The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 15, 1883, Image 3

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    1 J
. - ,
V Zr0torr.
V A N '.VVCK. IT. S. Senator, Neb. City.
I N SA I IKI:S. IT. H. Henator. Oinaba.
V I I'VTIVl" l ,.. .. . .
i . ii
K. K.
.1 M
i:. iv
r i
.v v
. r.
Is A '
i . :
, " - r , urn rOMl.
is . IA W K.M. (iuverm.r, Lincoln.
I.: ;.. j n. Secretary of Htate.
'A U.I.U IIS. Auditor. Lincoln.
! fl'KVANT, Treasurer. Muewla.
' KS. fMnt. t'ublte Instruction.
mi.i,, i.Hiiii oinmiationer.
; I " a'KI'.S. .Ik.. Attorney H-nernl.
mI.i s. W;iki-ii of renltentlriry
'. I . I I I !KVSO.N. Supt. II..siIm1 for
' Crf.
'.: 1. 1.. Idef Jiwtlc.-, Krn.. Hi.
I -. ! I-:. ( n:i:iiia.
, '.':. I.'-icoiu.
-- o -
.'ttilir-itit yjt'jfrt'
!''' . : . Miiro'ji.
:.. I'i riiitn-Ati'y,
''" I' IC. Ui-rk In-tibr Court, -
I'ily 'Jtirtitury.
I ' K1!A l(.Mu)or.
i.i I 11 1 N(i. 'I ie.4.-ui el .
.-.. ; it l.-i I.
; I i. i.e. police Jn-'.-e.
! I'.A .. ::y AtK.iurj
I'. ' i I f 1'u.iif,
.. i :. i . ! -.. i r ol lrf-1 .
r. rii;.'l of Fire In pt.
i., i n'u i;..iiii ( a, .iith.
J. M. r. hue bacher. Win. ilsrvM.
'riy II.iniiiAii. J. M. )' lrrru. i lr - . M It. JJurpV..
1 :. Imwvui. F. 1', ibifl.
: i:iii:. .i. w. kikm:s.
S Ul. Win. WI.M KftMKKN.
JN. W. 11 1VSMA1.I.
CvUitir "Directory.
r.l. I.. County TrAtirr.
IMiS. County Clerk.
vHN, County Jude.
!". Sli.-i lti.
.KIM. .-.iip't of I'nb. luit i uctlMti.
KM 1. 1. 1 . County Wurvt w-r.
I . i; :
. I
.. 1. 1:; .
1 . .Ii
'. i
A -.
. ( 'oioi.t-r.
t Ml oMMlli.HlUMt.l-..
V. I Kill). South r.eud !': reluct,
'it l'.l(N. Mt. I'leai.l freeim-l.
I', t -.month
. '.i'. utiirif with t' .- Ctmiity
.. .1. w '. find tl: cm lii . sslou l!.o
v :u-il i in-l:iy o( "u;li i mittl.
I ... or i l:AIK.
' :.l III. rrfnl-Tit.
i:. i ! h V It Y li.KCK.
i i-t.iry.
1 1 :-;i-iui 'r.
! 1 1 1 -f !l- I'.oaril :i! iiie Court
' "VfiiiuOl :!- h inontli.
A.! :i:i'AKIi UK
.rr.-i'JctTii .iu.s.
r a. iii.
i 3.0O l. l;i.
'.o a. in.
I (S.M p. in.
4.'X p. Ill
j.ob a. in
).?0 a. in.
" 4.23 p. iu.
H. 90 a. Ill
I. UI p. Ul
Nolt Til Kitk'.
f. I I.
.t ill.
. I-' KKIiNU WATlttt.
.lll!. t-.VirOKVVIUI.K.
i:. : vi.
clia ttt:i fuic iioxky
. ,!. i- i.-t i'xc'--lins $15 ... to rents
: !' -1 :u'il not -.t"-tiliin 30- - - IS cent
-: " ' w - ; JOconn
-n " " - - J6cenH
M.ini v OrJrr lu:iy ii.rUid hiiy
. '. ii in one ecu l to lilty l i.larn. bjt
. .: ;..i i- :t:iiu a fiuctioual p:t o; a ceat.
ii: .11 .-r (lftt-r) 3 renti per tiuurr.
i l'aMiher'ii ratw .a pnr U.
I I r.ili-'UMit Nei;tT a:ii
-oiii- u.i iir lM cla- I cent p-r
r.u'l' - iiimfr.
!. i !.. it. h.iiiIi!,t) 1 ct-ut xr nuntv.
.1. W. Maim ti all. IT. M.
;."V..--. .utu
& M. R. R. Time Table.
T'l'iinj E(Teit July,Z .
!:: iM AHA Kl:)M l'LATTSlOUTH.
N i.m .; i". a. in. ArrlTes : .no . i.t.
1 p. in. " :t5 p. in.
- a. ni. "' ! : W m. tu.
K. C . M ST..IHK.
" :.;" i. is;. . : .
: i p. i:i. - p. lis
I :.. H ;!." ;i. in. AiriVP" " M A. in
7 ; J n.. :I0 p. i::.
r. ..- p. in. " 7 :'! p. r i.
. . AN I" l..liK.
.:. ri. " n. in.
T : 1 ;. in " :V0 p. in.
I. :i . . -. 1 i '-.'.Soiiioutli 'J :00 a. ui. .- rivv?
l !:. . n:. ; ll;i.-'.i;us 4 :J p. if. ; Mct'ovk
1 ;. ' I , r s :M .t. iu.
I.-u;. :- p. ri ; arrive Uncoil! : :jii p. 1::.
KKl-.liiH r
i.i-.-; i-n : : ' ;t. in. ; Ainvex I.lin .In 1 :lCiit
i.:-.v - :iu p. in. ; Arrive ni i -ncoui :-jif
ji. in. ; ul .n o i. in.
1 . i-- l.-:n--; :; J i. in. : Arrive.- at l.itivoln 6 :.'!!
