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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1888)
Ifffl FIRST YE Alt PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL , 1888. NUMBER 171 V OA r r. r - J 0 CFJPY oiaaGHis. Myr, Clrk. Tr:nurer, Attorney, Encliier, Judicf Marauall. Council men, lit w 2od rd, " rd 4 th. ard rub. Worki J I) SlMFriON t: u hmiiu J II Watkkman By jo Cukk A Maooi.k . J S Ma i MKwn W II MAI.IUK I J V WlU'KMACII JAW Willi K . IDM JO.NKS I Wm W kh-.k . t M K Muici'il V 1 W DUITOjf , i K S GkkUmkl. I V, I'KKA J V John ',:h aiuman Krkd (iOHbiH 1 11 llAWKlWourif GOLTjST'JDY OFiaGlIliS. Treasurer, Ipucy Treasurer, - Olrk. Dputr Clerk, iiecorder ot leds - Deputy Kecorder Clark of Olatrlct Court, Sheriff. Surveyor. Attorney, Supt. of Pub. School. County i ulice. BOABD Or UPKBVI80K9. A. B. Todd. - IMattsniouth Louis Fuutz. Ch'in., WeepliiK Water A. B. Dickson, - iSmiwood I) A. Cam run. i. TlllH. KuUi-ot-K Iiiki i'HirvnririM Ex A Chi r-n ki ki.d W. II. Tool John M Lkyda W. C. HtlOWAl.TKK J. C. KlKKXHAKt A. M A UM AI.I.M litMHK Mavnahd Mpink C. IIusskll. GIVIG SOGIKTJiS. CI ASS liODGK No. 146. 1 O. O. K. Meets every TueHday evening of each week. All transient brothers are reiectluUy Invited to attend. ' 11 LATTM 0 UTTl ENCAMPMENT No. 3. 1. O. O. K.. meets every alternate Friday lu acb month Id the Maonlc Hall. Vlditing D re then are Invited to attend. TBIO LODGE NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meets very alternate Friday eYeainjc at K. of P. kail. Trauslent brother are respectfully In vited to attend. F.J. Morgan.Master Workman ; X. 8. Baratow. Foreman ; Frank Brown. Over seer ; I. Bowen, Guide; Ueoitfe Hous worth. Kecorder; H.J.Johnson. Financier; Wah. Btnttn, Keeelver ; M. Maybrlght. Fait M. W. ; Jack Daugherty, Inside Guard. flASS CAMP NO. 332. MODEKN WtOOMEN J of America Meets second and fourth Mon 4 ay evening at K. of P. ball. All trauslent brother are requested to meet with u. L. A. Newcomer, Venerable Consul : G. K, lle. Worthy Adviser ; I), B. Smith, Ki Hanker ; W. C. WlUetu, Clerk. LATT9MOOTU LODGE NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at Rock wood hall at 8 o'clocn. All transient broth ers are resuectfullyuluvited to attend. 1. . Irson. M. W. ; Y. Boyd. Foreman: 8. C. W tide. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson, overseer. MoCONIHIE POST 43 G. A. R " BOSTBB. "VT. Johicsox Commander. C. S.Twisa Senior Vice a. Bats junior timet. N I LIES HlSRT STRRIUHT Malax Dixon- OlAKLM FOKO a xDsit.tox Fry J AnOR (sORBf.KMAX Atllutant. Q. M. .OlMcerof the Day. Guard Sorirt M;i1or. Quarter Master Nergt. i' r'oHTiii Post Chaplain jf eetinz Saturday evening TTAI.k. BROWNE, rtrsonal attention to all Buaine" Entrust te any care. KOTARV IX OFFICE. Title Examined. Abstarcts Compiled. In aaranee Written, Keal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Ottier Ageacyv TROUBLE IN IRELAND. Plattsmoutll, ATraka. JL B. WIXDH AM. Johw A. DA VIES. Notary rubllc. Notary Public. WIXBHAHAUAVIKH, Attorneys -"at - Law. Offlce over Bank of Cafc County. Plattsmouth, - ' Nebraska. H,E.Palmer&Son GENERAL IH SUR&NCE AGENTS Represent the. following timer tried and fire-tested companies: American Central-S'. Louis, Assets 1158,100 Cemmerclal Union-Ennland, 2.596.311 Flr Association-Philadelphia, 4,415.576 Fraaklln-PhiUdelphla. " 3.U7.1M Home-Her Yoxk. " 7.855.Bf 9 Isa. Co. of North America. Phil. , 8.47 1 J62 Llverpl&London& Globe-Eng " 6.639.781 lTerUrBtltlsta ft Mereantlle-Ea " 3,378,754 vorwlea UnTon-Kaeland. - I2i.t6 SprtagfleldTfcftM.-Sprinsneld. 3,04113 Total AaseU. f42.U3.T74 Lmes AijitM ani PaiiallMsigeccy when you warn W01 DOM iliay 3ESlxxxc5L CALL ON Ha. CB. Jlaapson, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Ccntracicr and Bnlldor A Bloody Fracas at Kllruah, In Which Many Ar Injured. KiLRisii, April 9. Saturday night sotiie policemen who were trying to re veut the erection of a plttferm for a meeting aununcel to he hald todaj wtre pelted with etoncs bj a mob and were compelled tw charge. Many civil ians were badly injured. About 0,000 persons belonging to rarious league branches of Kilrufch assembled at 2:30 p. in. to-day. The police, led by Magis trates Welch and Irwin, charged the crowd, injuring many. A number of tri umphal arches were torn down. Father Glynn, of Kibnihill, was attacked by two policemen with rifles. A fanner fell ed one policeman with a stick. A riot being imminent, the Berkshire regiment, with fixed bayonets, charged