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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1883)
official oinccToax 3tt 9irl9, ' , ( 0. H. V A N WYCK. V. H. Senator. HeV. City. AI.VIN fcAl'NOKItrt. V. B. Hnator. On-saba. K. K. V Al.KNTINE, MpnNiM e.Weet rotat. v .JAM KM W. DA.WE.H, Governor. Llaeola. . X K, P. I Hi' i BM. HMrtUrr of Mlata. J3IIN W aU.ICIIN, Auditor. Llneota. v ,.1. D. ItrUltliKVAMT. Treasurer, Uncelt. . T W. I XlCH. Hupt. Public Iiialruetlra. A. O . KS OAl.U Un4 ComnUihtr. Iff A AC VofiHUA, Jr., Attorney Jaoral. t J. NOI'.KH, Warden, of f-enltoutlary . OK. 11. Y. .MArriiKWSON, Hapt. HosbUmI tor the Insane. r Smprm Cttrl. M AX WKI.L. Chief Justice. Fremont. JKO. H. I.AKK,Omaba. A M A HA 1 DUB, Lincoln. , , . . , . - o - sWotst JutlMml BliMot . B. POl' N l. Judge. Lincoln. 3. H. BTKOUK, rrosecutlng-Att'y, W. C. HHOWaLTKR. Clerk District Court. I'lattM'tlOUth. Oitv 7iri0rv. - JOHEPH Y. WfXKBACH; Mayor. ,mLUAM H. Cl'HliI, Treasurer. -J. U. HI Ml SON. Cliy Clerk. WlLI.fc.TI I'Olf KNiKK. roller Judire. M. A. HA itl'IOAN. City Attorney. V. KKOKllLKU, Chief of folic. Y. K KitKIl :.KK. OrfMfer of MmcU . V. KOUIfsKK, Chief of Klre IPl. . lO.IKfH It. HALL. Ch'a Board of Health. . ,. . . COUXCILMKK. v tat. Ward -J.'al. S boolbacher, Wim. Harold, jnd ward Jerry Hartman. J. M. Patterson, -rtl Ward Alfa Drew, M. B. Murphy. tli Ward -;. S. Dawson, F. V. Lebuheff. SCHOOL BOARD. . . .TK8E B. STRODE. - J: W. BAtt.NKM ' V. V. LKOSttl). Win. Wl.Vf KKtsTKKX. Hit. GKEI SEL. 18 A AC W1L.KH, '. nwrrJNO. W. UAUS11ALI.. t - o County Dirctry. Jf . H. NEW HLL. Couuty Treasurer, j W. JENXINliS, County Clerk. J. W. JOHNSON. Couuty Judge. . . K. W. 11 V Kits. Slierln. , V V? OKI'S AI.ION.Sup'tof Pub. Inst ruction. W. KAIKK1KLD. County Surveyor. 1. e. OASS. Coroner. COUNTY OOMMISSIOXKUH, . JAMKH CKAWFOKD.Houtb Beud Precinct. VM'L RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Precinct. A. B. TODD, i'lattsniouth Parlies having business with the County L'oinnilseloiiers. will flud them In session tbo Hint Monday and Tuesday of each uiontb. o MOAMU OV TBAUK. FRANK CARRUTII, President. J. A. CON S OK. HEN It Y B.KCK, Vice-Presidents. -- . WU.S. WISK. Secretary. - . . PRICD. GoltDKH, Treasurer. ; ; - Kegular meeting of tbe Board tt tUe Court; llause.tlte, tint Tuday eveuintc of each uoath: .IKMIVAli'AlllU VfCPAltTtfK' Oft PLirMJIOlITU MAIIJI. ARHITKM. 7.30 p. Bi. I - .JO a. in. f ' k.00 a. ui. i a.) p. m. -1. 00 ft m ' .W p. m. . .J0 ft in. ( ; n. ui. I DRfAHT. - j B.00 B. U. . 1 8,00 pm. : i COO . JU; J .25ptm 9.K0 a. ru ) K.25 a. U). 4.'5 . III. . 8.00 a. in ' 1.00 p. Ill KAHTKRX. WKdTtR.V. NOKTUKKIT. SOITUF.KV. OMAHA. ' ,.J0 p. IU. WKKFINH ;i.ooani. rAi-roarviLLK. lec. IT. JUM. " llATKA CUAKUKU FOB MOXKY OUUKRM. . On order iiot e'xceedlne $13 - - - 'ioceuU Over l6ud not exceeding-$3V - - 14 cento .--- : 0 - -, lit comti "- iv ' 9&o - r 29 west ; A" lng5 ' Montfv Order may Include ay AUiount frwm one cent to fifty dollar, out u.ust not routain ft fractional part of cent. BATU FOB rOOTAQK. i :.t clau inattar (letters) S cents per .tt ounee. ju (PublUner's rate) acts par U. 4 M M (Transient Newspaper amd books come under tbls class 1 cost 9r m earli 3 ounces. Mb. class (luerobandtse) 1 cent por oano. J. W. MABaHAiX P. M. B&MrK R.megjable. Taking Effect July. 2 1881. OK OMAHA FROM PLATT8 WOUTH. ' lftes 3 : ft. m. Anrtvear o a. in. ri-5p. di. - - 5 :5&. m. 9 OS it. lu. " :40 . iu. . K. C. AXI ST. JOK. :U a. iu. " 9 3i. ui. o ;W j). ui. " a p. m. FROM OMAHA FOR PLaTTSMOUTII. Leaves