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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1891)
h Dailv J erald. JllOlllL FIFTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. MONiAY. SEBTEtfPER II 1891 NUMBER It r f I 6 Absolutely Puro. A cream of tartar linking powder. Highe-d of "II ii l-nveninir Ktn'itth. -Latest 1'. S. ( iovcrumcnt Food Re port. R. A. SALSBUHY : I) K -X T-I S T :- - ;l.l A N I I'tikt'M.AIN ( KoWNS. Dr. M!fliiyi hi '''liclti- t i tli p:.Mil.- n ll.ll'H'M ( IihIIi. Kine Mold Work a Secialty. K'wkuiHiil Kl'x k I'Ullnmiiulli. Net). THOS POLLOCK B W HYERS Jiotiiry I'liblicft Atiit('r .Solicitor ReaL Estate, Loan anilmtriiice AteuU If you have real, estate to sell or exchange send iim i!-HiTit im, price imd term". J Abstracts of t i 1 : furnished lit reas onable rates. lUI.OU) to loan ilt permit biu! ClioliniSSiOnS, Oil Vrm iwruritv. 1 gOOl t)i;i.)(Jv.iV 1IYKRS 1 l. iisnn .m:ii. ( fll. n. -i ( I'oui.ty ILuik, 11STBY. V . ,-.,..,. ,4 . 01. II AMI) P'iK'rri.US f'RO A'NH IiriIifl wurk ami flue gold work a SPECIALTY. -t)i"iu viron lur tin-i iiui- eitru-Huu o' tri-tti, C. A. MARSHALL, FiUgerlt P' I'F.KSOXAI. A. W. l-wii mill wife ;uv in Oiiisi h.i to-day. Frank j.x:X u:i 1 wif-J Sl!1l-iyi 1 in Schuyler. Win. Rasmusse u was ii passenger for Omaha to-d.iy. Mr. H. X. I.ovein departed fi C Omaha last evening. Henry MeGraw. of (j I en wood, spent Sunday in the city. Hill Johnson, an employee of ti e JJ. & M. ;it I.iiirnln, Sundaycd nt home. , I'll i I. C'olfiiiiin 'left on Xo. 5 for Full City to lie gone ten days on a pleasure trip. Mra McCaulcy returned Salurd; y evening from Alliance, where she Iihm been visiting. Mrs. M. S. Briggs, wlio has leen visiting for the past month Ht Salem, Town, returned Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Hayes niid little ttiilil returned from Denver last evening, where they have lieen for Home time. (i.U. KnottH, of Con mil HIiiITm formerly if TlIK IIkkalu force, Sundayed with A. It. Knott mid other friendM in the' city. Kd Dodd left on fin. yewtenlay iiioriiin for Denver mid other point, to recuperute. Mr. Dodd Iihm lieen laid up with rheiiinatiHiii for Home time. Jude Cliiipiiinii left IhhI evening lor AmimoKii, lown, the home of lii old colonel, W'illiiiiu T. Sluiw, where the lllli Iowa Infantry hold n regi mental reunion. Mr. Chapman Iiiih 11 ii eniiKeiiK'iit with hi old regi ment, which he feeU in honor hound to fill, roiiMeipiently the t-liort equity term of court to he held in Ciihh countv will he dohI- V' poned until Sept. 'ZU Hair rljaiiiM, rinH, crocniK an hair work id nil kiinU to order. Mh. A. K.M.H. tl 17Ji IK'llft St. Alwuyn take your lu Hrown St llarrett'd. preKcriplioiiH tf THE CONVENTION Democrmi! meal at Weeping Water uwi Se!o;t Deleyir The democratic convention comveiicd at Weeping Wnter S.-itur-day with ii Kond representation from eveiv Hection of the county. Tl conveipii.n was callel to ordi r liy Crrnrad plater, cliairuian of the County Cenlrnl Conunittei. V. V.. White wiw choHcn chairman and Dr. Deerinjj, of Wahafli, necre tary. The dtliheratioii! did not par'iike to any rreat extent, of the "'I ti democratic ei 1 1 Ii 11 h ia kiii , hut the huxincMH wan transacted in a (piictyet ernent and careful manner The convention indorsed the dem ocratic Mate and national platforms of hist vear.' which they ilei-tned milliciciit test of party fealty, it was thought that u incmher of the riattsmoiith deleiition wouid in Hist upon the adoption id a resou tion censuring C.ov. Doyd'n veto of the Xewh.rry hill, hut as indica tions pointed to the fact that it would not he favorably acted upon it was not presented for considera tion. There in but little doubt, however, that the Htate platform will con demn Koyd's action, with a view of eupturinj; the Farmers Alliance vote, hut in our opinion the farmers of .Nebraska have had enough to do with democratic promises. Delegate" to the slate convention were chosen as follows: W. I). Jones, A I Totteu. F. K. White, W. H. Shyrock, J. I'. Hanseif, S. C. Patter son, Jacob Tritsch, I,. (,. Larson, J. S. Draper, "A. C. Loilcr, J. F. Travis.J. A. I'ollard. (I. W. Harsh man, J.M. 1'ntterson. Dr. John Hlack. Through some mistakt.' in the call drlepates were not appointed to attend the judicial convention hut a committee wati appointed to con fer with