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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1883)
I ri Vol. i L'LATT.SMOl TIJ. XK15UASKA, THURSDAY, MAHCII 15. 18S:i. NO. 1G. lj'e wroth JJJi Jtt Jl !p 1 . I;, s at j;Lv .15 c V.': r7. b.p 7Vli )...'"'rt.i.f(!EtT ALWAYS BENNETT & LEWIS, the lemim mmm mb hi m ii aw vi Come to the front with 3 PI z-iiime ana fancy Groceries 'Ui:si A.l) NICK. V. .-i1 ays buy II,. best goods in tkc maifc !. and guarantee . -t uhintf ' "' ! agents in llii. town fur tin- sale of PKUFKC'ITON" AM Til K rui.tUK A'I'KD ' B ATA VIA" CANNED GOODS V't!l"';: ::"''r in th iiuirkK. TJaU'ri "Tigd" brand of IhtUihnue Oyster :;:-. on haii'l. Come and see: us. We will inake you glad. E DAYLIGHT ST a M : uil ILiaic GJeiicral Merchandise, u'ull JLisie General Merchandise, Always on Maud, Always on Hand. iSottom Prices for Cash. JBottom Prices for Cash SEPH V. WECKBACH. wWW The 1'i.A TTSMOUTII HERALD every facility In every department. (Catalogues and Pamphlet Work, In every department. ; .-.loci: of Blank Papers and materials is Large and complete in quality and assortment. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITED. Piattsmouth Herald Pub, Co THI S CELEBRATED DEALERS I NU W Tl III ' 1 "i e1 'VT-Iardwaret Stoves - ll'HIlt. Wlfl .j 7 u:'--'ivU- and most complete assortment . ; "s ' , : , ?v doors west of Carruths. w--.Lr AHEAD! sm sa, h a sm a cw.-.!!k utoek of (JROUNI) SPIUIiS. PUULISHING COMPANY has for first-class HkJBHU M I . JPirMMl WOE AX FOR SALE Bi fiV .and Tinware. in the city. In the 1IOCKWOOD Call and see cs. V-----?-A v - - - - ' - opera house block. -; : ; ''- iK-ii i The citizens' comnatteo, wh. f-1 .rtr-. ..-i-Al!,-.;. -C-1 forts to break ui the alliance be S . t-rAi:-; r. .'hJ??- .-"; -v ' u- . ' . V--f thieves ami tletectives in tin ' !; SSlV:tf":? ; hav ,(C,e utl', ,net with 8. In,lc - - " " " ' ?;4&&f:-OA?k.r-u ' iZtrj2rtt&? : i cets, ni(oited a resolution i Z-1 -, L la!.a for '.VII.i-.N M:-:.' si 1 M W 1 sl r. H 3 3 H i r.i.o.s. liOAKI Dy the DAY or V.TMIK. f,'1 ATTEMTTOM, rom this date until closed out sell my large stock of MOTION 5 t! o DHsss goods, Tmi&ooisras, c&C, AT FIRST COST FOR. JL. I must eh a rare chance mean what' 13 it to you on svsat. secure choice bara'ains, as I do not intend to re-rocK Will rock bottom prices, W. H. A COMPLETE L1WE -OF- "G. CHAMBERS; SON Everything band-iuq(XT'r?ntcxlv C"in and see ub. ' - T: J - r.u.i .' v1 OPERA iicusi-: AM GENTS' FURNISHEP.E. POST OFFICE 5U V3 9 iT'JD station ;:::y. notions. MA.SOX & IIAMLTX ill! Ll .1 n 2Ji HKXKY F. M1M.EK ami CEXTIIAL RESTAURANT. P . Meas at AH Hours. OYSTERS IN SEASON. Wh So SHOES HATS & CAP O ILT JLs "T I f. t V.' is . 1 Karg'ans, and will nrov JL asi early am those lines, groceries at JL ill Be BAKER AND SADDLERY telegraphic WASHINGTON NEWS. I Indisposition of the President. A It Ik Law .Suit. i:tc., i:tc. FUENCH S OPINION. Washington, March 11. Acting secretary of the treasury French says he does not thiukthe present Hstut ol the public trftuiry would justi.v t'i jinticipattoTi o! culled ! bonds U:h will mature Mav 1st. He saitl li'i would not issue another boid call unless specially dir.vte.l iy Sec re tr.rv Folger. mending an entire reorganization of the pwlice force of the district. The resolution was sent to the district commissioners. THK rUKSIOtNT. Te the president is still some what indisposed lie is attending to his ollicial duties a3 usual.