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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1883)
DRUGGIST. &. as. iPisriErir, Dkalkk iu smssm Iraid PUBLISHED DAILY AN!) WKKKLY Me Plallsmontii Herald MMim Co. All I ) I C I N K, PEKFUM EK YS, OlI.M, 1 A I NTH, IIkUSIIES, A Chilli TjIiuo1 Trii.sM Ami in fact everything contained lu n llnd-clsss Drug fcjtoro. I'rc hrrlr.tions carefully comjwuud- ed. Competition met in ull departments. Colt. Main as-d Third Streets PLATTSMOUTH, NEIi. SECOND-HAND GOODS- J". LEVY, Will BUY and SBLL ill I kinds of FURNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will, advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dt r west of Deck's Furniture sore I latUmouth. Feb. 1st, 1883 4Glf. OFFICIAL. I'AI'KK OF Tllli CITY. For City and County Directory, Kail way Time Tables. Telephone Exchang Business Di rectory, Business Card 4c., ace fourth p;me. Notice to Advertisers. Copy for display advertisement ir flifinu,.! In advertisement must be handed lu to the buslne office not Inter than lu a. m. i.f tti day In which they are to he Inserted. Copy for pay local and special notices must be hauded In before 3 p. m. each dav to Insure in. Scrtloll. J M. IW'HIINKl.I. Buaiuesa Manager. Call for the Cass County Republican Central Committee Meeting. The Republican central committee are here by called to meet ax Louisville, August 21st, (Tuesday) at 1 p. in. The members are ; Plattsmouth City lt Ward -E II I.cwi. 2d " WS Wine. ad " I B Strode. 4th ' F Carruth. Precinct A It Taylor. Rock Bluff Anderson KomI. Liberty W Cannon. Eight Mile Grove J II Decker. Mt. Pleasant Samuel Richardson, Avoca-.1 W Cox. Weeping Water It C Y'eoman. Centre S N Woodford. Louisville C E Wllklnsoti. South Iteiid-lt G McFarland. El in wood-David McCalg. Stove Creek Ira Stanford. Tipton-W It Arnold. Greenwood-- M It Cutler. Sail Creek Win Coleman. It I desired that every member of the com. inlttee be present. M. M. BUTLER, Chairman. A. Salisbury, Dcntlat. C.A. )Iariull, Dentist, suc censor kto Clutter & Marshall. Tcctli extracted without pain, by use of'XItrous Oxide aa. HOTEL CITY HOTEL. This beitut.ful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, ha Just been finished and Ottei! up for the accommodation of Tit AH SI EST CUSTOMS US, AND l: LCULAR BOARDERS. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN Try Schcrcr's Corn Cure, warranted to cure without pain, only 15 cents; at Warricks. d-tf. Institu Resolutrons. xno iouowing resolutions weie passcdat the teacher's institute at Its closing session. We the teachers of Cass county and state of Nebraska assembled In the Normal iuslitute at Plattsmouth offer the following resolutions viz: Resolved, That the thanks of this institute arc due to the trustees of the High School for their kindness in grant ing the use of the building and nppara in free of charge. Resolved, That their thanks are also due to the superintendent for faithfully conducting the institute and providing boarding places for the teachers, ami to the professors for the able and impar tial manner in which the) hare given instruction. liesolved. That the institute recom mend the election of professional teach ers only to the office of county super intendent. Resolved, That it is the duty of the superintendent to raise the grade of teachers as high as possible, by a thor ough and rigid examination. 1 ft . 1 r . -a . jiesoivcti, inac we regara it as wrong for one teacher to underbid an oilier, ana request school trustees to treat it accordingly, liesolved, That frequent changes of text books are unnecessary and that we labor for uniformity of text books and graded systems in the common schools. Whereas, Uncertainty of employ ment is a chief cause of so many exper ienced teachers leaving the profession, Resolved, That we believe that teachers should be retained as long a3 possible in positions where they faith fully perform their duties. Resolved, That it is the sense of this institute that the people of this county should board the teachers of this insti tute while in session at actual cost. PERSONALS. (J. S. Dawson returns this evening from Topeka, Kansas. Hon. W. J. Broatcb, of Omaha, is in the city today on legal business. Dr. O. II. Dogge passed last night in the city, returning home to Lincoln this morning. A SAD SUICIDE. A Former Cass County Citizen Seeks Relief ofMophla. