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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1888)
- ' - ! THE i)Aifc,Y I1KKALD : VLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. MONDAY, NOVEMHEK 1U. 1.SS. Tha Plaltsinouth Daily Herald. KNOTTY BBC 3., Publishers & Proprietor. TIIK I'LATTSMOUTII IIKKAJ.D I tuil.lislied every fvetilii" xi--i. Sunday tti'il Wrrkly fwry Thursday ii'Oiiitn. Irrf it at I li Hiiitlirc. r.atininul h. Velir.. i M(toiii1--Iuh iualt-r. Olllcf rrm-r of V ine and Hflli dr etn. T irplioiiK "Ni. TKRUS riU DAILY. One copy n j'ciir in xdvaiicr. ' mail.. ?ifviy per nmnt li. Iy i-;tn ir. One copy ?r wk, liy fan l-r TKHMH rOK WKKKLV. One copy one year, in advance Uuecopyitk iiioiitur. in mlvaiiee . (Ml 15 .$1 VI Tin M.-ttiouul iintluin Tor nil tood rrpul'lit ani ju.-.t now is, 'Turn the UaM--:il- out." It slniuM lie rendered in hurt meter. Globe Democrat. Aiti.o.NA seems t have t-h-eteil it dem ocratic delegate to Conrti-s; but llii. will irol.i!ly not diminish her c-h:ii:crs of admission into the I'liion a stite, in view of the faet that at the same tfmr she wan wise enough to u lfjjishi t ure hieli is lari-ly lejn l;lican in loth lrane'ie. Tin-: latest compilation of the situa thn in Xelr:i.-ka shows that the next legislature will contain seyent y-six re puhlicau representatives and t went v-mx senators, making u total of one hundred and thirty-three on joint ballot. When these figures are borne in mind it will he S'rcn that McShanj efforts to cftj.tine ibe legislature were much more alortie lliau his efforts to eajiMirc; the governor's elijir, .N'tbrasku rejidlieans were on f;u:ird in thin yfear of our Lord. J'iimik.i t Tribune. it .lrnoixo from what is already beinf' Kaid on the subject by the press tlirotiid -out the state t lie submission of a prohih itory amendment promises to v the most exciting j net t i mi before the leislatun fhis winter. Senator l'olk and n-pie-sentaiiye Satehell are boin understoo i to f.iyor submission, of course, Mr. White is o, iposed, indeed in view of the plat form adopted by our last state conven lion it is difficult to see how republican m-;iiibi-rs c.-in do otherwise th-iu votit f submission. Thj' cei t iinly owe notliino lo th" liquor iutertst in view of the lilit it inride aviiinst n-HiMh:i:i le;'slativ candidates throughout the state. THE temveraxcj: issi'i: (HH)I TlllXii. Tin; following is aw interview between Mr. Miller, who was a ' candidate for Governor of Xew York on the republi an ticket and a Xew York Trihnne reporter: i ii'ji .nr. .uiiit r vmi do not ii-iuve the introduction of the hili license issue weakened the general c-jiiviss '" '.Most certainly not. I belieye that li;ul there been three weeks more in which to make the canvass, and present the puestion fairly to the voters in some of th western counties and other parts of the State, I should have been elected. As you know I had to make the tiIit on this issue practically alone. JJut in say. ing tliij I d not overlook the loyal ml hearty assistance given me by the Trib une and oth-r papers. All the speakers went out by the National and State cotn- -oinmittec!, as you are aware, con lined themselfes exclusively to the tariff. 1 lo not say this with any desire to ic fleet upon the policy of the party manaeis in this respect, but to simply answer the piestion whether the temperance issue xvas a source of strength or weakness to . th gentral canvass." "Does your experience make you skeptical about the influence of the pul pit iu politics as opposed to that of the rum shop t" "No indeed. My belief in thestrength of the moral forces of the community is jnore firm than ever. In Brooklyn where I made my opening speech, I took for my text tlu remark made by one of Oovernor Hill's staff, 'I would rather Ji ive the saloons behind me than the churches. I told the people of Kings county that I would leave them to decide upon the correctness of this remarknble observation. Tlu-y did decide in a way tint astounded deniociacy. So they did in Rochester, Troy, and all through the State wheriver the question was fairly imt before the people. Erie county is the only dark spot in the entire State. I did not ;. there and if I have any re.vt it is this faet. UU4 I'OWKK HAS SHOWN ITS STIiEXGTll. " What is the lesson to ! e drawn from the result '. " " Simply this: We know the strength of tli j rum interests Th v have dem- .int.