-' He re ceived quite a number of visitors to day. Arrangements for his proposed trip to Fortress Monroe have not yet been completed. It is thought that the President will leave for Fortress Monroe some time this week. A IlIU SUIT. The case of Win. C. Walsh, com missioner of the general land, office of Texas, against Wm. Preston, ar gument in which was concluded in ihe supreme court of the United States today, is a suit which involves the title to nearly 3,000 scpiarc miles of land within the limits of what is known as America's colony, situated in Texa3 between the present city of Dallas and the lndian territorj', along th headwaters of the Red river. Piersoii, appellee, represents a joint stock company known as the Texas association, and claims the lands in eontrovcrsyunder contract n:ade jn 1S11 between the republic of Texas and one Fenton Mercer, and he seeks to retain the commission frm issu.-. ing certificates lor these lands as if they were part of the public domain, and thus invading the vested rights and clouding the title of the Texas association. The land commissioner, on the other hand, maintains that he is acting in the line of his rightful official p.j;vets for ilw reason that the lands have been annexed by com petent authority to lb. public do main, anil are, therefore, under its exclusive jurisdiction and control. He appeals from the decision of the court below. One ot the grounds for appeal is that the colonization contract of 1811 was void for uncou stutionality and for fraud on the part of the president, Sam Houston, in making it. THE 'OTHER SIDE. More American Hog. (General Forclgti cv-. buady's coxfessiox. . -"Doiblin, March 11. It, -is stated that Joe Brady, conspiracy . prisoner, has confessed that he murdered Lord Cavendish and Burke. A STRIKE. Loxdox, March 11. Three thousand weavers iu IludJerfield district have struck, owinf to a disagreement with masters regarding wages. reduction or railway i:ates. Calcutta, March 11. It is intend ed to reduce railway rales to enable growers' ot wheat in India to compete on more equal terms with American paducers. ' WALSH WINS. Havre, Mnrcli 11. The evidence against John Walsh is insu.Ticicnt to to warrant his extradition. Walsh will likely accompany Byrne aud wife to America on Saturday. THE DEAD TRIXCE. St. Petersburg, March 11. The intestines of Prince Gorschakofl have been sent to Freiberg to be analyzed. The Prince died at the villa of his German mistress, with whom he he came acquainted duruig the sitting of the Berlin congress. THE IRISH O.UESTIOX. London, March 11. A meeting of the Irish, Scotch and English members of parliament was held yesterday, at which it was decided to form a politi cal committee with the view to inquir ing into public opinion iu regard to Irish reforms. The committee is quite an impartial one. No Parnellites are connected with it. AMERICAN UOO LAW. Berlin, March 11. Bismarck has written to the bunkesrath recommend ing, to prevent evasion of the law. that rvntv nrlmitted 10 to the country ou orrosted proof that they are not Jrom America. The de cree prohibiting the importation of American hog products, include tides bacon and sausage. The decree goei into force a month after it promul gation. The assent of the ieichstag is not requisite. The semi-official press reports that tue measure is purely a sanitary one. Liberals denounce It as protective in its character. TJUS AND THAT. Princes, Train Bobbers and Indians. Miscellaneous flutters. THE NAIL MANUFACTURERS. PiTTsiiLiui, March 14. The west rn nail ;i4ottition met iu regular monthly session to-day, and re-aftirm- ed the card rates, and also decided to resume the operations of