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisement under thl hcad.thrc cent -r line each Insertion. J. W. Barnes returned home from Beatrice this morning. lie report one of the heaviest storms of the season at Lincoln last evening. A Goed Bar 'if. 1J3 n connection with the J louse. ( 1 O. 1 il). New Cooas New Goods New Goods Large stock of Latest styles in Mens Boys and Children Suits just received from New York which we will sell 10 per cent less than can be bought of any house in town, also a new lot of hats and fancy neck wear just received at S. C. Mayer The Opera House Clothiers. The Mi:i Capitan General" cigar at Warrick's, 3 for 25c. 14St3 UMBER. CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBER YARD I. A. WATMAK S SON Wholcsaleiand EetallJDealer in PINK LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH,; SASH, HOOKS, ELISDS, &c.f Fourth Mreet. in rear of Opera House. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA BOOTS AND SHOES AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S. This is one of the days when search for local news is vanitv and vexation of spirit. Bananas, California peaches & pears for sale by J. P. l ouug. 14blt Regular services tomorrow morning ami evening in the Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Raird. S S ' ' All the best brands of cigars at War rick. 11013 A Severe Storm. One of the liveliest electrical storms of the season visited Plattsmoutli last evening, and stirred things up some what. The rain fall was not very heavy but the thunder rolled as though several cyclones were going to give us a call. The second ward seemed to be the one the storm was after, the light ning striking a telegrap'i pole near Herman Scmidt's. striking and splint ering a tree in Capt. Round's yard and Striking John Wayman's house. At Mr. Bennett's and the near neighbors, the folks were well shaken up, but no one was injured. John Wayinan was engaged in a game of chess, when his house was struck, but we understand the game was continued without inter ruption. It is fortunate that no injur ies were received by any in the city, as I he storm was a most severe one. Capt Reunett relates some interesting experience and sights the result of his visit to Saute Fe while on his western trip. Capt was down among the Mexi cans and Pueblo Indians where agri culture is as primativc as it was at the time of the discovery of the country. A two pronged stick is the plow they use, md harvesting is done with a hand sickle the grain as fast as cut being oaded on Burron and tal. n to the threshing ground. Tho threshing is done by treading the grain out with a flock of goats and a Mexican who owns a dozen of them goes around taking in threshing; the grain is tramped out in the sand afterward sifted out by hand. When it comes to grinding it they have old mills, two stones one upon the other ; the uppjr stone turns upon the nether one just as fast asaBurrou can walk around and no faster. Mr Bennett ssys they raise some splendid fruit and that he saw many immense apricot trees over one hundred years old and he says their vineyarus in many places are very fine; a trip of this kind down into the civilization of hundreds of years ago must discount Colorado and all her mountains. John Shannon observed a man com mitting a nuisance on his premises and was about to arrest him, when the chap took fright and took to his heels, run ning ux) 4 th street, with a team and a dozen men after him. It created quite an excitement around the pestoffice this morning. The Herald ha3 heard the names of a. R. Dixon and John Clemnions both of Stove Creek, as likely to be present ed by their friends for commissioner. There is no commissioner's district that has better timber than the third, aud old 6olid republican Stove Creek has a riiiht to be heard. 1 hree weeks only remain in which to prepare for the county fair. The liveli est week in trade for this city that we have had in months can be made at that time if the business men of this city awako to their interests in matter. this The school Board meet this evening to elect teachers required to fill exist- Sheet music & mr""c books for organs & pianos at J. P. . ungs. 140tf Tnc heat today is most oppressive, and it is safe to predict another storm in the very near future. Birthday cards at cheap. Warrick's, very 148t3. One by the chickens fall says the Omaha Herald. This is respectfully referred to our hunters for verification. Ntxt Tuesday, the 21st, the subscrip tion books of the Plattsmouth & South western R. R. will be open for signers. Tin Tvpe Views- M. Messenger is in the city taking views of business houses and residen ces. He is taking some good views, and taking them them cheap. He will be in the city next week, and any waut ing views should secure them. He guarantees satisfaction, and shows peo ple just what they are going to receive before leaving the place. s . . Firemen's Thanks- The fire department extend their thanks to Mr. John Fitzgerald for his generous gift of one hundred dollars to the department the morning after the late fire. At a full meeting of the de partment this vote of thanks was passed unanimously. A. Salilbury, Secretary "We never speak as we pass by a beautiful new song only lOct at J. P. Youngs. 