first in tended by the bridge engineers to sink a regular coder dam, and on this place the big piles that supKrt the bridge struc ture, bnt that William C. Kingsley op posed this plan, giving as his reasons for so doing that no ordinary coffer dam would hold in the fierce currents of the Kant river. Then it was that the Kink ing of the caissons was decided upon. In other words, they ned a coffer dam, not in the regular fashion, but upside down. And now the wooden box rests on a bed of rock forty feet below the bottom of the river. Mr. IViiui lays that Mr. Kingsley would have been the last man in the world to have allowed the invention of another man to be used in the con struction of the bridge without paying him for it. and that if Du Uois' patent were infringed Uoii it was by accident and because the bridirn eninnwradid not know that that style of coffer dam Lad been patented, Brooklyn Eagle. Human IMnrnntent. A rich man of Bostou has one sod. fie led him about, lie instructed him, lie kept him as the apple of his eye. Tho son liecame of age this summer. The father has no other occupation save that of liurhiiig his income, and as he is man of sense and liberal views he told his sou that he must not stand idle, yet left to him the choice of business or pro fession. At the same time be wrote pri vately to twenty-four friends and ac quaintances asking their advice in the matter. The twenty-four were promi nent each in his own calling. And eacb replied in turn, complaining of his business and advising the father to seek elsewhere for the future prosperity of the young man. The law was crowd ed, journalism brought but little money, banking was an uncertain prop, and so on throughout the catalogue. The fa ther is still undecided, the boy Is idle: and all because no one of the twenty four is contented with bis lot, while he ftduilres the fortuues of other tueu. Bos ton Post K.w I.uusr Crater. A careful examination of ft photo graphic negaJve of tlie moon recently obtained by means of the Lick tele scope revealed the picture of ft most important lunar crater whose existence had nerer len suspected previously. The explanation lies in the fact that the human eye is not so constituted that etetidy gnzing will bring out the minoter details of the object looked at; on the contrary, the eye grows tired aud details M lost. Rot so tiie photogruphic plate, however; the effect of constant pour ing in of rays of light into the camera has a cumulative effect The longer the exposure under suitable circumstances, the greater the display ot detail in the result. So in this case, the "photographic eye of science" takes cognizance of crater on the moon's surface that has never been, and in all probability nevur will be, seen by human eyes. New York Recorder. 0r Tbi-M Taar. la a Maltr.u. In July, ISSN, Captain Qosph Lowe, of York, tilled his bed with, grass, which he had cut for that purpose. Boon sfter Mrs. Lowe thought she felt something moving undr her side of ths bed, but the captain told her it was Imagination. Captain Lowe was afterward sick and laid upon thst sids cf ths bod, whr.n he felt the same motion. In April, 1889, he died, but not until Tuesday of last wwk was the lied opened and emptied, whn out came live, healthy, but terrible hungry turtle. He was ravenous, and would snap at anything offered him, it is said. The straw or bay for two feet across was "chewed very Que." York (Me.) Courant A H.w Inalrnniaat. A scientific, instrument haa lwwn gotten np by Professor Bigelow which is called the aurora inclinometer. By extensive researches he has found that the same law which underlies the working of elec tricity and mngnetisin is operating on the sun, and that sunlight is a magnetic flelil hi which the niagnHwl u4rth ro tate as does the armature of a dynamo. The instrument will be sent to Alaska, where it will be used in the study of the aurora, as it is there seu in the beA con ditions. New York Times. i A TraUl lubjr. There was in this city recently on a visit a baby only about nine months old which has seen more traveling than commonly falls to the lot of