factories next Monday, and after running three weeks close down again for ' three weeks. FOR MEXICO. Philadelphia, March 11 It is ascertained thA Dr. Bentlock, of this city, acting as agent of Prince Bis marck, is negotiating for the purchase of several million acres in Mexico for a settlement of German emigrants. The land selected! said to be rich in ores and plants. lilLLIAROS. Chicauo. March 14. Iast 'ium, preliminary balk line tournament; Morris, 500 ; Wallace, 17;. Fifty-three innings. Best tubs: Wallace, 31; Morris, 07. The result of the tourna ment is that Wallace and Morris take part in the big tournament, beginning- March 24. Morris wins the first prize, Wallace the second, Gallagher the third. CLARENCE HITE DEAD. Louisville, March 14. About a week ago Gov. Crittenden pardoned from the Missouri penitentiary Cla rence Hite, of Logan, who was sen tei:cedato twity-five years' imprison ment as one of the Jessie James gang, he having pleaded guilty. He spent twc-Lhirds of the time in the hospita1. Hite was taken home to Logan county last Thursday and died the following Monday. TUK prince ok wales. Louisville. Ky., March 11. Some time ago the managers of the Louis ville southern cotton exposition, hear ing that i tie Prince of Wales wa9 in tending to visit America, extended him as invitation to attend the expos ition. A rejply from the Prince's sec retary was received to-day, dated Be r liu. February ' 27, stating that the prince had no intention to visit Amer ica during the present year, and thank ing the managers for their invitation. THE TKAIX liOlSBKRH. Little Bock, March 11. McDonald, one of the six who stopped the Fort Smith train a week ago, murdered the conductor and wounded a brakeman, wr.s jailed at Van Buren today. He offered to conduct the officers where they were to rendezvo$ if he would be admitted as state's evidence. Superintendent II art in an declines to do this, believing that there is evidence enough already to hang McDonald. The others arc sur rounded rod bloodhounds arc on the scent for y?r retreat. A reward 5 mi their heads c TJ r:ns. Chicago, the re- quest lrom ern Union he West- jauy ceascu r - - upi;lying theTicrprw .rlJn the open board, and the wircsYbnucctiDg rt with the regular board wire cut. This was a surprise, as it was the understanding of the open Tjoard pople that they would not be molested, not having joined the bucket shop in the legal tigat. It i said tlie open board will be enabled Jo continue business by ia-tting quotations of Chicago markets from Milwaukee. X THK WAK PATH. St. Louis, March 14. Advices from the Creek Indian uatiou say that Sleep ing Rabbit, one ot the principle leaders of the Spieche faction, who wa arrested some days ago by Gen. Porter, com mander of the Chtfote party was killed at Okmulki-u last week whlie attempt ing to escAjie. Two other leader of the same faction have also been killed. These murders, a they are cu.le i, are said to hate arou-ed Soiechei ieu to renewed a.-thm. and 230of them are re ported to bo marching on to Okmulkee for the purpose of bringing about a fight. General Porter with 230 men has gone out to meet the advancing party, and a conflict ia expected. TO-DAYS MARKETS Chicago, March 13, Special. WHEAT. Mareb. lovj. Slay, lU'.i. CORN. May, C1H- But incomplete markets received today which show an upward tendency and an advance ol one cent on May corn and May wheat over yes (erday's quotations, Tha advance 1 as great M tas occurred any day during tbe last two tl TJ LwcJif l'lattmonUi City Markets. 1-KOVl-lvNH, KHCIT, HID AC. (AkTAIL) K.