, X"- ' i l!al:siK - : a. Iu. : McCun!. i :uii a. in ;
. . livnv-r I :i p. in.
j--- i l-!iver :t 8 :0i p. m. ; Arrive t M;--"wi.,v
io :3u a. in. : Unaolii
.A 5 :30plu
.(i Lincoln
Hi. -
... , . . Arrives McCoafc
Oar MOCk Of in.; Uncola ;43 a.
in. v -
IJ favo I'lattsuiouih at T 00 a.
w . ni. and arrive at faciCc
. ni.. -JO a. hi. aini 30 p. tu.
a n i sr. .iok.
'I. HI
m. t.;t p. iii. : Arrive .t
:i :.: a. in. anl p. mi.
! ':: . u-1 - r-.-.ii::.-, leave Pacific Juin tion at 8 13
;.i. :.' p. in.. 1 j a. ni. aud arrive atflattd
. .: n ;.' ii. in.. Cvip. in. and l; 39 a. in. .
K. C. AM ST. .IOK.
I. ,.-. .- '.' n Sic .luucilou at 6 :10 a. ni. and5:i0
: ::i ; a rive 0 :"" :. aad 5 :55 p.m.
;:rR taom:
."Iissnuri I'atific ICuilroad.
ilAiirwn Freight
I- leave leavo leaves
uoiiiir ?iit: (foiLe
7.40 p m .oo a. m.
.17 8.37 " 2.0 p. .
8.42 8.00 " 3.06 "
" 9.13 " 3M
'J.24 9.40 "' 5.00
0.37 " M " 5-4 "
ln.o; " 10.21 " 6.S "
6.37 a. Ill 7.07 P-111
6.itf e.zi a. iii
Goiog Going Going
H 52 a. in 8.33 p.m.
8:p. in 7.67 a.m. 4.24 p.m. l.ttt p. nu
5.4. " 4.M " a.l "
6.1U " 6.C8 " a.4e
6 0"J " 5.33 " 3Jn "
6.01 " 5.4.4 " 4.J5 M
7.20 " 6.1 5.3
H.OO .M " 7.W8
SpniiKlield v:ll:-
'eepi::t; V.'ter-
AVU1' L ...........
1 lull:.::.-
K:ii: i-.s ity
St. Lioui
St. L.'ti-
Kiiii-.ii-' ity
On'.' r
Wet iSrs ::
lmi-vi. i". .
Npl illr.i-ld. .
IVipi!ii u. . .
Tin- :iiove in .Ii-tfertoa City time, whiafc Is 14
!i:.'iii"t 1 tit-r than Omatia lime.
V owriirnov triu:.
h'.in: "iiirrU In hU hanila by ao
tin. (urDiiil:! of Kimtila
.-"i-t:il.le ti-iHiv for thr "iedy and trina-
""-ji-t riir- : ;iiHiini4it)u. Kronchitii. Catairli
nhiiiA. ami all Ihroat and Uu"!: affections.
i.f i ami all nervous eomplaiiit.-t. after hav
positive aui raaici cure t-r irnri
',li'y tested IU wonderlul
ratal iva
V oiisaudH of cases, feels H bin duty
m: .! it
ti.-ii fill
Ii'i:li. Wl?
ivn v me leiiow.
---i. direct low for pruparatioa
,y advice and lastruc
,ijit at your owa
'jve ''y etuni mail.
x 4 lauip or
l. t-e in
i:il'J xsil-Ji
ill, i. .
' 7. b r
- r urnuf. r
h. Iure Milk
VHICiU . 1 I I I I
"1 . ""l I I
D U1ILT. '
idea to. and Freafa HUk
"7 7UJ- Uisi
Ubed Trbeo wanted. '. 4l7
ATTM:NKs AT LAW. . i.: prartlp la all
the Cuiirtc It. thft state. ! oyer Flrf . Na
tion. I I'.iuiK 4yl
I IAl I I'lUlll - N IIHUKA.
IU. A. HALI -i: : ltV,
rT--. ovrrl'ith. Klaek A '
fliM l is ii: :i:itry at '
M . t'Ll'T
'i. Irug Htorr.
!e ptlc-, Oiy
3 T.
lo'iiori A Na-
( Itlipe on Main
il Ii. soutll xlde
. s.
i-i-i ol wunifii
raid' K'.i4i.
: it A h li A .
.'1 from turnpc-.
sianoatb. .
.n M'l'-i-t o
I:. M I .I IU-..
SIC! W nn.l-Ml ltCl '
lietw. - ii x I It an.t .
.en i v ami ili;;ht
Mtn- i
St.- .
.(..xiv riiv.--.
tior :ivfii
;.tl at i .
T LAW. i
MOtrii. -
i 'iiiLi p ilnrx I
l-LA .
or Si
tC IC MVIM(.ai l!
y.i vmii-i ah a hi i
H't; h il.'KK. fioin I'i
ilfci- .-..iiraoii for U. S. r
iu.. to 1 p. ia.
:K. N. Mil.:
I'll V S I ( IAN AN I
Cun ' f.iuu i l.y (aiiiiu al I :
ainl . ..-im Mi--t, in .1. II. .
IT i rHMniri II. 1 :
V U ii KO N .
Mice, comr 7lh
l lii.tu lluuir.
. VSK A.
J. u.S. Hi. 31 AT;: AVM
tt.i;.n KV A T ' .'.
Oil,"- pvm I At woo. I re, HOllth side
of M.i;:i fcet .- . .-h Stll Ulld ilu .;. 'Jltt
.?. IS. HTtto:
4Tlni:.1F.V VT LAW. v.;
the I ' iiils I:, the Mate.
' -trii t lltitrnry rtmt .V
'liiii m. :
LJLJ. l o. :; .a ,v .
A 1 I'HtM . AT LAW. l; .
Ur:n 'ailil1 llectMll Ar.
bio: i'Ult . '.nth. Neliia
I'larlice in all
; j !''tl,Uc.
.".'I L Tl .
.-tate. Fire Iu
Oiiiee I'nlen
i. a:. t ui:i:r.:
LA W OFU' K, K.-al Vl.r
- i'O.
. ire and Lifelb-
hrajika. Col
iplele abstract
:u;-. iieKJMate
.... .
ary I'ulilio.