146tf The Rt publican Central Committee meeting at Louisville next Tuesday, ought to be attended by every member of that body. Mrs. Agnes Flemming and E. P. Roe's last book published for sale by J. F. Young. 14Ctf The Herald will submit the plan3 and estimates for a city water supply the lirst of the week. Let the public prepare to act in this matter. Plattsmouth, Nebraska CIGARS. Just Received A FINE LINE OF MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES f OF UIHF.iT lIMl'OKTATIOS. A Challenge 5c Cigar, S Uhy made for th retail trade only. Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. ERNST WAGNKR m Practical Architect. SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECT U RAX WORK A SPCCIALTY. Plan aa4 Jiaciacatlons will b carefully nied;out. and full attention will b given a to safety and durability. r LESSOXS OX PAIVT1XG .Water Colors, Crayon aad Pencil. Ofu" "' KoYcmon V an'V.'ttbreMalB Justrece:?ed a large line of scrap books and autbograph albuns at the P. O. News Depot. 146tf It is a cold day when there is not some political work going on m this this city, which accounts for the Dem ocratic primaries, this evening. F.S.White has for sale fresh Cali fornia fruits, pears, peaches, plums, or anges, nice fresh lemons, bananas and celery. 147tf This is the time of year when our country exchanges blossom with thanks for samples of the first fruits of the or chard and the festive melon from the garden patch. The Herald knows whereot it speaks when it asserts without fear of coutradition that dirt will fly on the Plattsmouth & Southwestern inside the next ninety days. The Institute is over, and no more will the troops of workers have to climb the High School hill when the thermometer is somewhere between one and two hundred. Frank Carruth was taken ' sick at Arapahoe while enroute westward, and jince arriving at Denver has been con fined to his room all the time, and is under the doctor's caie. The Democratic primaries are held in the city tonight, as they are to elect Relegates to the County convention to elect others to the State convention o'nly; Vol nftfch "in'teYefct & nrtinlfts. Professor Drummoud delivered a very interesting and instructive lecture at the High school, Thursday evening, on the subject of Chemistry, that was list ened to by a large audience of teachers and others interested in school work. The Professor, by the aid of his chemi cals and apparatus, made clear and in teresting many tedious and obstruse points in descriptive and analytical chemistry He showed the gases of which the air is composed, giving the nature of each one when apart from the others, and illustrated the numer ous experiments, the many queer prop erties of oxygen and nitrogen. He ohowed the value of ventilation, and in fact throughout handled the subject in a manner that showed he wa3 perfectly conversant with it. In conversation with the teachers who have been in attendance at the institute we find them without ex ception, commending Prof. Drum mond's methods of instruction very highly. He having had three of the most difficult classes to teach, Phi losopln, Physiology and Algebra, the eulogiiims of our High School principal are appreciated by his friends here. Messrs. White, Jones, Smith and Mathews returned home last night with several fifteen dollar chickens, the most costly ones that ever were brought into the city. The rest of the party had heard of a flock down on the Wymore branch, and are chasing them down today, with the prospect of reaching home this even-ins. our has Mr. I). L. Heinshimer, of Glenwood, neighboring city across the river, been nominated for state senator. Heinshimer is well and favorably known by many citizens of Plattsmouth. The examination committee of the school board have been hard at work, Mr. Hartigan and Secretary Stroke be ing in attendance at the Institute and conducting examinatons the last twg days. No paper in the State ha3 such val uable and interesting Denver letters as our correspondent there is furnishing the Herald this summer. The one published today is of exceptional interest. A New Fire Escape. Mr. M. M. Ormsby, of David City, is in the city exhibiting an invention of his own, which ought to prove a useful one. It is a combined fire escape and hook and ladder. It is a series of lad ders and adjustable platforms, moving on wheels and can be used on the largest buildings. It is intended to be used as a part of the property of a city fire de partment, to be used whenever occasion requires. It is as easy of transporta tion as a hook and ladder truck, and needs but a minute's time to adjust it ready for use. With this a large build ing$ may soon be emptied and those within enabled to safely descend upon the ladders. Three sizes are made, the largest being suited to an