-ated their power to t'le utmost. They were nb'e to cury t';c tate simply ly taking advantage of the presidential contest an 1 by joining hands witli all the j wer of the adiiiinistration, for it is a fact that all the influence of the federal goTeruuieut was used iu behalf of IfilJ. as well us of Cii 1, a fayor that tlye jr veruor did not reeipro iwasteTs and custom hou .t- ll. f f'lutrr.t-iml vni.'ll thev tliil help him m teriully. Had not been for tliis, had it hiinply been a state election with high license for nn issue, I firmly believe we should have triumphed, notwithstanding the fact that our people were not as well educated on the question as they will be vt hen it comes up ngiiiii. There is, therefore, only one course for our party to pursue, and that is along the lines it has already laid down on this subject. We are committed to temperance reform. We cannot go back. The republican party never did take the back track on any moral question. I am convinced it will not on this. Why should it? Has it not put high license laws in operation in Ohio, Illinois, Min nesota and Michigan? And has not each of these states given us a rousing major ity this year?" II K KXI'IKTS ANOTHKK STItoNO RIM. TO I5K I'ANSKlJ. "High License is now an established principle of the Hepublibau party. I have no doubt that when th:- Legislature assembles this winter another bill simi lar to that of Mr. Crosby's will be intro duced and parsed. It may differ from its predecessor in some respects, but I am sure it will not be one bit less restrictive iu character. Wlnt else can we dof Over ninety per cent of the rum power is in favor of the Democratic party. U has reached the climax of audacity in our political life. It must he overthrown The Republican party must overthrow it. We have nothing to lose, but everything to gain, by a steady advance along the path that we have chosen. The people are with us as far as they understand the question, and they only need a little more instruction on the subject to gie us aii overwhelming majority in frvor of the restriction of th'j whiskey traliie as proposed by the Republican pnrty. 15'f-;re the reporter went away he allu ded to the talk about, the plnre in Gen eral Harrison's Cabinet that is believed to be reserved for Mr. Miller. The ex Senator quft-kly dismissed the topic by saying:'Such maitci .ue entirely in the hands of a gentleman in Indianapolss; and he is pei fci ijy competent to dec ide them without asnistanee fiio !!))' one.'' J III 1 ni l if TUB LUMBER TARIFF. Canada has raised the export tax on pine saw i.. f;'oni ?- per thousand feet, LOUISE MICHEL A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF HER LECTURE IN PARIS. LATE lumber measurement,!! if-, ;?y thousand. Canada evidently wants to keep her tim er staiji;n. If the government of the l.'nitcd State should n'l;)ve the duty from lumber, is there, any nsuiaiW- ih't Canada would not inc rciinc her export tax just the amount of the import tax ii w it.; posed by this government? Ex p .-rience has stiowu Jjiat the export tax would be immediately placed ou l'.rJy.T by the Canadian government. Patrick Henry j said to have intimat .'1 once that cxpeiLnee who ft only lamp by which his feet were guided ;id t iking this same lamp we must conelubo taut the probabilities are that if the im port tax fcljd bo removed from lumber, in equal export tax woIi. immediately lie imposed on the other side. Ah''- i? iight from the same lamp shows that tht man who advocates the removal of the import ttxx i, 'timber because the tax 's i burden upon the poot 'boring man, is a Icmagogue, trying to secure favo mong nen oi au iron pyrites character. When the wise ui.'U ..f (Jiw country a number of years ago removed or inhered the tariff ou lumber, the removal of the " ti ' lidn't decrease the price of lumber, be cause the Canadian government immcd i itely placed an export tax on the same umber equal it; amount to the tax remov ed by this govcinmeoi. 'he government of this couury .ov-Jt the revenue; Canada pocketed, the pro C'tcds, and the western farmer paid aa nuch for the lumber -which went into lis house as he did ;yhcn the American ariff was levied. Where vj t)ie gain o the American house builder i home onomist may be able to tell, but none has yet revealed it. The fact is that the emoval of the lurr ber tariff would take that much revenue from this government hile the probability, which isa certainty, judging from experience, is that the price of lumber would remain unchanged. If the assurance could be gjj-en that the exporter would not be taxed by this government, then it might do to imk free lumber. "NtI rontons Smi in Hie Auillenco ,Sur priso of Muii t.t I'.er ilea rem A Homely Imt Strong I'uei- Some of I lie Tilings Sulil. The little Snlie? iles Conferences in the Iloiilevnrd ties ( "a purines was filled last night by a mixed crowd, assembled to hear Micl iel Jex turoon the "Role of Woman in Moltni StK'ioty." On one