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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1889)
WttM Mi PL.ATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2G, 1881). r NUMIH.U 1 112 T I ? I I T .1 rill A l --.----.! - . Vt X S H I . I 111 H I K 1 1 ' IV a children. The occasion was the m-aivum. 1JU HU1 XJ I ; : ,.- , .. luipiiauuuicuii Ul Jir. Cleaning, iue aecre- EnghnJ at Last Believes Uncle Sam to Be in Earneit. Plattsmouth Imports and Exports. The following statement shows the number of carloads of material received at riattsmouth during the year 188H, SHE REFUSES TO HELP GERMANY Many Manifestations Over Minister Pheios A Missionary Massa cro in Zanzibar Notes. Lord Salisbury's Interview. Lo.n1.on, Jun Lord Salisbury had a long interview with Count Von Hartz fi ldt, the Cernmn ambassador, today. Tli: premier indisposed to accept a vi v entertained by (lermauy regard ing tin- S inii.mi and Z mzilmr difficulties which, he s.iid, were inducing distrust on all .-id s. Tin; adutirality is preserv ing a i! rious silence in regard to the n ival r infoictiiii nts in Samoa and Zan zibar waters. It is stated at the foreign Olii.'r tint the L'llited Sf:ite o-.iwrni.w.nt rt -.......UH U tIniro;i!ily in earnest iti the stand it Jia taken in Samoa. Aim i ic . U n ival officers in Samoa, it is said, t Ajiros complete eonfldence in their ability to hold their own against any thing they have to contend with. .-Tll.f. IIoIUN: THEM'S. -Mr. VI lelps has not been recalled, neither t-.i-i he resigned his position as American minister to the court of St. .lame?, t oncfiiciitly he is not entitled by precedent r rules of court etnpuettc to an audience with the iiccn on the eve of bU departure for America next Thursday. Consdjiieiitly he has been invited loth to dine and remain over nijIit Monday as In r maj.-sty's guest. Mrs. I'lielps gave her Li-t it ct ption today. An immense crowd of ilistiuguihcd persons attended. 1 he I 'all Mall Gazette depreciates the feiiing of Minister Phelps. It 8;iys: "He is a commonplace diplomat who has don:- average week, and we will bid him good bye without emotion or regret." The Diplomats' Ca.ette attributes Phelps' treat !'.: r.t to the fact thut the Americans are pulling John Hull's nose. MU'l'lN KIKS MASUCItKD. il'v. Mr. JJrooks, English missionary :::id .-;tcn of his assistants aud follow ers have b-.'tn tii issacrcd near Saadani by some of t!i- c.n-i trib s .nid natives of Z in : bar. The massacre shows the ex tent of t!i h it;ed to the whites the Ger- tary of the Water ford branch of the national league. The crowd surged for ward, and, surrounding the prisoner, J and also the number of carloads exported cheered him repeatedly. The police by the B. & M. charged upon the crowd with their caks keckivep. batons, and the, latter retaliated with Lumber, 102; Tin Plate, 1; Tin, sticks and atones. A large number of 5; Box Material, 1; Coal. 3$; Salt, 10; people were hurt, many having their legs Pressed Brick, 5; Paying, 225; Machinery, and arms broken. 2; Apples, 2; Sheep, 3; Oil, 18; Beer, GO; the parnell commission. Lime, 17; Flour, 57; Hay, 24; Meat, 4; At the sitting of the Parnell commis- Bran, '.i; Furniture, 11; Agricultural sion today Mr. Henry James said that the Implements, :J; Cement, 31; Emigrant attorney general, Mr. Webster and him- Outfits, 11; Naptha, 2; Household Goods self were of the opinion that the speeches 3; Stoveware, 1; Drain Tile, 9; Cattle, of Mr. Parnell and others should be read. 73; Nails, 1; Potatoes, 30; Stone, 14; The reading was therefore continued Paper, 1; Wire. 3; Horses, 1, Hoofing, 1: until the adjournment. Twine, 1; Sand, (17; Piling, 5; Wagons, gbruany ox samoan affairs, j 2; Separators, 1; Broom Corn, 2; Curbing The National Zeitung, referring to the 16. Total Carloads, 1271. action of the senatorial committee at fokwardep. Washington on the Sam the measures for the Samoan islands are su it is not threatened by any one. The sole cellaneous: Barrels, 8; Emigrant outfits, interest of America consists in not allow- 1'-; Brick, 5; Packing House Products, 1; ing the good relatiens with Germany to Iron, 3; Lumber, 5; Household goods, be jeopardized by a few intriguing ad- 5; Lime, 1; Junk, 2; Tile 1; Tools, 1. venturers. Total, 010. fpl mr l' rr ' . . - ." ' nievossiscnez.ei.ung, criticising tne Harris' Academy of Music- argument in the Cologne Gazette of Baltimore Sun. October 150. 