eight-story building. A swing cradle is attached to it by which a sick person may be taken out, bed and all, and lowered to the ground. The working of this fire escape is said to be complete' Mr. Ormsby will explain its use to any one who may desire to understand it. He hopes to make a sale to the city council for the use of the Lincoln fire depart ment. State Democrat. The Plattsmouth Herald says that several citizens of this burg are living on new pork since th wreck. Wo think this an insult to our people and it should be treasured up against the Her ald man who occasionally makes this burg a visit and tries to get in his work on subscription, advertising and job work. Louisville Observer. We never meant the Observer at all. The contractors who have had the work of putting in the steam heating apparatus in the High School, have completed the work. The job seem to have been done in a thorough and satis factory manner. Elson the only one price clothier, leaves for the east next week to buy the finest stock of clothing and gent,s furnihin goo'dsyer brought to Plattsv An Advance, $5.80 for the best Lead (half moon brand) and 60 c for Linseed oil is very cheap, and will not oe able to sell at those prices after Sept. 1." I48t3 wl V. J. Warrick. ARE I0U READY TO DTE! Hurlhurt and Miller proprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works 107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha Neb., recommend then- facilities for cleaning, dyeing and curliug plumes and tips on three days notice; ladies suits in velvets, Silks, Satins etc., cleaned by the French Dry cleaning pro cess. Ladies and gents clothing clean ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of fancy dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn goods a specialty'. All orders by mail or express given prompt attention. To Teachers. You can secure scratch tablets in different sizes, cheap, by calling1 at the OEKAIHI UlUCC lenver Tribune. Idaho Springs August l'J. Our '.own was startled this morning at 10 o'clock with the announcement t!-at Dr. A. M. Nozon, one of the oldest resident of the city, had been found le:id in the oflice of the .Summit Tunnel and Mln -ing company, of which company he was tho president. The following fact have thu been made known : For some months pat the Doctor claimed that his home was a very unhappy one. To the wiit- er he said there wa a wuui ol congeni ality on the part of wife, although lie said that she had been a tlcvott d mother to their children, but that his life had been made so unhappy that nothing but a separation could ensue, and to that end he had yesterday con sulted Governor Bryan, and had lum call upon Mrs. Noxou to sec what ar rangements could be made. Through the intervention of IJoveraor Bryan an agreement ot separation wai drawn up, tho doctor conveying all of his improv ed real estate to his wife and family. A truly loving husband and ui'lnK'fnt father thus separate! from the family he dearly loved. All yesterday afternoon he was brooding over it, and in conversation with the writer he claimed that death was preferable to such a lite. Being an old friend, I tried to reason him out of such thoughts, and last evening remained with him in his cilice until 11 o'clock, at which time I left him, he promising to make a trip up Soda creek. At 7 a. m. 1 called at the oilice, hut con Id not get in, the lock beinr caught in side. I called ajcain at dim-rent times. and at last consulted Mr. (Jeorge A. Patten, when we agreed to wait until 10 a. m., and if he did not reply to us, to get in. At that hour Mr. Patten again tried the door, and then consult ed Mr Blair, of the Tuttle Hardware company, over whose store the office is Together we broke away the heavy paper oyer the transom, when Mr. Blair got in and opened the door for us. On the lounge the doctor's body was found, he having been dead for some hours. Acting-Coroner II. C. Bowman, Justice of the Peace, will hold an inquest this afternoon. Witnesses have heen sum moned and an inquest will L held this afternoon. Iu an examination of the body, a (if teengrain bottle of morphine was found. Mrs. Noxon is almost insane iu the loss of her husband. The doctor leaves a family of fiva children, the three eldest being boys from 16 to 20 years of age, one daughter aged 11 years and a boy two and a half years of age. 1 Here is nothing mat eon id nave so shocked this community as the of one who had been so man)- jears among them, and to whom he was en. deared by so many acts of generosity. To the writer he has been more than a friend. No brother could have been more closely allied in friendship and affection. than was he. Dr. Noxon is well known in the East, especially in Cincinnati, w here he re sided many years. He has been a resident of this town since lSlil. He was 61 