. ;i ii. t.oe in Canii
tiecia. atteutloD
title. Otflce iu
. Nebra-ika.
of to
A;v: rlaltHr.ioui
lax -
.el. biavi
auil re.i'
aiiti .I'.joluif... L'ouiilU H ; ki .
to cr tloi. and uh.stracis
Ut ,--raid l'!oclC, 1'lu.ttHllH .;;
Ha- Li" uftu.-- iu the front l...,: f his residence
tn Chii-ago Ay.'Uutc. where lr.-ni iy be found Iu
reaiiii.cM-s to atteaa .: tin- il , iles of the of
fice 47tf.
iu::::ut u. wsvcii..m,
r"try Public.
'i!le ;t .-r Carrtiih's .! . -iry Store.
Piatt aoulli. .... Nebraska.
Ft ii:nit v.:' Block, I'i. i i skouth Xkb
Pi" ir;t ?iv.: i-reftsl :tttei.;l : to a Karal
La I'raoiH!-.
A. X. Sum. i vax.
M. II. Wooljit
Attorneys ami Cunselors-at-L'aw.
OrrlCE-l'i tL Uaiou i:l trout rooais.
""i'i; i tery. !',. Promp cntion nireo to
all Ii :-:uefl . aiari
pa JLOitimni'it shop
quit.1 lar : a
All ..rk i:i'Ai?AXi;. i) tirat cl:s
tlu : !-ie, ' st.iirs, si '
side of Alain
ti ', oj'i -sitt I'elt-r .
t i' unnkj;
:ropr!etar. j
Pio:-r, Corn Mtn & Feed
Alv.i'.y.s on I -isid and for:
at lowest cash
t tor Wheat and
.-ii custom work.
lets. Tin- i-'shst prices.,
rn. Parin -.ilur attention a,
TO Tir.:
Ci TV oi' PLAT s5i0UTll
Vuiuabl" outlota for icaidence pur
poses. S:iij' auJitiui)- lits .s uth-west of
th city, ii'i-l all lots sir..' very easy of
access, an. I !iigh and &i. hty.
For par: icuiars call r ::
E. SAGE, Prop'r,
Flattsmouth, Neb.
Meat Market,
LA FE (NEIL, Prop'r.
Beef Miittsa Pork Veal CMtos.ic,
Coutantly on hand.
A1.S-). 11 kinds ot UAXK in season, and ct-
erythlog kept in a
At lowftst possi!;"..' rates.
North Bide Main St., bet. 4th and Mh,
Thi-i beat.f.rul three tor ! :;ri rtructuie. on
Iow-r Maui tret, has Jut -ra Suisbed aud
OtfA-! up fi r tiie accotmaoiiri T -n of
A Good Bar Wl,,;i;:ith0
27tf. FKED COOS, Propi.
11 U Fa I'Ihjh ( onkllny: to the Alit-y
Jem 31 ace.
k'H Hun.
1'hat timet hare bfV'ii wLore your ja fot Ida
. k eye," said the grocery man, a h : charged
bunch of celery to thu boy'a p t. "I)id tha
inter liit him, or wih it ono of t i siutcra?"
i , lio didn't got liift black i-yfj at prayer
.iii;;!" said tho boy, as ho tooK Lis ini'.tns
i !e ntove and rubbivl them to ta!. ; tho atiB
i out. uIt was from boxing. I'.ttoldmy
::i and mo that it wad bo hani: i lcaiu to
Vans'! wo could defend onix l and he
i ! tih' d to lo a holy terror v. U iho box-
- gloves when ho was a boy, .. I ho has
a Kivilifj UH loMHOlm. Well, he i . i:o ulouch,
, I tell you, and bundles ldM-i-lf rietty
1 for a t hurch inciiiL. r. I real i.i tho papor
nek Cliau.Uur laynd It on V..iklii!. by
iiitrJeiu Mm , th" prize flght. i-, to knock
i niily, uuil 1 n.ik I p.i if he wou.'lu't li t mo
j; a xHir loy who Ii: I no fat' r to te&ch
; Ihihhk, tuoUT L'.iih.) to loirii t-i box, and
naid certainly, it'-u him i.''ng. He
i lie would be to do anything
a poor oridian : o I went down iu
Third ward an 1 ;:ot an Jri.-h boy by
namo of bluffy, wlio.-an kuoc). the Hocks
of sny hoy in the v.ui I. lie tit u pii2c fight
i. It won Id have n;..J'j you
to nt pa toll lum ho v. : hold his and how to Kuaril Lis Tacn.
told huffy uot toT.'j ut' raid, bui
i hit for keops. Li; ff nai J ho v
ild K-t mad if he hit f,.m, aud
e, boy, kivx-k mo dov.-n If voti
-trik.t out
... f-rai 1 pa
id, 'Nou
;.i, a-id I
i i. h.. tiled
! air thex
i inii'ii ha! ha: v. iui:.
k ai-il j;avn pa oi.i- i.i the iioh.-
ot'u -s, ami cutl ,l liim or i!
n he I lain ill tlw n um i-li, and !
. mouth ninl lua. ..r Ion ti-cth
i )i; Kvo lum a himl- indcr in
pa jitilloil off :hu boxiu;;
' Ix-d a chair, aud v. e udjouriM
u Btaiii an tliouirli t;.c-ro wa.s i
car. ami
i :iie i lutii
' -il, and
.ii iyB,
.vow and
and went
i'-IU -. i
. -n t peon pa eiuci'.
iack.a hIiouM f.y
i. "Am. I hi.s hob" h
': into bin left ear.
Was i,:
ye very
o," naid
mcd to
io wa.s at
r- i-"ccry
tryn:K to
:i in;
Hi; hts-fxteilk 1 i'.t i n it."
. bed steak i.s 110 :.( unt. 1 ;
liim and tell liim that an yl
t; l' blii.-k eye. Well, 1
Iiuh a pretty hard ti: m rutn:
uay it should bo i:;n. ' ami ii
iind initio a fiin i'i I out of '..
.wy liatu r a Sjf--ln'i- v."
--t j;o and
the !a:t
i K. A
a 1; uh
oy went
S'lie "ifa;iiter"!s
j MoitK-t l!i:isUr.
i-ip!i ii' : .: Ciice.
iiuc S'.i'tet u y.jar ii
i -da euro for ii; 1.