1888 "At TRAPPING TURKEYS. A Hunter Gets Fourteen or Them Without Hunting a Grain of Powder. "I didn't have any fun with bears,' said Mr. Fletcher, "but I was deter mined to get sonic wild turkeys before the season closed with tho end of the year, and I got 'em. Shooting wild turkeys is pretty fine work and if you lumpen to get sight of a gobbler's liory red wattles in the woods, tho chances are about twenty to one that you won't i it .t gci me goonier u you lire at Mm. bo I didn't fool away any powder on any of these fourteen turkeys, and I got every one of 'cm without tiring a shot. How did I do it? I cautrht them alive in rustic coops and then wrung their nec ks. All they cost mo was a little labor with a hatchet and jack knife and about a bushel of corn. "When I find where the wild tur keys room or are in tho habit of roost ing on the mountains, I go to the placo any time in tho forenoon and rig up a numocr or ( no: v. c;: TheOne-Pricafllofliier THE OKICilXATOR OF LOW IMtlCES, POSITIVELY GUARANTEES That every Garment sold lv him is lower in Price than tho Same quality and make can be bought elsewhere in the city. InTOT SiiTISPIED oan affair, says Grain: Corn, 383; Wheat. 20; Barley, 7; I ""S8 a"J withes. 1 make them look protection of the Oats. 1,; Bye, 1. Live Stock: Cittle, , " T perfluoas, localise 104; Hog, 32; Sheep, 4; Horses, 3. .Mis- limbs down over them and nartl v con- oartl v i . . coaling; them. 'A ho saplings I use I cut quite a distance from where I build the trap, using tho hatchet for that purpose, and with my jack knife I cut and trim tho withes. Then I drive three stakes into the ground, and build up a three cornered trap, by laying with your j 5.: cl!;l- Jr.- - !' r it !,::;. within thirty days ami will cheerfully refund the money you paid for it. Joe is proud of Jiiri reputation he has earned and It Makes No Difference Jiow low a price other clothidrs may ask, or what extra inducement, ttiey may oiler lor your patronage, inursciay, noius tnat it would be a mis- Harris' Academy of Music Jules Verne's take to attach no importance to tho 'Around the World in Eighty Days' filled measures taken by President Cleveland, the house from parquet to ceiling, and merely because he is shortly to be sue- many were unable to obtain seats. Mr. ceeded. by Harrison. It points out that W. J. Fleming, the original creator of the authority for dealing weth foreign the part of Phineas Fogg in this country, affairs rests with the committee of the and an artut well known in Baltimore, senate and warns the semi-official press sustained that character. Arnold Wol- thatjt would be unwise to try to appease f red was a chipper Passe Partout, the the German public with fallacious servant; James P. Fleming was John allusions. .. Archibald, the American, and Hirry minor mention. Stoddard was Fiz, the detecti ye; Aonda, The crane working a ladle containing the Rajah's widow, and Aycesha were seven tons or molton steel at the Crew Misses Edith Potter and Cecil Ilees. The Kail way works collapsed today and fell play i3 tt great spectacular sensation, and into a pit. The moulton steel was scat- a tremendous auxiliary and ballot corps tered in all directions like flying bullets are the extraordinary features of the play and twenty persons were injured. that help forward a "go" that went before The Berlin correspondents of the Paris nuj goe3 agaia wjth success, as the Frigaro and National have been expelled CTOwd of last nii'ht showed. ono sapling on top of another, after the stylo of log hut building, until I havo got a coop four feet Luffh and from Germany. The London radicals intend to organ ize au immense mass meeting in Hyde park' to demand the release of Edward Hartigan from Tul'amore j ul. At Crosson, Sixohy, Thursday night a man named Ruddolph and his family of six people were suffocated to death by the escape of coal gas from a defective mans have aroused. Saadani has long bi-t'ii the starting point of the European I stove. missions. The natives welcoming the mis don ir:-s and helping them. The! Liquor Selzur at Burlington. iii.