side of the hall was ;v group of jiersoiial friends of tho "graiule citoyenne," habi tues of her sort of loiitieal uioetinirs. and these had for tho occasion donned their Sunday head covering instead of the slouch hats thev wear lisuallv. In tho front row sat the Italian Revolutionary Cipriani, recently arrived from tho peninsula kingdom, where lie has In-en spending tho Jaht tew years of bis life in tu'Lson. Ho does not scetn to have suf fered lmieli from tho long confinement; his long beard is jet black, his hands are white, his tace !ears a contented expres sion, and he wears bis broad brimmed. high hat jauntily inclined to one side, with the air of a man who knows that he is a line looking fellow. AMONCJ TIIK AUDIENCE. Among the determined enemies of so ciety 1 noticed also I'ero 1 1 vacvnthe Lov- soil anl many other well dressed hour- gi-ois. Indeed the res)ectible element torineil lour-lilths ot the audience, and most ot theni were voting ladies and middle aged or venerable matrons who had come out of euriositv to sec and hear the "monster"' whose naifie appears in reports ol all meetings at which mcita- tioii.i to iu ts of pillage and violence form the biirilcn of the oration delivered. When tho "monster" made her aiipear- anee hIia seemed a little bit surpri.-.ed at tiiidijig herself in t lie? pretence of sur'i a nice audience. She had not gotten bor- self up especially for thc o.'casion anil wore the shabby I lack dress, small crajie lioiiiiet and long veil thrown back over her shoulders that form her ordi- narv costume when iu public. It was with blink v iiccent, and in a. rather nasal voice that she announced her subject. but as f.oon as tho hrst words were pro nounced J.OU1SO 3iicliel, herselr again. lunl recovered that presence of mind iino L'ool boldness which rarely tle.scrt her. As she tqioko he physiognomy of most Dt her hearers, especially those ol the le male portion ot the audience, betrayed surprise quite amusing to contemplate, it was easy to read on their faces that most of them were Having to themselves. "Wbatl 'Is that her? Is that the Louise Michel we have heard, and read so much about? That the woman? Why she looks like a Protest. ;nt school teacher. anil as pgly a scarecrow!" Yes, Louise Miehel is iimloiii'tefUy a yerv liomelv person, but there is a gleam of intelli gence aljout her lace which, when she speaks, befomes exceedingly animated ami mobile. It was evident, however. tha most of the audience were uisa ixiihted, lunl allej. .she. Jind tjxiken a few uiiinues their attention began to nag. Moreover, what die was saving was not easy to follow or understand because ol lbs iliSiointeil connection Iietween tin ideas aiid'iho'fviuarkabjji rapidity with which sho vas speakiiig."' Sfionever jacks he r woiiH, but elm fnn 111011113 u::es imagct of wonderful pocile ircnhiipr.s, which :;ound all tne moro strange com- iiig from t.ueh lips. Once started, she goes 00 at Lreak neck gallop, catch ing n't' a, ilioiigTi;' J rC; throwing oh a daring expression uu re, ieaoirsg ovei all obstacles, and apparently endeavoring to realize some dream ot unattainable reifeoii.ou of wluch her crcduloiu r.oul he iplier lor tt 'iypewrltrr. - An Enghsiiman iias invented an in genious method of producing a cipher or bocrct communication by mechanical means. It i adapted for lis on typo writers or biiuilar writing machine j where the tyjio or corresponding index scale, dial or jiointrr is capable of being moved or adjusted. Tho tyiio writing machines to Ih us'd for the purjioso are j made in duplicates, ho tliat the two index scales correspond with each other in the arrangement of their c haracters, but dif for from any other pair tf machines. JSinco tho index scale is adjustable, it may lo shifted in two corresponding machines, so that one or more of the haracters i: moved out of its normal jo siiion, and, in consequence, when the op erator strikes a certain letter on tho Ley board, another totally different will be printed. Thus he can continue and write out an entire letter, which, to the unini tiated, will seem like nothing more than a c onfused jumble of characters. To decipher whatever has been written ic is only necessary lor the individual who has the clew to shift the index scale in the opposite direction from that used by the original oicrator, and then, by striking 011 the kcylioard tho characters of the secret communication, the correct message will be printed. Tho Stationer. 