-poiteil hy M. n. Murphy A Co. Flour... Mal Kran I'liopnr-il Kfeil . K Flour (irahaui Flour. . Muller tJ.CMXa ( M)icrct. 2.'T " H.' C " $1.?8 " J.7ft " 2Vtb ct prr 13 " -M " , 13 14 " " is 15 " . I'i.oo t i.u per do. ibiiie. ' w e. " ititbn ct. prr bu. 75 CtH " 73ct " ....1.23 !. " . :c per nl per caa 40 " Ctieese t xkliu) Clieete (lull fieu in) Hugar Cun-il llama. Haoon Shoulder DrleU lli-rf Poultry F.KE CttbbBK ... 1'liolc 1'otutoe Hweet ... . Uerta Oulout Apples (winter) Hwert C'11t , Oylrrs, m-lncl " Cumiiioii ... riattHiitoiith Telephone Exchange. J. I'. Viiiiiik, renldeucfl. H-ii uclt &. Lewis, store. M. IS. Murpliy 6i Co.. boniK r M allies. tiounty t:iii'k'M odlce. K. II. l.i-wix. rfsldeoce. .1. V. Week liacli, store. Wcsiei ii l.'iilon Telegraph onicf. 1. II. Wliecler. resldrnce. I. A. ( iinii.liHl, " K. II. U luiliiaiu, " Jro. Wayiiiiiii, " J. W. Ji lllllllL'S. W. s. V. h-. uhirw. Mori isry l!ros ofllcr. W It. Caller, Hr. (i. V. I airlleld, rekldeucr. M. II Murphy. I. II. Wheeler & Co . ftjc. .1. J'. Taylor, residence. First National Rank. J. I. Yoiiiiu, ntore; 1'eiklns llou-ie. K. V. llv-TM, reHldeuee. .lourn.'il olllee. Hkii a i d 1'l ii. Co ofllce. J. N. WWe. residence. 36 H. M. ( 'liamau, " a7 W. ). lones. 3H A. N. Sullivan, " 3! II. IC i'almer, " 40 W. II. Xclilldknecht, oIBce. 41 Sullivan &. Woosey, 42 A. W. iMeutusliIin, residence. 43 A. I'aiieisoii. livery. 44 C M. lloliii(!M, " 4 L. 1. l:ennett, residence. 4i (Jen. S. Smith, otliue. 47 1 A. .TiiMii'u, Hor sl. 49 J, V. li.trnes. i-Mldcnce. on R. It. LiviiiKnton, oOlce, 307 J. V. Weekhacli, residence. 835 Chaidiiln Wright. 340 Yf. II. helilidknevbt " 340 leo. s .smith, " iM It. Ii, l.ivlriKHton. " aj. C. V. Ilallanl, The switch hoard connects l'lattsinouth wrltu Ashland. Ai liuzii-n. Ulalr. Council UlulTs. Fie- JjaontLihi iiuaha uiid ElXboruStatlon. Proposals for Military Sup plies. H K A li' A KTICICS DKf'T OF THK PLATTK, i 'iiief vuailennaster's urflce, Omaha, Nkii., March 7th. 1S83. Skii.kii i itoi oHAi.M, In triplieate. subject t" the the n-iii:.l eoiulitious, will . be received at this ofllce until 12 o'clock on Wednesday, April l. 1 m or at the name hour (alio win ft lor tbe dinereii'-e in time.) ut the oUlces ol tbe Quartermaster at the following named stations at which pl:a:es and time they will be opeued In the ini i,(T of bidders, for the funilsbtuf tmt deli vert of Military . Hupplles during - tbo 5 ear ciihi. nclii .luly 1st, 1K83, and sliding utiesoth, "Ht, as follows : Wood. Hay and. Charcoal, or kucIi of said supplies as may bn required at Omaha Dept, Fort Omaha, Fort Niobrara. Fort Sidney. Cheyenne Oepot, Fort Kussell. Fort Steele, tort UouRlas. Fort Robin son, Fort Jtriditer, Fort Iiranile, Fort McKln ney. Fort Washakie, and Fort .Thornburjfb, and for the delivery at Fort Thornburgn of .u,wi touH of Coal of 2240 pounds to the ton. FroposaW will also be received at this office up to the l;iy and hour above named, for tbe delivery on the cars at the point nearest to tbe .mines or the Hue of tbe Union Facllle Railway, ot eight thousand tons of Coal,, of llVt pounds to tbe ton. ' Also for delivery at Omaha Iepot, or at ataiioiiH on the main line of the Colon l'a rifle ltaii way east from Kearney Junction, of two million pounds Corn, and one million pounds ati. I'.ids for train- should state tbe rate per loo lbs, not per bushel. l'ropoxals for either class of the stores men tioned. u lor quantities less thau the whole require.! will lo received. F.ach proposal ithould be in triplicate, SKI'AUATK KiK SACK AKTII l.K