R :15 a. ni. Arrives 7 ;00 p. m. " :10 p. in. :36 p. Bi. " 7 afl p. BI. K. C. AND ST. JOK. 8 am. 9 : a. in. 7:t3. m :p. m. JOB THE WEST, c Leave Plattsinoutb u ;00 a. m. Arrives Liu- ooln, 11 :4& a. m. ; Hatiiigs 4 :3 p. m. ; McCook 10 m6 p. it. I Deuver 8 -JO a. m. Leaves 6 :U p. in : arrives Lincoln a p. u. KKKKillT li, ,-:oves at 9 :33 a. m. ; Arrives Liifoola 4 -.topia -- - -v.s at 8 :io p. ni. ; Arrives at Liacola S liutlnutt & -sa ki fa at X :00 p. in. J , Arrive at Llocorn :30 rtuiga aa a. ixw; aicvooa o :oo a. m ; I Mi.oi. v t - FROM THE WEST. " tf m Denver at S K p. at. ; Arrives at Me. : 4 Q a- m. ; Hastings 10 an a. a. : LtuIa i. r. ; Piattsmoutb t&ep.m. ' --Ib 7 a, a. ; rrives Plattsmottth eoia PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ... smith & iii:fso.,. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all tbo Coorts la tbo state. UIHce over First Na tional Bank. 4yl FLATTOsfOUTH NRBR40KA. . IU. A. ALIHBL'UY, DB1TTIST. JfUce over Huil tb. Black Co's. Iruic Store. First class dentistry at reasonable prices. 2Jiy " ' T W.' CLOTTKB. ID El IS 3? . riattB tomtit. Xetormnksv. OtBoe on Mala Street over Bolmnon At Na .haa's Store. Wj M. HKAOB. U. .. PHYSICI AN and SURGEON. Offieo on Mala Street, between Slxtb and Soveulb. south side Offlr open day aad dixbt coUmtt physician. Special attentloc even to diteae ol women ftiyl cbildren. 21(1 K. K. LIVINUM'UV. M. f Ji TSICI A M A KUUOKOM. OFFICE HOURS, from 10 ft. in., to 2 p. ni. Elasuiluluv Surgeon for V. S. i'eusiou. IB. Is. JSILLKU. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7tb and Mala Streets, In J. 11. Waterman's house. VLATTSYC-t'TH. kKBKABKA. JAM. . MATHKHM ATTOBNKV AT LAW. OBloo ever Baker Atwood's store, south side o( Main between Mb and oth streets. 21tf J. B. MTKOOC A1TORNKY AT LAW. Will practice In all tb Courts iu the State. District Attorney and ffutat y lu bile. WlbL St. WISE; 1TTI1SVWV AT LAW Hl Ktit Vim In. surauee and Collection Agency. Office Union Dlovk. riatutaouiu. neurasKa. niaa O. H. WHKRLKB CO. susftBOO Asrents. i'latUntouth. Nebraska. Col lootors. tax -payors. Have a complete abstract I titles, nay ana sen reai esiaie. negtiaie plans. Ac. - - - lyl , JAMBa K. BOBBISON, Notary Pnblo. ATTORNKYAT LAW! Will praitlceiu Cftss ad adjoining Counties ; gives special attention to cOMoetiona And. abstracts of Utle. Office in FiUgsrald Block. Platttmoulb. Nebraska. UTl J. C XEHBEKIIY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 'Mas his office in the front part of his resldeuce oa Chicago Avenue, where ue may be lountl In Towdlness to atteud o the duties of the of- r BOBKUT B. WIMOIIAM, Notary rubllc. , AXTOKNKV AT LAW. Office over Carrutu's Jewelry Store. Pkittsuiouth. .... Nebraska. M. A. HARTIGAN, ' X- A 'W Y . E It . FlTZOEBALD'8 BLOCK, PLATT3MOUTH XeB Prompt and careful attention to a xeneral Law Practice. A N. Sullivan. E. II. Wooley SULLIVAN & WOOLEY. Attorneys and Counsolors astLaw. 0JFICK In tbo Union Block, front rooms, soooad story, soutv Prompt attention given to all Imsiftess . mar2 PAliLOltBAHWEK SHOP a quiet place for st CXiSolT SHAVE All work GUARANTEED first class. the place, up stairs, south side of iluin street, opposite Peter Merges. J. C. BOONE, Prop'r. 4tv PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOCTn. NEB. C. UElSEsL.. Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal A Feed Always, on band aad for sale at lowest caih prices. Tbo hlgbest prices paid tor Wheat and Cera. Particular Attention given custom work. SAGE'S ADDITION " " OLE BULL, . i At Hfc-J:t, riajinir Alone at .lIMIrht In His MffLt-( lollies. At Twenty-One Making an Unex pected Debut at Bologna, Amid Storms of Applause. Boston Transcript Nothing more interesting in the way of per sonal history has been written or published for a long timo then Mis. Sara C. Bull's memoirs of her lt hiiahand, tho renowned Diuslcian, Olc Hull. To uioftt readers tho book will lie a revelation, as it d lIh not only with Olo Bull the ruubician, but with Ole Bull the man. . Olo Bull was loin at Bergen, in Norway, ouo of the mont piottirwine. cities of northern Europe, in 1S10, being the ohleot of a family of ten chllrlren. lfi-t connetions on both Hides were of high social poailiou, and many of them were noted for their rare musical gift. Once a week in his father' houHf hold there was a "quartette evening," ami when not more than three years old Olo would creep from Lin bed into the room and hide behind the enrtains or under the sofa to linU.u to the instrument and singing. Punishment and aeii'ling back to bed had no effect, and at length ho w as al lowed to stay np and take nilciit part in the performance. Sis first instructor in muic was a Dano named Panlnon, a man thoroughly qualified in his profession, but given to drink. At one of tbo weekly quartettes Paulsen imbibed bo freely that he was unable to play. Iu this un fortunate dilemma Ole was half-jokingly told to take his place, and the violin was placed in his hand, with the promise of a stick of candy after the performance. Ole accepted the com mand in earnest A quartette of Tleyel which bo bad heard sevoral times was chosen, and bis memory served him faithfully. To the as tonishment of all he played ' each . movement correctly. He not only executed the difficult passages, but marked the rests. It was a won derful triumph for' tho 8-year-old boy. Ho was wade at onca a q active member of the club. Soon after he became ' the owner of a little red violin. ' He slept in ' the" same room Willi his parents, and the night of its purchar bo conld not sleep for thinking of it After ai was quiet iu tho houe he crfpt out of bod and into the next room whore the instrument had been deposited. But let him tell his owu story: "When I heard father and mother breathing deep, I roue softly and lighted a candle, and in my night clothes did go on tip-too t- odcu ihe case and take one littlo peep. The viuliu was eo rod, and the pretty pearl hji tvj did smile at lap 0! I pinched tho atj-ini; a littto with my fingors. It Binned at me eVer more .ind liioro. I took up the bow and looked ct it. It 6aid to mo it v.'ould be pleasant to tr3' if, ncrosa tho strings. So I did try it, junt a verv.vqrv little, and It did sing to me so Kwectly ! "then 1 did creep farthor away from the bedroom. At first I did play very soft .1 mado very, very little noise. But pVceetiy"l did befjin'a eap riccio which 1 like very much, and it do go ever louder and louder; and I forgot that it was midnight and that everybody xrna asloep. Presently I hear something go crack! and the next minute I feel my father's whip across my shoulders. My littlo red vioiiu dropped o;i tho floor and was broken. I weep piuoli for it, but it did no good. They did have a doctor to it next day, but it nevor recovered its healtli." In lSol, when he was 1?1 years old, ho went to Paris to pursue hi mime.