most older people, it was born near Chicago and hits since I men to the City of Mexico, thence k) Mawachusetls, then to 1'ort land, Me., and return, and is now living In Mayrinrd. At that rate most of the world will be familiar ground in. fifty )ars. .Marlboro Enterprise. Itlll I'aM Afl.r Man? Year. A young man In the employ of Emer son Hall over a quarter of a century ago contracted a little bill with Dr. H. U. Newell. It slipped his mind at the time and iie always thought it paid until a few days ago, when he accidentally came across a bill from the doctor dated twenty-six years ago. ! at once pai l it. Such honesty is in. lwd worth notic ing. St. Johusbury (Vt.) Caledonian. The Ub Harsh, draMlo purgaUvrs Ure,. ' Bess U a duiirumi pracUm, uul t, . tii fasten tho UUwusm on Uis pslient v . cure It. Is uruuVtl Is a ' . hu efli'i'lujly s'iiIiik the liottcls, curr. tJni i:uuvo liabtt toil HstnMUlies a naUir.. Luly ii''U.n. Bm h iui ;i''rru! is Iniiml in Aycr's Pills, wlilrh, while tlmroiiirli In m tlon, strengthen as well a nliiuuUU! Uie bowels anil uxcrcloty " Fur f iRht yimrs T ws atlllrtpil with eon stlpalliin, will. Il at last Walnn so bad that tin; diH'tiirs cunlil do no nmrs for me. Xheu I heran to take Ayer's Tills, and soon Uio Isiwi.'ls hi'c.uiic reiihrr unil natural in tln ir mnvements. I sm now In ejcellent bealtli." -Win. II. lH'Uuoett, Dorsi-t, Out. " When I feel the need of a catliartli;, 1 take Ayer'( Mils, snd Bud theui Jo b oiore Effective tfian any other pill t ever took." Mrs. It. G (iruhh, burwcllviilF, Vs. "For years I hsre bean sutijpct tnsonsit patiou and nervous headaches, raused by dtv ranitcmeiitof Uie liver. After taking various remedlm, 1 have becotno convinced that Ayefs I'Uls aro Uie best. They have never failed to rellevi) my bilious I larks In a short time; and I sm sure my syitem retains Its tone longer after tha use of these Mils, than has been tho esse with any other medicine I have tried." li. 8. Sludge, Weimar, Texas. Ayerjs Pills, rurtMD st Dr. J. 0. ATEB Ik CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by aU Dealer Is Medicine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tiik Ukht Hai.vb iii the world for Cub Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt liln um. F-vef Sores, Ti tter. Clmpped HsnfN, Chilblains, t rus, Hud R:l h!:iii Eruptions, and posi tively cures 'iles. or no pay required. It is giinrantei:d to irive satistactinn, or money relundcd. Price 2.') rents prbox Knrssle l. f. O. Fricke & Co. Happy Hcosiers. Wm.Tlinninii., iMMinaHi.nif Id.ivllle. ind.. write : "Kle. trie lliier has done neire for ie Ihsn sll other iin-illi-lnes cmnlilned, (or that bad feel tig ail'lhn limn Kidney anil layer treiilile." .lohii j-lie. farim- .ml turkmaii, of same place, : Kuid Kli cirlc ltltt,-r to belheheit Klilhcy and r nieillelne, made tne feel like a new imhii." .1. v. (.ariliie hardware merchant, ame town, av "Klee. trie lllileis is just lue tiling for a iiiau who f all run d'.wn and dnn't care whether hr hve or dies ; he found new lieiiKlh. K"d npnel li nn il felt just like In- h d a new lene on life Only 'oc. a bolile at K. i. Krlcke & to's llrur Btore. .t A Mystery Explained. The iiujicrH coutnin frequent no tirpH of rich, pretty nnd cdticiited Rirla elojiitijr with tirrofH, triiinpn uiul coiicliiiicn. The well-known HieciiiliMt, Dr. Franklin Mile, hiijh ull micli jfirU are more or lcxa liye tcricul, nerviitiH, very impulsive, un buliitu ed; usually Hiiliiect to neiid nclie, iiciirnly in, hI'i')1chkiichh, im moderate crying or laug;liiiio-. Tlicee hIiow u weak, ncrvoue svetem for which there is no reined v equal to Keatorative Nervine. Trial bottles and a tine book, containing; many mum-Ion curea, free at V. O. Fricke 4 Co'., who also ncll and iuaraiitee Dr. MiIph' ceh-brated New Heart Cure, the fineat of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, ehort breath, etc. R'lflUTi ti n ur1 in a 0y. "Mystic Cure" for rheuiiuitiniii and lieiirulgia radically cured in 1 to 3 day. ItM action iim.ii I lit- nyeli-m is remarkable uiul tnyetcrioiiH. It re moves ot once the cause and the di sense immediately diMHiit-urH. The first doee greatly licm lits. 7."ic Sold by F, CI. Fricke, Druggist, wt W'pwnnt every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never fipjx-r without a warn, ing. The first ey inploiiiH it hoar ness; tlii-n the child a)pearH to have taken rold or a cold may have ac companied the lioarncHri from the start. After that u peculiar roiij;lt cough ie (Icvclopcil, which it fo. lowed ly the .