AT KACll STATION , ad IllUSt b aC- coiitpanied v a bond in the sum of live hund red dollars (.Vki executed strictly in accord ance with t lie jiriuted InMtructlons, aud upon the blank form luruUhed under this advertUe ment, Kiai anleeiD that the party making the proposal shall not withdraw tbe same within sixty dvs from the date announced for open ing them; and aupplles bid for, awarded thereunder, he will, within ten days after be ing notified of the uwArri. (provided such noti fication be made within tbe sixty days above mentioned,) accept tbe same and furnish food and suRlcicutsureties. at once, for tbe faithful performance of the contract. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all propo sals. A preference will be fciven to articles ot domestic production. Blank proposals and printed circulars, stat ing the kind, ana estimated quantities of Wood, Hay and Charcoal required at each sta tion, and eivinr full instructions as to tbe manner of iiiddinic, conditions to be observed by bidders and terms of contract, etc.. will be furnished on application to this ofhes or to tbe Quartet ma.-ters at tbe various stations named. Knvelopc-t containing proposals should b marked :" Proposals for at ." and addressed to the undersigned or to the re spective i'ot and Iepot Quartermasters. JOHN V. FL'ltKY. Captain. A. Q. M . IT. H. A., la charge of C. Q. M's of fice. Ijep't. of tbe Flatte. i2U Legal Notice. V.vfice i herehv clven. that the Collo witueHs fees have been reported to County Coin-- niissionf I-, a remaining in tue nauas oi ' HhowMlter. lerk of the Uistrict wiurt, uat' ed for up to January J.1WO. , Kixlney An Jrews, witness In lower Court VMfMt t :it 7ler. witness in lower Court... a Wfi.riir wit ria In Inwrr cuuvt.... I.' V . . r. ... 1 ' . - r, t a ' Hoover, wituess ; J. V. IJluver, witness. ..i... . Walter 'i:!fortJi. witness." -.J William ;.i!y!e. wltnens R. W. t iii.!'.i;ii;ham. Witness S. Wiii,t:!iMie. witness -j." ;. Mct2ui-r. witness lower com t V. Hcitri'-n. wi:nes iu lower court 'u H. ;itu I. itur'S in lower court .1 - F. Fetcr. interpreter lower court ia John iSoi'-. witness in lower court .w ;eorue 1 i.niiuili, witness M. 15. Cn!. r. lines J.W tl. Atli-ou. w uness ; '.s Se;ui; i:..Aluiid, witness -.ou .John M V Maciieu. witness..-. .. Marion Aiiiiftroii. witness u ieorge -Me-us. witness ."0 I. Ii. siiit-or.. witness....,... ... 1. Hratitnor, witnes 2.2f . H. weaver, witness l.hj Wyatt (rave-, witness i.i W. F. I)v:;es, witness.... ... M Wm. (Jutl nann, witness lJa M. Schnelvacher, witness 1,1 Peter Hate-. witness ' , fohn Mos. witness.... 1,19 if the above be not called for on or before sit . . ..mitLs after February 2lst. 18XJ. the same will be paid into the school fund of Cass county. Attest : J. W. JKNNINCid. l ounty ciera. Plattetnouth, Mrrch 0. 18 S3, 812. Notice to Teachers. - I will be at my office In Piattsmouth the first Vririuv-;mil Sntllrilav. unit ut tlminiul lh second and fourth Friday and Saturday, and at X j Weeplni! VN ater Abe third haturdav of eacw ilrd Saturday of farii- mouth to attend to any school business r mav be tilesantea ttz Ci kt'j AUfv Superlntende Notice to Physicians. s Notice Is herehv given that bids wllj be f received at the office of the Couuty Clerk, v Soon of the 2d day of April, lftia, for tbe ' leal attendance and lunOshmg of ue for county charges and inmates of Poor Hotieo and Jail for re year. T taissioaets reserve the rf it to reject ' bid, r.y order of Count, ComniU " . Witnrs pty toaM ad pkV-l , i Aavef MiircU.Ji . i. rsrsitj . - :,- - - s