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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1883)
She I! 41 if f VOL. 1 I'L.YTrSMOlTTII, XEBUASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH xG, 183. NO. 17. ilk o - - 1. t.."l, ln . ll'UIIf, VI It-re ti tli.trw ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, THE LEADING GROCERS! Come to tlie trout Staple and Fancy Groceries KIlKSir A Nil XICK. U'. alv..i.s buy II..- l-st goods in th market, ;aud guarantei-w- si II V. an. a-iiU in thi , town for th- sahr of I'KltFKOTION" am the BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market, alwajs on han. . Come ami THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line GJciicral Merchandise. Full Line General Merchandise. Always on Hand, Always on Hand. liottoni Hot ;fom JOSEPH V. The l'L.ATT.SMOUTH IIEKALD every facility Iii every Catalogues and Pamphlet ffork, In eveiy department. Oar .Stock of Blank Papers and materials is Large and complete in quality and assortment. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED. Plattsmouth Herald Pub. Co THIS CELEBRATED - DEALERS rx Hardware, Stoves .and Tinware! Jil.OOK'nr and most complete assortment in the city. In the floors west of Carruths. Call and see us. .'.. y ' r. -14 , J' with .t complete clock i.l v i vthwig (JUOUXI) SPICliS. i:r.i;nr:.Ti:i Haifa "Tigei" Lrund of J.,Jt iilU,rt us. We - i 1 1 make you glad. Ovstero for rices Prices for Cash WECKBAGH. v. l'UIlLISIIIXC COMPANY has for first-class ? o department. AX FOR SALE B ROCKWOOD SI OPERA PPffl tiff i MJ 'r-- y-1.-. 'V'-.O'' Vg-'-'.'-'.ya. ,-f??--c--.v--c HrerTAeV' aw a. l I it n mm WE r.i.os. r.OAl:r lv t'uo DA V or Vv'K From this date 1r m W7 LJ L! a s -3 si is M S A1TU Pi if i 111 USE ::k. sell my larjre stock of NOTION! BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, AT FIKST O 3 U IT as ji iuust a I iiieaii wriat it to you OS secure choice iiiteiid to re-aoek n tnosc iines Mean time- will, rock ' hottom prices, W. H. BAKEE. A r nn a -OF- ftRNESS J. G; GHAIBERS & SON. v Everything lumd-inatle aiul.warrantfetl. CalLiri juM see us. N EXTDaQR W EST , TO THE LE -FIRE. -. LOCK. 8c y 124 OPERA I1CUSE AND URSISHERS. POST OFFICE lews Depot, statu ni::;v, NOTIONS. MASON' lV IIAMLIX IIKNIiY V. MIL!.!:!: ;iii(l PK NTH Ah V?a llNJlrlUilrill 1. p 7 AH Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. liatil closed out COST FOR 0 IJ" 31a 2 tieisi wit. rFJais is 5i !sis'j5Jin. as a2sd -will prove Call early and bargain, as I do not sell groceries at LlftSE AND SADDLERY! ' A;' . t ' ' -i TELEGEAPHIC SAFE ltOBHKKY. A Successful Burglary. Special to the Hkhaik. Weepino Wateii, M;irch 16. Two safes were Mown ojini here, last night, supposed to hav hcen down by a small man about five feet three inchoa in height. He had with him a small, black crip. Th man was a discharged brakemar. on theM. 1. rail roai. The safe ws Webatei's, the jeweler. Two huiitlitd and seventy-live dollars in money and live hundred dollars wortk of watches and jewelry were taken. Till POT AGE. The Chicago Herald out o Luck. t()LLIXTIO' OF 1MTB- i:sti ITILMS. MARKMAN3HIP. St. Joseph, Mo. March 15. In the shooting contest between Bogardus and Carrer today the former 'scored 63 and the latter 92. Bogardus is sick. SCHOOL U0U8K. Iowa City, March 15. The tourtk ward school building, the finest public school edifice in Iowa City, accidentally burned this morning. Los?, $4,000, no insurance. THE MISSISSIPPI COMMISSION. Caiuo, 111., March 15. The Mississip pi river commission leaves here in the morning on the steamer Mississippi. Thc- will do nothing here. &TKAMKKS C OIXIDfc. - EvAxaviLLE, Ind., March 15. Last night the steamer En quirer, going up", collided with the Dora CabUr, coming down. The latter sunk. The Enquir er's deck caught fire ttud burned to the water's edge. All on board escaped. RHODE ISLAND REPCBLICAXB. Peovtdexck, March 15. The republi can state convention