-roup. The time to act is when the child lirwt Imtoiiich lionrHc; a few docs of Clianiherlain Cough Remedy will prevent the at tack. F.ven after a roug;li cough has ajijieared, the dincnue may be prevented by liHinc; thin rcillcily uh directed. For aule by F. (i. Fricke A Co, Drugging For mitny years Mr. H. F. Thump Hon, ot lc clonics, Iowa, waa He verely nlllicted with chronic diarr lioca. He nays: "At times it was very severe; ho much ho, that I ft-acrd it would end my life. About Hevcn year ago I chanced to ro cure u bottle of Cliuiiibi-rlain'H Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea Kctucdy. It gave mo prompt relief and I believe cured me iermaiient ly. us I now pat or dunk without harm iinylhing I ph-aHo. I have bImo need it in my family with the beet reetilts. For mile by F. (J. Frirkie Sc Co. ?JMt 3703J". Wonderful Success Two vcurs ago the llallt-r I'roji. Co.' ortli-rvd tlu-ir l.ottU'H by the box - now they buy by tin carload. Among the pnpulnraiul Hucccscful remedii-M they prepare in llaller' SarHaparilla A Iturdock which id the inoHt wonderful blood purifier known. No druggie! licHiiatfH to recommend thin remedy. ' For Hale by druggiMt. A Cure for Paralvsls. Frank Cornelius, of 1'urccll, Ind. Ter., Hiiye: "1 induced Mr. I'iiiHou, whose wife h.t paralysis in the luce to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's I'aiil llalm. Totlicir great Mujirisc before the botlle had all been used ehe wan a great deal better. IK-r fact' bad been ilrawu to one eidc; but tin- l'am II.iImi relieved all mill and HorcnesM. anil the nioiith aHsumcd i I m naturiil Hlinpe." It iw also a certain cure Inr rln iiinntiHin limn- back, Hpraiim Hwclliin's and InmencMH. (VI cent bottiea fiir mile by F, (I. Frii keACo., DrueftjiHtH. Mllss' Nerveand Liver Plllo. Act on a liew principle regulating thu liver, stomach nnd bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily rnre biliomncss, had tHit, torpid liver, piles, constipation, Une qualed for men, Women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, t.ic Sinipla free st K. (i. Fricke & Co's. v hat .is : e ill '! 1W I - l.r 1 i ' i j ';' C'i " ' . V'.,' - '',;'?ST,N't!V'.iyri.iv,y V". S'e t i. ti. tun'M.. ' i-Wi.... . yoJXwl:.vvC;-: : . ... . .. -i ' ' t "j mJL 4 Custorla i7 DiVSutuut 1 1'itclicr's prescription for Infants and Childf cn. lUontalnunciaicrOpliim.Morpliinenor other Narcotic tsubstance. It is n harmless substitute for rarcsor'c, Drops, Soothing; Ryrups, and Castor OIL at is IMrnsant. Its guarantee ist thirty years' use Dy Million of Mothers. C.i;;toria destroys "Worms aud allays fe cri.shncss. Custorla prevent a vniiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and AViiul CM tttethini; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho fuod, regulate,- the Btoroch and bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla the Children's ,anacea the Mother's friend) A Castorix Canrla I. aa excllent medicine for c'nll dren. Jlotliers hnvo rcrmtedly tultl ai. of iu food aBaut upon ll-ir cuildrea." Da. O. C. Osaco, Lowell, tlasa. " Castnrla Is the bust remedy for children of which J am acipisinUst. I hie the day Is-tuH far dlslarn, when motlier. wilToonsiilerthe ruul InU-rest of their cliildrun, and nso Custorla In aleail of tierarioiuiqiuvk Dostmms which are d'-stroy-tng their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphias, atsauinjr syrup and oiuer hurtful auUi down tlu-lr throais thereby seniliug thein to premature graves." iJa. J. F. KrucjiiLoi, Conwuy, Ark. - - c. Castorix " Castorla Is so well adapted to ctllrf I n-ci.mmend ItMsspernrloauypri known to me.1 - . H. A. Anon; 111 So. OxfordBt.,Bro.j'!u, . . . " Our physicians In ttia children's depart ment have spokes highly of thetr expert. 