the crowd, and ten persons were badly wounded. Two policemen wre seriously injured. Order was somewhat restored in the crowd, who were appealed to by the priests and Messrs. Redmond and O'Reil ly, members of parliament. Redmond then attempted to arganize the meeting, but was prevented by Magistrate Irwin. Redmond protested that the govern ment's action was illegal, and together with the priests advised the multitude to disperse. The DesMolnss Rivr Doing Great Da ma Worse) Faarad- Deb Moinks, la., April 9. Tke Des Moines River at this point is higher now than for seven years and is still rising. It is thought before morning the entire south part of the city will be submerged. The Diagonal railroad bridgo was moved from its foundation and is likely to go down before morning. Hundreds of men and teaui8 are at work in raising the levees. Rtports from up the river say bridges are gone and much disaster done. Mexican Tariff's. Eagle Pass, Tex., April 8. The ap peal of the Piedras Negras merchants to the legislature at Saltille against the 6 per cent municipal tariff on imports has been without avail, and the 6 per cent is collected on all goods imported into Piedras Negras. Qoods imported and carried through Piedras Negras into the interior pay only 1J per cent municipal tariff in addition to the regular duties, but if these goode intended for the in terior are slopped iu Piedras Negras and subsequently forwarded on out of the ona libre, they have to pay first the 6 per cent duty and afterward ths 1 J per cent, besides the regular import duty. An Ill-Fated Excursion Train. Fort Worth, Tex., April 8. -The last excursion train from Denver, consisting of a sleeper and baggage car, the sleeper filled with Galveston people, arrived here tonight. At Alver Station, eighty miles from here, the train attempted to run past a siding at rapid speed. A flat car on the siding tore into the baggage car. killing Commercial Traveler A Floyd and fatally injuring Fireman Herring. Several Galvestoniaus were injured by th? Pullman bsing thrown from the track. WLIU the train was iu New Mexico the sleeper was robbed, and dia monds, watches and money to the value of f 7,000 stolen I nore a re i roasjiip it jwm Sea oaee 4. foif Clothing: Poor Children. A member of the Brooklyn board of i-dup4tion proposes the establishment of a bureau for supplying poor children with wearing apparel ' that they uay atlen school. Many children are unable to at tend school because their parents are too poor to furnish tbein p?ppef clothing, and this can be remedied by furntshiug them with the shabby cast pI clothing of other people.'' Why not also provide these poor children with lunches of broken victuals? The Argonaut. A Profitable Business. Youn Man (brakeman on elevated road; -Chat'm scare, th' strain V citee all, chain f ith fer wow wow. Sam Yonns: Mai) (at a paxf y inTIarlem) Yea. Miss Rocky, I am in the railrpad business. Miss RockyThat roust be delightful, Mr. Coldfeet; and Is it really true that some of you railroad people get $20,000 and $C0,000 a year? The Epoch. SBOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation cr costiveness we cannot euro with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to gio satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar 6Gted pills, 25c For sale by all druggist. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 802 W. Madison gt, Chicags, Its Sold by W. .J Warrick. Fire Insurance written In the VEtna, Phosnix and Hartford by Windham A Davies. INSURING THE SICK. WHAT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY BY VITAL STATISTICS. Can a Profit lie Made In Insurinz Va lieulthy Live A Tuble of Comparative 1'robablll tle Theoretical Kzpectatlou of tlie lleaed. The practice of the life Insurance com panies in insuring only the best lives has often been the subject of a grim kind of humor. "The people they insure," it is said, "are those who appear from a medi cal examination to stand in no need of in surance, while those who really do need It cannot get it." This is not altogether trne, of course. A Rood many of the people who can successfully pass the medi cal examiners of the insurance companies stand quite as much in need of insurance as those who cannot pass, but it is cer tainly unfortunate that the latter, who certainly do stand in need of insurance, are unable to get it. It is not only un fortunate, but seems to be a triile unjust; and the question is often seriously asked