years of age. THE COROXElt'S VERDICT. A jury consisting of Messrs. D. Fai ver, J. M. Graham, Henry Pluiumer, V. Knoetledge, John McEweu and F. F. Osbiston was empanelled by Acting Coroner II. Bowman, Justice of the Peace, to examine into the cause of the death of Dr. A. M. Noxou. After hear ing the testimony of Drs. Richmond and Brummond, who made the autopsy. and other witnesses, rendered a verdict that the said Dr. A. M. Noxon came to his death by an overdose of morphine. The funeral of the deceased will take place here on Wednesday. August l.. AI ONKY TO LOAN-On real Mtata !y Bulll- van Wooley. LMMt MALE ( 'heap. A houon and two loM. r A leiraMe place, lor particular enquire at tills OflH-V. Mill L'Oli HAI.E-A few mi Helen of furniture, hut iltl.e imeilx'he - Mr. lohiiMin A Mwe- ... . . . . . . ...... ncy niroK. I ui (ii ijr hiiiiii-i. FOKKAt.K OK 1CKNT-A d Iioiiho wllh ai-vi'M room, coiiwiueiiily arruuired and located near the the l.uiliifn part of Hie city, for parlieularH euu.u!reol U, b. lyger. 137ml "I.OK HAl.E Honte and lot. prtc6o. 100 eitili. Iialiince In monthly linviiieiit. U. II. Win uii am. "COR SALE Several residence, cheap. In- T ipilre of l. 11. Wheeler & C. I.VItt KALK-Scratch Tablet lu all le. at I thlHOtUce. Ht VO It KALE a lot in icood locutlou. a. lam at Ihi illlc rartleu- v;if fOK .SALE An order for a new American -- hewiiiK Machine. Inquire at thin oflice. IOK SALE 1.000 cord of wooj. W.. Wise. Imjulre of ti nice VOH SALK l Id paper for Hale at thl office at 40 cent ,i-r hundred or ft cent MT loz II I'.nii-lull in un loC.1 ty. Impure at tin omen 11 en. lOK SALE -1 lion in thi 1?i: RENT- South store -l iii,..ii rii.min- nf ii. I'.la. k. is. room of the Union .spur- lock. Alva Irew. Rushics. ciminiltee. IliJlI VOli RENT House for rent near center of City. EiKiuire at rattersou' Rain. Iw. TM.IH KENT Dwelling IIouhcm. Inquire of A: lltidtf W. II. bllAKKlt. noil Itpnt Two rooms hv 1). II. Wheeler & r Co. -tT iktkii-Iiifuriii.itlou a to tho wherea- ' liout of Joseph lily the hv hi iilecoKII abeth Thoiua. who lamleil at iura, juij 'Se'nd to S. Shelieinaii, Hee'y of Immigration 1-1'lCheBiiiutSt., Philadelphia, f'enii. WANTED.-Information of the whereabouts of Willi .1. t outer, wno wa inii.ui mouthayear uk. Any one knowing of hi present location will confer a favor by eiillng hi address to Mr, harali E. Conner. Went i flattKburi:, N. Y. uuu lirVTKITuin liluekmnith and a black- " inilh helper at Schuellbacher' shop, sotf liri .TKIt--.litin Ksiiier h:ia holiL'ht the Rtohl- man tilace. cornel of Till aud Vine, and I ARTICLES OF IMOUI'ORATIO Of Urn Plattsmonth and Month Wfstrro It Ail road Company. Thl i to cert Ifly that John Pltrjtcrald. A. t. McLniiKhllo. Ir rank Carrot h. . 117 Vhe.fer.J. ' yi'.k ""'"'J ' 'rrlJ II. II. Wlndliai;. h. E. I aimer, lico, 8. hiniiii John Wtj-ruii. Mam. M. Chainnao. !. W. Mheruian. Win, II. Newell. 1'red Oorder. C. II. I'armele. V. H. Uiithmnu, .1. M. I'atlenuni, (leo. K. Ifcive y. C leftt. tieo. II. HlH.-k. Oeo. II. Llttletleld, J. II Areud. Loill HiicIh-I. Win. It.,.. I .,... i u OrlKK. .1. K,Hiitlth. T. K. J.'.N. Me.' Couiii-I, O.N. WheliM-k, Jiii-ob Klein. 'I horn if lliublne, Kd. K. ICldildKe. J. II. Mt HHell. C. . Mull. ieo. Croft, ami ti. V . IImii.i.i. I,... aH-lalel Ihemnelve Inuetlier for ill inw.M. of furuilutf an Incorporate.! KailroaU Company '-, iiiit . ui. i 'i ni i, 1 1,'if i.wbiii me ntaiO of N-braKa. 1 lil-t Comnuiiv ilmll be known n tti i-i .ii.. moiitli and rioutli VVeteru Railroad Company by which name it ahall eil.tnnd trionucl I.iiIh liet : It exiatance kIih.II he irrii-im,l mi,. I It may u and Penned, lu it corMiratn nam. It may acquire, own and convey real, iieraouai and mixed property, may con I met ami be con tracted within it own mime : mav mi.v and use a coinmou eal which It may alter at uio ; may do all nceitful net to cany int., f feet the object for which It waa cr,iM.l It Mhall have power to exen lne all the rluht prlvllc k'ci aud fianchies which him v I. ' ed umler chapter nUlecu of the compiled blut. ute of Nebraska, 1 inu corporation I created to lay out, locate matrix-1. maintain, ojicrale and enlov Una of Railroad and '1 eleiuanli win, . .... i ordouble track w ith uch Nide track turnout oflli-e. aud depot, a hali be neceswai v be tween the pl:u-i- of Hie termini or n.. ...i road, which I prolfctc l to commeiii- . t ...... on the MIkkouiI river at Matt. mouth. In (,,' county, Mate or Nebraka, ami to bccoimtrucl -ed from i-aid iHiiiit, in a Mouth Westerly iliiec tlon. throuuh Ca count v. bv wi.v r n.. .. of Avoca; IhrouKh Otoe county, Ly way of the w ryriM-ue, iiiroiiKU .loliimoil county bv way of Hie town of MeriiK, through bV-tj ii coi a comity, to the town of lli-atrice, through Je ferson county by way of falrbury to a point iiiotnaio nur. nri-ainiiriif iv Milan inn,, nr..l.. ka, or a near a practicable to these polutt may be deuioiiNtrated byaaurvev t i.