1 eno In tielr oukada pracwoe with OostorU, and although w oaly oava among , our mnllcul suiplies what is kaow as regular products, yet we an free to confess that Um merits or iMoria has won us to look with favor Uion It." t'NiTin Hospital akd Dirtkmsart, Boston, Matt lis C. Sa-tTH, 7Ve., Tlt CenUnr Company, T7 Ilnrraj. Street, Kaxr York City. aaBwlsaWshat K"f I J W HEN DEE DKAI.KR IN HARDWARE, STOVES & IRON FTJIVTPS, TINWARE ETC. SPOT CASK ;d1)E3 TItE -ooOoo- She in a winner. We reduce our prices becRtise we can afford too not becaiiHe Homebody couiiels us too. Where is the high price, lonir lime credit mini that cun ntaud it XoT IX PLATTSMOLTH. We irive you a few more prices that may interest you: Golden machine oil .... still iroes at 20c per eal Gasoline ---.... j4C .. Warranted Hay Folk .... u u u 35,. eacn Mi) odd si.e carriage bolts ..... (I0c per hundred Another lot of clothes wringers .... 2.10 Carpet tacks - . . - . . till g0 at lc per paper C 00k stoves at cot to close. holding; ironing-boards Hlk bnrb wire - Galvanized barb wire . Hest and cheapest line of tinware in the city. s-ooOoo Come in and see us whether you are in need of any goods or not Remember that we can and will Have you money eery time. Kverrthinz a bargain, J NOT - ONE -CENT-ON - TIME. - 97c 3.70 per hundred 4.35 " Dr. Grosvenor'f h Bellcap-sic PLASTER. 9kUf jfm rut. RhmaViim. rtonraUfl. nlariirvanA tarnbAar Iftittwl fM nnr. a9tw4tii frrr nl Uj All (nitffiNt HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER -AND PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM CIwim. aa4 h.iii,lirt Ih. kl. rr..m,. Idiuii.hI ,rvth. ralla to M,riorfl Om Mlr to Us ToulUul Color Cwiw Msie a.iMjn a lama. f..n.1 I1 't'.l )ri.,-,... " i f it;rr luiito. 11 rurr, id. w...,i 1 ,.it.n. ........ , , imm, , ..a, tuna iuiw.uiia, ttlNDERCORNS. ts. orire,i,-fnr r, u.f. auys. iva. at Aiiua.nU, at UJSCOX a CO., N. V. GRATKUL-CO.MKORTING Epps Cocoa HRKA KKAST llva thoroiich knowledge of tn nntnrnl Iiihs whli li giivein the oH-nillnns ol illccitiuii ad nuliltlnu. and l.v a ciirelul sti linlli.n of the fine iroH-rll.i of veil si-lecteii Cocoa. Mr. I iis has prnvliled our lireakfast IhIiIii with a dellca'elv flvored heverane hlch may sve us many ueavy aocior nnis. it is rn'.l lie ualo Imis use of tin-li articlea of diet tlist a con .11 ill lull miiy he Kiadu.illy hunt ui until stienK to resist every Miilcney to disease, Muinlieds nf suhlle melsdles are tlimtlii g sround u ready ta aitiu-k wherever i here I. a week point, We tuny escape nisny a fatal shall hv keeping-our.elves well lunmed with tune IiIihi I and a pioperly iiiiurlshed fraine. " lit II rrvl'-e iaelte. Miidosl sliSply with lioillng Hter or milk. Sold nuly In hull-pound tins, hv sroeerles. labelled tlnir; .IAMrsKl'1'S A 1)0 , lloHi.ei.iiathle Chemist Loudon. Knxland m i,.jmmw-iii...zt-iiw..-K a-T-tja-Sal UNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everythin you need to furnish your house. coiiNBmtxru ad muh struct PERKINS- I0USE, 817. 910, 221 and 223 Main St., Plattsmouth Nebraska II. M BOKS, rropri.itor. Ihe Perkins lias been thoreunhly runuysted from top tc ' niij 's now ono of the best lintels in the state riosnVs will be taken by the wock al I4.R0 and up. Plattsmout - Neb GOOD BAR CONNECTED MIKE SISaVELLBACKEU. Wagon snd Blacksmith shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and plow Rqts.irio.fl dons H0RSEf?n0EINQ A SPECIALTY lie us.s the NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is the best horseshoe for ths farmer, or for fast driving, or for cit purposes evor invented. It is so made that anyone ctn put on sharp or flat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or smooth, dry roads. Call at his shop and examine the KRVKKsur and you will use no pther. J. M. SIINEI.LBACKER. 12 North Fifth St. Plattsmouth WTAnted- " i" nenlhly. villi rease. in renreanif in at ' nn sect on a m,iiii.k..i..i. -All SCtlve. rcllnhln ,iiBna.tnn.a-a In Sun nini.l l,u. .111.1 - I'oii.e. I'lferonr ox t;V New Vmk HAM KAt 1 en I II,