why, when the insurance risks are based on general mortality and not on the mor tality among selected lives, the insurance companies should decline risks upon any lives but the selected? The answer is, probably, that the in surance companies are not doing business on philanthropic principles though their solicitors would fain persuade us to the contrary but to make money. But even when the answer has been given the ques tion may still be asked whether there is not a profit to be made in insuring Im paired lives. THE UXnEALTIIY LIFE. An article in The American Exchange and Review indicates the possibility that this question may yet be answered in the aflirmative. It points out that while the unhealthy life is, as a rule, in greater peril of death than the healthy one, the risk in the case of the former can, in all probability, be determined with as much accuracy and safety as it can in the case of the latter. This is certainly a reason able view. The number of years upon which a healthy man of 20, or 80 or 40, or any other age, can reasonably expect to live, has been ascertained by a careful compilation of vital statistics. What is to prevent the ascertainment, by a like careful compilation, of the age to which an unhealthy or unsound man of 20, 30 or 40, or any other age, may expect to live? To a certain small extent, according to the article referred to, thi3 has been done by the Institute of Actuaries in London, England, in constructing a table of com parative probabilities In the eases of healthy and diseased lives. The figures, though not at all conclusive, are very in teresting, showing side by side the sur vivorships at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, etc., of 10,000 healthy and 10,000 diseased lives, starting at the age of 10. Singularly enough, at the age of 20 the showing in the case of the diseased lives is the better, 9,079 of them surviving against 9,554 of theliealthy lives. From that time for ward, however, the figures favor the healthy lives in a gradually increasing ratio. At 30 the survivors in the healthy 10,000 are 8,904 against 8,5-lS in the dis eased 10,000. At CO the healthy side shows 5,547 survivors and the diseased only 4,832. At 90 they are nearly equal, but the diseased lives have the advantage by one, showing 20 against 25 of tho healthy lives. THEORETICAL EXPECTATIOXS. The Exchange and Review concludes its article with what it calls a table of "theoretical expectations of diseased life," which might more appropriately be called a hypothetical table, inasmuch as it is not put forward as even approximately ac curate. It is useful, however, in the sug gestion it furnishes that a table may be constructed sufficiently accurate for prac tical purposes. Whether any of the ex isting companies will take up the sugges tion is very doubtful. The best of them are doing quite well enough on their present basis not to be tempted to embark in any new field, and it is earnestly to be hoped that the worst of them, which are not doing well now, will not injure the business of insuring impaired lives by giving it a bad send off.. A fortune, however, awaits the com pany, old or new, which shall, with sound judgment and sufficient capital, enter upon that business. While the price to be charged would necessarily be higher than in the case of healthy lives, the risk, if the business were conducted on a sound basis, would probably be no greater. The cost would probably be less, especially in the item of commissions or salaries to so lipitprS; If anything can positively be predicted as to an utterly untried scheme, it can be predicted that men of impaired lives would need much less soliciting to induce them to insure than the men of healtliy Uf es dp: Detrpif ffq Press. Getting Thing Somewhat Mixed. A newly elected justice of the peace, who had been used to drawing up deeds and wills and little else, was called np to marry a couple in haste. Removing his hat he remarked: "Hats off in the pres ence of the court." All being uncovered, he proceeded: "Hold up yer right hand. You, John Mankin", do yer solemnly swear, to the 'best 'ut yer knowledge aii! belief, that yer take this woman to have an' to hold for yerself , yer heirs, eecy ters, administrates and assigns, (or yer an thirnse an behoof foreverF1' "I do," answered the groom, promptly. "You, Alice Evans, take this year man for yer husband, ter have and ter hold forever; an you do solemnly swear that yer lawfully seized in fee simple