-ii studies, but his money soon gave out and ho had no tiieand of replenishing liis purse. He was unknown as a musician, ho could not oven teach, and he was at last reduced to the very vorgo of starvation. The tide turned at lant, however, and bv a series of curious accidents he wag enabled to gain a hearing before some rich and powerful connoisseurs in music. Aftor a succoeful con cert tour through Italy he devoted himself to study with an intensity which wrecked his health. Visiting Bologna he won in the inot extraordinary way the great celebrity which Lfollowed him ever afterward. It seenls that at mo wuie ui uis oiy iu uuiuyiiH,, itiaiiorau uuu DeBeriot were both there, and were advertised to appear. The two bad a violent quarrel, however, and refused to go upon the stage. "Ole Bull had now been a fortnight iu Bo logna. He occupied an upper room in a poor hotel, a sort of soldiers' barracks, whene ho bad been obliged to take temporary refuge, bocauso of tho neglect of a friend to send him a money order. Hecludtxl from society, he spent the days in writing on his concerto: and wbon evening came, and the wonderful tones of bis violin sounded from the open windows, tbe people would assemble in tho street below-to linten. One evening the cele brated Colbran (Rossini's first wife, and a na tivo of .Bologna) was passing Caea Soldati and beard those strains. She paused. The sounds seemed to come from an instrument she bad never heard before. 'It must be a violin,' she said, 'but a divine one, which will be a substitute for Do Beriot and Mali bran. I must go and tell Zampieri.' "On tho night of the concert, Olo Bull, hav ing retired very early on account of weari neso, had already been in bed two hours, when be was roused by a rap on the door and tho exclamation, 'Cospetto'di Bacco! What stairs!' It was Zampieri, tho most eminent musician of the Italian nobility. He asks Ole Bull to improvise for him, and then cries, 'Malibran may now have her headaches!' He must off to tbe theatre at once with the young artist There t no time even for change of dress, and tho violinist is hurried before a dis appointed but most distinguished audience. Tbo grand duke of Tuscany was there, and Do Beriot with his hand in a-sling- It seemed to Ole Boll that be had been transported by magic, and at first that he conld not meet the cold, critical exaena - of Abe neonlo before "n: ror no anew fyeranc '.was against An I'siflaUbeol Ioesu by RtfSnt The Century. - . - - fThe roader ovMr. ' Bryant's porms will readily ifincmW tho many versus addreosed to his wifo, such as "Oh Fairest of tho Bural Maids," writ Um about the time of their mar riage; "The Futuro life," speculating as to the uniou of their spirits iu tbe world to come) Hie fcHick-led," describing an illness : "Tho Life That Is," rejoicing in recovery; "-The Twenty seventh of March" the birthday of Mrs. Bryant; "October, lbV5," descriptive of bor death and burial; and "May Evening," a gentlo reference to her loos. But in addition to thes;, as we learn from Mr. Godwin's forth coming biography of the poet, a fragment was f.jund among his papers, which recalls her memory in a very tender way, seven years after her d ath. The lines were unfinished and uncorrected; but wo cannot refrain from giving them as they Were written dated "Roslyn, 17:5." The morn hath not tho t-'lyry that it wore, Nor doth tho dat so Loautifully die, Binee I can call thee to my side no more, 'J'o upon the sky. " 1'or thy dear bund, ith eaih reiuiu of spring, 1 t-ought in sunny r.o-As th'j flower hhe gave; I siiek them nVill, and sorrowfully bring Tho choictHt to thy g'ave. Ht re, where I sit alone, is iiometiines heard, From 0ij great world, a whisper