--ti m as to what measures England I Burlingtow, la., Jan. 26. One of the You cannot afford to miss this great spectacular play next Tuesday night. Lincoln Journal Topics: The man Tho is loaded with malaria is in a bad box; the one who has the chills and fever is somewhat unfortunate; t lis possessor of an exaggerated case of pox Is not to be envied. But the man who has the blues the genuine, unadulterated blues, such as our parents used to have. The man so afflicted does not know why it is so; there is no good reason why he should will adopt to punish the perpetrators of largest liquor seizures yet made under be blue. He is making money, his health the crime, is eagerly discussed here. It the prohibitory law was quietly effected is good; his folks are all well, and he is thought that the massacre was in re- I ycs'craay aiternoon. inree large brew- has several tons of coal ahead. Still he ventre for the recent bombardment bv eries belonging to Werthmueller & Ende, feels blue, and the sunlicrht seems to him and two hens, and I trot them in tb Augusta & Berthold and Bosch A Casper like a fog; and a song like the rasping Heil, and representing a capital of over of a corn sheller: and the whole world is big enough to hold half a dozen tur keys, binding tho corners together with withes. Tho end opposite the sharpest corner is inado much nar rower than the sides, and I Ichvo that entirely open lifteen inches from the ground until I get the trap made and covered with brush. The front is about three feet wide. Then I veayo withes together till I get a mat fifteen inches by thirty-six, making it so light that the push of a turkey head will lift it as it hangs by withe hinges from the indde of the lower sapling. That is all there is to tho coop. Then I dump about a quart of corn in the center of it, pull the brush around carefully to ward the entrance, and SDrinkle corn along the ground from the the trap for a distance of a couple of rods or so. "Wild turkeys are just as fond of corn as tame ones are. Just so sure as they run across that row of kernels, just so sure will they pick and gobble them till they find themselves poking their bills into the little heap of corn in tho traps. After they have made way with all the corn in sight, and got their crops full, they begin to think about going to their roost ing place, and then they find that they are caged, and, after nosing around for a while to see if there isn't some hole for them to crawl out of, they squat down and give their giz zards a chance to grind tho corn They might pulj the with gate open if they only knew enough to, but they don't know enough, and they stav there gobbling and clucking till 1 come along tho next morning and wring their necks. The most thai 1 ever caught at ono time was a torn will always be lower and his inducement more liberal. 0 Dot, No Dash. No Short Hand Crytogramic, Private Cypher Business with JOE, but Fig" One Price Only I Lowes t Prices are always the Best mill 60 i Prices G-O TO HENRY BOECK '3 German!. T11K o'lIIUKX SKNSATION. S-veral persons arrested at Carrick-on Suir yesterdrp during the disturbance at the arraignment of William O'Brien. were conveved to Clonmel last night. A hrst tran I mado. Tbn irnbbl splendid specimen, and I hated to kill 1150,000, were taken possession of. The out of joint. His thoughts are of ceme dressed. I never rot oL t,nn alliance people, though in the minority, teries, winding sheets and dead men' autl tll whole fourteen didn't cost rr- are hard fighters and say they will close bones. He likes to follow hearse and as0mue"i 03 ?! T a Pan of them. FURNITURE EMPORIUM! Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen FIMITI1E HE OWNS HIS OWN BUILDING. , , the most prominent men in the city and preserve us from the dread disease; trive L con will precipitate a long H " " bUt lW' legal fight l " ab 1 . - I every orewery, saioon or liquor house of play marbles on a new made grave. lb- I J .? ? . -k V m I - large crowd had gathered about the rail- UJ u,nK-P"on in uurungton oeiore tne is disgusted with himself and other per way station and upon the arrival of the flgbt en(3s Th li(luor interest here is sonal acquaintances, as he has reason to police and their prisoners the mob nr. iramenBelj wealthy and number, some of be. There is nothing like the blues; vented the police from passing an manded the release of the prisoners, The crowd stoned the police and the latter threatened to fire n them. A priest interfered and pre vented bloodshed. After two hoars had passed the police receiyed reinforcements and succeeded in lodging their prisoners in jail. When the trial of .William O'Bri'-n was risumed today at Carrick-on-isuir, the defendant wa3 absent.' He w:n convicted aud sentenced to four months' imprisonment without bard la nor. The police have discovered no clue to Mr. O'Brien's whereabout. while tha assets are the capital stock of 1100,006 and the stock af the New Bat tle Creek & Bay City and Battle Creek A Goshen roads, amounting on its face val ue to $1,500,000, but which has an. un known market value. The heaviest creditors ara John Bltir-araM Tl It is estimated that eighty persons were Keb fo wounded in the riot at Carnck-on-Smr I . . , of this city, who is also president of the It has transpired that Mr. O'Brien, alter leaving the court room and escaping through the crowd, refreshed himself at a house near the police barncks, and drove to the country before the police formed a cordon around the town. In the even ing he dined with a select party at a house situated at Carrickson-Suir. .Such expressions as 'Polk was sent," "Where was Polk when the light went out," "Polk's goose is cooked this time," "Polk's done himself up at l ist.' "He went back on his pledges." road contractors who assigned yesterday always had a little confidence in him," will approximate about tl. 000.000. etc., can be heard from every direction on iue streets iimny. Pallod For a Million. Battle Cheek, Mich., Jan. 25. The liabilities f J. J. Burns & Co., the rail- Scranton (Pa.) Cor. New York Sun. Deelino r Trwttln la Kentucky. A f?10ri -.- .-i -- a t a a rw i im "x 1 " me irouer nour ished like the green bay tree, and run ning races, outsido of thoso upon the Jir.ic honored course at Lexinton ..ere pi.ctiealJy unknown in the state. Lvciy fi.i; had its trots and everybody was inti-u r.tcd in the trotter. Now the thcvou'- Jibrcd reigns supreme, and the trotter Lc-e.i relegated to the rear. nuts c;.n new be found whn w.ll HARD OS POWELL. Mr. Powell, the editor of the Midland Tribune, published at Birr, was to today sentenced to three months' imprisonment at hard labor in Tullamore jail. After the magistrate had concluded the sen- railroad company, for $S5,000: the Joliet Steel company, for $225,000 and a float ing debt ainoqqtiog to over $150,000 Omaha Bee, COUCH! and COUGHJ and COUCHI What in the world if the reason yon will cough and keep coughing and still keep - trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once! inisisno aavernsing scneme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it'. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., droggjsts. The iceman, who today bears a beam of hope on his visage, and who has eyi- tonce Mr. P.well remarked that the con- dently paid strict attention to the lnoye- demnation was "cut and dried, where- menta of the mercury, informs qs the. upon the judge imposed ad additional weather is much more favorable to him penalty of seven days in jail for disre- than he dared expect . Yesterday at 3 spect to the court. ANOTHEK RIOT WITH POLICE. A collision took place at Clonmel to day betwe?n the police and the people, the latter largely consisting of women o'clock the thermometer registered at 45 above zero, and this morning at 7 o'clock the mercury stood, at zsro. That was sadden enough to suit most people. "Polk was absest." Running m Paper. There was once, in Arkansaw, a country editor who experienced much trouble in meeting his bills in paying them, rather, for he met them on nearly every comer. Ono v.