the Otoe county central committee regarding the matter. NEBRASKA SOLD! EPS" ASS'N. Third Annual Heunion Held at Cuh ititn Park, Lincoln. The third reunion of the Nebraska Soldiers' Association commenced last Friday and continued two (lajs. We learn that the attendance was fairly trood and the soldiers enjoyed them selves very well under tne circum stances.. It appears that Lincoln did hut little toward e nte rtainini; the veterans, and of course the lack of suitable accommodations had a tendency to rentier the reunion less, pleasant. We learn from the Lincoln Journal that the following resolu tions were adopted as an indication of the esteem in which the lute com rade, (ien. John McXeal of St. IOilis, wai held by the veterans: KKstiLVKI), That we deeply ttvm puthize with the family of our late esteemed comrade (jeneral John McNeill, in their sad bereavement and tru that !! whose hand indicted the blow will Krvc them strength to bear the burden of their Krief. Ret,VKl, That this testimonial ofouresteem be spread upon our records and that our secretary In" instructed to forwartla copy hereof to the widow and family of our late comrade. We notice that our towBsmau, II. C. McMaken, as chairman of the committee, submitted the above resolutions. The next reunion will he held at Nebraska City, Jan. I-. l.'l and 14, IMTJ. The lines! line of Neckwear, and Caps at JOK'S, the one Clothier. Hats price THE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN Oleographs (ilVKN WITH each $10 worth of ootids nt 'The Pa r' are not "Daubs" but real nrtlsts productions. Sec our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters for Harilns K. F. F.SC1IKR rkiii, Corn for Food . We clip the following from the Omaha Itee, thinking it miht he of interest to our readers: "I'l.ATTSMot'TII, Neb., Sept. 11. To the Kditor of the lice: After read Inif in the Omaha Hee an addressof Mr. Webster to the board of trade concerning the food prospects of Kurope, it appears to nii' miw is the time to introduce the chief staple of Nebraska to the people of that continent, especially td Great Jlritaii) ami Inland. If properly introduced, I am salilicd that a very 'great - consumption of corn may be stimulated throughout those islands. Kmitarits thenceto this country readily take to it. Why? liccause they learn to pre pare ii so as to please tile palate, and if riht Hteps are only taken to teach lliem there by their own lire side as it were there is no reason why a taste for it should not be created. and other prepara tiousofforu readily sell there, as would corn in immense iii;iii(itics, as wheat bread is very likely soon to he cut out r.f the rcacli of the poorer mechanics and laboreis. I would surest that one or two (j'ood colored cooks having a ood prac tical knowledge and skilful in the preparation of the many cheap delicacies into which corn may be cooketl, provided with a proper out fit of the necessary utensils and under the direction of a competent and experienced person, visit the principal annual agricultural fairs or shows, particularly those held in the thickly populated manufactur ing districts of Yorkshire, Lan cashire, Warwickshire, etc., where the distress is likley to hp greatest, arid bv ocular demun-tr.-ition ir-.:r-. them how simple is its preparation mid by distributing that which is prepared it well be readily understood how it has be come one of the staple foods of America and has a prominent place at the tables of the rich and poor alike. Small parcels of three or live potiudscould be readily sold as samples, and pamphlets distrib uted setting forth its nutrition properties and containing a few simple recipes lor its preparation as a vegetable, or bread or cake or pudding; not numerous, but sim ple to prepare, euticiiiK to the eye mid pleasing to the palate. It could be introduced to the numer ous schools of cookers of then is one in :1iihmI every town, ami whose demonstrators would find in it a new, agreeable and eco nomical culinary sensatisn, mid would make the preparation of com part of their course. Other and very important hanuels, through which an immense amount of this 4ood might be distributed, arc the cuariiaoie insiiiiiiious; in these in uud about Loudon there are nearly ."nl.llO children fed and clothed ra- l.. ft . uiuousiy. vimnnjf mem l may mention the hountllin hospital, the llluecoatand Yorkshire socie. tics schools, and schools supported by the lishmonKcrs', drapers' and other societies. And with the pros. pects before them of increased tax .. . : . i . iitioii mr tue sup port oi the poor and criminals benches of magis trates and boards of guardians would lend a willing- ear to any representations or sug-gestions that might he made to them and give them aerinus considera 4:.... .1... - 1. . 