- on too completion or tin eu nreoared Lo aecoinuiod ite the imlilic In tne v of boardi.-ii' and lo liriinr by the week or mouth. .viul T OST A Kold K. of I, pin. The finder will be A- HiiitHblv rewarded bv leavlnif the name at thisolllce. W'tl TOUND aijold and jet breast pin, the owner can have the same by proving property and pay inn lor tin. notice. JTOUND On Main 8treet a pair of eye ul;wsen lu case, owner can Ket III properly ny cai linir at this olllce and payinir for thl notice. l.i'Jtf Legal Notice. len i Vln DIm len S l t i Eibert S. Wehlen v In DlHtrict Court HewterF. Welden ) of Cas tounty. To Hester F. Welden, non-resident, defend ant : You are heieby notified that on the l.Mh day of AiiKUst, 18:i, Egbert M. Welden llled a petition aKuinst you in tlie District Court of uass uounty, jenrasKa, ine oojeci anu iojii ot wliicli lire to obtain a aivorce iroiii you. on the ground that vou have wilfully anauuoneu the plaintiff without Kood cause tor the term o' two years laxt pant. Y ou are reipiiied to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2tl tlay ol September, imk.i KOUKKT H. WELDEN, Fltff. By Wilsox & Stkatton. his Att'ys. it-i ed ihoiiKiuid Dollar; which may it anytime to four million dollar irled by a two-third vote of tbe 'Legal Notice. jNiotice. 0iening of the Books of the Platts mouth and Southwestern Railroad Company, To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 21 day of August, 1883 at 10 o'clock A. M, in the city of Platts mouth, at the office of the Secretary, the Stock Subscription Books of the Platts mouth & South Western Railroad Com pany will be opened to receive Sub scriptions of Stock, and will remain open until closed by an order of the Directors. An installment of ten per Cent, shall be payable at the time of making the subscriptions, and the residue thereof shall be paid iu such installments, and at such times and places as may be re quired by the directors of the company. John Fitzgerald, President. C II. PxKMELE.Vice President. It. B. Windham, Secretary. A. W. McLavoiilin, Treasurer. 123dl9wlm Notice of Removal. We wish to inform the public that we have moved into the north store room in Sherwood's new block, on 5th street, where our patrons will find us hereafter, and where all wishing any thing in the Merchant Tailoring line are inyited to call and see us. 180dtf Rasgorshek Bros. A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable rates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf Notice. I have concluded to change my loca tion in about 30 days. Parties know ins: themselves indebted to me will please call and settle at once and great ly oblige. W. H. Baker. I ll d&w lmo Bargains in Bricks. 200,000 brick for sale, builders will do well to see as before purchasing. Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at the yard; all orders will receive prompt attention, Rauen & Martin. d!27mo 1 The largest and finest stock of hats ever shown in Plattsmouth. all of the latest styles in felt and stills, just re ceived at Elson's the only one price clothier. Also a few of the nobbiest suits ever seen. We take pleasure m showing them. 3"d6tw21tl Dressmaking-. To the ladies of Plattsmoutli and vicinity I wish to announce that I have taken the rooms lately occupied by Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I shall continue dressmaking and invit all to call. Mrs. M. E. Mortcn. d!25t6-wl9tf FOR SALE. Lots 4 and 3 In Dloclc 4 i Improved. d?7 B. IT. WIXtfHAM. STATE OF NEBRASKA, CASS COUNTY. ) To John Doiiuhertv. non-resident, defend ant: You are hereby not ilied that on the Hth day of A uplift, is, J. W. .JobnHon. County Judire of Cass County. Nebrask?. iHsned an or der of attachment for the sum of 8(7.15, in an action iiendiuir before him. wherein Al. u. .Murphy Si Co. is plaintiff, and John DoUKherty is ueienupiit, mat property consisting oi mon ies belohkiiiK- to vou In the hands of the Bur lington and Missouri River Railroad Co. in Nebraska, and household goods, have been at tached. Said order was made returnable on the 13th dav of Auitust 1883. at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time, said cause was continued to September the 22nd 1883 at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time you are requested toanswer. Al. B. A1UKIM1 S. W Strode & Ci.akk., Atty's. Fltff. 