an' free jfrpm alj encumbrance, an' have good right to sell, bargain and' convey to 'said grantee, yerself, yer heirs, administratora and assigns?" "I I do," said the bride, doubtfully. "Well, that 'er's wuth a dollar 'n .fifty cents." "Are we married?" asked the bride. ."Yes. KJnow all men by these present that I, being in goo4 health and of sound mind and disposition, in ponsideration of a dollar 'n fifty cents, to me in hand well an' truly paid, the receipt whereof is hore iy acknowledged, do an by the presents have declared you man an' wife durin' crood behavior an' until otherwise ordered ) tho fxMirt. "Omaha. TV Over Pre In flan Franelaeo. While San Francisco pays close atten tion to European fashions in dress, it fur nishes more examples of originality in styles than most large cities. This is particularly true of the wearing of wraps and overcoats. For this the glorious cli mate is largely responsible. In Xew York on a fine summer day tho lady who would parade Broadway in a heavy sealskin ulster would certainly be regarded witJi more than interest. Equally astonishing in the metropolis would le the sight of a lady in midwinter strolling through the streets in a thin, close fitting dress with out muff, wrap or tippet. Such anachron isms pass unnoticed in San Francisco, however. There is no climatic or fashionable de cree that forbids the appearance of the sealskin ulster anywhere, and it does active service throughout the year. Oc casionally it does duty under trying cir cumstances, for the fog or wind of a sum mer day is likely to give place at any mo ment to undimmed sunshine that makes the thermometer 90 degs. iu the shade. Strangers front older coiamiiriities, where the sealskin ulster comes into fnliio'i oi;'y for n brief space in t':.o lcH..tbii.h, u.-e amazed at its perennial reign in San Francisco. The fair sex are not the only ones who present sharp and strange con trasts in the matter of overdress. The overcoat is not often a necessity in San Francisco, arl is worn more for style than comfort as a rule. San Francisco Chronicle. The Umbrellas of Italy. They make no umbrellas in Italy ac cording to the English idea. The trim, tightly rolled umbrella of England ami the United States is unknown, except in tho hands of a tourist. Even the most ac complished Italian gentleman thinks nothing of carrying a coarse, clumsy um brella, which, when furled and tied up. is nearly a foot in diameter and has a handle nearly equal in size to the center pole of a Sibley tent. The Italians have a huge umbrella which is always carried by the common people nnd sometimes by the higher classes. This umbrella, when un furled, is full five feet across. It is made of some strong, coarse material, and is al ways in some flaming color. ' You will see these umbrellas in pea green, a bright, cold bine, purple and flame red. They are also carried by the black frocked priests. They resemble very much in shape nnd size an artist's sketch umbrella. They are a protection against tho cold rains of the winter and the blazing suns of the summer. Every Italian farmer and laborer carries one. You will see a farmer and his laborer going out under these umbrellas to their daily work, and iu nearly every hedgerow you will see, in passing through the country, these um brellas furled and thrown down tem porarily by the laborers while they are at work. T. C. Crawford in New York World. Advice From a Kindly Expert. When a young lady asked Miss Louisa Alcott for advice as to earning a living by literary work, 6he replied: "I can only reply to yours as to the other innumerable letters of the same sort which I receive. One must wait and work long and patiently before success of any sort comes, and talent must be in the tales or they won't sell. If people won't take the stories try something else. For a young woman with good health and a brave heart many ways of earning a living are open if she can put her pride in her pocket and take whatever comes, no matter how humble the task may be. Nurse, teacher, companion, housekeeper, seamstress . op sjrvant are all honest trades and worth trying while waiting for the more agree able work. "I tried them, and after grubbing for twenty years made a hit, seemingly by accident, but J could see how eyery hard experience had helped, every sacrifice en riched, and o believe heartily in that soit of training for us all. I do not know any one in Washington, and I think anything better than the places women hold in public