1 . ' 110 11, mr result 01 wuicu, t leel con vinced, would h- favorafdt. I set- by the F.uglish press that the 11st (f Vir is being -tnmly advocated and stcpa should be immediately taken to place Nebraska to the front As to the expense it would he n mere trifle in comparison to tin substantial advantages to lit derived. Hy setting forth the many 1 . . . . ativHiiutgea tn corn in tlie manner indicated as economical, healthy and nutritious, it would be repeated 11.. .1 1 11. 1 1 iiiniiiiiiriii mi- 1,11111, oy nu omni present press, which reaches rich and poor alike, ami I am sanguine eiioiigii 10 in-lieve mat will in time become as popular as the potato, especially in Ireland when that crop has become so precari oils. As far back as I hi a when repre senting certain Interests in tin n...l.l'.. ..:- -1- . . gn-ni in n i.ur 01 inni year in London, I had an American store. Corn meal mid buckwheat were sent over to nip, by which I enter tained some of my friends, who ex pressed themselves delighted mid ate heartily.' Hy those who par took, com had been considered as only lit for cattle, mid buckwheat for fattening pheasants, ami mi, h is it considered today, lacking the necessary education. Tea, potatoes and tobacco have found 11 home in every household ami why not corn? I would therefore urge upon ou the expediedcy of immediate con sideration in this matter. ' C. S. DAWfco.v." THE HKIM AltlES. The primaries were hed Saturday ns per previous announcement. Form reports thus far, throughout the county, we learn that the party representation was good and dele gates were chosen in a tpiiet and vnlerly manner. It appeared that the democrats had all forsaken this city, and ac ctlrdinirly the republicans felt dis posed to assume absolute coiitroll find curry 011 mi election', purely in actor'i "with republican ideas. The result was that representative men were chosen, delegates well ac quainted with tin; cand idates that will appear before' the convention, and men, upon whom the repub licans of Cass county may safely rely, to vote for the nomination of a ticket upon which the members of the .arty can unite. TlIK feels confident that if the campaign throughout be conducted with the same degree of corncern, and party loyalty ascharactcrizcd the primary that the entire Jticket will be triumphantly elected. The dele gates from this city and as far as we have been able to learn else where, are as follows: l IfcT WARD. Primary organi.ed by selecting J. I. I'liruli chairman ami l'red lilack clerk. The following are the delegates to the county couvVition at Louisville, Saturday, St'pt. IN:' Oliver Dovey, Ceo. Ilouseworlh, Henry Maiuy, Steve lln.zell, C. II. Smith, Jno. A. D.ivie , J. I. I'nruh, Byron Clark. HKfOXt) U'AKIl. J. L. Root was chosen chairman, A. C. Mayes and Jno. M. Leytla clerks. Delegates: J. L. Root, D. K. Itarr, M. N. Grilith. T. II. Pollock, II. J. Streight. R. H. Windham, A. C. Mayes, Frank Coursey. Alternates: Chas. Ulack, W. A. Humphrey. J. M. Leyda, Sain Archer, W. J. Streight, A. C. Fry, Henry Shafer, Henry Cooper. Judge-: I. D. Hates, J. W. John son, John lliushaw. Clerks: W. J. Streight and T. II. Pollock. TlllkM. AkI. W. II Newell was chosen chair man, S. Djitton clerk. Delegates: W. II. Newell, K. S. Hatstow, M. H. Murphy, S- II. Alwood, W. H. Pickens, A. X. Snl livan. Dave Miller. J. M- Craig, S Diittou, ii. C. Kerr. J. H. Hall. Hil KIM WAKII. L. C. Stiles was cho-en chairman. Henry Hieck clerk. Delegates: S. C. Wihle, i t.ill.tiii c, lv. , ( in iimi 1, Suinindrs, W. S- Purdy, J Tom Hicks Walter Thomas. FIFTH WAKII. Win J. X . Halt, II. P. Coolidge was chosen chair man, A. J. firaves clerk. Delegates: II. P. Coolidge, A. J. Grave", A. W. Lewis, Joseph Lloyd. I.IIIKKTV l-KMIMT. Delee-iilea- J MMovd. Win ( IihI fant. A. M. Rose, G. X. La Rue. C. I Graves, A. L. Keeker, L. C. I'ollard, L.J. Grilltth, S. L. Hudson, G, S, V. A. Sturm. Assessor: G. N, La Rue. Justic of the Peace: A. U. Smith Constable: W. R.Dtidson: Clerks of Flections: II, W. Lloyd ami A. K. Mintli. j uiiges of Kiections: G. W.