22t3 G. R. Salisbury, M. D. D. D. S. of Weeping Water, makes a specialty of one gold fillings aud (Jcllu Joid plates If you are in want of anything in the dentistry be sure and give him a call. The Dr. also keeps on hand a fine as sortment of medicines. He is a grad uate of the university . of the cicy of New York, and satisfaction guaran teed. I8wlm FRED (JOBBER Wants it distinctly and emphatically un derstood that he is carrying a complete line of all the best makes of cultivators and corn planters which he will sell cheaper than any other house in Cass county. I pay cash for my goods there by saving large discounts to my custom ers. 3wtt on braa- a V, to be ihhiIm 'orniirui lki u.1,1. the iirlviicge of count ructlnu- brum. I main line to other town or place wlthla th limit id the Stale. ' 4 For the minion of thl oreniilm ln. n.. i lowing named person, nlner-. of tliene Article), have lieeu clioscu Director, to hold their of fice until a Board of Director are ei...i...i r...... the Htockholder a hereinafter nrovided vl John Fitgerahl. Frank (Wmi. ...! '.i. Tellt It. 11. Windham. C. II. Famii'-le, k. K. 1 liexald Board of Director have chonen the following person a olllcer of this comnanv Johu t-itgerald. 1'resldent. calvlu ll. I'armele. Ice J'lesldent. iiulmti . v iiMiiiaui, necrelarv ami A W M.l ...... I. ll.. 'IV. " A noon a one thoTTsami Hlmri .f i, i..:if in good faith he nubsci Ibed, aud ten dollar pcrnhaio paid Into the Treasury of the cut pauy.tlie prenent President ami Secretary aliall apixilnl a time and place lor the IHut meellnir ol tlie fUbNcrlbers of slorlr. ami ahali uJ7. notice thereof, in at h-astone liewsiiaiier print ed in tho city of l'lattsmoutii, ifHMy days ore--" vlous to the day of meeting, and such auh-' " scrlbers "hall then aud there ele-i. n.lnuu.. director f or nald eouiiauy : tlie director cuosen snail as soon a may be after their elec tion elect from their owu number a l'leldeiit and Vlce-FreHident. and shall also elect a Treasurer aud Secretary, who shall take the place of the present oIUccm now acting in Hie same capacity. No person shall ho elected director In nhIiI coiupauy, unless he shall he a bona llil owner of at least live shares of stock Hu-mi.. ihe capital flock of this comnunv i.uii i. T I..' I I 'l-l i c;il liuililiru increased at wlien author! siock holders, and the i-liare Hhall be d'vlited into share of one hundred dollars eueli u. iii,.i. shares h1iH.11 be transferable ou the buo. of the company, as the director mav i.iTTf.i,. through by-laws. An iiiMalluiciii of (.i per cent hall ho pay able at the time of making the subscription and the tesldue tliereof shall be paid In ui.h lustallmeiits. and at such times and places a may be rciulred by tlie director of the com pany. iu stockholders may vote in person or bv written proxy, and may cast one vote for each Mliate they may own or represent, Ou the first Wednesday of Mav in eve rv vutt after the organization of this coinnanv I1..1...1 of directors consisting of thirteen member shall be chosen by ballot, bv such of tlu? stock holders a shall attend for that purpose either in )nwu in ui jjivaj ; iroviucu mat a majori ty of the stock is represented. Haul directors shall continue lu olllce until their sii.. H..r. .u elected. A inajoritv of the board of Director shall have now i-r to make ISv-Iaw. ami uiir n... same at pleasure. and mav transact, all iiuUin.. of the corporation, may appoint EuilneerM Aceuts and all Olllcer reouircd to ui.i ti.J construction of the Road ; siiail have power lo issue Bond after gettlmr the wrhten 1 of two-third of the stock, may execute mort gage and deed of Hunt, and give a security therefor any property belonging to the com pany. The private property of the stoclr li.ll shall not be liable forthe debtsof the comnunv. this company may he consolidated with m.v other railroad com nan v within oroni r 11. i State. " llie indebtedness of thl corporation .hall not at any time exceed two-thirds of the capi tal stock. Tlie principal place of transacting the buM esof the company. hall be at I'l.-ittxiiiniitii Nebsaska, till changed by a vote of the direc tors, and the suoncilpiioii books of the com pany shall be. opened at this place by perrons designated by tlie signers of these articles.alter giving 30 days notice by publication, next pre ceediuir the time of opening the books and they may be closed and re-opened as the di rectors may deem expedient. The time of beginning the corporate nnwera of this company and its liability thereunder. viii uc iiviii anu oiler Lim ui uay ox Aiay. 1883. Signed this 21th day of April, 188.J. H. II. Illa k. The World Wants Proof. "Tlie proof of the pudding is tlie eating there of," and not in chewing the string which tied the bag. There fore, take Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonic It cures all blood disorders, torpid liv er, sick headache, costiveness, and all diseases of the urinary organs. The best appetizer and tonic known. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. Fifty cents per bottle. Oct.5,'82 e4 w. Excited Thousands. All over the lhe land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked foi recovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy, -causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaran teed to positively cure Severe coughs, colds, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness loss of voice, or any affeotion of the throat and lungs. Trial bottles free at J. 31. Roberts' drug store. Large size fl.00. John Fitzgerald. A. w. McLaughlin, Daniel H. Wheeler. Ceo. W. Falrllcld H. E. Palmer. John Waterman, v. w. Herman, Ered Horner. F. K. Otithmann, (Jeo. E. Dovey, Oeo. II. Littlelield, ixjuis noeoel, N. K. Griggs. P E. Hastings. O. N. Whellock, Thomas Harhiue, J. 15. .McDowell. Geo. Cross, STATE OF NEBRASKA, I . CASS COUNT V. " On this 2-lth day of April. 1883. before me R. B.Windham. Notary Public, duly commissioned Frank Carruth. Joseph V. Weckbach, It. B. Windham. Geo, 8. Smith. Sam. M, Chapman, Wm, If. Newell, C. H. Farmele, J. M. Patterson, Orlando Teltt, J. II. Amed. Win. Heck man, J. E. Smith, J.N. McConnell. Jacob Klein, Kd. E. Kldiege, C. F. Stull, ti. W Hansen. and qualified for and residing in said Count personally came jonn r itgeraid, u. 11. ui; A. W. Mclaughlin, Frank Carruth, Daniel H A Great Disoorery. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Tru'y is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante ed. Trial Bottles free at J. M. Roberts. Drug Store. Large size $1.00. Call and see L. C. Erven in his new room Sherwoods new block. 22w2 For booth privileges at coming meet ing of Cass connty Ag'l Society. Apply to W. S.Wise, Sec. I19dwt" Ford's Barber Shop Next door to court house, shaves for 10 cents, cuts hair for 25c. dtfw2t' F. S. White has just received a fresh supply of choice, patent, winter wheat flour, also delivers corn, oats and bran to any part of the city. 135tf CARPENTERS WANTED. Three or four good workmen wanted at once. Inquire of dUO to. . Claus Breckenfield The Monarch Billiard Hall people keep the best ice cream to be found in the city, also choice lemonade cigars awi toVatW. io'8'tf wneeier, Joseph v. wecKuaeii, Geo. w. Fair- fiulrl II V I'clr.ipr f.01. M Mioitl. Inh. VA,. ennan, Sam. M. Chapman. C. VV. Hberman, W. II. Newell. Fred Gorder. C. II. i'armele. F. It. Guthinann, J. M. Patterson, Geo. E. Dovey, t). .. ............. M ... Ir ....... ... 1... . I. . . A d 1., fci9uua.ij hi ,iiv3 nitunu l 7 i i r- iiiciili cal persons whose name aie aRlxed to the above instrument, and acknowledged the ex ecution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my band and Notarial Seal, the day i and year last above written. seal J- Signed. ii. B. WINDUAM, 1 . ' Notary Public. in and for Cass County. Nebraska. 8TATE OF NEBRASKA, M CASS UOUXfTV. ) , i On the 2Tth day of April. lg8J. before me .fas. S. Mathews, a Notary Public, duly commission ed aud 'lualified for and residing in said county. personally came n. r. winauau), to me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the above instrument, and acknowl- euKeu me execution oi tne same to be his vol untary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day i - i and year above written. SEAL r Signed, J AH. H. MATHEWS. ' ' Notary Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA, t Otok Coot v. f " On this 3d day of May. 1883. before me W. E. Page, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and appointed for-and residing In Otoe County, per sonally came Geo. H Littleneld, J. Ii. Arend. Louis Hoebel. Wm. Beekman, to me personly known to be the identical persona whose names are affixed to the foregoing article of Incorpora tion, and ackno ledged the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my band aud Notarial seal, this 3d , ' , day of May, 1883. seal r Signed W. E. PAGE. ' - ' Notary Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA, I . Gagk County-. j" On this 4th day of May, 1883. before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said county, personally came . K. Griggs, J. E. Smith. P. E. Hastings. J. E. McConnell. O. N. Wheellock and Jacob Klein. w ho are well known to be the identical persons who signed the fore going instrument, and they acknowledge h same to be their volu itary act and deed. Given under my hand and Notarial seal , 4th day of May.lKKi. 8EAL Signed, IIL'GH J. DOBB8 1 ' Notary Public. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Jefferson county, j" On this 4th dav Of Mav. A. D. 18). before mo Benjamin L. Pardy. a Notary Public, duly com- miMivnra anu quaiinea, ior jenerson Nebraska, personally came Thomas Harbine. ca , tianug. joun a. Aicuoweu. C. r . stull, Geo. Cross and G. W. Hansen, who are well known to me, to be the identical persons who signed the foregoing instrument, and they ac knowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. Given under my hand and NoVaralSeal thl " i 4th day of May. 1883. seal Signed, B NJ. L, PfJKDY - NoraryPubTrc. ir- .