met today. Augast O. Bowen, ot Bristol, was nominated for governor by bcc" nax -. "Oscar J. Rath burn, of Woonsocket, was nomina--ted for lieutenant governor. ' FALI.IN( RAPIULT. Mkmpuis, March 15. The rirer has fallen rive inches in the last twenty four hour9. Total decline, twenty-two in ches. The fall will be more rapid now. Two more feet decline' will put the river in its banks, and farming operations will be actively engaged in. The outlook for a good planting season is cheering. TUB ELLIOTT. BENEFIT. New York, March 15, Five hundred people were at the boxing benefit for El liott's mother. Harry Hill sent $50, Sul livan $100. Mack Murphy, pedestrian, in the first round knocked Ned Fox against the wall.- In the second he knocked Fox out. Ten minutes before Fox revived Murphy left the hall iu a hurry. T PROVING AN ALIBI. St. Joseph,' Mo. March, 15. In the trial oC.Enos Crow trier, in the bond rob bery case, the defense consumed the day in" proving the good character of the ac cused and proving an alibi. Cr.owther on the stand denied- every alligation made by the prosecution. - His wife said that the night of the robbery Crowther wan home urg'it. li he:. triTa. Chicago, March 15.--In the libel suit of J. .. Clcary, editor of the Saturday Mail Car, of Des Moiues, against the Chicago HeruM company, tried before Judge Roger: yesterday, the jury this rnorniug brought in a verdict for the plaintiff for $4, 500. CIcary suexl for $25,000 for a libelous publication made April 2Gth, charging immorality.- Two more libel suits are pending agaiust the Herald. THE REFORM K'UOOL.. Kearney, Neb. March 16. Ilonora bles A. G. Kendall, E. P. Roggeu, lD. Sturdevaut and Isaac Powers, members of the board of public lands anf build ings, visited the the reform school today. They seem well pleased with its manage ment. The principle object of the visit was to select a site lor the new building. They expect to have the main building inclosed lefore next winter. IXNO FELL.OW'8 BfST. Boston, Mass. March 15. The Long fellow memorial association has a letter from Bennock, London, saying that all the preliminaries for placing the bust of Longfellow ' in Westminster Abley are arranged. Sufficient capital being sub scribed a sculptor was engaged and the position for the bust selected. The lat ter is- a column -standing between the memorial niche of Chaucer tod an in- L . .. -UT - dependent bu.-t of Drydeu. The. bust will occupy a central fuMliin iu the poet's corner. A MURDKURK SCICIDKS. St. Iins, March 15. II. K.Crocker, a notorious horse thief, sutcutcd iu (iran- bury, Texas, jail a few 'duys ago, and left a writcn statement that he was born well connected, in (ieorgiu; had been in in Texas, since 1873; had killed three men, and one woman during his lifetime, and regretted that he could not kill two more men, who had injured him, and that being without money or. friends he preferred hath to life in prison. He asked tktkt his body be thrown in the river and that no word of his miserable end Hhonld bo sent to his relatives. OV Ell' THE H AY. - Explosion and Destruction of Property Miscellaneous Matter. OXFOUD WINS.- London, March 15. Oxford won the boat race by a length.', DEFALCATION AND SUICIDE. .St. Petehsruro;" Marcii 15. The defalcations of Makoff, president of the society of Russian Jews, and who committed suicide, ataount- to 11,000,- 000 roubles. KICKING CLERrtY. Dublin, March 15. The Catholic clergy of the diocese o : Swineford, county Mavo, passed a resolution in which they .charge tho 'government with neglecting the distressed people, and condemn the remedies ' offered workhouse or emigration. ' WAS GOUTCIIAKorr POISONED? Baden Baden, March 1.5. The fu neral of the late Prince Viortchakoff took place yesterday from the Russian chapel here. The physicians who at tended Prince Gortchakoff-said there were grounds for suspecting that he had been poisoned. The evidence of the prince's mistress