offices there. If your stories are good they will find a market; if they are not, stop writing and try something else. The gift is born with us and cannot be learned, as some think." New York Com mercial Advertiser. A Car Load of Emigrant. I happened to be in one of the railroad depots tho other day Just as a big car load of emigrants arrived. What an inex haustible field for study lay there, and how many life stories that a novelist would weave into a thrilling story lay in the congregation. Every age was repre sented. There were grizzled old stagers whom the women were using for pack mules, and infants too young to do any thing but lie in their mother's shawls and bleep. There were stalwart young fel lows in knee breeches and military look ing caps, and sturdy maidens, who looked capable of building a picket fence or floor ing an Apache a ia Sullivan. There were cute little boys and girls Just old enough to toddle by their parents' side3 and stare, stare, stare at everything they saw. This same staring seemed to be pretty general with the entire party They were all too much occupied with staring to talk. I never saw such a large gathering so silent. Scarcely one of tbem spoke as they trudged away to the wait ing rctom, and when they reached "it they still said nothing, but found seats on benches, on packs and on the floor and gazed about them, literally stricken dumb by fatigue or astonishment. How long can we go on earing for them, I wonder? Chicago Journal. Italians as Counterfeiters. "Why do Italians almost hold a monop oly in counterfeit coins?" was asked of a treasury detective, "There is not money enough in it for natives. These latter want big money. Besides, many Italians are expert at mak ing plaster of paris models, and they came over to avoid detection in their own coun try, where, I believe, counterfeiting ia punished with death. Over here it is just a matter of a year or two, and then when they are in prison they are better fed than, when they are free, sq that detection has little terror for them. They are satisfied with light profits, and seldom try to dis pose of more than a couple of dollars' worth at a time among the small stand and storekeepers." New York Telegram. Tho Ih'yligK Store. Just after our inventory, we reduce prices to sell tho goods rather than to cany over. We are willing to sell our entire Winter Goods at cot. Staple wo have a largo quantity and offer them very low. Calicos 3 to 5 cents per yard, making the best standard of them ut 20 yards for $1.00. (Jiugham best diet- styles 10 cents per yard. Dress gtoda ail kinds at the very lowest prices, from 5 cents per yard upward. Woolen hose we offer at cost, extra fne. Ladies cash mere hose, worth $1.00, now 75 cents, fine heavy wool 40 cents, now 25; child ren's fine ribbed worth 50, now 30. Un der wear must go at low prices, us we will not keep them over. Our fbinN Silvr drey Merino Shirt u.i i i!i u ...!-, iu;iiKr prices 50 now 35. Our Gents Silver groy maiiuo bliii ts and drawers, extra quality 75 now 50. Our Scarlet all wool shirts and draw ers fino quality $1.00 now 75 cents. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet nil-wool shirts and draw ers, tine quality $1.75 now 1,25. Our scarlet all-wool shirts and draw ers, fine quality $2.00 now 1.40. liiulics9 - Underwear, EQUALLY AS CHEAP. Our 25 per cent, discount on clonk, is still good. We are determined to close out our entire stock and never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the bett qualities for so little money. Joscpli V. Wcckbacli. 1TOTICE. As per previous announcement, we Lad fully determined to discontinue business in Plattsmouth and so advertised accordingly and now, as satisfactory arrangements have been perfected for the continuance ot game under the management of Mr. J. Firdey and JJ. F. Ilufl nei as book-keeper and cashier, we herewith notify our friends and patrons of our final de cision and kindly solicit a continuance of your kind patronage, so treely extended during the past sixteen years, by the addition of compe tent clerical force. On account of Mr. Solomon leaving the city and by the adoption of the strictly One-Price System, Courteous treatment, and an elegant new - Stock Bed-Roek Prices, "We trust to merit your good will and patron age. gj VER Y ItESPECTF ILL Y, Solomon&Nathan IS!! ie New b iotagraph Gallery Will be open January 24th, at the OIsV STS-jSTD OF F. If. GKITI T All work warranted first-class. it i 5 - &ipL 12-Cm.