! i 'otis aud tis-asur(Mi I'.;
. .-.'ire- j'toj ertics a- 1
J .a, home.-!. It wan tl.
t-. t t. From its ori; in.:
,'itter, and from our !
it, coupled with t!.o r
t : -i we have printod t'ist
it irow to havo the .
Tim 1 . .
ht-ria i
: ti:0 f iVi-.
:!od iu . .
recipe :..
! apioa;..;
Verpicnt ;
ut of ti.'
iyitiK l
.pulr n-.i
ter -,'Ub-i
hi- aiao
; (.fits
. iaaj:'!y of
i r. V,'. A.
in Tlie
.liny ltit-
of "-Tho
'.iting tho
even tha
1 Voter's Diphtheria Curo," thus t
v d and generous doctor out
-.lit for it
Now below we havo another let; r from Dr.
-.ut, elating that ho ha-1 now a elil! hetter and
M.i .plor treatment for diphtheria to r imTtiend,
in 1 that he desires to make it ; 'ilio also
t:::ough The KKintcr to 'he eud t!-.'. it t ay do
:i More general work of ; ;iod than i j can hope
.for iu his own nraetiej.
.Miro, Iowa. Feb. . in long yrv :-s gone by
y . t jiublinhod my cm-j :..r diphil. : .a. It at
t -ted widespread attcutioa :m I bc-ania
i.;: wn as fcTho Regi cr diphtheria cure," and
s ivod hundreds of liv. b. thank!'..! lettem re
ceived by me showed. " h years o! prorenj
si; 1 thought have bioi.-,-ht hott.-r tioatmeut,
In . anae uot bo blow i:i i-.ction. I h ive lately
v. . (lived sevoral letters askiiyf to the treat
l : ut as published in Tin- Kegiater, i!:cir much
1. 1 tsured copies containing tho h::::io having
b en loaned, miidaid or lost. I ii i-.v givo my
irt-irovod treatment, which can bo had at any
d-ug store, and uaod by any peiM i without
'i ake ten grafon of ;-ci:.iarigaiiat.' ef iiotaegi
ii.i and mix with one ont'ae of ool.i water. Ai
t n in diasolved it mutt be applied v i'h a rag or
ti go, mop or swab to the whiti -1; plaec-s in
nostrils, and other places t! . t have tha
htheria membrane on. Do this very gently
t thoroughly, everj- thiee hours if-.til bolUir:
n everv six hours ui til woll. i docs not
o pain,bat ia rathor nanseous ; the taste,
'ti tongue is coated white, I mix. ::.' drachm
t ;;
i' iivposulwhite of eoda aud five dopa of oil
-afras aud four ounce , syrup ni:- '.: of tsugar
. I hot water, and fivo a teaspo..- !,rul every
.- to three hours as ne".lod. when awak . If
: tonpno ia not coated white, 1 mix twenty
. eis of tincture of Phytolacca in i.-v.r ounoos
... -old water and give a teaspoonful every one
i.i three hours as nond.-d, when svuke. The
I ' . tolacc is the coi ininii of the
i ith, and, aa it losoft it s atiength by drying
1 age, the tincture -h mid be ti : ; the fresh
i " t, or it is worthle? .
It is well to applv a K'tle sweet-nil or cos-t.:-:liue
to the outside of the throat to protect it
f.v-ni tho action of the ni -, as the p:-.:ient must
! protected from all du gor of gc;;inf chilled.
'Tu the beginning of lie difctt- in mild
.-ias, tho above solurioT-of perm:-.::5anate of
) assiuni is all I ' all that i. ::ceded, as
ti disease is local at fir r, but it r.ipidly af
fe ts the whole system v hen seat' i. Iu tho
: nking form of'diphtheiia this e i 'ion soon
e -troys all smell, at:d i.i every ca it destroys
diphtheria membra! j without leaving any
i . .1 effect behind. V,'. A. Scoi r, M. D." "
w Arabl Pash;-. tVent !::'.. Exile.
; '; :i Mall Gazotte.
'apt. Thomas Osl or ie, of th"
v Vch took Ara'oi Tiha and hi c.wi
e;'.e to Ceylon, and arrived atBoi;;'.;
: vy 1G, has furnished tho follow!;;
v' the voyage: "We too'.; Arabi I'..-
-- iciafes and their families on bn-'.'
! sailed from that vort on I- ,
i -ndfor Colombo. 1 nc?y were:,
t first two or three d:vs, audaf
auions ia
:y on Jau
; account
:a and his
1 at Suez,
nil ; r a:,
nick for
;hat thoy
io c r lend
; catua as
'.. -htetied up and v.
always i:
. . erfnl. Eveutually
h.-' py as if they were
i:t fact, thoy
to pur . :!S0.
' The dullest of tbft lot
wasAi'ahi. Tho exiled
j .ty went ashore in four enuads.
.. was Arabi Ou lar-il; ;g tho pe i
v und him. I shoM call itf.ti
!. Some kissed i is e'.othes. a
! :i tho iadl
o crowded
. mo'ibintx
1 sonu got
' .vn on their knees rad kiKHcd his i -oots. Tho
VM-tywere driven sway in carri ies'to tlie
( '.tuiamou gai-den, whee they r; ro located
i.i some handsome btin.ilows. On iha wholo.
1 don't , think any of them regret !;-d his. lot
'j i.'.y never cxhibiteii a.iy symptoiaa of fear,
aii.-l believed a happy future to bo before
them." .
If Yon Have Tears to ?3!:ed.
Harper's Bazar.
An eminent Engli-sli' dramatist v&i about to
read a new piece of his to tho company of a
certain theatre, when, gravoly risir ? from his
peat and opening a black bag ho eirried, he
.w.uked rouud the Mag-' and p!.i ;1 a new
pocket handkerchief in the hands of t ach of tha
actors and actresses present, simply murmur
ing, "Pardon mo, but thij is a tragedy."
Xew KnglaiiJ Alien.!.
Hertford Courant
Connecticut again in 1S82 led tho United
Siatea in gattiug patents. Dniing tho year
t!;oro were 17,861 pab-ni i granto-1 tit tho office
in Washington, and of those Com; ".:..ut peo-
i secure.! 7i4. Tin: rt-.tio is ono : .. very 7S3
.: our population. Kext come 1!1, !.) I-land,
;; e to each tfttO, ai.d Massachn . ts, o;;0 t
ca h s2of inhabitants.