and his valet confirms the suspiciou. fit hi will, made on his deathbed, the prince re quests that the authorities suppress any inquiry as to whether he had been poisoned. VIOLENT EXPLOSION. London, March 15, A terrific gas explosion occurred in the local govern ment board's offices at Westminster, at 9 o'clock tonight, destroying much property. The report was heard iu commons and caused alarm. The con cussion was so great that it shook the side galleries and reporter' gallery. It being the dkiner hour, few members of the house were in the hall. The Duke of Edinburgh was in the peers' gallery and seemad alarmed The speaker rang his bell and asked the cause of the alarm. The ".wildest ru mors are afloat. The report resembled the discharge of an eighty.ton gon. Later It is beliijved that i.he explo sion was caused by dynanute, and was a deliberate attempt to blow up the government offices. . NATIONAL NEWS. A United States ; Treasurer Appointed Tlie Cotton Crops, Kansas Lands, Art Competition, . - Ktc. ' ' :'-.' 5 AN OVERPAID KEPREiaXT ATI VE. Wasiiingtox, ' March ; 15. Ex-Representative Flower, of v New York, returned to the treasury $458.50, the amount over paid him On account or salary and mileage a me in her of the forty-seventh congress.A. , . ... ; . appoisthK' " ' The Prideiit today appointed A. Wyman, assistant treasurer of the United States, to .bo treasurer, vice James Giliillan ; resigired; to l;ik'e effect the 1st prox. Wyman was almost OTerwhelm'ed with congratulations this afternoon. SELECTION OF ASSISTANT. - The selection of assistant treasurer, which otlice will be made vacant by the promotion of Wvraan, vill depend entirely upon the wishes of the new treasurer. It -is pretty well settled that the appointment will be ma le from the treasury office THE COTTWX CROP. Returns to tlie department of agri culture of cotton sent to market from plantations make an aggregate of 5,900,000 bales gone forward to March 1st. This is about 8o per .cent of the crops, as reported by the Jast re turns of products. - - " - " WANTS COMPETITORS. ! " The department of state has been informed that the Italian government desires' to invite artists ofU nations to compete in furnishing designs for the national monument. to bo erected at Homo in honor tf the king, Victor Emanuel. Plans may be sent In from November 15th to December l&th ly-C. Tho royal commission will de cide upon tin) denlgn, and the success ful aitlst will ba entitled to receive 50,000 fn'mc ' ni a prire, and Oo.oOO francs additional to be divided by tho coimui-.Mon among the most merito rious competitors. . KANSAS LANDS. Kx-fJoveriior Crawford, resident aeut of the state of Kansas, today filed at tho inteiior department a brief report of the position by the state authorities on sundry long peml iug questions iu regard to the Atchl sou, Lopeka.iVuiiia l e railroad laud grant, and tho caso will probably. come before the secretary for oral argument at an early day. The brief urgues that tin- adjustment of the grant under tho supremo court decision in 1875 Concerning it, would give tho state the title to sO.OOO acrl-s of land allow ed to have been illegally certified to the railroad company, and that In any event the sUte is entitled to some iiO.000 acres held by the railroad. TO-DAYS MARKETS Chicago, !uch 1C, Special. WHEAT. MhivIi. ifli;1 CORN. May, ;i'i. All tlx: market o1tuln:i?I today, hLow an Increase in wheat over yesterJav's quotations of onvrent, while corn leiu.-tiu unchanged. riattmnoiitli City Markets I'KOVIKIO.NH, I-UU1T, KKKI ii'. (ICKTAII.) i:. k,i l 1 ly M. i:. Miui.hy i Co. Dour M-;tl . f3..ViT 4 f.o perct. kM " Kr c fcl.L?1, :j.o Li.V(f ets per 15 W " jr. u 15 " .' " ' ?..ui '' 3..r.o jierilo. U! 2i c. mr. " VAi M et. er till. 1.K 7.1 rt " -r, c . ..l.'