of my us mo, Joiii'J, haply, to sunn kind, commending van'. By those whose praise is fame. And then, as if I thougV.t thou still wort nigh, I turn me, half for;ettiiig thou art dead, To rffd the gentle gladness iu thine eyo That once 1 might have read I turn, hut see tbee not; before my eyes The image of a hill-side mound appears Whoro all of thoo that passed not to tho skies Was laid with bitter tears. And I,"whp thoughts go back to happier days That tioil with thee, would gladly now re sign All that tho world can give of fame and praise . For one sweet look of thine. Thus, ever, .when I read of generous deeds, Such words as thou didst once delight to hear; heart is wrung with anguish as it bleeds To think thou art not near. And now that I can talk ho more with thee Of ancient friends and diys too fair to last, A bitterness blends with the memory Of all that happy past Oh, when I - TIi Barber ou Various Matter. TO THE FIBBT CL'STOitEU: TOPIC, CRISIS IS IEAXCE. I snbboso nodings could more Burfcrising peen to a Uniclcd Sdadea bo'tdician as dor fact vot Cainpftiti tied a boor man. Dcm dink he could not pecn a drnly orate batriot By Cliim iny Hnolcy ! dink of it if he was in America und had goniirol of der guudry, und der beo b!o should dink ho vos a leedle-Cborge-Yash-iugilon-on-vtels, like dem did iu Franw)! Ho vod haf pcen rich like a eon of a gun mit railroad Rharcs und boodiful houses und, in Mexico mines, und mjyne ho voo:l tome coI gif avay py dor boor. You sbeak of der acau dal ap'ivvd" him? Dot voj n'xbiings. Such a dings is in France der -svlillcate of a man's character." KECONT) CUSTOMEK: TOP It, hHTBT COLLABa 'Veil, jrr. E lf-rs, shall 1 sliafe vour neck, or vill j-ou chooHt a, haic cuthaf ? . If you vant dot. gollar shafe-.l, moro VecU;'T j'ou led a Chines parbcr do i.i init ;v vsjjhpoard und soap. If you yuvieck vaiir shifed, blease go owid iu der tidreot vei-s de; o is blpndy room, und dook dot gollar oO You can f5ng it pack aronnt your vaist like v Savend Retchimond A'parbcr 'oml vaut to glirab ofer such a dings, like a dir mit a garden fence., to get at a chendleman's iVk. . - Yy do beople such a gollar veur, alretty? Der man vich has got in der vorld der pigger" goilar bas got only a in bosition in der ass ably." " TTTTTtn CDST0MKB rOPlii, DiFniEUIT. "Have I read dat ard'jkle in dor Dablet you gafe me aboud infidelity r Oh, yah! Vot I dink of 'em? Yell, dot voo a grade biddy. I read him shiow und garoful, nnd I vas feeling gwide elewated und reutchons, ran right avay py der pottom of der ardickbf vos a leedle dings rich sayt how eomo batont moticine vould make soft und cTossyiair owid of a paid head crow4n dwo veeks. Such ft fearful lie like dot should not bean brintad ota dop of der pottom of a r elite bona ardickla. - Id shooils der previous arkument" . . . ' . . . FItx e the TJalon. At the banqset given, by the Brooklyn regi ment to Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee, in return for his courtesies at Yorktown, he. replied to the toast of "Our Guests." Ho told some good stories one on himself. - When some of the boys went home on parolo at tho close of the war, one sturdy old v confederate farmer re fused to believe that -. Gen. Lea i had sur rendered, and got over it by saying: "Oh, it's that Fitz Hugh Lee who surrendered; old Gen. Leo never surrenders." Ho said the days of abuse bad passed, , and hence forth they could declare that tbe United Slates are bounded on tho north by ice and on. the south by bananas, and anybody or na tion