"?3EK Hello! Yo irllHjhni -.
;i :rper'sBazar.;;
An elaborate telephone uyatcm is -fctabliishi
!.-: tween the library of the king r f Portugal
i the offices of his mi : inters an i the opera
L..ase. He has dlgti;:guished hiui -If Ly Lit
Ia a Tliuujcrstoriii.
Little Enssie was watching the gathering of a
thunderstorm. At Crst he seemed P think tho
sight a very pretty one, but, as a vivid flash of
li-htniag streaked tha sky and a heavy bolt of
1 1. under crashed above him, ho tj rang back
f om the open door, exclaiming: "Dou t Dodl
I II be dooa nowP
What His ieca Would Be.
Tim's toachor waa. trying to initUto him into
o mysteries of fflleuooa. 8u:J sao: "II a
.: :.,r ij i; vilcul ?nto ieht tarts. whatnortioa
t tha whoto do we cull each part?" Tito didn't
iw- kTiT said the teacher, "if vour
n.imraa jrero to cnt a pie into eicht pieces,
. , , V.AW MTIito crmolf-
V'iia )sn wouiu yui t'K- ;
II Is Mupnlllcciit Memorial attarIen i 'Aj
.Nearly (iniojiJeted.
Bomo Evidonco that tha Body Wat
Entombed Eight Month Ago.
New York .IoS: :ial
The f the Incarnation at dr l -n
Ci'y, I- I., wlii.-h was lxgua long bef ti n
death of itn pojoctor, A. T. Sttiwart, i - far
from completion, although artists, gi i.-.ii rt
ami me "hanier- are actively engaged tij o:i ii
A reporter wh . viaitod the cdifico waa I
with a deafeni from tho haniui . 1
of tho car, .liters aud fruquuut bUt in.;u
the great Hooni-vcli organ which is in ju .. -s
of ere'-tioii.
Tho eteiioi of the church is of brown siono
suiiiioiiiitcd v itli a ppiro reading 27'' f t
heavenward. Ou entering, tho reporter
struck w ith i impoKiiig grandeur, tie- ; ! In
curved arch o ding of granite resting t;; !!
Luge hrono j illars and cuinp;uing fav . v
with all tha other biirrouudinf s.
DeHcouding l.y a wide marble stair.- - - to
the basement and passing through the !. ::i:o
or schixil ro in, tho reportor continu.-vl his
stops until bn tight to a" stop by a heavy oil;
partition shutting off tho room contait;i:i ; tho
crypt, intf:ndi . 1 for tho lanl resting pla.-e .: t'.o
remains of A. IJlewart At the farther :el
of the room, v hich is about forty le. ' i .:;;,
and on either iao of which aro two choi i : st
ilrorfsing-cfiou. whonch doors lead iu'o :1.3
former, is loo i' id.
The crypt in constructed wholly of gr-:.i:.-t
marble aud Kttnod glaB windows, four :' vi:o
latter forming 'iie.hack ami theoatreme v
limit of tho cl.-U'eh. It is oval in shap'
L '-
ing twelve ides, tho front and sides l. i.;
composed of beautifully carved pillar-. 1
open lattico work with an opening or d .
on cither side. Tho roof is dome-shape ! and
comiiosod of c:.rl pano'.s, while the Co -.:..
Mists oft larg.: ivhit'i tite.-i. Tha crypt i v
thought to ho almost completed, ah.. ,;'i
those iu charge claim it is not, Ita co.-t i, s
been about ?1 i. It is jealously y, I
day and night t protect it. from the le;,; ' .f
vandals, it is, and no onawlil lie per.. .'. .1
to enter it until the church has been fm . y
"Where are f'-tewart's remains now?" .1
th-j rciKii U r oi one of the carpenters at v. i
i.i a room adjoi.iiug the crypt
' Well." ho i. .iied, now you ask so:.e ;
I am iu doubt -otit, but I havo boon to'..! :.. .
they are in po.-. -ession of friends in : : i
City, to be soon transferred to tlie church . . '.
placed in a van it prepared for them be.--.- ;'.
tiie floor."
"Not in tho crypt r" asked the reporter.
Terhaps there,1 said thu carpenter, ' 1
don't see any provision made for it"
The officer mi duty iu the chnreh toi l :mo
reporter that lis did not know whether tho
body had been recovered or not, but, tel.! .1
that it would lie nice if it could be plaee.i in
the crypt by tho time tho ehnitrh waa dedieatc.l.
The collin, he .-aid, was intended to ret-t u: oa
the marblo floor, which was ready for it re
ception. Mr. Deutoti, tho agent in charge o." thi
Stewart estate :tt Garden City, doolared he did
not know anything about the remains fa; .her
than that soih j seem to think Ihey havo i : i
recovered, while other i y thi y have itot.
The station master 5l (tardea City,
asked what he ; nought bad becomoof the i.o.';y.
said: T think it is in the crypt About Hewn
or eight months ago a special train from .V-w
lork arrived here between 12 and 1 o'cloe'; iu
the night, and, aftec skipping a short tin..:,
returnod. Noi.ody has ever found out what
that train cam-' here for but it is generally be
lieved by thoj who saw it that It brought
Stewart's bodv."
A trac-wa!k--r iu the vieiuity of the cathe
dral said: " 1 on may be sure tho old gentle
man's body is i-afe hero somewhere. I. thin!;
he is in the church now, for if he wae not, why
would they be having watchmen in the Imi til
ing day and night and never let a soul go i .r
the crypt alone?"
A mechanic namtvl Conever. being ap
proached, ssid: "Yes, I believe they have his
body here. Three yoars ago I worked on tho
church, but v. hen they found it hard v..rk to
find the body they stoppod all the work. About
a year ago they began again In earnest, which
indicates that they had a purpose in doing ho,
and that was to finish it to receive the ho ly,
and they had it then or kuew where it mi."'