-Gnr ristui, A. M. Rose, and G. X. La Rue J. C. Kason of the Murry Kanner is in town to-d.iy. J. I'. Kiihuey went to Omaha last evening on Xo. X The short etpiity term of district court will convene in Cass county Sept. ZX Attorney D. K. Karr left last even iny; for 11 mouth's vacation the east. . 1 r. itarr will visit 111s oiti Home in Penn., and befor returning he will visit the Xiagria falls, Philadelphia and others principal places of inte rest. Karl Freece, who has been em. ployed in the Schildknecht shoe sjore, returned to his home at Heaver City last evening. During the four 'mouths' stay in our city Mr. Freece has made many friends, all .of whom will regret his tle partlire. We have received it-communication announcing' the date of the opening ot the Sioux City Com Palace, accompanied with a com plimentary ticket. The palace opens Oct. I mid closes Oct. 17. The management has made a greater elTort than ever to make the exhibi. (ion interesting and profitable. IDSUMER CLEARANCE SALEf at - : r I7, to 10 In order to reduce ttock to i-IEiWMANN'S must cloM- out tl,e lm ante ot our Kuuungr stock m quickly m pus Bible. ( omnienein to day we will 0;;r our L.Iltire ine w,fite gotids, etiibronleni'H lloiineiugs and ill overs Ai 'a Out Dif count From Keular Price, Jadies surainer vests at Jadies summer vests at lCc Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. T adies black lisle and ancy J 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc a '.75c, . adias silk vests at i j 20 per cent, on all Jerseys.- 00 Der cent d ir?Otint Clurt. Moiis.. reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars td.,c quallity line tie India reducetl to tic per yard. e make tliistifter in order to purchast; if in want of any of the inarKt-ti in plain i.i;ures ami tins sa,e as iney aie llie lowest prices F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FRST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME W hen y u u should li('t;iti to tli ink HiNitityoiir tall iitulcrweur. We liuvc junt re ceived ten caseit of ladies, chil dreiis, mens, and I toys underwear direct trout a. iiiauut'ae t u r e r wlio was rii.ttl iug money mul wii:t willing to SPECIAL OFFERS ri i 1 v Childrens all wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, at special io. i sixes running lare enough to tit a child twelve yrnrsohl. OXLY iis; hAt 11. Special No. 2 let only 2.1 i ts a ffiirnient. You can't afford to buy the cloth to make your childrens underwear when we can sell you thciy reatly made so cheap. Special No, ft Special No, sold at mi Cts; We sell nt 3tl cts KACH. Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains stoves, etc at only iV M-r square designs and widths. IIIiMikfits or Ked Comforts XZ2L you with prices. We have them give jrfHitl value for your money. Iifst Knjlish Linoleum " New Stock of Shoos Just'Heceived. During the last week we have received from Xew Hug-land factorit-B 5ft cases of Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and boys shoes, among them are unprecedented bargains. Call and see us, and let us show you how cheap, solid, nerviceahle a shoe can be sold. WM. HEROLD & SON. umke room for one fill n.l... 8c regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality, Egyptian cotton vests at , was a bap- $1, reduced from ladies shirt waists and nn oil aii cill. uun " ' v-"i oitrk. UUlUICllcld f retluei- uUu V- Vmi ;..,. above goods. RKMlOlHIiR all of our we tlo as we advertise. Don't miss. tpiotetl this Benson, di.-jiose of part of this, years pro duct of his ir i ill ttt a cHC-rifiee, hid misfortune was our opportunity and we bought the oodf at les than their ac tual value, to Mart tliis under wear we intend to make some A. 3 ffz?: '4fh TO EARU BUYERS Childrens heavy natural wool colored Shirts anil Drawers running in same sixes as the scar Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool colored shirts and drawers all only Itll cts KACH. Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk trimmed, a very nice garment, that is universally Oil Cloth for floors under yard. We have it in several different to suit anyones pockelhook and will -'i"y""- A " K'uii nt the price.