that attempts to force an entrance-? ill surely slip up. When two New York; senators left the United States senate sot long ago, Yir, giuia felt thai perhaps another case of so ces sion was about to take place, ' and they exam ined their swords and read up tactics for tbe Virginia mrhtis felt that rt Is their dotyV watea. and taiea cre tn n. Tliose aivl ot -v , r -'f reeeivedSori 4& woullhV! '- eve- TV CctiteeL leatha' tv -.! -ri. TL9 tcrcr to tt vp si l m v-i t often a v ablp ouo iu cri'i. al i;u);o'-i.ta. . i'l.o Udy t tcach.r led all 'us Vn.-k ho quietly nd safely hwr pupil out of a burniii rlnx! house, toforj tlicy Vuc.r that llvas on firo, might have put thorn Into a pstilo and im pcnlcl iiiany livos if sha had not kjb. ne,l the jvower t-j control hetlf. The fnilowii:g little incident on board an KiiK'-"" usu ot wir flag-ship U no lesj creditahli) t) tho girl (M is i Busie Prior), aln app'-jis proinin itiy in it, bocauso bite tells th story herself in a private letter. "After tea I wout i.ii deck fur the nlr with Mr. L'iily, the commodore's h.jiu As wo leaned over the raili, admiring tho orange sunset, sud denly I had a notion that I emelt a !ngcd, smoky odor. I turnod to Mr. Billy, without thinking anything serious had occurred. "If I were or. shore I should say that some careless persou had allowed a cbiianey to get on fire," and at tho same time I pointod to a particular spot in tho ship. Ho cried, "uoiiseiifc;" but i-topped short, and raised - his ' head a-t he ti linelt the faint odorof something burning. In an instant his face becsmo ' stern, and a hard, dojred light came into hisyos. Don't stir. Miss Prior, till I como La-k," ho sui t "If I can I'll bo hero again in a moment," and he hurried away in the direction I had indicated. Then it flashed upon mo that youdT, whenco tho smell of the burning came, luy the powder-magazine. 1 did not stir from the npot w here Mr. Billy had ' bidden mo stiy. It was not many seconds, though it seemed an hour, but the iiight-wind was kind . and like a cool hand, lifting tho damp hair from my temples and keeping me from falling down in a swoon. Mr. Billy came hack very quietly and spoke compouedl1-, but his voice was low and his lips quivered -It id all right now, and eafo," h assured me. "What was wrong?" I asked '--, "Only a stupid fellow, who was assisting in ' moving the stores (the powder) and who had no business to have a light thero dropped a r; ark among some bagging and it was getting into a blaze. But I got thero in time to stamp it out; and the saptsin of tiu gunners tluixhod the business with a wet blanket" "But how well you behaved, Miss Prior," ho said, for getting his own conduct ;uid appreciation of the danger. ""If you had mado a row and de tained me, nothing short of a miraclo could have saved all on board tho Conqueror from being whirled into eternity." "Even if. the ao cideut hid got wind, and thrown us into con fusion, there is no saying how tho matter might. have endod I, who am in tho secret, shall always thank you for all our li'es, and for that of my dear' old mother's twice over. Had a whisper of the terrifio danger reached her, with my father absent. I ain certain il would have cost hor her on life the spot" , . . . Teaching; Boys and ;irlfi to Use Their Hands. ' Decorator and Furnisher. , . The Public Industrial Art school in tho Hol lingsworth building, pa Locust . streot (Oharlee G. Leland, director), bi developing" certain. fea tures which distinguish it from those of its kind in other citios. . The