A saloon-he--Ter iu New York said: -I Utur.v
a good deal aLout that matter, but I wiii die
before I wtil divulge it. Tlie chief iii 'he
whole affair i now dead, and tho man v, ho
knows all about it is Mike Nolan, who is ii.jW
in Leadville,- Cob I am willing to bet they
will nover see the body again. Tlie
principals would not risk their liberty
by opening negotiatijns for its return now any
more than they wouHI two three years
ago. Those who pretend to be able to give in
formation on the subject are anxious to black
mail Mrs. Stewart The story about Jr.iUe
Hilton linding the body and taking it to Garden
City are all bosh. I know better. If he did
take a body there it was that of someone else,
or a dummy for the purpose of deception iu
order to put an end ti 'be controversy'- I tell
you the liody of Stewart is destroyed aud can
never be produced."
Several o'thers were questioned as to where
the remains v.ore, and although the annwers
and stories v.ore coutraliotory,.lt was aliii. :t
the universal hoiief among the residents in the
vicinity that the body is already in the crypt
where it has bean quietly restingor the patit
eight months.
Koajjli on the Turtle.
Harper's Bazar.
Ko method of culinary preparation that v. e
ever heard of, however, would be more lik. ly
to please the gourmet and gourmand thar. i.ij
ono credited to the fastidious citizens of IV-.hi.
If you follow It, yon will take a livoturi'e t .t
you have previously'doprived of anything to
drink -long enough to render him exceedingly
thirsty; you will place him in a.caldroi) of cld
water in audi a position that Jiis body win ho
immersed, but that he will be unable to g.t his
mouth down . to it; at tho side of tho ke'il;-,
within reach of his turtleship, yon will tiiei
place a bowl of cool and spicy wine. This
done, set the caldron on the lire, and ohsjrvo
with glee the enrichment of your noble rojust
Urged bv thirst, the turtle eagerly drinks tlie
wine; and as the slowly heating water in which
he floats growa hotter and hotter, his thirst in
creases, and he drinks deeper and deeper of
the wine, until suddey he is boiled, and dies,
full of wine, and fragrant ftirough tho utter
most fibres of his unctuous flesh with the vi.;h
condiment he has so plentifully -imbibed. Lux
ury and art have reached their acniel
'Sirs. John Jacob Astor's Jcwel
Chicago Hertld.
Mrs. John Jacob Astor has the largest aud
finest diamond s of any lady in New York
probably in Aaieriea. Thoy are remarkaMe
for size aud brilliancy, and represent a l.ihor
of yoars to collect, match, siao, and shade. It
is only on rare occasions that she wears them,
and when she does, detectives, who are splen
did fac-si miles ofHhe society gentlemen of the
period, accompany her to and from the ho.iao
or place she visits. At boaie those di.i:.;
are kept in a Hafe so built that to rob it one
must needs knock down part of the hoio
A spruce aud conceited yonnj 31 r.
Fell in love with another chap's tr.
With his sweet little cane,
At the end of the lane.
He met and he ft in would have J6.r.
But he trod on her train,
At the end of the laae,
And a t'.ap on his face made a br.
' Joe .nrpby on Charity.
rSnMnnnti T.n.-iuirer.
Jo Murphy, being accused on one occasion
of stinginess" in connection with a charit-.blo
object, replied: "Other gentlemen puts down
on the list what they thinks proper, and so
does L Charity is a private concern, end what
I gives is nothing to nobody. And Joe ie about
right, toa r '
Itlt Uer Toasve.
"Woe Faony bit hur tongue one day and euro
in crvmir bitterly. "What ia it?" asfcea bet
mother. "Oh. mamma!" she sobbed. twa
8tcwed aa ciy tongue!" -"aQ .-
Pascal: The power of nun'l virtue bhDuld
ho measured DT hi rpeUl aCart", Lut u
-.:-a ' ' '
'.- -
Fmopean Xatlonw MukI laoenlate
Tlirwsrlvfs vllh A niei-lr.n u lilool.
I r. Alexander I'i nz, of Die iinpei ul council Oj
Austria, au economic writer and statistician
of wido ropntation, clos s a b .ld -say, lliat he
Las read aud discussed in ex. ry court of
Ihirojirt, with these words:
"IJ.iivt aud romanticism vain Ii from the
World. With a drop of American blood must
tin ! 1 nations of the routine:. t in- -ulato thera
selv. . In the Kith century Am. rica iuivcd
r.ur. e.eaii gold and silver milling, ehaugud tlie
cnri. nts of the vtcrld's comiiiereo, eausod a
revolution in values by a sudd ti :-.:id enormous
iiier. aso of the precious lie tals, traus-forxn.-d
the social couditious Kuropeau
tiati' .ns and opened the w:ty to that
fear: ul struggle of tho ui:ise- during tho
evcMtonnth century, the tliirtv years war.
M:-.y American competition in the nineteenth
century !havo a happier influence. At all
events it is tho tea tout ocoiioinii- fact of tha
pre. -ut time."
Says Mr. ilmildo Lavalaye, tho distinguisho4
Trench economist:
' America tends more and more to dlspenso
With our goods, because, with bet ler education
and more intelligent workmen and a more
general use of muchlnery.sho manufactures as
well and sometimes hotter than we. I coufeas
that I cannot see American watches figuring iu
tho -hop windows at lower prices than tha
tieii'-va ones without becoming uneasy. Whon
I re ivo a book from the United States, I can
not holp admiring tho print, tho paper, and
even the string around it. Tho growth of
America, and tha advance of her industry are
stup. fvlng. From a paper published in St.
Petersburg we Rather the following: Dr.
Young has calculated that every emigrate!
coming to America is ennui to a cap
ital of S0u; Dr. Kngel puts his worth at 1,
Even taking tho former statement we
find that during tho last ton vears the United
ri iiiri uu suouirf'i iruui
this source alona
about a,0X),(HHl,(HlO.