1 WflRnTra n (ft uinnRrnll wiiiUDoa vs buyiiiviiias! - if J 10J''T you ftnow it ? Of course you do mulyow ' 1 ril I icuut icurni Underwear, JJlati fiefs, etc. (UR Line is Unsuritssed by any other tine in the city. Afutndsome : ' ... Attention loven to I'allixmiii. Ballooning is receiving a great deal of attention Irom the naval and mihtar authorities If ith in Lngland and 1-'ranee as a valuable aid in land and marine movements. During tho recent naval maneuvers in the defease of Toulon, a reconi loitering balloon was used with good eliect day and night by the aid of electricity, anil now mi experiment is being made with a navigable aerial shin for the same pur In England bal looning has also attracted attention, es pecially in connection with tho new for mation of troops for attacking purposes. Almost daily ascents are made at tho training: comi) of Lvdd for the mirnoses of photography and observation. On one occasion a moving balloon was made the target of a party f .runners working a twelve pound ..(-fig gun, with t lie result of iti bei: - . 1 ..." 1 I pieces after rather more ih..u u :o::c:i shots. So that the fiction of th." b.U.J duel between rival balJoo:: ; ij lilieiy to b: realized dur ing the r.o::t ,ener:.l war. San Fran- isco Chronicle. Wlioii l!io Great Sahib Comi-s. Till voti in tlie east you cannot realize the i.ecessity of a "forerunner" to clear tha way for a great man. There i.; no pavement or Ride path for foot pco- ie to wan; on, and thev scatter all over the road, thronging it thickly, so that it would Le impossible to move ouickly unless t'.io way were cleared. Your syces, therctore, or a mounted .Sepoy orderly, tj-ecd ahead in front of your carriage shouting without ceasing: "O wayfarer! O inerchant! e2ca)0 from the roau! U seller Ol cloth, escao! Ilake tho ro.d clear, O people: ilia preat sahi'o i ; r.-oming! ?.f:ito his y. ay clear l" tims clor.rin' a passage through tho crowd, wliich closes again the moic-at you havo passed. Children are olten luted LC'.oiy cut of the way, vr kilo ubbent minded 1 ersons, who have uiolr thoughts in c.ouu3 and their heads m a blanket avj lo lind theiusclvcH of a sudden sitting Ly i'a roadside and wondering how they cam there. Cornliill ilaaazine, In your prpmisss oi reform remern'ocr that to-morrow ;3 n da that - I'lilUUielpn.ia lfiU. AfilETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, fJroad- V cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Trecotst etc Ii yj'XRYTJTfXG in Blanhets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, flosierv, Railings, that you wilt icant. u'i(i not regret lool'iml our different De partments over before pujch(rsin?. 11 will pay you. g.mMVy RUGS and a Handsome Line of Car pets, Malts, floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at Lotc Prices. t "7 St, Ir1 What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well kcoTvn. They differ :u different individuals to some extent. A oilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent .Nppetife for liquids but none for solids of a morning. IIU tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; il It U not vhite and furred, it is rough, at all t-vents. The digestive system is wholly out of order rtnd diarrhea or constipation may l.i? n!)) or the two may alternate. i'lure are often hemorrhoids or even loss j 1 here may be giaauicsj ard is raiight a gbmpso through ll.o i. i ;t, that becloud her exceedingly fi ,r e..n ceptions of things here below. KELATIXCl AN ANECDOTr. starting with toe i .:. ( v ion t!!it "wo man has today the fault j of a s: - : :u man t boio of n conqueror," she d that vonien ue jiec.e:,: ci-v, and that a I hue will come when the yrurld will learn how to tit;Jj8 their rare faculties. That time will be an eiocj, ayuj wrs will no longer be waged, because electric mitrailleuses will have been invented ,,-bich will suppress thousands of men at a "shot, tuuj bus force nations to dis arm." l'or the ire5C4it jt was the duty of woman to preparo for the advent c' that golden age when nothing would prevent them from reaching a perfect i quality witty' men. To prove that her sex vere fhpablo' of tliat tquality, she related un iinfcdote froni her own ex perience: "When I was attending lectures," eaid .