object of this latter school is to teach purely decorative design, and to apply it to the minor arts, such as em broidery, wood-carving, modeling L, in clay,, with coloring and glase, embossing sheet brass or l eponssd work, decorative painting in oil and working iu sheet leatlier.'tnosau: seltifig, inby; ug and other Lranehaj.. The numljor of pu pils in attendanco- is ono - hundred aud fifty. Tho worlt of fho icaclicrs is to train boys to bo come practical ' mechanics and to riaks both, girla and boys familiar with.' work, to ueo their bands to give tha eomo rosoarca by wliitjh they cau make money. It gives, exactly the only kind of manual labor euitod to girla as well as boys, and it opens a department of teaching especially to women, for which there is, at present a very great demand," anJt comparatively, no supply whatever. The time is at band when every school will embrace these minor arts among their studies, nnd rho-a who understand them can easily nv.a mentnow. The city of Philadcl. '. sole proprietor of the school, and i has originated a reform in education the ' i it :ii has never before been fully practiced 4.i.jtr in Kurope or America. This experimental school baa been frequently visited by foreigners, as well as by maDy Americans, who have coma to tho city for the express purpose of examin ing it The visitor will seo about forty pupils ongaged in studying designs, about as many more modeling vases, etc., iu clay, with color and glase, carving in panels, embroidering, and painting in oil, ete. What these children are doing is to qualify them for tho workshop or to teach. That the project .is a success will ftppear from a few facts. A 'practical manu facturer has taken many of the pupils nnd pays them well. a he regards them sufficiently well trained to bo of use as designers. A situ ation with good pay has been o'fered to a girl Of fourteen, and ono of the boy studonts dur ing his vacation of two mouth, earned $-18.. The I'atlent Aujvler a::d 1213 "Bait. Xonth's Companion. . t. Tho late Chancellor Bibb, a former secretary of the" treasury -and a United St3tes senator, was noted for - Irfa courteous manners and h: old-fashioned dress. As late as 1S59, he were, in tho streets of Washington, a broad-brLnniOi.1., hat, a ruffled shirt, 'a long waistxroaV. ssalT clothes, black eilk. "atockinga, kneo 'and shoo buckles, and hie fcair tied up ill a cuo. ' The chancellor was a devoted "Lrutiieirtl the auglo." bdieving, with ,(?' tat Iza&k Wal ton, that "God never did i. e e t-io calm, quiet innocent recreatida thar Cnu t' r-r' A' tTetnan'ft of Half .! (, r'a" WraLlfa .!4 l3 i)KS MOINES suMAilAiivb:. OX ACCOUNT "iilllli Immense Practice in PlattsmoutL s WI1J. MAKE IUH 'NKXT VISITON" S at u r d ay - EU ay , 1, 0 9 , .. aXumvill in:? .. -.'4 u'-: i ; x J "-ViIKUEIIKC.VN,iJiiC(NstJJ.Ti:n ON THE ' : Her & Byo, Tiiroat k Lus, Catarrli, Kiflnojr Biaclaer and Female Diseases as Well "as ; . Chronic .and Nervous Diseases. 1 . - , . : . ..i . ' i. , i - lini iir. of,.-d lb" '(."cut. f itn. iii the v..;lul f r wcvkiifl of tho 1ick lifid 'llmbs.'jliv U:it.ilV Uiv:llrtraes. Iiimm;'. i 1.1 y, v.eMe :. I'el.iniv, ; VOUt l.C) i4ilJi')Ul'. COIlIllbioll of Jileas. pHl la!;.ii a til-; h. an, linil.Iitv, ir, ii.l.lli.;;; i'.n: iifo.i l Hiil.l or k.o.liseHf. ONea-es of the thrul. !.. or .sKiii. aiiei-iioi.