-r.-U 'n. order to attelid a press convention, he uia not get out an issue of hi5 nnTXT. When he returned ho discovered that the "suspended issue" was, of the whole year, the only one that hud not xiuii in ueou j.nis tnscovcrv . 1 1 . . , vjjciicu ins eyes to a new idea. He saw that Jho only way to make-money on Jus paper was not o prjnt it. arKansaw irayeler. gosf-ip about !l t i' the state The uses of the cotton plant are de- veiopm rapidly, r ormcrly the liber oi iue blossom was ttie onlv part util ized. A ben the seetl began to supply a birrro nrrmnrt iri rf f lia '.1,.. ,a" -... n i i v. w tin iiiu "lard' in the country, and pow the nulls are round to be and bet- A Jt 1. . ier man woou tor jxiper pulp. - iiOU:: read t::a i.ioit tiillin lector Knott, ;j a . Ul.'.l.".! IliiKtlV d:Ci:ii:' ;i !..'.:. ,-.. cou id n.-mo the n:-e ..-f Iru:d S. :r Jav-t-yt-be-o. The Kcntuclrv si- ' f-riiis tiil trothsr.: fi.- tho :'- I:'::- "homo consi:m!- ;:on. Tho ieoplohere will have none ut runniiig races, r:h i:iHjii!? iii the jliapoof ; U-uiiiglibred bang-tail is too rich for their blood. This love for the liver, however, is net solely les-ronsi ble for tho decline of trotting- i;j Ken tucky. Defore itj dissolution, a dozen or more years ixo, the trotting ring uaei uecoiiio K'ltc:) tu llio cere, and it tins corruption more than any thing elso thatVaused its death. The elFoi ts of tho L..uisville Driing Jark to r.-viv3 io yo:-pso aiul ta conduct u.iue pices. qi tin honorable basin .e-c pi-also worthy enough, but thev ;::no too late. Tho imlJif -.t- i.-7i changed, never, probablv, to bo re claunetl again in that direction. Louisville Post, -huTT Av. Uanre? . Dr. Alva IL Doby says that a tvp ically healthy woman can dance with impunity, just as sho can ride q horse PAYS INTO KENT And therefore can sell you gooels for less Money than any other dealer in the city. HE ALSO HAS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF UWDEPTAKEB'8 GOODS, HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. ELSTIiY BOECK. COR. MAIN AND SIXTH STREETS. Lumber Leeas England has i ii-n.-.pnt 7- i',rM!"n.s. w.U li dds. compani- and vestibule., sculpture galicry, and n aLlrd ls iftl-C.r-" I'f1 six xvell Ji?htcd rooms for pictures. Lced tJi ti,, M v M' Its own collection is Etill J.ll i! 1 lot ue"iy. M-A hv ;eYcr kpew i nuiiii Villa UlUltMHl WllQ tlld i in. !. ..l.:t . . w-w. - a - ---. i v- vi i l vi ill ;n"nni n iiviiii t !..- near Kiurewnv. iht l lux... i i. l .i :. - v"i'"J ". e..j todistinuish'colo.-s.and w II pk'tut the wjrld It ro"sf! f T W m i iiiiiM "I ii rvoFTaitt : i . i.:-.. .v or. one of any color askcj for. Cl inUSil fard. THE OLD RELIABLE. H. I WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Ketali Dealer la P LUMB ER Shingles, Lath, Doors5B!inds. Can supply every demand of the trad? Call and get terms. Fourth street In Rear Qf Qpcrii House, TdMsslerT Tiie 5tht!Xsrchaiit Tailoi Keeps a Pull Lh:e ot Fow!g & domestic Goods. Uvwult X-ui- Intereat by Gtvlne Him a Cl SHERWOOD DLOCK3 TP1 ttsriwoe. tli. - iT1-, C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St.. Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete ock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolen, that ever came west of Mi.,oUri from fin to f:,5, dress sx.U, 25 to t45 ! pants $4, f5l f 0, 0.i0 and upwards! SYk ill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Ccmoelilion. J. H. EMMONS, M. I. HOMeEOi'ATHIC Physician i Surgeon '.ronle DUea.esVnd l'1'seo Children , a specialty, office hi. 9 to 11 a m 2 to A jind 7 to 9 p. in "-" 10 11 a.m. r-eTelepUoue at botU OtBce and E!dece a. a mi. Na. l. S :lo a. m. Vo.3. -:40p, m. No. 5. :47 a. m No. :30 p. Tj, No. 9.-6:17 p. u", ... a. Time Table. ooivc. KArr. .o.,2.-1:23 p.m.. .. 10:30 a. in. ISO. t t :1S p. nw 5u. 10. 9 as a. m. .l tralik-, . . v,. - ."J j w--or umtai. excDt W 9mtJ m xt'q.1? 10 Pacl to J'atlm at ft 3oa Nu.l3wla a at ota Pacific JuocUoo at uit