.T. il SI.MI " ircpercal v..4.Vffc .ycrcjtu 40" Chopped l'iul liJC J IIUI ir:iiiam l lour '.utter 'heese (part kkiiii t. . :hcee (full tri-auu- Sugar Cureil JlaniH.. Jiacii tShOiililcr-' Dried liccf I'onltrx KkRh ihla:;e 'Iioice J'ulattieM... .. Kweet " ISeel.H Onions Apples inter; Hweel Cltler Oysters, select.. I Olllllioll . . . riattsuioiith Telephone KACliflne. 1 .1. P. Youhk, resilience. 2 lien net t & Lewis, store. 3 M. V.. Murphy & Co.. " 4 Loiiner St allies. , .. . . & County Clerk's offlee. ' C K. Ii. Lewis, residence. 7 .1. V. Weetthaeh. store. " ' . Western l.'nion 'I t'li.'i.-iph iiHiee. t 1. II. W li'-ijli-r. le-ilnee. 'lit l. A. Cainpliidl. " 1 1 K. V: V tiidliatu, l.'i . I .-(. Waytiian. IS .1. W. .Ii iinini;s. , f .. 17 W. K. Wice; ,T:ice. 1H .Morrisev Jiros,, ofTlre, 1 W, li. 'alter, "tore. 20 C. W. Fairileld, rijsideoee. 21 M. K' Murphy, "Zl 1. II. Wlic'lrrftCn . of'rw. ' .1. 1. Taj lor. resiileiiir. ...... ii l irst National I'.an.'w - ' 'H .1. I'. Youny, ktore. . 2 Perkins Jloiiso; ' 2'J It. W. 11 v'l'l,.J.'eideiy';, SI .lournal olTlee. 4 . liF.KALn I'L'U. CO. OfUCM. Li? .I.N. Wise, resident.!. - a5 S. M. Chapman, " :;7 W. l. Jones, A. N. Kullivari, " 3J 11. K. Palmer, " 4i W. H. Hcliiidkni'cht, otiloe. 41 Sullivan & Wooiey, 42 A. W. Mci.auh!:u. resiiluu' J -. . 43 A. Patterson, livi-ry. " 4t C, M. Ilolmi-s. " 45 L. U. I5ennett,resldeiee. 4fi Ceo. 4. Hmith, olliee. 47 L. A. Moore, florist. 49 .1, W. Uarnes. renideni.-'". ' ' ' 60 li. H. Livingston, oince, 3D' J. V. Weckiiach, reidiite. 335 Chaplain Wright. M0 W. H. hehildknecht " 246 Ceo. S. hmith, " 3-V) li. It. LiviiiKNtoIi. 315 C. C. Uallard,. s. The gwitch hoard eoiiDeetfi Plattsmouth with Ashland. Arlington, Blair. Council ttliift, Fre mont, Lincoln, Omaha, arid KlkhomMalion. Legal Notice. Notk-e in hereby given, that thu following witni'Ki fees have l.een reported to County Com missioner, a reuiainiiiK in tha hands ol W. C. bhowjilter. :ierk of the District Court, uncall ed, lor up to. January l.lvjn. Kodney Andrews, witnessiin lower Court $ IJM Kd'ar Statzler. w.tness in lower Court.. . 1.70 George Wright, witneM in lower court.... 1.79 P.. C. Hoover, witness 10,0 J. V. Clever. witnes Walter Cutiorth. witucus William Car1y!e, witnes I. W. Cunningham, witness Wni, Carlysle, wtiifh C. letzr, witneH lower eourl h'. Ueitiifh, witnt-s- In lower court.... S. Cittel. witness In lower court t'. Fetzcr, interprettr lower court . 14.00 410 3.40. 3.50 1.10 l.V 1.10 1.00 1.00 ft.HO .'10 2,oo w Llo 2,2e -l.l ; l.lQ ' 1.10 !:! John i;on, witness in lower ctiurt Ceoriie HuiiiiilU. h iluenii. ... . .. , -M. It. Cutler, witn s J. H. AHtson, witues . . Newton Ihiul. ind, v.ltuess .loliti Mac.Marken, witness .Mxrittu Ai iiiftroa:. witness Ceorye'jkl ;.", w jtne f.. .1. 1. iii4un: witness , S. Jtratittifi". witties C. 11. WtfaTT-r, witue". V'att Cr:'.v-, ui'ness W'. : Uykes, witness .:.:... Win. Ciitliiiiaiin, wilnes ... M. Selmelliaelier. sr 1 1 ries . '. Peter ISute. wit ne. . John'.Mos. viitnes. .f . ..' ..If tln a v,e l.e not culled or on or heforftl moiitj. sailor Februai) "lat, 143, the aiue vijll ho paid Into the vcJiimj! fund of Can eoiiDty. Attest : J. W. JKNNINC.S. County Clerk. PlatMnonth. March 6. 1JH3. 6t2- Notice to Teachers. I ill he at my olliro in Plattomouth the firnt Friday and h'aturday, and at Kim wood the second and fourth' Friday aud Saturday, and at Weeping Water the third Saturday of eiich month to attend to any school iUHinits that may he prestntea. its . Cviiuh altok, uperlnteodent. Notice to Physicians. Notit e is Lerehv clven that bids will be re- ' rcceiveil :it tlie nt'li-e tI the Count v Cleik, up itt ,. noon of the d day of April, 11, for th nied , . leal and f urittidung of metlirrtir . for county charire and inm:ite !f count !-' Poor Houe and Jail for one vear. lh 4!oiu-' - i niissioiieix rectrve the rllit To reject ucyi aH ' V 'J f Din. i;y nier oi touruy oinmisAioDrrx. . Witne-"' my hand and ottn'lal eal, tliii;tn day of M.irch. 1W3 - - ' ,i. v. Jkukikh. w5ltd .. - Cwunty CU-sk.. llreniner'H cracker t4 4 vv. - at .. tmlelc.sti '..'