-. ol i.i.Uci-,bnct.riiiiimi h nr tiowis those leriibie UiAv iinsitti fim Mtiiimy liai-Its of yo an -.n . ! n i yr u J U c n.oie t:.l;. I l tin lei)ni tlui. ong ot h.vreus 10 the 1 .ime .i Li-'i. I ilpMu.'i th-r ie tftient' hopes or a...lclpt: ,C"Vhwe that'ure's praeUee. whhli ltroy their mi iitur and ph. em.caus.. , . QV S D K B I LIT Ihtt swai.iomH of which me a iliiil' Ui :! t. s -; mind. uHcli uWt htu f.-i T-im jMu(ii" 1 ' iuerstmil , sot-in! duties, m ikes h;l W VtiirvlfW tHiiolUe,!ili.H-Mit tho Stlloa t deneMlon of hpniia. e)l torelMi.lii.Mvew.tamicc, i-!ii, m .iin. levite iiu-ht-. '' ut:iluliii-s. uniiituiiMl :i-icliiiisv. :.i In tti-! " 1 , Mmr ttrculli, I eiwiiv th coliwiiii.y iinU in.v- pietfirlicc to Ht u.o.i". Jeelii. ox Ui. U m li(u luol.;e -iirii. !4fWl.ii ttvuiuicc-i. lot-t luni.lioocl, white bone 111 ihu lulni', m l Vou c6nlu!lon of thought, wiitery i.ud v.v:.t .yc-.-.e-ieli.iii., cousupauoii, wteutx, t tie-s lit the litiibs.e e., should cuni-iilt tne iiiinu.diiile.y tini be le-lojed to pei le. I hea ; YOUNG JVjH.N j. Who h:v( lc. Sictii.ts o." s..'?.;.'.rv vice, 1 .1 :it tlrestdfnl s.n'l !' U i-ctJvc h.ibit wliUl fW,TI 10 ;,T, ui1ii.i'-lv i;-ravn t Ii jii -:mU ! ynnn !"' eniiite.l liUeul und lntr.- w..;.it-t:i..t!ier.MM-Vi..i:iiifl- l.M' l.lti; U .. tl-l-KUels oi clollf ll or w K 1 1. ,,,-Kl :' I 1 VI 11! I Vie. Illil V CM 1 1 I' 11 ri::un- MAKRIAGE. Maliictl ptl'' or v-ouii!: - - i- t,r,-,,.i, i.rv or hi.v oii.rr .1; of I'l'i t;r--i i v o i . hi. r-l! under 1 lie ;;t 1 1 r. i i,l.k!, jlt!i 4. Coll' 'CI.V 11 il.iilS -i:. 1:1 i:. 1:1 iif. N A-Lv - J 1 i- 1 in !.:( 1. 1. (Ir.iiil.l S . t..r: I.: .,! 1 ' !'.i- i i 1 1 1 - .-?lole. .! i ojr.ii 11 v.: 1 i i,; I. ti.11 iiujji' .(: I hli i.l I ifiL-:-.. 1 he i li.O (' I. ' ..-. - biisil. !.'..!. ft- J ; 1.1 M It- V i'liol'l Hi.i t .V litV'l.' in it-e. il'.e y aif.itt Imit4.ti.t-H ui r 't, 1 i e r'O live ii.'t-i, i.tio:i- r!::'i.t:ity. ,.( 1 1 ui. liii.i .l il, . :,IV. v.;.- Il.i (: li.B m.'!,4;... ' 1 .11. u ; - ...... 1.1 .1 i;; ;(. t;i, mi. ci.:: t-v-f.i DR. r ISihsiw. teilj t on:-: of " he t, emiM tit coi ';. niof t. iir-toi.i.-lini 1 iui s tiisil w:ie cw r l .im.n. hes;d wht-USU.U-1 '. Sf.'t lervt,l"t.ti.s. I i.. :ii. ilL.tii 1 .1 -i.lllil -ilnee V. I., 1 ll'lili. 1..' I" ' 1 TAKE. PAH J lie F Ei'i'ie-c- nil thos v l.o have, inj iivd t:ief.-.Hneii iy improlier iti'tulccfu c ami y habits'wideii ruin both mi. .a i.i.ti Lotv. ui.liilb: tl.' iu l'l imitiiiess,, M'sioty or 1-1 11 1 iie- -tie -in' of me fil. ii;-!c::i;.ty niu-." rjti.ll.-H by.- Hie riiriy liiibiti of yoiltU, We ikucs'ortlie IrtcU hni Iiu.l-.-s. .;iis.., in ine hcutl -t tlf-i-emt ol ttieht, iMl .t nuiseti.Hr ei.'iT-.ij.riiiniii of the he.ur. iiytjici-ia. nepoi.s in it :J -l '..) , ti'-ruuzKUMU I u.d.estlvclii'M-t , !Hi I itv. e'.tisit 10 pt Ion . -tc " -- , ' . PU1VATE OFF! t '"iN'M'r.TATKtN- r'ia: V.t-iti- .11.1 t:ct-l.i. 1 I ! ti :i liifi iiii 1 lie ma.;! by ' ..den ! ..;:! i'.o . .,: :! i ii' '-!':. of i'. t . WJIO iV'i''" iKt ii- ' iJP"l""f L ' ss"-aoa. " I ' " 1 Mii:-,' ';'. :r '- ain ojsj: day, ' ' THE iiiK iu:uii ii of h)-Mi(ial eakiiess. im. - ,iiiiiiiitni.tin.(i siiecdiiy iviiicil. tie who pi Hkioi.My c.'. n, fcls. hOeor its H'lrenneKiaii W A tvN toi 111 -fill t UA n3 1 -JilOi ii rentiers life a :l:iu;.tl Jill it l - ;..' f . i 1.1 I 'I till X l' t:.l -sr :u! av.ue l tim I in. quein' ion is IomII ' lvt-tl of t U niii. I m-ifc 'v. il.-i.iilcij 1ru.t: ,:' ,; m...ui.u w .. uu ;.,.. rutiwi upj-iy .. . ..... 1 ..., .! 1 V,!' JM1111 i I rooWt 'i -Wltli ' ll!ir.J ' 111 l"f I..J1-U a! C itio 'iiiiiit. wil.HllLlUl Ut b) iui'J. w'frc 'fureii lii-ineil' 1 ! y. lCUAK MU1 ICJE 1 ueill "NJLh t OYER' OMAHA MAT'L BA wr -1 txr nam 1 1 1 fn, a"" -