X).(HKl,(HiO. Since 1SV1 the popula
tion f.f that country has doubled, w hile its pro
d t. -lion of wlifflt niid corn h.-is increased five
tinr s. Now, what are tho partimilar circum-st-iti
which en:ible Americnim to drive away
Kur. ;ean grain producers (as they are) from
I'.n: jioan marketn' It would be .piito wrong
' to '.'tribute their i uccchs chieilv to tho natural
quahties of tho country of the Yankees. I am
of tin- opinion that the freo Amrri an citizon of
a i re American country has done more for his
own welfare than iiaturo has done
for b. in. Tho Americans Wold their destinies
in th -ir own hands: their j .iveriiinent costs
tin tn very little; their noil-tillers can gt
pl-'try of good land, and they have no stand
in;: : rmy to coiimiiug their sul rlance. This
is the picture that the country of the Yankees
presents, and the F.uropcun countries aro
on i '.a other hide of the l.n.-dal. Have
we any luoatiH of defense? Kh dl we give
ii j the business in which we can
not c.iinploto? This is impossible, so far as
i:i:s: i is concerne 1. Then shall we adopt tho
American method of farminu, of transporta
tion, education and so on? Iu other words.
Bhal! Europe be Ajuerieaaizcil in order to with
stand American competition ? Hut our life
cannot be Americanized unhiss our govern
ment is first Americanised." c
vr ton and II In Iog--ItevIet
Sir Isaac Newton, tho philosopher, has been
engaged for twenty -seven years in the compo
sition of a treatise upon the subject of Conic
Sections. Ho possessed a little yellow dog
named eminently playful animal, to
which he had been accustomed to allow tho
freedom of his study. One morning the great
philosopher went out to see a man leaving (for
some unexplained reason) a lighted candle upon
hi.s table, upon wliii (for some unexplained
rcas .n) were all the ealculations for hie great
work, which (for some unexplained reason) he
had not duplicated and could not re
produce. The dog frisking abo.;t upon the
table (for some unexplained reason) upset the
candle, and the precious manuscript was en
tirely consumed without (for some unexplained
reason) setting fire to anything else in the
apartment Ureat was the philosopher's sur
prise upon his return to discover the catastro
phe. "D, dem it, dem it!" ho exclaimed re
proachfully, "thou little knowest what mischief
thou has done! True, I had just about come
to the conclusion that I had j ut down a 1 for a
9 in the first calculation and that consequently,
tho answer being about 3,4r,7,'Jo4,35H,l'i,0fW
too large, the best thing I could do was to
burn the darned thing up; nevertheless, it is
hard for a boss philosopher to discover that a
twopenny yellow dog knows more in a minute
without intending it than he himself could find
out in twentv-sevon years, ciphering eight
hours a day! Tho great mau thereupon re
visited the man he had gone out to see, and be
ing .-struck by the facility with which apple
jack went down, discovered the attraction of
gravitation, by which all bodies are drawn to
wards the eartn, Detore returning noma.
The Air-Cure.
New York Letter.
I hear of a curious sanitary exp eriment about
to be made in the building line. A company
hns been organized for the p-u o:-:e of feeding
eiek people on compressed air. If the projoc1
is carried out, a great sanitarium will bo pot np
here capable of - entertaining a thousand pa
tients and guests ; the rooms will bo made air
tight, and every room will be connected by
pipes with a reservoir of compressed air out
in the bay. Now, the question is, how much
ozoue tho patient needs or can stand. By
turning a stopcock compressed air can be let
on as it is required. By letting it run five
minutes the invalid can breathe three atmos
pheres, and fill the room and himself with
oxygen. Great results are anticipated by tha
projectors. The process introduced by Mr. D.
C. Ilaskin for tunneling the Hudson river at
this point has revealed the fact that men and
animals confined for days, weeks, and months
within the compressed-air chamber have
thrived on it and become strong. A moderate
pressure proves a tonic at once stimulating
and heating. Hence it is srgned that air at
various pressures, the amount t be regulated
by physicians, mast prova efli :acious as a
remedy for a good many dise -. -;es connected
with the breathing apparatus. 1 do not vouch
for tho result; 1 but tell you what others are
talking of.
Jay Goald's Illegible feittatur.
New York fJun.
Tho elerks in the oflico have agreed that Mr.
Field's signature is Arabesque, while- Ir.
Gould's is early English. Iu the former the
pen is driven northeast, and then brought back
in a awceping curve completes tho "C," The
"yrns" is written in Very small letters. The
"W" is normal, and is carried over to make a
loop which stands for "F," while the '-field' is
especially noteworthy.
Gould's signature betrays yrcr.t rapidity and
decision, but is almost illegible. It was first
read "Jersey Lightnin' then asi "Jug Talk
ing: ' then as "Jersey Gold." The signature is
made without lifting the pen from the paper.
Tee tail of tho "y"' at the end mf the "Jays is
carriod to tho top of the "G," and the other lot-t'.:i-r;
claarly spell "Gold," as only. a connecting
litic stands for the "u." There "is a final twist
to tho end of the signature that Kteius to be the
result of practice mid serves as an ear mark to
guide cashiers. 1'he line is carried down and
theu np at an angle that seems to be like a fig
ure "tr added to the "d."
Ihe Iate9t Soeiety idioey.
Buffalo Express.
A new idiotic craze is thus described by a
.-ojiety paper." "Can yon urat.- a cat?" is the
latent social question, and you are immediately
han:ed pencil and pajer arc reqv.osted to givs
the host idea of a cat with ul Model or s,::i
bl.itice. One lady I know has wh .t she cs!i? "a
c it basket," where sjlie keeps all tha wild at
tempts of her friends to draw a feliua It is
asft'iisbint how few people rea'.iy know ului
a cat looks like. Ask your yur friecd. it
draw a cat aud sea the foai.y things U.av
mak.j. '
a A Polite Fed-ller.
"What d'ye leave that door wide open for?"
exclaimed the gentleman in tlie office to the
intruding peddler. "Oi thought, surr," was
the quick reply, "that ye mo ght want to kick
me (town sUirs, and Oi wanted to make it con
vanient for ye, surr." Tho gentleman was so
taken aback that ho bought two apples for 5
cents, passing off a bad quarter U e transac
tion. A. Yankee's Job.
An American has been over a.ul viewed the
leaning tower of Pisa," advertises in a loed
paper, after returning homo that he will coo
tract to straighten the old tower and fix hor up
as good as new for 000,CCMt.
Immense Practice in
Saturday, May 19. 1883.
and" Will humain om: day,
Ear & Eye, Ttoat & Lddis, Catarrh, Kidneys
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
Has discovered the greatest tuie in the world for we..1
uutaiy discharges, impotency, fein ral debility, nri voni..
tiition of the heait, timidity, trembling, dimness ol siul.t
throat, or skin. aUeclloiis of ttie liver, lunu. utouia.
arising Iroui holiia'y habits ot youth -and .enet piactiee -sougs
ol Syieiis to the marines ul l lH.s1 I lllitniK then
reiiueriug marriage impossible.