-no, "in order to secure a diploma as a qualified school teacher, I one day heard an old savant trying to demonstrate, with th&aidoftwo skulls, that a woman's head wa$ siiialler Imn that of a man, out be never noticed fhar, misled by n change of labels, made by ti pupil with whom I am well acquainted, he ' was all the time using one anatomical specimen for the other." .Vow and then Jliss Michel said tlangs which pieayl the revolutionary group of her hearers, but wcio not at all to the liking of the rest of the audience. Speak ing ot woman, as anected by novel im pression, she said that for her part she had never felt anything comparable to the sensation experienced when, march ing at the head of a battalion of com munists, she contemplated the marvelous picture ot burning Fans spread out be loro her eves against the red back ground of the glowing sky. But this cynical declaration called forth angry plotters, end Lcmise wisely dropped into another strain, protesting that she did not wish to seo women concerning them selves with ol4tic3, Scientific and" artis tic studies were the only ones to which they should devote themselves. "Let us have no leagues." said she, "for the pur pose of demanding rights today which will no longer be our rights to-morrow. Woman is naturally good and virtuous, and wheii she knows all thing3 she will no longer be the charming ci eat pre whose coquetry troubles man; she will no longer lie faithless, because she will not be ig norant of the fact that lier neighbor's husband is not a bit superior to her own." --Ilenry ilaynjo ja IScw Orleans Pica yune, " " ' IV.mily of Many Toed Cats. An Ei;gli.:h scientific man has pre served a record of a family pf many toed cats down to the tenth generation. Sonzo members have as many 'as' seven toes on each foot. Arkansa'w Traveler. " A FeWard of S50Q. Is offered by the manufactures of Dr. ""age's Catarrh Uemedy, for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The mild, sooth in?, cleansing and healin" properties of this remedy are irresistable 0 cents, by diuggists. Ciairliv o Anioials. Youthful Agent (of Society for the Prevention or ' Cruelty to Animals, to Long Lilnnd fox hunter) I'll hava to vaiio you in, ray man, lor cruelty. Ixjng Island Fox Hunter Nonsense: we re onlv cnasmg an anise seed La-. A . " Tit .1 1 . . -r . igei;i xi s me uog s, su i.ue. wecllmcl's Dailiglt Store Comias Events, Young Man (in shoe store, to clerk I ay, d'ye know that old gentleman who ' just went out is the father of my girl? Clerk Is that so? V-.,m, UTo,-. "VV.;, T 1-.,.. A VUUh A'AIXIA a uvu v Aiiun iiuu I I $500 Reward. We will pay' the above ' reward for any case ot liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, ipriigf,4j,m, ppnstipation or ii . ... cosuveness we camior cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with, T.. 1 ... S i ney are purely yegttaoie, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes rontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c, For sale l;y &:J. druggists. Beware of counterfeits ana ijr;i(.atip3. TI13 gen uine manu pictured only by John th We tK uo., boa w. Madison t. Chicago.and Sold by Wr. J. Warrick. The standard remedy for liver com pl?.int is West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint yea. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. " nt blood often he.idiiehe and aeiditv or flatulence. 1 personally, but I expect to meet him soon. I il-l-- X',. ,l,V,l. nn'M TT .a ayor t,at tlje ,;id tenderness in the pit of thetoniaeh 11 Os.-nte. IJie post- in corrett all thn if not effect a cure try lXew York .Sun. 1 . i? oiliciaWseemed Urt-eu's Auyitxt Floirer, it costs but a j -' - THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a cwingr machine, ask our agent at your place for terms and crices. 1 C vou cannot find our airetit. write direct to nearest address to you below named. Special Sale coiinneiicqi! NovciiiIkt cuiiliiiiiii! one week', Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps Plush Cloaks uM'l CliiMj:e:;'s AVejir, Price '?() jjcr f-eiit i5 yhu prifo ottered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove i-tutement. 1 ! plush mm plbsb mm 1 We havu an im mense, line ami will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the eiuh of the season. Our PLUSH SEORF WRAPf- jittjii" jarments. Ve sell hem at $14.5 0. worth all of $20.00. I tftfe Uue ,o!l for 20 MMm. I pell elsewhere at $27. V IA its I I i 3 -s jrfL - are elegant mmm i $ OR PI ".-Ii Cloaks QOwti sell for 25 f-ell elsewhere at $;J5. (h i n PI. ish Cloaks wc !(i)4U.sell for $10 sell eiscwjici-e tit (J iP Pi ttsh Cloak Mj,ell fr $4r elsewhere at ; s we sell A Full Line of I Walking JT aclrota ohl :it jpnees. ti ie lowest ComfortabFes and Blankets Arme oeiectw bine ol irom yi.Oi) tip to 0.0u u c h ue the finest 15 c -rit P itting in the cifv. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Sublet -Sfiipo, Prices lower than any Jjonse in the city, as we are overstocked wMh these p.otU. CALL AND SATISFY Y0UKSKLVHS. .i ttronyh nil riM, nrty wa?; so tl ey sJe riTted tlivir eerii-s to f T"" ' (1 irtc ami tlioasan U attest its cflicacv. The Dailt I1kbau delivered fcr Fancy stationery of any kind is held to bo 'b.-ul form" and "inelegant," bet there a vs 1 c""t " ' " ' '' chicas?. - g Uf'fQSi SQUAF.LHX- ' LAS. j 1 Your Ite.HpecUulIy, r i) it