Those thai are Kiilleriug lroia the e il practice, vtl.i'di
system, causing
The symptoms of which are a dull' distressed mind, whirl,
iuess ami social duties, makes l.a.).y inul'liHges impound,
depression ot spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fears. .
gelfiilnrs.i, unnatural discharge, pain Iu the back and h.
easily of company and hae preference to be alone, ferlm
tiring, seminal Ion manhood, white, bone depo
eoufiieiou of thought, watery Mid weak eyes, dyhp.-psia,
ness in the limbs, etc., should commit me immediately ate
Who have beuon.e vietiins of sollttny vice, that dreadful
weep, to an untinielv urave thooniindsi of young men ol
who might otherw ise'eiitiaiics senators w ith 1 1.
to ecstacy lie living lyre, may call witn eonnuence.
MaJiied percous or young men rotitemplating main.:
of procrcative power, iiupotcnry i r any other dis'iualilie..
biiiisell under Ihe care ol l)r. l-isbblall may religiously c
eoulldently rely upon his skill as a physician.
Immediately cured and full igor restored. This dlsttes
deu and niairiage impossible, is ti c p milty payed bj
Voung men are apt to excesses from not being a
may ensue. Now who that understand this subjert will
them- falling lnlo improper habits than by the prudent,
ures of healthy offsprings, the serioiiH :mi ilesln.i i
aiiae. The system becomes deranged, the physical and
live powei c. ut-i vous irntatbilH , ospe-ia. palilali .
tlosal dbiiiiy. wasting of the frame, eouh coinnnnption
I'erons ruined in health by un learned pretenders w 1.
Taking poisonous and iujui iuus ciiiiipnuiids, should api'ls .
graduated at one of 'he. lkost eutineiit colleges in the 1'i.i
uiot uftoniFh i:g cures that were eer known. Many lie
head when asleep, great nervotislic-s. be!e alarmed al .
attended ometiineH wlili deiar.ceiiieiit of the mind. wei
Dr. K. addresses all those who have Injured tlieniselv
habits which ruin both mind and bodv, unfitting them i'-,.
These are some f the ul, ineloncl.oly tti-cts prodtced !
Weakness of the hack and limbs, paius in tuc head and
ers. palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, in rvous irrital 11 . . ;
debility, consumption, etc.
CONSULTATION F1EF.K. Chiln'e- moderate ai.d orithhi
Uadieal tleatmeut. llioiie who reside at a distance and
tion through the mail by simply sending their symptom,
A'!die:s Lock ISoX OmaJia, Neb.
Kend postal for copy of the Medics! Alv:iii c.
fst ro. -Aire
Livery and Sale Stable.
Farm, Freight arid Spring Wagons,
A.nL5T confining ourselves strictly to one class of work; lr employing none but the
i?-ZZt,L?lKS2 u,ln? BoUhj' bot-FlBST-CLA89 W.PUOVf.D MACU1NEUT and th? Vaiif
BIST of SfiLKCTED TIMBER, and by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE ol the baemeVsTw ,ti
Justly earned te repuUUon of making w bits
Mantifsctttrers have abolished the warranty, but Ag-ecu mav oa their owa responsibility, stive
the following warranty with each wagon. If to agreed: . " "
Wo Hereby Warrant the Fisn BROS. WAGOK No. be well made to every psrtU-
aiar and or good material, and that the strength of the samo Is sufficient for all work with fair
usage. Should any breakage occur witbin ona year from this date by reason of defective malarial
or workmanship, repairs for the same will be famished at r,lr of t f.. .k. .71
rice of said repairs, as per arenfs price lUt, will be pall la cash by the purchaser prodeclng a
ample of the broken or defective parts aa evidence. ... . ,
aowmg w eaa salt you, we solicit patronage from every taction of the TJalted Stataa. 4
Cor Prices and Tenae, and for a copy of TUK RACiE AGKICULa,UK18T. to mt'
viix uuoiT fcuL, zractse, rry
Plat! : .mouth, Nebraska,
lies- of the back and limbs, .invoj--,
labour, confusion of Ideas, palpi
or gi.ldlnesN. UUeases of the head,
..r bowels these terrible disorders.
iiioi- fatal to the victim thau lbs
lo-l i .I'Uent hopes or anticipations,
itcxtioy their mental und pliyidcul
iiufil iliem for perjurmlng their bu-
. iliMiciMs the action of the heail
. .on-. icKilrss nli;htH, dlzzluess, fr
short breathing, melaucholy, lue
as tired 111 the llioruitig Hi Vvlllru le
.1 in I he uiiiic.iiri voukiiess.trL'iiiblluK
.isti.a lion, paleness, pain and weak
i be . stored lo perfect health.
i d ib utrurtlve habit whisli Hliuually
alte.t talent und brilliant Intellect
i :iuii lei of their rloqueiiee or isakeii
oev. of physical wesknens. fvs
Ii i . illly lelleved. lie who piactt
i.nde iu aii hot. or as a gemlemau, aud
all i lion, which renders life a bur Mctliu for improper ludulgeuc.
..ol i he dreadful consequences that
!iy tnal piocreatlou Is lost sooner by
.-sides being deurlvsd ol the pleas-
s ii.ptoms of both mind aud bod) eowrr weaken. I .oil prunes
l li e beail. iudif tion, lortilltu
Mill oeath.
; -ej.-. t hem trilling intdith after moid h
.liim .iiately.
I k' d'-s. has eflected some of the
icil with niigimr In the ears aud
lain -oiiiids, wuh irequsut blusli!ni(s.
ired immediately.
by iuiproier Indulgence aud solitary
i.iisinrss, study, soeiety or manias?-,
y tin: eurly habits of youth, vtt :
:.tres- of siKtit, loss of muscular pow
'. detaiigeiiient ol digestive funrlioii.,
,:f ii of all who need S.leMlH
iniot call will iceieve proiupt alteo-
;:h j .i.itago.
, -
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